Sanford took his humiliation. With little fuss he stepped down as governor. He laid low for 4 years. He offered himself to the public once again at the congressional district level where he had begun his political career in 1994.
ADDED: From the above-linked article:
A turning point in the race came two weeks ago, when Sanford held a mock debate with a cardboard cutout of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, implying that the California Democrat — persona non grata in conservative South Carolina — was a stand-in for his Democratic opponent.Be careful with mockery. It's a wild beast. Once unleashed, who knows what it will do? Liberals may think their side owns comedy. And not just when their candidate is the sibling of political humorist.
The former governor endured days of derision from the press for the move — Mark Sanford, once regarded as a viable potential presidential candidate, was debating a piece of cardboard.
But behind the scenes, Sanford’s aides grinned: Every time a reporter put “Pelosi” and “Colbert Busch” in the same sentence, the Republican was winning. And some Democratic aides began to worry, too.
६८ टिप्पण्या:
We do the same here in Massachusetts, being apart of the Democratic Party is cultural.
Stepping out of the political party here is like leaving your Amish community.
Now Democrats know how Republicans felt when Clinton beat Dole in 1996.
I always blame the wife anyway.
Colbert Bush didn't have a spotless record as a well-behaving divorcee either.
I'm just happy to see the Colbert machine slapped down. He is tired. His act is tired. They way he thinks he's so much smarter than the political process is tired, especially considering how big his microphone and pocketbook are..
Goodbye, Colbert family.
Maybe the spin of the "election" last fall jolted a lot of people out of their complacency.
Then, of course, the local Dick shooting off his mouth about Nikki Haley might have played a role.
Too bad.
I was hoping for someone who was worse than Al "Trunkful o' Ballots" Franken.
Pogo, there's no one worse than Fanken. Minnesota is just going to have to live with that forever. But hey--you'll always have Walnut Grove, right?
Sanford certainly has a gift for political theater. Not his first stunt.
Yes, so proud of this fella....a true representative...
Next time the Democrats can field a better candidate instead of whining.
Hell, we had Gov. Jess "The Body" Ventura, too.
Now we have Gov. Dayton who seems to have suffered dementia from his prior years of boozing. As Senator, he got drunk again and in 2004 closed his Senate office because of an unspecified terrorist threat.
In 2006, Dayton was rated one of America's "Five Worst Senators" by Time magazine, which also labeled him "The Blunderer"
Plus, the Twins and the Vikings!
... it's obvious that it's what was going to happen.
I don't think 'obvious' is the right word. It was just a few weeks ago that Colbert-Busch was ahead in the polls by that same margin, 9 per cent. The turning point, apparently, was when Sanford started tying Colbert-Busch to Pelosi.
Pelosi is an easier target of hatred than Obama. Looks like a good strategy for the Rep's for 2014.
I wasn't going to mention Ventura. That kinda cuts in many directions!
There's a hockey team too! And hey--the Wild are in the play-offs.
And the Kensington Runestone. So, real Vikings. Or Templars, or you know, whatever.
It would've been better and more iconic and amusing if he debated an empty chair, but hey, cardboard cut-out works.
Sadly, this means Weiner 2016 or 2020 is a real possibility.
It's nice to see the party of Kennedy and Clinton righteously lament the election of one who operated outside his marital boundaries.
It is true that conservatives don't use humor, satire and mockery against their political opponents to anywhere near the same degree that liberals use them.
Liberals have asserted flatly that the Left has a better sense of humor than the Right. But that's because they're coming off two Presidential election victories. It's easy to be in a good laughing mood when you win.
I don't remember liberals having such a good sense of humor after Bush won re-election.
machine said...
Yes, so proud of this fella....a true representative...
Yeah, too bad he's not a former Klan member, or killed a girl by driving his car off a bridge, ran a brothel out of his basement, got a 16 year old boy drunk and had sex with him, or a tax cheat, huh?
I have no desire to defend Sanford, or to say "Well, at least his transgressions aren't as bad as X."
