July 1, 2013

Drudge continues his Hillary-is-too-old-theme.

This is at the top right, below the headline, right now:

I flagged this Drudge agenda last Monday, and here it is Monday again.

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are both 69 years old. Hillary is 65. They've all been through a lot.

Here's the linked story "Republicans Paint Clinton as Old News for 2016 Presidential Election."


Bob said...

"Hillary is 65. She put us all through a lot." Fixed

Bob said...

"Hillary is 65. She put us all through a lot." Fixed

Icepick said...

What's harder: a lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock & roll, or being married to Bill Clinton for 40 years?

edutcher said...

The word is incompetent, not old, but, sad to say, the mileage is showing.

Lifts can only do so much. If you don't have the skin and you don't have the bones, there's only so much that technology can do.

Somebody must have dyed her hair Dorian Gray.

Nonapod said...

Her appearance notwithstanding, her record could best be described as a target rich environment to her political opponents on both the left and right.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Judging from that bandage, it looks like Keith Richards finally got that brain transplant he so desperately needed.

Skeptical Voter said...

Wise aleck young men (er not truly post adolescent boys) used to say of girls who weren't very attractive that "at least she had good bones".

I doubt that Hillary Clinton ever had good bones; and her conduct and character over the years have made her "ugly to the bone" for many of us.

The United States will dodge a bullet if the electorate is wise enough in 2016 to send Ms. Clinton off the political stage. She's had her innings, and they weren't good.

Anonymous said...

Only Democrats are allowed to slander opponents.

Using their own tactics against them is fair, as long as they control the media and do it to their opponents?

Don't want a war? Stop using live ammo.

Palladian said...

The difference between The Rolling Stones and Hillary Clinton: the Stones wrote & recorded, among many other things, Let It Bleed & Exile on Main Street. Hillary Clinton did... what, exactly?

Wince said...

Wasn't Hillary there when Keith Richards and Bobby Keyes accidentally set fire to a bathroom in the Playboy mansion while shooting-up?

Unknown said...

Ambassador Chris Stevens was unavailable for comment on aging gracefully.

Icepick said...

Her appearance notwithstanding, her record could best be described as a target rich environment to her political opponents on both the left and right.

Dude, she is covered on that front. If you criticize her, you are a woman hater. Only a Negro or a Homosexual can criticize her, and only if they're a Democrat.

Icepick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricpic said...

...her record...a target rich environment...

So what? The Republican candidate whoever he is will tiptoe around the first woman running for president as he did (twice) around the first black.

Sarah wouldn't tiptoe but Sarah's persona non grata to Republican kingmakers.

The Crack Emcee said...

“proving intelligent and capable women can find love through who they are, not what they look like.”

Feminists on Bill marrying Clinton

Icepick said...

Crack Emcee!

Moose said...

Hillary did drugs and had groupie sex.

Well alright then!!

Brian Brown said...

Well, Hillary's Smart Diplomacy is falling to shit in Egypt, isn't it?

Millions are protesting the Obama-backed President Mohamed Morsi and saying Obama and his Ambassador back a facist.

And the MSM is just about blacking the whole thing out.

Look, Wendy Davis and her pink tennis shoes!?1!!!

Nonapod said...

So what? The Republican candidate whoever he is will tiptoe around the first woman running for president as he did (twice) around the first black.

Perhaps, but first she has to go up against other Democrat candidates like ol' Joe Biden and Andy Cuomo, (and perhaps even the Cherokee princess herself, Elizabeth Warren). In short, she has to survive on onslaught from the peanut gallery first.

Balfegor said...

Until she actually starts to look decrepit, I don't see how this Hillary = Old thing hurts her. I mean, maybe it's intended to hurt her with Democratic primary voters, who are often keen to go with youth, enthusiasm, and total inexperience (John Edwards, Barack Obama), over age and sobriety. But for the electorate overall, I don't think it's problematic. If she were a man, would her age be such an obstacle? I tend to think it would not, unless she had other serious health complications.

edutcher said...

Jay said...

Well, Hillary's Smart Diplomacy is falling to shit in Egypt, isn't it?

Not to mention Russia, Red China, Europe, Africa...

Icepick said...

