২ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

"What we're dealing with is a very scared, very upset, very confused 20-year-old girl who has made some poor choices."

"This is the culmination of those choices."

৩৭৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   373 এর 201 – থেকে 373
President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Phx says

"Oh I didn't notice. I don't really care."

Phx is just a propogandist for whatever the most leftwing retarded position exists on any given issue. He admits that he doesn't pay attention to any of the facts or substance of the posts when it doesn't fit his lefty narrative.

Inga is a pathetic old hag with delusions of wit or independent opinion, who will shit all over a thread then cry victim when justifiably criticized for it.

Neither of these two retards contribute anything of value on this site, and the only response their posts warrant is unbridled mockery and insult.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

If we all get together to make up a Facebook page and take up a collection for the guy though maybe we can turn this into a real feel-good story. You know, how a victim-loser suddenly turned his lemons into lemonade and got to go to Disney Land and retire early.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


You and whoresoftheinternet need to go back to kindergarten.
---u mad, nazi? lol

Nomennovum বলেছেন...


Yes it is, phx. He committed no crime. He may be a creep, but the pusnishment you sarcastically call "dreadful" is out of proportion to his misdeed.

I know this is difficult for a leftist to do, but try to put yourself in his shoes for a minute.

I bet you can't. We have evidence here that dumb cunnies can't. Can you try?

sakredkow বলেছেন...

He admits that he doesn't pay attention to any of the facts or substance of the posts when it doesn't fit his lefty narrative.

Where do these guys get this shit?!

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

If we all get together to make up a Facebook page and take up a collection for the guy though maybe we can turn this into a real feel-good story

Fuck you. I stupidly took you seriously for once. Bye.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

He was a party to a fraud. She didn't beat herself up, she didn't spill semen from a container into herself. He KNEW what she wanted, did he not? But alas, he had his arm twisted, right?

test বলেছেন...

phx said...
If we all get together to make up a Facebook page and take up a collection for the guy though maybe we can turn this into a real feel-good story. You know, how a victim-loser suddenly turned his lemons into lemonade and got to go to Disney Land and retire early.

How quickly the "I don't judge" policy disappeared. And it just happened to be the non-leftist, what a remarkable coincidence.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

I read the article and don't see why the need for a hate fest for Inga and PHX. Unless I missed it, the article doesn't have material in it to suggest a political motivation. Tripplet is just a sick puppy that likes very rough sex and getting beaten. She also figured that she needed an explanation of why she would look like she was beaten, an explanation that would not make her appear as the sick puppy she is. So the false rape charge but without submitting the DNA samples. The cops having been at this rodeo before figured it out as soon as she declined to produce the samples, the ad was the confirmation of their hunch.

Does she deserve some jail time? Probably a couple of months at most. She didn't falsely accuse anyone so it isn't as some poor sick bastard who consents to beating the crap out of a woman as part of getting his sex kicks is going to go to the slammer for a long time and have his life ruined.

She does need some serious psychological help and she is pretty much ruined her reputation wherever she goes. As for the guys who answered the call, they are sick pups as well and are in serious need for psychiatric help and possibly a little jail time as well. Unless I am wrong, beating someone especially if there is a bit of damage isn't legal even if the victim of the beating asked for and consents to the beating.

X বলেছেন...

you really are stupid Inga. you think he was in on it?

Matt বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas

I just knew you would turn this into a white male victim issue.

We'll have to call you a white masculinist.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

lol. In one post phx and Inga the lying, murderous Obama whore both wrecked their credibility.


Instantly those same "righty" commenters will forgive them later and treat them with civility and respect and take their lying, two-faced opinions seriously.

And then wonder why they keep losing elections.

Hint: treating animals with civility does not make them humans.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

Amartel বলেছেন...

Don't get overwrought about Dingbat.

Dingbat SOP: Blurt out the party line and/or some stale liberal bromides, add hearty but humorless insult taunt, then retreat to the safety of imaginary grievance.

Dingbat is not bright. But you knew that. There is no thinking going on in that empty head, especially not about other people. Thinking=hard work=ew. Standard Issue Boilerplate Progressive Ward Heeler Leads Unexamined Life. News at Duh.

Of course the left doesn't care about this twisted 20 year old they created. (Yes, if the right has to take ownership of paramilitary nuts then the left has title to this disaster area.) And they can't wait to disown her. Bad publicity. "Caring!" Medicate and move on to the next. Nuanced "Caring."

