७ जुलै, २०१३

Teresa Heinz Kerry is said to be "in critical but stable condition in a hospital in Nantucket" — over what, we don't know.

This will suppress what had been rampant criticism of Secretary of State John Kerry for vacationing in billionaire style while Egypt underwent a military coup.

Remember when the previous Secretary of State — Hillary Clinton — faced pressure over the Benghazi attacks and we heard about hospital visits over head-hitting and blood clots?

Patterns. What do they mean? Who can say? And isn't it mean to even wonder?

३ टिप्पण्या:

Meade म्हणाले...

from a commenter:

My best wishes for Ms Kerry’s recovery--I do not see this as some sort of political ploy--that would require some tinfoil hat theories. While I am not a fan of SOS Kerry, I do hope that Ms Kerry is OK.

Meade म्हणाले...

from an emailing commenter:

She could have had a heart attack or a stroke.

When you have a heart attack or a stroke, and have to go to the hospital, is it ok if I engage in baseless speculation about your health and the political ramifications of said event (if there are any)?


I will wait for your shameless and partisan reply.

If you don't publish this, I will know you for cowards. Partisan, hackish, contrived, politicking, cowards.

"Boo hoo, I'm scared of non-preapproved comments on my blog. It might drive up my traffic!"

Think about it, you drunken corporate slut. Too bad you couldn't find a real job.

Meade म्हणाले...

from Mel:

I sincerely wish Mrs. Kerry a quick and complete recovery from whatever ails her.

I am also sincerely disappointed that the USA has reached the point of having asked the question of if/how ill she is. Unfortunately, in this administration, the State Department (Benghazi, sex for visas, utter failure in Mid East) and the Justice Department (fast & furious, surveillance of
multiple reporters) seem to be vying for the title of least trustworthy cabinet department and citizens feel the need to question everything this administration says. It is a sad day for our Republic, and I am sorry to see its arrival.

I am also sorry to see you having to moderate comments this way, but I thank you for doing it.
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