१२ जानेवारी, २०१४

My advice to Republicans: Don't defend Chris Christie.

Let him twist slowly in the wind — as you used to say in the Nixon era. Let him stew in his own juice — which seems like the appropriate metaphor to me. Here's my thinking:

1. Don't justify or qualify the wrongness he's balled up in, because it is wrong, and clarity about right and wrong is good, and it's a good that has been and still can be associated with conservatism.

2. The wrongness is similar to some wrongness you need to be able to criticize Obama about, notably the IRS scandal. Don't lose the footing you need for that fight.

3. Defending Christie prolongs the news story. The giant, globular body of Christie has eclipsed the Obamacare debacle and the revelations in the Gates memoir (which come just as Fallujah and Ramadi fall to al Qaeda). The stories of the failings of the Obama administration are not merely useful to the GOP, they are far more important to the American people.

4. Whoever created this Christie myth in the first place? Pollsters? Christie polled well because people knew about him. He has had name recognition because he's loud and memorable, and because the media promoted him because he walked with Obama during the Sandy storm and because he delivered the keynote address at the Republican Convention and — to the delight of liberals — without praising the GOP candidate, Mitt Romney.

5. Let Christie sunset and see who else rises. If the donors are making decisions about where the money will flow and therefore who will have a chance to become the GOP candidate in 2016, then let the oversized Christie move out of the way, so you can see who else can serve. Certainly, conservative principles can be better upheld by someone other than Christie. Don't slow the departure of the large loudmouth who — with the help of the liberal media — has made it hard to hear from more modest, more conservative voices. And I don't just mean Scott Walker, whom we need here in Wisconsin. I mean all the potential candidates of that type who are hard to see when there's one big celebrity swanning about.

Enough! Too much! Let him go. He was never good for you anyway.

१०० टिप्पण्या:

Rusty म्हणाले...

Never intended to, Ann. Christie is a republican in name only.

Fen म्हणाले...

Money quote: "Certainly, conservative principles can be better upheld by someone other than Christie"

I'm doing the opposite of what you advise. I want Christie neutered before the primaries. His recent actions indicate that he will sup with the Establishment Party (E) as soon as he's elected.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"I'm doing the opposite of what you advise."

I advised not defending Christie, so I'm sure you don't mean that.

virgil xenophon म्हणाले...

On this occasion, at least, AA speak Heap Big Medicine--even if intuitively obvious..

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

I didn't say don't talk about him. I think Republicans should look straight at the facts and give them the interpretation they deserve, which is negative.

virgil xenophon म्हणाले...

PS: Did anyone see the cover of the Sunday ed of the NY Daily News? LOL. It has a huge pic of Christie with him dreaming of the WH (pictured) with the huge headline "FAT CHANCE NOW CHRIS."


Mid-Life Lawyer म्हणाले...

Christie was done after the walk on the beach with The Comrade. He was defiant about that betrayal because he is such an independent guy etc. He put himself on an island. I wonder how he is liking that now.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Yeah, I don't think conservatives were that much into him in the first place. He's like a Republican Lena Dunham.

mccullough म्हणाले...

Are any Republicans defending Christie?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Christie Could Benefit From Meth He Would Get More Done He Could Fire Everybody and Fire Them Again and Clean the Capitol Floors You Don't Need Janitors He's Got it Mop and a Toothbrush Mop and a Toothbrush Mop and a Toothbrush it Shines it Shines and He can See His Reflection and Boy Has He Lost Some Weight.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

By the way, I have a little skin in that Hurricane Sandy game. I own a condo that got slammed. Several of my neighbors moved away forever; some of the places are condemned as tear-downs. The town was shut down for several months.

When Christie celebrated the $60b pay-off to 2-foot-elevation beach-owners like me, I wanted to vomit. This was not right. Don't take from the middle to give to the rich; don't hold Obama up as the anti-Bush-Katrina POTUS. It was all about money, folks.

By the way, I'm not getting any of it directly. My condo was saved by my excellent tenant. The town is coming back. But Christie's attitude to federal graft is not what we need in the White House.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Christie is another Bloomberg, bombastic, incompetent.

Lyle म्हणाले...

Not many Republicans are defending him, from what I can tell. Definitely not among the "grassroots", i.e. real people.

