But given the strong 68-to-32 vote, with 14 Republicans voting in favor, the Democratic leadership and the bipartisan group of eight senators who drafted the original bill seemed determined to savor the moment. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. presided over the vote as senators announced their positions from their desks, in a ceremonial procedure reserved for special occasions.
२७ जून, २०१३
"The Senate on Thursday approved the most significant overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws in a generation with broad bipartisan support..."
"... sending the bill to the Republican-controlled House, where there is significant opposition from conservative members and where the fight could extend into 2014."
१२७ टिप्पण्या:
It's allegedly full of pork and, according to Boehner, is DOA.
If it wasn't for the fact that it would be a complete and utter disaster I would almost like to see this monstrosity passed into law just to watch the nation burn.
"Rorschach: [reading from journal] Rorschach's Journal. October 12th, 1985: Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no." "
Entirely wrong of me I know. But trying to convince leftists that they've got shit for brains and that they need to wake the fuck up got old a dozen years ago. At some point if someone insists on dousing themselves with gasoline and playing with matches then all you can do is step back and tell them "go right on ahead.".
Did they even read it?
They did it once, just a short time ago, now they are doing it again, and they will do it a third time. Again and again, always swearing this is the one time when it will be fixed.
Meantime people are learning that if they come, we will build it.
I curse every senator that voted to make our country worse off than we found it.
Dems voted for 54-0.
Reps voted against 14-32.
So when 70% of one party voted against something it's considered broad bipartisan support?
Another 1200 page nightmare that is not going to get off the ground.
I'm of a mind to say, after Obamacare, no more compromises with this Turkey. We know where this is going.
More broadly, with Social Security, Medicare, a ridiculously confused tax code, municipal bond defaults, debt and deficits, the growth of Washington D.C. regulations, an arguably over-extended military, technology and globalization....
Our culture and politics have deeper structural issues, let's cool it for a bit, let the horse traders settle down and send them the right signals and create the right incentives.
They must be concerned about Voter ID laws. So, they have to find a new source of votes.
If one R voted for it, the media would report that as "broad bi-partisan support".
Obama's agenda represents the beginning of one party rule America.
Unabated Corruption is the first symptom.
We may hold together for a while, but, I don't give us much of a chance.
ehh, they don't care about us. They want to replace us with cheap labor and docile servants.
The message the left received loud and clear from Obamacare was that they weren't bold enough.
Did they even read it?
Reading bills is a sucker's game.
Let's pass it to know what's in it. Then after it passes, Obama will welcome the debate.
I love Mexicans but I see no reason to turn 11 million law-breaking, line jumpers into citizens. If we need the labor, give them work permits. Do not reward bad behavior.
ehh, they don't care about us. They want to replace us with cheap labor and docile servants.
Yep. I just hope that some day there's a reckoning.
If one R voted for it, the media would report that as "broad bi-partisan support"
That's a total exaggeration.
One R vote is just "bi-partisan support". It isn't "broad bi-partisan support" unless you get at least two Republicans. :)
Icepick said...
Yep. I just hope that some day there's a reckoning.
There will be, but only for our allowing it. Those who control the government coffers will never feel the pinch.
We are watching our house burn and the firemen are running in with more gasoline to put it out. That's what this looks and feels like. It's about managing the decline at this point. The left knows it has this country by the nuts because they've had world-wide radical leftist money pouring in to support all of this leftist. There will never be any sort of protest or uprising in the streets over this kind of thing because we are too busy trying to pay our taxes that they shovel onto us. There can never be a revolution in this country because they don't heap on the pain fast enough or hard enough to want to make us fight back fast or hard enough. The government is in your air, it's in your water, it's in your house, it's in your tv, it's in your food, it's in your lightbulb, it's in your car, it's in your intersections, your schools, your supermarket, your business, your street, your sidewalk. It's omnipresent now. They know where you go, who you talk to, who you fuck, what you buy, when, and how much. You are never alone to rise up against them because let's say an entire city decides it's had enough. Oh look, there goes your power, your water, your food, your gas. Well, that was quick. So we will just trudge on and absorb it all, grumble a little bit more, adapt to the change, and they sit back patting themselves on the back at a job well done getting their cut while the country disintegrates and gets dismantled wholesale. Just so that criminals that illegally entered this country can stop getting their feelings hurt being called illegal alien criminals.
That's what this is all about. From SSM to Amnesty to Urklecare. It's about ausaging hurt feelings n the backs of those who produce to transfer to those that don't so that we aren't perceived as being meanie-poopy headed xenohomophobes. You can't stop this shit anymore. We are still free to leave this country I suppose, but where the fuck would you go that is better than the US? Switzerland? Canada? Australia? Their socialism is complete. We are now just beginners.
