There's such a dense pack of scandals that some of them have already passed beyond notice. As for the rest of them... people are getting tired....
Is that how it works? Something else that might happen is a swirling amorphous feeling that there are scandals everywhere, the administration is scandal-plagued, and everything about government falls into disrepute. There's nothing to expose or solve anymore. Everyone becomes cynical and dismissive and won't even listen to the explanations or pay attention to any specific facts and answers that might emerge.
Ah! They're all a bunch of crooks!
Of course, Republicans are hoping people will end up with the opinion The Democrats are all a bunch of crooks!
३१३ टिप्पण्या:
313 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Why isn't Sebelius being perp walked for a clear violation of the law? The word shame holds no meaning to leftists at all, yet are more than happy to use it against their opposition.
Sebelius sold "protection". People get sent to jail for that.
Interesting theme emerging about Frauds once posed to us as legitimate news of facts.
But they were all propaganda covers for swindles. There were NO FACTS THERE.
Is the truth making a late inning comeback.
It is in the Global Warming CO2 pollution total hoax case.
Republicans may hope that. But let's leave that conjecture to the side.
Conservatives understand that centralized government inexorably leads to control and corruption by those who would control.
Why follow the political game when the intellectual avenues are so much more useful?
Progressive: A radical leftwing extremist who operates outside of the law.
Who enforces laws when the AG is corrupt?
Notice too it's the "Will to Power".
It's nothing but an exertion of will by people over other people.
And Althouse voted for that.
Transparently obvious.
If people are tired of these scandals now, just wait until the clock winds down on ACA implementation. Its going to get harder to ignore.
Remember when one of the roles of elected officials was to protect citizens from the permanent government?
The miasma-mouthed leader of the Sullivanists has suggested going after those leaders in Congress responsible for uncovering the truths and lies in the present administration.
I'd link him but I don't wish to give him traffic.
Of course, Republicans are hoping people will end up with the opinion The Democrats are all a bunch of crooks!
Yeah, good luck with that.
Michael Haz sez:
Remember when one of the roles of elected officials was to protect citizens from the permanent government?
Short answer: NO!
Nuanced answer: HELL NO!
1. Lots of scandals
2. Media calls "no harm, no foul"
3. Racist (trump card)
Obama Trifecta
And if the scandal fratricide leads to scandal fatigue the criminal ruling class will just laugh and laugh and laugh.Meanwhile those of us in the flyover country will be subject to the harassment of His appointed officers.Thanks Obamabots.
Squirrel and Beyoncé.
The Pigford thing is just. so. frustrating. Not just because someone was on to them years ago and it got no notice, but because even when it DID get wider notice, because it's a black thang, nobody is going to do dick about it.
Washington...claiming responsibility without taking the blame (hat tip, Insty)
Only whites could be racist, only Republicans could be crooks.
Democrats do everything, including grafts and shakedowns, for the people.
It's the Republicans who caused all the scandals. Without a Republican House, nothing would be investigated. No investigations, no scandals.
Benghazi? That silly filmmaker's fault.
IRS investigations? Teabaggers should be clamped down before they really did damage to the country.
Wiretap of Fox News reporters? Everyone knows Fox News is not a real news organization, it's a front to provide cover for Teabaggers and such.
Republicans will be surprised to learn that they are the crooked politicians that can't be trusted. Democrat's MSM propaganda machine will make sure of that.
campy cranks...
Yeah, good luck with that.
E Tu, lLio? Ever the derailleur.
Richard Windsor, aka Richard Windsor
"Sue and Settle"
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity?
The Dream Act Executive Order
Some said recently (perhaps it was Glenn Reynolds) that if you want an administration that's held accountable for their actions by the press, you have to have a Republican one. The reason so much corruption has occurred in this administration is partially because they believed they could get away with it with a sycophantic press that was willing to look the other way (they may still get away with it).
If things get bad enough at some point liberals will have to repudiate the people in order to save the ideology.
eelpout said...
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity?
Thank you for self identifying, scumbag.
Darrell "The Torch" Issa will get to the bottom of this.
Scandal fatigue, and a gradual 2-3 month return of the MSM to the Obama camp are the likely outcomes which means that the various coverups will have succeeded.
On national moral grounds, that's why appointing strong Independent Counsels for each of the scandals is essential. I want to know why our fellow Americans died in Benghazi. I want to know why we sponsored gun running in Mexico. I want to know if, how and why our government let bureaucrats target citizens based on political beliefs. I want to know if the DOJ trampled all over the First Amendment.
Without reasonable answers, I will never trust any of the bastards in DC again, and will strive to vote out all incumbents in 2014 and beyond.
I only pay my taxes because I have children and they need me to stay out of jail. I no longer feel any moral obligation to pay my state or federal taxes because they broke faith with me so long ago I no longer remember the date. I feel no animosity to people who cheat on their taxes...I only wish I could.
Once again, regular people would care about this stuff if the media would do their job and report on these stories with the same breathless energy and gusto they report other nonsense "news" stories.
Journalism is dead in America. The American people are kept in a state of "who cares" because the media are in the tank for one political party.
eelpout said...
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity?
6/3/13, 12:07 PM
It's a good thing that while Issa was commiting all of these heinous crimes, Obama was a drug dealing pot head.
Darrell "The Torch" Issa will get to the bottom of this.
Well said by a supporter of Choom and DUI manaughter Teddy. Benghazi was a long time ago but dropped charges from 40 years ago was yesterday. Fear not. The "Torch" will get to the bottom of this. This Administration is such a target rich environment.
"Pigford" is no longer just a "Black" thing, but has expanded to include American Indians and Women, and the pricetag is now an estimated 4.5 billion - with a b- and rising, which is real money, especially for something that started out as just $20 million +/-.
That has not sunk in yet, but when it does - and it is something that is easy to understand; nothing complex at all - I would think Pigford may easily come to overshadow all the others.
eelpout and bbkingfish
Trying to make hay on a story already shot up. If you are going to beat your chest about something, you might want to get the full story. Idiots
Of course, Republicans are hoping people will end up with the opinion The Democrats are all a bunch of crooks!
... I'm not sure they'd be far off.
Not suggesting that the Republicans are much better, but it'll be a refreshing change from the default durr-durr of "them Republicans are all crooks!" from the Progressives.