I've seen a few media establishment folk defend him, but what else can one expect from such folk when they make a living in such a way.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Re: "Let him stew in his own juice"

I Think He Already Sweats Gravy.

Fen म्हणाले...

"I advised not defending Christie, so I'm sure you don't mean that."

You said defending Christie would hurt him because it would keep the scandal in the news cycle longer.

Thats why I'm going to defend him. To hurt him.

Mr. D म्हणाले...

Couldn't care less about Christie. The key in 2016 is getting rid of Chicago politics and importing New Jersey politics wouldn't be an improvement.

pm317 म्हणाले...

Nicely said. I hope the GoP heeds your words. The elephant man is not GoP but a caricature brought to the forefront by lefty press.

And you echo what I said in a previous thread when you write: "The giant, globular body of Christie has eclipsed the Obamacare debacle and the revelations in the Gates memoir (which come just as Fallujah and Ramadi fall to al Qaeda). ".

Media lapdogs got their big fat bone to chew on and they won't let go.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Christie doctors bottlenecked the flow of traffic into his stomach to keep him on the road to his place in history.

Christie's aides bottlenecked the flow of traffic into NYC and now he is history.

jacksonjay म्हणाले...

Obama voter says "Don't defend Christie"! Good advice!

Big Mike म्हणाले...

What a splendid assessment, Professor! I find myself thinking more and more like you, which is scary. Or perhaps you think more and more like some of us who comment regularly here.

Either way, it's a good thing.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Yeah, Althouse, weren't you complaining three posts ago about inappropriate language used concerning Christie and his aide?

And this post... seeped far too long in "fat man" innuendo... the ugliness makes it hard to appreciate your points, assuming that you actually intended to post in good faith.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

The real question now is: what will the MSM do to Scott Walker once he pops up as the theoretical leader?

Wisconsin seems to think there's a lot of there there. Is there?

MayBee म्हणाले...

Christie has eclipsed the Obamacare debacle and the revelations in the Gates memoir (which come just as Fallujah and Ramadi fall to al Qaeda). The stories of the failings of the Obama administration are not merely useful to the GOP, they are far more important to the American people.

But it doesn't work like that. There's always something that can capture the media's attention if they don't want to cover something. We saw it, perhaps most egregiously, with the Romney 47% statement immediately eclipsing Benghazi.

The Christie story is huge right now *because* the media wants to distract everyone from the Gates book and the Obamacare nightmare.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Who will be the next Herman Cain, and how will he or she handle it?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Here this now and believe it later:

Christie will NEVER be the POTUS. I have said it all in 2013. He is a loud-mouth, ugly, fat, and a bully. He will never win.

The next POTUS is Hillary! Accept it now. I have sadly accepted it.

I wanted GOP to win. But, GOP is so against women, immigrants, and science, then it is just impossible for me to vote for them.

The Challenge for GOP (to build their future) is: How to attract qualified women, scientists, immigrants-now-citizens, into their party.

Get rid of Christie. Get rid of Jiindal. Get rid of Rand Paul. Get rid of every-one-you-know.

Start fresh. Every-GOP-out-there is a LOSER.

Today's GOP = Total Loser.

You cannot defeat Hillary/O'Malley with losers, especially a fat one named Christie.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Exactly, Bob Ellison.

Even Ben Carson had to be destroyed.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

This might have been written about Bill Clinton in 1992, but the other choice was Jerry Brown. You could have voted for Paul Tsongas, and I did, but he had cancer.

Christie might still be the best of a bad lot, considering that some of the candidates one might personally prefer can't win. Who else do Republicans have with a decent chance to beat Hilary Clinton? Jeb Bush?

campy म्हणाले...

considering that some of the candidates one might personally prefer can't win.

No republican can win.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Republicans can win, but not if Republicans think they'll only be able to run a scandal-free, controversy free candidate. In this day, when the media will talk about Mitt Romney cutting a classmate's hair, there will never be such a thing.

Which is why I say stand tall and don't abandon anyone for scandal. Abandon them for policy.

William म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Mark O म्हणाले...

Things don't "capture" the media's attention. The current media searches for distractions from harmful Obama stories.

Michael K म्हणाले...

"The Christie story is huge right now *because* the media wants to distract everyone from the Gates book and the Obamacare nightmare."

