"Rodham - about the younger years of the former First Lady and senator..."
"Rodham"... based on a true story. That reminds me: When I was a kid, I thought "Rodan" was based on a true story. Here's the 1957 trailer. I was 6 years old and could not discern the difference between that and the news:
"Nothing escapes this monstrous beast of evil."
१२६ टिप्पण्या:
Too bad Bea Arthur is dead.
With Judd Hirsch as Saul Alinsky!
Geez. Another version of the Wizard of Oz, but this time the Wicked Witch goes to Washington and gets the State Department dropped on her.
Boy, Hollywood never gives up!
In 2008, Diane English tried to give the Hillary campaign a boost by releasing her movie The Women right before the election.
But Obama was already the nominee at that point. Oops!
Reese Witherspoon is perfect. But she has already played Hillary, as an insane high school student.
Who must be stopped!
The Hillary! propaganda pimping rolls on.
I'd rather see David Rodham Gergen play Hillary. He has the most experience.
How 'bout Paris Hilton?
Her career was built on Daddy's money, too.
Mogget said...
Geez. Another version of the Wizard of Oz, but this time the Wicked Witch goes to Washington and gets the State Department dropped on her.
Margaret Hamilton is available.
Chip S. said...
Too bad Bea Arthur is dead.
She could do the nude scenes.
Can we get Trey Parker to direct?
PS In "Hot Shots! Part Deux", all the female parts have the middle name "Rodham", as in Hillary Rodham Hussein.
Lena Dunham isn't in the running?
Melissa McCarthy unavailable?
“Regardless of people’s political affiliation or how they feel about Hillary Clinton, you don’t find people who question the quality of her intelligence or her drive. I want a wonderful actress who could embody that.”
She was an attractive 26-year-old with an amazing future. And that's our thematic focus."
Isn't that wonderful!? Despite what you think about Hillary! and her trail of lies, deceit and "I don't remember" ... Hollywood insists you worship her!
Saint Croix said...
Reese Witherspoon is perfect.
Perhaps her recent star turn on police video was really an audition for the role.
Her drive, no; her intelligence is something else.
She never got anywhere on her own.
Her mendacity got her tossed off the Senate Judiciary Committee (Democrats actually had a couple of scruples back then).
Any place she's ever gone has been on Daddy's money or Hubbo's coattails.
I'll go see it at the movie theater if the concession stand serves cookies and tea.
I'll admit I haven't really been paying attention. Heck, I forgot she'd been a Senator.
What's the evidence of her intelligence?
Chip. S.
Don't question Hillary's intelligence. It just is!
I sure hope the GOP isn't afraid to run endless footage of Hillary making a corrupt Pelosi-esqe ass of herself.
I wonder who will do the lesbian scenes ? The Enquirer seems to have the goods on Hillary's new book coming out, in more ways than one.
Lesbian love seems to be popular right now. Good timing for Hillary.
I wonder who will play Huma and her "husband."
"Heck, I forgot she'd been a Senator.
What's the evidence of her intelligence?"
Chuck Hagel.
who will play Jennifer Flowers?
What's the matter? They couldn't find anybody more boring to make a movie about?
The grasping social climber from Park Ridge Illinois.
I meant Gennifer Flowers
Doesn't Rodan die in a volcano after its mortally wounded mate falls into the self-same volcano? (Been a long time since I watched)
Is that how Hillary, The Movie will end?
I admire the way Matt Damon is stretching the boundaries for male stars. I think it's time to look beyond gender typecasting. Plus I always felt that the Bourne character was based to some extent on Hillary.......Did anyone beside me tune in to HBO hoping for boobs and blood on Game of Thrones and then discover to their horror a Liberace biopic.
What brand of cigar will Bill be using?
Rodham: This could be YOUR PRESIDENT!
An Obama advisor called her a monster back in 08.
Remember, this is going to focus on her early years.
Which means soft-core lezzie action as she transitions from Goldwater Girl to Liberal Harridan during her years at an all-women's college.
And finding her beard at Yale Law School, w/ Zach Galafianakis as young Bill Clinton.