He's earned zero loyalty from me, and that's exactly what he'll get. This was a lose-lose election.
Using Nancy Pelosi against the democrat machine is brilliant. More please.
Make Nancy Pelosi and Hillary! the joke. They are the joke. The sad horrifying joke.
The faux prudes of the democrat party obsessed with Sanford's sex life put up Colbert Busch who had a messy divorce where she got put in jail for contempt. The anti-woman and bigoted slurs by SC democrat party chair against Gov. Haley did not help. Pelosi was fired for cause.
The faux prudes of the democrat party obsessed with Sanford's sex life put up Colbert Busch who had a messy divorce where she got put in jail for contempt. The anti-woman and bigoted slurs by SC democrat party chair against Gov. Haley did not help. Pelosi was fired for cause.
Why is politics so full of strange people?
Former Bill Clinton Adviser: Sanford Wins. Women Lose.
You can't even parody these people anymore.
"Why is politics so full of strange people?"
Because there are no secrets anymore in politics, and only the shameless don't care if you find out.
Hilarious attack fail by Colbert when Sanford replies to her pre-scripted line. Video embbeded at the link.
So many potential candidates would like to run, but even those with only a few blemishes from decades ago really do NOT want to go through that process.
Karmic payback for making that poor camel slip on the ice.
I thought Governor Sanford and his "soulmate" was a nutty enough story, kind of a twist on Cyrano de Bergerac or something, to be worth waiting to see what comes next before condemning him.
Obviously not fun for his family, but entertaining for the rest of us, and lots of men (and women, for that matter) do strange things when they get to that age.
The Republican war on women goes into overdrive!!!
Re: machine:
Yes, so proud of this fella....a true representative...
Well, adulterers and philanderers deserve representation too. I guess.
What I find astonishing is that in an overwhelmingly Republican district, they ended up with that. Apparently, his primary opponent was, if anything, worse. If they just threw a dart into a crowd and asked whoever they hit, "Will you stand for election?" they'd probably have run a less embarrassing candidate. Who'd also have won. Politics seems to attract an uncommonly number of messed up people.
I saw somewhere on the intertubes that the Dem candidate has a mug shot as a result of from some ugly divorce activity.
So it's not only a Republican -Dem choice -- it's two people who can't do marriage very well.
Lesser evil?
The Unintended Bill Clinton Rule in effect?
Or maybe as simple (?) as Sanford can handle representing the constituents more better?
This was a lose-lose election.
Talk about the classic Hold-your-nose-and-vote.
Stanford's a pro and Colbert-Busch is an amateur. She and her staff should have been ready for the possibility he would nationalize the election by tying her to Pelosi, and she should have been ready for it. She surely should have had an answer when he brought up her jail time.
Plus, South Carolina being the state it is, there's always the possibility that some Democrats thought she was related to "Dubya" and voted for the other one.
An awful lot of people in this country don't do marriage well.
I'm glad Sanford won. He's a good candidate, and will be ready for the job from the get-go. He held this seat three times before becoming governor. The people of his district know him for his politics and his foibles. They like his politics and forgive his personal faults.
I'm also very glad he pulled this off without the backing of the NRCC. Pointy headed, judgmental Republican establishment types should pay heed. They won't, but they should.
Weiner, woo hoo! What's worse, lying about hiking in the Appalachian Mountains, whilst actually bonking your mistress in Argentina, or flashing your dick on a sext and lying?
Family values, not for me, but for thee.
Another thing that Sanford did that I found very interesting was that he ran as an incumbent. He ran as if he was defending the seat. Colbert-Busch never quite grasped the reality of that.
So Sanford was running for his seat in an overwhelmingly R district.
Here's the thing: Sanford didn't need to pull out the Pelosi board when Colbert-Busch was a debate no-show. Just not showing up would have seemed arrogant and presumptuous to those folks down around Charleston. When you are the challenger, and you're given the opportunity to debate, you politely take that opportunity. It's just good manners.
