১১ মে, ২০১৩

"First question to Hillary Clinton: Where in the hell were the Marines?"

Rand Paul in — of all places — Iowa.

২১০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   210 এর 201 – থেকে 210
নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Most of Walker's problems could have been alleviated by consulting with left wing bloggers first."

Ah, garage. Throwing fast balls straight down the middle of the plate, you goofy old Madison doofus you.

J বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden,Exiled and Drill SGT.While at times I have vehemently disagreed with State dept personnel and have my personal opinions about their many character flaws I have never forgotten that they are human beings and Americans.In short what gets to me about the entire Benghazi incident is the callous abandonment of our people after we put them in harm's way.phx,Inga and the rest protestations notwithstanding noone deserves what happened to those people,as humans.

As well for the personal representative of the President of the United States Ambassador Stevens deserved far better effort from his government.
While it is wrong not to have sent the necessary help it is not a crime.The crime is in lying about it,conspiring to hide it,intimidating underlings,suppressing evidence,
and immoral imprisonment of a patsy.

J বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Aridog বলেছেন...

Interesting thread again, sorry I was out. No, not really.

Benghazi time-lines, repeating what I suggested yesterday morning on another thread, about when the decision to go with the video narrative was made and implemented:

9:40 PM Libya time [+/-], 3:40 PM Washington DC time, 9/11/2012, the attack begins on the Consulate.

10:00 PM Libya time, 4:00 PM Washington time, 9/11/2012, [even allowing 10 extra minutes] the CRITIC message was sent to all of the offices cited by @The Drill SGT...which includes, State, CIA, DOD, NSA and NSC, plus others.

2:00 AM Libya time, 8:00 AM Washington DC time, 9/12/2012, Secretary Clinton [and others on her line] telephones Gregory Hicks in Libya and he reports the *attack* directly to Secretary Clinton.

4:00AM Libya time, 10:00 AM Washington DC time, 9/12/2012, the Annex in Benghazi is atacked.

Between 4:00 PM Washington time 9/11/2012 and morning 9/12/2012 [time uncertain] President Obama met with Secretary Panneta and General Dempsey on the Benghazi situation [Obama acknowledges this, and sayus he told them to do what was necessary].

By 12:00 Noon Washinton DC time, or before, 9/12/2012, Chairman of the Joint chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey telephones a self appointed pastor named Terry Jones in Florida and asks him to cease sponsoring or supporting the offensive video, which he tells Pastor Jones has lead to the death of Ambassador Stevens....then General Dempsy's PAO immediately notifies Reuters of the call and the content. This "sets" the narrative offically as the offensive video as the cause.

Footnote: General Dempsey's call to Terry Jones is not the firsttime Jones has been used as a beard and called by senior defense officials ...both Petraeus and Sec. Defense Gates did the same thing in 2010.

Cody Jarrett বলেছেন...

caplight45 said...
CEO said: "Because garage and Andy both have a long history of being offensive, lying etc."

Garage Mahal does not lie. He has a point of view, he doesn't mind controversy and he certainly enjoys tweaking a few noses around here. But he doesn't lie."

I offer you his very first post in this thread, cap.

It was a lie.
Protect him all you like--I don't give a shit.

Michael বলেছেন...

Jeff Teal summarizes it nicely. The progressives dont seem to be bothered by the obscenely transparent lies that followed what was an excusable fuck up. The lies are an insult to the public and a revelatin that some , if not all, in the administration believe that all of us are low information citizens.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

Aridog: another great cutting-through-bullshit comment. Thanks.

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

There's no better example of phony partisan outrage than phx's accusations off phony partisan outrage.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Pookie Number 2 said...
There's no better example of phony partisan outrage than phx's accusations off phony partisan outrage.

He's exactly what he tells you he's not.
Which is why you don't engage.

Steven বলেছেন...

Inga, if what happened was that they decided they couldn't get the military there in time to affect what happened . . . they should have said so already.

Instead, there has nothing but lies (Hillary at the funeral blaming the video) and cover-up. It's been literally seven months since Stevens died, and instead of an explanation, the only defenses we have are progressive bloggers saying, "Well, maybe they couldn't because X." Where's the actual Administration account of its inaction? Who made the decision not to send in soldiers, and why?

And yes, politicians don't like telling the truth about mistakes. That's why you hold their feet to the fire until they talk, not a reason to let them avoid admitting responsibility.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   210 এর 201 – থেকে 210   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»