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"For too long supermarkets have got off the hook, stocking lads' mags in the face of widespread opposition, but this time we have the law on our side," said Kat Banyard, founder of UK Feminista. "Every shop that sells lads' mags – publications which are deeply harmful to women – are opening themselves up to legal action."...
"One woman said to us: 'Those magazines don't do women any favours, they are appalling and demeaning to women, but what can little old me do about it?' Well, employees need to know they don't need to put up with it any more."
७४ टिप्पण्या:
"But this time we have the force of government imposed censorship on our side."
Gee over here, they just put something in front of the top magazine's cover.
Anybody wanna bet they'll be demanding suspension of their publication next?
PS Who says "lads" are the only ones that buy them?
Female Supremacists imposing their morality on others is all this is.
What the heck is lads'?
Is that how the Brits say "ladies"?
No wonder their nation is in decline.
"Lads" are the British equivalent of "Bros", college-aged male idiots.
"Lads" are the British equivalent of "Bros", college-aged male idiots.
Lads' = college aged male idiots. got it.
The assaults on free speech are heavy and troubling.
They might be safer moving the images back to page 3.
It reminds me of Marissa Mayer, when she was a honcho at Google, making the radio rounds to tout some worthless Google search feature under the pretext of having something interesting to say, running into Armstrong and Getty.
They asked what the most popular search was, and she had some boilerplate answer.
Armstrong and Getty said they had just searched for Marissa Mayer nude, the implication being, I take it, that porn searches that she hadn't mentioned were probably pretty popular too.
Armstrong and Getty got a letter of reprimand from Mayer's office for unprofessionalism.
In short a stuck up prissy female.
And workplaces were involved!
Personally, I get tired of that feminist, iconic Cosmo magazine telling my 11 yr old daughter how to give a great blowjob in the grocery store line.
I'd have guessed, from the covers, that they were women's magazines, like Cosmo.
In the future, everyone will feel offended in their work environment for 15 minutes.
Porn strips women of their retail value on the girlfriend market.
"...creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them."
If these little bitches can't create their own environment per E. Roosevelt they deserve the feelings of intimidation etc.
Perhaps mass suicide would be an appropriate response here for the atheists, like the British national response to their superiors, Muslims, occupying their (former) land.
This is a link to CNN.
"We will not fight them on our beaches. We will not fight them on our shores. We will not fight them in our streets. We will always surrender to politically correct extermination of British identity."
Some nurse recently commented that she'd gotten out of gynocology assistant because vaginas were ugly.
There's the proper application of workplace environment. Do something you like.
I blame George Eastman.
Sounds like The Blonde.
Porn, with all its nude bodies, bores her because "it's just like work".
The Blonde is a stripper?
When the lads can't get their magazines, then what are they going to do? The ladettes should think about that.
"I'd have guessed, from the covers, that they were women's magazines, like Cosmo."
Men like to look at women. Women like to look at women. Women, women, women. I agree that it's sexual harassment. Enough with all the women already.
I'm not for the lawsuits of course. But step away from the magazines. They're mind-numbing.
It's pretty obvious... humanity has voted in the marketplace... there's nothing more fascinating than beautiful women.
Oh... I don't know. It's virtually hopeless. Women only want to look at themselves or other women.
What about men?
I'm surprised to learn that English retailers sell these magazines.
I thought the NHS provided free whacking material.
I find this the height of sexism. Women want their porn, their romance novels, where they can dream about being swept off their feet, and temporarily out of their hum drum marriages, into the arms and beds of some bad boy with either noble blood or a lot of money, and, invariably, a stellar bod (which is why Fabio was able to make such a good career). I probably find female porn as offensive and demeaning as they find male porn.
The answer is not more of a nanny state, but rather to let stores carry what they want to carry. For some, that cater more to women, then, fine, ban male porn. And, for those that cater more to men, ban female porn. But, of course, these women know that too many stores for their liking would continue to carry male oriented porn, so they are trying to utilize the government to cram their preferences down the throats of the males in the country. But, in the end, they have probably lost the debate - most male porn has probably moved to electronic media, putting dead tree male porn in serious financial risk.
But step away from the magazines. They're mind-numbing.
For lads they're the opposite.
The lads' obsession with sex is mind-numbing. The magazines provide a release from that, owing to the magic of orgasm and an obsession-killing hormone flood.
The obsession is gone for a while.
It's how you can get through puberty.
What women get from it I don't know. They don't have the same sex obsession plague that guys do.
Chip S. said...
The Blonde is a stripper?