Enjoying the decline seems the way to go. It was fun America while it lasted. This is truly a sad day. Those who have bled and died for this country and are in the light of bosom of the lord have now turned their backs on us because we failed them.
I just wonder how hard it's going to get before the uprisings begin or if I'll live to see that they ever do. Or if Americans will just end up putting on the shackles themselves.
At what point will the democrats pivot to jobs? It's been years now.
Oh yeah - this was a jobs-for-illegals pivot.
Got it.
Sic transit Gloria Americae.
When Mr. Rubio finished, the other senators in the bipartisan group surrounded him on the floor, patting him on the back and offering words of encouragement. “Good job,” said one. “I’m proud of you,” said another.
Does this mean Rubio is a Rhino and therefore not eligible for a legit 2016 run according you Conservatives?
Matt said...
Does this mean Rubio is a Rhino and therefore not eligible for a legit 2016 run according you Conservatives?
Rubio will never be the GOP candidate for any new office
"I curse every senator that voted to make our country worse off than we found it."
If you can, please add all the voters who voted for these jerks.
Ultimately, they are the responsible ones.
Although, in the era of the low-information voter, expecting accountability is an increasingly vain exercise.
Does this mean Rubio is a Rhino and therefore not eligible for a legit 2016 run according you Conservatives?
Labels aside, his name is all over a bill that is wildly unpopular with Republican voters. Given that he IS a Republican, that's a bit of a problem for him.
Even prior to this you could pretty much rule out him getting the nomination (polls have him losing *Florida* to the likely Democratic nominee). After this, he'll be lucky if he doesn't face a serious opponent in the primaries.
The 'Republican voter getting sold down the river watch', continues.
Immigration reform before control ensures that civil rights violations will be progressive and enforced by "law". It also ensures that the causes of mass immigration will never be addressed.
I would offer that it is time to start executing these traitors when they come to their home districts. But if I did that, the fucking NSA would report me to the CIA, FBI, ACLU, and NAMBLA.
So I'll just say Rubio is dead to me, the GOP is dead to me. And I'll only vote in just a few races for people that I can trust. The rest of the pukes can go fuck themselves.
Snitch McConnel...you think you were smart? We know what you did. You could have put up a fight against this piece of shit, but you let it roll on past so you could vote against it, knowing your vote was a throw away. You are the minority leader, and you didn't lead. By your actions you show you approve of amnesty. You just thought we weren't smart enough to catch onto your shill game. Fuck you too Snitch. We know who you are, you're a RINO like all the other dinosaurs of your generation. Piss off and die you old fuck.
There is a slight chance for secession or separation but only if economic implosion occurs first. In the immense societal stress that will come with a depression a breakaway by a state or region may be possible.
Matt said...
When Mr. Rubio finished, the other senators in the bipartisan group surrounded him on the floor, patting him on the back and offering words of encouragement. “Good job,” said one. “I’m proud of you,” said another.
Does this mean Rubio is a Rhino and therefore not eligible for a legit 2016 run according you Conservatives?
I think it is clearly apparent that Rubio sold his soul to Chuck Schumer. Simple. He shot his wad on this and if the house kills it, he's finished. I think he's finished either way unless he seriously thinks that he can parley this into enough latino votes for him to become president.
Son of "We have to pass it to see what's in it".
Employers get a tax break for hiring an illegal.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
The 'Republican voter getting sold down the river watch', continues.
I want to hear what Troll says when some Zeta let in by this bill rapes and murders his family.
BTW, your show trial is really going South, isn't it?
So when 70% of one party voted against something it's considered broad bipartisan support?
Come on, for this cause (permanent wage suppression for American workers) the media would consider two Republicans broad support. They HAVE to make it that way because the country is not broadly behind this bill.
edutcher said...
I want to hear what wonderful ARM says when some Zeta let in by this bill rapes and murders his family.
I'm not going to be happy. I can tell you that right now.
Carnifex said...
I would offer that it is time to start executing these traitors when they come to their home districts. But if I did that, the fucking NSA would report me to the CIA, FBI, ACLU, and NAMBLA.
So I'll just say Rubio is dead to me, the GOP is dead to me. And I'll only vote in just a few races for people that I can trust. The rest of the pukes can go fuck themselves.
Snitch McConnel...you think you were smart? We know what you did. You could have put up a fight against this piece of shit, but you let it roll on past so you could vote against it, knowing your vote was a throw away. You are the minority leader, and you didn't lead. By your actions you show you approve of amnesty. You just thought we weren't smart enough to catch onto your shill game. Fuck you too Snitch. We know who you are, you're a RINO like all the other dinosaurs of your generation. Piss off and die you old fuck.
