But who can see all that hand business when it's tucked down underneath this in-your-face racial presentation of a murder?
The links are:
COPS: 'Bored' Black Teens Kill White Baseball Player 'For Fun'...Why is this murder story the lead story? I've got to assume it's counter-Trayvonistic.
Were Accused Killers Really 'Bored?'
Australian tourists urged to boycott USA...
५१ टिप्पण्या:
I risk here using the tragic death of Martin to demonstrate media bias, an exercise which is disturbing.
But the media coverage of the Duncan, OK story is far less visible than the Zimmerman story and I must suspect that the reason is indeed bias.
None of the initial reports mentioned the race of the shooters. Once the photos were available, that became obvious. The Australians must be getting a quick education on US crime.
I've got to assume it's counter-Trayvonistic.
A former commenter of yours has asserted elsewhere that the same mainstream media outlets which trumpeted and doctored evidence in the Zimmerman case are withholding the racial identities of the accused. That seems newsworthy to me.
Why is this murder story the lead story?
I'll take a guess. Because of all the unreported black-on-white crime. Not fitting the racial narratives permitted by the dishonest MSM, it's ignored.
Because a foreign national is the victim with his country creating a well-founded fuss, this one can't be ignored. But if the white victim were a local yokel Okie farm boy, it wouldn't see one inch of print or other media.
Maybe Australia will hold up the mirror to the out-of-control criminal behavior of the black underclass.
NY is just getting interesting.
Tomorrow there will be Carlos Danger news:
I cannot wait for 2016 for the Clintons to run and get the support of NYT, NPR, and PBS.
GOP will lose as they discriminate against women and minorities. They have clueless leaders like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
I will vote for Scott Walker but I think 2016 is the Year of Clintons.
But, it will be fun. Weiner will be back. Spitzer will be on TV. And, Huma will be there. Why does anyone find her attractive is anyone's guess? I think Liberals have so low standards that they really do not know what an attractive and smart women are like. Surely, their model of HRClinton is to be blamed. The liberals have so low standard. But, GOP even has a lower standard.
Thus, America will lose in 2016.
roger -- you must not read the sports pages.
Also, the Zimmerman story didn't become national news until weeks after the incident. There's as yet no basis for comparison, on timeline alone.
As a Drudge bonus, or maybe just added MYSTERY: Aretha 'miraculously' healed...
gspencer said...
Maybe Australia will hold up the mirror to the out-of-control criminal behavior of the black underclass.
Not likely. They've got their own problems with treating the indigenous Australians in a politically correct way.
Most probably they'll rail against gun availability in the US.
(BTW, I've already seen one comment on a news article (not Australian) where someone ragged on the NRA for defeating background checks at gun shows.
Because, of course, that's where these three kids got the .22 they shot Chris Lane with, and also the shotgun with the serial numbers filed off that was found in their car. At a gun show. Because there was no background check.)
Now if only Chris Lane had stood his ground, maybe it would make the news.
One teen is white, one teen is black, the other teen is mixed. Why did Drudge choose to show only the face of the black kid?
You know, if the next white president had a son I bet he'd look a lot like the kid that got murdered. I could have been that kid twenty years ago.
I think nows a good time for us to have a racial dialog about why blacks are such criminals and racists.
Lets have that conversation media.
That story omits important details. For instance, were any of the accused carrying Skittles? Because from what I've been hearing for the last year, if you buy Skittles before you commit an assault or other crime, it automatically makes you totally innocent.
"Why did Drudge choose to show only the face of the black kid?"
Because he was the one whose finger allegedly pulled the trigger.
The one pictured is the one described this way:
"Stephens County Courthouse heard how one of the boys accused of murdering Lane, 22, danced and laughed as he was taken into a police station to be charged after the killing on Friday.
"James Edwards, 15, was treating the murder as a joke, Mr Hicks told the hearing.