@SteveR: Let them dribble on. I want to see whether they stay true to their sullivanistic talking points.
Its as I was saying.
If you have scandals, better to air out a lot at once. This was all arranged in order to defuse them for 2014. And of course to limit the effect of any new problems.
And the usual media has been cooperating.
eelpout said...
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity?
This again? When do you morons realize that your stupidity as uttered by the lies you tell doesn't make you poignant, meaningful, or trustworthy.
Special prosecutors won't, ever, be appointed.
One needs the cooperation of the administration or at least the Senate for this, and its not going to happen. Previous administrations, of both parties, had better morals or perhaps some greater fear of the public and the press. This one doesn't.
We are no living in a banana republic. As a former native of one of these I see the signs clearly.
It's a good thing that while Issa was commiting all of these heinous crimes, Obama was a drug dealing pot head.
I would argue smoking pot and smoking your business for insurance money aren't really equivalent.
A co-worker claimed that before the fire, Issa had put important electronic prototypes in a fireproof box, and that he’d removed the business’s computer and financial files from the building. Investigators also found that less than three weeks before the blaze, Issa had increased the company’s fire insurance from $100,000 to more than $400,000.
“So you add the more than quadrupling of the insurance along with the taking the computer and putting the other stuff in a fireproof box, and you can see why both the arson investigators and the insurance investigators pointed a finger, you know, at Issa after this fire,” said Lizza.
All Democrats are crooks-and don't forget the unions.It's the Chicago way.
eelpout's pot advocacy is another tell...
Did eelpout actually just now write that? Really? And you're not embarrassed? Please, stop using someone else' brain, that person needs it themselves for their tweets. You should know this group already read circles around that tweet. Check out twitchy if you like to see why your remark is so vacuous.
eelpout said...I would argue smoking pot and smoking your business for insurance money aren't really equivalent.
Good point. You've convinced me not to vote for Issa as president.
Now please shut your pie hole. People who can focus on the subject at hand shouldn't have to scan by your diarrheal talking points.
I would argue smoking pot and smoking your business for insurance money aren't really equivalent."
Yes, far worse if true than pardoning Marc Rich or ripping the tax payers off for crony enrichment schemes. Or letting four people die so as to not spoil the political narrative. Keep digging.
You know the charges were dropped.
So the whole "Issa is a criminal" squirrel isn't real.
As usual the left need to create a demon and a diversion to excuse their billion dollar criminal tax payer waste.
Did Issa waste 4.5 billion?
Did Plouffe's party? Why - yes.
4.5 billion of your tax dollars - WASTED by a corrupt scam perpetrated by democrats.
Waaaait! - ISSA did something bad in the 1970s and it was dropped!
Actually April Issa was mistaken as to doing something bad in the 70s.
Jeff - So the charge isn't even real?
Even better. If you're a sociopath liar democrat - just say it is. Just lie.
Why aren't we calling progressivism "fascism"? The veil has dropped. Fascism is what the Democrats practice and believe. It is what it is.
cubanbob said...Keep digging.
Thanks. We haven't been able to find any sealed divorce records we can illegally leak but we are looking assiduously.
eelpout said...
It's a good thing that while Issa was commiting all of these heinous crimes, Obama was a drug dealing pot head.
I would argue smoking pot and smoking your business for insurance money aren't really equivalent.
Nice way to ignore the admitted drug dealing by Obama, but then, you don't really want to talk about crimes committed and confessed, compared with those not even being charged after a full blown investigation.
Jeff - So the charge isn't even real?
Which charge? There were several.
Sebelius is as aware of the Anti-Deficiency Act as I am. It has been applied to me, not so long ago, and I ceased and desisted consulting participation in a federal project upon such direction. In my case I was participating, for no compensation, when I should have requested a one dollar remuneration. It was used to shut me up anyway. You may not donate your expertise as a retired fed to current feds without taking lucre....and current feds may not solicit goods, services, or funding outside of Congressional appropriation.
In Sebelius case, she's a cabinet secretary so nothing she does is illegal unless she says it is illegal. She was and is breaking the law, more than I was certainly, but nothing will come of it.
You just must begin to understand how "rules" work in Washington DC.
Sebelious... that name says it all.
Of course, Republicans are hoping people will end up with the opinion The Democrats are all a bunch of crooks!
You live in Madison, you are less than 80 miles from Milwaukee and less than 150 miles from Chicago, and you don't already grasp the truth that Democrats really are all a bunch of crooks.
Are you up for sabatical soon, Professor? You may want to go someplace where honesty is more the norm so you get a reset button of your own.
3) Benghazi: The 2012 Obama Campaign’s line was that al Qaeda was defeated and terror no longer a major threat. Then the US consulate was overrun by, oops, al Qaeda fighters on last Sept. 11, leaving four Americans dead.
The White House, though it knew better, blamed the whole thing on an obscure YouTube video, and saw the video’s filmmaker hustled off to jail for “probation violations.” Since then, it’s become clear that Team Obama knowingly misrepresented events to Congress and the American public.
Still waiting for our resident blind-faithers/true-believers to answer this one.
it's not like Obama hasn't attempted insurance fraud. he tried to file a damage claim for his car on his liability insurance. he still bitches about it.
Didn't a fair number of us here on Althouse comment some time ago that all these scandals all at once smelled like a intentional act, of sorts, to make each of them appear smaller?
eel - Like what?
Want to name something real and pertinent to circa now/today's scandals?
Pigford is just part of the racial shakedown practiced by Jessuh Jackson and Al Sharpton, but F&F and Sibelius are several levels of magnitude worse.
(and, for the media to "discover" F&F down the road when everything else gets bad, would not be unheard of)
SteveR said...
If people are tired of these scandals now, just wait until the clock winds down on ACA implementation. Its going to get harder to ignore.
That's why a lot of top-level Demos are scared. It wasn't just Watergate of itself that did in Nixon, it was the state of the economy that made him so easy to dislike.
bbkingfish said...
Darrell "The Torch" Issa will get to the bottom of this.
Unlike Eric Holder.
Old Dad said...
Scandal fatigue, and a gradual 2-3 month return of the MSM to the Obama camp are the likely outcomes which means that the various coverups will have succeeded.
