The notion that conservative women are prettier than liberal women is a popular meme with conservatives. In case you've never noticed that and don't believe me, read "Hot or Not: Why Conservative Women Are 'Prettier' Than Liberal Ladies." Excerpt, examining the etiology:
American conservatism is profoundly tied up with the old-fashioned gender paradigm in which husbands are active providers and women are passive nurturers. In that paradigm, a woman's job—the core of her femininity—is to make herself as pretty as possible and then sit back and wait to be picked. That is a deeply conservative idea. You could argue that the conservative path is much friendlier to conventionally attractive women than it is to those with less "mainstream" looks....Feel free to call bullshit on any of that. Here's a photograph that might help you think about it:
And beyond that, the fact that it's something of a conservative mandate to be "pretty" encourages conservative women—no matter what physical hand they're dealt—to make signaling "pretty" a top priority....
And, on the flipside, I can imagine that liberalism actively attracts people who are shut out of that old-timey paradigm, because once you find yourself outside of it, it's easier to call bullshit on the whole thing....
१६३ टिप्पण्या:
One thing about Rachel Maddow...has she ever been seen on camera clad in anything but her drab Maoist uniform? Light to dark, it's always just fifty shades of the same gray.
Maddow is drab, but not ugly.
Yes, it's true that conservatives make a big deal out of "their" women being prettier than liberal women.
And yes, it's true that Nancy Pelosi was a very attractive young woman and remains attractive as an older woman.
I think if you add *on average* to the conservatives' claim, it is correct.
Althouse wrote: Feel free to call bullshit on any of that. Here's a photograph that might help you think about it:
Fifty years ago, liberal women were prettier than conservative women.
Why was there a reversal?
Liberals are such simpletons.
Currently Drudge also has the cadaverous mug of Harry Reid and the pornstached Eric Holder up.
And I agree that generally Maddow's not ugly just sort of plain looking.
Not a comment on the sentiment of gender roles in particular, but...can someone please tell me why "nuturing" is considered passive?
Is a wealthy man that's well-invested, but not working, an active provider?
Unattractive leftwing progressive fems are so touchy. I have no idea what the hell Lindy West is talking about.
So conservative women don't have jobs?
Conservative women don't have careers?
We don't have brains?
At the end of Lindy West's nonsense she claims to want to hang out with Michelle Obama. Then she leads you to click on a very attractive photo of Michelle Obama.
What the frack?
I call bullshit.
Maddow is hideous and looks like a dude.
I can't really think of any good looking liberal women right off the top of my head...
Here's a photograph that might help you think about it:
Uh, she's not pretty in that photo.
Ah, conservatives...living in dreamworld where all that is good and beautiful is conservative, and all that is bad and ugly is...not conservative.
Conservative women are pretty, not conservative women are less pretty (or are ugly); dictatorships and authoritarian governments are always "leftist," while conservative or right wing governments never can be anything but bastions of liberty and justice for all, where the birds sing and the virtuous and hard-working are always rewarded and those who are rewarded are always virtuous and hard-working, while the down-trodden and poor are by definition lazy, grasping, selfish, dishonest, and corrupt.
What about the problem of Israeli women being pretty?
Hell, we've always known that.
El Pollo Raylan said...
Feel free to call bullshit on any of that. Here's a photograph that might help you think about it:
Fifty years ago, liberal women were prettier than conservative women.
Why was there a reversal?
50 years ago, there weren't that many women in public life, period, except maybe the Kennedys and even Jackie was hardly gorgeous.
What makes Conservative women look good now is 2 sides of the same coin - they don't hate men and think you can be attractive and still be a woman.
Is that Jackie O in the picture? Or Jackie K, at the time I suppose.
Whoever it is, she is not particularly good looking.
OTOH, JFK was pretty right wing conservative in the 50's and 60's. Bobby even more so. Joe McCarthy stood God father to his firstborn. Hard to get much more right wing than that.
So perhaps that pic disproves the point about conservatives having good looking wives?
John Henry
John Henry
I can't ever remember reading or hearing any explanation for the "look" which Maddow typifies. Is it supposed to be attractive to all lesbians, certain types of lesbians, not attractive to heterosexual males, none of the above..?
Robert Cook said...
Ah, conservatives...living in dreamworld where all that is good and beautiful is conservative, and all that is bad and ugly is...not conservative
No, we just have eyes.
Name a really knockout Lefty.
Besides, as the Greeks said, in truth there is beauty and in beauty there is truth.
Will Lindy West please explain to me how and why Nancy Pelosi's tax code-- benefits the Pelosi family?
Why is Nancy Pelosi so horrendously horrendous?
Is this the epitome of smart?
