२४ जानेवारी, २०१४

"Unlike Barack Obama, who will leave the White House with more or less the same handful of friends he came in with..."

"... the Clintons occupy their own unique and formidable and often exhausting place in American politics. Over the decades, they’ve operated like an Arkansas tumbleweed, collecting friends and devotees from Bill Clinton’s kindergarten class to Yale Law School to Little Rock to the White House to the Senate and beyond."

From the NYT Magazine article "Planet Hillary." The point about the Obamas' not making friends is also in that New Yorker article:
Obama’s favorite company is a small ensemble of Chicago friends—Valerie Jarrett, Marty Nesbitt and his wife, Anita Blanchard, an obstetrician, and Eric and Cheryl Whitaker, prominent doctors on the South Side. During the first Presidential campaign, the Obamas took a vow of “no new friends.”
Something else that caught my eye in the "Planet Hillary" article is the onion metaphor. (No, not onion rings. For that, go here.)
James Carville has compared the Clinton world, perhaps not so originally, to an onion (it’s safest, he has said, to exist in the third or fourth layer)....

Hillary Clinton’s truest challenge, it would seem, is not to make the country glimpse who she was 40 years ago; it’s to recognize that for all the layers that have been added to the onion, there’s still something at the center that’s aching for the rest to be peeled away.
I thought the whole point of the layers of the onion metaphor was that there is nothing inside. It's only layers. Layers aren't added to an onion. Layers are the onion. There is no core. And onions don't ache. And if they did, they wouldn't ache for all the layers to be peeled away. There'd be nothing left.

३९ टिप्पण्या:

pm317 म्हणाले...

"During the first Presidential campaign, the Obamas took a vow of “no new friends.”"

How very odd! What have they got to hide? Plenty, I guess.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Now it begins...

...I had been telling since before Nov. 2013, the next POTUS is Hillary!

The next VPOTUS is Martin O'Malley.

It is so algorithmic that I find it laughable.

GOP cannot win. Why? They have no respect for women and do not consider women as their equals. The same for immigrant-citizens and scientists.

GOP will never win now. The 2008 election was the beginning of the end.

2016 will be the end of the beginning.

It will be at least 4 elections before GOP has a shot.

It must accept women, scientists, immigrants, peace-not-violence, etc.

POTUS Hillary!

Jaske म्हणाले...

Obama = Do me now, or else.

Clinton = Do me now, and I'll gladly pay you Tuesday.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Re: that rather contradictory onion metaphor...

As they say in Texas, she's all hat and no cattle.

rehajm म्हणाले...

All the orbits, though they forgot to illustrate the Kuiper Belt of Bill's floozies.

FleetUSA म्हणाले...

Onion - no core and the tears only grow as you peel away the layers.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Onion cloves long to be free.

Ron म्हणाले...

She emits a gas that makes you cry...and her spouse is a rapscallion!

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Hey! The fun America's Politico is back.

I don't know that the point of the onion metaphor is that there is no middle, but that you never know when you've reached the middle. There's always another layer. Or at least there always might be.

Onions all the way down.

Strelnikov म्हणाले...

(1) Carville clearly believes there is a ball of pus at the center of an onion; and
(2) the idea of peeling any part of her is revolting.

David म्हणाले...

The 500 friends who attended Michelle's birthday party are going to be disappointed.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

You know, not everybody like onions. What about cake? Everybody loves cake!

Bob R म्हणाले...

So maybe Hillary world is an avocado. Tough skin protecting an oily, green, kind of slimy layer with a hard inert pit at the center.

I'm not really thrilled by the analogy, but I'm looking forward to making eggs baked in avocado with bacon on Saturday morning. Better than thinking about the Clintons.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Theodore Dalrymple, as in so many instances, has Hillary figured out. After all, he is a psychiatrist.

Titus म्हणाले...

I like the fact that Obama doesn't have many friends.

tits with friends.

gadfly म्हणाले...