It only works if nothing new comes out.
No, the drip, drip, drip nature of revelations says otherwise (Watergate again). There are a lot of people who don't like the Choom Gang with scores to settle. That's what will keep this going.
1-Associated Press
3-Green Energy grants to friends
4-Fast & Furious
5-Fox News & James Rosen
6-IRS- tea parties
7-IRS - audits of conservatives
9-Sebelius soliciations of insurers
10-Turning off credit card edits to accept foreign campaign donors
Damn that is quite a list. Soon, we will add Obamacare contracts given to friends.
of course obama's supporters won't admit he attempted insurance fraud. they'll claim he was ignorant of how insurance works. let that sink in.
" Blogger eelpout said...
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity? "
The marching orders have gone out, I see.
I don't know what you people are griping about.
The scandals are a triumph of the American spirit.
When you go to the shoe store... there isn't just one kind of shoe. Same thing when you go to a gun show... I'm sure... I've never been to a gun show, but, I'm sure there isn't just one kind of gun at a gun show.
Why should we expect that ours scandals are not going offer a diversity of complexity and innovation in all forms of evasion and chicanery to accommodate the tastes and appetites of a rather vastly diverse public?
We should be celebrating our perspicacious ingenuity, in the drive to innovate and improve the art of corruption.
We should be #1 on everything.
... you can see why both the arson investigators and the insurance investigators pointed a finger, you know, at Issa after this fire,” said Lizza.
Sure. Arson investigators are rather adept at determining whether a fire was arson or accidental. If their findings determined no arson, that pretty much seals it.
The "Issa is a criminal from the 70s" crap is tantamount to admitting he's clean, or they would have something better to spew. Clearly Issa is scaring the shit out of these people. They know their heros are dirty - very dirty. Nothing left to do but hope to throw some on the messenger.
"Aristocracy is not an institution: aristocracy is a sin; generally a very venial one. It is merely the drift or slide of men into a sort of natural pomposity and praise of the powerful, which is the most easy and obvious affair in the world.
...In the best Utopia, I must be prepared for the moral fall of any man in any position at any moment; especially for my fall from my position at this moment.
Carlyle's hero may say, "I will be king"; but the Christian saint must say, "Nolo episcopari." If the great paradox of Christianity means anything, it means this—that we must take the crown in our hands, and go hunting in dry places and dark corners of the earth until we find the one man who feels himself unfit to wear it.
Carlyle was quite wrong; we have not got to crown the exceptional man who knows he can rule. Rather we must crown the much more exceptional man who knows he can't."
**Nolo episcopari:“I do not want to be bishop”.
With all the money sloshing around in Democrat circles, look for the screws to be put to the Republican Senators and Representatives. One-by-one, isolate, personalize, demonize.
All these scandals provide good cover for that sort of plumbing.
The comical Issa assault is proof that the Obama West Wing is sweating profusely. Hell, the chief crook may be sweating by now, especially if his puppeteer is getting fed up.
The big talking point, straight from Plouffe.
The only reason da kingfish has anything at all to say.
Obama's still fucking us over again, UNEXPECTEDLY!"
According to Axelrod, the whole IRS thing is just unfortunate coincidence. Yeah, it's "too stupid to be political".
On this, we can agree.
Oh, and that "Torch" crack? Guess where da kingfish got dat one.
SteveR said...
If people are tired of these scandals now, just wait until the clock winds down on ACA implementation. Its going to get harder to ignore.
How many families can afford to blow 20 Gs a year?
Isn't it funny how all the major news outlets fall in line once the DNC talking points are delivered?
How many families can afford to blow 20 Gs a year?
It is worse than that.
How many families can we afford to give 20 Gs a year? Those who cannot afford to buy the insurance will get money from the Feds to help them buy it, all at the expense of the taxpayer.
Boondoggle of the highest order.
1-Associated Press
3-Green Energy grants to friends
4-Fast & Furious
5-Fox News & James Rosen
6-IRS- tea parties
7-IRS - audits of conservatives
9-Sebelius soliciations of insurers
10-Turning off credit card edits to accept foreign campaign donors
OK, my guess is: "What are ten bogus stories Darrell "The Torch" Issa and the GOP Congrass can investigate in the wild hope that something will distract voters from noticing the GOP is adrift (to put it kindly).
Investigations! Because it's what the GOP does!
"bogus scandals"?
@bbkingfish: can you swim?
El Pollo Raylan said...
eelpout said...
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity?
Thank you for self identifying, scumbag.
To be fair, would it have been so difficult to find a republican politician who had at least the appearance of being clean to be the point man on these 'scandals'?
Give me a straight question, ARM. Why the scare quotes around the word scandals?
Boy, the hacks are hammering on the talking points pretty heavily today.
All you hacks attacking the messenger (Issa) please explain how this excuses the Obama administration from all of their scandals.
Enough of the f'ing SQUIRREL already, you are shameless of your sanctioning despicable behavior, if not outright illegal behavior, all because you want to keep your party in power.
You are endorsing a by any means necessary approach that will only come back to haunt you when it is used against you.
"To be fair, would it have been so difficult to find a republican politician who had at least the appearance of being clean to be the point man on these 'scandals'?"
You mean a Republican who the partisans wouldn't accuse of things he never did just to distract from the truth? No, I don't think any such person exists or ever has. You are just proving the point with this Issa stuff which has no factual basis.
Another reason Benghazi isn't going away, Al Qaeda leader says the war ain't over until they says so.
Expect more Bostons.
bbkingfish said...
1-Associated Press
3-Green Energy grants to friends
4-Fast & Furious
5-Fox News & James Rosen
6-IRS- tea parties
7-IRS - audits of conservatives
9-Sebelius soliciations of insurers
10-Turning off credit card edits to accept foreign campaign donors
OK, my guess is: "What are ten bogus stories Darrell "The Torch" Issa and the GOP Congrass can investigate in the wild hope that something will distract voters from noticing the GOP is adrift (to put it kindly).
When was the last time the Democrats passed a budget?
When was the last time workforce participation was over 70%?
When was the last time unemployment couldn't be measured by taking into account all the unemployed?
When was the last time this Gang (it certainly isn't an Administration) could announce an economic statistic without the use of the word "unexpectedly"?
