Attkisson said she had noticed unusual activity in her CBS-issued laptop and her home computer, such as dormant computers spontaneously “waking up” at odd hours. The unusual activity, which also had included disruptions on her home phone line, predate the December 2012 breach that CBS confirmed....
“This wasn’t any ordinary malware of a phishing attempt,” that is, an effort to gain personal information, she said. “I assume someone wanted to see what I was working on.”
“The privacy and security of every American citizen in his own home, not to mention the work of a journalist, is sacrosanct. The idea that an unknown party could come into your home electronically is upsetting and disturbing. . . . People should be disturbed that a reporter would be spied on and intimidated this way. I do feel that this was an attempt to make me feel intimidated.”
१४ जून, २०१३
CBS News says Sharyl Attkisson's computer was hacked by a "sophisticated" intruder.
"The intrusions were detected in December, when Attkisson was reporting almost exclusively on the government’s response to the terrorist attacks on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.... Attkisson has previously investigated the Department of Justice’s gun-tracking operation known as 'Fast and Furious.'"
Fast and Furious,
Sharyl Attkisson,
१४२ टिप्पण्या:
“[T]he work of a journalist[ ] is sacrosanct"? Get over yourself.
I'll say it simply. I don't trust CBS. And never will.
Eric Holder, coward, liar and incompetent. Just like his boss.
I'll reserve judgment on the veracity of Ms Attkisson's claims, but, since we're supposedly dealing with educated adults here, did it not ever occur to anyone to simply unplug the network connections when the computer was not in use?
If I was working on ANYTHING I didn't want the world to see, I would never leave an "unhardened" PC live on a network.
Actually, believe or not, thanks to Wake on LAN technology, one is more secure physically disabling any possible network connections than powering off the PC.
Do we know if this was a CBS issued laptop, or a personal one?
And...leave the laptop running. It would be interesting to see if it tries to "phone home", and who it wants to talk to.
did it not ever occur to anyone to simply unplug the network connections when the computer was not in use?
Modern laptops invariably have wifi and bluetooth. Most don't have a switch to easily turn them off.
Younghegelian, this was a laptop. Unplug and pop the battery out = safe. Anything else = naive.
For the press to get in a tizzy is funny, as the British phone hacking thing was a similar concept and done by journalists at a big firm.
It would be interesting to see if it tries to "phone home", and who it wants to talk to.
I'm sure that the forensic analyst probably set up a packet analyzer to do just that. That would be a major way that he'd know just how sophisticated the "sophisticated intruder" was.
Maybe she bought a pressure cooker on Amazon for Christmas. If she did, then she deserves to be watched very carefully...until she travels overseas, meets with terrorists, and the Russians warn us about her. Then you can let her go.
Since the CBS News president and an Obama Deputy National Security Advisor are brothers, I'm sure they'll sort it out at the family's July 4th cookout.
From what I read, the forensic guys said whoever did it used techniques to hide that they were there.
But it's Obama's peepers, so the spying is done with love.
Note: This act of spying was committed by DEMOCRATS.
Note: This act of spying was committed by DEMOCRATS.
I thought CBS were Democrats. Fuck!
Ha ha ha.
Garage thinks Obama wouldn't spy on his own party.
Has anyone asked Obama directly to his face where he was on the night of Benghazi?
"Garage thinks Obama wouldn't spy on his own party."
They're looking for heretics.
Regarding "disabling the laptop when not in use" -- there are obvious disadvantages there in terms of staying in contact with people. To a reporter, "someone might want to reach me and not be able to" is a much bigger problem than "I might get hacked".
Also, why would you think she got hacked while not using her machine? It is much easier to gain access to a laptop while it is in use.
Gee, who done it?!
Who could this every be??!
If she had an easy password like... "Watergate"... Then she deserves to be hacked... everybody knows you need a combination of numbers and letters.
Like 8675309Jenny... hack-proof.
Sharyl Attkisson's computer was hacked
Any naked pics?
If your company allows employees to take company laptops home to their own wifi and back to the office to the company network, some of them will be owned by outsiders.
My company has about 1000 email accounts and about 150 laptops that travel home and back. "Normal" viruses and malware are dealt with by anti-virus, web filtering and email filtering.
About three times a month we have to manually deal with something detected by behavior.
A plausibly worded email from a known (forged) customer containing a virus that blew past our up-to-date AV defenses, temporarily owned a manager's laptop. Someone in HR got a resume from an applicant who had read the help wanted ad and manually created a cover letter to his attached arojan.
It does not have to be sophisticated. A "Script kiddie" can easily do it with today's tools.
If you are high profile and accept links and emails from strangers then you need to be much more... sophisticated in your security practices.
I assume they have filed a FOIA request looking for any docs, subpoenas and warrants that ought to be public, but didn't get posted to a Docket?
In the Watergate days your black bag guys had to, you know, actually break in to your opponents offices. Now the FBI or NSA can just reach out and touch you electronically
Unknown said...It does not have to be sophisticated. A "Script kiddie" can easily do it with today's tools.
