"Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey won re-election by a crushing margin on Tuesday, a victory that vaulted him to the front rank of Republican presidential contenders and made him his party’s foremost proponent of pragmatism over ideology," says the NYT.
"Bill de Blasio poised to usher in new era of liberal governance in New York,"
says the Washington Post.
Meanwhile, in Virginia....
UPDATE: "Democrat Terry McAuliffe wins Va. governor's race, Fox News projects."
UPDATE 2: Looks like New Yorkers are happy with judges forced to retire at age 70.
११४ टिप्पण्या:
Condolences, NYC.
There was never a chance of Christie losing. One of my best friends is a die-hard Democrat. Whenever the topic of the gubernatorial came up, it immediately descended into both of us just mocking the name of the challenger. Beating a woman who gets that response from a guy who thinks Joe Biden is simply amazing proves nothing.
In Virginia, too close to call. As expected, Sarvis -- bought and sold by the Democrats -- appears to be playing the spoiler.
What's happening in Virginia
The largest precincts are the last to report, and are heavily Democratic.
Plus Democratic precincts tend to report later because poll workers put perfectly valid votes in the trunks of their cars as part of the routine counting process.
Such a low turn out in NYC.
There are roughly 100 precincts open in the three DC suburban counties (~25%?). A much higher propoertion of the rural counties have reported.
How did that "e" get in there?
Vote for a libertarian, elect a Democrat
Yep, Mac squeaks by. He was a Hillary guy (and not an out and out Obot). So that is a consolation.
So how much did Christie win by?
NYT, AP and ABC all say that it was a lot but none say how much.
Not even an estimate.
What's up with that?
I did find an article from a NJ paper that said 60-38 based on exit polling but it took some looking.
John Henry
Women's issues and extremism lost it for Republicans in VA. Moderation wins it big for RINO Christie in PA.
Obamacare came very close to screwing McAuliffe. Others should be very afraid. Their meal ticket is on the line.
McAuliffe is the new Jon Corzine.
Democrats Smeared Cuccinelli with “vicious robocalls” suggesting that he supports ObamaCare.
Cuccinelli got some last minute momentum because of Obamacare but not enough.
A close race in VA considering
McAwful was drenched in dirty outside money.
Inga: "Women's issues and extremism lost it for Republicans in VA."
Approximately 53% of the voters vote against the delightfully lefty dem and that proves the other side was "extremist"?
Fascinating analysis.
Is 46% or 53% of Virginia voters "extremist"?
Anti Tea Party sentiment stronger than anti Obamacare sentiment. So if Obamacare gains acceptance closer to 2014 and the Republicans continue to be driven by the Tea Party, watch out.
Next up: the lefties will posting their outrage at how much more money mac spent over his republican rival in his bid to "buy" the election (an omnipresent lefty complaint when they lose elections).......
This won't end well. Where have we heard this before?
De Blasio’s administration will be a laboratory of sorts for modern progressivism — testing whether an anti-establishment activist can effectively manage a sprawling... government and lessen growing inequality between rich and poor.
I mean, had the press felt the latitude to accurately characterize Obama when he was elected.
The elephant (2016 like it or not) is in the room and on the stage.
a victory that vaulted him to the front rank of Republican presidential contenders and made him his party’s foremost proponent of pragmatism over ideology,
Yeah, you heard it! And you better lissen, because no one, no one has better insight into the heart & soul of the Republican beast than the NYT, ya fuckin' putz!
Again, what are the negatives on the Tea Party platform that loom large in 2014 and 2016?
"Where have we heard this before?"
California. Look on our economy, New York, and despair!
Watching Christie and his children on the stage.. his wife's WH mission won't be obesity epidemic in America.
"Anti Tea Party sentiment stronger than anti Obamacare sentiment"
Hate speech works.
Cuccinelli has 7 children?!
His children look sad and uncomfortable.