I gave up on the GOP years ago. I saw the road they were taking, which is to say there ended up being the bottoms for the democrats and joyfully so. Even my wife has recently told the GOP to go fuck themselves, so I asked her if she is going to go independent. She looked at me and said, "Fuck it, maybe I should just go back to being a Democrat. At least they win shit." as she laughed down the hallway knowing the literal glee it gave her to say that to me.
Rubio has always been an establishment Republican. It was sheer chance that he got affiliated with the Tea Party. (Rubio jumped ahead in line to challenge the even more execrable Charlie Crist for the Senate seat in 2010 - only by comparison to Crist did he look like a Tea Party type.)
More gays, more Mexicans and if it all comes together, more gay Mexicans. This second term is going even better than I'd hoped!
That we found out about a few posers makes this piece of dreck almost worth it.
With another fiscal cliff to be dealt with in the Fall this thing is dead for now.
Funny how Gomez, one of "their" Republicans, got creamed so badly by Ed Maakey when he was all for this.
somefeller said...
More gays, more Mexicans and if it all comes together, more gay Mexicans. This second term is going even better than I'd hoped!
Viva la Rosa Revolution.
May I assume that Joe Biden announced the final tally by calling it a big f*ck*ng deal? Or something equally coarse?
I think he's finished either way unless he seriously thinks that he can parley this into enough latino votes for him to become president
If he was correct and suddenly there were zillions of Latino GOP primary voters, he might make it, but since they are not, he's toast...
Dems voted for 54-0.
Darn, I could have sworn somebody here said a few days ago
"A constant influx of cheap labor is not the dream of any leftist on this planet. Do you know anything about 'left' ideology? Literally anything at all? Where the fuck do you get these ideas?"
Oh, I don't know, maybe because
Dems voted for 54-0.
Gee, some of the commenters here are acting as though they are really mad. Back away from the one-upping each other on the doomcrying schtick. Soomeone might think you really hear the coming of the apocalypse in your teeth fillings.
Can we amend the constitution to require Senators to read bills before they pass them? Maybe make every bill be read, in its entirety, on the Senate floor before a vote can be called?
Then we'd get shorter, to the point bills.
Paco Wové said...
Darn, I could have sworn somebody here said a few days ago
"A constant influx of cheap labor is not the dream of any leftist on this planet. Do you know anything about 'left' ideology? Literally anything at all? Where the fuck do you get these ideas?"
Don't you be trying to change the subject here. The topic for discussion is 'Republican voters get sold down the river', part 1,776.
The Dems do not represent any left wing ideology with which I am familiar.
The Speaker was seemingly making noises about going along with the Senate bill until his caucus made clear that he would lose his office if he didn't follow the Hastart Rule that essentially says that a Republican Speaker must have the backing of his caucus to bring legislation to the floor. So, no group of Rhinos joining the Dems to pass it, like what happened in the Senate.
Thing though is, is that he may get around this by passing some immigration legislation on a mostly party line vote, then appointing the Reps on the conference committee, where the result is mostly the Senate bill, and bringing that to the floor for a vote, where it passes with Dem and Rino votes, bypassing the Hastert Rule. Something like that.
We shall see.
Matt: "Does this mean Rubio is a Rhino and therefore not eligible for a legit 2016 run according you Conservatives?"
That makes no sense considering the last 2 republican nominees for President.
However, that being said, this vote does put Rubio behind the 8-ball on the national scene.
Of course, never say never is a good rule of thumb.
'cuz ya never know what's gonna happen.
"The Dems do not represent any left wing ideology with which I am familiar."
That would seem to imply that many Democratic Party voters, particularly the lower-income ones, are being "sold down the river" as well. Perhaps even more definitively than those stoopid Republicans.
ARM: "The Dems do not represent any left wing ideology with which I am familiar."
If you mean they have not passed laws that are as left wing as you (and they for that matter) would have liked, that is a given.
However, to say that some of these characters don't represent any left wing ideology with which you are familiar is disingenuous.
somefeller said...
More gays, more Mexicans and if it all comes together, more gay Mexicans. This second term is going even better than I'd hoped!
No more homosexuals (the Baghdad Bob of Althouse apparently doesn't know homosexuals can't reproduce)
No more Mexicans (the Baghdad Bob of Althouse apparently doesn't know passage by the Senate is only one part of a bill's becoming law)
No more homosexual Mexicans (although Chuckie's AmnestyCare did have something for them, too)
If the IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Sibelius shakedown scandals, failure, of AmnestyCare, a sagging economy, and the humiliation of Little Zero are "better than I'd hoped", the Baghdad Bob of Althouse either has remarkably low standards or the graveyard past which he's whistling is about the size of the military cemetary at Verdun.