That's partly true but the HuffPo types really thought of him as the best GOP candidate. They can't see beyond their own ideas.

SGT Ted म्हणाले...

Christies popularity with Tea Party/Conservative types began because of his very effective effort to take on the Teachers Unions in New Jersey.

That's it. He is otherwise an authoritarian, social moderate.

MayBee म्हणाले...

Let me add, this is when what happened to Petraeus should really start to weigh on people's minds.

The FBI read his private emails, I believe without a warrant, and told the president's political advisors what they found. The information was used at a politically advantageous time.

What does the next field of candidates have to contend with, really?

MayBee म्हणाले...

Michael K- yes, the HuffPo types think he'd make a great GOP nominee. That's why it's sooo wonderful for them to use this story against him and to help Obama.

You don't think they really want Christie to ever be president, do you?

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Who is defending Christie?

Here's Rush on the subject, which is pretty good. His take is that Christie doomed himself in 2012 when he sabotaged Romney.

That's always been my take on it. Christie speech at the convention that did not mention Romney, and then doing a photo op with Obama?

What's interesting about this scandal is that the national media wants to take Christie out now. He was always the media's favorite Republican, and now he's not even that.

He might not even run after this. I can't see a lot of money going Christie's way.

Hagar म्हणाले...

Christie is a New Jersey phenomenon; he will not play well west of the Appalachians.
In the meantime, he is a Republican governor in a deep blue state, so let us count that as a blessing as long as it lasts.
There is no reason to go helping the Democrats by vilifying him before he even gets started running for the top job.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Do you see that great, stone, arch bridge over the river there? I built that with these two hands. It took a year. But do they call me Seamus the Bridge Builder? No!

Do you see that magnificent house on the hillside there? I built that. It looks like a castle. But do they call me Seamus the Home Builder? No!

But you fuck one goat...

अनामित म्हणाले...

I'm not entirely clear on this Christie deal. LAST I heard, Christie claimed he didn't know about the closing of the three lanes approaching the GWB. He said it on TV and then he fired two people, including his Deputy Chief of Staff.

How is that despicable? Moreover compare and contrast Christie's conduct with Obama's conduct on, say, the IRS Scandal or the flop known as Obama Care. Obama has NEVER taken personal responsibility nor has he ever fired anyone for so many things done in his administration that are far worse than closing those lanes to the GWB.
I am not gonna vote for Christie (unless the alternative is Hillary or Warren) in any even. BUT I don't see what it is - SO FAR - that Christie himself has done that is so bad.

William म्हणाले...

It's a legitimate scandal, and there's no way Christie can come out of this looking good......One notes in passing that the previous NJ Governor misappropriated a half billion dollars of his investors money. Corzine, when Governor, routinely broke the speed limit. He as involved in a nasty accident. When he got out of the hospital, he was clocked doing ninety on the freeway. I don't think any of this ever generated a fraction of the attention that has been paid to Christie........The intensive coverage makes Christie look bad, but it makes the press look worse.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

By the way, there was no IRS scandal.

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

Mid Life Lawyer has it right; I kissed Christie off after his little stroll on the beach. Just another politician. Not saying that's a bad thing, because some political skills are needed by even the sleaziest political hack.

But what is wanted in politicians is wisdom, and that quality is rarer than a gram of U-235. The Bamster certainly lacks it. OTOH both Christie and Obama have hubris to spare.

अनामित म्हणाले...

garage mahal- there is NO IRS Scandal? Really?
So some 300+ "tea Party" or at least Conservative groups applied for tax treatment as 502(c)3's or 4's and get held up - probably are still being held up, compared to less than 12 Liberal or Progressive groups, Lois Lerner gets to retire and receives her pension, and even Obama says its wrong for the IRS to target anyone base on their political philosophy and you say there was NO Scandal?

I don't post out here frequently, but I do read here quite frequently and know that you sometimes take outrageous positions, I'd always assumed, as a way to play Devil's Advocate.
I was wrong. You are too.

SteveR म्हणाले...

The question is not whether there is any republican who can avoid some "scandal" and be able to run clear against Hillary. Its whether the party and it various associated groups (e.g. Tea Party types) can tweak the votes in the right places to get the electoral votes which includes actually voting as opposed to staying home being butt hurt over some spending bill or whatever. Hillary is corrupt and full of scandal even if you think she's actually competent. Buck up wimps and fight, smart and dirty.