Michael K said...
I wonder who will do the lesbian scenes ? The Enquirer seems to have the goods on Hillary's new book coming out, in more ways than one.
Lesbian love seems to be popular right now. Good timing for Hillary.
I wonder who will play Huma and her "husband."
Madge would be perfect, finally in her real hair.
And Harry Reems just died, so I guess it's up to Ron Jeremy.
MadisonMan said...
Doesn't Rodan die in a volcano after its mortally wounded mate falls into the self-same volcano? (Been a long time since I watched)
Is that how Hillary, The Movie will end?
Many would be awaiting life to imitate art.
And finding her beard at Yale Law School, w/ Zach Galafianakis as young Bill Clinton.
LOL. Now I want to see it.
Especially if they can work Rodan into the third act.
Saint Croix .... heck, Hillary and Bill could both be played by Zach Galafianakis in a Dual role portrayal.
Chip S. said...
Too bad Bea Arthur is dead.
I was thinking Robin Williams.
Aridog, so wrong, so so wrong
oh that hurt
I gotta click on it again!
nightmares now
From Wiki:
In the film Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster Rodan slammed into Godzilla at full speed and its chest colliding with Godzilla's head to send the behemoth crashing to the ground.
I'd pay to see Scarlett Johansson as Rodan. Chest colliding indeed.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: Do Not Stare at My Breasts or Pouty Lips. I am a Serious Actress.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: The skin-tight clothing I wore in 'Avengers' was Necessary for the Role.
Who will be cast as Webb Hubbell?
No doubt a positive, feel-good movie timed to coincide with Hillary's run for president.
I definitely think lesbians should shave.
One man's opinion.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I Cannot Help it that I have Ethereal Qualities. Stop imagining me slowly eating a Banana.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I took Those Nude Photos as Preparation For a Role. Stop Clicking on Them.
What a joke.
Hillary is a average looking woman on her best day.
Why not have someone ugly play her in the movie?
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I will Portray Hillary with Integrity. The Size of My Ankles should Not Matter.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I Feel Like My Looks Sometimes Prevent me from Getting Serious Roles. It is a Burden.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: If the Role Requires Licking Whipped Cream from a Spoon I will Commit Myself Fully: as a Serious Actress I can Do No Less.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I Pattern My Career after Meryl Streep. But Also Do Fashion Magazine Covers.
Jessica chastain would be my first choice, though Reese has already established her bitch ability given recent events.
Martha said...
I meant Gennifer Flowers
Now there's the role for Paris Hilton. She has lots of experience with golf balls and garden hoses...
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I Respect Reese Witherspoon. She Was an Inspiration when I was Growing Up.
So how much money do the producers expect to lose on this project?
Haha!! Rodan!!!
One of the first movies we watched on our new (used) color TV.
(AA really thought it was news?)
To this day -- really -- we have a family joke about "pink pterodactyls" which originates in Rodan being one of the Million Dollar Movie(s) which played a couple of times weekday evenings on Channel 9 -- WOR-TV out of NYC in the 50s and 60s. ("Were the pterodactyls pink in Dr. Who?")
That, and King Kong ...
Can I predict a bomb on the HRC movie? Doers anyone really care who plays her? (Except the deep blue actress: "OMG!! I got to be HRC!!")
But since her rabid supporters will be financing it, they don't care.
And since HRC isn't actually running yet, it doesn't count as a campaign donation, but what of it showing after she declares?
And will they cover her love affair (figuratively, I presume) with Saul Alinsky, who asked her to intern with his organization (which she declined -- for law school I think)?
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: Woody Allen said I Had Great Comedic Timing. While Massaging My Shoulders.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: Woody Allen said I was Like a Daughter to Him.
Calling Chip Ahoy.
Jay said...
What a joke.
Hillary is a average looking woman on her best day.
Why not have someone ugly play her in the movie?
You look at the pictures when she and Willie were (whatever) and you know where Chelsea's looks come from (in part, anyway). She's had a little work done.