Bruce, he apparently has committed to the Hastert Rule on the Conference bill as well.
we'll see.
AReasonableMan said...
I want to hear what wonderful ARM says when some Zeta let in by this bill rapes and murders his family.
I'm not going to be happy. I can tell you that right now.
The one thing we know with certainty is that ARM will blame Republicans.
I just checked, and my Republican senator voted against cloture and against the bill, so my grunting Neandertal self is somewhat mollified.
A conference committee works on the differences in ONE bill that has first been passed in one house, then voted on with amendments and changes in the other, and works on a compromise to be voted on.
A totally separate immigration reform introduced and voted for in the house would then have to be introduced to and voted on in the senate. With amendments, etc.
As long as this bill is tabled, it stays dead.
somefeller said...
More gays, more Mexicans and if it all comes together, more gay Mexicans. This second term is going even better than I'd hoped!
I hope you live in the southwest where you get to experience the erosion of the rule of law the new immigrants will bring with them. No? A few hundred murders a year is the price others pay so team blue can push more American jobs to China? Cheers all around at Dem HQ.
So many empty lamp posts.
I suspect the current generally docile and law abiding illegals will get a bit cocky after getting amnesty and so crime rates will increase quite a bit.
Paco Wové said...
That would seem to imply that many Democratic Party voters, particularly the lower-income ones, are being "sold down the river" as well. Perhaps even more definitively than those stoopid Republicans.
I only laugh because I'm crying inside.
One thing to be gained from living overseas for a while is that you realize how the terms of debate get twisted in local politics, every local politics, not just ours. Although terms like left-wing, socialist, commie etc. get thrown around like confetti when describing the Dems, the Democrat Party as it is currently constructed bears very little relationship to classic left wing parties, like the union based parties you find in Australia, Britain or Germany. Although they pursue a few classic left wing policies like increasing the minimum wage, in general they really don't give a fuck about the traditional concerns of working people.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
Don't you be trying to change the subject here. The topic for discussion is 'Republican voters get sold down the river', part 1,776.
No, the topic is the AmnestyCare bill.
Funny how the trolls want to control what everybody says.
Almost like Troll and the She Devil of the SS are the same person.
The Dems do not represent any left wing ideology with which I am familiar.
Which only proves he's ignorant, too.
...on the other hand, my Democratic senator is a lost cause, because, well,
Dems voted for 54-0.
Several of them, like Rubio, should be savoring the deep doo doo their career is in with their former base.
Harrogate: "Soomeone might think you really hear the coming of the apocalypse in your teeth fillings."
Oh, it's not a "coming apocalypse".
It's sort of already here.
We just got done pumping $255 Billion into the economy in the first quarter alone, followed immediately by one hand buying the other other hands debt (to the tune of $250 billion) in the first quarter, and all we got was an anemic (unexpected!!!) downward revision in the "already fake" GDP number of 1.8%.
1.8% after all that printed money.
And after all several years of all that, we still have a stock market that is 30% lower than 2009 when adjusted for inflation.
But it's all good.
There is a $1 Trillion in outstanding student debt (which the gov't is encouraging), the majority of which will be in default 'cuz there ain't no jobs.
But that's cool, 'cuz we're still at the lowest labor force participation rate since, oh, 1979.
1979. Now why does that year ring a bell?
But that's cool too because the manufacturing rate decreased for the first time since last November (in May!).
So hey, now is precisely the time you want to allow 11 million (really 30 million after all the family members get here) new, poorly educated immigrants into the country.
And you especially want to make sure you create a perverse business incentive to hire these new, low wage folks over US citizens since the new low wage immigrants are exempt from the obamacare requirements!
Which is cool, 'cuz the full force of the hit to businesses by the obamacare implementation is about to hit.
Which is cool, since Obama's new "war on coal" (and natural gas and oil btw) is about to kick in as well (so much so that environmental groups are offering up talking points that emphasize NOT talking about economic impacts).
Which is cool, since we already have record numbers of people on food stamps and a real unemployment rate of 12 to 14 percent and the numbers of under-employed folks is at a record high.
Which is cool, 'cuz gays.
That's nice you've lived overseas, ARM. Join the club.
I'm not sure where in your travels you would have gotten the idea that because the D's aren't your idea of a 'left wing party' that exempts them from paying attention to the interests of their voters, but not the Republicans.
Marshal, the trolls think they're going to be allowed inside the wired compounds with Chuckie Schumer and Big Sis when things collapse.
