As a global media content company, A&E Networks' core values are centered around creativity, inclusion and mutual respect. We believe it is a privilege for our brands to be invited into people's homes, and we operate with a strong sense of integrity and deep commitment to these principles.That's terribly carefully worded. I'm sure they worked very hard on that.
That is why we reacted so quickly and strongly to a recent interview with Phil Robertson. While Phil's comments made in the interview reflect his personal views based on his own beliefs and his own personal journey, he and his family have publicly stated they regret the "coarse language" he used and the misinterpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article. He also made it clear he would "never incite or encourage hate." We at A&E Networks expressed our disappointment with his statements in the article and reiterate that they are not views we hold.
But Duck Dynasty is not a show about one man's views. It resonates with a large audience because it is a show about family… a family that America has come to love. As you might have seen in many episodes, they come together to reflect and pray for unity, tolerance and forgiveness. These are three values that we at A&E Networks also feel strongly about.
So after discussions with the Robertson family, as well as consulting with numerous advocacy groups, A&E has decided to resume filming Duck Dynasty later this spring with the entire Robertson family.
We will also use this moment to launch a national public service campaign (PSA) promoting unity, tolerance and acceptance among all people, a message that supports our core values as a company and the values found in Duck Dynasty. These PSAs will air across our entire portfolio.
२७ डिसेंबर, २०१३
A&E brings Phil Robertson back into its good graces.
This was all so very predictable, but here's the statement and it's headlining at Drudge, so, after all our discussions of the topic, I feel I must treat it as news.
८१ टिप्पण्या:
Well, not as predictable as Cracker Barrel caving. Who did CB think were their customers? I mean, duh! They're not named Metrosexual Barrel?
HA! HA! (Done in a Nelson Muntz voice).
A&E really tied themselves in knots trying to come up with this statement. I would have hated to be on this committee.
Happy, happy, happy!
Biggest bunch of mealy mouthed, damned with faint praise, carefully worded, and lawyered chickenshit statements I've ever read. If it wasn't for the public outcry, A&E would have steamrollered the whole show, and the Robinson family. Very disappointing, A&E.
Gays can always boycott the show. Oh wait, do they watch the show anyway?
So, is GLAAD going to pull the trigger on its threatened advertiser boycott, or have they learned something?
It's a how many people can we not offend statement.
Core beliefs are very important for that.
Luckily they can solve for them.
If you don't like my core beliefs, I have others.
Yeah, I am sure that a GLAAD boycott of the kind of products advertised on the show would be devastating!
More likely it would increase sales. GLAAD might go after other advertisers on A&E though.
Here is an interesting article written by a gay man who was blacklisted by GLAAD, because, after being raised by gay parents, he advocates against the practice.
That hilarious statement of whatever it was will be studied in business schools for the next 100 years. What a gooey, steaming, foul smelling pile. This shows what P.R. "professionals" and lawyers have done to our once proud nation. Does anyone know if this was delivered orally on camera?
This was all so very predictable
Really? I don't think A&E caving this quickly was predictable unless the duck guy gave a mea culpa. He didnt so this seems like a pretty sever defeat for GLAAD.
I agree with the de-normalizing of anti-gay sentiments. I'm old enough to remember the thumpers using the Bible to support their anti-black opinions. Same shit different target.
No one uses the Bible to justify discrimination against blacks. No one has sympathies for bigots who would not photograph a mixed race martiage. Soon we'll look back at this in the same way we cringe when we see film of the old whites going on about Ham.
Oh wait, do they watch the show anyway?
Dunno, but J. Jackson must watch 'cause he says "These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago. At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was 'white privilege.'"
Jackson is now requesting meetings with both A&E and Cracker Barrel to discuss any future broadcasts or merchandising options regarding Duck Dynasty and their evidently bigoted patriarch.
Lets see what kind of con he is working.
A is anus but what is E?
I guess that's the best that they can do under the circs.
I don't like this whole thing, and I can't say that this ?end? to it is satisfying either.
Well, I guess every free society has to eat a big helping of its own dumb every once in a while. Humans cook up that particular recipe so very frequently!
The reason why I don't like this whole thing is that its timing was particularly corrosive, the "discussion" that develop did not actually touch the underlying meaning of the Duck Patriarch's religious beliefs (to someone from his background, saying a person is sinning is pretty much the same as saying the person is breathing), and now for some reason I feel like the ending is trying to paper over something where it would be better to have understanding.
I don't think we as a society got anything out of this except hurt feelings, and therefore I think it makes the hurt feelings particularly aggravating, and unfortunately it implies more later.
A society in which people can't talk to each other is impaired.
typical Lefties, gutless as well as dickless.