Helenhightops म्हणाले...

Amen, sister!

Dick Stanley म्हणाले...

It would be strange to have another president who resembles Taft, obesity epidemic notwithstanding.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Walker! Walker! Walker!

Christie is DOA. That's why Hillary will have her minions work to get Christie nominated.

MDIJim म्हणाले...

Republicans shouold keep hitting on the contrast between Christie and 0bama when it comes to handling "scandals". The media will never do it otherwise.

The Gates book is damaging to Biden, but the American people, burned by W's failed wars, agree with 0bama about the Arab world and Iran, let them kill each other off and leave Allah to sort out the good guys, if any, from the bad guys. Nothing Gates had to say about 0bama is a surprise anymore.

One suspects that you want Walker for president. As GOP governors of normally blue states, both Christie and Walker took on the unions and won. The difference is that Walker destroyed the unions while one suspects that the minute Christie leaves office it will be back to business as usual in NJ just like it is going to be business as usual in NYC now that Giuliani and Bloomberg are gone.

Whatever, at the end of the day the Republicans will nominate a bigoted, nativist, gay-basher who will carry the rural white protestant vote and nothing else.

There is no Democrat out there able to stop the Clinton machine, especially when Gates has given her cover and dissed her most likely opponent. Welcome the first woman president.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The reason Bridgegate resembles Watergate so much is that both stem from unnecessary trivial stuff that the Dumb executives could not keep himself out of screwing around with it like a CIA Operation.

If Nixon could not be trusted with today's NSA power, then neither can Christie.

Michael K म्हणाले...

"You don't think they really want Christie to ever be president, do you?"

No but they cannot understand what would appeal to the GOP, especially the libertarian wing. They just don;t understand.

"Whatever, at the end of the day the Republicans will nominate a bigoted, nativist, gay-basher who will carry the rural white protestant vote and nothing else."

Spoken like a Hillary voter. She could embrace the leader of Iran and North Korea and it wouldn't matter a bit, would it ?

Tyrone Slothrop म्हणाले...

cokaygne said...

Whatever, at the end of the day the Republicans will nominate a bigoted, nativist, gay-basher who will carry the rural white protestant vote and nothing else.

What a blinkered, antagonistic view. Can you support the use of any of these scurrilous adjectives relative to Romney, McCain, or Bush? And bear with me, because I ask for facts, not feelings conjured up by the Huffington Post.

Deirdre Mundy म्हणाले...

I'd be happy to see Christie go! I'm still wondering if there's a way to force Daniels to bite the bullet and run for the good of the country.

And Bobby Jindal has promise, and I could go for Walker.

Chris Christie may be the only republican who can win New Jersey, but most of America is NOT New Jersey...

pm317 म्हणाले...

A comment seen on another blog which says NJ Repubs were not thrilled with the fat man and saw that the lefty media took him down:
"Christie has very big problems in NJ with his fellow Republicans. While I think the underlying nastiness of the Christie cabal was exposed at this time to bait and switch away from the Gates book revelations, it was in the pipeline to be exposed and ruin his “too big for his gigantic britches” ambitions. His political godfather Tom Keane was already gunning for him over a Christie betrayal of working against the political career of Keane’s son. Kicking down on your way up has a way of biting you.

“On the one hand, I think he’s got a lot to offer. I think he’s the most able politician since Bill Clinton,” Kean told The Washington Post. “On the other hand, you look at these other qualities and ask, do you really want that in your president?” H/T to the Agonist. Even with the best case scenario, Christie has surrounded himself with idiots, made enemies of people he did not need to, and bit the hand that helped him on the way up. We already have a petty and nasty president and we don’t want another one. At least not this soon. I think the Jersey Republicans saw an opportunity to knock Christie out and took it. The media and Democrats do not have an easy target to build up and then knock down on their own timetable. They did everyone a favor but Christie by knocking him out this early so little time, money, and effort was wasted on him. NJ Republicans used the Democrats and media for their own purposes. Bravo."