Help me understand....
Rachel Maddow is actually quite attractive.
Or at least she would be if she was a guy. As a gal? Not so much.
I get the same vibe from KD Lang too.
John Henry
Name a really knockout Lefty.
To be fair, most of the Hollywood starlets are lefties.
AprilApple said...
Why is Nancy Pelosi so horrendously horrendous?
Botox overload.
Nancy Pelosi got her rich husband so looks were important for her.
Maddow looks like a dyke which is probably important for her in the gay bars.
I don't think the premise holds much water.
And then there was Bella Abzug.
Nonapod said...
Name a really knockout Lefty.
To be fair, most of the Hollywood starlets are lefties
I could split a hair here and say most of the little girls coming out of Hollweird aren't real knockouts the way you had in the 40s or 50s (and a lot of the ones who are "activist" aren't even mildly good-looking), but let's keep it to politics, academia, media, and the blogosphere.
Pelosi met her husband Paul at Georgetown. She was a mother of five by 1969, when the family moved to San Francisco. Paul worked as a banker, while Nancy raised their children and started a Democratic Party club at her home.
Pelosi raised kids and baked cookies?
I don't think the chick in that pic won the competition to be either Fiddle or Faddle.
I doubt that JFK even bothered to rape her after the party.
Fifty years ago, liberal women were prettier than conservative women.
Why was there a reversal?
Fifty years ago, the “pretty” liberal women were fifty years younger than they are now.
The new generation of liberal women who took their place grew up believing that tattoos and facial piercings were preferable to proper grooming and regular bathing.
The new generation of conservative women, not so much.
Fifty years ago, liberal women were prettier than conservative women.
Why was there a reversal?
I think we all know the answer to that. The 60's happened. In addition, I believe that your exterior reflects how you are on
the inside'. When you are happy with your life and with others around you, you look good. You take care of yourself and those who surround you. When you are bitter, envious, small minded and want to oppress and control others, it reflects in your countenance.
Rachel Maddow is a prime example of it isn't what you have, it is what you do WITH it.
I think, on average, 'conservative' women tend to be comfortable being women, employing the traits and aesthetics that are traditionally female, whereas liberal women tend to reject outward or visual femininity as weakness.
If you're talking outside the political sphere, the argument doesn't work as well. (The 'Hollywood starlets' comment) Within the current political landscape, conservative women have fared better in the looks department.
I'm sure the hot one on Girls is a liberal, too, though.
"Is that Jackie O in the picture? Or Jackie K, at the time I suppose.
"Whoever it is, she is not particularly good looking."
Unless I'm mistaken, it's Nancy Pelosi.
It isn't a notion anymore Althouse if there is stark proof.
Fifty years ago, liberal women were prettier than conservative women.
Are you sure?
D'oh! Of course! If you click on the link you'll that it is Nancy Pelosi.
Hello, Jackie Kennedy. Could there have been a more beautiful first lady?
Since we seem to be going on looks alone. I defy any of you to bring up a more beautiful and accomplished first lady.
Vicki from Pasadena
Aside from the completely ridiculous claim that a woman's politics correlates in some way with her "attractiveness," it is obviously a completely superficial measurement of worth.
No wonder it's a measurement the conservatives--or some conservatives--choose to make and believe means something (or that it is true).
Unless I'm mistaken, it's Nancy Pelosi.
Yes, I knew that without looking. It make have actually been Nancy D'Alesandro, but 1963 was a year of tumultuous change.
Because the democratic party has becomes so hyphenated, women active in their politics might appear less attractive because they're not just women, they're lesbian albino left handed eskimos.
When you have to get that far, the pickins are pretty slim.
Blondes beat mousey brunettes every time. Redheads are outliers that depend on a freckle count algorithm for final score.
But Asian Americans are where petite body beauty meets brains, thus making hair color totally irrelevant.
It's student body politics. Liberals claim to be cool, conservatives counter by claiming to be beautiful.
I agree with Victoria. Jackie is the FLOTUS against which all other FLOTI will be judged.
The other day, a lad told me that I should stop questioning his assertions of fact, because we can't all run to the computer and back them up. A lad told me almost the same thing when I was a freshman in college. "You should stop questioning my assertion and deal with the idea it represents!"
So it's difficult to assert that conservative women are prettier, or liberal women are prettier, without at least trying to come up with some evidence.
The hot news babes on Fox Channel threw everyone's calibration out of whack.
I disagree with her on almost everything, but I honestly think Rachel Maddow is attractive. Regardless, why would someone try and attack her for her looks? Seems pretty mean and, in any event, a strategy that is not going to convince anyone to change their political views.
So now we know how Pelosi lost her virginity.