"Mr Hicks told the court that Edwards has previously been in contact with police, and that he had "an attitude of total disregard for law enforcement" when he was being charged over Lane's death."
Correction: The fact of who pulled the trigger is not yet clear.
The two charged with the murder are black, although the lighter-skinned one would look more like Obama's son if he had one.
yeah...I watched Lester Holt of NBC explain how this was getting a lot of attention, and that he was dismissive.
There's nothing to see here folks!! Move along.
This story will be covered on Fox News and Drudge. Conservatives will be aware of it. But the larger public will never hear of it. It's not a story with a moral that the major media want to preach. Not much of a chance that it will prick the interest of any Hollywood film maker either.....In real time, you could see how slanted the coverage of the Zimmerman trial was. The media and Hollywood people were the big losers in that case. You can only tilt so much before you topple.
"I've got to assume it's counter-Trayvonistic".
Well if you consider the Trayvon/Zimmerman saga was so media staged and slanted I guess this is 'counter-Trayvonistic' as in 'this is fact'.
Question is, where they 'bored' or just hankering to kill a 'cracker'?
America's Politico said:
"GOP will lose as they discriminate against women and minorities. They have clueless leaders like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul."
Reading comments is so fun. The GOP discriminates against minorities doesn't quite fit with the next sentence about clueless leaders like Ted Cruz (a Hispanic aka a minority).
In the same location in Drudge we learn that Lee Daniels, The Butler Director, said:
"America 'More Racist' Since Obama Became President; 'People Are Angry...Showing Their True Colors'"
Very true. It is amazing that Mr. Daniels doesn't realize that his comment is a perfect description of himself and Oprah. Obama is stirring the race pot as hard as he can and the hatred is starting to simmer. Black violence against white people is quite common now. White violence against Blacks, not so often.
The driver was white, but the shooter was black.
Most probably they'll rail against gun availability in the US.
That's exactly what they're doing:
Earlier today, former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer has urged Australian tourists to boycott the US in the wake of the shooting murder of the Melbourne baseball star.
Mr Fischer said he was deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said turning our backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.
It is the lead story on Drudge because it doesn't pass the hurdles for a "lead story" elsewhere. Which is disturbing.
When two young men named Leopold and Loeb murdered a kid avowedly just to find out what killing felt like, not quite a century ago, the case was a national obsession, largely because the motive seemed so inadequate. When three teenagers kill someone at random in 2013, just because they're bored and can't think of anything better to do, it's depressingly unsurprising. We can't bring ourselves to do much more than roll our eyes.
This may be a game changer. Our wretched black "culture" needs an honest and unsparing public examination and discussion. Let the criminal and anti-social apologists and race hucksters try to stand in front of this wave. Long overdue for all Americans.
Which of these three is white?
I heard this story on CBS Radio News this afternoon and noted that the race of the three accused wasn't mentioned, much as they didn't mention who the "youths" were who were rioting in France several years ago.
"...the Zimmerman story didn't become national news until weeks after the incident."
And what made it a story? Comments of, among others, President Racecard.
Given that one of the perps posted on Facebook on August 15 that he'd never been so "pissed," I'm wondering if there's any connection between the comments of President Racecard and others after the Zimmerman trial, followed by The Oprah's PR stunt to promote her movie, and the murder of Chris Lane. This needs to be diligently explored, as American blacks are being lead down a path perilous for them and our nation.
Apparently, the racial breakdown of the alleged murderers [or did they confess?] is 2-1, so, race really should be a non-issue in this murder.
Per Ace, the initial story ran one picture of one of the black shooters twice, creating the impression that all three were black. So, as usual, the media screwed up, and we're left trying to fix the jigsaw puzzle.