Raw hatred and bile from Inga, mixed with a substantial dose of ignorance (as if she understands anything at all about Virginia and Virginians). Anything new here?
@Big Mike, why bother?
Raw hatred and bile, Big Mike? LOL, I've been very subdued, I could say FAR more.
I don't think you shut up when it comes to Wisconsin, do you Big Mike? Goose/ Gander.
11/5/13, 9:04 PM
Blogger Inga said...
" Anti Tea Party sentiment stronger than anti Obamacare sentiment. So if Obamacare gains acceptance closer to 2014 and the Republicans continue to be driven by the Tea Party, watch out."
Care to make a small bet ?
Obamacare is the worst disaster for Democrats since the Civil War.
FYI, McAulifee has 4 children and they see chunky too. WTH.
Don't forget Marty Walsh is Boston's new mayor!
He's the "long-time labor leader" who supports charter schools and later hours for bars and restaurants.
I think it was the Dropkick Murphys who put him over the top.
I love local races.
Congratulations to Christie. In Virginia, hello? You can't alienate women and win elections. Politics is not rocket science.
McAulifee's wife is good looking. I like her hair color -- wonder what it is.
Oh, it is 5 children for McA.. I didn't see the little guy.
Is it too early yet for Cuccinelli to call up Sarvis to offer his congratulations?
In Virginia, hello? You can't alienate women and win elections.
No, that's not the lesson here. In spite of having a libertarian spoiler in the race & being outspent by the Dems about 4 to 1, Cuccinelli essentially tied McAuliffe. So now McAuliffe, non-entity that he is, goes into the governorship with no mandate & a hostile legislature. This is both a pyrrhic victory for the Dems & proof to the Repubs that their brand even after the shutdown is not poison. Obamacare will no doubt push more votes their way.
The real reason McAuliffe won is because the heavily Democratic, white, wealthy, professional counties of Fairfax, Arlington, and Alexandria turned out heavily for him. Why? Because they were pissed off as could be at the Republicans over the Federal shutdown. No one thinks they have a divine right to their job like a federal employee.
"I think it was the Dropkick Murphys who put him over the top.
The season's upon us
Inga, I know Christie is a big MF-er, but there's no way he won PA in addition to NJ.
New Jersey just killed their economy and Christie can't save it.
Bring on the employer mandate and the backdoor middle-class tax increase, by all means.
OMG. Did I say PA? LOL, and I didn't even have my election night chocolate martini!
Because the blue staters who voted for the train wreck will be hit hardest.
Via Drudge:
New Jersey voters have approved a raising the state's minimum wage Jan. 1 and then every year.
The Democrat-led state Legislature put the constitutional amendment on the ballot after failing to strike a deal with Republican Gov. Chris Christie on the changes.
The wage is to go up by $1, to $8.25 hourly on Jan. 1. It also calls for automatic increases every Sept. 1 based on cost-of-living changes.
Business owners say they'll be forced to lay off workers, cut employee hours or raise prices to compensate for having to pay a higher minimum wage. They also say they'll be hamstrung by the constitutional amendment if there is another economic recession.
The state's AFL-CIO union and Working Families United for New Jersey had backed the measure.
...McAuliffe was named the winner of the race Tuesday night. However, Cuccinelli and the third-party “libertarian” candidate Robert Sarvis combined for more than 50 percent of the vote. With 97 percent of the precincts reporting, McAuliffe was leading Cuccinelli 47.3 percent to 46 percent. Sarvis received 6.6 percent of the vote.
TheBlaze reported on Tuesday that a former Obama campaign bundler curiously helped fund Sarvis’ campaign in the race. Read our exclusive report for more information.
Greetings from the outer reaches of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
When I stopped at the polls tonight on my way home, I visualized myself to be Charlie Brown running toward the football yet again. I expected to land on my back tonight so at least I was prepared mentally for the outcome.
If you like the democrats hanging out in the governor's office, you can keep them.
Christie's record as governor is more conservative than Reagan's as governor of California.