Duck man decided to cave, money speaks loudly. Now he wants to be inclusive and focus on that, hmmmm, ok, sure.
Bill: "Really? I don't think A&E caving this quickly was predictable unless the duck guy gave a mea culpa. He didnt so this seems like a pretty sever defeat for GLAAD"
I don't think this was as unpredictable as you believe for a couple of reasons.
First, the show is the biggest whale on cable. Shareholders like "value" (I think A&E ownership is still split between Comcast, Disney and Hearst) and they don't "appreciate" core-value moves on the part of management which decreases their stakes.
So it can be safely assumed this would be resolved quickly.
Which brings us to item 2: resolved in which direction?
It's clear the entire Duck clan was not about to abandon their family member and they were ready to walk if A&E doubled down on stupid.
GLAAD has zero actual leverage in this scenario. They only had the LA/NYC dinner party-invitee leverage.
Given these circumstances, the fact that this was resolved, quickly, in the direction that it was is not difficult to conceptualize.
Cracker Barrel's immediate volte-face was the canary in the mine indicator of the real situational power arrangement here.
Inga, how did you get the impression that "Duck man" caved?
On the other hand, and to paraphrase Rumsfeld, you go to war with the political/economic leverage you have, not the political/economic leverage you wish you had.
The Phil Robertson kerfuffle will be seen in retrospect as Duck Dynasty's "jumped the shark" moment.
"Duck man decided to cave, money speaks loudly. Now he wants to be inclusive and focus on that, hmmmm, ok, sure."
Wait? How did you get that from what actually happened? Put aside the fact that the Robertson's actually mean what they say, they were already millionaires long before A&E swooped in to suck off some cash from them.
lemondog: "Lets see what kind of con he is working."
It's the same con for the last 40 years.
Commit to some cash-giveaways to Jackson led groups (hey, mistresses and out of wedlock birthed babies need to eat too!) and all will be will.
Fortunately, some CEO's and groups have successfully stood up to this shakedown artist and his political supporters:
" After discussions with the Robertson family...." what do you want to bet Robertson will piss off his fans by taking back what he said and will be talking about Christian love and acceptance instead, soon. Watch and listen.
Why shouldn't Lesbians and Gays be put in the same category as pedophiles?????
Steven said...
Inga, how did you get the impression that "Duck man" caved?
He didn't.
You'll find that Inga often "hears" things that were never written/said and if that's not enough, she (like many on the left) will "helpfully" create new quotes for the targets.
Gotta have those strawmen lined up to mow down.
I can't wait to say "I told you so".
Inga said...
I can't wait to say "I told you so".
Sounds like a very useful and productive emotional/time investment there.
Good luck with that.
"The family and the network have agreed to promote tolerance".
Told you so,lol.
Inga apparently thinks that talking about "Christian love" will somehow involve PR "taking back what he said" - which means she has no idea what he actually said in the first place.
"The family regrets the coarse language...."
The larger question is how many pull ups can Phil do?
Inga: Told you so,lol.
Wrong again.
Big surprise.
Even the lefty Hollywood Reporter knows it:
snip: "For its part, A&E did little else in the wake of Robertson's comments beyond the initial suspension."
Well, A&E did put on a good show for the rubes like GLAAD and Inga.
Inga: ""The family regrets the coarse language...."
...but not the core message.
Not. The. Core. Message.
Can you point to any quote by any family member that they disagree with content of Phil's remarks?
Don't worry, the answer is no.
David53 said...
The larger question is how many pull ups can Phil do?
It doesn't matter!
Phil is still in!
Scott said..."The Phil Robertson kerfuffle will be seen in retrospect as Duck Dynasty's "jumped the shark" moment."
Perhaps in terms of Duck Dynasty on A&E. When an incident demonstrates to all involved that one party in a relationship needs the other much more than the other way around, it can be very difficult for the relationship to find a new, stable modus operandi.
As victors, the Robertsons may be tempted to overplay their hand in ways that subtly undermine whatever it was that made them uniquely entertaining to watch. Likewise, A&E staff, with bruised egos, might enjoy contemplating the ratings potential of creating conflicts within the family, and they will redouble their efforts to foment it. Even the closest families can fracture.
The best bet for all involved is probably to move the show to another network or to end it entirely as soon as contracts will reasonably allow.
"The family regrets the coarse language...."
It was a tad coarse which the family regretted, not Phil. Had he said it in a smooth Barry White voice would it have been more palatable?
Look, A&E caved, there's no other way to look at this. That said, it would be nice if they had caved because they recognized the importance of freedom of religion and speech instead of because they are just greedy hypocrites. But that's in a perfect world. Until then, small victories are still victories . . .