Balfegor, since Samuel J. Tllden ran way back post-Civil War, Dems have only nominated ONE non-sitting Presidential candidate over the age of 60 - John Kerry at age 61 in 2004. The Democratic Party idolizes youth.

Rusty said...

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are both 69 years old. Hillary is 65. They've all been through a lot.

Keith has done a lot of heroin. What's Hillarys excuse?

Brian Brown said...


I can't imagine how hard Putin laughs at our little affirmative action hire.

The Red Chinese probably don't even bother paying attention to him.

MadisonMan said...

Democratic Primary-goers typically don't pick the old, seasoned veteran.

Sorry, Hillary!, you're not the New Kid on the Block.

X said...

so smart that she couldn't pass the bar and so accomplished that she's never been hired for non Bill reasons.

Larry J said...

Palladian said...
The difference between The Rolling Stones and Hillary Clinton: the Stones wrote & recorded, among many other things, Let It Bleed & Exile on Main Street. Hillary Clinton did... what, exactly?

Well, after graduating from law school, she married the man who was elected governor of Arkansas for a bunch of terms. While First Lady of Arkansas, she got a plum job at the Rose Law Firm and made a lot of money on questionable cattle futures and real estate deals.

Then, her husband gets elected president. While First Lady of the US, she tried and failed to reform health care.

After leaving the White House, she was elected to the Senate from a state where she'd never lived. (Why are New Yorkers so stupid to do that?) After a few years with few accomplishments in the Senate, she ran for the presidency and lost the nomination to BO.

When BO was elected, he put her in as Secretary of State where she traveled a lot, making a mess of a lot of things. Her leadership at the State Department got some people killed and more nations than ever are pissed off at us.

Compared to Obama's resume before running for office, she's over qualified for the Democrat nomination. God forbid she wins office.

SteveR said...

I agree with Bob, her candidacy and term(s) as president would a painful experience given what she's given us so far. Beyond her inevitability, is this the best the democrats can come up with? The republicans aren't likely to compete so gives us your best shot.

I'm serious, no dubious connections, small state corruption, riding on your hubby's coattails.

Age is the least of my problems with her.

Achilles said...

This is proof the republican establishment wants Hillary to win. If they wanted to defeat Hillary they would talk about her record rather than building sympathy for her. She is the biggest failure at State ever. And that is a pretty rotten list. She sold the weapons to Ansar al sharia they used to raze the consulate and Stevens was trying to buy them back. Clinton is a disgusting human being but the repubs are trying to humanize her.

They will push for a Hillary Christie election. Both of them support gun control and both of them will be described as "moderate." Both of them want bigger government. That is the goal.

edutcher said...

Jay said...


I can't imagine how hard Putin laughs at our little affirmative action hire.

He just said he has no intention of handing over Snowden.

Do the math.

mariner said...


so smart that she couldn't pass the bar

Where do you get this?

Hillary was a partner in a law firm.

edutcher said...

Achilles said...

This is proof the republican establishment wants Hillary to win. If they wanted to defeat Hillary they would talk about her record rather than building sympathy for her. She is the biggest failure at State ever. And that is a pretty rotten list. She sold the weapons to Ansar al sharia they used to raze the consulate and Stevens was trying to buy them back. Clinton is a disgusting human being but the repubs are trying to humanize her.

No, they'll just let her and Shotgun Joe gum each other to death.

Neither has a prayer of surviving the primaries. Look at how she had her clock cleaned last time.

mariner said...

Larry J,

God forbid she wins office.

Unfortunately God won't forbid, and neither will the American people.

Democrats can steal Presidential elections in broad daylight, and they will again in 2016.

edutcher said...

mariner said...


so smart that she couldn't pass the bar

Where do you get this?

Hillary was a partner in a law firm.

She flunked the DC Bar Exam, but passed in AR.

How tough is which?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary has a vagina. That's important. But try not to think about it.

Martha said...

DC Bar is not one of the difficult to pass bars.

California and New York are the toughest exams.

Michele Obama failed the Illinois Bar Exam the first time.

Maybe failing the bar exam is a First Lady tradition.

Known Unknown said...

Palladian wins.

Clyde said...

I saw that "The Daily Beast" has a Michael Tomasky article on the same subject, saying that it may backfire on the Republicans if they use that strategy.