I used to find Maddow attractive, but she has become more masculine over the years, and the more I listen to her the uglier she gets. Now she scares me like the Chupacabra.
What Robert Cook is saying here is that the notion of conservative women being prettier than liberal women is as fallacious as liberal icons like Barack Obama and John Edwards being dreamier than conservative ones. So just disabuse yourselves of such human foibles.
And for heaven's sake, stop voting that way, Lena
I defy any of you to bring up a more beautiful and accomplished first lady.
Nancy Reagan. beauty is subjective, but they were both attractive women. as far as accomplishments Nancy hands down. being born rich, marrying rich, and enjoying the advantages isn't an accomplishment.
Upon absolutely no proof I state with full confidence that conservative women have longer fingernails.
Lena Dunham is actually a great poster girl for liberal women.
Despite the fact that Althouse labels her a genius.
Have we even established that, all things being equal, being hotter is better?
You know what they say: "Make an ugly woman your wife, you'll be happy for the rest of your life."
Of course that assumes she not a liberal. That's gonna make you miserable even if she IS hot.
The white ones, anyway.
I wouldn't fuck Nancy Pelosi with Rachel Maddow's cock. Ugh.
So it's difficult to assert that conservative women are prettier, or liberal women are prettier, without at least trying to come up with some evidence.
Time to start a bracket.
Palin's the #1 seed. I'd put Bachmann at #2, w/ the top Dem being Granholm.
Wait, I almost forgot Kleefisch. Granholm's no higher than #4.
victoria said...
Hello, Jackie Kennedy. Could there have been a more beautiful first lady?
Yes victoria, but that just gets around to my things were different 50 years question above.
So why is it?
victoria said...
Hello, Jackie Kennedy. Could there have been a more beautiful first lady?
Since we seem to be going on looks alone. I defy any of you to bring up a more beautiful and accomplished first lady.
Accomplished? What, exactly did she ever do?
Jackie was more of a clothes horse than a looker and she was fashion model thin, almost to the point of emaciation.
If you want accomplished, try Abigail Adams, Dolly Madison (tasty cakes and all), or Eleanor Roosevelt.
Looks and accomplishment - the aforementioned Mrs Madison, Ann Romney and, of course, Laura Bush.
@Chip: Pam Bondi
victoria said...
Hello, Jackie Kennedy. Could there have been a more beautiful first lady?
She was so beautiful that her husband was having sex with half of the females in DC, including 18 year old interns.
What a heart warming story.
That was then, this is now.
;- )
The expression on Pelosi's face after JFK just told her what Mimi Alford's been up to lately.
I'm not one to obsess over people's ages, but gee whiz, Rep. Pelosi is in her 70s?
Yes, I'll admit being taken in.
Ann Romney is the best looking woman who even got close to the Presidency. Even today at 64 she is incredibly good looking.
For goodness sake, Pelosi is in her seventies, botoxed to an inch of her life for that charming startled look. The artificial woman shouldn't count.
The MSNBC woman isn't bad looking, but she wants the bitchy butch look to attract other women. She nails it.
Mrs. Romney is absolutely gorgeous, especially her hair.
It's silly to say which group of women look better.
Conservative women may be brainier though. Liberals, men or women can't articulate the logics of their positions, and always resort to imposing their wills on others: Obamacare, gun control; or yell louder: global warming; or intimidate: IRS, search of reporters' communication; or bribery: stimulus to supporters, free condoms to Sandra Fluke, legalize illegals in time for re-election.
Liberals win elections because voters want "free" stuffs paid for by someone else. They never figure they are that someone else.
"She was so beautiful that her husband was having sex with half of the females in DC, including 18 year old interns."
And Mafia mistresses like Judith Exner.
Jackie K was glamorous for being glamorous. She was not actually all that good looking, though she generally looked a lot better than that picture.
The press told us all how glamorous and good looking she was and lots of people (like Vickie, apparently) bought it.
Reminds me of the old joke:
"Who are you going to believe, the media or your own lying eyes?"
And "accomplished"? Other than marrying money (twice) to buck up the family fortune, what did Jackie ever accomplish in her life? (As Edutcher asked)
She was even less accomplished than Hilary! Clinton and I won't even go into how unaccomplished she is.
John Henry
BTW: Speaking of Pelosi, Drudge has a good photo of her and Boehner(?) up just now.
Boehner looks like he is in the process of clocking her with an oversized gavel and saying "Shut up already!"
It isn't the beauty of conservative women on the outside, but rather a juxtaposition of the hideous nature of the leftist women on the inside.
Ole Jack is thinking about how those puppies'll look floatin' in the White House pool.