"I thought the whole point of the layers of the onion metaphor was that there is nothing inside. It's only layers. Layers aren't added to an onion. Layers are the onion. There is no core. And onions don't ache. And if the did, they wouldn't ache for all the layers to be peeled away. There'd be nothing left."

Somewhere a "Famous Quotes" website has added this Ann Althouse zinger. It is too bad that reference to the Clinton's is not captured within.

अनामित म्हणाले...

A man who was birthed by a white woman, raised by whites and surrounded by whites during his teen years apparently has not one close white friend.
Bet Clinton could name five close black friends without even thinking and Bush was very close buds with with Condi. Yet Obama is supposed to be the "post racial" President.

George M. Spencer म्हणाले...

Washington:cherry tree
TR:teddy bear
Coolidge:Indian headdress

Obama: ?

30yearProf म्हणाले...

If her performance as Secretary of State is a preview, there is nothing inside the first layer. Nothing at all.

30yearProf म्हणाले...

If her performance as Secretary of State is a preview, there is nothing inside the first layer. Nothing at all.

pm317 म्हणाले...

Everybody is dumping on Hillary as usual (and onion for some boring reason -- yeah, Althouse made a profound observation that there is no core to onion or some such thing -- bah humbug).

But nobody finds it odd that the Obamas took a VOW of "no new friends."

Who does that? If they did, what does it tell us of them?

William म्हणाले...

I read The New Yorker article. It's endless. Obama granted Remnick lots of face time. Remnick didn't let him down. It's laudatory without being too slurpy in its praise. It's the very model of a puff piece. Obama doesn't have a swelled head; it was inflated.

Howard म्हणाले...

Bob R won the thread. The only thing missing is the matching dumpy physique of the avo: Lite on top and a heavy bottom.

Howard म्हणाले...

St George: TR is best known for the Great White Fleet. Why all all you Tea-Baggers effete tools?

rcocean म्हणाले...

Bill and Hillary have made tons of friends:

-David Brock
-Paula Jones
-Gennifer Flowers
-Marc Rich
-Scooter Libby

The list is endless.

अनामित म्हणाले...

TR = Roughriders. Great White Fleet came in third. I just performed an exhaustive poll, so I know.

Hillary isn't a-peel-ing enough to be an onion. I liken her to being more of a piece of shit.

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

Peel all the layers away from Hillary and all that's left is the stink.

And as for Obama's vow of "no new friends"--well that fellow doesn't make friends very easily, so I guess it wasn't a hard vow to keep.

Now if the promise to themselves had been "No New Enemies"--well they blew that one big time.

ddh म्हणाले...

I think that President Obama's unwillingness to make new friends explains a lot about his poor performance in governing. He doesn't even try to persuade, and now nobody wants to listen.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I don't think we have tumbleweeds in Arkansas, but Urban Dictionary says "Arkansas tumbleweed" means plastic shopping bag. So the Clintons have collected people in a supermarket sack? Strange imagery.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

The sack can't blow around collecting more people once it's got one person in it.

rcommal म्हणाले...

[convo follow trigger]

rcommal म्हणाले...

Now for my original, actual, instant, gut reaction/comment:

"Oh, for God's sake, enough with the faulty onion analogies, already!

Also, does no one here regularly deal with produce? Cook daily?


I am wondering."

Valentine Smith म्हणाले...

Sorry my friend card is all booked up. Try me again in about eight years.

Valentine Smith म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
rcommal म्हणाले...

At present, I have a sprouting rutabaga, a sprouting turnip and a sprouting onion, and also I have two potatoes with multiple eyes. I let them get too old, it is is true--to the point that they're trying to reproduce.

rcommal म्हणाले...

By rights, I ought chop and use up those before the newer produce in the baskets arrayed along my island and counters.


अनामित म्हणाले...

rcommal, old starchy taters can be used to make 'puffed potatoes'.
Look them up if you like to cook. Challenging but fun.

ron winkleheimer म्हणाले...


donald म्हणाले...

These cocksuckers have no concept of the word friend.