At least the right wants to help people to help themselves. That starts, not with grievance and taxpayer funding, but with acknowledging, honestly, why you have done something, examining the presumptions under which you operate, who else you have hurt by your actions, and how you plan to make amends and change your ways. Medication and vague excuses are not going to get at root causes.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

X, did you read the damn article?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Inga the lying, murderous Obama whore:

He was a party to a fraud.
---LMAO! A straight lie.

She didn't beat herself up, she didn't spill semen from a container into herself. He KNEW what she wanted, did he not?
---for sexual pleasure, he was told. Not for a false rape charge. Not to have himself publicly humiliated for what he thought was a private consensual act.

Keep lying, lefty, and we'll keep smacking you like a redheaded stepchild.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

More proof of stupidity:

Retard nurses can't read and comprehend Daily News articles (which are written on a 6th grade reading level). So they ask stupid-ass questions about what they just fucking read.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Hint: treating animals with civility does not make them humans.

And I think my rightwinger friends will agree: you need to go back to the petri dish you spawned from!

Enjoy your personal, spiritual decline.

X বলেছেন...

yes I read it Inga. where did it say he was in on the rape hoax?

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Aaaaand ... enter the passel of white knights, bravely upon their proud horses. And all heck followed them.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

If I was a male, after reading the garbage by Whores, ST and NoNo, I would be cringing. They don't do your wonderful sex any favors.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"Oh I didn't notice. I don't really care."

I just put a direct quote from you earlier in this very thread, you stupid disingenous twat.

When it was pointed out to you that her politics were quite apparent, due to her attendance at a LGBTQXY nonsense conference.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"I think my rightwinger friends"

Now you are just making shit up. Everyone knows you don't have any friends.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


you need to go back to the petri dish you spawned from!

---Now, now, stop projecting, little man.

@Inga, the lying, murdering Obama whore:
If was a male, after reading the garbage by Whores, ST and NoNo, I would be cringing. They don't do your wonderful sex any favors.
--Note how Inga's own standards don't apply to her.According to Inga, judging a group by a few individuals' actions is evil and wrong. However, all men look bad because she got butthurt by my telling the truth about her. Men need to shut me down!

Sucha liar. Sucha two faced lying hypocrite. Stuch a stupid, murderous little old whore. She thinks Kermit Gosnell is under attack for no good reson, and she personally supports his bloody reign of terror.

Again: and you "righty" fools think treating these animals with civility and fairness will help you to win.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

Matt বলেছেন...

Inga has a point.

If a man answers an ad to abuse a woman and then [per her directions] he abuses her then he is partly to blame for not only abusing her but being so stupid.

Would you allow some random man to abuse your daughter / sister / woman you love - even if she had told him too? Yeah, probably not.

The same would apply to the woman if she did the same to a man. Anyone who abuses someone - even if they are told to - is a little off and possibly criminally liable. Although I would agree that doesn’t mean they should be charged with rape. But the guy who answered this ad was stupid. Plain and simple.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

How quickly the "I don't judge" policy disappeared.

As I indicated, I tend to agree with TMink at 2:42 that the word I should have been using was not "judgmental" but "moralistic."

I'm not in the least moralistic about any of the politics discussed on Althouse.

X বলেছেন...

Matt you seem a little bigoted and uptight about the BDSM community. how does someone else's private sex life affect you?

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Everyone knows you don't have any friends.

Fuck, where the hell do you get your comments??

I'm so lame compared to your quality.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Matt the moron:

If a man answers an ad to abuse a woman and then [per her directions] he abuses her then he is partly to blame for not only abusing her but being so stupid.

---Plenty of women get off on being manhandled/spanked/S&M'd. It's not "abuse" if it's consensual, liar.

Would you allow some random man to abuse your daughter / sister / woman you love - even if she had told him too?

---lmao. Now women have no agency, and white knights must stop all their bad decisions!

I agree with this. But then again, I would take away the female right to vote first. I seriously doubt this mangina would agree to that.

The same would apply to the woman if she did the same to a man.
--Dominatrices of the world, watch out: Matt the Moron wants you arrested, prosecuted, and sued!

Anyone who abuses someone - even if they are told to - is a little off and possibly criminally liable.
---Consent is NOW NOT SEXY.

Take back the night!

Although I would agree that doesn’t mean they should be charged with rape. But the guy who answered this ad was stupid. Plain and simple.
--Remember, kids: according to lefties, it is always EVIL WHITEY's fault.

Enjoy the decline, kiddos!