Those types of attacks leave code behind. This attacker cleaned up after himself and pulled the trap door closed behind himself. Not a simple "Script Kiddie"
On a more serious note. If this is true and if it was done by the government, this is a big big fucking deal, because it is hard to beleive this would have to do with anything other than Benghazi, and I doubt that Hillary's say-so could have gotten this done. It would defy belief to say that Choom didn't know of it.
The government is spying on journalists. Computer taps, phone taps, etc. The government is doing this, people. The government.
Atkisson is one of the few, very few MSM journalists covering the O administration who's pursued serious, honest, tough reportage. She's almost an exception.
This is extremely, extremely disturbing. Of course, on top all the other extremely disturbing things that have emerged over the past months, I guess it's easy for some to scoff or roll one's eyes. Just another thing to toss on the scandal pile.
I myself just can't come to terms with it.
I can hardly believe it.
This is not the USA I thought I knew.
forensic analysis revealed an intruder had executed commands that appeared to involve search and [removal] of data.
Holy fuck!
This party also used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity
Wow. Just wow.
Lem said:
"...everybody knows you need a combination of numbers and letters. Like 8675309Jenny: hack-proof."
Not quite.
Nomennovum said... Sharyl Attkisson's computer was hacked
Any naked pics?
6/14/13, 3:43 PM
Here's to hoping!
@Young Hegelian:
It's blue on blue violence, dude!
The inevitable Arrested Development link.
"I can hardly believe it."
President Obama is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
To maintain security, I only work on and keep information in my mind. The memory is small and often fails and my company distrusts my claims of productivity, but I have a spotless record of maintaining privacy. Well except that one time.
She may have gotten off easy. If someone can remove stuff from a computer without your knowledge, what's to stop them from adding stuff like child pornography?
Maybe she was involved in the production of that blasphemous video. She works in TV, so connect the dots. She's lucky she's not in jail.
" but I have a spotless record of maintaining privacy. Well except that one time."
Which probably involved a different type of Trojan.
And when Jack Ryan's "sealed" divorce papers were leaked nobody questioned the tactics.
A dirty Chicago pol (BIRM) rises through the ranks without any scrutiny, and uses the colossally ironic mantra, "Hope and Change."
I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the president doesn't want all the facts about Benghazi to be known.
She's a flight risk.
THey ought to discuss this over a beer and get it straightened out.
Sharyl is one of the few "real" investigative reporters left. She has been trying to report her findings, and CBS wouldn't let her have the air time, so she started tweeting facts out. THAT is why they were checking her computer
The Drill SGT said Those types of attacks leave code behind. This attacker cleaned up after himself and pulled the trap door closed behind himself. Not a simple "Script Kiddie"
Using downloadable tools, any recent computer school grad could remote control a remote computer without leaving any footprints. Of course the user of the remote computer either has to cooperate or be careless.
If I understand the article correctly, the hacker didn't do all that good a job in covering his tracks.
The Drill SGT said Those types of attacks leave code behind. This attacker cleaned up after himself and pulled the trap door closed behind himself. Not a simple "Script Kiddie"
Using downloadable tools, any recent computer school grad could remote control a remote computer without leaving any footprints. Of course the user of the remote computer either has to cooperate or be careless.
If I understand the article correctly, the hacker didn't do all that good a job in covering his tracks.
An "unsophisticated" intruder would try to break in through the back door of her house.
In the eyes and ears of the government, we're all suspected terrorists.
Why else target each and every one of us?
I thought CBS were Democrats. Fuck!
FDR phone tapped his own VP. BHO wouldn't hesitate to tap someone he thought might be turning against him.
Speaking of "tapping", funny new video on the NSA Slow Jam.
You run one time, you got yourself a set of chains.
You run twice you got yourself two sets.
You ain't gonna need no third set, 'cause you gonna get your mind right.
Sharyl, you got yer mind right?
To be clear, the federal government has not been accused in the intrusion of Attkisson's computer; CBS News is continuing to work to identify the responsible party.
Maybe in its attempt to popularize Attkisson's bona-fides, they hired a hacker. They didn't say they didn't.
After that BS Bush story, running up to an election, who would put it past them?
And the GM side-saddle tanks 60 minutes rigged to explode?
How do these people have a license to broadcast?
LOL Pogo.
What we have is a failure to communicate...
Things that could be true:
Your computer wakes up in the middle of the night while your man sleeps... that's a tough call.
BHO wouldn't hesitate to tap someone he thought might be turning against him.
I'm sure it's possible. But lots of people were writing about #BENGHAZI, and since the public doesn't really care, why would they bother and take that risk?
garage: "I thought CBS were Democrats. Fuck"
Bolsheviks killed Mensheviks?
I thought they were all communists! The heck!
garage: "But lots of people were writing about #BENGHAZI, and since the public doesn't really care, why would they bother and take that risk?"
No one in the "main stream media" was prior to the election...other than Attkinsson.
Only those "crazies" over at Fox and talk radio.
