"The move was in response to
a PolitiFact Wisconsin investigation that found no evidence Walker was forced out of either,"
reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
"While we still stand behind our sources, only Scott Walker can clarify what happened in his time at Marquette University, and we'll afford the governor the respect of taking him at his word on this," Democratic Party chairman Mike Tate told the Journal Sentinel. "Accordingly, we've updated our website."
After all the disrespect, when we find ourselves cornered and unable to continue the longstanding smear without getting too much smear on ourselves, we'll afford him the respect.
The Democratic Party's site previously claimed that Walker either dropped out or was forced out not long after he was "kicked out of student elections at Marquette University after masterminding a scheme that destroyed newspapers critical of him."
Tate had previously defended the accusation, saying the party had heard unspecified information from people it could not identify about misconduct by Walker.
४५ टिप्पण्या:
Much akin to W's "misbehavior" at TANG.
Translation: "We know he is evil so he must have been up to something bad during (fill in blank), so it's up to him to refute all the bullshit we come up with. Until we're caught, then we'll drop it while commenting on our belief it was true all along since he didn't disprove it."
Isn't Mark Tate a chicken fucker though? Of course you understand why chicken fuckers have to lie. Same reason as Bill Clinton.
They lie because you for e them to.
They lie because you, the shit-for-brains public, demand then reward them for doing it.
It will continue and this state of affairs shall never pass.
Are they taking my "c's" now too?
saying the party had heard unspecified information from people it could not identify about misconduct by Walker.
Replace the words in boldface with the words "a couple of loons who could produce no evidence to back up their assertions" & you've pretty much got the truth of the situation.
Tate had previously defended the accusation, saying the party had heard unspecified information from people it could not identify about misconduct by Walker.
uuummmm.....They're making things up as they go?
I never would have guessed.
...after masterminding a scheme that destroyed newspapers critical of him...
Scott Walker, evil genius.
He is an Evil Genius right now.
If he enters the national stage, like President Bush, he'll be a moronic, stupid, evil, genius.
Only the Democrats understand that one.
Looks like garage will have to find a new lie...again.
I have unspecified information that the head of the Wisconsin Democratic party has sex with dogs. But I can't identify the dogs. I respectfully retract.
Well, it worked on George Allen in Virginia. Even Larry Sabato piled on with phony allegations about when they were students together. I haven't trusted Sabato since.
"Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, would not tell The Associated Press how he knew Allen used the n-word. He told Chris Matthews on MSNBC that he did not know whether it was true that Allen used the word frequently while in college."
Larry Sabato got away with it. It looks like the local DNC didn't.
Strelnikov nails it. The very funniest thing about the whole Dan Rather/60 Minutes deal is that the 60 Minutes crew thought they'd been double-crossed by the White House, because the White House didn't bother challenging the program's documents in any way when shown them. What, we're supposed to point out to you that you're running with obviously fake evidence?
It's like the guy in Atlas Shrugged who sinks a lot of his own money into a copper mine in Mexico, knowing it's going to be expropriated. The Mexican government, having snatched it, is furious at him because there was actually nothing there to steal. How dare he con us into robbing him of something worth nothing? Fraud! Treachery! Deceit!
(Hey, I finally got around to reading Atlas Shrugged last week -- or, rather, skimming it, because I doubt that anyone has actually read all of it, any more than anyone has actually read all of Finnegans Wake. That would be a book of manageable size, had it had an editor; but editors are probably looters. I still think that John Galt's radio address would've been more effective if it didn't go on for about forty page-break-free pages.)
I still think that John Galt's radio address would've been more effective if it didn't go on for about forty page-break-free pages.
By which I meant "paragraph-break-free pages." I used to be able to proofread myself.
Democrats can't do a damn thing without lying about it.
I thought Walker died in a car crash?
(Hey, I finally got around to reading Atlas Shrugged last week -- or, rather, skimming it, because I doubt that anyone has actually read all of it, any more than anyone has actually read all of Finnegans Wake. That would be a book of manageable size, had it had an editor; but editors are probably looters. I still think that John Galt's radio address would've been more effective if it didn't go on for about forty page-break-free pages.)
I read the entire thing over summer vacation between the 8th and 9th grades. (I kept hoping for more sex scenes.) I reread it a couple of years ago, this time as an audio book. I agree that Galt's radio speech was way too long. The same is true with many other parts of the book.