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Matt you seem a little bigoted and uptight about the BDSM community. how does someone else's private sex life affect you? - X

Wait till Matt discovers his wife in bed playing with her pocket rocket while reading 50 Shades of Grey.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


As I indicated, I tend to agree with TMink at 2:42 that the word I should have been using was not "judgmental" but "moralistic."
---Translation: There is an objective right and wrong, but it has NOTHING to do with morality.

lol. Such a two-faced little cretin, like all leftists.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

LOL. All of this reminds me of the song "Love Me Dead." (No time to link, gotta jet..) Somebody link..

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Matt you are a fucking retard.

Criminally liable? Are you out of your fucking gourd? Consensual rough sex is not "abuse". The ignorance of the average layman about what constitutes a crime in this country is shocking. I blame the poorly run union schools and replacement of civics with grievance studies.

Lying about being raped is an abuse of the criminal justice system. The victims, as have been pointed out, are the taxpayers who wasted resources on this until the hoax was found out as well as people who report legitimate rapes.

Inga has no point, and it pains me that people as stupid as you are allowed to vote.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

you stupid disingenous twat.

Again, again. You're just killing me with your patented President-Mom-Jeans comments and arguments! Who could stand up to reasoning such as yours?

It's like you completely bypassed public schools or something.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Criminally liable? Are you out of your fucking gourd? Consensual rough sex is not "abuse". The ignorance of the average layman about what constitutes a crime in this country is shocking. I blame the poorly run union schools and replacement of civics with grievance studies.

Lying about being raped is an abuse of the criminal justice system. The victims, as have been pointed out, are the taxpayers who wasted resources on this until the hoax was found out as well as people who report legitimate rapes.

Inga has no point, and it pains me that people as stupid as you are allowed to vote.

It's a clinic on intelligence and argumentation I tell you. This guy knows his stuff.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

My comments regarding Gosnell were that he should "burn in hell", when Althouse blogged about him a few weeks ago.

I know most commenters here don't believe a word that Whores says, but I wanted to make that clear.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Awww, it doesn't like being made fun of does it?

Are people saying mean things about you? Is your self esteem being hurt?

You gonna cry Phx?

Nomennovum বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...


It's a clinic on intelligence and argumentation I tell you. This guy knows his stuff.

Aww, poor little petri dish boy is so butthurt that his argument is getting raped like a white woman in a black neighborhood he's giving up and trying for jon stewart level snarkiness.

hilariously, he can't even make that level.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

I read comments from that President-Mom-Jeans and I think, well why should I be afraid to call someone a "fuckin retard," or argue without actually knowing anything? Mom-Jeans is successful at it! Look at all the influence he has here! And probably more over his wife and kids as well!

You guys are barkin' up the wrong tree with this education and critical thinking crap.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Okay genius, why don't you lay out for everyone exactly what crime the man who responded to the craigslist ad committed.

Let's hear it.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

You gonna cry Phx?

Not at all. I really admire your intelligence.

X বলেছেন...

I'm starting to agree with whores.

when you have people calling for the man's head in a rape hoax after it's known as a hoax, civilization is done.

I am going to start working on enhancing my enjoyment of the decline.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Inga the lying, murdering Obama whore:

My comments regarding Gosnell were that he should "burn in hell", when Althouse blogged about him a few weeks ago.
---Provide a link, bitch.

Wait, you won't. Because you are lying.

test বলেছেন...

phx said...
As I indicated, I tend to agree with TMink at 2:42 that the word I should have been using was not "judgmental" but "moralistic."

The fact remains you defended the leftist and insulted the other when the facts clearly show that however creepy the guy is her actions are more reprehensible. This is a long and unbroken pattern revealing the only priorities you have: attack the right and defend the left.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Okay genius, why don't you lay out for everyone exactly what crime the man who responded to the craigslist ad committed.

Okay genius, I never made that argument.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

the facts clearly show that however creepy the guy is her actions are more reprehensible.

Oh you think so? Okay.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


You guys are barkin' up the wrong tree with this education and critical thinking crap.
---lmao. Oh yes, your two faced lies, your logical fallacies, and your blmaing whitey at all costs are truly "critical thinking." (/sarcasm).

Fact: this lying, man-hating, rape-hoax-making feminazi bitch deserves to be in jail the rest of her life.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

X বলেছেন...

Inga you've been lying about what you originally said about Benghazi and Nakoula. you're probably lying again, but it's OK because you probably aren't aware you are lying since you don't have agency.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Okay twat, I can take the time to repost what you wrote all of 5 minutes ago.