That's why Attkinsson was being attacked by those in her own organization.
Of course, once Obama was reelected, "suddenly", heretofore "unknown" info came to light that showed that the WH/State Dept directed the modification of the talking points.
But it's ok garage.
You didn't know about that.
Why would you?
You weren't "directed" to know about that.
You can go back to sleep now and dream your dreams of how the entire country becomes Detroit.
since the public doesn't really care, why would they bother and take that risk?
It's like asking why Nixon was spying on the hapless Democrats. This map was back when the Republicans were blue. But you get the idea. It was idiotic, and they did it anyway.
Detroit defaults on some debt to avoid bankruptcy filing
"Detroit defaulted on some debt on Friday and proposed most creditors receive just pennies on the dollar owed by the "insolvent" city in order to avoid the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in U.S. history."
Thanks Democrats!
Thanks unions!
Another US city destroyed.
Add spying on its citizens, and you gots the blueprint for the nation.
garage mahal said...
Ooh, I love playing Jeopardy!
"What US city is reputed to have a 47% functional illiteracy rate?"
I'll take "Democrat-run shitholes" for $200.
Add IRS agents with AR15s and bullying political opponents, and you gots Obamerica!
Robert Byrd!
Oh, I see.
You got nothin'.
Eric Holder says he is not a crook.
To our knowledge, the Justice Department has never compromised Ms. Attkisson’s computers, or otherwise sought any information from or concerning any telephone, computer, or other media device she may own or use.
Sophisticated or not, it was done and probably for the same reason as James Rosen's.
But I do like this quote from Insta, "SO WITH CBS NEWS’ SHARYL ATTKISSON’S COMPUTER HACKED, a reader emails: 'Did a politicized bureaucracy spy on the Romney/ GOP campaign and interfere with a Federal election?'
It gets harder and harder to write such suggestions off as absurd."
garage mahal said...
Note: This act of spying was committed by DEMOCRATS.
I thought CBS were Democrats. Fuck!
Atkisson treats Democrats like Republicans.
I don't see a reason to assume NSA, actually. It could have been them, but if so then I'm a little disappointed in their lack of skill. They should take lessons from the Russian mob.
It sounds more like a third-party actor to me, maybe someone affiliated with one of the campaign support organizations. Hell, it could have been an Obama *opponent* convinced CBS was covering up critical information to help Obama. Who knows?
Secret Routers!
You got nothin'.
Get me a list of the America's top 25 richest cities, and the top 25 poorest cities, and tell me what you find.
You will find a pattern alright.
Pogo said...
Add IRS agents with AR15s and bullying political opponents, and you gots Obamerica!
Throw in DHS and their MRAPs and Choom has his "Civilian" Defense Corpse.
It's kinda like "The Running Man".
"Who d'ya think's gonna make the first kill?"
the RNC and Romney campaigns might want to take a close look at their computers. This CHICAGO MACHINE THUG administration is capable of anything.
"You will find a pattern alright."
Once the DEMs control a city (or state) outright for two generations, all is lost.
Rich cities become blue over time, then destroy themselves with blueness.
Once the DEMs control a city (or state) outright for two generations, all is lost. Rich cities become blue over time, then destroy themselves with blueness.
And that's why liberal cities like New York, San Francisco, Boston and Austin are impoverished hell-holes with no industry and that repel educated professionals. Oh, wait...
The fact that a place is rich is not the same as being well-run. California is the richest state, and it's government is the most broken. The richest population and 1/3 of all the food stamp recipients in the entire country.
It's funny, even in red states like Texas or Georgia, the desirable places that people move to (like Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, etc.) are cities that are diverse, gay-friendly and socially/culturally liberal. Even Republicans (well, the successful ones anyway) prefer living in such cities than out in the deep-red rural areas. Odd how that works.
somefeller said...
And that's why liberal cities like New York, San Francisco, Boston and Austin are impoverished hell-holes
First, New York turned around under a Republican.
Anyway, why don't you add:
To your list?
Even Republicans (well, the successful ones anyway) prefer living in such cities than out in the deep-red rural areas.
How in the hell would you know?
Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954
Cincinnati, OH -(3rd) since 1984
Cleveland, OH -(4th) since 1989
Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor
St. Louis, MO - (6th) since 1949
El Paso, TX - (7th) has never had a Republican mayor
Milwaukee , WI -(8th) since 1908
Philadelphia, PA -(9th) since 1952
Newark, NJ -(10th) since 1907
I thought the reporter wasn't supposed to become the story.
I don't understand how it can be both a sophisticated intruder that cleaned up the intrusion, but can still be detected by computer forensics.
Changing the system clock on the computer seems kind of clumsy to me.
How in the hell would you know?
Easy. I talk to my Republican friends and neighbors in Houston and notice general cultural trends around the country.
Congrats on another successful threadjack, garage.
There's nothing in Obama's past to suggest he might be a dirty and vindictive politician with ties to unsavory characters. I read the papers and it must be so. That Nixon guy, he was the evil one.
Sorry, Ms Attkisson. I do hope your taxes are in order.
somefeller said...
