"Much of the time I found him more sad than despicable; politicians who nearly reach the pinnacle of their profession while being manifestly awful at politics are a rare and curious breed."
Writes Paul Waldman at The American Prospect in a post titled "New Documentary Threatens to Make You Like Mitt Romney."
Here's the trailer:
७५ टिप्पण्या:
Hope the liberal writer gets to live under Obama's policies.....good and hard.
The Democrats didn't have anything good to say about themselves or their platform. Democrats especially did not talk about gun control, health care reform, support for virtually all of Bush's anti-terrorism initiatives, and way more government spending.
Better awful at politics and good at. governing. We're living what happens when those skill sets are reversed. All hail Lord Obama (just in case the NSA is listening).
6 million would not have lost their health insurance..
"Much of the time I found him more sad than despicable;.."
Majority know now who is despicable.
How depressing is reality when reminded of the President we could have had!
It's interesting to see how lefties think. What is not approved is hated and despised and attacked and must be awful. There is no neutral. God ! What a way to go through life.
Look at the comments if you doubt my previous observation. Here's a sample:
"Good god, the man lied his way through the campaign, stood only for plutocrats and their frothing deluded supporters, would have brought ruin on the country if elected, -- and now we're supposed to get all tingly? Wake up Waldman, you've been played."
These are the Obama voters who want him to rule by decree.
How weird is that when Obama people made their make believe Mitt killed that man's cancer ridden wife ad, they knew that Obama had already put in motion the real thing. Maybe that is how and where they got the idea.
"Hey, Obamacare will make a few hundred cancer patients lose their insurance. Can we see if Mitt fired somebody and they lost insurance and they got killed? No, even better, make that Mitt killed them."
" I, like every liberal writer whose job it is to comment on politics every day, wrote many unkind things about Mitt Romney."
" I, like every liberal writer whose job it is to [pander for Democrats regardless of facts], wrote many [untrue] things about Mitt Romney."
Its just so sad, Waldman feels bad about the travails of a liberal writer having to cover Romney. He and his buddies laughed and voted for Obama and felt superior. They still feel glad that Romney lost, they still feel superior and they are still laughing.
As long as we continue to elect people based on what they say and not on what they do and their character, we're going to continue to flounder.
I wonder if he was the model for Pajama Boy ? Is there a photo ?
After reading this piece, I come away thinking the guys like this are just tribal, foot soldiers without an original thought in their head. And now their guy is going to drag them to the bottom of the sea.
Why would anyone think Romney despicable? Lefties always want to kill someone, but still...
Wow, there are three comments on that article and I really feel sorry for them. What fucking assholes.
and from the article:
"I don't really know how your average Republican feels about Romney these days, beyond the fact that they wish he'd have been a more skilled candidate."
I am not a republican but I know what I saw in Romney and know that is more close to reality than whatever it is that you saw in Obama and I feel smarter for it. You are the dummy here not him being more skilled or us wanting him more skilled.
It takes a lot for me to get pissed at leftists; this is one of those times: 'Leftist Character Assassins Now Remorseful Over Destruction of Mitt Romney'.
This is Romney's reward for losing and keeping his mouth shut since.
Hidden under this mea culpa for how awful the press treated Romney is the even darker realization that they were cheerleaders for a man (Obama) who seems to be unable to find his butt cheeks with both hands.
The administration screw-ups just keep piling up, in particular Obamacare. If it cocks up the health insurance industry, as it very well might, the liberals know that they may very well be staring at a long time in the political wilderness. And it'll all be because they were so taken in by the Charlatan-in-Chief.
After reading this piece, I come away thinking the guys like this are just tribal, foot soldiers without an original thought in their head.
If you think of political commentators as middle-schoolers trying to out-clever each other so they are noticed, it all makes sense.
Truth is the casualty, just as in middle school.
I read this somewhere. A South American politician said that we have a strange democracy. Every five years we elect a new dictator.
The US is becoming like that. I hope we elect a better dictator next time.
Seriously, fuck these guys. "Sucks at politics" is just another way of saying "we kept finding new ways to attack him unfairly."
If Obama had been required to suffer one tenth of the scrutiny/snark/venom Romney (or any Republican candidate, ever) endured, he would have taken his tinkertoys and gone home.