"Ah, Miss D'Alesandro, I like to swim. Do you like to, ah, swim? You, ah, might want to, ah, come swim heah in the evening, ah, sometime."
It sucks that Drudge goes there. I may not like liberalism, but I don't like cheap shots either.
Sure, yeah, it's a joke, I get it. But it's not really that good a joke, not in the least bit.
I'm a big Golda Meir fan.
Looks are a side issue.
It is strident rhetoric that becomes ugly.
Callin BS on passive nurturers. Wasn't the survey of conservative women politicians? Is a female politician, regardless of party, passive?
That is a deeply conservative idea.
Only in a liberals' mind. If this was a conservative idea, then why is it conservative oppose long term welfare that encourages single mother's to stay home and receive a government check rather than be productive members of society?
In the field of attractiveness (politics and personalities aside), I don't think its even close.
Jackie was young by FLOTUS standards and had always been attentive to appearances in a way that her contemporaries were well short of (Lady Bird, Mamie, Bess, Eleanor). But she quite intentionally gave up substance for style, the Camelot fantasy never gained her any points with me.
victoria said...
Hello, Jackie Kennedy. Could there have been a more beautiful first lady?
Michelle Obama. It's obvious you are a racist.
Scroll through the entire piece on Pelosi at the link.
Yes it's a pile of praise but it also shows that Nancy Pelosi has got the goods as a politician. She has been successful at everything she set out to do. Her husband's money was an obvious benefit, but apart from that she built the career mostly with her own efforts and with contacts that she built through her talents.
Compare and contrast with Hilary Clinton.
I wonder what Pelosi really thinks about Hilary Clinton?
. I defy any of you to bring up a more beautiful and accomplished first lady.
First Lady? That's not exactly setting a very high bar. Consider that she was 38 years old when she became first lady, its fair to say she had youth on her side in comparison to the rest. As for accomplishments, other than marrying into wealth (twice), nothing springs to mind.
I think Maddow is beautiful, actually.
Let's shake hands, and reach across those party lines... We're just like you,only prettier.
And by the way I think Maddow is quite good looking.
There were some high school and college photos of her published a while back. She was fabulous.
but I honestly think Rachel Maddow is attractive.
For a woman that isn't going full bore bull dyke, yes.
The first three Presidential wives I remember were Eleanor Roosevelt, Mamie Eisenhower and Bess Truman.
There were married to handsome men, made more handsome by their power.
No one accused these ladies of being just a pretty face.
I think Maddow is beautiful, actually.
JFK was sizing Pelosi up for something.
I don't think it was political potential.
Say! The answer to this riddle was floating around a couple of weeks ago! Remember this article?
It said that stronger men tended to be conservative. Pretty girls don't go for wimps.
Well, the left has Hillary, who looks like Bill with his pants up and Michelle "junk in the trunk" who is just so fab chic. So everything else pales in comparison.
Beauty ranks are so mean! OMG! Sarah's not even hot!
Methadras said...
It isn't the beauty of conservative women on the outside, but rather a juxtaposition of the hideous nature of the leftist women on the inside.
Your use of the word "hideous" piqued my interest and whether it was related to the concept of "to hide." They appear not to be, despite being sequential in my OED of Etymology (dead tree edition). I suppose the reason I had the suspicion was because in German there is the concept of heimlich (cf. homely) and geheim, hidden or secret which stem from similar roots. But "homely" in English just means plain and ordinary, not ugly.
As a further aside, the German word for ugly is hässlich which is closely related to their notion of hate (Hass = hate). Our word "ugly" seems to stem from the notion of something to be feared rather than hated.
Jason said...
I think Maddow is beautiful, actually.
I think she could clean up nicely if she ditched the drabs.
I don't think that there is any serious debate about it. Conservative women are far more attractive than librul womyn. But not for the reasons stated in that dopey commentary referenced by Ann. I always love it when looselugnut libruls take a crack at explaining American conservatism. Such as being "profoundly tied up" with this or that piece of librul dogma.
Here! I've got some dogma of my own. American librulism is profoundly tied up with enslavement by entitlement. Only ugly broads will tend to gravitate to such a philosophy since nobody with a Y chromosome will pay them any attention.
However, Maddow used to be very pretty...before she lezzied herself up.
- Krumhorn
Methadras said "It isn't the beauty of conservative women on the outside, but rather a juxtaposition of the hideous nature of the leftist women on the inside."
Because the one thing you can't hide is when you're ugly inside!
Here! I've got some dogma of my own. American librulism is profoundly tied up with enslavement by entitlement. Only ugly broads will tend to gravitate to such a philosophy since nobody with a Y chromosome will pay them any attention.
