And if so, is it racist? Or is the Slate blogger talking about "The Troubling Viral Trend of the 'Hilarious' Black Neighbor" the one who's channeling racism?
Here's our earlier discussion of this video, and what I see in the comments is admiration for the guy — for what he did and for his straight-talking. For example: "I loved this guy when I saw him interviewed. Straight, honest, and not an ounce of pc!"
१३५ टिप्पण्या:
Liberals probably, do. They think every black man should be like Barack Obama.
Yes. Apparently they're LTFAO at Slate.
Not a single thing laughable about Ramsey in any video I've seen. Guy's funny, decent and kind. Oh! But he eats McDonald's! Well, let the laughter begin, then.
It's the lack of filter that's heart-warming. No posing.
I think he's a hero and he should be applauded. He did something when something needed to be done.
But, having said that, I feel no reticence in saying that his comment about a white girl walking into the arms of a black man was just so much crap. It perpetuates stereotypes that need to end, not to continue. A hero is a hero and it doesn't matter what color their skin is. Props to him for what he did but I hope he learned something, too.
Lefties like their blacks angry.
People are a lot easier to manipulate when they're angry.
bpm4532 said...
Liberals probably, do. They think every black man should be like Barack Obama.
The Lefties probably can't believe a black man would help 3 white girls.
Nobody's laughing at him. It's an amazing story and he's just down-to-earth and explaining what he experienced.
He's a real person.
Man, racist?
I was with Ramsey until he said "My neighbor, he got some testicles to pull off this shit." Yeah, what an achievement.
Anyone who fries their brain reading Slate deserves their fate. God, I'm so tired of this crap. Is it too much to ask that these writers FOAD?
The #1 most common liberal blog post is: "OMG, everyone is so racist except me." Same theme, a million times.
Uh oh, if Limbaugh plays this twice will it be Ugly?
Since you are the arbiter of such things, of course.
Gah, I don't require Mr. Ramsey to learn a valuable life lesson from this experience, like it's an after school special or something. Mr. Ramsey doesn't need to be the representative of black men everywhere. The girl running into his arms indicated to him that something was very wrong and that's why he acted. Then he straight up reported what he thought without sifting it through the PC filter. He probably doesn't have a PC filter. Yay.
You're like the news reporter - you like the guy but you can't get away from him fast enough.
I wasn't anywhere I could watch the video before.
It makes me smile, because it makes me *happy*. He seems like a down to earth nice-guy.
(And... not to beat a dead horse but... he's getting to feel like a protector, like a hero... it's just a happy story.)
Who thinks that people are laughing at this man? If they chuckle, it's from joy.
Slate. Rhymes with hate. Can't help mahself.
Liberals cannot stand a non-PC, non-Victim black man who speaks his mind.
The movie "Barbershop" was based on the basic truth about black guys that liberals and progressive jews and "head Negroes who speak for their race" in positions of influence - try hard and suppress.
They dislike homos, they dislike knucklehead thugs. They like good ribs, fried chicken and watermelon every bit as much as white people do. They admire a guy that works hard and don't like those scamming the system and saddling them with huge property taxes. They resent profiling, but unlike the liberals, progressive Jews, and "head Negroes" - admit it has basis.
They laugh at Republican conservatives that tell them they had equal opportunity to start their own Hedge Funds or skyscraper building company so they should love the rich "jobs creators".
And there IS the matter of context. How often do pretty white girls run into the arms of a black man in THAT neighborhood? The brain will look for things that are wrong IN CONTEXT. It's like the scene in "Men in Black" where Will Smith's character is taking the shooting test - and he's the only one to get it right when he ignores all the aliens and shoots the pretty little white girl. (It's a shooting range, and the targets are all cut-outs, so no one needs to get upset.)
I watched him on TV when he was so excited and happy to have rescued those women. I was thrilled for him, for them and very, very happy he just let instinct take over and got them out. He didn't stop to think when he did it and he didn't stop to think when he talked about. Just a big thrill for us all. He was just lovable.
I took the running into his arms as him explaining that her not being wary of him was how he knew that something was really wrong. Yes, she was a white girl and he's a black man, but it doesn't matter. *Girls* don't thrown themselves into the arms of *Men* even when they do need help. In fact, in this world, men are seen as threats when a woman needs help more often than not.
He seems like a person of humane instincts with a decent sense of humor. He did the right thing, but I don't see hcw the act qualifies as heroic.......I don't think any of those three brothers will be getting any marriage proposals in prison. It's reassuring to see evil degenerates who look like evil degenerates instead of cherubs....