I'll put it like this: Ronald Reagan was 69 years old at his first inauguration; he turned 70 a couple of weeks later. Hillary Clinton will be 69 years old on Inauguration Day 2017; she'll turn 70 in October of that year.

Any Democrat who was around in the 1980s and never made a wisecrack or complaint about Reagan's age has standing to wag their finger plaintively at Republicans if they say Clinton is too old. The rest of them are hypocrites and are welcome to consume a large container of STFU.

edutcher said...

Hmm, if she couldn't pass DC, maybe she had somebody "intervene" for her in AR.

dreams said...

I don't think she would be much older than Reagan. What has Hillery ever accomplish? Other than marrying BJ and self-promoting herself, she has screwed up every job she has had including her latest job. Concerning her old looks, I'm tired of seeing that old face.

Icepick said...

Hillary has a vagina. That's important. But try not to think about it.

Try not to think about the SNUKE, either.

Hmm, if she couldn't pass DC, maybe she had somebody "intervene" for her in AR.

Are you implying that some things in Arkansas aren't on the up-and-up?

Original Mike said...

I like my Dems old and tired. Better a 70 year old socialist than a 55 year old socialist.

Anonymous said...

Hillary is calling Wendy Davis...

Makeup, surgery, pink shoes, and a catheter.

Dante said...

I think Hillary looks prematurely old. I think it is on account of having to deal with internal conflicts.

She violated her feminist principles by concocting the Lewinsky as stalker meme to protect her alleged rapist husband.

She had to cut a deal with Obama after a bitter campaign and use her philandering husband after the proles rejected her view that it was her time.

She screwed up her role as Secretary of State, and had to quit. Benghazi and covering up the scandals looks pretty bad for her.

All of these things end up making her look old and tired. No more screeching about vast right wing conspiracies, no more feminist hissy fits.

She simply looks used up, like the old condom on the floor.

X said...

hillarious. she was hired to watergate committee on the recommendation of her law professor who was Ted Kennedy's chief counsel for Chappaquiddick.

she was fired for ethics fraud.

Andy Freeman said...

> Mick Jagger and Keith Richards are both 69 years old. Hillary is 65.

Who do you trust more when "the call comes at 3am" (to quote Ms. Clinton during the 08 campaign)?

Ms. Clinton got the Benghazi call well before 3am. Do you think that Richards or Jagger would have done as badly?

Clyde said...

Re: The Stones (and Hillary): "What a drag it is getting old!"

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

The problem is not (only) that Hillary is old, but that she is a woman. We have too many women in positions of power. And there is scandal and incompetence associated with every one of them.


Valerie Jarrett
Hillary Clinton
Cheryl Mills
Janet Napolitano
Kathleen Sebelius
Lisa Jackson
Lois Lerner
Susan Rice
Sonia Sotomayor
Elena Kagan
Nancy Pelosi
Samantha Power

Way, way, way, way, way, way, way too fucking many women in positions of power, and they are not temperamentally suited or equipped to deal with the man-level situations the wider world presents. They are naive and over-matched.

Where the hell are the fucking MEN???

deborah said...

lol AprilApple for the win.

Balfegor said...

Re: Martha:

DC Bar is not one of the difficult to pass bars.

You can just waive in nowadays so long as you're admitted somewhere else, so I'm not sure why anyone would ever bother taking the DC bar. But some people do. Maybe it was different back in the day . . .

David said...

She's not too old, and this silly attack will just backfire.

The Stupid Party.

cubanbob said...

She isn't too old. Her ideas are too old and tired and proven unworkable. But that hasn't stop the electorate in voting for them after all Obama was re-elected twice.

dreams said...

"We have too many women in positions of power. And there is scandal and incompetence associated with every one of them."

I blame women for all the political correctness crap, remember these are people who expect their friends to tell them what they want to hear not the truth, men don't think that way.

damikesc said...

She IS old news. It's hardly an "attack" to notice that she's been harping on political bullshit for over 20 years.

Any Democrat who was around in the 1980s and never made a wisecrack or complaint about Reagan's age has standing to wag their finger plaintively at Republicans if they say Clinton is too old. The rest of them are hypocrites and are welcome to consume a large container of STFU.

Why go that far back?

How about McCain in 2008?

Nomennovum said...

She's not too old to fuck ... up the country.

Clyde said...

damikesc said...

