And hasn't that idea, that you have to pass it before you know what's in it, isn't that really the problem, as you look back on it? That the-- there was such a rush to get this done, no Republicans voting for it, and now there are unintended effects of this that were foreseen at the time that you couldn't know the impact of it. And now this is coming home to roost.Unintended, yet foreseen. Foreseen, and yet with unknown impact. As one might say: the known unknowns.
Pelosi answered:
No. What I was saying there is we are House and the Senate. We get a bill. We go to conference or we ping-pong it, and then you see what the final product is.That is, the contents of the bill will change in the process of getting it through, but whatever it would be, it would be good:
However, I stand by what I said there. When people see what is in the bill, they will like it. And they will. And so, while there's a lot of hoop-di-doo and ado about what's happening now -- very appropriate. I'm not criticizing. I'm saying it took a great deal for us to pass this bill. I said if we go up to the gate and the gate is locked, we'll unlock the gate. If we can't do that, we'll climb the fence. If the fence is too high, we'll pole vault in. If we can't do that, we'll helicopter in, but we'll get it done.So when the people have finished with this hoop-di-doo and ado, they'll find they like what Pelosi got done.
But, again, this is never thought to be easy. And the fact is, it doesn't matter what we're saying here: What matters? What happens at the kitchen table of the American people. And how they will have more affordability, more accessibility, better quality care, prevention, wellness, a healthier nation honoring the vows of our founders of life, a healthier life. Liberty to pursue their happiness, not be chained by a policy.That last bit is a corruption of the words of the Declaration of Independence, the statement of belief that "all men are... are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Look closely at how she flipped that idea about limited government into a basis for vastly expanded government.
This calls for a 2-part reading from George Orwell's "1984":
The heirs of the French, English and American revolutions had partly believed in their own phrases about the rights of man, freedom of speech, equality before the law, and the like, and had even allowed their conduct to be influenced by them to some extent. But by the fourth decade of the twentieth century all the main currents of political thought were authoritarian....
[T]he Party did not seek power for its own ends, but only for the good of the majority. That it sought power because men in the mass were frail cowardly creatures who could not endure liberty or face the truth, and must be ruled over and systematically deceived by others who were stronger than themselves. That the choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better.
६५ टिप्पण्या:
I'd still love to see her SAT scores.
That the choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better.
As succinct and lucid a description of the political Left as I have ever seen.
The Right would argue that freedom and happiness aren't mutually excliusive, but if they were, freedom would be preferable.
And gawdammit, we will be happy or else!
So when the people are finally done with all their hoop-di-doo and ado, they'll find they like what Pelosi got done.
I'm beginning to believe there is truth in this statement. By force or by love people accept the shitty reality with which they are presented, and forget what was possible before. And that it's why civilizations die.
If we can't do that, we'll helicopter in, but we'll get it done
Against the will of the people, apparently.
Of course, Nancy and her jackals know what best for us. Not what we want, but what they want for us.
Happiness in Conjunction with Federal Regulations, That is: Please Submit your "Request for Happiness" Permit Application to the Proper Authorities.
Fast-Speaking Legal Disclaimer at End:
By Submitting your "Request for Happiness" Permit Application You Acknowledge That You are Forfeiting All Privacy Expectations to the NSA, FBI, IRS, EPA and Any Other Government Institution. Your "Request for Happiness" Permit May Be Approved in an Amended Form; if This is the Case Please Resubmit the Amended "Request for Happiness" Permit to the Authorities for Possible Approval. Permits May Be Denied Without Explanation.
This woman's character is the moral equivalent of a patch of grass in front of a chick-fil-a.
With the "liberals," it is always thus; if the velvet glove and soft word don't work, the iron hand comes out!
One thing any thinking person can guarantee—there will NOT be better quality healthcare. Unless you're a member of the privileged caste as this creature is.
The representative of wolkencuckcucksheim can say anything she wants without fear of her constituency. They all share the rarified atmosphere of smug self righteousness.
"a member of the privileged caste as this creature is."
Nancy Pelosi is among the richest members of Congress, with an estimated net worth of approximately $58 million, the 12th highest estimated net worth in Congress, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Stop complaining you ungrateful peasants
Pelosi really is remarkable. She apparently has lost all sense of balance. You wonder if she is even listening to herself anymore.
What she said here is that she knows that she and her faction is a minority in the nation, but they are going to foist their ideas on the majority anyway; by hook or by crook, and if necessary, by force!
I'm hearing about what's happening at kitchen tables on local email lists. Increased affordability and accessibility do not appear to be common, or even existent, themes.
If we can't do that, we'll climb the fence. If the fence is too high, we'll pole vault in. If we can't do that, we'll helicopter in, but we'll get it done.
Translation; whatever lies that were told on behalf of passing ACA were justified. And if the dishonesty and deception weren't bad enough, the real irony is that she and obama were/are indifferent to the law's outcome on the people is was supposed to benefit.
It seemed clear at the time, when she made the "We'll have to pass it..." statement, that she thought there was a lot of misinformation going on, and that the only way to really find out was to watch the execution of the law, because the reality would trump propaganda. And she was right!