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

I don't see it as a real scandal yet. WTF cares about that bridge beyond those living in the bubble centered around NYC? Christie is a kit cleaner and better than either his predecessor or Obama. And NJ has been pretty corrupt, for, like, forever, and this isn't about personal corruption, but rather failure to adequately supervise, and in that regard, isn't 10% as egregious in that regard as Obama has been. This is peanuts in comparison with the latter's Sgt Shultz response to most everything happening in the govt he is supposed to be running.

MDIJim म्हणाले...

Michael K., neither McCain nor Romney was a bigoted, nativist, gay-basher but just about all they carried was the rural white protestant vote because they had to spend months courting the bubba vote in the backwaters of Iowa and South Carolina. When they finally got the Republican nomination the media made them own that brand because of what they had to say in order to win primaries and caucuses where 10% of the voters turn out.

People will support a fiscally conservative libertarian, but not someone who wants to deport hard-working immigrants or get the state involved in picking marriage partners.

Maybe you are right about Hillary's foreign policy views, unfortunately the public, thanks to George W. Bush, will expend no more American lives and treasure on behalf of nations and peoples who demonstrate not a speck of gratitude for our efforts.

lemondog म्हणाले...

If Christie knew, directly or indirectly, of Bridgegate what would prevent the now fired Bridget Ann Kelly and David Wildstein each from making a deal and spilling all?

Drip.. drip.. drip..

MayBee म्हणाले...

The bridge closing is obviously a bad thing. But who will explain how it is substantively different than The Obama administration's shut down theater?
Or from what security theater does everytime a US president travels outside DC?

Paul म्हणाले...

Personally Christie is a RINO and I don't give a shit what happens to him.

Let him sink or swim cause it's his problem.

richardsson म्हणाले...

For me, it was the godawful speech he gave at the Republican Convention. I caught it by accident. He sounded like he was at the wrong convention. Then, what Mid-Life Lawyer said.
Nevertheless, Christie was a creation of the media and they were setting him up in hopes that he would be the GOP nominee, like McCain, only to knock him down AFTER he got the nomination. He fooled them by being stupider than they thought, but he wasn't fooling any of us

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Very interesting perspective.

Althouse feels good when goofing on fat.

My presumption is Althouse feels since fat people eat too much, they deserve the factually accurate descriptors of their fatness, regardless of the tact factor.

This attitude can save lives via social pressures, like many lives could have been saved if social pressure were to have been applied against ass fucking then sucking.

Myself, I am for social pressures that save lives so I advocate not eating too much and no ass sex.

And Rusty, Christie is a perfect Republican. A Blue-blood country-club DA. He is no conservative, but again he is the ideal Republican.

It is a big government party with a huge fatass sonofabitch as it's titular head, fittingly.

richardsson म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Jason म्हणाले...

The libs are boosting Christie because they desperately want to run against the fat guy.

Unknown म्हणाले...

From lemondog, "If Christie knew, directly or indirectly, of Bridgegate what would prevent the now fired Bridget Ann Kelly and David Wildstein each from making a deal and spilling all?"

Perhaps they got un-refusable offers as part of their termination packages.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

Anthony म्हणाले...

Getting POed over the massive discrepancy between the MSM's handling of Bridgegate and their mis-handling of every single one of Obama's scandals does not constitute defending Christie.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"You said defending Christie would hurt him because it would keep the scandal in the news cycle longer."

No, I didn't!

Did you even read this post before launching into disagreeing with me?!

अनामित म्हणाले...

The press loved him when he was the (relatively) liberal Repubnlican alternative. They hated him when they thought he had a chance to defeat Hillary. What's so hard about that?

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Thanks, Madison concern-troll. ; )

jacksonjay म्हणाले...

Garage quoting Eric the Red, after he told Barbara Bosserman she had the job.

"By the way, there was no IRS scandal."

jr565 म्हणाले...

If Christie had nothing to do with the incident then he should be defended. And the double standard should be pointed out.
How much time was devoted to Obama and his various scandals? Now suddenly we need to get to the bottom of corruption?
Every day Instapundit tallies off the number of days since the IRS scandal. and libs and the media have barely addressed it except to say that its a non story. But somehow this is?
By the same token though, if he was involved, I won't say its a non scandal like my liberal friends.
If the buck stops with Christie, shouldn't the buck stop with Obama?

somefeller म्हणाले...