Easy. I talk to my Republican friends and neighbors in Houston and notice general cultural trends around the country.
That is so fucking dumb it is laugh out loud funny.
St. Louis and Buffalo are big time shit holes.
Buffalo has received billions in "community redevelopment" funds and is basically a zombie city.
I think we should go about pretending Houston is just like Boston and San Francisco!
Great point.
Liberals favorite billionaire lives in....Omaha.
trends across the country!
Like 8675309Jenny... hack-proof.
Oh shit, how'd you guess?
I think we should go about pretending Houston is just like Boston and San Francisco!
I didn't say it was. Those three cities are obviously very different cities with different cultures. But they all aren't bastions of social conservatism and they all went for Obama during the past two election cycles. And the Mayor of Houston is a Democrat and a lesbian, for that matter. But yes, people wear cowboy boots around here more than they do in Boston and there are other differences.
I can no longer trust my own judgment.
I had heard conservatives complaining that the IRS was targeting them and dismissed it as the usual griping of anyone who finds himself under the terrible lidless, burning gaze of the imperial government. How on earth could the IRS be that dumb? I wondered. We still don't know how, but lo and behold, they were.
And then I heard this reporter complain that her computer had been hacked. I sighed to myself and thought: "How would you even know? You probably just forgot to save your file and your computer crashed. You twit." But lo and behold, it turns out she was actually hacked.
My sense of what's credible and what's not is obviously completely broken. Accusations I have thought utterly ridiculous turn out to be completely right.
San Francisco is definitely in decline.
20 years ago, one could walk any city street and come across nothing more foul than a food wrapper litter, or pigeon shit.
Now, human urine, feces and used needles aren't uncommon, at all.
And, at one city beach, fornicating homosexuals in the bushes is so notoriously bad no one normal dare goes, lest one is hoping to be propositioned or to catch a show.
City finances?
Unbelievably bad, especially the unfunded pension liabilities.
Which isn't a shock, given that the City & County of San Francisco is the single largest employer in the city, by far.
The physical beauty of the place is, still, breathtaking though.
But not good enough to keep the 49ers from building their new stadium 40 miles south on the Bayshore in Santa Clara.
Otherwise, we cannot dismiss the Obama campaign screwing around with the Romney campaigns computers, can we?
From Instapundit:
SO WITH CBS NEWS’ SHARYL ATTKISSON’S COMPUTER HACKED, a reader emails: “Did a politicized bureaucracy spy on the Romney/ GOP campaign and interfere with a Federal election?”
It gets harder and harder to write such suggestions off as absurd.
UPDATE: It would be interesting, wouldn’t it, to pull out some of the Romney campaign’s computers and see if they show the kind of evidence that CBS’s experts found on Attkisson’s computer?
garage mahal said...
"I'm sure it's possible. But lots of people were writing about #BENGHAZI, and since the public doesn't really care, why would they bother and take that risk?"
Two possible motives:
1. There is very damaging information which we still don't know. IE Where was Obama during the attack.
2. Were there any government employees talking to her. It is impossible to punish them without knowing who they are.
How on earth could the IRS be that dumb? I wondered. We still don't know how, but lo and behold, they were.
Of the Democratic Presidents we've had since the IRS was founded, the only ones who DIDN'T use the IRS as a weapon against their political enemies were Carter and Clinton. On the other side of the aisle, Nixon's enemies list took a good shellacking from the IRS his entire time in office.
Realistically, we should probably be shocked when a Presidential term goes by and the President's enemies DON'T get harassed by the IRS.
Top ten most violent cities in America.
A who's who of Democratic shit holes - Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore, Cleveland...
San Francisco is definitely in decline. 20 years ago, one could walk any city street and come across nothing more foul than a food wrapper litter, or pigeon shit. Now, human urine, feces and used needles aren't uncommon, at all.
Shockingly enough, it turns out that paying people for being homeless results in more homeless people living in your city. Who'd have thought?
Shockingly enough, it turns out that paying people for being homeless results in more homeless people living in your city. Who'd have thought?
It is a strange dynamic.
"Shockingly enough, it turns out that paying people for being homeless results in more homeless people living in your city. Who'd have thought?"
Not the Lefty-Liberals who elect the Lefty-Liberals who run the city.
They seriously don't know why they have this problem.
Garage, Atkisson went off the reservation big-time regarding whether the US could have intervened in the Behghazi attack.
somefeller said...
And that's why liberal cities like New York, San Francisco, Boston and Austin are impoverished hell-holes
They're not?
Maybe Althouse's Baghdad Bob ought to get out of Mom's basement and drive around.
Most of New York is unsafe to be in, night or day.
Baaston well exceeds the national average in violent crime.
Not to mention San Fiasco. Don't go near the waterfront, it's like 1852.
Even Republicans (well, the successful ones anyway) prefer living in such cities than out in the deep-red rural areas.
Not even the RINOs; they all live in Ridgewood and Bryn Mawr and places like that and commute in. Anybody with sense has gotten out. Hasn't Baghdad Bob heard, there's a lot of flight out of those Lefty paradises.