That said, 5 years ago, she had a little Barbara Stanwyck as Victoria Barkley vibe going, but the humiliation of being a figurehead for those 5 years who's now going to be thrown under the bus for Benghazi killed that.
Rosie O'Donnell?
Ahhh, hagiography... wherefore art thou Hollywood?
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I would have loved to have gone into diagnostic medicine.
Actually, that is a real Scarlett Johansson quote. She outdoes Her Own Robot sometimes.
The movie lasts 100 minutes, the show goes on...
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I still eat a burger at a counter with ketchup dripping down my face. Sensuously.
Another real Scarlett Johansson quote. Although Scarlett Johansson Robot may have added a Word at the End.
Re the pink pterodactyls ...
I should explain that our used color TV (the NBC peacock was so cool back then -- the tail feathers opened) had some trouble with accurate color sometimes and there were days (we watched Rodan numerous times) when Rodan could be somewhat, err, pink.
But it was color TV!
The red/green control buttons weren't working right.
I'd pay to see Scarlett Johansson as Rodan. Chest colliding indeed."
There would be silicone jelly everywhere.
Oh The Humanity !
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: When I said "I'd rather go to the White House Correspondents' dinner than any awards show" I did not mean for that to Include the Academy Awards: I Hope My Peers Respect My Work.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: When I said "I mean, it's nice to get a dinner reservation ahead of other people, but when it comes down to it, the most important thing to me is the actual work" I did not Mean to Imply that I Deserve to be Able to Cut In Line -- that is the Decision of the Restaurant, not Me.
Oh the humanity!
I've always been baffled by claims of Hillary's intelligence too. She seems like the dumb-but-sly white trash kind of woman to me. I've met a few.
"Based on a true story" means that the truth will be airbrushed it it doesn't fit the narrative.
"Based on a true story" means that the truth will be airbrushed it it doesn't fit the narrative.
Scarlett Johansson Robot says: I will not Accept any Role that sees me Only As An Object. Unless it co-stars Robert Downey Jr: I Admire His Work.
Is that how Hillary, The Movie will end?
No, fighting off airplanes from the top of the Empire State Building.
There's Reese Witherspoon and there's Reese Withoutherspoon.
Hillary Rodan Clinton: "A lot escapes this monstrous beast of evil."
The article has two photos that are Johnasson and Chastain, but uses the popular Reese Witherspoon's name in the text to get a story started. It's a PR maker's piece.
The article has two photos that are Johnasson and Chastain, but uses the popular Reese Witherspoon's name in the text to get a story started. It's a PR maker's piece.
I prefer obvious destruction to hidden destruction. I prefer Rodan over Rodham.
Today is Memorial Day.
For as long as I can remember, fighter jets have flown over us at some point every Memorial Day.
Not today.
In Obama's America, the fighter jets have been grounded.
The good news is that the Obama will soon have another tax-payer funded Hollywood Bash at the White House. The guest list will include all the leftwing progressive Hollywood starlets who will play Hillary! in the "Rodham" propaganda piece.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Support Scarlett in All Her Artistic Choices. There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: Scarlett Knows that I Love Her for Her Inner Beauty. There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Would Love Scarlett even if She was Only Average-Looking. I have Told Her this Many Times. There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Tell Scarlett That She is Smarter Than She is Beautiful. There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Told Scarlett That Her Album of Tom Waits Covers is Highly Underrated, because People are Jealous of Her Having So Many Talents and being Beautiful, Too. There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Told Scarlett That Reese Witherspoon's Nose Looks Funny. There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Where do these loony ideas come from? Hillary has got to be one of the most boring people ever raised to prominence by the carnival barkers of the press. Barnum would have charged admission to see the freak, and I might have paid for a freak show, but a serious flick about a vaporous nothing is just bizarre.
If Hillary looked like Scarlett Johansson (It's Suntory Time!), I would be in trouble. Big trouble. You better deny me my right to vote trouble.
Imagine Hillary as a hot girl Satan.
Yes, I believe that is fire coming out of her ass.
I was so scared by the prospect of Hot Hillary that I googled hot socialist babe.