Right, icepick. The pretty little white girl was 1) in the wrong neighborhood, and 2) carrying a bunch of science books far to advanced for her age. She was out of place and out of character.
Slate may be the most pointless website ever.
Seriously, eight year-olds shouldn't be studying quantum chromo-dynamics and string theory.
I'd like to know if Charles Ramsey can dance.
It’s difficult to watch these videos and not sense that their popularity has something to do with a persistent, if unconscious, desire to see black people perform."
Mr. Ramsey was performing. He's a good performer. He also told the story with great expression, interesting detail and complete coherence.
Just who is the racist?
I too feel a lot of warmth when I think of this man and his interview.
Isn't it disgusting of Slate?
Granted, the buzzworthy tactic of reporters interviewing the most loquacious witnesses to a crime or other event is nothing new, and YouTube has countless examples of people of all ethnicities saying ridiculous things.
And even the interviewer seemed to try to cut him off when he got to some truth.
Reality hits you hard, bro.
kcom - "But, having said that, I feel no reticence in saying that his comment about a white girl walking into the arms of a black man was just so much crap. It perpetuates stereotypes that need to end."
No, it forms reasonable suspicion that something "may not be right". Just like calling the cops when you see an Asian guy surrounded at an ATM by 5 blacks in hoodies. For all you know, it is entirely possible the Asian may be out with his 5 best friends, all black. IT IS POSSIBLE!! Not that some Asians don't have great black know!!!
But in out rush to show we REJECT all stereotypes....we should never abandon our commonsense. Better safe than sorry. Yes, if you see some guy on top of a woman in a park, choking may very well be that it is a consensual prelude to rough sex and your bias and stereotyping of men and disrupting them - may have entirely ruined it! But if you assume wrong because PC pulls all your strings - you have a dead choked women that could have been saved, simply because PC forced you to assume what your judgment led you to be concerned about.
But when you think odds are something is amiss and intervention to at least get the facts - is called for. You sould be free to call it in or inquire. What will happen if you do and are wrong - go to jail for not being PC??
Who would you rather have a beer with, Charles Ramsey or Tennessee Coates (or however he spells it)?
And why?
I know which one I would rather have at my back if the zombie apocalypse ever hits.
I know which one I would rather have at my back if the zombie apocalypse ever hits.
Yeah, having the guy that wonders if we're unfairly stereotyping zombies at your back during the Zombie Apocalypse isn't a good survival strategy.
Slate may be the most pointless website ever.
Certainly if you adjust for readership.
The Slate author has a BA from Northwestern and an MA from NYU, both in theater/film/media studies. She's also African-American.
I wonder if what's really going on is that she finds Charles Ramsey embarrassing.
I'm not sure how they arrive at equating Ramsey with the other weirdos though.
Apparently in the view of Aisha Harris all black people are the same?
I smiled when I saw the video because he is charismatic, funny, honest and, when the moment called for it, he did the right thing. Why does everything have to be about race?
William said...
He seems like a person of humane instincts with a decent sense of humor. He did the right thing, but I don't see hcw the act qualifies as heroic.......
How could he have known in the moment the kidnapper wouldn't walk out of the house or return home with a gun? There's a lot of right-place right-time, but he did the right thing and deserves his 15 minutes (which is more than most who get it).
It looks like admiration, but in dog whistle code, you know what you meant.
Certainly if you adjust for readership.
Exactly. I'm blessed in the fact I haven't clicked on a Slate article in years. Stupid people like Slate.
wonder if what's really going on is that she finds Charles Ramsey embarrassing
I couldn't tell you, but I'm guessing skinny jean-wearing libs probably find Charles Ramsey a bit too real. I thought the guy would be bigger folk hero by now. I have a theory why he isn't.
He clearly knows a thing or two about the way racism prevents us from seeing each other as people.
How pompous sounding.
I have a theory why he isn't.
OK, I'll ask.
What's your theory?
If you watch the entire video he also talks about barbequeing ribs w/ the kidnapper. This guy is REAL, non-pc, funny, AND A FUCKN' HERO! The liberal MSM don't know what the fuck to do w/ this guy. I've lived and worked w/ black folk and this is a REAL, down to earth, blue collar black man. McDonalds should give him a lifetime supply of his favorite sandwich.
spinelli, you're a marketing genius.
ChipS, BINGO on the author, self loathing is a motherfucker!