Colbert-Busch didn't make her manners, and in return, Sanford pulled off a nice, visual "Well, bless her heart!" People around there get that sort of thing.
What's worse, lying about hiking in the Appalachian Mountains, whilst actually bonking your mistress in Argentina, or flashing your dick on a sext and lying?
I dunno? Lying about getting blow jobs from an intern in the Oval Office seems to get you Elder Statesman status in this day and age.
Why shouldn't Republicans choose a politically astute candidate who shares their politics? Because the guy fell in love with another woman and ditched his wife? That's so last century. I mean, back in '08, Republicans where rallying around noted philanderer John McCain. What's the big deal?
machine said...
Yes, so proud of this fella....a true representative...
No, he has to take a back seat to the Zero who went to another state to pry open his opponent's divorce decree.
I guess it's time for Colbert Busch to take a hike. Maybe she should consider the Appalachian Trial.
Pelosi is an easier target of hatred than Obama. Looks like a good strategy for the Rep's for 2014.
Not just a good strategy but factually correct. In the end they all vote party line when it's close.
Phoebee said...
Weiner, woo hoo! What's worse, lying about hiking in the Appalachian Mountains, whilst actually bonking your mistress in Argentina, or flashing your dick on a sext and lying?
Um, Weiner sent those pics unsolicited.
The women didn't ask for it.
So I vote Weiner.
RE: Jay:
I dunno. I think adultery is a lot worse than sexual harrassment, actually. But I am probably out of sync with the mainstream on this point.
Of course Colbert Busch avoided debates: she's at least as far left as her brother, totally out of the mainstream, and wanted to hide that fact.
This is the woman who wouldn't even say if she'd vote to repeal ObamaCare.
She tried to sleaze into the job. Sanford didn't let her. I don't like Sanford, and I'm appalled the Republican primary voters chose him, but he's a better person, and a better candidate, than Elizabeth Colbert Busch.
So by Balfegor's logic Sanford is qualified to be President with his record of adultery but not fit to serve in Congress -- like Ted Kennedy did? Am I reading that crap right?
machine said...
Yes, so proud of this fella....a true representative...
I know,right?
The Democrat brand was so awful that the people voted in the adulterous huckster. Even though the Democrat outspent the Republican 3 to 1.
Maybe the people of S Carolina understand that Sanford is only going to fuck an occasional woman whereas Colbert-Bush was going to fuck every citizen of the state.
Very happy that Sanford won and that SC (South Carolina/social conservative) voters were smart enough to not reject him cuz he fell in love with another woman. It happens.
It is understandable that dems would be depressed by the fact that social conservative voters are starting to understand that rejecting a gop pol cuz he had an affair is stupid if it facilitates the election of a dem pol. Sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the least worst option.
But pubes always say they get rid of their hipocrital moralizers?
Now they can't say that anymore.
It's the libtards that are the peeps of unadulterated sex while still getting elected. Libs don't have any family falues.
But now pubes can do it too-at the same time talking through their ass about family values! And fiscal issues-while using state money for a little international hikey wikey. It's a Win Win.
God really won this election.
South Carolina is essentially the republican version of Mass...without the high housing costs, low unemployment, high incomes, high education levels, hotness, etc.
One is always going to be pube.
One is always going to be tard.
Every now and then one may sneak in like Romney or Brown in Mass but then it returns to "normal".
Although, it was probably a vewy vewy long time for a tard to win state wide in Jesusland.
Re: Mike:
So by Balfegor's logic Sanford is qualified to be President with his record of adultery but not fit to serve in Congress -- like Ted Kennedy did? Am I reading that crap right?
My logic is that he's not really fit to serve in either Congress or the White House. I wouldn't say that's an absolute bar -- there are adulterers and cads of great ability, after all. But the bar ought to be set higher for people who've demonstrated an inability to keep important promises.
Is Arkansas not part of Jesusland?
How about Kentucky?
West Virginia?
"Now that it's happened, it's obvious that it's what was going to happen."