Investigations! Because it's what the GOP does!
No, it's what the Demos usually do, but this time, they're caught in their own traps.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
To be fair, would it have been so difficult to find a republican politician who had at least the appearance of being clean to be the point man on these 'scandals'?
To be even more fair, could the Lefties find an actual fact about the man, rather than a lie?
Give me a straight question, ARM. Why the scare quotes around the word scandals?
Because the left honestly doesn't think the administration did anything wrong.
""What are ten bogus stories Darrell "The Torch" Issa and the GOP Congrass can investigate in the wild hope that something will distract voters from noticing the GOP is adrift (to put it kindly)."
Every one of those scandals is a proven fact beyond dispute for honest people. They are all admitted, and well documented. The only questions remaining are facts of detail and who is responsible for them. Calling them "bogus" proves you a hack, and one who doesn't care about corruption or incompetence in your government. As someone above put it "Thanks for self-identifying."
You are just proving the point with this Issa stuff which has no factual basis.
What Issa stuff has no factual basis? It's all public record.
Care to give us a citation, por favor, because there is no proof of any of the allegations.
Colonel Angus said...
Give me a straight question, ARM. Why the scare quotes around the word scandals?
Because the left honestly doesn't think the administration did anything wrong.
No, to them, it's only a scandal if (who?) does it.
BTW, since we all know this is orchestrated by Axelrod and Plouffe, exactly who do the trolls think they're kidding with all the slime against Issa?
What Barack Obama was doing the day charges against Issa were dropped
Bbkingfish is a good user name.
While the name A Reasonable Man reminds me of onetime poster The Moderate Voice who was as librul as they come. Are you the same person perhaps? And why do far left libruls like you think yourself reasonable or moderate?
" It's all public record."
Yes it is, that's why you know damned well that the car theft was not him, but a mistaken identity and the arson was never charged, and he was even paid by the insurance company.
So why do need to lie about it? Maybe trying to hide something or distract from the worst Presidency in history unfolding before your very eyes. It must hurt. It must hurt down deep.
Democrats are Cretans.So nice to see them run so quickly to the Plouffe falsehoods.Hannity just reported Stephanie Cutter was briefed on the IRS.Getting closer to Barry.
El Pollo Raylan said...
Why the scare quotes around the word scandals?
When someone close to the president gets convicted of a felony like Scooter Libby then it's a scandal. At the moment it is just so much wish fulfillment on the part of the right wing media. Even the Libby thing didn't really reflect that badly on Bush, since it largely just confirmed that Cheney had gone rogue and was operating an independent operation whose objectives only partially aligned with Bush's own government. There was a notable distancing between the two after that incident.
For me the biggest scandal uncovered so far is that these clearly political groups could have qualified for tax exempt status in the first place.
Yeah, who cares whether he's actually innocent of the crimes for which the charges were dropped? He's a threat to the president's standing: that's the crime.
Reminds me of Spencer Ackerman, back in the good old days:
"Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, 'Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.' "
That "who cares" is operative with David Plouffe, and with all the little minions who dutifully retail his talking points. Just throw some mud, see if it sticks.
Maybe Barry just expects them to fall on their swords.Maybe that is why Barry hasn't issued an order to tell the truth.Or maybe Barry just does not do anything.Maybe the White House is just run by all his apparatchiks.
"it largely just confirmed that Cheney had gone rogue and was operating an independent operation whose objectives only partially aligned with Bush's own government."
You know what's missing from this?
Now and then Pravda would introduce a real whopper with, "As is well known,..."
For me the biggest scandal uncovered so far is that these clearly political groups could have qualified for tax exempt status in the first place.
To my knowledge, the tactics used by the IRS could be used against any flavor of self-declared tex exempt group. Partisanship isn't really the issue here, ARM.
When you cannot refute the charges, attack the messenger.
Of course the Democrats are a bunch of crooks! So are the Republicans.
Give me a straight question, ARM. Why the scare quotes around the word scandals? -- El Pollo Raylan
Scandals are associated with Repbulicans and other lowlifes. They are self-evident to all reasonable men.
"Scandals" are make believe. Fairy tales told by Republicans and other scandal-plagued low-lifes. They are only believed by flat-earthers and global warming denialists.
Can a known fact be recast as opinion? Is that how the liberal mind works.
Oh "clearly political groups" like the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and the ACLU? That IS a scandal reasonableasshole!
@ARM: IRS intimidation tactics are the real issue, ARM. Expect to hear much more about this in the coming months regarding implementation of Obamacare. Expect it to become the defining issue of the 2014 midterm.
For me the biggest scandal uncovered so far is that these clearly political groups could have qualified for tax exempt status in the first place. -- A "reasonable" man
In other words, "Fuck the 1st Amendment. It doesn't apply to conservatives. The only scandal is that US goverment didn't go after the conservative earlier and harder."
AJ Lynch said...
Bbkingfish is a good user name.
While the name A Reasonable Man ...
This is such a damning critique of my account name that I am not sure I will be able to continue. For me it wasn't just a tag but an artistic statement, expressing the totality of my existence on this planet, both the beauty and the pain, yet referencing the terror on my future non-existence. Until now I had felt that I had successfully synthesized from these conflicting strains a single aesthetically successful statement.
It got good reviews in the local press.
When someone close to the president gets convicted of a felony like Scooter Libby then it's a scandal.
Funny how that definition didn't apply when Abu Ghraib was 24/7 news and the conventional wisdom was Bush and Cheney personally supervised the abuse.
eelpout-still missing the point, there is no there, there. You can believe you are scoring points but no with anyone who can read. You must be garage.
eelpout-still missing the point, there is no there, there. You can believe you are scoring points but no with anyone who can read. You must be garage.
I originally said that Issa had many brushes with the law so he would be a good point man to sniff out other illegal activities. Take it any way you want.
El Pollo Raylan said...
To my knowledge, the tactics used by the IRS could be used against any flavor of self-declared tex exempt group. Partisanship isn't really the issue here, ARM.
If I understand what you are saying correctly, then I largely agree with this. The tax exemption loophole is being abused by a wide range of groups with dubious claims. A gradual roll-back of this law seems reasonable.
AReasonableMan said...