I think someone is impersonating garage's account. He's making sense.
Alex, Garage will fool you sometimes. He's like a slot machine, he just rewards you enough to keep reading.
And I think he likes the machines and black jack. Anyone who likes Vegas and gambling has got some "real" in him.
The guy was genuine and great. I'd buy him a beer.
The guy was genuine and great. I'd buy him a beer.
Somebody should start a crowdfunding site to buy Ramsey lifetime beer and ribs.
Subject to a weekly limit. Wouldn't want to destroy his work ethic.
Maybe a better idea would be to fly him to KC for a weekend at Arthur Bryant's.
I wanna buy this guy a beer. I worked 40 years in a company with an army of 'em. Black, White, Brown, Yellow, didn't make any difference to them. Do your job, and respect everyboby else who does.
There is no difference between this guy and the white stoner dude who clobbered the big crazy guy with a hatchet a while back. Except that the white guy was much more heroic, actually taking a big personal risk. Regardless, this black guy is given even more props. If anything the "racists" are overcompensating to be appreciative of this guy. Still it proves racism or something.
You have to realize that it's actually impossible for a person like this author (especially with her education) to admit that conservatives or white people can appreciate such a person with all that melanin in them. It just blinds us with hate, which is always there whether you can see it or not. And she should know.
10 years and this guy didn't do anything for these girls? Yeah what a hero. You people have very low standards.
Liberals have a such a filter on every thought they never hear their own (or anyone else's) authentic voice. They have to run their every thought through a PC filter to find out if it's really okay to think the thoughts that first popped into their heads. This becomes so automatic over the years they don't recognize their own real beliefs anymore, which makes them total phonies.
But then you knew that anyway.
I'll be interested to learn if these girls ever made any previous attempt to escape or be found. I can't believe that if they did, they could not have ended this long ago. How did these guys keep them quiet and locked up? Did this guy have a job, and have to go to work? Didn't they have any long periods of being home alone during that 10 years?
Ramsey only lived there one year, Alex.
He seems like a pretty cool guy to me. However, I'm unsure. I'd like to wait until VP Biden chimes in.
Look, I think he did the right thing, of course, but it wasn't heroic. That requires taking a real personal risk of some kind. He's a good guy, funny, well-spoken, and a good neighbor to have, and that's quite enough to make him a rare pleasure.
There were three guys. They made sure one was there at all times.
To me heroic is storming Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.
I think he's being celebrated as much for his realness as much as for the specifics of what he did.
Which, of course, makes Slate's take even stupider.
Speaking of which...garage, what's your theory? (Sincere interest.)
I was the first one out. The seventh man was the next one to get across the beach without being hit. All the ones in-between were hit. Two were killed; three were injured. That's how lucky you had to be.
Captain Richard Merrill, 2nd Ranger Battalion.[6]
Most who do the right thing in what turn out to be very public circumstances get the hero tag, for better or worse. This guy involved himself in what he thought was a domestic dispute thath could have ignored. Good for him. I do not care.if he is a hero or not.
I have been in NYC and Princeton for business-Shareholder Meetings, Strategic 5 year goal setting etc.
Fabness everywhere. Din Din to die for and Lux hotels.
So I am just hearing about the Ohio thing-but what a difference in the hotness of Boston peeps and Ohio peeps as seen and interviewed during traumatic events.
It is hard to be exposed to the 47% things in their habitat. Thankfully it is all on tv are far from my reality. The hair, clothes, teeth, etc is disheartening.
Man expresses himself clearly, and has a good heart. Different vocabulary, nice neighbor.
I thought the guy would be bigger folk hero by now. I have a theory why he isn't.
I'm not sure how big you'd expect him to be less than 24 hours after the interview. Youtube alone has 350000 views, and that is with competition from lots of other sites that have the video. What more can happen in one day?
garage mahal said...
Slate may be the most pointless website ever.
Yes. Except, well, Salon?
Reality hits you hard, bro
No person who is worth a shit is laughing at Charles Ramsey. He is a real guy who tells it straight. He is also the ONE guy in the neighborhood who, if I may, had big enough testicles to act. It is coming out now that the police were called multiple times and never followed through on anything. Some people see something funny and call the police. Charles Ramsey helped kick the door in. That is who I want as MY neighbor
I'm guessing that Ms. Harris didn't write a hand wringing article about the reality hits you hard dude.