If some of the media reports are true that the three killers were members or recruits of the 'Crips' street gang then this was their opportunity to 'Make their Bones' as full members of the gang. In Memphis, TN near where I live this is a common occurrence though most of the time the victims are also black and the media reports the story with a heavy dose of ho-hum. I am not surprised by the reported reaction of the shooter dancing or happy at his arrest, as young black men like this who are raised -really not raised- in fatherless households with no direction hold membership in the group, gang or tribe in the highest esteem. It is their identity, the rite of passage to adulthood and this arrest equals a lifetime initiation into belonging to something.
What's interesting is that the Blame Guns argument is not being used in this case, from what I've seen.
Well, it is being used by the Australians, but they don't understand American young black culture.
But maybe America is slowly starting to blame the person, and not the thing?
What may be interesting is the Australia angle. If the mainstream media dismiss this as 'yet another day' and the Aussies continue with the Danger in America angle, the mainstream (America) will be seen as complicit in such tragedy.
It will also bring up the 'guns are bad' meme with pressure from 'civilized' foreign nations to eliminate guns in the US. It may well be that Australia has its own problems, but this incident helps their mainstream media promote the idea that it isn't as bad as it could be.
Does that huge pile of cash have something to do with it?
And they thought having the 15-year old pull the trigger would mean just 6-12 month jail sentences as a kind of "protective custody" for them?
Drudge would have given a story like that high billing even pre-trayvon. He's been reporting the "undernews" of black-on-white violence for a while.
Its as obvious an obsession with him as his pro-life views, and his anti-Christie bias.
Is it "counter"-Trayvonistic or just Trayvonistic. Isn't the point that, if we're going to be outraged at the death of Trayvon Martic, we should equally outraged at the killing of Mr. Lane? If we're not, why not? And what does that say about our views on race - assuming you would attribute different treatment to race?
George Zimmerman would look like Obama's son if Obama had a son with a Hispanic woman.
Why did Obama choose to identify with Martin according to the race of his wife?
Umm, perhaps there is still something shocking in a story about a murder committed "just for fun (because I was bored)"?
The few true crime books I've read mostly retain the readers interest by trying to explain/explore the mind and mental state of the criminals, presumably because most of us have difficulty imagining the thought processes that lead to these crimes.
Particularly when there's a group involved, either the group will pull a deranged individual back to sanity (and thus a crime won't happen) or groupthink will enable a weak individual to do things he'd probably not have done on his own.
In any case, there's a story here. And it's difficult to bend it into a racial arc when at least one of the group appears to be white.
So, you can now actually get street cred by shooting someone in the back!?
Just when you think it can get no lower . . .
Judged solely by the content of their characters, I pronounce them: fucking animals.
I have to admit that I expect banning guns in the 21st century would have about the same effect as banning alcoholic beverages did in the first years of the 20th.
I would say it is due to the fact that for 2 full days after the killing, the RACE of the killers was not disclosed ANYWHERE, by any media. I GOOGLED it yesterday suspecting I knew why. Perhaps Drudge is simply pointing out the hypocracy of the media?
These thrill killings by blacks or blacks with their homie gangsta "wigger" are not extraordinary, once in a decade type of events.
Many are directed at blacks in places like NOLA and Chicago - where any guy NOT in their crew is considered a target of opportunity.
When they spill over into places past the ratty squalor of the almost all-black 'hoods black leaders rarely discuss...the incidents seem animalistic. Whites, Asians, and hispanics seem targeted preferentially, often deliberately due to skin color though all the powers that be deny it.."there is zero evidence that the illegal beaten to death was a victim of a hate crime, the Asian girl abducted and raped then strangled by 4 blacks who were "children" Trayvons age, "could posibly been any unlucky woman walking o the same street".
And the public has come to understand the puppeteers of the regular media - mainly liberals and progressive Jews - actively suppress news of such events or try to keep them local and uncommented on. Certainly never hyped for ratings like the evil white Duke Lacrosse players, the evil white hispanic. And "city leaders" and "police" join in the suppression of the event - sometimes under the bogus junk that it would be "wrong to discuss this" before the BIG TRIAL 2-4 years later.