I say:
"Criminally liable? Are you out of your fucking gourd? Consensual rough sex is not "abuse". The ignorance of the average layman about what constitutes a crime in this country is shocking. I blame the poorly run union schools and replacement of civics with grievance studies."

To which Twat replies: It's a clinic on intelligence and argumentation I tell you. This guy knows his stuff.

What "stuff" do I have wrong there?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

May he burn in hell

"That is disgusting. May he burn in hell.

I'm pro choice, but there are limits. With the accuracy of early pregnancy testing, a woman should be able to decide the fate of her baby long before the end of 18 or so weeks. Abortions after that should be illegal ( IMO) except for well documented cases in which the mother's life would be in danger if she were to carry to term."

3/19/13, 9:45 PM


নামহীন বলেছেন...

@phx, the leftist drone:

Oh you think so? Okay.

---lol. Note the leftist: now legal consensual sexual behavior between adults is worse than making false criminal charges.

And you guys still want to treat the left with civility?

Enjoy the decline, asshats!

test বলেছেন...

phx said...
the facts clearly show that however creepy the guy is her actions are more reprehensible.

Oh you think so? Okay.

Yeah, I think so. Everything he could possibly be accused of she was also guilty of. On the other hand she falsely reported a rape she knew would result in a campus if not national witchhunt.

But it's revealing you can't tell which is worse. That lefty protection instinct has you off kilter.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Okay, twat. This is what you asked me:

"Okay genius, why don't you lay out for everyone exactly what crime the man who responded to the craigslist ad committed."

Now when I point out I didn't say anything like that, you want to go back to something else.

Where the FUCK did you get your education exactly?

You know what? Never mind. Just keep calling me names. It's something you do do well after all.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Phx, these people are sociopaths.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hooray! Inga the lying, murderous OBama whore told the truth for once in her lying life.

Of course, it was Ingas voice and actions that put Gosnell in his position to kill children, which, of course, Inga advocates overall---just a wee bit earlier.

Now let's see her tell the truth about Benghazi/Nakoula.

bet she can't do it twice.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Inga the lying, murderous Obama whore:

Phx, these people are sociopaths.
--Note the leftist dogma: anyone who tries to argue for truth and consistency is a sociopath. Anyone who argues for leftism, no matter how many times they lie, is not a sociopath.

Enjoy the decline, baby killers!

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

I will call you some more names, you malignant cunt.

Let's play a logic game, I will try and slow it down so that retards like you can understand.

1. I claim that the man who responded to the craigslist ad, committed no crime, correcting another retard commenter Matt.

2. You, cutting and pasting my comment, then state sarcastically "he really knows his stuff".

You with me so far, you fucking idiot?

3. I call you out, knowing full well that absolutely no crime was committed by the man, unlike the loopy bitch who lied about being raped.

4. As usual, you evade and dissemble.

Simple enough for you?

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Where the FUCK did you get your education exactly?
--Also note the leftist belief that sheepskin trumps logic, aka the appeal to authority: No matter how right you are, if you don't have the right credentialed degree, you are wrong.

lol. Leftist logic, everyone!

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Somebody must have given me a get out of jail free card today because I posted my agreement in the main with Inga and phx, but I've missed out on the hate fest.

How did the comments from Dr. Helen's place get moved over here?

victoria বলেছেন...

I think she should not only go to jail but she should pay for all the time that the police and others spent investigating her bogus claim.

Vicki from Pasadena

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Now when I point out I didn't say anything like that, you want to go back to something else. -- phx

Prevaricator. Chickenshit. Can't own up to the implications of his own words.

Dreadful -- We remember what that bit of sarcasm was in respnse to.

We also remember your oh-so-witty Facebook crack asserting that some of us want to praise the Craigslist S&M Dude.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

freeman hunt, while I disagree with most of it, I respect your conservatism/libertarianism very much. You always express yourself well, with humor, moderation and you don't get into the gutter with folks like me - who sometimes do.

You're only one of a number of people who conduct themselves well when they are arguing here. I appreciate you guys that avoid the hate fest.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I see the GOP Outreach is in full bloom today. What female wouldn't want to vote for the GOP after reading these comments? Nice work fellas!

sakredkow বলেছেন...

We also remember your oh-so-witty Facebook crack asserting that some of us want to praise the Craigslist S&M Dude.