And by "in", I mean he meets today's qualifications to serve in the armed forces!
I can't wait to hear old Phil on a PSA on tolerance, lol. Wait, it's coming.
Maybe they will do a whole show expounding on tolerance. Maybe someone in the Robertson family came out of the closet.
"I can't wait to hear old Phil on a PSA on tolerance, lol. Wait, it's coming."
How much are you willing to bet?
"I can't wait to hear old Phil on a PSA on tolerance, lol. Wait, it's coming."
Perhaps, but not as likely as ol' Obama walking back the rest of the Obamacare deadlines and mandates. Lol, indeed.
Inga: "Maybe someone in the Robertson family came out of the closet."
Maybe no one did.
Maybe things are exactly the way they appear for all the obvious reasons.
But I can see that doesn't quite "make it" for you.
So feel free to conjure up other items that help you through this long national nightmare.
Inga and Garry Bergstrom--let me see if I can score this Phil Robertson/GLAAD/A&E kerfuffle for you two.
It looks to me like the scoreboard says "Duck Hunters 1"
"Dick Hunters O".
rhhardin said...
A is anus but what is E?
cavitus emptor!
The only remaining question is which A&E executive or executives will be opting to "spend more time with his family" in the near future.
On Sunday, Robertson delivered a sermon at his West Monroe, La., church. "I will not give or back off from my path," he told the crowd -- though he did seem to soften a bit, adding, "I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater."
He didn't soften. That's what he said when the whole fuss started. It's a 100% A&E cave-in. Too bad the A&E execs had such a lousy holiday.
Inga said...
Maybe they will do a whole show expounding on tolerance. Maybe someone in the Robertson family came out of the closet.
"Swish Family Robertson"?
Sorun: "It's a 100% A&E cave-in."
No, no no!
Many on the left (witness some of our own lefties here in althouse-ville) NEED this to be a Phil cave in.
Thus, whatever it takes to create a viable limited hang out with Phil walking back his comments is what they will "believe" and march forward with.
They'll come up with some kind of "I can see Russia from my house" quote and simply repeat it ad nauseum.
The left is good at that.
It most certainly was predictable. I'm no freakin' Nostradamus, but I guessed almost to-the-day when the network would capitulate.
Old Phil on tolerance... "I am a lover of all men... "
Oops that is supposed to be "I love all men and women, I'm a lover of humanity".
John C Dvorak and Adam Curry had an interesting theory on the No Agenda podcast
What else happened simultaneously with the DD flap? Tens (hundreds?) of thousands of debit cards got stolen at Target.
A lot of people lost money, and even those who did not sufferered the inconvenience of not having a debit card for a week or so at the height of the shopping season and/or being limited to only $100 per day.
Had this gotten the play it should have. Say 10% of the coverage DD got, it would have been an even bigger disaster for Target Stores.
Their theory is that this was all a smoke screen to 1) Protect a major advertiser (Target). Not just on A&E but on affiliated networks as well as the parent network Disney-ABC. Also, in other Hearst media outlets.
2) A secondary purpose was to gin up interest for the upcoming season. Seems like it did a pretty good job of doing that as well.
John Henry
I'm sad to see it - they went after money. Win some - lose some.
"The family and the network have agreed to promote tolerance".
Really? Wonderful, if true - but I am cynical.
The only surprise is that Nancy Dubuc still has a job (though the owners may just be waiting to give her the axe so they can deny there's a connection.)
Duck Hunters 1
Dick Hunters 0
Game Over
First it is not about money. Robertsons had money.........
Second,The Robertson Family did not cave. They very clearly drew the bright red line. 'we can not envision going forward with A&E without Phil.
Guess what? The show is going on, no suspension.
Third Phil Robertson, and the entire family have always practiced and advocated for acceptance tolerance and love of ALL persons.
IF,if the Robertson's were evil, they would have forced A&E issue a strong and unambiguous statement saying the core values of Phil Robertson and his family are shared and supported by A&E. Since they did not, the family has decided to forgive and forget, move forward and honor their word.
I know it is a long ago forgoten concept of honor, but the Robertson's have just demonstrated how it really works
"Incendiary comments?" It's pretty sad in a so-called free society when one man's opinion (of which he was asked) is seen as incendiary.
In one respect I hope they are and this incident helps to start the burning down (figuratively of course) of an industry that continually pumps out filth for minds of millions.
One thing, which is great though is that Phil can say pretty much what he wants and the network will always look stupid. They have compromised for the sake of money, which is always a good way to silence yourself.
GLADD seems a bit in a huff. Not good sports.