Political Correctness is the elixir of leftism. They can't stand the light of truth against it. That's why they've gone out of their way to change the language to neuter it. This guy is a straight up dude. Give him the props for being at the right place and at the right time. Unfortunately, he's been at he right place many times it appears, but the way those 3 sub-humans had hidden these girls, he would have never have known.
ChipS, I would donate a c-note to fly this guy to KC. Hell, I'd meet him there and be honored to eat some ribs and mutton w/ him.
Regarding the hero subject. No, he didn't run @ a man w/ a gun to save someone; it wasn't even running into a house ablaze. But, in neighborhoods like that, folks have to think 2 or 3 times before responding to a scream. Virtually every house has a firearm. He did the right thing and HE KNEW he could have met someone w/ a gun. Some folks here are looking @ this from the comfort of an upper middle class's just not the same people.
God bless Charles Ramsay.
Maybe people have gone a bit too gaga for him. It's arguable.
However, the horror of what happened to those girls, now young women, hurt the heart so much and made me question once again just who we are as humans.
Then along comes Charles Ramsay to the rescue, not only of those "pretty white girls" but of the rest of us.
Yeah, there are some sick, sick people out there, but there's Charles too, stepping up and doing the right thing, and being funny about it to boot.
I hope they aren't laughing at Ramsey.
I'm laughing at the Democrats as Sanford wins the special election!
$1.2 million in donations to Colbert Busch, $929,000 on independent expenditures against Sanford.
DCCC should have just lit the money on fire...
If Alvin Greene lives in that district, they should've run him.
The author, Ms. Harris observes, "It’s difficult to watch these videos and not sense that their popularity has something to do with a persistent, if unconscious, desire to see black people perform." emphasis mine.
I believe we've found the problem.
I'm laughing a the people of South Carolona, dumb rednecks.
What's your theory?
A sizable sample of the big money liberals don't want Charles Ramsey getting too uppity with his propensity for off the cuff straight talk.
Here is another clip of Ramsey. Even better perspective. At the end, he makes it plain that if the neighborhood knew what was going on in that place, nobody would have had to dial 911.
I'd really like to know what Charles Ramsey thinks of Barack Obama.
Ramsey was intentionally being funny with the pretty white girl/ black guy(him) thing
I know black, white, asians, mexicans and others who are interesting when they tell a story.
I also know people who bore you to death telling a story.
Well said. Ramsay was telling it like it is. Shit happens, and sometime really strange shit happens. Glad he was there.
"Why does everything have to be about race?"
Exactly my point.
"No, it forms reasonable suspicion that something 'may not be right'."
No, it was already well past that point. He heard her screaming. He put down his McDonald's and crossed the street. She was frantic to get out of the house and begged for his help. He kicked in the door to help her get out. Don't you think it was pretty well-established by that point that she was in serious trouble and that "something may not be right". Once she got out and hugged him that was simply a normal human reaction of gratitude. See similar circumstances in Boston. Did anyone really care what the race of the people who were applying tourniquets and carrying the wounded were? Of course not.
Although Charles Ramsey might not have acted "heroically" in the grandest sense (as some people have said), for what he accomplished he is a hero, plain and simple. That's what's worth celebrating.
I'd like to know how many donuts the Cleveland PD has consumed during the last 10 years.
I'd also like to know why the Cleveland PD classifies so many minority girls as "runaways."
...not to infer they're lazy or anything.
On second thought, if Charles Ramsey can tell it straight: Yes, I am inferring that the Cleveland police are lazy. Maybe not as lazy as, say, Chicago, but still pretty damn lazy.
"Here is another clip of Ramsey."
Thanks for linking that. He's definitely an interesting guy. And he said what I was thinking and almost put in my last comment. He took a risk, not knowing the exact circumstances, coming onto private property and breaking a door so she could get out. He was risking a criminal charge for that and someone else might have either done nothing or sat back and called the police only. But he obviously judged wisely that it was a risk that needed taking. And he "manned" up and got the job done.
I think people were laughing at the joke he made (and Dave Chappel is the only one who gets upset about that), but mostly they were applauding him for being awesome.
This Slate person is projecting. How embarrassing for him (her?).
Another example: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell proclaiming that Mitch McConnell's reference to Obama's golf games was a deliberate attempt to tie him to Tiger Woods and therefore, to suggest he shared Woods's sexual proclivities.
See all those random dots that beg to be connected? Yeah, me neither. But O'Donnell sure did.
He went on to say, "these people reach for every possible racial double entendre they can find."
O'Donnell and our Slate friend are "these people" indeed.
Re: He was risking a criminal charge...