Don't forget. I'm sure you'll get a chance to stick it to me one day when I'm on my back. Pay me good for all my sarcastic remarks!

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Can't own up to the implications of his own words.

Your problem is you can't follow a chain of an argument. You keep putting in links that aren't there because you can't understand something that's not in the binary evil liberal / good conservative world you've built for yourself.

Don't blame me because your mom smoked and drank while you were in utero.

Matt বলেছেন...


I wrote 'possibly criminally liable.' Note the word 'possibly'?

It all depends on the way we define 'abuse'. S&M can be all well and good but generally speaking, it is illegal in the US to harm or injure another person, or deliberately put them at risk of harm, even if they have consented to it. You may disagree with that but it is the law.

I'm curious; have you abused a woman while having sex with them? Is that your idea of a good time?

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

It's really quite simple, Pres. The Left must in all cases redirect attention from their own misdeeds. You do this by blaming someone or something else, misdirecting, shaming the right for calling-out the left, erecting and then bravely slaying straw men, and finally lying about all the stinking schools of red herrings they left lying about.

We've seen every bit of this from 2 or 3 posters right here this afternoon.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Don't blame me because your mom smoked and drank while you were in utero.

Don't judge me, bro.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Ah, Bitchtits the Uneducated comes to chime in.

Yes, I'm sure the GOP is so sad that they are losing out on that oh so important falsely-reports-rape-at-LBGT-conference demographic.

But you are late to the party, you missed your butt buddy Phx's requests for academic credentials. Since I am in a helpful mood, I will respost it for you.

"Where the FUCK did you get your education exactly?"

Tell him fatty. Don't be modest.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@garbage pail:

Garbage pail the liar is back! Here to explain to all of us how being a comunist in no way means you accept a basic tenant of communism that governments must be overthrown!

And now to lie like Inga the lying, murderous Obama whore and Everyone's Bitch-phx to say that legal consensual sex acts by a man to a woman ARE WORSE than false criminal charges of rape, and that evil whiteys should be jailed.

Enjoy the decline, morons!

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Don't judge me, bro.

I won't moralize about it.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Matt, when did you become a dumb cunt?

Matt বলেছেন...


Great debating skills you have....

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Matt the Moron:

lol. Look at this leftist liar. A typical leftist liar, I want to point out:

It all depends on the way we define 'abuse'.
---Or "is." lmao.

S&M can be all well and good but generally speaking, it is illegal in the US to harm or injure another person, or deliberately put them at risk of harm, even if they have consented to it. You may disagree with that but it is the law.

A flat out lie.:


State laws vary on what is considered assault/abuse, but the act of paying for it or consenting to it largely negates any assault or abuse charge. Whilst certain activities are blocked, consent=legal.

You lose, liar.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Matt, when did you become a dumb cunt?

What can you do with someone who talks to you that way and doesn't see anything wrong with it?

Can you do anything more decent than just ignore them?

Just a note to myself.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Everyone's Bitch-phx:

What can you do with someone who talks to you that way and doesn't see anything wrong with it?

---rofl. Note the leftist double standard: they can say whatever they want about you, but should you do the same, it's burn the witch!

Again, why, exactly, do you righties think that treating such trash civilly and obeying the rules will work, when they don't?

Can you do anything more decent than just ignore them?
---No one may question the leftist line, or point out leftist hypocrisy! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

Just a note to myself.
---You have thus far proved incapable of reading comprehension.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...


Just your mother, but I assure you that she was begging for it.

Putting possibly in front of your retarded assertion makes it no less non-sensical.

I could launch into a historical analysis of the english common law roots of modern American jurisprudence in regards to battery, but that takes more effort than your stupid ass is worth.

Read a book, you fucking jabroni.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

It all depends on the way we define 'abuse'. - Matt

Brilliant! Really, Mr. President, I mean bravo!

Its easy to define abuse, if you are a feminist. Abuse = whatever a man does to a woman that the woman (or any Leftist speaking on behalf of a woman who has been told to shut up by her lawyer) decides at some point she doesn't like.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Seriously. It's like arguing with children.

Pretty soon you sound like one of those parents, "You do that one more time and you're going to be sorry! Do you hear me, mister?"

It's like being on a treadmill to nowhere! And they like it!

test বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...
Somebody must have given me a get out of jail free card today because I posted my agreement in the main with Inga and phx, but I've missed out on the hate fest.

Maybe it's comments like this:

Inga said...
Oooooooo, poor poor poor MEN. So downtrodden....I'm so sick of hearing whiny pussy men moan and groan and cry over how they are so damn downtrodden. It's positively unmanly.