That's the problem with trying to use a novel to completely expound a political philosophy. Had the book simply told the story, trusting the reader to learn from the story the lessons it teaches, the novel might have been a good read. Ayn Rand didn't trust her readers, so the novel is a pedantic bore -- unless you're 13 and full of raging hormones.
Enh, Blogger ate my comment. Shorter version: 13 and full of raging hormones is what you'd need to be to read Atlas Shrugged for the sex scenes. They were the first thing I skipped.
Curious George said...Looks like garage will have to find a new lie...again.
Naw. garage is stuck in a closed liar's loop. You get out of a liar's loop by either admitting you lied or are lying, or by letting it run down on its own by staying silent. You have to admit you lied at least to yourself to do either though. garage is incapable of confronting the fact that he's promoted endless ludicrous falsehoods on this blog no matter what the facts say. So he doubles down on the lying and the loop persists.
garage won't drop this one. He'll bring it up at some point, be told that the last source promoting it finally admitted that it was never vetted or substantiated, and then demand that that be linked/proven. He'll deny the provenance of any proof for a bit then drop it. A bit further down the road he'll make the claim again.
Now I understand why he lies so much about Walker and will share that info even though I can neither name the source nor even remember when or where I heard it. garage has an illicit physical attraction to Walker that is unrequited. Walker is not even aware of it. Think some 13yo and Justin Beiber. garage's lies are attempts to get Walker to notice him.
At least, that's what I heard.
Naw. garage is stuck in a closed liar's loop. You get out of a liar's loop by either admitting you lied or are lying, or by letting it run down on its own by staying silent.
Of course you can't point to any lies, you just hate the fact that I can post things freely that you don't want posted.
I wonder if Walker will scrub his book from this Politifact finding
Did protesters in La Crosse block and then rock Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s car in early 2011, soon after the newly elected governor proposed greatly curtailing public employees’ collective bargaining rights?
That’s what Walker has claimed in both in national media and in his new book, “Unintimidated.”
But a PolitiFact Wisconsin report today questions whether the events happened Feb. 15, 2011, at Ted Mannstedt & Son, a La Crosse factory, as the governor claims.
...you just hate the fact that I can post things freely that you don't want posted.
Umm, nope. I disagree with a lot of things I see posted here and elsewhere. I read them because I believe that perspective is important and you debate is healthy.
On the other hand, while I wouldn't say hate, I do intensely dislike liars. And after they provide a history of lying in the face of facts presented to them I stop wasting time on confronting them with their lies. I'll let the reader here tap that same history of yours. I'm certain that there will be plenty of follow on comments protesting that like yourself, they can find no evidence of your lying.
I wonder if Walker will scrub his book from this Politifact finding
Looks like B forgot to include "moving the goal posts" from his list of things you would do.
"I read the entire thing over summer vacation between the 8th and 9th grades. (I kept hoping for more sex scenes.)"
LOL. This is exactly when (and how) I read The Fountainhead.
I wonder if Walker will scrub his book from this Politifact finding
Why should he? Politifraud rated it as "false" because they couldn't find a media that reported it, as if they would anyway. Yet Walker claims two eye-witnesses to it, including a state trooper.
Breitbart: Phony Fact-Checker PolitiFact: We Didn't See It, So Walker Lied
Of course, you can't trust those state troopers at all ever since BJ Clinton trashed their reputations in his state for coming clean on his use of them to pick up floozies to "kiss it" for him.
Hey, don't worry, though, be happy. Maybe the latest democrat "prosecutor" witch hunt will find the secret routers.
I've read it 3 times cover to cover. Read that and The Federalist Papers every few years and you can't go wrong.
And Garage, your vaunted "Politifraud" just destroyed what little credibility it had left when it gave Obama the highly coveted "Lie of the Year" award for "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan". Amazing how that went from totally "true" in 2008 to absolutely "false" in 2013, isn't it?
They didn't bother to rate "If you like your doctor", or "the average cost will go down $2,500" or "it won't add a dime to the deficit", but we already know how truthful those were too.
After years of watching you twist, torture, spin and manipulate logic and facts to excuse the talking point lies of the left, I often wonder how your conscience lets you sleep at night. Then I remember, leftlings don't have consciences, because they have no ethics, morals, standards or principles to violate.
St Saul must be beaming with pride at you from his special place in hell.
What needs to be is Buckley/Rand but Buckley first represents 78% and Rand second represents 22%.