Why go that far back?

How about McCain in 2008?

McCain was 72 years old on Election Day 2008. It wasn't just Democrats who thought that he was too damn old (and too damn RINO).

doustoi said...

If she were a man, would her age be such an obstacle?

But she is not a man, and it could and probably is more of an obstacle. I hope you're not trying to make the "fairness" argument that no one can ever say anything about a woman that they wouldn't say about a man. It's about time that sophomoric claptrap was stricken from the national dialogue.

Clyde said...

But I still voted for the old goat, since he was better than the alternative. My judgment has been borne out over the past five years.

I wanted one of those bumper stickers that said "DON'T BLAME ME! I VOTED FOR PALIN AND THE OLD GUY!"

doustoi said...

If she were a man, would her age be such an obstacle?

But she is not a man, and it could and probably is more of an obstacle. I hope you're not trying to make the "fairness" argument that no one can ever say anything about a woman that they wouldn't say about a man. It's about time that sophomoric claptrap was stricken from the national dialogue.

damikesc said...

McCain was 72 years old on Election Day 2008. It wasn't just Democrats who thought that he was too damn old (and too damn RINO).

True. But for them to then claim that Hillary isn't too old is nice irony.

madAsHell said...

She can't get any satisfaction either!!
...and lets keep it that way!!

jr565 said...

"After leaving the White House, she was elected to the Senate from a state where she'd never lived. (Why are New Yorkers so stupid to do that?)"

I live in NY so I can say this - because many NY'ers (excluding myself) are DUMB. Anthony Weiner is currently leading in the polls here for next Mayor, if that says anything.
What do you expect from a blue state?

The Godfather said...

Hillary's age is irrelevant, and we should stop talking about it. It just gets her sympathy.

In 2008, all the smart people said it was inevitable that she would be nominated. As a result, no one seriously ran against her but the junior senator from Illinois. Although Obama certainly ran an excellent technical campaign, what he really showed was that Hillary was not a very good candidate.

What people ought to focus on is her performance as Secretary of State, her last public office (presumably) when she runs for President. Although there was all sorts of gooey sentimentality when she left office, so far as I can tell she accomplished NOTHING while at State. Yes, she traveled a lot and met a lot of foreign leaders -- just as she had as First Lady -- but she didn't DO anything, did she? Other than punt on Benghazi.

The Godfather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
richard mcenroe said...

OTOH, Hillary has put US through a lot more than Keef and Mick ever could...

Carl said...

She's not too old. But her governing ideas sure are.

el polacko said...

it's not her age, it's that she's 'old news'. we don't need to keep recycling the same families through the whitehouse.
it would be nice if, this time around, we were to elect somebody based on their qualifications rather than the color of their skin or their gender.

Amartel said...

The Stones work about 2 months out of the year, and that's when they're on tour. They are resting on their well deserved laurels. Hillary doesn't have any such laurels to rest on and the Presidency is a huge constant time and energy commitment - if you're doing it right. Ahem. We ready know that she was t up for the 3 am call. Or she was and she decided incorrectly. And had been making bad decisions for several months before and continued to do so for several months Fger Benghazi. Retiring was a good decision. Credit where credit is due.

Amartel said...

Oh boohoo Drudge is being sexist. It's a metaphor and its equal treatment. Jeez, the GOP isn't the only stupid party.

AlanKH said...

Hillary is one of the least accomplished politicians her age. She did nothing as a senator, and less as SecState.

richard mcenroe said...

Doesn't matter. Ann's gonna vote for this arrogant, incompetent, criminal woman anyway.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Above, I wrote that women "are not temperamentally suited or equipped to deal with the man-level situations the wider world presents".

Here's an example situation: how to deal with a 'playground' bully.

One needs to first understand that a bully is challenging the boyhood/manhood of the male they are picking on - essentially saying to the public - "this person is a wuss. Watch and see."

The typical female advice as to how to handle this occasion is to "report the bully to the authorities". This action, if taken, confirms the bully's taunt. It is a "wuss" move, no doubt.

The male advice is to physically confront the bully. Even if you lose, you prove you are NOT a wuss, and the bully will now lose status if he continues to bully you (see fight scene in Cool Hand Luke).

One can easily transfer this to the world stage, and thus see the consequences of the typical female response.

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