You've never had an overnight stay in the hospital.
The alleged "problem" here is that having female employees put these mags on the shelves creates a hostile work environment.
Simple solution: no female employees at these shops.
What's that you say? Women have the right to work in any environment?
Well, then, STFU and get back to work.
ed, what hospital is it? If the patients look like Maxim cover girls I'd like to sign up for volunteer work.
Men like to look at women. Women like to look at women. Women, women, women.
Oh... I don't know. It's virtually hopeless.
Of course it's hopeless, it's sex!
Women only want to look at themselves or other women.
We approach sex differently. Men approach sex-as-sex. We want it!
Women approach sex-as-power. How do we get it so they want it?
But step away from the magazines. They're mind-numbing.
Sex makes us stupid. Always has, always will. But sex is primal, too, and very important. Sex is our animal side. And while it's important to restrain it and control it, too much repression is bad.
On the subject of sex--pornography, pregnancy, abortion, lesbians, anything--feminism is unhinged, and should be ignored. As a philosophy it is not only unhelpful to our society, it's now doing far more harm than good.
Here in America, all of our pop-culture magazines are written and owned by pro-democrat hacks.
All of it is some form of propaganda-- and that is much more offensive than images of perfect unattainable air-brushed young women.
For those of you who have been following my very exciting life, you'll remember that I've been on jury duty this month. In the jury room the only magazines, which there are about 20, is People Magazine.
AllenS...interesting report.
I think the Kochs should donate National Review subscriptions to every jury room in the country.
Shouldn't there be at least a couple crime magazines?
Yeah, the term basically means stuff like FHM, Maxim, and Loaded, as well as the vehicle-themed equivalents (Lowrider, various motorcycle mags). A shade lower on the porn scale than the likes of Playboy in that the models are clothed -- sort of. Also, unlike Playboy and its ilk, they tend not to come enclosed in plastic bags.
At the bookstore where I was once a periodicals clerk, Playboy and the like were invariably kept on the top shelf to keep them out of reach of teens, but the "lads' mags" could go further down. Usually did, too, because they tend to be thick things with spines, and considerably oversized relative to most zines. (The British ones do, anyway.) Putting them in the middle tiers of a rack tended to create more mayhem in the section than putting them on the bottom tier.
I see a slippery slope. Mainstream mags with their endless Obama porn create a hostile environment for Republicans.
So come to America. Where porn is constitutionally protected.
On second thought, don't.
Why have the government do the censoring?
A nice boycott ought to do the trick, if people really care about your issue.
If they don't care, don't make the government do the caring for them.
Oh, good. Now the Allah-Akbar crowd might not need to saw off so quite many news-vendor's heads. The savings on carpal tunnel treatments for the jihadis should help pay for a lot of mandatory pediatric clitorectomies. A victory for women all 'round!
"Those magazines don't do women any favours, they are appalling and demeaning to women, but what can little old me do about it?"
The correct answer is "Nothing, you miserable, censorious twit." But apparently the only possible justification for anything being allowed to exist now is if it does women a favor. Not any woman, of course. The women posing for the photos don't count, obviously. The pretty ones are always the first to go up against the wall.
What about Cosmopolitan, hmmmmmmmmm?
...and, after the "Lads' Mags," they'll come after the hunting magazines, like Field and Stream, for their explicit celebration of the violent masculine sports of hunting and fishing.
We're surrounded by idiot assholes, of whom the vastly disproportionate share are Leftists and Feminists.
Thank God or Nature we have (or least had) a 1st Amendment. Hasn't the word Islam already been banned from British media?
Thank God or Nature we have (or least had) a 1st Amendment. Hasn't the word Islam already been banned from British media?
Interesting that you've picked up on this.
It's a good example of what a Trojan Horse workplace legislation can be. There is no First Amendment here in Britain, so all that stands in the way of the campaigners is the power of magazine distributors who have local monopolies and so insist that shops take the whole range, including porn, or get nothing.
I'm surprised the skin mags are still in business, yet there's still a row of them on the top shelf of my local corner shop.
Motorcycle mags demachinize and objectify motorcycles, promoting harmful attitudes that underpin discrimination and violence against motorcycles and scooters. Reducing motorcycles to objects sends out an incredibly dangerous message that motorcycles are constantly available and displaying these publications in everyday spaces normalises this machinism.
The internet's free porn has made lads' magazines an endangered species anyway. And the term encompasses all the skin mags in the UK, btw. And the female counterpart is lassies.