And there are none! Thank God. Okay, there are, but you have to scroll down to find them.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Told Scarlett That She Should Not Feel Bad for Taking Roles from other Actresses who are Not as Good-Looking: they Simply Are Not as Talented, either. There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Told Scarlett That She Is the New Grace Kelly but She Better Not Be Looking for Any Princes Ha Ha!
There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Told Scarlett That Nothing is Better than Her Telling Me about Her Day on the Set: I could Listen for Hours, Baby, Really.
There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
Scarlett Johansson Boyfriend Robot says: I Told Scarlett it's OK, That I Understand On-Location Flings Happen: I am just Happy to be The One You Come Home To. Honest.
There is No Reason for Her to Leave Me.
betamax binges again.
Jessica Chastain is an absolutely glorious redhead. Beyond that I have no thoughts on this topic.
This is a link to a Tracy Flick and Hillary! mashup.
Rodham-Rodan 2016..
Now if Chip were to be gracious enough to provide us with the campaign graphic of Rodham as Xena The Warrior-Beast Master riding Rodan.
Here's the head.
So Citizens United is something Socialist bring up only when its not "their" industry paying for campaigns?
Okay, why can't Chelsea play her? It's the perfect storm of Shameless Clinton Mediocrity Promotion with just the right touch of authenticity. She's played a political prop before, how tough can it be? And it adds to Chelsea's biography. She's been a Scholar, a TV Personality, a [pseudo]Professor, a Celebrity, a Hedge Fund Whiz, a 9/11 Survivor [was in the vicinity], a Poor Little Rich Girl, AND a Political Prop. Why not a TV Actress?
It's good when a corporation boosts a leftist candidate.
When I was a kid I thought Rodan was a sculpture of a deep thinker.
What's the movie going to be called?
National Yenta.
"Rodan" was the name of an artsy band from the 90's. They put out one album (Rusty) that I bought. I dubbed them "Punk Floyd" link
Hilary's life isn't even based on a true story.
How can the movie be?
Propaganda starting early. Hill is also getting $25 mil to write a book that will reveal that she kissed a girl and liked it.
Hilary's life isn't even based on a true story.
How can the movie be?"
A fictional portrayal of a fictional life. On second thought the movie might be über cool.
Talk about an appropriate last line--perfect blurb for this movie!
Not reading but the first 20, and I am surprised! You guys don't like Hillary!
The subtitle will be "A Life of Lies, Based on a True Story."
And Ron Jeremy would make a perfect Bubba. The more important roles will be to portray Flowers, Lewinsky, Willey and the rest of his harem properly. The blow job, groping, and rape scenes will be epic.
Not reading but the first 20, and I am surprised! You guys don't like Hillary!"
What decent person does?
A little fawning Hillary biopic, some IRS sucker punching the competition, some early and often voting, some fumbling and mumbling GOP - looks like 2016 is in the bag to me.
Slick Willie will on the movie set to help the actress chosen. Witherspoon is married, so she won't make the cut.
All three are far too glamorous to be Hillary.
I didn't think Billie Jeff had a problem with wedding rings?
"And Ron Jeremy would make a perfect Bubba."
Does he have Peyronies ? It has to be authentic. Truth above all.
And of course the humanity.
"Nothing escapes this monstrous beast of evil."
I'm sorry - is that line from Rodan or Hillary?
Saint Croix said...
Reese Witherspoon is perfect. But she has already played Hillary, as an insane high school student.
Who must be stopped!
That movie was awesome. Especially the parts where she would start to fume and go ballistic and the frantic African ululaters start to kick in in the background go off. Yeah, every time I see Hillary go batshit crazy, I hear that ululating in my head. It's the same thing.
Jay said...
What a joke.
Hillary is a average looking woman on her best day.
Why not have someone ugly play her in the movie?
I will say this, god help me. But there is a still picture of Hillary all dolled up in a blue dress going to some gala function and she had on her stern face and she looked hot. Dear God I'm melting.
Sweet, at 40 seconds the F-86 Saberjets show up!
Sweet, at 40 seconds the F-86 Saberjets show up!
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