This was a good week for Jeb Bush and I look forward to his run against Hillary Clinton. Nothing but good times ahead.

jr565 म्हणाले...

"I'm not entirely clear on this Christie deal. LAST I heard, Christie claimed he didn't know about the closing of the three lanes approaching the GWB. He said it on TV and then he fired two people, including his Deputy Chief of Staff."

At least people were fired over this? How many people did obama fire over any of his scandals?
For libs the buck stops with the guy in charge, but only for conservatives. Apparently.
(and that's giving Christie an awful lot of benefit of the doubt when it comes to his conservatism).

jr565 म्हणाले...

"By the way, there was no IRS scandal."

Two can play that game. By the way There is no Christie Scandal.
Only, if there is I wont excuse it, unlike some people.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan म्हणाले...

If Christie is perceived to have been treated unfairly by the press it will help him with Repub voters. Using the logic regularly applied around here, this would suggest that the scandal is a Democrat/MSM plot designed to ensure a Christie nomination.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Althouse wrote:
"1. Don't justify or qualify the wrongness he's balled up in, because it is wrong, and clarity about right and wrong is good, and it's a good that has been and still can be associated with conservatism."

What is the wrongness though? If he isn't involved directly in this decision then he shouldn't be tarred and feathered with it. ANd it seems like he did fire the people that did do it, so it's not as if he's saying that there is no scandal there.
Is there proof that he was directly involved in this decision and subsequent acton?

jr565 म्हणाले...

cokayne wrote:

People will support a fiscally conservative libertarian, but not someone who wants to deport hard-working immigrants or get the state involved in picking marriage partners.

Both immigration policy and marriage policy were long set before the left tried to change it. ANd yet you seem to be suggesting that it was the opposite. The idea that illegal immigrants might get deported is not some brand new republican idea, nor is calling marriage between a man and a woman.
Rather, they were the default policies of this country.
And even if you were to allow gay marriage the state would still be picking marriage partners. Since polygamists still couldnt marry, since incestual couples still couldn't marry.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

This was a good week for Jeb Bush and I look forward to his run against Hillary Clinton. Nothing but good times ahead."

Compared to Hillary he is a saint. Admittedly a very low bar but there you have it. And by the way unlike Hillary he actually has a defensible record and is competent.

Is Christie done? Maybe, probably but this will blow over. So who knows. ObamaCare won't blow over and Hillary is the mother of ObamaCare.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe म्हणाले...

As a card carrying Libertarian, I don't have a dog in that fight (excuse the metaphor, Ann). But -

Yes, Christi is not someone I would trust to reduce the intrusion of Government into our lives.

Not often Althouse turns from commentary to outright political advise.

SGT Ted म्हणाले...

This is the scandal version of the "civility bullshit" we see from the press and the Democrats, their preferred political party.

Obama ordering Government agencies to go after his political opponents or even just critics, nationwide. *YAWN*

Christie doing the same in NJ. OH TEH OUTRAGE!1!1

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

There was no IRS scandal and Lois Lerner never took the 5th.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

As for Christie, happy to see him gone.

Michael म्हणाले...

Too bad. Hopefully he was vindictive enough to cook up the traffic idea himself. Perhaps he is a good enough of a liar to get out of this. We need a vindictive asshole on our side in the WH, especially if he is a good liar. And if he wins I hope his thugs let the air out of the lefties' tires and forgets to plow their streets in snowstorms and pulls them over for frequent traffic stops. And has the IRS audit the living shit out of them. And monitors their emails and squashes them if they fuck up even slightly. I would like to see the motherfucker of all motherfuckers in there on the right wing.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

"There is no IRS scandal."

The Chief Counsel for IRS, in his testimony, stated "I can't recall" 80 times.


Will म्हणाले...

So Chris Christie is not good enough to run against a highly ineffective pantsuit-wearing, china-stealing, adultery-overlooking, carpet bagging, filefolder-mispacing, reset-button-misspelling, million-mile-flying-to-nowhere, murdurously incompetent, YouTube-at-the-casket lying slab of shrill partisan hackery?

Please tell me more....

अनामित म्हणाले...

Mountain is to molehill as IRS scandal is to GWBgate.

mtrobertsattorney म्हणाले...

According to some news reports, Christie fired Bridget Kelly without ever talking to her to get her side of the story.