Even the Libby thing didn't really reflect that badly on Bush, since it largely just confirmed that Cheney had gone rogue and was operating an independent operation whose objectives only partially aligned with Bush's own government.
This just shows lefties believe whatever they want regardless of facts. Libby didn't reflect badly on Bush because Libby didn't leak Plame's identity. It's strange they're still pretending this was something.
For me the biggest scandal uncovered so far is that these clearly political groups could have qualified for tax exempt status in the first place.
It seems obvious to most that entities not engaged in income generating activity should not pay income tax. This belief illustrates how the left's worldview confuses them. They've so internalized their tax-everything mantra they cannot conceive anything exists outside the realm of taxation. Their frame of reference doesn't allow that space.
@AJ: My personal theory is that "AReasonableMan" chose the moniker to represent the concept known in law as a reasonable person. The real person behind the moniker isn't really reasonable per se but instead strives to make legalistic points. It's unfortunate and highly annoying that the person is partisan to boot.
The tax exemption loophole is being abused by a wide range of groups with dubious claims. A gradual roll-back of this law seems reasonable.
I would like to see a rollback of the IRS.
Republicans can hope but the Dems have the liberal media on their side and the liberal media control the narrative.
The general assumption is that on the interwebs the handle you choose says something about how you view yourself. For example, I have nine feet.
Calling yourself AReasonableMan may lead people to think that you assume yourself to be "reasonable". Of course we all like to believe that we're at least reasonable. But it can come off as assertive and pretentious, as if you're decalring "I'm reasonable, therefore if you disagree with me you must be unreasonable". That may not be your intention.
A gradual roll-back of this law seems reasonable.
So we may as well start with the conservatives, let's use the IRS instead of Congress so it'll be under the radar ... and let's use the DOJ too. Start with Gibson Guitar. Oh, and forget about going after the liberals and Democrats at all.
David Plouffe is just another paid liar. Of course I'd assume he'd lie for free-- That's what sociopaths do.
Colonel Angus said...
Abu Ghraib
You are right this wasn't a scandal it was fucking treason. To take actions to inflame hatred against US soldiers who were at that point in very vulnerable positions in an occupied country was unconscionable. Some of the perpetrators, though not all, went to jail.
You are not seriously comparing this to the topics currently under discussion are you?
I'm sure that it's theoretically possible that there are honest Democrat politicians, but it would seem that they occur with the same frequency as albino crows. The Republicans would be just as bad if the Democrat-leaning MSM didn't perform the public service of shaming Republicans who have criminal or ethical lapses. This winnows down the number of dishonest Republicans. Alas, there is no parallel winnowing process for dishonest Democrats; in fact, the Democrat-leaning MSM covers for them unless and until it becomes impossible to do so, which hadn't happened up until recent years when alternative forms of media broke down the MSM's gatekeeping function. The Darwinian process has created a culture where Democrats are far less honest as a group than Republicans BECAUSE THEY COULD BE.
[Abu Ghraib was treason!!!] To take actions to inflame hatred against US soldiers who were at that point in very vulnerable positions in an occupied country was unconscionable.
Look at the crocodile, Ma! He's crying! Isn't that cute?
You are right this wasn't a scandal it was fucking treason.
Hyperbole much?
Well stated, Clyde.
ARM: Why do you always assume the sullivanist position on all issues?
You are not seriously comparing this to the topics currently under discussion are you?
No. Just seeing how it fit your definition of a scandal.
Nonapod said...
The general assumption is that on the interwebs the handle you choose says something about how you view yourself.
I was happily unaware of this assumption.
AReasonableMan wrote: ...
Even the Libby thing didn't really reflect that badly on Bush, since it largely just confirmed that Cheney had gone rogue and was operating an independent operation whose objectives only partially aligned with Bush's own government.
It confirmed that Libby was not truthful with FBI investigators, nothing more, regardless of your partisan delusions.
For me it wasn't just a tag but an artistic statement, expressing the totality of my existence on this planet, both the beauty and the pain, yet referencing the terror on my future non-existence. Until now I had felt that I had successfully synthesized from these conflicting strains a single aesthetically successful statement.
It got good reviews in the local press.
Local media is usually not savvy to the true awfulness of artistic self-awareness.
AReasonableMan said...
Colonel Angus said...
Abu Ghraib
You are right this wasn't a scandal it was fucking treason. To take actions to inflame hatred against US soldiers who were at that point in very vulnerable positions in an occupied country was unconscionable. Some of the perpetrators, though not all, went to jail.
You are right about the treason, but none of the perpetrators who inflamed hatred against US soldiers went to jail. They were protected by the first amendment.
Nomennovum said...
[Abu Ghraib was treason!!!] To take actions to inflame hatred against US soldiers who were at that point in very vulnerable positions in an occupied country was unconscionable.
It makes you wonder if he believes the journalists and activists hyping the Flushed Koran stories were traitors. It seems likely subsection B of that principle includes the exception absolving leftists.
Colonel Angus wrote:
Funny how that definition didn't apply when Abu Ghraib was 24/7 news and the conventional wisdom was Bush and Cheney personally supervised the abuse.
Conventional wisdom? You're kidding, right?
Only lefty nutcases thought that.
Conventional wisdom? You're kidding, right?
Only lefty nutcases thought that.
Indeed. I failed to put quotes around that so I regret my sarcasm wasn't obvious ;-)
It seems likely subsection B of that principle includes the exception absolving leftists. -- Marshal
Yes. ARM would call it "treason," not treason.
For example, it is a scandal that conservatives assert the liberal MSM's hyping of the flushed Koran story are engaging in "treason." These alleged media "scandals" are reflective of the stupidity of Republican flat-earthers.
The government targeted comparatively powerless citizens with the menacing and unquestionable power of the IRS based on those citizens' political activities, in a largely successful effort to silence them.
And in some cases, they didn't stop there -- they sicced OSHA and EPA on them too.
Just a few days before implementing this policy, the director of the IRS met personally with Obama.
"eelpout", "bbkingfish", "aReasonableMan" defending this, you tar yourselves.
By burping up these anti-Issa talking points, you reveal yourself to be useful idiots, tools of those opposed to liberty and the dignity of men.
You're fascists.