Or do the usual lawyerly "there is no evidence to suggest race played any factor in the rape and beating deaths by 12-14 "troubled youth" of the two blonde women whose car broke down in inner Baltimore"
Due to this censorship, websites, some quite racist and many quite right wing, have begun to fill the PC Censorship Hole - and to list and assemble details of these race motivated "fun killings" and other atrocities the general public has obscured from them in the name of "racial progress".
Very disturbing. A wide pattern of vicious inter-racial attacks in America the media minimizes, suppresses, tries to conceal the race of the perps.
3 black thugs in Denver rob a bar, then decide to kill 5 patrons, all white or Asian, 4 who were women...over a 15 minute span with knives. Because "it felt good to do it".
Connecticut....a decayed small city east of New Haven had 6 "bored troubled youths" in HS (3 on the football team at some point) decide they were going to "stick someone" for fun. They passed by black and hispanic "possibilities" because 'they might have they own posses come looking for us and mess us up". Found a young white man coming out of a restaurant he worked in, surrounded him, and cheered as one knifed the guy several times. Including wounds that cut his liver and partially severed his abdominal aorta. Then celebrated their attack with pizza and drugs.
Arrested, it got worse as a pack of some 30 other black animals ditched HS to protest their arrest for murder and appearance in the court as "racist".
The links given here are the first news website references to the race of the murderers. I suspected that since the race was not given the murderers were black, but the COPS link is the first site that said so and did not merely suppose based on the media treatment of past events (Colin Ferguson, most notably -- That was over a month before they let that one slip out).
Three black teens in Oklahoma gunned down a white jogger to relieve their boredom. The jogger is Australian, so instead of being a two day story in The Oklahoman it's worldwide news. Meanwhile, in Georgia, there was a would-be school shooter, probably yet another white loner nutjob in tac gear, who fortunately did not hurt anyone before the police nabbed him. So, we have Two-For-Tuesday: a crime in Oklahoma that snugly fits one prevalent pattern and stereotype, and a crime in Georgia that fits another. The internet might disappear up its own rectum by the end of the week.
"Powerline" has a post up about this noting these teens were associated with the "Crips" and that a large stash of neat packets of 100-dollar bills was found with them, which is why I suggested they may have thought a few years in juvenile detention to be a preferred alternative if the "Crips" were who they had got the money from.
None of them want to hear about the death of a white man at the hands of 1 black male (and 2 accomplices, 1 white and 1 black), but hey, look at our new puppy! Which I can't remember if the pic of the new puppy was there at the time, but it is as of right now.
Mr Fischer said he was deeply angered by the latest tragedy and said turning our backs on America would help send a stern message about the need for tighter gun control.
Someone ought to tell him that we'll never even notice a lack of Aussie tourists - not that most of them will listen to his prattle.
And that we don't take well to scolding from foreigners (any more than Australians do).
"James Edwards, 15, was treating the murder as a joke, Mr Hicks told the hearing.
That's cool. I'll treat his rape and murder in prison as a joke too. Oh, he was murdered in prison? LOL!
Question. Looking at the photos - all three kids seem black. Inga and other folks that say otherwise, where'd you get your info?
I'm left wondering what the named Aussies and Piers Morgan followers would have said or done had Chris Lane simply been knifed in the back. Or butchered with a machete in a city street. Maybe then they'd understand some of US?
If the media decides to run with this story it will be about gun control, not about race. But why not? (bias obviously).
WHere are all the white Jessie Jackson types out stoking the whites into "no justice no peace" type stances?
Killed while jogging for being white.
"'m left wondering what the named Aussies and Piers Morgan followers would have said or done had Chris Lane simply been knifed in the back. Or butchered with a machete in a city street. Maybe then they'd understand some of US?"
If Chris Lane had been black, you can be damn sure the media would be wanting to have a conversation about race. Assuming of course his killer was white (or white hispanic). If not, and the killer was another black then no need for conversations.
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