As I said, it's going to be interesting to hear them when the Zetas come to their neighborhood.
How many of these things do they recognize in their own lives?
I read chunks of it, and I am floored, not to mention sick to my stomach. It, as does o-care, gives major power to several agencies/unelected officials. By the time it is all said and done, we will be the same corrupt nation as the one they fled. And a trillion $? Wouldn't it be easier, cheaper, and require less growing of govt if we just say "olly olly oxen free" on July 4 n if you are here you are "in" poof immediately a us citizen then shut every inch of border then we all just figure out a way to get along and make it work. Why this protracted-bloating the govt process?
Paco Wové said...
because the D's aren't your idea of a 'left wing party' that exempts them from paying attention to the interests of their voters, but not the Republicans.
But they do pay attention, to the same small class of wealthy donors that drive Republican policies as well.
Politics should be about economics, the classic battle between labor and capital. Our politics pits one wealthy elite against another wealthy elite. The poor, and increasingly the middle class, get screwed.
"Why this protracted-bloating the govt process?"
A question that answers itself.
Isn't it funny that when the poor and middle are getting screwed under a Democrat administration - the democrats are amazingly never to blame?
"The poor, and increasingly the middle class, get screwed."
Yes, they do. By Republicans and Democrats.
54 – 0
I mean, aren't the Dems supposed to care about the plight of the common man, and all that? Everybody knows the Republicans are just tubby be-monocled plutocrats. And yet it's the Democrats that just voted – unanimously! – to crush all those low-wage natives.
ARM: "Politics should be about economics, the classic battle between labor and capital...."
It ain't 1917 anymore.
In case you hadn't noticed.
Boy, that Marx.
Talk about one over-represented DWEM (Dead, White European Male) in academia.....
AprilApple: "Isn't it funny that when the poor and middle are getting screwed under a Democrat administration - the democrats are amazingly never to blame?"
The dems are for the "little guys".
Like Marc Rich.
And George Soros.
The love the left has for the "little guys" is really obvious.
They love them so much they want to make many many more of them....
And it's working...
The 14 republicans are aching to be part of Newtown.
Paco Wové said...
I mean, aren't the Dems supposed to care about the plight of the common man, and all that? Everybody knows the Republicans are just tubby be-monocled plutocrats. And yet it's the Democrats that just voted – unanimously! – to crush all those low-wage natives.
A lot, probably the majority, of Republican voters get hurt by cheap wage policies as well.
Instead of using politics as a form of economic war to advance economic self interest politics have become focused on a cultural war. Once all the cultural issues get into the mix voters became blinded to the own economic best interests, allowing wealthy elites to capture the leadership of both parties.
Religious, racial, regional identities trump economic self-interest. It's tragic in my view. The vast majority of voters are disenfranchised economically with only cultural trinkets as solace.
A whole lotta pomp and circumstance for something that will never become a law.
I'd like to see a serious, intelligent Republican offensive on this issue.
Can anyone articulate a good reason why a "pathway to citizenship" (a euphemism for amnesty grants of citizenship) ought to be held up by Democrats as a dealbreaking, absolutist demand?
Ann Coulter was right; the House needs to pass no bill at all, so that a Conference Committee can't futz around with anything that might become a law. The Senate compromise that Coulter pointed out was a lose-lose-lose proposition. The Democrats got amnesty as they demanded (for what Jay Leno called "undocumented Democrats"), and the only price that the Dems would pay would be a vast federal expansion of pork and federal border security agents, most of whom will vote Democratic if they someday might think that Republicans will cut their budget.
This immigration bill must die, and it will die.
Love the pics of these assholes congratulating each other. Hostile Elite Yearbook, 2013.
I oppose this law on principle, but let's not get carried away. Its practical "rubber hits the road" effect will be negligible.
The people it won't kick out weren't leaving anyway, most of the people who become citizenship-eligible won't become citizens, and most of the people who come here beause of it woud have come anyway.
Not much will change.
Chuck said...
Ann Coulter was right; the House needs to pass no bill at all, so that a Conference Committee can't futz around with anything that might become a law.
And if they don't do this you will know for sure that it is time for 'Republican voters get sold down the river, part 1,776'.
That what has Troll and all the other Lefties really scared.
Chuck: I'd like to see a serious, intelligent Republican offensive on this issue.
Which is like wishing for a "serious, intelligent Republican party" ha ha ha ha ha.
Look, the Republicans (mostly) want this monstrosity, too. Their "serious, intelligent offensive" will consist of having those in danger of losing their seats vote nay, while adding enough yeas from the safe-for-now seats to help push this flaming POS through.
Anglelyne said...