Apparently men as a group don't deserve fairness. Because some men are rich and successful the remainder forfeit consideration as part of society. I don't think anyone would believe you a supporter of such idiocy.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Because Marshal, no woman or gay person must EVER push back against Shouting Thomas's lunacy. How dare we.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

That is a little whiny Marshal.

Matt বলেছেন...


You missed the part that said: BDSM activities including flagellation (spanking) specifically without paying for such action (i.e., prostitution) between consenting adults are specifically addressed as illegal in certain individual states.

The fact that one can't be federally prosecuted or prosecuted in [insert state] does not make all consenting sexual abuse legal.

BTW calling people names won't win you any debates. You only embarrass yourself and other conservatives with your unhinged rants. So calm yourself a bit. Whatever it takes.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I could launch into a historical analysis of the english common law roots of modern American jurisprudence in regards to battery,

LOL! Don't ever change dude, don't ever change.

Matt বলেছেন...


LOL, hahahahahaha.
You so crazy....

X বলেছেন...

white knighting a whore = beta.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...


The activity at issue in this news story is punching and kicking, leading to bruising.

This is not criminal activity if done consensually. Much like mixed martial arts matches do not end with the police swooping in to arrest the winner.

Now if the dumb sloot requested that the guy kill her, that would be a different situation and would be a crime, despite her consent.

Your attempts to redefine the word "abuse" are pathetic.

Since words have no meaning anymore, don't be upset when I call you a retard, I'm just redefining retard to mean "person whose mother I have had rough sex with."

Wait, that doesn't seem to help.

And Bitchtits Mahal, perhaps we can redefine "divorced" to mean "never went to college."

Damn, that does not help either.

Turns out words and their meaning are important, and cannot be changed at the whims of idiot leftist idealogues.

test বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Because Marshal, no woman or gay person must EVER push back against Shouting Thomas's lunacy. How dare we.

Do you not realize you're the lunatic?

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

LOL, hahahahahaha.
You so crazy....
- Matt

Great debating skills you have ....

X বলেছেন...

"Afterward, Triplett called 911 and claimed she had been raped on a campus trail. She provided UC Santa Cruz police with a description of her attacker, but police determined the rape report was false 10 days later."

I'm curious about the description.

test বলেছেন...

phx said...
That is a little whiny Marshal.

That's the first thing they teach you in Women's Studies 101: if you can't win the argument on the merits use insults. No one will ever call a woman out for insulting a man.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Remember the nut who set himself on fire and some people wanted to make him a poster boy for men's rights, even though his manifesto was completely insane, and he came off as a psychopath?

This kind of reminds me off that.

Go to the mat for people when it's called for, certainly.

But a guy who is willing to beat up a strange woman for sex? A guy who will answer an ad like that?

Not going to the mat for that guy.

He's not a rapist; good for him. No one tried to have him locked up, not even the crazy woman who posted the ad. Now he can go forth and answer sick Craigslist ads no more.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Matt the Moron:

Ah, I see the liar has decided to double down on his lies. The Big Lie, after all, was a socialist idea:

First, Matt the Moron claimed that BDSM is illegal everywhere in the U.S.:
S&M can be all well and good but generally speaking, it is illegal in the US to harm or injure another person, or deliberately put them at risk of harm, even if they have consented to it. You may disagree with that but it is the law.

I called it what it was: a flat out lie. Matt the Moron stated that BDSM was illegal everywhere in the U.S.

Now he tries to lie his way out of it:

You missed the part that said: BDSM activities including flagellation (spanking) specifically without paying for such action (i.e., prostitution) between consenting adults are specifically addressed as illegal in certain individual states.
---Exactly, liar. So certain acts in some states is illegal.

Which means they are legal in other states. Which means your assertion that BDSM is illegal in the U.S. everywhere is a LIE.

The fact that one can't be federally prosecuted or prosecuted in [insert state] does not make all consenting sexual abuse legal.
---Um, YES IT DOES. If the state or feds does not have the ability to punish an activity--does not give the power to prosecute or civilly fine/sue---then it IS LEGAL.

You dumbass.

BTW calling people names won't win you any debates.
--I'm just calling a liar a liar. I know it's hard for a lefty fag like you to be called what you are, but do try to understand that those of us who've swallowed the red pill in life aren't playing along with your bullshit anymore.