The real reason McAuliffe won is because the heavily Democratic, white, wealthy, professional counties of Fairfax, Arlington, and Alexandria turned out heavily for him. Why?
Because wealthy, educated professionals don't like anti-gay bigots who want to bring back anti-sodomy laws, even if said bigots promise to cut taxes. Maybe when Republicans figure that out, they can reclaim their traditional voter preference from such people.
Also a great night for Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who won re-election tonight, with a nontrivial amount of GOP support, even though she is a Democrat and a lesbian. Some people have figured it out.
And Inga, be nice to Big Mike. He is very sensitive and easily frightened.
Because wealthy, educated professionals don't like anti-gay bigots who want to bring back anti-sodomy laws, even if said bigots promise to cut taxes. Maybe when Republicans figure that out, they can reclaim their traditional voter preference from such people.
Because to somefeller, the issue of gayness trumps everything, including a weakening economy. This is why I brand him sullivanist of the first water -- he shares the priorities.
Oh look, little Chickie is making his lists and brands! Everyone needs a hobby, I suppose.
And the economy isn't weakening, though it would be doing better were it not for conservative saboteurs. Maybe you can make a list of them?
I think it was a poor trade for the donks. The Virginia Assembly is Republican, and McAuliffe is a n00b who doesn't know anything other than how to channel graft from donors to Democratic politicians. I can't see him changing Virginia much.
The other main party purpose of a governorship is as a springboard to the Presidency. I think we've all had enough of useless skill-less windbag Senators running for the office. There's going to be a taste for men or women with genuine executive experience.
But McAuliffe isn't credible at all that way. His victory was razor thin, was clearly bought, and even by his supporters (cf. Inga) is attributed more to his opponents unlikability than to any quality of his own. He doesn't, to put it mildly, excite anybody. Even Democrats only catch wood over his victory because it meant Cuccinelli lost.
Christie is an entirely different story. His story is deeply compelling: a loud-mouthed soi-disant conservative who can steamroll a Democrat in New Jersey, of all places. By mid-2015 he'll be halfway through his second term, having racked up 6 solid years of executive experience, certainly kept himself on the national stage, have taken advantage of all kinds of Superstorm Sandy opportunities to show he can work across the aisle while remaining true to his principles (whatever they are, ha ha). He remains, of course, a talented rabblerouser and won't hesitate to rouse the rabble every chance he gets, and he will certainly be a bit of a Republican kingmaker over the next few years, what with his bipartisan chops and ready access to New York money. He'll be owed plenty of favors by 2015.
In short, whether you like him or not -- and I can't say I'm thrilled -- Christie has just made himself a very powerful Republican candidate for President. Even with the powerful magic of the uterus, a Hillary Clinton whose last job was Secretary of State back in the (by then) thoroughly hated Obama Dark Ages, and who has been muddling around with the "family foundation" for three years is going to have a hard time competing with the fat man.
If I were a Democrat, and smart -- yes I know, but just imagine for a moment -- I would have thrown everything into cutting Christie down to size, and to hell with McAuliffe. Even if Cuccinelli won he wouldn't have been able to go Tea Party crazy in VA -- his margin would've been slim. There's no way he could've vaulted to national prominence from there.
So focussed have they been on a victory for their silver-haired court eunuch, the donks have let the stallion get behind them. And there they are with their clown pants around their ankles. It will not be a G rated outcome.
I hope our next President is a black, lesbian transexual.
Somefehler scolds: And the economy isn't weakening, though it would be doing better were it not for conservative saboteurs.
"Saboteur" is defined as someone who destroys the wealth or property of an opponent. I'd say that fits your hero, Barack Obama to a tea.
Carl wrote: His victory was razor thin, was clearly bought, and even by his supporters (cf. Inga) is attributed more to his opponents unlikability than to any quality of his own.
What? According to Inga and Somefehler, McAuliffe has a clear mandate.