Excellent point, Kcom.
Ok, now that i've read the article I think what draws us to these particular videos is that they are entertaining story tellers first a foremost.
On the class issue, there has always been a joke about reporters interviewing the dumbest person they can find to talk about the tornado. That's hardly a racial thing. It's an absolute shame to relate any of this to this particular story, because it's about a lot of things, Ramsey being a stand up guy and the horror of what actual happened are wrapped up into one video. Add to that that he is an entertaining storyteller and you have a fascinated public.
Holy shit! Really?
As if the field reporters for the networks don't go out of their way to find the reddest neck, preferably one wearing a had that says something like "Get 'er done" on it, when something happens in rural areas.
Sweet Brown was unavailable for comment.
At him, with him, who cares. I get the impression he sure as Hell doesn't worry about that sort of thing.
I'd gladly share some ribs with him. One because he's a hero, and two because he's so naturally human.
Here is the best thing Charles Ramsey said in the second interview (link I posted), part of his answer when asked if he knows how much people are talking about him:
"Let me tell you something. I'm American. I'm a human being. I'm just like you. I work for a living."
That is how I want to think of my neighbors and Charles Ramsey hit it dead on. He describes himself as American, not African-American. He works for a living. If Jim from Huckleberry Finn is transported to the 21st century, this is how he looks and talks. Good enough for me. I got nothing for the people who laugh at him.
Is it racist?
A question Althouse *always* finds interesting.
Finding racism everywhere is a favorite past time of liberals. If racism isn't there, you invent it.
I'd be happy to have Ramsey as a neighbor. Then, again, I'm just a right wing whacko libertarian whose daughter dates a black guy, not some liberal who lives in a lily white neighborhood like Chris Matthews. (Chris Matthews is sooo easy to make fun of.)
We need more Charles Ramseys.
I'm laughing at Colbert. The brother. He's a tool.
I'm laughing a the people of South Carolona, dumb rednecks.
Really. How'd they end up with the choices of Sanford or Steve Colbert's sister? A joke and a joker?
It's a classic fairy tale, complete with three evil trolls, a solid huntsman, and a young maiden saved.
Ramsey's a commoner, and speaks like one. Folks who consider him "one of their people" are embarrassed by him, like a NYC professor by his uneducated impoverished parents.
He's a good guy, and yet they cringe.
So they transfer their discomfort onto the white scapegoats.
What awful people. Unwilling just to celebrate a good man.
The person most viewing this through the prism of race is the slate author, a racist.
When I view the interview, I see a person who is rightfully excited and delightful to watch.
Are people laughing at Charles Ramsey?
No. Lefties are laughing at Charles Ramsey.
The rest of us are glad for him he got to be the one who kicked the door in.
"Folks who consider him "one of their people" are embarrassed by him, like a NYC professor by his uneducated impoverished parents."
He reminds me of my people. If the writer from Slate finds him embarrassing, I'll take him. What on earth does race have to do with it?
Race has nothing at all to do with it.
But they feel uncomfortable by his simple humanity,and project their unease onto their favorite bad guys, whites.
Scott M said.
" preferably one wearing a had that says something like "Get 'er done" on it, when something happens in rural areas."
Ahem. It's Git 'r done. Draw out that "i" sound a good long while.
bagoh20 said...
"I'll be interested to learn if these girls ever made any previous attempt to escape or be found. I can't believe that if they did, they could not have ended this long ago. How did these guys keep them quiet and locked up? Did this guy have a job, and have to go to work? Didn't they have any long periods of being home alone during that 10 years?"
Apparently they were kept chained up and half-starved. Several dead babies in the mix there, too. Horrible.
Race has nothing at all to do with it. But they feel uncomfortable by his simple humanity,and project their unease onto their favorite bad guys, whites.
Yes, that's it, Pogo. His simple humanity scandalized the liberals. Or the snobs. Or the liberal snobs. Or something like that. But it's good and predictable to see you steer things back to your racial obsessions and resentments with that last phrase.
In any case, good for Mr. Ramsey. And once again, Slate shows the brilliant contrarianism it's been known for since the days in which it employed Mickey Kaus.
Evangeline said...
"I'm laughing a the people of South Carolona, dumb rednecks."
We're devastated, Evan.
But we do recognize that bigots come in numerous forms. Thanks for showing us yours.
Whoever smelt it dealt it.
My sense is this black thing has an Obama sticker on his BMW and is on welfare.
I am suspicious.
