১৩ জুন, ২০১৩

We the Peepers.

As used in the previous post — the last word of — I see how "peepers" could be a new coinage for "people" within the our newly understood world of pervasive surveillance. One might say:
We the Peepers of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity...
... that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the peepers, by the peepers, for the peepers, shall not perish from the earth.
"Peeper" — "A person who peeps or peers; esp. one who pries or looks furtively, or in a voyeuristic way" — is an old word, I see, peeping into the (unlinkable) OED:
1607   T. Dekker & J. Webster West-ward Hoe ii. ii. sig. D2v,   Whose there? Peepers: Intelligencers: Euesdroppers.
1652   J. Gaule Πυς-μαντια 375   He..had his eyes put out; an apt punishment for all peepers, and Star-gazers.
1711   R. Steele Spectator No. 53. ⁋8,   I doubt not but you will think a Peeper as much more pernicious than a Starer....
2003   Gay Times Feb. 61/3   If you view others, without their knowledge or consent..then peepers can expect up to two years in the slammers.

২১টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The NSA have become our "overseers".

No slave plantation, so popular among Monarchy run Empires, can exist without good overseers that have collected all of the weapons.

pm317 বলেছেন...

Facebook is all about peepers.

chickelit বলেছেন...

There are always stand-out peepers.

Patrick বলেছেন...

Jeepers creepers.

Cody Jarrett বলেছেন...

Of course, around my neck of the woods you know spring is a comin' good when the peepers come out into the vernal ponds and make their music.

Peepers being happy horny frogs.

That fits your "we the peepers" bit, seeing as for the most part Americans these days are the frogs being slowly boiled to death by ever increasing heat, not noticing until it's too late to jump out of the pot.

We the peepers, in order to form a more perfect union...when in the cause of human events it becomes necessary for one peeper to dissolve the political bands...

It works.

Feelin' froggy?

Michael Haz বলেছেন...

The Peeper? Great character played by the late Tom Poston on the old Bob Newhart show.

BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Surveillance. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under watch, invisible, with scrutiny and pervasiveness for all.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Urban Dictionary's highest rated definition for "peeper" is: "A slang term for "penis" usually used by little kids."

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Soon we will be commanded to spy on each other.

It's already started, with terrorism ("If you see something, say something."), and with Medicare (bounties for turning in fraud).

My bet will be more of the "turn in for fraud yields a bounty" for Obamacare, and schools telling kids to turn in their parents for having guns or cigarettes or reading banned books (conservative ones, like the military has banned).

Thanks, lefties, you miserable scum.

deborah বলেছেন...

When the groundhog casts his shadow
And the small birds sing
And the pussywillows happen
And the sun shines warm
And when the peepers peep
Then it is Spring
― Margaret Wise Brown

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

Our cat had a urinary blockage and the vet told us she'd have to operate on his peeper.

Never heard that one before.

She's big on epidemiology, though, and can use really big words when she wants to.

Left Bank of the Charles বলেছেন...

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled data streams yearning to be unwittingly searched, the wretched refuse of your teeming data hubs.

Send these, the wireless, internet-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Simon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Simon বলেছেন...

Ut adfinitatem perfectiorem conformemus, iustitiam aedificemus, tranquillitatem internam caveamus, defensam communem provideamus, incolumitatem generalem provehamus, et benedictionem libertatis nobis et posteritatibus nostrae destinemus, nosmet igitur, populus Civitatum Foederatarum, hanc constitutionem ordinamus consignamusque.

gerry বলেছেন...

Re: Peepers: oculolinctus


edutcher বলেছেন...

A hipster Constitution.


Methadras বলেছেন...

They used to spooks, now they are peepers.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

It could give a whole new meaning to Jeepers Creeper Where'd You Get Those Peepers.

David বলেছেন...

Wally Cox would be terrifically disappointed. In a gentle and self effacing way, of course.

A বলেছেন...

This made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

kentuckyliz বলেছেন...

Is peeping even wrong any more? I mean, people are so voyeuristic, and the government surveills all. Sounds like it's par for the course now.