.........well, unless they're still in the bar at 2 am
To be clear, lefties are ugly to the bone.
I think Maddow has a certain attractiveness. I certainly don't think she's ugly.
Maddow is drab, but not ugly.
I think if she'd let her hair grow, and wear some colors, she'd be a knockout.
the word you guys are looking for is handsome. Maddow is handsome. and Chris Hayes is her mini-me.
I think she could clean up nicely if she ditched the drabs.
Indeed. Men are attracted to the women who tend to look like women. The more they try to look like men the less the attractiveness.
lesbians like to look like dudes because they are attracted to women who are not attracted to dudes. or something.
You could argue that the conservative path is much friendlier to conventionally attractive women than it is to those with less "mainstream" looks....
Which explains why conservatives refused to take Margaret Thatcher seriously.
A lot of classical liberals were pretty. It's the Progressives that have turned out to be butt ugly over time. Well, actually, since the beginning of the Progressive movement.
Nancy Pelosi has had too much work done on herself. She doesn't look comfortable with her own body or the aging process. Like many welfare programs the fix is worse than the problem.
I don't think most vices or virtues are dependent on party affiliation. The super wealthy are mostly Democrats, and the wealthy are mostly Republican. It might be that the super attractive, movie stars and the like, are mostly Democrats, and the attractive are mostly Republican. Or it might mean that conservatives find conservatives attractive.
It's not just the cross-sectional data that supports the hypothesis. There's time-series evidence as well.
Beatrice Potter, classical liberal.
Beatrice Potter Webb, socialist. (To be clear, she's the one on the left.)
"Nancy Pelosi has had too much work done on herself."
Yeah, I clicked the link and went through the years and something ... happened, around 1990. Things started to freeze up, the eyes took on that permanently alarmed/enraged look. The article says she barely sleeps. Kind of hard to do when your eyes don't close.
JFK's paramours weren't political entities, except in the Woody Allen sense ("I ... interestingly had, uh, dated ... a woman in the Eisenhower Administration ... briefly ... and, uh, it was ironic to me 'cause, uh ... tsch ... 'cause I was trying to, u-u-uh, do to her what Eisenhower has been doing to the country for the last eight years." Annie Hall, written by Woody Allen and Marshall Brickman.)
It's true conservatives have more fun. And we're hotter.
Come and get it boyz!
If one believes that beauty and politics are related or is in any way *important*, then you are lost. On both sides of the political divide, the demonizing of the "other" fills the void left by the social disapproval of overt racism. At it's core is ignorance and insecurity. The Alt-Hillbillies mantra: I am become Kos
Bob Ellison--Israeli women are gorgeous--and, of course, the are packing serious heat.
It's true conservatives have more fun. And we're hotter.
Come and get it boyz!
5/30/13, 12:58 PM
I passed by 5 women in downtown Missoula who were holding up Peace on Earth signs during lunch. They were all gaunt, like runners, and wore their grey or silver hair severely short. Probably Unitarian Universalists to boot.
When you are bitter, envious, small minded and want to oppress and control others, it reflects in your countenance.
DBQ, I agree entirely. I'll see your Rachel Maddow and raise you an Amanda Marcotte.
I try to interrupt my loathing of the woman to pity how bitter, pinched and unhappy she looks in photos.
For the most part any *actual* argument I see about how conservative women are hotter than liberal women (and I read Ace of Spades HQ so...) rests on the fact that happy people are more attractive than angry ones. You can take a really beautiful woman and if she's a hater and mad all the time it sort of ruins it.
If you look at female Democrats, they generally spend every single bit as much time working to be attractive... just as male politicians do. It's all cameras, after all.
Howard might want to, you know, actually read the comments here before scrambling up the moral high ground to preach in the Church of Equivalent Sin.
Psst, Howard - nobody likes a priss. But apparently some people in here can see thru the smug and really dig Rachel Maddow's look. Odd that Palin and Bachmann never got that kind of even-handed treatment, except maybe in discussions about "hate fucking." Weel, that seems fair! And in the interests of even-handedness (wouldn't want to be sexist) let's think back to 2008 and ponder why, why, why did John Edwards last as long as he did in the Democratic primary?
Barbara Eden ("I Dream of Jeannie") is probably a Dem and she has aged much better than Nancy Pelosi who really really really needs to go home and stay home.
(Not to mention I think she is mentally slipping and everyone is covering.)
Foxxy Conservative said...
It's true conservatives have more fun. And we're hotter.
Come and get it boyz!
The She Devil of the SS needs better writers.
Rachel Maddow's year book picture .
Here's another page with Rachel with a different hair style .
She's definitely got potential.