When they came for the Tea Party, you three said nothing, because you weren't Tea Partiers. Rest assured, assholes, some day they'll come for the butt-plug users, PBR-sipping hipsters, and effeminate beta-males, and you'll regret not having spoken up in defense of the rights of man, even when that defense would have cut across the better interests of Team Blue.
Bush didn't cover up Abu Ghriab - and the perps were punished. so - how does that excuse the horrible criminal anti-constitutional behavior by the democrats?
AReasonableMan said...You are not seriously comparing this to the topics currently under discussion are you?
Why not? You're trying to call Libby being convicted of perjury indicative of a scandal exceeding what we have before us.
In a lower profile case Libby's perfectly reasonable (note the word there) defense against the charge ofperjury was:
1) simply not remembering
2) it couldn't be shown that either Libby or ANY OTHER person benefited from perjuring himself.
And do try at least to deal with facts rather than hyperbole. That is what a reasonable person does. An uninformed and closed mind believes that there was somehow some wishful indictment or even indication of Cheney trying to silence the Wilson's. The rest of us believe Richard Amitage when he said he was the one who exposed the Wilson's
Pastafarian said...
Rest assured, assholes, some day they'll come for the butt-plug users, PBR-sipping hipsters, and effeminate beta-males,
Thank god, I'm in the clear. I can't stand any of those fuckers either.
For the record, I am in favor of good government, which definitely does not include witch hunts directed at any particular group.
AReasonableMan said...
For me the biggest scandal uncovered so far is that these clearly political groups could have qualified for tax exempt status in the first place.
You are too funny. Oh, you mean *okay* non-political 501(C)(4) outfits like barack obama dot com are eligible?
You gonna be here all week, or was that a one night stand jpoke?
Bush didn't cover up Abu Ghriab - and the perps were punished.
Wasn't Abu Ghriab scandal the direct result of the Army investigating it? Not the civilian news media?
I originally said that Issa had many brushes with the law so he would be a good point man to sniff out other illegal activities.
"many brushes"?? Bad comprehension AND bad logic, you must be garage.
bbkingfish said...
1-Associated Press
3-Green Energy grants to friends
4-Fast & Furious
5-Fox News & James Rosen
6-IRS- tea parties
7-IRS - audits of conservatives
9-Sebelius soliciations of insurers
10-Turning off credit card edits to accept foreign campaign donors
OK, my guess is: "What are ten bogus stories Darrell "The Torch" Issa and the GOP Congrass can investigate in the wild hope that something will distract voters from noticing the GOP is adrift (to put it kindly).
Investigations! Because it's what the GOP does!
6/3/13, 1:48 PM
You have a problem investigating criminal acts? As for the GOP being adrift, yeah right so said a supporter of The Choom Administration.
Scott M said...
Bush didn't cover up Abu Ghriab - and the perps were punished.
Wasn't Abu Ghriab scandal the direct result of the Army investigating it? Not the civilian news media?
Actually Abu Ghraib was exposed by defense lawyers representing one of those responsible being court martialed by the military.
The court proceedings were well under way to put all those responsible in jail when it was pushed to the media. The media happily lapped it up in order to hurt Bush, and promoted the story as if the abuse was systemic to the Bush administration, while the reality was the exact opposite.
That was treason.
And do try at least to deal with facts rather than hyperbole. That is what a reasonable person does. An uninformed and closed mind believes that there was somehow some wishful indictment or even indication of Cheney trying to silence the Wilson's. The rest of us believe Richard Amitage when he said he was the one who exposed the Wilson's
6/3/13, 3:36 PM
Joe Wilson basically outed his wife
who wasn't a covert agent to begin. Facts are so inconvinient. with.
Aridog said...
Oh, you mean *okay* non-political 501(C)(4) outfits like barack obama dot com are eligible?
No I don't. The whole thing strikes me as something of a scam on the tax payer.
I don't really agree with the religious exemption either. One persons scam is another's deeply held belief system. The government shouldn't be in the position of having to decide between those two alternatives.
eelpout said...I originally said that Issa had many brushes with the law so he would be a good point man to sniff out other illegal activities. Take it any way you want.
Ok. Since 'Issa had many brushes with the law', is an overt lie we should take it that this makes you a proven liar and anything, ANYTHING, you say can immediately be assumed to be a lie and not worth the effort to verify.
We should also take it that you prefer the reputation of being a lick-spittle who will propagate any lie disseminated by your spin masters over that of an honest man.
You've polluted another handle. You need to change it again.
The New York Post is so low class.....but I love it.
SteveR said...
eelpout-still missing the point, there is no there, there. You can believe you are scoring points but no with anyone who can read. You must be garage.
I knew Bitchtits Mahal couldn't stay away. I mean, its not like hes out exercising, or spending time with his wife, or "working his sales job."
AReasonableMan said...
**Reference: Aridog said...Oh, you mean *okay* non-political 501(C)(4) outfits like barack obama dot com are eligible?
No I don't. The whole thing strikes me as something of a scam on the tax payer.
Fair enough. However, can you explain why an organization with barack obama dot com as their address can get certification as 501(c)(4) in three weeks while any group with the word patriot or tea-party takes months or years...and that is not scandalous?
Would you say an investigation of the alactrity of the OFA certification should be investigated per se? Given it was and is Obama's campaign organization, isn't there some suspicion about its political purposes?
I know the answers, I was a "Fed" and a Soldier. The questions are rhetorical ...and you lost me with the Abu Graib as "treason" bit. I don't think you know aht treason is to tell the truth. It was bad...but how does it stack up to the killing of Daniel Pearl on video? Among many other atrocities committed by the purported enemy that might inflame even sane men?
Of course, Republicans are hoping people will end up with the opinion The Democrats are all a bunch of crooks!
That's do-able when the MSM runs endless repetitions of each scandal, with the chorus of opinion-harpies baying assent.
It will be a while before Pajamas Media catches up with the MSM, but some hopeful little leaks have occurred recently.
I see AnUnreasonableTroll has been forced into the dreaded Alinsky corner of conceding points to everyone else.
The beginning of the end.
eelpout said...
I originally said that Issa had many brushes with the law so he would be a good point man to sniff out other illegal activities. Take it any way you want.