Look, the Republicans (mostly) want this monstrosity, too. Their "serious, intelligent offensive" will consist of having those in danger of losing their seats vote nay, while adding enough yeas from the safe-for-now seats to help push this flaming POS through.
Hard to argue with this.
tim maguire said...
I oppose this law on principle, but let's not get carried away. Its practical "rubber hits the road" effect will be negligible.
The people it won't kick out weren't leaving anyway, most of the people who become citizenship-eligible won't become citizens, and most of the people who come here beause of it woud have come anyway.
Not much will change.
But you miss the larger point of it all. It's the codified pork and statutes that will be law. It may not do a damned thing, but by that token, why do anything at all only to codify it? Bigger picture.
Christ, look back at what the liberals were saying in 2005. It's the mirror image. Get a hold of yourselves. It is embarrassing.
Well, I'm glad it passed.
Well, I'm glad it passed.
Here are the 14 Republican Traitors:
-Bob Corker -Tennessee
-Lamar Alexander -Tennessee
-Kelly Ayotte (Lied to get elected)
-Jeff Chiesa (Christie's Stooge)
-Susan Collins (No Surprise)
-Jeff Flake (McCain Jnr.)
-Graham (McCain's Girlfriend)
-Orrin Hatch (Kennedy's BFF)
-Dean Heller
-John Hoeven
-Mark Kirk
-John McCain (No 1 traitor)
-Lisa Murkowski (Rino)
-Marco Rubio (Gang of 8)
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/immigration-roll-call-vote-93531.html#ixzz2XTO8nxA0
If elected in 2008, this would've been Johnny McCain's No. 1 priority. He lied during the 2008 and 2010 primaries, of course, but he ALWAYS does.
Just build the dang fence!
Yet, the Republicans made him their 2008 POTUS candidate, and keep him i the Senate.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
Look, the Republicans (mostly) want this monstrosity, too. Their "serious, intelligent offensive" will consist of having those in danger of losing their seats vote nay, while adding enough yeas from the safe-for-now seats to help push this flaming POS through.
Hard to argue with this.
No, very easy if you're not a lying troll.
Real Republicans hate this. It's truly evil in its intent and effects.
The RINOs, first, buy the media propaganda to some degree that demographics are against them.
Long term the opposite is true, otherwise why does Chuckie Schumer need to import 35 million Mexicans and start a race war within the Democrat Party?
Second, the RINOs are making common cause with the Demos against the real opposition, the Tea Partiers. This is why Chuckie Schumer calls them, "our" Republicans. They've basically sold out, as Angelyne suggests and the creation of a new party, in the same way the Whigs sold out to the Demos over slavery (which, of course, is what's happening here) is going to be the inevitable result.
Rubio, Graham, & Co jumped the gun, however. This is going to make for an interesting '14 election.
Palin has stated she'll campaign against Rubio on this issue. Coulter has been strong too.
The only conservatives with balls are women.
pg 86
"distress beacons...where migrant deaths are occurring DUE TO CLIMATIC and environmental conditions; ... Deploy up to 1,000 Beacon Stations....[that are] self-powering, such as SOLAR-powered...to signal" that they are in distress, "including SELF POWERED cell phones for those unable to get to the beacon stations"
I oppose this law on principle, but let's not get carried away. Its practical "rubber hits the road" effect will be negligible.
I disagree. It sends the signal out that you can sneak into the US without consequence, without getting deported, and eventually you'll be granted citizenship. We'll have another 20 million illegals on US soil within a decade.
If these people,do jobs americans won't do, will they still do those jobs that Americans won't do?
Obviously, they will get jobs tht will,provide the minimum wage at Lear. Not to mention compete with other low skilled labor over dwindling jobs that Obama's administration hadn't done much to produce.
But when that happens, won't we need new workers do do jobs that Americans won't do? Therefore, well need a new influx of cheap labor, and then another amnesty.
Why not just set up a worker program without a path to citizenship unless you apply the normal way and wait at the back of the line behind the people you try to cut ahead of.
BTW, Amnesty will turn Nevada blue. You've had two groups moving to LV, conservatives Californians fleeing Liberalism and immigrants (Filipinos and Hispanics).
The tidal wave of immigrant voters will turn Nevada blue. Arizona will probably be next.
As far as Rubio, this vote might be the equivalent of being the republican who voted for Obamacare.
I haven't read the bill yet, so maybe its not as bad as we think, butt if it is he should probably run as a democrat.
rcocean said...
The tidal wave of immigrant voters will turn Nevada blue. Arizona will probably be next.
Don't forget Texas.
Why don't we just annex Mexico and make it the 51st state?