She's cute in a tomboyish way, which is of course appealing to those lesbians who like a soft butch. To say she isn't attractive at all in some absolute sense is simply imposing your own aesthetic on another. Personally I don't find her attractive, although I do find Ellen DeGeneres very cute. But neither is appealing to the stereotype glamorous/wasp beauty many men like.
Robert Cook said...
Ah, conservatives...living in dreamworld where all that is good and beautiful is conservative, and all that is bad and ugly is...not conservative.
I see Cook's living in a dreamworld where this describes anyone. It's probably a coping mechanism to defend his cherished but profoundly foolish politics. It is a lot easier to be anti-conservative if you just pretend whatever you think is wrong with anything is the very essence of conservatism.
Sure, I understand how latent homosexuality underlies the tea-bagger attraction to Maddow is the flip-side to the chickenhawk Oedipal attraction to mommabear Palin. At least we are not being subjected to the professions of beauty over Ann "Take a Walk on the Wild Side with Lola" Coulter. That's a big evolutionary step, I suppose.
Howard #1 said as if it were a bad thing...
the demonizing of the "other" fills the void left by the social disapproval of overt racism. At it's core is ignorance and insecurity.
Howard #2 said... The Alt-Hillbillies
These guys should talk.
It sucks that Drudge goes there. I may not like liberalism, but I don't like cheap shots either.
I'm not sure Drudge really went there. The Professor did, and yeah she got a screen shot, but that structure of Drudge's front page didn't last very long, a few hours at most, with no rating on beauty even implied through headlines.
A person cannot walk around angry and full of hate all of the time and not have it eventually show up on her face. A contemptuous sneer doesn't look good on anyone.
These guys should talk.
I'd guess you can hear them arguing w/ each other as they wander thru the streets of Madison.
Amartel said... re: Pelosi
Things started to freeze up, the eyes took on that permanently alarmed/enraged look. The article says she barely sleeps. Kind of hard to do when your eyes don't close
Give me a break. If you're that susceptible to asinine talking points you're on the wrong blog.
Latent homosexuality being some attractant for 'teabaggers' to Maddow? Who exactly is blithely assigning homosexuality to a group as an attractant here. You.
Look up when the term 'tea bagger' was first used to describe the modern tea party. Combine the term with Maddow in your search for brevity's sake. You'll zero in on the exact show that she and some other bint had a grand old middle schooler flashback giggling about 'teabagging' and the infantile left took up the meme and was off and running.
Chickenhawk attraction to Palin? Look up some other facts. Like who is more likely to serve in the armed forces, progressive or conservative. The chickenhawk term went out of voque in a flash when it was the progressive left having to give carte blanc to Obama's use of the military. Damned sure they didn't want that military service contrast raising its head.
A pretty, well-spoken liberal girl can get work in showbiz without any compromises, lured by the (largely illusory) prospect of making a mint in movies. A pretty, conservative girl meanwhile will either learn to lie like a champ in "Hollywood", or just go into "showbiz for ugly people", where they're the beautiful-for-politics kings in the land of the homely.
The notion that conservative women are prettier than liberal women is a popular meme with conservatives.
And it certainly explains why Hollywood is so conservative.
B There are deep psychological issues for men attracted to masculine looking women who speak out of the side of their mouth... not that there is anything wrong with that. In any event, the Maddow attraction at Alt-H is not surprising as the irrational guilt suffered by latent homosexuals is the likely proximal cause of homophobia. Homophobia is essentially a fear of self.
I think Sarah Palin is hideous because of her shriveled goblin-heart. Ugly personality, ugly person.
Well I for one find angry, hateful self righteous leftist women pretty hideous.
Just remember Howard, at the core of your demonizing of others is ignorance and insecurity.
According to some conservatives their women are prettier but they shouldn't get carried away and become the breadwinner of the family.
Because, science says, it is [apparently] harmful for women to be the primary source of income in a family. So says Erick Erickson
You can't make this stuff up.
Thanks, Howard, for demonstrating how to demonize the "other" to fill the void left by the social disapproval of overt racism. You seem like a real expert at it.
Alas, poor Howard. It's so difficult for him living in a world where everyone yells just because he says the "n-word" now and then. To say nothing of the homosexual panic that ensues when other men look at and judge his pretend fantasy TV boyfriend. He needs his void filled.
"Liberalism actively attracts people who are shut out of that old-timey paradigm" [of prettiness]. Bullshit that anyone is shut out by this old timey paradigm. Liberalism attracts the social retards and misfits of the universe who are still hung up and spun up by this ancient "old timey" paradigm and others like it. People like Howard who need an excuse for their failures and bad behaviors. It's not pretty.