Surprisingly small margin for McAuliffe in Virginia given where the polls were. Obama's incompetence breaking through to the news must have had an effect.
I'm glad to see you back and participating once again in the comments section, Inga.
Did you ever post for us your previous health insurance plan and your current health insurance plan, in which you are saving $100.00 a month in premiums?
[[[Something drove centrists — and, no doubt, a fair number of typically Republican voters — away from Cuccinelli.]]]
[[[Maybe it was . . . Cuccinelli.]]]
[[[Just Google him. The top autofill results for “cuccinelli” are:]]]
[[[cuccinelli poll]]]
[[[cuccinelli sodomy]]]
[[[cuccinelli divorce]]]
[[[cuccinelli abortion]]]
[[[cuccinelli birth control]]]
[[[This is the man who tried to make divorce harder in Virginia, the man who used the state attorney general’s office to hound a climate-change scientist, and the man who favored a “personhood” measure that would have opened the way to restrict popular forms of contraception. This is the politician who declared, “Homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law-based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that.”]]]
I'm not seeing a lot of talk about this, but I think McDonnell's scandals were important in depressing the Republican base in the summer, which was certainly a factor in the money balance of the race.
Cuccinelli had some small connection (about what McAuliffe would call a slow Tuesday afternoon), but that hit enthusiasm for the race pretty hard, and he never recovered, and the race was pretty completely defined by McAuliffe.
And the economy isn't weakening, though it would be doing better were it not for conservative saboteurs.
Comedy gold.
Let's tax people more!
"And the economy isn't weakening, though it would be doing better were it not for conservative saboteurs."
If you live in No. VA, where the economuy is comprised of tyranical, petty, fedeeral bureaucrats and lying thieving politicians and their lobbyist pedarests, the economy is booming. It's just in the rest of the land, where the Dems hold the reins, that the economy sucks. I can't wait to see NYC sink into the morass. Keep voting your sucking parts there, somefeller.
"conservative saboteurs"
Anytime GOP'ers mention female body parts, same-sex marriage, abortion, or other religious-right social issues in elections gaining national attention, they lose. For some reason, the GOP keeps forgetting this lesson. These issues are being seen more and more as Civil Rights issues. We all know how LBJ destroyed the GOP in Civil Rights and captured a large portion of the electorate. Well, it's happening again and the GOP is too stupid to recognize that. People won't vote for politicians who don't believe what they believe - regardless of fiscal their stance on fiscal sanity. If social issues, such as same-sex marriage, are being viewed as Civil Rights issues, then opponants are being viewed as Bigots. Fiscal Conservative plus Social Libertarian (within reason) equals Winning Formula! To put it more starkly -- Fiscal Conservative plus Social Conservative equals More Obamacare. Further, the Tea Party may have started as a Fiscal Conservative / Socially Neutral movement. But it's allowed itself to get labeled as a Socially Conservative movement. Which, effectively, labels it as Bigotted.
The GOP also needs to consider what happens to the Religious Right voting block as a mass exodus of millions of Catholics follow this Socially Libertarian (and breath of fresh air) Pope out of the voting block. Better have a plan for that, boys.
Look, none of the above actually needs to be true to still effect elections. It just has to be the perception and these things clearly are the perception. GOP better get it's head right for 2014/2016.
To be fair it's a great economy for the 47% of the population on the dole.
Chronic 12%plus unemployment and sub 2% growth is not a healthy economy for the rest of us who, you know, actually contribute.
To be honest, I expected Cuccinelli to lose. You can't run someone who has said anything mildly problematic/too far right on social issues in purple or blue states and expect a win.
Most people I talked to were all about how he hated gays, wanted to ban blow jobs, and would force women to have rape babies.
It doesn't matter if any of that was true or not -- he said one stupid thing (the bill regarding when life starts), and that should have made him ineligible in any rational person's mind to win a state-wide election in a purple/blue state. People didn't think that he would be demonized and have that parlayed to low-information voters or to convince people who vote hot-button social issues to come and vote against him. They were wrong, now we have Gov. McAuliffe.