That sounds like an Instapundit line.
Hey, heres an idea, maybe they could tunnel in, and then after they're in, we could let in a lot of other people too.
But seriously, She and Obama do have one important thing in common, neither has ever made a mistake....
Orwell was a man of the Left -- the non-authoritarian Left, but the Left nonetheless. There's a lot of foolishness in his writing, as well as great brilliance. If he had lived into the Reagan/Thatcher era, or into the post-Soviet Union era, I wonder how that would have changed what he thought of socialism and free enterprise.
I wonder if it's possible to get back to status quo ante. If it's not, the Dems have won. However, they patch this up, it will look more like Obamacare than the previous system.
"AJ Lynch said...
I'd still love to see her SAT scores."
Shame ! Don't you know that SAT scores, even the new dumbed down ones, are racist ! Or something.
"Explains". Liars lie, and she's a liar.
"[T]he Party did not seek power for its own ends, but only for the good of the majority. That it sought power because men in the mass were frail cowardly creatures who could not endure liberty or face the truth, and must be ruled over and systematically deceived by others who were stronger than themselves. That the choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better." Orwell or the DNC platform?
Orwell wrote '1984' while dying on his bed of tuberculosis. At the time, new miracle drugs were just becoming available. Too late for him, though. He told an interviewer that Winston Smith's tortures reflected his own agonies.
Thank you Althouse for watching this so I don't have to. Seriously. I'm not sure my television would survive my angry reaction to that woman's face and voice.
Her San Francisco constituents should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to elect this creature, but of course, shame is something in short supply in lovely Baghdad-by-the-Bay.
I watched that video. It sounds even crazier when you read it. She is truly unhinged.
"Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd.
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard."
(W. H. Auden)
So Pelosi's organizing metaphor for the work of government is breaking and entering? Explains a thing or two.
To understand Nineteen eighty-four (or Animal Farm), you have to read Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. It was while in Spain, fighting for the anarcho-syndicalist POUM that Orwell learned what Stalinism meant. Stalin fought two battles there, one against the fascists and one against other socialists, and Stalin was concerned only with a groups loyalty and obedience to the Soviet communist party that he controlled.
As someone else pointed out, Pelosi's pretty in line with much of her constituency, so she knows what plays well at home.
She's basically admitting that she helped to pass a wish-list, by hook or by crook, and that her ideas are the right ideas for everyone, and her leadership made this thing happen.
Like Obama, I think she probably has too much invested in this, and has too much ego to admit any failure.
Political animal that she is, she's still staying on message and blaming everyone else she can for any failures.
And from her website, I see she's going to be inducted into the Women's Hall of Fame, so there's that.
Onward we go.
wow.. she is a better liar and weaver of fantasies than the WON.
About her SAT scores, she does not have any good education/degrees -- she was a housewife until she was 40-50 years old and got into politics because of her daddy -- he was some big shot in Baltimore.
Why didn't San Fran Nan abort her smart daughter?
She had the right, why didn't she exercise?
Does she value smarts?
Just think how much power Nan could have achieved were not America a sexist fuckhole.
If only America were decent, then San Fran Nan would have more power.
Live Happy or Die.
Huh. never knew.
I think this episode is totally showing up socialism - what it is like in these days. We aren't in 1910 any more and you can't just expand government into empty frontier areas lacking any social services, so to speak. There's a lot there already and it must be dealt with. But the Dems tried to ignore what already existed and they're still trying to pretend they are giving to those who have nothing. As if they were culture bearers and we were, in their minds, ignorant Irish peasants or something. Whereas there was a lot of good insurance around and they have messed with it - and there's more to come because they are going to ration treatment. In the old days you weren't covered but you were treated; under Obamacare you will be covered but you won't be treated. You won't have the ration points. So you won't go bankrupt but you won't notice the savings because you will be dead.
AJ Lynch said...
I'd still love to see her SAT scores.
They are probably fine.
Lack of intelligence is not the root of authoritarian urges.
I.e., "The beatings will continue until happiness improves."
Hear yee Hear yee Hear yee..
The beatings will continue until moral improves!
Let's be honest to ourselves folks, Pelosi, Reid, and Obama knew EXACTLY what was in it. They knew and did ever LIE in the book to get it passed. And she was telling the truth, for most of the legislators,they didn't know what all was in it but were snookered into passing it.
Does that let them off the hook?
They closed their eyes and voted even with the warning, and I do mean Pleosi warned them when she gave that 'we must vote on it to find out what is in it' spiel.
Midterms are coming. Let them eat cake.
What Pelosi really meant:
"We'll have to lie to cram this down your stupid, f'n throats, then lie again and again when you see what's in it... Cuz after that it's too late."
What Obama really meant:
"If you like your America, you can't keep your America..."
Wow. Someone that impervious to actual results would be considered a religious zealot in other settings.
I've been poking around this site (came up when I Googled "Obamacare Disruptive Innovation):
Pretty good site, has not been infected by too may loony commenters, but I kind of liked this exchange(my bolds)
Patrick says:
November 11, 2013 at 2:30 pm
As a 20 something entrepreneur without healthcare, I’m psyched for Obamacare. It means I will have cheaper access to healthcare then I had before and doesn’t make starting a business SUCH a huge risk. Now I don’t have healthcare because I can’t afford it, but the lowered prices helped by subsidies make it feasible. Also, I’m very healthy so I’m happy to subsidize those who aren’t.