Mitch H. said...
A pretty, conservative girl meanwhile will either learn to lie like a champ in "Hollywood", or just go into "showbiz for ugly people", where they're the beautiful-for-politics kings in the land of the homely.
You mean fashion. Fashion is the ugly step-sister of entertainment that allows the truly horrid, wretched, and ugly to have a modicum of fame and success while letting the pretty human coat hangers strut their wares for everyone else to purchase.
B There are deep psychological issues for men attracted to masculine looking women who speak out of the side of their mouth...
That's a peculiar indictment of the male MSNBC viewers so enamored of Maddow. Especially coming from you. I'd ask you to substantiate your characterization of why they are willing to accept her nonsense but that acceptance is in and of itself an exposition of their inability to apply critical thinking. It's impossible to logically address and substantiate such incoherent world views so let it go.
In any event, the Maddow attraction at Alt-H is not surprising as the irrational guilt suffered by latent homosexuals is the likely proximal cause of homophobia...
There is no evidence of any Maddow attraction at Alt-H. An occasional mention of her in a post and subsequent discussion in the thread is no evidence of attraction that would support the characterization you're trying to establish in that statement.
Again, if you're that susceptible to asinine progressive talking points you're on the wrong blog. You're due no respect from the commenters trying to sell them here.
Up your game.
I know what they're saying on a day to day level, but almost all celebrities/actresses/models/professionally good looking women are dems, so it evens out.
It's a silly comparison.
Rachel Maddow, btw, in high school, was a more feminine, typically attractive blonde. So that's just coming out style:
Rachel Maddow, btw, in high school, was a more feminine, typically attractive blonde.
Indeed. So what's up with the Amish color schemed wardrobe?
El Pollo Raylan said...
Rachel Maddow, btw, in high school, was a more feminine, typically attractive blonde.
Indeed. So what's up with the Amish color schemed wardrobe?
That's what successive years of university will do to you. The levels to which you will adopt and absorb the indoctrination and inculcation will have this level of effect. Not to mention that in the leftist circles she dances in, she is seen and wants to be seen as taken seriously and therefore has to dress the part.
Well they certainly aren't smarter!
"It is a lot easier to be anti-conservative if you just pretend whatever you think is wrong with anything is the very essence of conservatism."
Marshall, are you naturally obtuse or do you work at it? You've just described what seems to have become--as I stated--the default mindset of latter day doctrinaire "conservatives"--witness the ridiculous subject of this very thread.
LUV the picture of Rachel Madcow.
Oops. Sorry about the typo.
I meant to write Rachel Crazycow.
For sure conservative women are "prettier" on the inside.
In the picture with JFK I honestly thought that was Kitten from Father Knows Best.
Robert Cook said...
Marshall, are you naturally obtuse or do you work at it? You've just described what seems to have become--as I stated--the default mindset of latter day doctrinaire "conservatives"--witness the ridiculous subject of this very thread.
The guy who built this strawman: "conservative or right wing governments never can be anything but bastions of liberty and justice for all, where the birds sing and the virtuous and hard-working are always rewarded and those who are rewarded are always virtuous and hard-working, while the down-trodden and poor are by definition lazy, grasping, selfish, dishonest, and corrupt" is calling others obtuse. Next can you whine that people don't honestly consider your positions?
You've really gone downhill if you're going to defend such an idiotic strawman.
I do not think that political philosophy has anything to do with attractiveness. But there is a photo of a sexual sadist. Kennedy was a complete asshole to women. It apparently ran in the family.
Umm...Marshall, people on this blog have said things amounting to that. Someone posted a comment the other day that anytime a rightwing government turns into a tyranny, it has "turned socialist," or words to that effect. I'll try to find it and paste it here, but the intended meaning was: by definition, no right wing government can be a tyranny and no tyranny can be right wing.
In other words, if it's bad it's "leftist."
And, to remind you, the very point of this thread is to discuss the idiotic assertion by an idiot (Drudge) that "right wing women are prettier than left wing women." This reduces the "all things conservative good / all things 'leftist' bad" assertion to (an even greater level of) imbecility.
It's funny to watch a closeted gay guy like Drudge talk about how his party's women are somehow more attractive.
Next he'll be comparing their fashion sense, if he hasn't already. What a dweeb.
Robert Cook said...
Ah, conservatives...living in dreamworld where all that is good and beautiful is conservative, and all that is bad and ugly is...not conservative.
...Someone posted a comment the other day
Your evidence of what conservatives generally believe is ... a comment on Althouse.
You really don't have any standards do you?
Foxxy Conservative said...
It's true conservatives have more fun. And we're hotter.
Come and get it boyz!