I know Baghdad Bob has a hard on for Gotham, but how many million people left the Empire State in the last decade?
Easy. I talk to my Republican friends and neighbors in Houston and notice general cultural trends around the country.
Ouija board.
You know, eventually even CBS is going to be able to see a pattern in all these scandals, and now amount of poo-flinging by the Obama sycophants will be enough distraction.
I don't believe for a New York minute that somefeller has any Republican friends.
Wait a minute. Let me amend that. He is a lawyer. He doesn't have any friends.
It's funny, even in red states like Texas or Georgia, the desirable places that people move to (like Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, etc.) are cities that are diverse, gay-friendly and socially/culturally liberal.
"Most Americans live in cities" is not actually a shocking revelation. :)
On the other hand edutcher does not know what he is talking about. New York City is a lot safer than most big cities. I walk around all the time at all hours of the day and night and it is as safe as can be. Most of the tougher neighborhoods have become gentrified. The knuckleheads are incarcerated because of stop and frisk.
In the 1970's sure you had a point but it is still Giuliani time in NYC.
Lets see what happens when the Dem's get back in power in the next election.
You want to walk through Harlem or Bed-Stuy around 2 AM, Herr Baron?
Boston is booming bitches.
Biotech, High Tech, Health Care, Education.
Jobs are plentiful.
You do have to have an education though. It eliminates the trash.
Our real estate marketing is booming too. Multiple offers, bidding wars, prices through the roof.
We have had a democrat mayors forever too.
Boston is number 2 in the country in venture capital.
The people's republic of Cambridge have the largest concentration of incredibly high paying biotechnology companies in the world. Novartis, Biogen, Sanofi, Genzyme to name a few.
Largest concentration of colleges in the world too-I know totally commie=education is for wimps.
Excellent colleges too: MIT, Harvard, BC, BU, Emerson, Brandeis, Babson, are a few of the commie education hellholes in this city that in turn cranks out highly paid entrepreneurs, doctors and lawyers.
And even George Bush!
And we are so fucking gay you couldn't imagine. And way international.
And Whitey Bulger and gangsters too.
And incredibly hot men.
I would like Congress to send letters to State, Dept of Justice, NSA, the head of the FBI under Justice and Holder, CIA, as well as directly to the White House (Obama and NSC), and the FISA Courts to see if there was any government agency behind the hacks on CBS.
Under penalty of perjury.
With categorical denials signed in letter. Or admission.
If all the agencies deny it..Perhaps this capability of the NSA can be put to use for positive purposes. To have FISA authorize a review of DBase calls and ISP traffic to and from Atkinsson's computers - made not to get CBS sources..but to limit info to a CBS approved overseer team looking at who hacked in.
Jay said...
A who's who of Democratic shit holes - Detroit ...
Yep, Detroit had it's come to Jesus meeting today, with creditors, etc., held by the Emergency Manager is the financial report. Unsecured creditors are being offered 10 cents on the dollar, and it they refuse, they will get less or nothing. Even secured creditors are at risk...ala auto bail out methodology, but its not mentioned yet for obvious reasons. Police and fire pensions are under funded because Detroit has been "borrowing" [stealing] the money for use on boondoggles and bullcrap.
If the police and fire pensions collapse, since both departments are already under staffed and equipment weak ... look out, the city will become a war zone.
Titus, some places in Baaston (the city) even you won't walk.
Talking about Cambridge is another place.
Hey, I love living in SF (for the most part). The politics are abhorrent, but for the most part the city govt is too caught up in petty internal squabbling to do too much (more) damage.
I wish we'd dispense with the pointless rural vs cities argument. It's a tradeoff. Cities are great if you're young and single and can tolerate the crap that comes with living next to so many people. I wouldn't stick around if married with kids. Oh, and NYC is pretty damn safe. I have walked around Harlem (and Washington Heights) at 2am and it was fine. You have to watch out in truly failed cities like Detroit or Oakland--those places are dangerous at any hour.
It's funny, even in red states like Texas or Georgia, the desirable places that people move to (like Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, etc.) are cities that are diverse, gay-friendly and socially/culturally liberal.
Take a stroll through urban Atlanta at night sometime.
Titus, some places in Baaston (the city) even you won't walk.
Meaningless and dumb comment. There are parts of any city or town, and a lot of methland rural areas for that matter, that aren't someplace you'd walk alone at 2am. Says nothing about the prosperity or culture of a city generally.
Talking about Cambridge is another place.
When people talk about cities, they generally include incorporated municipalities in the metro area in the discussion, though they may not include edge city suburbs. Cambridge isn't an outer suburb that is distant and distinct from Boston. It's a short walk across a bridge over the Charles River. When people talk about Boston, they include Cambridge. And when people who go to school at a particular university in Cambridge are asked where they go to school, they usually say "in Boston" if they don't want to sound boastful from the get-go.
If you say you went to college in Cambridge Mass it sounds incredibly pretentious because peeps immediately think MIT or Harvard.