Fact: Matt the Moron LIED when he tried to claim that BDSM is illegal in the entire U.S.

Fact: BDSM is specifically legal in many states, proving Matt the Moron to be a liar.

Fact: When a state cannot punish an activity, it is legal.

Fact: Something is legal until the state passes a law/interprets a law to say that it is NOT.

Fact: Matt the Moron lives up to his name.

Now adjourn your ass, boy.

Matt বলেছেন...


I appreciate the half-hearted attempt to actually debate. I guess you've been trying to offend me but that doesn't work because - yeah - they are only words.

I'm not trying to redefine BDSM laws. I think it is pretty clear if you read what I have written that such acts CAN be considered abuse. And SOME states consider them illegal.

But forget the legal part of things. What I orignally wrote was partly an opinion I have about the kind of man who answers such an ad as this woman wrote. They have to be a little off. That's all I meant.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

That's the first thing they teach you in Women's Studies 101: if you can't win the argument on the merits use insults. No one will ever call a woman out for insulting a man.

I ignore it when a woman does the shaming bit. When a man does it, I throw up a little. It's my empathetic nature.

X বলেছেন...

Freeman, we don't know who she tried to have locked up. the reports lack detail.

X বলেছেন...

for all we know she accused a black man, which would make Inga and phx racist.

test বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...
Remember the nut who set himself on fire and some people wanted to make him a poster boy for men's rights, even though his manifesto was completely insane, and he came off as a psychopath?

This kind of reminds me of that.

You're letting the propagandists draw your focus off the subject. The entire event was driven by the woman. The guy was a extra - he doesn't even have a speaking part.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Matt the Moron:

Please find me the states that today, in 2013, are actively prosecuting consenting adults for BDSM activity done not for pay, but simply for pleasure.

Go ahead, liar, "prove" how every or almost every state is doing it.

I dare you...And remember, liar: it has to be a consensual activity in the bed room . In ever state.

(grabs popcorn)

Go, shithead, go!

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

X, she didn't try to have anyone locked up that we know of. We do know she didn't let them collect DNA evidence and gave a false description.

If it turns out she was directing them to a specific person who wasn't involved, then yes, everything changes because the motive changes, and you should throw the book at her.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Not going to the mat for that guy.

You haven't been following this thread, obviously, Freeman.

No one here is. Certain commenters have made him out to be a bad guy and also criminal or potentially criminal.

I find it annoying that you are jumping on the "you're defending a creeper."

We are saying that the creep is not a criminal and he is not derserving of punishment. Further, he is potentially a victim here if his name gets out and he get's socially and/or financially ruined for behavior that is legal, if creepy, and engaged in by millions.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Not going to the mat for that guy.

You haven't been following this thread, obviously, Freeman.

No one here is. Certain commenters have made him out to be a bad guy and also criminal or potentially criminal.

I find it annoying that you are jumping on the "you're defending a creeper."

We are saying that the creep is not a criminal and he is not derserving of punishment. Further, he is potentially a victim here if his name gets out and he get's socially and/or financially ruined for behavior that is legal, if creepy, and engaged in by millions.

X বলেছেন...

Freeman, she gave a description of a rapist. that's trying to have someone locked up.

X বলেছেন...

and I don't give bonus points for trying to have a non specific innocent person locked up. if anything, it's even more depraved.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Matt the Moron:

---lmao, boy. You're peeing all over yourself, liar.

Now, completely caught, you're attempting to triple-down on your lie and claim that when you said that BDSM was illegal in all or most states, you didn't actually say it:

I'm not trying to redefine BDSM laws.
--No, you tried to lie about them.

I think it is pretty clear if you read what I have written that such acts CAN be considered abuse. And SOME states consider them illegal.
---A complete lie. Matt the Moron claimed that BDSM was illegal in all or most of the U.S. period. That it was illegal under the law.

Then he tried to claim that merely because states did not have the power to prosecute/punish BDSM DID NOT make them legal. A leftist twofer: now only acts OFFICIALLY sanctioned by Mein Obama are legal. Anything without a law against it IS STILL ILLEGAL because Obama said so.

Piece of lying shit.

But forget the legal part of things.
--No, that was your entire point, liar. Now that you've lost it, give up.

What I orignally wrote was partly an opinion I have about the kind of man who answers such an ad as this woman wrote.
---Men are so much more horny than women on average, they will experiment with sex FAR BEYOND what women will. Since this and promised sexual release, we do not know if he was a first time just trying to get laid or else something else.