God, you are such a wretched sub-human pig, Inga. Try harder to at least be somewhat more of a phony. kthxdieinafire.
Rhythm and Balls said...
It's funny to watch a closeted gay guy like Drudge talk about how his party's women are somehow more attractive.
Next he'll be comparing their fashion sense, if he hasn't already. What a dweeb.
I'd love to hear George Kotsiopoulos' take on Rachel Maddow's fashion sense.
Fifty years ago, liberal women were prettier than conservative women.
Why was there a reversal?
Fifty years ago, the Democrats didn't appoint bull dyke lesbos to Cabinet level positions and to the Supreme Court. Fifty years ago, the Democrat Party USA wasn't run by maniacal Kultur Bolsheviks.
Hillary? She may prefer being the the femme. I dunno if her habit is to be a top or a bottom with her girlfriend Huma.
God, you are such a wretched sub-human pig, Inga.
Foxxy Conversative is Inga? I does sound like the sort of stunt she'd pull.
I dunno if her habit is to be a top or a bottom with her girlfriend Huma.
Lesbians have tops and bottoms? I thought they just touched pivot points.
Rhythm and Balls said that Drudge was a "closeted gay"
Gee, who knew?
I thought he had been openly gay since at least the 90's. It has certainly never been a secret.
Or do you mean that since he doesn't define himself by his gayness there is something wrong with him?
John Henry
No, Foxxy Conservative is not Inga. I wish it were my idea, pretty damn funny.
I believe you Inga. Because I want to.
Inga said...
No, Foxxy Conservative is not Inga. I wish it were my idea, pretty damn funny.
Ah well. You are still a wretched sub-human pig.
Meth thinks he can be a vile hate filled sinner in this life because he is "Graced". With the amount of sheer hatred in his soul, I think he's in for a rude awakening, when his time comes. Talking the talk is easy Meth, as you did on a different thread today to Father Fox, you obviously don't know how to walk the walk.
Meth the Christian said.....
"The notion that catholic teachings use good works, for the non-believer as an adjunct to soul saving grace is anathema to the scriptures. Matthew 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
I don't require a bit of imagination to understand the necessity of what is required to enter the kingdom of heaven via God's grace and have my soul saved. It's pretty clear father and I'm not sure why you or the pope nor the Vatican are defending or clarifying any of this. It's pretty crystal clear. The proclamation of your intent voiced in body, mind, and soul to allow Jesus Christ to enter your heart as you Lord and Savior through his Blood and Sacrifice and Resurrection is the only way into the Kingdom of God. All three of you are wrong."
5/30/13, 7:08 PM
You are a disgusting hypocrite Meth. Hell is waiting for you.
Maddow looks more feminine than usual - in lots of the pics I see, she looks like Sean Hannity's kid brother.
Gee, who knew?
No one willing to authenticate it, apparently.
I thought he had been openly gay since at least the 90's. It has certainly never been a secret.
I didn't. And I'm curious as to where you get your sources on such "open secrets" as this.
Or do you mean that since he doesn't define himself by his gayness there is something wrong with him?
When you align politically with people who hate or think less of you because of something you are, then there is definitely something wrong with you.
I think it's pretty commonly known that Drudge is gay.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"Your evidence of what conservatives generally believe is ... a comment on Althouse."
Well...comments on Althouse, including this very thread...and other right wing blogs...as well as specious books like LIBERAL FASCISM...taken up as gospel by a significant segment of the conservative audience as "proof" that Hitler and Mussolini were leftists and therefore their depredations could not be blamed on right-wing extremism.
Robert Cook said...
"Your evidence of what conservatives generally believe is ... a comment on Althouse."
Well...comments on Althouse, including this very thread...
Well then let's evaluate your ability to understand.
Comment 1: Not supportive of your thesis.
Comment 2: Incompatible with your thesis.
Wow, had to dig pretty deep there didn't we?
I guess this thread does support your opinion if you ignore all comments that don't support it. But then that's how you defend your entire worldview isn't it?
And futher your zeal to slime conservatives is causing you to ignore that the evidence simply doesn't support your position, and you have the gall to call others obtuse? As if somehow you're the rational one instead of the raving lunatic? I see you're fighting Inga for the title of least self-aware commenter on Althouse.
It's hardly I who am "sliming" conservatives; they're doing a bang-up job of that themselves.
Robert Cook said...
It's hardly I who am "sliming" conservatives; they're doing a bang-up job of that themselves.
Maybe some are, but that doesn't mean you aren't. I specifically pointed out where you misread the comments and by not addressing that it's obvious you realize your assertion was asinine.
Shorter Cook:
Oops, I made an ass of myself so I'd better change the subject.
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