Saying you went to college in "Cambridge" is a major faux pas in the city.
And Cambridge and Boston are practically the same. They are a two minute walk apart.
They are both equally democratic though and incredibly wealthy. Try finding a rental on condo in either of those places under 600k.
Parking is a whole different story.
A parking space in the Back Bay of Boston went for $560,000 this week. No garage or carport or anything just a space in an alley. That exemplifies a robust economy.
Right now I could rent out my 1 bedroom loft, which has approximately 1220 square feet, for $4500. I get mail from realtors daily which include gift cards to Amazon and Starbucks for $50.00.
Realtors also send me letter daily which states that they have a buyer who would pay $900k, just for the fucking location. I paid about 650k. The units in my building are listed and on the same day they have over 40 offers in a bidding war.
I have a parking spot too which I could rent out for an additional $500 a month.
I would list them and they would be gone in two minutes.
It's all about location bitches.
So yes, Boston is incredibly depressed, thanks to the democratic representatives.
somefeller said...
Titus, some places in Baaston (the city) even you won't walk.
Meaningless and dumb comment. There are parts of any city or town, and a lot of methland rural areas for that matter, that aren't someplace you'd walk alone at 2am. Says nothing about the prosperity or culture of a city generally.
Sure. If it was the paradise Baghdad Bob wants people to believe it is, anyplace a Lefty goes is safe.
Baghdad Bob talks as if the Lefty paradises are just that.
There are enclaves in those cities where the Lefties allow none of the hoi polloi. Those areas are safe, but they reek of hypocrisy.
Baaston's crime is rising, San fiasco's a mess. Austin is only as safe as it might be because of the people Baghdad Bob hates; the law and order crowd, the old line Texans who still believe in the death penalty that makes the bad guys know you don't screw around.
He is a propagandist; anything he says does not measure up to reality.
Sure. If it was the paradise Baghdad Bob wants people to believe it is, anyplace a Lefty goes is safe.
Nope. That's not what I said or a reasonable interpretation of my comments. Once again, your lack of reading comprehension or analytic skills kick in and you fail. Anyway, to borrow a phrase, that's life in the big city.
But lots of people were writing about #BENGHAZI, and since the public doesn't really care, why would they bother and take that risk?
She was the first person to break the fact that State was covering up. She wouldnt leave it alone.
I hope the forensics team CBS put on it it good. I'm sure that right now a lot of Libertarian techs at a lot of compromised companies would be happy to help backtrack the attacks.
Realtors also send me letter daily which states that they have a buyer who would pay $900k, just for the fucking location. I paid about 650k. The units in my building are listed and on the same day they have over 40 offers in a bidding war.
Real nice for the 1%, I'd say. Not so nice for the 99.
That's what your successful Democratic city looks like today. If you're rich you're good. If you're not God help you, because the Party you vote for certainly hasn't and you're too dumb to see otherwise.
But Titus, I'm sure your data infrastructure is much easier to hack by the NSA than those out in the boonies. So choose your porn wisely.
somefeller said...
Sure. If it was the paradise Baghdad Bob wants people to believe it is, anyplace a Lefty goes is safe.
Nope. That's not what I said or a reasonable interpretation of my comments. Once again, your lack of reading comprehension or analytic skills kick in and you fail. Anyway, to borrow a phrase, that's life in the big city.
No, you said, "even in red states like Texas or Georgia, the desirable places that people move to (like Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, etc.) are cities that are diverse, gay-friendly and socially/culturally liberal.".
Somebody points out the flaws and you start to weasel, "Oh no, that's not what I said". They may move to enclaves where they think gentrification is going on, but they're not moving into "the city". It's dangerous there.
And people are bailing out of a lot of those places. Those "diverse, gay-friendly and socially/culturally liberal" cities are losing people to the 'burbs because of high crime and high taxes.
As always, Baghdad Bob spouts the part line, but the party line is frayed.
Titus said...
Boston is booming bitches.
Biotech, High Tech, Health Care, Education.
Jobs are plentiful.
You do have to have an education though. It eliminates the trash.
Isn't that swell for the 15% of blacks who have a college degree?
Liberal polices exacerbate "income inequality"
And people are bailing out of a lot of those places. Those "diverse, gay-friendly and socially/culturally liberal" cities are losing people to the 'burbs because of high crime and high taxes.
Suburbs only exist because of the metro hub. Does the term Metropolitan Statistical Area ring a bell? [Editor's note: of course not, consider who you are talking to.] Also, as others have pointed out, outside of a few tough neighborhoods (which always have existed), most American cities are getting safer. Look up some crime stats. And wonder of wonders, those suburbanites you mention like cosmopolitan treats like foodie restaurants, art galleries and indie-film theaters so they stick close to the city. And a lot of those suburbanites also vote Democratic.
Anyway, keep up the strong analytic work there, chief. Maybe one day you won't find yourself being told that you don't know what you're talking about by knowledgable people. A boy can dream, right?