You would think that before he fired her he would want to hear her explanation for the email she sent that supposedly set the whole mess in motion.

He shoots fast and doesn't ask questions later.

(I don't think we have heard the last from Bridget Kelly.)

garage mahal म्हणाले...

The real IRS scandal is that organizations get untraceable, tax-free money laundering for their political activities, and they get a taxpayer subsidy to do it.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

The lefty media throws a tennis ball, and we fetch.

Douglas B. Levene म्हणाले...

I could vote for Christie, but I much prefer Walker, who strikes me as a more genuine conservative who can stick the knife in without gloating about it.

Unknown म्हणाले...

…..Whatever, at the end of the day the Republicans will nominate a bigoted, nativist, gay-basher who will carry the rural white protestant vote and nothing else.

I get so sick of this shallow, hate filled, know-nothing criticism of Republicans…. Rachel Madow is that you?

mtrobertsattorney म्हणाले...

Christie was always unelectable and the left knew it.

In the hope that the republican "wise men" would lock onto him early, they painted him as the only reasonable republican who can work across the aisle.

The potential republican candidate who really gives the left nightmares is Ted Cruz. As soon as he begins to make national waves, it will be all out war to bring him down.

mtrobertsattorney म्हणाले...

Christie was always unelectable and the left knew it.

In the hope that the republican "wise men" would lock onto him early, they painted him as the only reasonable republican who can work across the aisle.

The potential republican candidate who really gives the left nightmares is Ted Cruz. As soon as he begins to make national waves, it will be all out war to bring him down.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

The real IRS scandal is that organizations get untraceable, tax-free money laundering for their political activities, and they get a taxpayer subsidy to do it.

Holy shit. Garage is a libertarian.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

The real IRS scandal is that organizations get untraceable, tax-free money laundering for their political activities, and they get a taxpayer subsidy to do it.

Holy shit. Garage is a libertarian.

AlanKH म्हणाले...

Does anyone have a "Guide To Bridgegate For Those Who Didn't Pay Attention To The Scandal Until Christie Apologized For It" article?

Doug म्हणाले...

Christie is like all other Northeast Republicans - they are really democrats who are afraid of primary battles.

Fen म्हणाले...

You said defending Christie would hurt him because it would keep the scandal in the news cycle longer.

Althouse: No, I didn't!

Did you even read this post before launching into disagreeing with me?!

"3. Defending Christie prolongs the news story."

Deirdre Mundy म्हणाले...

Ted Cruz hasn't RUN anything. I really think that the Republicans should stick to running governors. It's a nice contrast to Obama/Hillary, we have a lot of good Republican governors and former governors at the moment, and governors are, frankly, better for the country.

The only issue I see is that many of my favorite governors have no desire to leave their pleasant, functional, comfortable states to relocate to the morass that is DC. We need to guilt-trip them more.

Unknown म्हणाले...

I LoVE HATERS for LOvIng Me... :*

raf म्हणाले...

All Christie has to do to have a really good chance at a nomination for P or VP is vilify the Republicans while flambouyantly switching parties. Instant press approval.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Michael K., neither McCain nor Romney was a bigoted, nativist, gay-basher but just about all they carried was the rural white protestant vote because they had to spend months courting the bubba vote in the backwaters of Iowa and South Carolina. When they finally got the Republican nomination the media made them own that brand because of what they had to say in order to win primaries and caucuses where 10% of the voters turn out.

People will support a fiscally conservative libertarian, but not someone who wants to deport hard-working immigrants or get the state involved in picking marriage partners."

This is why it was dumb to run McCain and Romney.

You can pick the most middle of the road, center of the political field, laid back, non interesting, soft spoken person you want for the Republican Presidential candidate. The media is going to turn them into a firebrand on the far right. Catering to the Tea Party. Bullies. Uncaring. Racists. Mysognists. Whatever.

It doesn't matter who is picked in the Republican primaries, the media is going to turn them into a caricature.

So why not pick the best guy for the job, instead of the guy most electable? As we've discovered, the Democrats in the media don't exactly know who the most electable Republican is, and even if they did, do you think they'd tell us honestly?

Here is to hoping we pick someone as far to the right as Obama is to the left in our next Republican Primary. I'm tired of these losers.