Also, it doesn't matter if he said time and again that he wasn't going to press social issues. The electorate doesn't care. A Democrat can get away with promising not to grab your guns, that if you like your plan you can keep it, and that they did not give guns to Mexican drug cartels to murder American and Mexican civilians -- Republicans? You don't get to be stupid/unethical/negligently enable murder.
the rest of us who, you know, actually contribute.
Rusty's fantasies of efficacy are always amusing to read. Why, his lunchbox is a nerve center of wealth-generation and power, I tells ya! A maker and macher he is.
Next time Obama bemoans the way Washington works, remember he campaigned for MacAuliffe who is nothing but a Washington political profiteer.
Money corrupts politics. Except Terry's. Those dollar bills are just the pure, crisp dollar bills of justice.
Next time Obama bemoans the way Washington works, remember he campaigned for MacAuliffe who is nothing but a Washington political profiteer.
Oh, please. The Democratic Party is so past shame in how money grubbing they are, all the while publicly castigating the businesses as they shake them down.
For most of my life the Lefties bitched & moaned about how they wanted "public funding" for elections in order to get "corrupt corporate money" out of elections. Well, in 2008 they had a Republican candidate who would have gone along, but Obama decided to forgo public funding and raised $750M, more than any previous candidate (all of it, of course, from widows, orphans & the downtrodden seeing hope for the first time). Obama killed public funding for any future presidential election. Do you think the Lefties ever mention that?
Leave it to the blind faithful corruptocrats to obsess over sodomy laws. LOL.
Ah, good point Young Hegelian. I love how these things never get thrown back in their faces. Because abortion.
Karl Rove strikes again?
Smart Democrats would notice that by nominating a sleazy crook they came close to losing in VA despite a massive money advantage and the GOP nominating a Tea Party Christianist far out of step with the state's swing voters.
Smart Republicans would notice that by nominating a Tea Party Christianist who couldn't find the mainstream with a map they lost a once-red state to a guy no one would buy a used car from.
Will there be Smart Democrats or Smart Republicans in 2016?
"They lost a once-red state to a guy no one would buy a used car from."
-- VA went blue in the last two presidential elections; it has only had maybe 10 Republican governors in its history. Calling it a "red" state is a bit awkward.
[It is solidly purple, as the 60 some Republicans in the VA legislature prove.]
Women's issues, Inga? Christie is pro life.
The other reason (& I think primary reason) Virginia has turned purple is the growing population of the DC suburban counties. These counties are very urban, northeastern in their feel & politics, and they now have the population to drag the rest of the state along with them.
It's not so noticeable in MD, as MD is deep blue anyway, but SSM won last year in MD because Montgomery county's large population went so solidly for SSM. Without Montgomery county, SSM would have probably lost in MD.
Smart Republicans would notice that by nominating a Tea Party Christianist who couldn't find the mainstream with a map they lost a once-red state to a guy no one would buy a used car from.
A "Christianist" who nearly won despite being outspent by a massive margin, mind you.
But Democrats cannot buy elections. Only Republicans.
And NYC --- enjoy the decline. I know I will enjoy watching you fall apart. A lot of the citizens seem to not remember how shitty it was there pre-Giuliani.
I'm embracing Schlichter more and more. Start mocking people for bad choices.
Matthew/YH--I agree, it is far more a purple state now and trending blue. But prior to 2008, the GOP could count on winning it in Presidential contests going back to the 1960s (prior to which the Democrats had a strong hold on the South anyway). It wasn't thought of as a "liberal" state before. Now, with the growth of Northern VA (and influx of socially moderate, and even fiscally moderate suburban white collar workers) and the growing non-white population (a six percentage point increase just since 2009 I think) the GOP needs to adjust to that. Firing up the GOP base just won't win it anymore.