Those without 22 or 78 support, per cent, ought to get the crowd to discard your not previously getting it by unabashed, unblustered takings.
Like in The Big Lebowski the fella says "we takes the money."
Strelnikov said...
Much akin to W's "misbehavior" at TANG.
Fake but Accurate is a registered CBS News trademark as well as their standard operating practice. The Democrats ought to be careful for infringing on copyrighted material. Oh, who am I fooling. The DNC could dig up Walter Cronkite, wire him with animatronics and have his appear at the next convention and CBS wouldn't say boo about it. It's really DNCBS, isn't it?
And once again, Garage in, garbage out.
n the other hand, while I wouldn't say hate, I do intensely dislike liars
When you figure out what those lies are let us know. As of now you look like any other angry imbecile on the internet.
If these people allegedly lied to them about what happened...WHY can't they identify them?
What is up with this mentality of not revealing sources who LIE to you?
When you figure out what those lies are let us know.
About 95% of your posts...
Yet Walker claims two eye-witnesses to it, including a state trooper.
Walker claims a lot of things that aren't true. Like Hillary dodged sniper fire. If this really happened there would be many witnesses, it would have been documented and on every right wing website in America.
This looks like Hillary dodging sniper fire.
Tom Ball sel...
is as far as got.
Then the self-immolation took hold.
On a search engine prone toward evil.
Auto what what what ...
When you figure out what those lies are let us know. As of now you look like any other angry imbecile on the internet.
Like I said (which you don't seem to get) rather than waste my time on the impossible task of getting you to admit to being a inveterate liar we'll let the frequent readers decide whether or not the claim that you are an inveterate liar is in question. That would also settle the questions of whose position is credible and who is the imbecile.
Pajama Boy has damaged the brand.
It is is a strong brand.
Barry A. fucked like a boss.
He got like a boss would get.
A great man. In terms of horrible horrible football teams in the 1980s v. MR. FUCKING KING Barry the Wisconsin Badgers were not either Badgers nor representative of the greatest of states.
Like I said (which you don't seem to get) rather than waste my time on the impossible task of getting you to admit to being a inveterate liar we'll let the frequent readers decide whether or not the claim that you are an inveterate liar is in question.
I suppose this is a "win" on the low rent fever swamps you frequent.
Well, I don't see anyone disputing my contention that you are a liar in the comments in this rather thin Xmas eve thread. There are comments disputing your denial though.
BTW: You really shouldn't talk about getting one's info from fever swamps. It's insulting to the host since my observations on your lying are based on comments you've made here. This is where you established your persona as a liar.
At Berkeley, ditching newspapers and flyers and whatnot that progressives didn't like was pretty much sanctified by the administration, which managed never ever to find, uh, evidence that the offending materials had been intentionally destroyed. I hate these people.
It's insulting to the host since my observations on your lying are based on comments you've made here.
In which you are utterly incapable of at least providing a hint or a clue to the alleged lies. Which makes you the liar. That ought to be on your New Year's resolution list.
Correction: "We stand by our sources, but since we can't subpoena them, and there is now evidence of our reckless disregard for the truth, we buried the story one step ahead of the libel suit we were asking for."
It's better to stick with "secret routers".
The routers that have put Walker's friends in jail?
In which you are utterly incapable of at least providing a hint or a clue to the alleged lies.
Ah, no, not incapable. Say rather disinclined to waste my time.
I went through this with you a week or two past. There is no dialogue to be had with you about your lying. You will double down on it, feign amnesia about what you said, and so on. I told you then I saw no reason to ever follow a link of yours to verify what you say or indeed assume anything you say is true because of your history here.
I suppose you could establish a new identity and try to build a new reputation but given your proclivity you'd re-establish the old reputation soon enough.
Which makes you the liar.
Logic fail there.
As a frequent reader of this blog, I fully expected to see "Garage Mahal" as a tag to this post.
Garage, some backstory on Hillary and snipers.
As far as progressives physically accosting conservatives, it is expected these days. You guys have a bad rep.
Blogger garage mahal said...
It's insulting to the host since my observations on your lying are based on comments you've made here.
In which you are utterly incapable of at least providing a hint or a clue to the alleged lies. Which makes you the liar. That ought to be on your New Year's resolution list.
It wasn't too long ago you came out and said that you found it perfectly acceptable to lie in service of you political philosophy.
It is therefore reasonable for anyone who reads you here to take for grated that you are a liar.
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