That's terribly carefully worded.
Reasonably clear. Mostly short, direct statements. Active verbs.
I'm sure that GLADD collected plenty for the indulgence granted by their almighty power tothe sinners at A& E.
Core Value$
Inga said...
Old Phil on tolerance... "I am a lover of all men... "
Inga goes the Micheal Dyson route.
Talk about predictable.
She has nothing left.
What I really enjoy about this issue and also with the Obamacare disaster, is that the intellectual bankruptcy of the left is on full display. The willing suspension of disbelief. Of course, most of us grown-ups have seen through the liberal bs for years but the arguments coming from the liberals now are so vacuous that even many of the low-infos are coming around. Beautiful.
... I feel I must treat it as news.
More news for you and Meade. Tomorrow the sun will come up in the east.
"promoting unity, tolerance and acceptance among all people"
All people? Like rapists and genocidal maniacs?
So when a conservative uses medically correct terminology when describing human body parts that's now considered "Coarse"?
I do find it quite amusing how people who have obviously never watched DD can't wait to spam an entire discussion with what they think Phil will do.
Even locally here in St Louis there were conservative talk show people discussing the situation, but always prefacing their comments with "well I've never actually watched the show"
I do find it quite amusing how people who have obviously never watched DD can't wait to spam an entire discussion with what they think Phil will do.
Nor even read the transcript of Phil Robertson's interview. But even had they both watched the show and read the interview I doubt you would see any difference.
I can see Inga lost the plot this evening. Duck Dynasty did not cave on iota as far as I can see. Has Phil Robertson retracted his hate-filled recitation of some Bible verse denouncing the sinners?
Inga - my dear you are slowly going demented. I suggest you turn off the internet for 30 days and recover.
Inga is a perfect example of how the left reasons.
Phil Robertson said Homosexuality is sin. So is a bunch of other things. He never said he hated Homosexuals, or adulterers, or anyone else for that matter. Instead, the left and GLAAD and others all said, "He's a hater!"
So when he explains, "Um, no, I love everyone." it's a cave. You see? Because he's a hater. And now that he has said he loves everyone, he has caved on his previous position.
Get it?
Yeah, neither do I. But that's the only way she can understand what's happening, because in her view, Christians who believe as Phil Robertson believes, are haters.
There's also the more cynical explanation.
The news media and Inga's of the world perfectly understand that Phil Robertson and Christians don't hate and aren't haters. However, if she makes it look like Phil Robertson has caved, then she believes we Christians will be disappointed in him and we'll reject him and the Robertsons. In other words, she is trying to play us.
Those are really the only two options. She is either ignorant of Christians like Phil Robertson, or she's trying to play us.
Alex, Inga is just playing a different game.
Inga, I'd suggest you look up some old clips of the Duck Guy on YouTube. I've never watched the show, but this whole episode made me curious enough to search out a few examples. He's no dunce. He's a very talented and articulate evangelist. And he's been preaching the same line about loving *everyone* for a long long time.
Leftists cannot fathom the idea that one should love the sinner but hate the sin. They are too wedded to the totalitarian principle: Everything that is not forbidden is mandatory.
lemondog wrote:
Dunno, but J. Jackson must watch 'cause he says "These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago. At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was 'white privilege.'"
Were they as bad as Jesse calling NY "Hymey Town". I think we need to go to JJ's head quarters and tell him what's what.
And he's a preacher! I would think he'd be down with the idea of sin and sinful acts.
Inga wrote:
Old Phil on tolerance... "I am a lover of all men... "
Do you believe in any sin whatsoever? Do you love the person commiting that sin? Does that mean he/she didn't commit a sin? Do you love the sin itself?
leave aside your pet bugaboo, and lets talk about murder, or how about incest.
Drago @ 1022, I thought of that Dyson nonsense at Drudge, too; Christmas Day, wasn't it? Poor Inga.
Drago @ 1022, I thought of that Dyson nonsense at Drudge, too; Christmas Day, wasn't it? Poor Inga.
Inga does not differentiate sin from sinner. She doesn't hate conservative principles she hates conservatives. She is a sad, hateful, and lying shrew.
""No one uses the Bible to justify discrimination against blacks. No one has sympathies for bigots who would not photograph a mixed race martiage. Soon we'll look back at this in the same way we cringe when we see film of the old whites going on about Ham""
Anyoe ever think what this conversation would be like if the Democrates won the Civil War???
""ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law""
What JJ leaves out is, "Democrat State, state Law"... Then the Democrats pass a "Civil Rights Bill" 100 years after "Lincoln's Greatest Humanitarian Act To Date"!!! Bob
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