And VA isn't the only state going through this--North Carolina and FL are getting more purple, and eventually TX and GA will too.
It seems a long time ago that Reagan and Nixon could win the Great Lakes states and the Northeast!
I guess that's because it was a long time ago....hard to imagine Clinton was first elected over 20 years ago...
Damikesc--I can't say I'd enjoy seeing more people in NYC murdered or robbed or driven out of jobs or housing options just because a majority elected the wrong guy. Democracies may get the leadership they deserve, but I can't find any joy in that.
As for Cuccinelli being outspent, this is true--though after a certain dollar amount the money a campaign has brings diminishing returns. There's only so many votes an extra ad will generate when you already saturated the airwaves, and only so much GOTV you can do with extra money.
McAuliffe didn't win so much as Cuccinelli lost. I can't imagine that anyone outside the Clinton cabal would vote for the guy except to prevent a TP guy from being their governor. This isn't the first winnable race that the TP lost for the GOP.
So if Christie is a RINO and wins, and Cuccinelli is not a RINO and loses, what does that say about the Republican Party?
Purity uber alles doesn't get you very far.
So if Christie is a RINO and wins, and Cuccinelli is not a RINO and loses, what does that say about the Republican Party?
That we'll win again with Romney in 2016?
NJ voters only vote for democrats.
Period. That's why Christie won. They know the (R) is a *wink*.
In VA - The democrats spent 15 million. The Republican spent 3 million. The race was razor close. Without the libertarian candidate - Cuccinelli would have won.
The anti-tea party sentiment is manufactured scare mongering from the leftwing media. Just like the faux war on women and sodomy laws.
"Obama killed public funding for any future presidential election. Do you think the Lefties ever mention that?"
"Lefties" don't support Obama; a majority of Democrats do, but they're not lefties.
That's right April, keep on telling yourself that.:)
Women's issues in VA Maybee, isn't that obvious?
They were wrong, now we have Gov. McAuliffe.
Enjoy the decline.
The false accusations of what VA would have turned into under Cuccinelli are exactly like the false accusations people like Inga and Somefehler constantly make here -- false.
Fortunately, I keep long lists of somefehler's utterances . :)
somefeller said...
the rest of us who, you know, actually contribute.
Rusty's fantasies of efficacy are always amusing to read. Why, his lunchbox is a nerve center of wealth-generation and power, I tells ya! A maker and macher he is.
Yes it is. Thank you very much.
I know one thing. If I don't do my job Polaris will have a tough time putting it's snowmobiles together and Ford trucks will have a difficult time steering. Among other things.
So yeah I'm a maker and a mench.
You're welcome.
> Obamacare is the worst disaster for Democrats since the Civil War.
The civil war wasn't a disaster for the Democrats - it actually was a boon.
Segregation from southern Dems was a good match for the Progressive's eugenics and drives Dem politics to this day.
Inga, enjoy the decline of our economy and our freedom and innovation, just so you can have free birth control pills and be able to abort your baby. It's not that your vote can be bought with special interest appeals, its that it can be bought so cheaply. Welcome to Venezuela!!!!!
Inga's position on the core dispute in 'women's issues', abortion, has been clearly stated on this blog. While she personally believes that abortion during the natal term that is allowed is murder it is the law of the land and so she supports it.
She is a good german who would have thrived back in the 30's. Not in the US. That sort of thing was frowned on back then. But in a different country, one where she brags about having so many relatives still, well, thrived.
The Virginia House of Delegates races were interesting, there will be recounts.
The Republicans if they squeak by might almost have a supermajority.
Womens issues, Inga?
Detroit elected a white person as mayor? wow
B, that is a creepy statement, but since you are a creep it's no surprise coming from you. And my relatives that are in Germany now, came there as refugees after the 2nd WW, when they were ethnically cleansed out of Eastern Europe where they had lived since 1720. Before 1720 my ancestors did live in Germany. Who knows, perhaps yours or other commenter's ancestors hailed from Germany also.