Put up or shut up. Give some citations or get lost.
bbkingfish wrote:
1-Associated Press
3-Green Energy grants to friends
4-Fast & Furious
5-Fox News & James Rosen
6-IRS- tea parties
7-IRS - audits of conservatives
9-Sebelius soliciations of insurers
10-Turning off credit card edits to accept foreign campaign donors
OK, my guess is: 'What are ten bogus stories Darrell 'The Torch' Issa and the GOP Congrass [sic.] can investigate...?"
On Count One, "Lefty Trolls are moral relativist sociopaths avoiding cognitive dissonance by lying, denial or delusion," we the jury find the accused "guilty."
You've polluted another handle. You need to change it again..
I've commented on exactly two threads here. Ever. Paranoid and dumb is no way to go through life.
Agree with Ari on the "treason" thing in re Abu Ghraib, unless we're talking about Congress' and media's eagerness to whip up Islamic hatred against our guys.
PS Jennifer Rubin has a damning list of why the trolls are going down for the 3rd time today.
And, for out little buddy, shilol, RCP's round up of Choom's numbers.
Can you say, "Glub, glub"?
Sure, you can.
Lest we forget the "especially proud" sponsor of Pigford II legislation to permit additional claims (after the first payouts were handled under Clinton/Gore) was none other than Senator Obama. In the end, more payouts were made to non-farmers than farmers who dealt with the USDA.
Helping to lead the charge toward filing of the fraudulent claims was Shirley Sherrod, made famous by Andrew Breitbart.
eelpout said...
You've polluted another handle. You need to change it again.
This blog's comment section has a long history of commenters who come here spouting traceable Dem talking points. Whether or not this is your first or second appearance is irrelevant. You are an archetype. Here is your very first comment ever on the Althouse blog:
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity?
Please tell me which parts are original so that I may give you points on style. We care about style here.
Here is your very first comment ever on the Althouse blog:
That's not my very first comment on this blog. The first was this past weekend.
I'm enjoying new commenter garageel mahalpout
Easy to confuse newbie eelpout with folks like garage. There are only a few folks generating the talking points that trickle down and out. Its an easy tactic to spot especially since by the time they put it out in some comment thread, its often been neutered. You can get by by not being original but you really have to check your stories current status, not what is was at 8am.
Why are we rehashing these lies again? The left is a giant lie. It's adherents are liars. Areasonableman is a leftist, hence a liar. Nothing new here.
Even WaPo called him on it.
And yes, there was WMD in Iraq.
eelpout said...
You've polluted another handle. You need to change it again.
This blog's comment section has a long history of commenters who come here spouting traceable Dem talking points. Whether or not this is your first or second appearance is irrelevant. You are an archetype. Here is your second comment ever on the Althouse blog and your first in this thread:
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist. Who better to sniff out criminal activity?
Please tell me which parts are original so that I may give you points on style. We care about style here.
Yes all those scandals and it will be a miracle for the Republican party to get any traction. Why? Start with the just released College Republican Report.
Republicans have a "dismal present situation" among young voters who believe the party is "closed-minded, racist, rigid" and "old-fashioned" - CBS News.
I know. It's the media's fault. It's because everyone tells lies about the GOP. It's everybody's fault except the GOP itself when it comes to Althouse commentators.
Organizations are just like people - until they can correctly identify their problem and their responsibility for their problem they won't be able to fix it.
eelpout said...I've commented on exactly two threads here.
I thought you were a poster called garage mahal. He liked fishing (the eelpout moniker) and he had the same habit of doubling down on lying then trying to back up just enough to seem to disavow it but still leave the lie in place.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I accept that you are a different proven liar and lick spittle.
B said...
I've commented on exactly two threads here.
I thought you were a poster called garage mahal.
No, garage is at least a bit more original.
This guy just parrots the party line.
phx-wow! That will come as news to republicans, being in bad shape with young people.
eelpout said...
It's a good thing that the top cop, Darrell Issa-R, who is trying to get to the bottom of everything, is a car thief and suspected arsonist
Hi garage.
You silly, stupid fucking liar.
Please tell me which parts are original so that I may give you points on style. We care about style here
So far in this thread I've been accused of stealing a tweet (I couldn't have it's way too long for a tweet), of being another commenter (I've commented here twice), and parroting Democrat talking points (The Lizza/Issa piece is almost three years old). So I don't know about style points, but I do wonder with so many false accusations what you all might also be wrong about.
is a car thief
Uh, no he's not, garage.
phx said...
Yes all those scandals and it will be a miracle for the Republican party to get any traction. Why? Start with the just released College Republican Report.
Uh, the Republicans have won the majority of Gov and state legislative races, and re-taken the US House since Obama was sworn in.
"Traction" doesn't mean what you think it means.
phx-wow! That will come as news to republicans, being in bad shape with young people.
I don't know if it's news or not. I'm content that they won't do anything to address it.
eelpout said...
(I've commented here twice),
Right, garage.
I mean it is like a total super-duper coincidence that you were obsessed with calling Issa a "car thief" under the other handle.
Really, it is.
"Traction" doesn't mean what you think it means.
And here's the face of the GOP right now: Jay.
they won't do anything to address it.
I think you should go on pretending a poll from CBS is relevant to an election or something.
phx said...
And here's the face of the GOP right now: Jay.
You have no self-awareness, idiot
I think you should go on pretending a poll from CBS is relevant to an election or something.
And now you sound almost exactly like a Romney strategist.
You have no self-awareness, idiot
Well self-awareness I don't pretend to be an expert in. But seeing rank-and-file wingers like yourself is very familiar to me here. And us Dems like you. A lot.
A country gets the government it deserves. If the voters are too stupid or partisan or uninformed or distracted to pay attention to a profoundly corrupt gov running wild (the Chicago way), the USA will continue its downward spiral. Democracies don't last forever and require constant vigilance. At this point, non lefty states and conservative pols should be pushing the return to federalism to the absolute max.
I noticed that phx embarrassed herself yet again, sigh. The polls indicate that a large majority of dems want an special independent investigation of the IRS abuse of power, wouldn't it be great if some of those dems commented on this blog? It gets so dreary hearing the same old intellectually impoverished dems repeating their journolist talking points (which basically seem to consist of trying to change the subject).
phx said: Organizations are just like people - until they can correctly identify their problem and their responsibility for their problem they won't be able to fix it.