Haha. If you are going to claim that it was obvious it was going to happen, you have to do it before it happens.
"I think adultery is a lot worse than sexual harrassment"
There are at least couple of ways that sexual harassment is worse than adultery: sexual harassment is against the law (adultery isn't) and sexual harassment leaves your company open to lawsuits by the harassed person that are likely to cost your employer a lot of money.
From a moral perspective, sexual harassment is always odious, using your employment power over another person to extract sexual favors is disgusting.
Adultery, otoh, is not illegal and is sometimes not despicable. Marriages wither, people get lonely but, for whatever reason, can't get immediately get out of the marriage. Adultery is probably usually a bad thing but there are exceptions where it is somewhat understandable.
The dem tears of frustration at the gop not turning its back on a philanderer are like drops of honey, so sweet.
Four years? Seems like only one!
A philandering adulterer who -- as nearly as I can tell from the available information -- ably served as the Congressman from this very same district and who is an experienced campaigner beat an amateur who (1) is a jail bird and (2) possessed values not in concert with the values of her constituents.
Was this supposed to be a surprise?
Mass will vote for the fag jew who had a hooker did his work in his house and SC will vote for the fiscal/social conservative who fucked an Argentinian and lied about it and took state money.
It really is very simple-different parts of the country ae very different.
Sanford is not allowed any more "family values" talk though. God loves that sinner though from what Sanford said last night. They have been in direct conversations since walking the trail.
An 18 point swing in the polls over the last 2 weeks? Oh yeah, everyone saw that coming...
No surprise there.
"the people voted in the [Republican] ... even though the Democrat outspent the Republican 3 to 1."
Unpossible! That doesn't sound like the evil influence of money on elections, so it can't be true.
"An 18 point swing in the polls over the last 2 weeks? "
To any of you SC folks who deliberately misled the pollsters: well done!
Seriously, I consider it our patriotic duty to either lie to political pollsters, or a the very least refuse to answer their polls. The current excessive attention paid to "public opinion polling" in elections is a cancer, a little harsh medicine to treat it is ok.
Titus said...
South Carolina is essentially the republican version of Mass...without the high housing costs, low unemployment, high incomes, high education levels, hotness, etc.
One is always going to be pube.
One is always going to be tard.
Every now and then one may sneak in like Romney or Brown in Mass but then it returns to "normal".
Although, it was probably a vewy vewy long time for a tard to win state wide in Jesusland.
You're more interesting when you're sober.
Sanford benefited from people downplaying is affair to simple adultery. He didn't just have an affair, he blew up his family. Wholly apart from his personal life, he acted like a loon during the whole thing.
I'm far more fiscally conservative than your average right winger, and I would not have voted for that guy.
Astro said...
"An 18 point swing in the polls over the last 2 weeks? Oh yeah, everyone saw that coming...
No surprise there."
Did not realize there was such a huge late swing in the polls, very interesting. Claiming that an election result was inevitable after the election (but not before the election) seems a bit lame. Besides, the gop has shown an amazing ability to lose elections they should win.
"I would not have voted for that guy."
Since the House is closely divided, one vote can make a huge difference, maybe the difference in passing or preventing a terrible bill. Not voting for a gop pol because he cheated on his wife (thus potentially handing the election to the dems) does not make political sense if you are a fiscal conservative.
Elections are not entirely (or even mostly) about the candidate running. The key thing is what party the candidate belongs to cuz he will be forced to mostly vote the party line, especially on the most important legislation.
I can explain Sanford's victory in two words - Speaker Pelosi.
Freeman, Your "I would not have voted for that guy." is how we have crap legislation like Obamacare passed in this country. My thought is that you should always vote for the candidate/party that represents most of your conservative positions and has a chance at winning. Voting Libertarian didn't do a lot of good in the presidential election. Voting for Colbert Busch would make Nancy Pelosi that much closer to being Speaker.
Big factual error in this post. Sanford did not step down as governor. He served the remainder of his term.
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