Realtors also send me letter daily which states that they have a buyer who would pay $900k
And you're very excited, because it turned out Ed McMahon was totally exaggerating in those other letters you got.
somefeller said...
And people are bailing out of a lot of those places. Those "diverse, gay-friendly and socially/culturally liberal" cities are losing people to the 'burbs because of high crime and high taxes.
Suburbs only exist because of the metro hub. Does the term Metropolitan Statistical Area ring a bell? [Editor's note: of course not, consider who you are talking to.] Also, as others have pointed out, outside of a few tough neighborhoods (which always have existed), most American cities are getting safer. Look up some crime stats.
Which ones?
Baaston, I just quoted.
San Fiasco, shooting up (no pun).
The great Lefty capitals, Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, and LA are all combat zones
And wonder of wonders, those suburbanites you mention like cosmopolitan treats like foodie restaurants, art galleries and indie-film theaters so they stick close to the city. And a lot of those suburbanites also vote Democratic.
And a lot of them don't. And a lot of them are afraid to go "in town", which is why they live in the 'burbs.
The malls are the meccas now, you don't have to go "in town". The art galleries and the places to see those ghastly Sundance festival movies are in places like Bryn Mawr and Hudson.
Quoting stats is one thing, but I wonder if you really ever get out of Mom's basement. You certainly know nothing of the real world.
Anyway, keep up the strong analytic work there, chief. Maybe one day you won't find yourself being told that you don't know what you're talking about by knowledgable people. A boy can dream, right?
Problem is knowledgeable people aren't you. All you do is shoot off your mouth with the latest Democrat propaganda and act as if it's all holy writ when, in fact, anybody can tell what nonsense it is.
I have never seen anyone who talks so much gibberish, mostly about places he has obviously never been.
You are all theoretical, nothing experiential.
But that's what happens when you never get out of Mom's basement.
The malls are the meccas now, you don't have to go "in town".
Welcome to 1982.
The art galleries and the places to see those ghastly Sundance festival movies are in places like Bryn Mawr and Hudson.
Yes, but they mostly are in the metro hubs. Which the suburbs exist to provide housing for, as evidenced by suburbanites who say "I'm from [city]", not "I'm from [suburb]".
Quoting stats is one thing, but I wonder if you really ever get out of Mom's basement. You certainly know nothing of the real world.
That's pretty rich coming from an unemployable shut-in prole who's too frightened to go to "the city", whatever that city is in your neck of the woods. And quoting stats is something that people who deal in facts are comfortable with. But I'm sure you like your fantasies and conspiracies better.
And good job closing with the basement cliche, Ace! You never disappoint.
The basement thing hit a nerve, didn't it?
Personally, I'm amused by the belief that people flock to Texas for the liberal, culturally diverse gay-friendliness.
Yes. That must be the reason. :)
somefeller said...
The malls are the meccas now, you don't have to go "in town".
Welcome to 1982.
Welcome to 2013. You don't go in town any more. You don't need to.
The art galleries and the places to see those ghastly Sundance festival movies are in places like Bryn Mawr and Hudson.
Yes, but they mostly are in the metro hubs. Which the suburbs exist to provide housing for, as evidenced by suburbanites who say "I'm from [city]", not "I'm from [suburb]".
Most of the people I've known don't say Philadelphia unless they live in places like Society Hill or Penn's Landing. They say Overbrook or Bryn Mawr.
Or Ridgewood or Stow.
They may give the city as a reference point if someone never heard of their town, but that's all.
That's pretty rich coming from an unemployable shut-in prole who's too frightened to go to "the city", whatever that city is in your neck of the woods. And quoting stats is something that people who deal in facts are comfortable with. But I'm sure you like your fantasies and conspiracies better.
Unemployable shut-in prole? Ooh, right out of the third sub-basement of the Kremlin.
Unfortunately, in the Messiah's America, a lot of people are "unemployable". a lot more can only get temp jobs; in fact, those are the only ones being created.
And I noticed you were he commenting before business hours were even up last week when news of the NSA scandal broke. They let you run home early from the "office", dropping all you "work" when you have some heavy trolling to do?
Sure they do.
And I never said I was frightened and I never said I was shut in (you assume and you know what happens then), I just said people don't want to go into high crime areas (that old reading comprehension cuts both ways, although, in your case, it's just denial). And you might want to look up phenomena like cocooning and the doughnut model of how cities have decayed and people have fled them.
Your attempt to buttress your defense quoting stats is especially lame. Anybody can quote stats, because there's enough to fit anybody's agenda (lies, damned lies, and statistics ring a bell?).
The way you mouth off I wonder if you ever see the light of day or if you really ever get out of Mom's basement. You certainly know nothing of the real world.
And good job closing with the basement cliche, Ace! You never disappoint.
Neither do you. When pressed and out of cliches, you always try the "unemployable" line to try to gain the upper hand. Considering how many times you've shown up here during "work" hours, you might want to be a little more careful, the big secret is no secret.
And your use of that line only shows you haven't got anything left.
Welcome to 2013. You don't go in town any more. You don't need to.