There you go again, always more willing to needle Republicans and how they need to change, rather than heal your own party. So here again you self-identify as a sullivanist, because that's his big schtick: the Republicans are sick, need to change, etc. You seem to too willingly embrace concern trolling.
Young educated people poke their heads in here wanting to see what smart Republicans have to say, and they see guys like Jay and whoresoftheinternet.
There's a reason the GOP can't get traction. Notwithstanding rank-and-filers like Jay who will tell you you're doing fine.
How about a contest?
Jim Treacher likes Scandalanche.
Insta likes Scandalpalooza.
My fave is cartoonist Steve Kelley's Scandalabra.
And, for those who thinks this isn't hurting the Demos, Rubio is getting cold feet wrt AmnestyCare.
phx said...
Yes all those scandals and it will be a miracle for the Republican party to get any traction. Why? Start with the just released College Republican Report.
Republicans have a "dismal present situation" among young voters who believe the party is "closed-minded, racist, rigid" and "old-fashioned" - CBS News
Yes, Black Rock is holding the line.
Or trying to.
Too bad it isn't working.
That's why phx is here.
You seem to too willingly embrace concern trolling.
I know, if you could only just talk to yourselves there would be no problem. It's just the media.
phx said...
Well self-awareness I don't pretend to be an expert in.
No shit.
No shit.
Well no wonder you want to talk about my self-awareness rather than GOP problems connecting with voters. We agree. It's a better strategy for you personally.
phx said...
Young educated people poke their heads in here wanting to see what smart Republicans have to say, and they see guys like Jay
Young educated people poke their heads in here wanting to see what Democrats have to say, and they see people like Inga, Ritmo, phx, and garage and realize, having Pelosi as speaker won't be a good idea in 2014.
I also love this lefty dipshit's continued assertion I am a "Republican"
phx is a total fucking moron.
Especially as incorrigible wingers like you are a big part of the GOP's problem, Jay.
I also love this lefty dipshit's continued assertion I am a "Republican"
Oh, the Republicans are so tied to you it's not even phunny.
phx said...
Well no wonder you want to talk about my self-awareness rather than GOP problems connecting with voters
When you've been reduced to defining success as Obama being re-elected, you have not one utter fucking clue about "connecting with voters"
It is continually amusing that you come here pretending that anyone would care what you have to say about the Republican party and that you're offering those comments in good faith.
phx said...
Especially as incorrigible wingers like you are a big part of the GOP's problem,
I love that you just keep repeating the "GOP has a problem" as if it means anything.
You're a fucking moron.
phx said...
Oh, the Republicans are so tied to you it's not even phunny.
Considering your the face of pedophilia, and a good little Democrat, we're back at you having no self-awareness.
phx said...
Young educated people poke their heads in here wanting to see what smart Republicans have to say, and they see guys like Jay and whoresoftheinternet.
There's a reason the GOP can't get traction. Notwithstanding rank-and-filers like Jay who will tell you you're doing fine.
Whores is one of yours and anyone with a double digit IQ knows it.
Give it up. The concern trolling is a joke and everybody can see it.
And, if all this weren't gaining any traction, phx wouldn't be here.
phx is just trying to change the subject. Understandably, as an extremely partisan dem, she would rather talk about gop political inadequacies than dem attacks on democracy (which is the thread topic).
It is continually amusing that you come here pretending that anyone would care what you have to say about the Republican party
Of course no one should care what I have to say about the Republican Party - except maybe a couple of moderates.
But Republicans should care, and be very worried, about what trolls like you have to say, indeed.
phx said...
Of course no one should care what I have to say about the Republican Party
Right, but you'll be back to it tomorrow.
I don't know if it's news or not. I'm content that they won't do anything to address it.
They really never have. The biggest thing they could do (speaking as a parent of three young voters) is ditch the social issues stupidity (Todd Akin) and get some good candidates at least get up to the mid 20th century
The dem's use of the fed gov to reward dems and punish gop voters is repulsive to anybody who values democracy. The critical question is how best to investigate it. Should the investigation be a congressional investigation, a special prosecutor, or an impeachment? I vote for impeachment cuz that is the only way to get to the bottom of this.
I vote for impeachment cuz that is the only way to get to the bottom of this.
Heh. Me too.
@phx, there are no extremists among Democrats? It's not hard to point to extreme statements from the right, including Republican candidates for high office such as the lamentable Todd Akin, but have you bothered to check your own side?
An atheist like me should not be telling you to check Luke 6:42
The GOP is in huge trouble, wingnutz!!!
The Treasury Inspector General who uncovered the improper targeting of Tea Party groups by the Internal Revenue Service said Monday he was stunned by what his investigation uncovered.
Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), said the targeting at the IRS his probe discovered was "unprecedented," and the closest comparison that came to mind was the targeting of political enemies by the administration of Richard Nixon.
Because the youth vote loves the IRS!!!
SteveR said...
I don't know if it's news or not. I'm content that they won't do anything to address it.
They really never have. The biggest thing they could do (speaking as a parent of three young voters) is ditch the social issues stupidity (Todd Akin) and get some good candidates at least get up to the mid 20th century
The whole "stay away from social issues" is a lot of Libertarian bull. Social issues are part of what's going on here. How do you stop all the conditions that create the Julias unless you address the social issues?
The point is this is one big psyop intended to cover over all the vote fraud.
When we get to the bottom of it all, I think that's what we're going to find.
I love this silly leftist carrying on that Republicans have this huge problem. And despite Democrats having this huge winning coalition, they have:
1. Suffered historic losses in 2010 at the state level.
2. Lost the majority of Gov races since Obama was first sworn in
3. Lost the US House since Obama was first sworn in
4. Are trying to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.
Gee, it is almost as if Democrats don't have a big winning coalition or something.
The biggest thing they could do (speaking as a parent of three young voters) is ditch the social issues stupidity (Todd Akin)
Ok, Todd Akin only got on the ballot because Democrats voted for him in the primary.
That's a bad example.
An atheist like me should not be telling you to check Luke 6:42
"Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine own eye, when thou theyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye."
A good and fair, non-trolling comment from Big Mike to me. Respect.
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