May 16, 2013

"Terrorists in witness protection were allowed on flights, watchdog says."

WaPo headlines on its front page, linking to "Watchdog: Justice Dept. didn’t provide names of some terrorists in witness protection program."


kentuckyliz said...

And they worked for the IRS? And they were seen with RPG launchers on their shoulders in Benghazi?

Sydney said...

The MSM must be very angry about the phone record snooping. They are really going after the DOJ.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

scroll down to the end..

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. [Holder did see this and gave us his permission before publishing. You will note we did not blame Obama or his administration for the failures... *whew*]

I'm Full of Soup said...

We should only rarely have partisan arguments over clearcut right vs. wrong. Yet, we do all the time. And that will be the death of a lot of Americans one day due to some big, horrible terrorist act.

edutcher said...

The further along we go, the more it looks like the whole crew, including people like Arne Duncan, Van Jones, Turbo Tax Timmy and Big Sis, ought to be made to understand the meaning of "life without parole".

Nonapod said...

Ahh yes... one group decides not to share information with another. This is what happens when you have a massive balkanized bureaucracy made up of a jillion different agencies, departments, and jurisdictions each with their own little egos, internal politics, and logistical problems.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Just wait until Obama finds out about this!

Colonel Angus said...

The country is in the very best of hands.

MadisonMan said...

Just wait until Obama finds out about this!

LOL. Excellent!

Anonymous said...

Likely they left to where they can buy pressure cookers in peace.

SteveR said...

Eric Holder "I didn't know"
Jay Carney "I can't comment on an ongoing FBI investigation"
Obama "the people responsible will be held to account"
HRC "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Meh. I want more information before I jump to conclusions. How well vetted and monitored were these people? I assume they had to go through the same TSA screening process everyone else.

Seeing Red said...

Is this a drip drip to get rid of Holder?

Levi Starks said...

I'm amazed that Obama has so much time for fundraising, partying with entertainment elite's ,accepting awards....
but no time to run, or be accountable for the federal gov. of which he is supposed to be the head.
He wanted to be president soooo bad. twice, but he really doesn't seem to want to actual be the president now that he is.

Carnifex said...

It's not his fault!!!! He just grew government too big for anyone to be held accountable!!!

Known Unknown said...

I don't know why the Madame is so reluctant to bring us good news of the governmental variety.

Bryan C said...

I'm sure glad creating the DHS fixed all these problems.

J said...

Probably some rogue marshall in Dubuque.

Shanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
President-Mom-Jeans said...

Holder is going under the Obama bus.


Cedarford said...

SteveR said...
Eric Holder "I didn't know"
Jay Carney "I can't comment on an ongoing FBI investigation"
Obama "the people responsible will be held to account"
HRC "What difference, at this point, does it make?"


Press: "What ever happened to the ongoing investigations of 8 months to 2 years ago on Benghazi and Fast and Furious the White House claimed could not be discussed because they are ongoing"

Jay Carney: "I am surprised you folks are chasing long past, old news stories like right wing Republican extremists. They are not things that are in the news anymore."

Press: "Well what happened to all those investigations you couldn't comment on because they were ongoing criminal investigations that Holder &Co were "pursuing the facts on"?

Jay Carney - "I still can't comment, even if I thought they were valid news stories vs. a witch hunt only the Tea Party racists really refuse to let go. I do point out Congress can ask, and we will inform them, as soon as the channels used and the time DOJ is taken up with other urgent matters permits. And of course, we can't jeopardize Rule of Law for ongoing criminal matters awaiting the Courts - and that includes the unfortunate workplace violence incident at Ft Hood."

The Godfather said...

Next time I fly I'm sure I'll be safe, Insha'Allah.

Amartel said...

Other blame targets/deflection strategeries:

-Time, Passage of
-ATM machines
-Tsunami in Japan

Sam L. said...

Are there guards with them on those flights, so's nobody tries to kill them?