Feminists have become nothing more than frustrated Victorian scolds. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
Just tell the Feminists to cool their chebs. Works every time.
Neglect of global warming, islamophobia and lads' mags are definitely the great evils of these our times.
I really hate men's magazines (lads mags) but radical feminists are so distasteful I can't manage to agree with them on even this point.
They ruin everything they touch.
We are all in Mackinnon's world now. And what an insane place to be.
The only conclusion one can derive from the situation in Brittain today is:
1-Brittain has achieved the best of all possible worlds, all of The Big Issues have been satisfactorily been solved thus freeing up resources to deal with these tertiary at best issues.
2-Game over! Game over! So lets work on the tertiary problems as we patiently wait for the ship to sink.
I really hate men's magazines (lads mags) but ..
There's no reason to. They're testiment only that any vagina is as good as any other to a male, which only says that women are geometically permanently attractive to men. That's a benefit to women, not men. It's like being chained to a maniac, the male Aristotle says, on reflecting back on it in old age.
Men don't remember the magazine women at all. They just like the geometry. It's wired in. The ones it wasn't wired into died out in evolution.
Give the guy some permanent reason to like you, and you've got a mate.
Elvin Bishop Fooled around and fell in love.
Tipper Gore lives.
A Christian would be very conflicted on this.
Fun Sponges of the Universe, ASSEMBLE!
Love the unexamined statement that girly magazines are "deeply harmful to women." Really? How? Of course I've heard this argument before, it's just that no one ever bothers to explain the logic of it. Is it the expectations gap? Are photos of naked men similarly "deeply harmful" to men?
Are photos of naked men similarly "deeply harmful" to men?
Make it "bank statements of wealthy men" for a better analogy.
Speaking of Fun Sponges of the Universe,
Leave Thong-Cape-Scooter-Man alone, uptight Madison prudes!
The Annual Springtime Airing of the Junk, at 25-30 mph, near a school. What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, help me, I'm deeply harmed. Thong-Cape-Scooter-Man is virtually crushing mah soul.
The Sun still has Page3, right?
Shouldn't there be at least a couple crime magazines?
Guns & Ammo is good jury room reading.
Did the self-appointed feminists consult their bisexual and lesbian sisters before making such demands about magazine removal? Some women look at other women in a manner not related to fashion and hairstyles.
Feminists. Criminy. They want to act like men, work like men, dress like men, look like men, be like men, do combat like men, have great jobs that shorten their lifespans like men, and then also hate the things men like. What a clueless self-loathing group they are. Seriously, ever hear about men complaining that the male nudie magazines are objectifying and degrading? Get over yourselves, feminist whiners.
Wake up..there is finally a feminist revolution after centuries of disparity. Any fair society includes balance of power and opportunity to humans regardless of race gender or sexual inclination. Feminists are only fundamentalist in that human rights are fundamental to everyone...i.e women who want life to be more inclusive for everyone. They are not stick in the muds..anyone who refuses to pass over there right to get gratification from a picture of a big strong guy semi strangling a woman got taught sex eroticism and passion from tacky limited cheap unimaginative porn...its not just a picture its an image an ideal a perspective a way of seeing. Violence against women destroys families and mixing entertainment and aggresive power plays in mags is the first step to violence....u may a nice guy who wont take the next but you just validated some guy who does....
Give the guy some permanent reason to like you, and you've got a mate.
This is a true gem.
I mean why do women think they are allowed to gain 80 lbs and the guy will still want them?
'Those magazines don't do women any favours, they are appalling and demeaning to women
"Those television ads don't do men any favors, they are appalling and demeaning to husbands, fathers, boyfriends, and men in general.
Heartonsleeve lets condense your diatribe on equality to a simple paragraph. You want equality? Get a gun and learn how to use it. If you get offended by a man looking at nekid pictures of ladies, that's your problem, not his. Get over it.
This is why you can't give the Left an inch. Fascists, every last one of them. Imagine if men tried to ban sex toys - I wonder if they'd be OK with that?
The ascent of the New Victorians...
The biggest problem with lads mags and other frou-frou sorts like Esquire is they are full of metrosexual advertising.
I'm not going to feel very sorry for these rotten feminist cunts when they are forced into Burkha's and sex slavery for their muslim overlords in another generation or so.
Okay, lets get this straight: we are talking about porno mags on the top shelf of newsagents, right?
Now, it's been a few years since I've lived in the UK, but I believe they have the internet over there, as well.
Perhaps they could bring back Carrie Nation and the WCTU?
Why are "progressives" so regressive, anyway?
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