Do not speak for me. You misstate my view on abortion to inflame commenters. You are a person with seriously flawed morals and ethics.
Rusty said...
And the economy isn't weakening, though it would be doing better were it not for conservative saboteurs.
OK. Enough about me.
"the economy isn't weakening."
An assertion without evidence. Lets see some evidence.
"Though it would be doing better were it no for conservative saboteurs."
Another bold assertion without documentation. Care to tell us why you think this is true.
'You misstate my view on abortion to inflame commenters. '
Won't wash. That was your position and clearly stated. I was not the only one appalled by and who will remember it so be careful what you deny.
And please do not call my morals or ethics into question. You of all people.
Don't like the implications of how good little germans assuage their consciences when murder in on the table? Here's another example of what you have to own when you have 'seriously flawed morals and ethics'. You brag about having raised your children as good liberals which would imply that they are in agreement with your views on abortions of convenience - 'women's issues'. Yet you also brag about your perfect grandchildren.
So own this. It doesn't seem to occur to you that your good liberal children, raised so correctly by you, might have left a few more perfect granchildren on the cutting room floor you don't know about. Why would you assume that they would tell you about exercising their rights as woman?
If so, well, that cutting room floor would be just an inconvenient side effect, collateral damage so to speak, of the seriously flawed morals and ethics inherent in the women's issue of abortion. The one you think should trump unflawed or at least uncompromising morals and ethics at the ballot box.
Positions, like 'seriously flawed morals and ethics', have consequences.
Women's issues in VA Maybee, isn't that obvious?
11/6/13, 9:27 AM
No, because you said moderation won it for Christie.
Or are Dems going to make "pro life" a moderate position now?
Maybee, I stated that it was women's issues regarding VA. I'm not sure why you are conflating my statement to include women's issues for Christie.
"Women's issues and extremism lost it for Republicans in VA. Moderation wins it big for RINO Christie in PA."
11/5/13, 8:51 PM
Because you said "moderation" won for Christie. In the sentence right after you discussed women's issues.
If you are saying you didn't mean to relate them, and that Christie is moderate in some other way, great. I'll make a note of that when we are discussing the elections in 2016.
Bill de Blasio poised to usher in new era of liberal governance in New York,"
Detroit here we come. l live in NYC, by the way, and I'm seriously considering moving.
"...McAuliffe was named the winner of the race Tuesday night. However, Cuccinelli and the third-party “libertarian” candidate Robert Sarvis combined for more than 50 percent of the vote. With 97 percent of the precincts reporting, McAuliffe was leading Cuccinelli 47.3 percent to 46 percent. Sarvis received 6.6 percent of the vote."
The f'ing Libertarians do it again.
Inga wrote:
You misstate my view on abortion to inflame commenters.
How was that a mistatement of your abortion position? It sounds exactly like your position.
Maybee wrote:
Women's issues, Inga? Christie is pro life.
Inga is trying to wear the mantle of womens rights, but her conception of abortion is that it's ok to restrict it at the first trimester. Which is far more extreme than Roe v Wade.
Let a Republican run on Inga's view of abortion, that we should allow them only up to the first trimester, and she along with all the other lefties would be SCREAMING "war on women!"
"Sarvis received 6.6 percent of the vote"
So to get 6.6% of the vote libertarians allowed a crook like Mcauliffe, a complete backer of Obama's big govt project to be voted in.
For 6.6% of the vote.
If you're going to ALMOST win the election, then I could see making the effort. But 6.6%?
Instead they cost the election for the guy who almost won. You stupid a holes.
Libertarians, always the spoilers, never the candidate.
For Inga:
Despite all the war on women talk, cocci nelly a tally beat Mcauliffe by 9% among married some. Who, last I checked were women.
Meaning, not all women find what cuccinelli said (what've that was) to be considered a war on women.
Not sure of the vote was a vote of confidence for cuccinelli or against Mcauliffe. But regardless.
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