And also feel deeply sad at the unattractiveness of all these Ohio things involved. I won't be summering in Cleveland in 2013 that is for sure.
One woman, who was white and interviewed, had a hideous perm, and the "urban girls" were not hot.
Oh Ohio.
I do already have long weekend reses in Camden, Truro and Lenox and Brattleboro and will def not be disappointed in the stock prices of the peeps in those fab New England hamlets.
And Welcome Delaware! Another state falls to fag marriage.
"He reminds me of my people."
Exactly, and we are not ashamed of our people, because their values are what make them our people, not their skin color. What we saw of Ramsey shows he shares our values, or at least the ones we strive for.
As far as SC goes the pubes can't say they get rid of their infidels now.
Family values for you....but not for me.
God cleansed Sanford from his sins....praise the lord.
Where is the Argentine whore going to be now?
At least not six feet under like Mary Jo something or another though, am I right, fellow pubes?
I expect he would be an Obama voter; that would be the clear odds, but it's irrelevant to the good he did here. Good people can make bad choices about such things, but at least he wouldn't claim to have some high-minded political reasoning derived from his superior education and sophistication. He'd be more honest and humble than that. Of this, I'm sure.
"I am a child of former slaves who had a system imposed on them. I had an economic system imposed on me."
That's funnier than anything Charles Ramsey said.
Looked to me that as soon as he started talking about pretty white girls not hugging the interviewer decided to cut him off - like he was afraid where that kind of "honesty" was going to ultimately go.
But the interviewer gave him a friendly pat on the back or shoulder, so he seemed to like him too.
1) The writer's claim that people want to see a 21st century Steppin Fetchit is racist on *her* part.
B) The guy isn't a hero. He was someone who did the right thing at the right time but he certainly didn't risk his life in the process. Good on him for helping though and yeah get him some ribs and a few beers.
Hell some McDonald's and beer for that matter.
No, we are laughing with him and enjoying his telling of a crazy event. Great vid.
Phx: Looked to me that as soon as he started talking about pretty white girls not hugging the interviewer decided to cut him off - like he was afraid where that kind of "honesty" was going to ultimately go.
Exactly right. I had the same reaction. The black guy scared off the reporter with his remarks (he knew he was being edgy).
I thought the pat by the reporter was a bit patronizing too.
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How can people say he didn't risk his life? Cops die on domestic violence calls all too frequently. Ht thought this was domestic violence- he had no idea if there was an enraged man on the other side of that door.
Alex said...
To me heroic is storming Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.
As far as those three women are concerned Mr. Ramsey is too.
He'a a stand up guy.
Now lets compare and contrast Mr Ramsey to Obamaphone lady.
Evangeline said...
I'm laughing a the people of South Carolona, dumb rednecks
Right, because you're like so super-duper smart and therefore are in a position to "laugh at" people.
I'm laughing a the people of South Carolona, dumb rednecks
Because the erudition of the voters that keep sending Sheila Jackson Lee to Congress is so obvious...
Prior to this incident, the very same idiots that claim we're all enjoying Ramsey just a little too much, hearing racist dog whistles with every positive thing said about the man would have been bitching that white America doesn't give a shit about black men.
How many degrees of separation do you suppose there are between Chuck Ramsey and Jonbenet?
"How can people say he didn't risk his life? Cops die on domestic violence calls all too frequently. Ht thought this was domestic violence- he had no idea if there was an enraged man on the other side of that door."
Yes. He did potentially risk his life. He didn't know where the guy was or what he would do to protect his secret. Any time you go on someone else's property and start breaking into their house you're risking your life. That's the essence of the castle doctrine and its deterrent effect.
The guy's got a colorful way of expressing himself. More power to him.
A dishwasher? Shame! Taking a job that should be left open for an undocumented immigrant.
Because the erudition of the voters that keep sending Sheila Jackson Lee to Congress is so obvious...
Maxine. Don't forget Maxine.
And the lady Dem former candidate has a mug shot of her very own for some crappy behavior *SHE* was involved in her ugly divorce back in the day.
Flawed people. Too bad that's all there is. But no reason to stay home.
Of course they are laughing at him...pretty dam obvious. The interview wasn't edited. They could have left out parts of it, but no..the media must cash in on the black man.
But I bet they would have cashed in on the white trasher as well: "...that little darlin came 'a' runnin to me like a NASCAR on jet fuel..."
Don't forget Rep. Barbara "global warming leads to global whoring" Lee.
We are not laughing at him. We are
singing with him!
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