April Apple wrote: At what point will the democrats pivot to jobs? It's been years now.
Don't encourage them.
The irony here is that immigration is something for which the federal government actually has responsibility. Republicans and anti-Democrats enjoy the frisson of asking why the Democrats don't address jobs, but that's a rhetorical cul-de-sac. For the love of God, please don't let Congress address jobs. The Democrats will feed the seed corn to locusts and hire a union to do it. The Republicans will do without the union, with equivalent results.
Unlike jobs, immigration actually does need the Federal government's attention.
I'm sure that this bill is no good. It's probably good it's DOA in the House. But the status quo of immigration both reported and unreported is no good too. Dealing with this fiasco is part of Congress's portfolio. It's one of the few important things they're supposed to handle. Let them keep at it.
Orrin Hatch is a lying asshole along with the GOP in general. It really is time to flush this statist party down the toilet.
The problem Republicans run into is that a good chunk of the party is genuinely anti-immigration (of any kind).
The smart play would be to actually suggest an immigration reform package -- as in, a way to improve and speed up the legal immigration process. Don't try sucking up to Mexicans, they're mostly going to be Democrats regardless. Make Asian, European, and African immigration easier (yes, African -- the Democrats have the native-born black vote sewn up, but Africans don't carry all that cultural baggage). Cultivate the Chinese and Indian vote.
We don't need to do anything to give a path to citizenship to illegals. There's already a path to citizenship for illegals: leave, immigrate legally, and become a citizen.
Revenant wrote:
We don't need to do anything to give a path to citizenship to illegals. There's already a path to citizenship for illegals: leave, immigrate legally, and become a citizen.
I agree. I don't have a problem with a card program that identifies illegals working here though. They should be able to work here but not expect citiizenship unless going through the proper channels.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
The tidal wave of immigrant voters will turn Nevada blue. Arizona will probably be next.
Don't forget Texas.
This was our little pal, shilol's, wet dream.
Problem is, without AmnestyCare, it doesn't happen.
Right now, we have net negative immigration and the Roe Effect will start being felt in the next 10 - 20 years.
If Chuckie Schumer can't import those 35 million peons from Mexico (and that's what they'll be), the Lefties are screwed.
"I oppose this law on principle, but let's not get carried away. Its practical "rubber hits the road" effect will be negligible."
That's what all the liberal democrats say. Amnesty will allow 11 million new Democrat votes, it will drastically increase LEGAL immigration, and it will allow all the illegals here now to bring in their relatives.
It's expected to result in 50 million new immigrants over the next 15 years. Chances of them being Republican? 1/10.
But you seem to want to turn the USA into Mexico. OK, just don't kick when the Capital gains tax gets increased to 50% and we national health care.
Yep, I mentioned money. Did I get your attention Republicans?
Another point to consider.
Now we have time to see what was in AmnestyCare and find out exactly what a monstrosity it really was.
This, needless to say, can be used against both Chuckie and the RINOs.
Don't encourage them.
The democrats couldn't create or help create a single private sector job if their lives depended on it.
That's why DC is thriving and the rest of the nation is rotting slowly. All the jobs are tax payer funded government union jobs.
Davis Bacon.
The worst part of the bill is the guest worker program (which the CBO says will keep illegal immigration at high levels if for no other reason than that the "guest workers" will not leave when their work permits expire). I did not understand why this needed to be in there -- why anyone would support bringing in new low-wage workers when unemployment is high and wages are stagnating. Then a light bulb went off -- just today: the support of the Chamber of Commerce was needed, not to get senators' votes, but to get them to bombard the airwaves of wavering senators home states with one deceptive commercial after another.
Jane said...
Then a light bulb went off -- just today: the support of the Chamber of Commerce was needed, not to get senators' votes, but to get them to bombard the airwaves of wavering senators home states with one deceptive commercial after another.
You have this backwards. The Chamber of Commerce is the engine and the senators are the train. They are pressuring the Repub senators to vote for this bill. They will buy passage of this bill. They want new low-wage workers.
I've suddenly realized the truth about the Democrat party. They are the party of evil. 54-0 in favor of amnesty. Not one vote against.
Yes, Johnny McCain and his girlfriend Lindsey are an embarrassment and traitors.
But most Republicans are patriots and favor the rule of law. NO DEMOCRAT IS.
Democrats are the party of evil. They will destroy America if given a chance. As long as they PERSONALLY are doing OK.
They are unpatriotic traitors. I'm not saying this as hyperbole, but as a fact.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
Then a light bulb went off -- just today: the support of the Chamber of Commerce was needed, not to get senators' votes, but to get them to bombard the airwaves of wavering senators home states with one deceptive commercial after another.