While that's certainly true... "the mall"?
I stay home, hang out by the pool, and buy online. Why waste gas just to find out they don't carry what I'm looking for?
Revenant said...
"Personally, I'm amused by the belief that people flock to Texas for the liberal, culturally diverse gay-friendliness. Yes. That must be the reason. :)"
Houston, one of the cities somefeller mentioned, is extremely culturally diverse and has a gay mayor. Having said that, most people probably move to Texas cuz they can get a job, taxes and cost of living are low, and government is much less over bearing than in lefty states.
Yeah, people move to Texas because jobs move to Texas.
Titus would leave North Dakota with the biggest boner he's ever had, but he'd still leave. If he visited Texas he could at least swing by New Orleans for a quickie.
And, at one city beach, fornicating homosexuals in the bushes is so notoriously bad no one normal dare goes, lest one is hoping to be propositioned or to catch a show.
I'm sure you know all the best bushes.
Revenant said...
Personally, I'm amused by the belief that people flock to Texas for the liberal, culturally diverse gay-friendliness.
Yes. That must be the reason. :)
texans, at least the ones I'm familiar with, have always been the ; you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, types.
garage mahal said...
You got nothin'.
Get me a list of the America's top 25 richest cities, and the top 25 poorest cities, and tell me what you find.
Detroit has declared bankruptcy. They are paying ten cents on the dollar.
Microsoft and Facebook both said that the govt only asked for a few thousand records and not billions of records, and that some of the claims were hyperbolic.
Repubs should be wary of getting bed with the fringe - which in this case are the left and the libertarians.
This is not to,say that govt didn't target conservatives with the IRS, or that this program couldn't be abused. There's just no evidedence, yet, that it has.
As for Sheryl Atkinson, I'm a little dubious of her claims.its certainly possible but it sounds a bit paranoid. Is she sure that she didn't install malware?
Houston, one of the cities somefeller mentioned, is extremely culturally diverse and has a gay mayor. Having said that, most people probably move to Texas cuz they can get a job, taxes and cost of living are low, and government is much less over bearing than in lefty states.
Very true. Obviously, people primarily move to Texas for jobs and cost of living, not for liberalism. But it's worth noting where they generally go to move when they move to Texas and the nature of the prosperous parts of Texas. Highly-educated professionals favor places with certain cultural attitudes as well as lower taxes (who doesn't?) and act accordingly. As a rule, social liberalism/libertarianism (which overlaps with but is distinct from voting for Democrats, thankfully) and economic vitality go hand-in-hand. That's true even in red states and socially "red" America isn't where most of the action is, economically or culturally.
Rusty ... Detroit has NOT filed for bankruptcy yet [I haven't looked at local news this morning], the session yesterday was to make an offer in lieu of bankruptcy...see my post at 8:07 PM yesterday where I linked the session details and proposal.
If Detroit actually files for bankruptcy in federal court, it will be the largest city case ever. It will have a very high likelihood of being modified like the automobile bail outs were, leaving even secured creditors almost empty handed and unsecured creditors with zero.
That said, the "offer in lieu" is essentially a bankruptcy offer from a bankrupt, even if not technically one yet. If not accepted it can only get worse in increasing magnitudes. Look at the response times, for police and fire, cited in the report linked...if these police and fire folks take it up the arse, there will virtually be no police or fire responses...none is worse than 45 to 60 minutes now.
Palladian said...
I'm sure you know all the best bushes ... wink
Good one. Actually, there are a couple large City of Detroit Parks that are notorious for buggery in the bushes, so to speak. One where I occasionally take my dogs for exercise, the part I visit, is well known for middle age to senior gay male encounters.
My old dog "Zoya" was an excellent tracker and would surprise some of the dudes in the bushes [literally] and cause hilarious scenes of naked guys sprinting away with clothes under arm...I think "Zoya" thought of it as similar to running the blinds in a schutzhund trial protection phase. I could never have let "Ari" play like that because once in pursuit he'd have run the sprinters to ground....where I could always call "Zoya" off.
My question: Why in Lawd's name don't these guys go get a room?
Humble regions like where I live (Appalachia) are stealing the non-1%er jobs from the faboo big cities.
It's called telecommuting. Any non-manual labor work is fair game.
No bricks and mortar cost to the company, and because of the cost of living differential, they can pay far lower salaries to the rurals than the big city folk with their inflated notions of lifestyle.
We are Americans, stealing American jobs.
We are accelerating the class distinctions in the big cities and it will help highlight the obvious differences...could result in a class war. Bring on the Revolution.
Buggery parks for anonymous gay stranger sex...such a highlight of civilization. I think I hear Rome falling.
Humble regions like where I live (Appalachia) are stealing the non-1%er jobs from the faboo big cities...We are accelerating the class distinctions in the big cities and it will help highlight the obvious differences...could result in a class war. Bring on the Revolution.
It'll be like Buckwild crossed with A Tale of Two Cities, I tells ya! But is Glenn Beck Danton or Robespierre?
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