MD as HELL says:
November 11, 2013 at 3:46 pm
You are sadly misinformed
Carol says:
November 13, 2013 at 8:36 pm
If you are subsidized,then you are not subsidizing.
People who had coverage will find themselves paying more for poorer coverage. And as wildswan correctly notes, rationing is on its way.
All because the Democrat caucus in the House of Representatives chose Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Pity I don't believe in Hell; I could have consoled myself that I'd meet them all there some day.
Frankly, her ability with doubletalk is sclerotic, at best.
Perhaps it's the tightness of her facial skin.
Ok this woman is certifiably insane.
Re: "Perhaps it's the tightness of her facial skin."
Ed Gein Tried But Could Only Make a Bandanna, Not a Mask.
You really have to watch the videoof Pelosi to see how pathetic she is.
Six-minutes-and-30-seconds of an elderly woman (trying to look like she's 40) spewing gibberish like a Stepford Wife fritzing out. You almost get the sense, especially at the end, that she's high.
And she's supposed to be one of the very best leaders America has to offer?
It could be worse. In his book about 1927, Bill Bryson says that guests once caught President Harding urinating in a White House fireplace. Then again, at least he had the decency not to piss on the American people.
Think about this - this imbecile Pelosi drew up the failed stimulus and she was a big part of the brains behind Obamacare.
The Repubs should be able to edit this interview and make about 5-6 damning TV ads like "Vote Republican to keep idiots like her out of power".
Urinating in a fireplace heh. In my town a few years ago the fire dept had to put out a house fire started when the elderly owner decided to light a fire in his stereo system [must have been near his fireplace].
Sadly, those who think the general populous is composed of idiots continually receive positive reinforcement through winning elections. There is one small glimmer of hope. Cuccinelli won the under 35 vote in Virginia. The "lost generation" is finally waking up. 20% of 25-34 year olds live with their parents and have no real income. Because of the economic disaster still ongoing, the same parents are ill prepared to retire and keep the young people out of the workforce. Now the health care implosion is starting. We are insuring people who cannot pay, so everyone else will. They will eventually get angry and rebel, hopefully before it is too late.
Sadly, those who think the general populous is composed of idiots continually receive positive reinforcement through winning elections. There is one small glimmer of hope. Cuccinelli won the under 35 vote in Virginia. The "lost generation" is finally waking up. 20% of 25-34 year olds live with their parents and have no real income. Because of the economic disaster still ongoing, the same parents are ill prepared to retire and keep the young people out of the workforce. Now the health care implosion is starting. We are insuring people who cannot pay, so everyone else will. They will eventually get angry and rebel, hopefully before it is too late.
Nancy's brother raped an 11 year old.
She was an egg that was broke.
This is a link
so to paraphrase:
The beatings will continue intill happiness improves.
I finally tried watching the video of this. I got through about two minutes. Pelosi is incoherent. Among other things she keeps saying that plans "before 2000" aren't affected. She also asserted that if you got a plan after 2010, it wouldn't be cancelled.
In another interview, Senator Gillibrand claimed that Obamacare plans are better because if a women gets pregnant, she won't suddenly lose her insurance. Obamacare plans also cover birth control. First, I've yet to have insurance that didn't and second, my oldest daughter gets her birth control for free from planned parenthood while that of the youngest cost $9 a month cash, free with my current insurance.
Have these people ever had actual health insurance? I've had great health insurance, good health insurance and poor health insurance and ALL were better than what I'd qualify for under ObamaCare. Every. Single. One.
I'll see your hoop-de-do and ado, and raise you a Hey nonny nonny. Dems were deceivers ever.
Pardon moi, but my recollection is that the maneuvers that were use by the Democratic majority in the Senate and the House to get this beast passed did not include a conference process. Does Pelosi not remember that?
Hoop-di-doo and ado. Deep doo-doo. Whatever.
I always wanted the exact same health care with worse deductibles and higher premiums. How ever did she know!
Liberty to pursue their happiness, not be chained by a policy.
That would have been a worthy goal.
The Tenets of the Declaration of Independence are No Longer Applicable to Our Country. Better Luck Next Time.
The Repubs should be able to edit this interview and make about 5-6 damning TV ads like "Vote Republican to keep idiots like her out of power".
They don't know how to do that because they're the stupid party.
Hoop di doo doo more like it.
This whole hub a lub two men in a tub, has been nothing but Shama lama, shama lama ding dong.
The difference between Obamacare and SS or Medicare is that Obamacare targets specific groups individuals to fund it to benefit other specific groups of individuals.
The other two were funded by broad taxes aimed at the population as a whole.
tim in vermont:
Social Security and Medicare are funded by taxes on labor. Obamacare is funded by a tax on life. It is a penalty imposed on survivors of abortion, etc. This is remarkably consistent with their perception of human life as a negotiable property.
That old broad is one botox injection away from her own horror show.
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