You have this backwards. The Chamber of Commerce is the engine and the senators are the train. They are pressuring the Repub senators to vote for this bill. They will buy passage of this bill. They want new low-wage workers.
Citation, por favor?
rcocean is NOT being hyperbolic, nor is he being hysterical or caricaturing anything.
You see, he's serious.
Harogate: I am serious. And I'm not being hyperbolic. The 54-0 vote simply showed me that the Democrat party is completely unpatriotic and is full of people who will sell this country out for 40 pieces of silver.
Where is the outrage from the Democrat grassroots? There is none.
Like Pigs at a trough the Democrat grass roots gave about only one thing: Their Government handouts. If they get their daily slop, they don't care what their masters do.
And the Democrats don't have one patriotic bone in their body. They can't even SAY the word patriotism, except as a joke or insult.
The problem Republicans run into is that a good chunk of the party is genuinely anti-immigration (of any kind).
I don't see any evidence of this. Legal immigration enjoys pretty wide support in the Republican party.
Democrats DO care about immigrants though. And Gay marriage. And Gays getting into the Military. And Affirmative action. And Israel and foreign aid.
But the USA? Not at at all.
Since the subject of Voter ID came up...
WH Touts Kenyan Program to Obtain National ID Cards for Voter Registration
I don't see any evidence of this.
It is the dog that doesn't bark. The Republican Party -- base and leadership alike -- spends a lot of time bashing illegal immigrants and no time trying to make legal immigration easier.
Supporting enhanced legal immigration while rejecting special treatment for illegals would be a big PR win (and the moral thing to do besides). Yet there's never been any serious attempt to do it this past few decades. If the person isn't potential minimum-wage unskilled labor the business wing of the party doesn't want them, and the party base doesn't want them regardless.
"A third of Americans are traitors who want to destroy the nation" is not a sane argument. Please shut the fuck up before you make the rest of us look crazy for tolerating your existence.
As somebody wrote, there's the stupid party and the evil party and sometimes they go bipartisan to produce something both stupid and evil.
Revenant said...
I don't see any evidence of this.
It is the dog that doesn't bark. The Republican Party -- base and leadership alike -- spends a lot of time bashing illegal immigrants and no time trying to make legal immigration easier.
Supporting enhanced legal immigration while rejecting special treatment for illegals would be a big PR win (and the moral thing to do besides). Yet there's never been any serious attempt to do it this past few decades. If the person isn't potential minimum-wage unskilled labor the business wing of the party doesn't want them, and the party base doesn't want them regardless.
Problem is, the demos don't want that.
They want serfs.
The people behind amnesty, the GOP members of the Gang of Eight, and the sudden GOP love for amnesty:
"FWD.us is funding two subsidiaries that are running the ads -- the Republican-leaning, "Americans for a Conservative Direction" and the Democratic-minded, "Council for American Job Growth."
"Each group has a board of directors separate from FWD.us, which last week added the backing of Microsoft founder Bill Gates and its CEO Steve Ballmer as well as technology entrepreneur Sean Parker to an already impressive list of Silicon Valley leaders who have signed on as supporters."
Americans for a Conservative Direction
"Americans for a Conservative Direction" which is the opposite of conservative, blanketing talk radio with ads, and is a wholly owned sock puppet of silicon valley, famously Obama territory.
The Dems do not represent any left wing ideology with which I am familiar.
Breathtaking. Simply breathtaking.
The proper response in the house is for Boner to say they are going to work on their own bill, and then do nothing.
Everything about this bill is bad.
We really need a conservative party in this country. Just kill off the Republican Party and let 95% of them join the Democratic Party.
Marshal, the trolls think they're going to be allowed inside the wired compounds with Chuckie Schumer and Big Sis when things collapse.
As I said, it's going to be interesting to hear them when the Zetas come to their neighborhood.
If I’m correctly understanding the reference I have to ask – how well does the movie compare to the book?
Palin has stated she'll campaign against Rubio on this issue.
Palin endorsed Hatch over his Tea Party challenger in what would have been a safe seat for Republicans. Hatch had supported the McCain-Kennedy bill on immigration and his challenger voted for a State bill that was substantively the same as Arizona’s.
The only reason to taken her prognostications on this or any issue seriously is if you haven’t been paying attention.
Thorley Winston wrote
"Why Mitt Romney is my First Choice (and John McCain my Second)"
The only reason to taken his prognostications on this or any issue seriously is if you haven’t been paying attention.
Viator, if you disagree with my analysis of the available choices in the 2008 Republican primary, please feel free to tell me which other candidate that was running at time you think would have been a better choice and why.
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