Someday in the far off future, competence will be seen as the supreme qualification for the Presidency.
I may be dead by then.
I will be dead by then.
Micheal K is spot on on his comments regarding the comments and commuters at that blog.
While Mitt wasn't my choice in the primaries just from the clip its obvious he is a better man to lead the country than the current guy. Perhaps its just as well he didn't win on a personal level for him. The hatred and vitriol that would have come his way would have been unprecedented. Perhaps its best that this fever the left has burns itself out in the next three year and the average voter sees the progressives for the disaster they really are and from their come to their senses.
It wasn't just liberals--there were far too many on the right spewing hate about Romney.
This may be the beginning of a relaunch by Romney and company. He may prove to be a formidale presidential candidate again. Americans love comebacks!
This may be the beginning of a relaunch by Romney and company. He may prove to be a formidale presidential candidate again. Americans love comebacks!
Yeah, Al Gore did so well in 2004
It's hard to feel sorry for this man. As a businessman, he was merciless when dealing with the desperate workers and creditors of failing businesses. And utterly spineless as a politician.
Tom for the win.
Romney sucks at presidential politics? I'd want to see him in a campaign that wasn't fixed before rushing to that judgment.
Jay Leno: Best of his President Obama Jokes:
You can all huff & puff, but the fact is America is getting younger & browner and ya'll just can't stand it that THEY vote Democrat.
Then things began to shift rightward under him, and the distance he had to travel to win his party's nomination demonstrated not just how the party's ideology had changed but how much humiliation they'd force someone to endure in order to win their favor.
This is the bull shit.
The writer fails to see the irony that electing politicians to be leaders IS the problem.
Obama was never a leader. Romney is.
As a businessman, he was merciless when dealing with the desperate workers and creditors of failing businesses.
Suuuure, spiros. I'm sure the workers were forced to food stamps & the creditors were left sucking wind.
When you're not busy dropping by Althouse dropping lefty bon mots unaccompanied by any documenting links, you might want to review how exactly the Obama administration handled the "bankruptcy" of General Motors. You might not want to consider the myriads (1100) of auto dealerships as "desperate workers", but then again, those desperate workers didn't invest millions of their own money in starting a GM dealership which was protected by contract with GM. Contracts which the Feds voided. Likewise, bond holders, suppliers & non-union workers got the shaft.
But, of course, Obama's buddies in the UAW got to take all their marbles home, while everyone else got fucked. Because Obama is so kind.
So, please go peddle your "Romney-the-beast" blather elsewhere.
This may be the beginning of a relaunch by Romney and company. He may prove to be a formidale presidential candidate again. Americans love comebacks!
Tanned, rested and ready!
Blogger Alex said...
"You can all huff & puff, but the fact is America is getting younger & browner and ya'll just can't stand it that THEY vote Democrat."
Yes, but they need someone who knows how to run things. We see how well the younger browner Democrats are doing at that.
Believe it or not, things have to actually work ! Cargo cults don't do well.
Funny, I was expecting more B team house lefties to show for this thread, but even they are bone tired of attacking someone just to prop up their sad sack, affirmative action president. I saw my first outline of an obama/biden 2012 bumpersticker peeled off its bumper today. Yep, there will be plenty more in the bay area you betcha!
What Romney never understood: winning elections is all about...using the IRS to suppress your opposition.
If only he had learned that most basic of principles.
How about telling the truth when it matters, asshole.
After slandering Republicans into obscurity, Democrats assuage their guilt (if any) by making nice.
I wanna puke.
Two quotes that fit the Modern media and Democrats:
The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites.
Don't believe me on quote 2? Then you haven't been following the news on Obamacare.
But G-d forbid we should have had a President Romney! Big Brother said "NO!" and the MSM must follow the State! /sarc
Romney wanted it too badly. He just savaged Perry over not demanding prof that all in state students were actually born in the U.S. He was ready to run for president of the Republican party with his 47% remark. If he had not tried so hard to knock out his Republican rivals with his faux prejudices, we could have had a conversation.
Romney's mistake was aligning himself with the GOP establishment. He let them savage his opposition in the primary and lock Paul out of the convention. He alienated the base he needed to win the election. The GOP is still spending more time attacking the TEA party than it is attacking democrats.
I so agree with Freeman.
Paul Waldman is feeling guilty about what vilifying Romney,so what. Vilifying their political opponents is what the Liberals do. And when the next election comes Waldman will answer Lefts call to arms and fully participate in the politics of personal destruction.
Extreme left-wingers are ideologues, their goals, increasing the size, scope, power and intrusiveness of government, empowering politicians at the cost of individual freedoms and rights. The lust for power.
I actually thought Romney would have made a good president--and not just because he was the better of two bad options. With the challenges this country was (and still is) facing, we need a competent, non-ideological pragmatist who has experience in fixing messes, and he seemed like the candidate closest to that of anyone nominated by either party in a while.
I wasn't thrilled with the things he felt he had to say and do during the campaign, but I'm cynical enough to not take anything at face value that's said during a campaign. I'd believe Mitt was a hard core ideologue just as soon as I'd believe that Obama would herald the end of partisan bickering.
Unprecedented? Ever heard of George Bush?
The more I learned about Romney, the more I liked him. Though my thoughts on government are different, it was obvious ha the had common sense plans that would have been effective as opposed to some jive turkey babbling what ever line was fed to him off a machine.
The way you know we're really screwed is 5 years in, there are what I will charitably call people still violently and obscenely screaming their foul mouths off about the wonder of the wreckage this cocksucker is leaving behind.
I'm torn. Not about Romney; not a huge fan but I voted for him. I thought he would be more of a competent 'national manager' rather than a maniacal, optics-obsessed empty suit who couldn't figure out how to pour piss out of a cowboy boot even if the instructions were written on heel.
I'm torn because I think Romney would've salvaged Obamacare, and he probably would've cobbled together some other fixes to Obama's crappy legislative and regulatory record. By having Obama go down in flames in his second term, a lot of destructive progressive policies will be discredited for years to come. Mitt might have fixed it enough so that the left could've claimed victories for its big government grabs.
The left doesn't seem to realize yet that the best chance of Obama's policies succeeding would've been to elect Mitt Romney.
It seems like, to me, an honest candidate—as a citizen—would be more desirable than a liar. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! He’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, LIVs! You know what I’m saying? But hey, voting: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.
Campaign's make folks take sides. Things can get distorted and ugly... but everybody's got this side to them. It's good to be reminded of that.
You know the old saw: "Living well is the best revenge."*
I think Romney's got his revenge.
*Attributed to 17th-century metaphysical poet George Herbert of all people. John Donne's like "I could have written that in my sleep."
The Internet never forgets: "A candidate who has struggled with seeming human, as Mitt Romney has, could have done himself a favor by using this as an opportunity to show a little more of himself." -- Is he talking about either of the times Romney saved another human's life? Nope! The alleged gay hair cut hate crime.
"For instance, right now conservatives are up in arms that the media have been giving substantial coverage to Mitt Romney's atrocious and false comments about the attacks in Cairo and Benghazi." -- In which Waldman gets the facts wrong to lie about Mitt Romney.
Waldman did not write "unkind things" about Romney. He wrote hateful lies designed to give liberals a chance to have a 5-minute hate. Now, he's realizing that maybe that was a bad idea, so good on him. Late to the party, but whatever.
"This two-minute trailer is full of charmingly human moments, particularly since Mitt's greatest unmet challenge was convincing us that he was indeed human."
-- Only if you ignored the convention where the parents of a dying boy told us how Romney sat with him to draw up the kid's will, the Democrats who worked under him as governor told us how he supported women in the work force/politics, so on, so forth. If he doesn't want to admit Romney was human, fine. But anyone who was paying attention knew these things already.
a lot of destructive progressive policies will be discredited for years to come
I am not convinced that this will happen.
Memories are very short.
a lot of destructive progressive policies will be discredited for years to come
I am not convinced that this will happen.
Memories are very short.
Many won't even believe the policies are discredited in the present. It's always the messenger, never the message. Once again, they didn't really try "it." Just another failed implementation.
The Progressive Geniuses of Next Tuesday will surely succeed where others have failed! It turns out we've been waiting for them, not us. :-(
"...Mitt's greatest unmet challenge was convincing us that he was indeed human."
I wonder if Paul Waldman realizes just what that says about his own lack of character.
Dear Paul Waldman -
Screw you, for whatever part you may have played in helping elect Obama and thus inflicting the Obama Administration cancer upon the nation.
According to the rules detailed in the short but excellent book "The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity", you officially qualify as a "stupid person" - the most dangerous type, being one who, according to the Third Basic Law, "causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses".
Congratulations. Your parents must be so proud.
Sad really that the media has morphed from informing us (protectors of liberty) to persuasion.
Opionion veiled as news.
We the people lose.
BTW, the music is "Goshen" by Beirut -- one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands.
When I sing songs to my daughter she says, "Dad sing me a happy song."
I'm sorry. I only know sad songs. Those are the ones I like best.
Here are the lyrics:
You're on in five, it's time you rise or fail.
They've gone before, stood by your door all day.
For what it's worth, defend your kind from shame.
The lights are down, go on inside, they've paid.
You're the face in stone, through the land I own.
You never found it home.
You're not the girl I used to know.
What would you hide from such a glow
If I had only told you so?
You're on in five, it's time you rise or fail.
They've gone before, stood by your door all day.
But you never found it home.
A fair price I'd pay to be alone.
What would you hide from such a glow
If I had only told you so?
I pretty much expected the major media outlets to support President Obama; however, it was the conservative media that really disappointed me. When I listened to conservative talk radio and read articles, it was full of Romney bashing and shortcomings with the caveat that "I will vote for him".
After the primary was over, it should have been full speed ahead to get the man elected.
Obama did not win the election, it was a lack of turnout from the Republicans that handed it back to Obama.
"New Documentary Threatens to Make You Like Mitt Romney."
So if I go see it, I'll be rich and famous? Sweet! I'll wear the weird Mormon underwear with a smile.
"You can all huff & puff, but the fact is America is getting younger & browner and ya'll just can't stand it that THEY vote Democrat"
So how is that working out for the country so far?
'Achilles' wrote, "Romney's mistake was aligning himself with the GOP establishment"
Romney's failure was due to his inability to prevent his opposition from defining who and what he was.
Had he been successful, it would have been Romney who defined (in voters' minds) who and what Obama was.
Running as a moderate Republican, Romney should have had a good shot at the Presidency. He didn't because his campaign was a dismal failure.
So, now candidate Romney has tire tracks on him, and those who drove over him feel ... guilty?
> I'd want to see [Romney] in a campaign that wasn't fixed before rushing to that judgment.
Romney's campaign IT operation was a complete disaster. They couldn't communicate, never tested, etc. It was significantly worse than healthcare.gov.
Obama's campaign had the best IT operation ever. If he'd had them do healthcare.gov, we'd have gotten to "hey, all of the policies are going away, but we can sign up for ACA" stage on November 2.
It is ironic that Romney himself ran a rather civil campaign. The takeaway is that complaints that campaigns are too negative are utter bullshit. THAT is the real lesson for the next candidate of any political party.
Many won't even believe the policies are discredited in the present. It's always the messenger, never the message. Once again, they didn't really try "it." Just another failed implementation.
It's the rethuglicans' fault for being obstructionists.
I will never stop enjoying the bitterness of the rightwing commentator shitbags over their crushing 2012 loss. It feeds me.
Look at how mad these simpletons are still. Just look at it. It's going to be scary to see what they do when they lose again to Hillary in 3 years.
Can Fabricated explain why he and the other lefty shitbags are angry and bitter even after winning?
Fabricated said...
I will never stop enjoying the bitterness of the rightwing commentator shitbags over their crushing 2012 loss. It feeds me.
Look at how mad these simpletons are still. Just look at it. It's going to be scary to see what they do when they lose again to Hillary in 3 years.
12/19/13, 12:02 PM
And what are you going to do if your fantasy doesn't come true?
A new film genre: the Mitt flick.
No, no, doesn't work that way. You don't get to make amends with a column like this years after the damage was done. The author was a whore then and a whore he remains.
I could never understand why Romney would willingly take a demotion.
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