They have to be a little off. That's all I meant.
---lmao. You really don't understand how much women prefer to be dominated, do you, fag? I'll bet you don't get why 50 Shades of Grey is a hit either.

Go to heartiste/wordpress.com and read every single post there for a year. Get educated about men and women, son.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"X, she didn't try to have anyone locked up that we know of. We do know she didn't let them collect DNA evidence and gave a false description.

If it turns out she was directing them to a specific person who wasn't involved, then yes, everything changes because the motive changes, and you should throw the book at her."

4/2/13, 6:09 PM

YES, this is exactly what they are trying to ignore, why is that?

Matt বলেছেন...


LOL you're hilarious, dude.

I got my info from the same link you did. That link says it is illegal in certain individual states.

Are you now saying that the link you provided as proof of your claims is not really a legit link because I parsed a different [and correct] meaning from it? LOL.

The ball is in your park now dude. You tell me what states. You provided the link.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Freeman cunt:

So, it's simple with you: you mgiht claim to be a righty, but any "icky" men make you run right towards forgiving everything women do.

The guy in NH did not rant---he told, in his last words, exactly how unfair your crappy feminazi child-support system is.

And this "womyn" is a criminal and should be locked up the rest of her life. She tried to have an innocent man locked up for committing no crime (and fuck you, Matt the Moron if you try to lie again and claim this was a crime).

In conclusion, fuck you,Freeman Cunt, you forgive-women-everything-attack-men-for-being-men bitch.

Basta! বলেছেন...

Regarding the illegality and "creepiness" and public shaming of those who engage in BDSM --- well, why don't we look to our Betters, hmm?

Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Yale, Columbia, and U. of Chicago all have student BDSM clubs. Harvard's got official recognition from the administration late last November. It now gets money from the pool of student fees, just like the Chess club!

The Harvard club is called Munch, a word used in BDSM circles to describe a BDSM "discussion group", which is all that this one purports to be. However, letters in the Harvard Crimson are calling that description out, claiming the club also hosts BDSM parties, sub rosa. In any event, it's clearly also a locale for hook-ups.

I don't understand how some of you can go on about a consensual sex act. It's none of your fucking business what that pair got up to. In addition, the woman SOLICITED him. And if you think S/M is "creepy", well, compare that to (some of) your lack of tolerance for people who think anal sex is "creepy".

X বলেছেন...

Inga you know perfectly well if it turns out that the description was of a black guy you'll want her head on a pike, specific or not.

and why is falsely accusing non specific strangers that you describe to police better than falsely accusing a specific person?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

If it turns out she was directing them to a specific person who wasn't involved, then yes, everything changes because the motive changes, and you should throw the book at her."

4/2/13, 6:09 PM

YES, this is exactly what they are trying to ignore, why is that?

You thickheaded stupid old woman. Just because the 20 year old nutcase doesn't direct them to a specific person doesn't mean the police just drop the investigation. Saying "I was raped by someone but I don't know who it is" doesn't stop a tremendous amount of police resources from being wasted, doesn't stop potentially innocent men from being arrested or indicted, and certainly is no less of a fucking crime of filing a false report.

Your excusal and downplaying of her behavior is disgusting and evil.

To quote a stupid bint, "Why is that?"

fivewheels বলেছেন...

Oh, Freeman, you should have just counted your blessings (on being left out of all that).

I still say the perp is not "insane" or "sick," but "bad."

X বলেছেন...

Inga, you know who else accused non specific persons of crimes?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Oh brother. Did she not realize that if she's posting it on craigslist that the guy answering her ad will probably have a record of the transaction?

Matt বলেছেন...



1) Care to explain why you hate women so much? Did one leave you?

2) If people whom you hate so much are idiots and liars and wrong about everything then why waste your time debating them? What might that say about you?

Curious. Because you are a piece of work my friend.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas, in response to Inga wrote:
Obviously there is mental pathology, she needs a shrink, meds and therapy.

"Would this be your response for a male arrested for rape?"

Like for example the guy she tried to get arrested for her rape?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ah Freeman, what can I say? it's a strange strange world at Althouse lately.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Freeman is the designated white knight of the thread, it seems.

Basta! বলেছেন...

I was wondering about the mindset of a person who would lie like that, and it reminded me of Munchausen syndrome, which seems to be a form of extreme narcissism. That's NOT insanity, it's neurosis, and in no way excuses one from criminal penalties. It's being a class-A drama queen, the star of her own show, the object of everyone's sympathy, and it was done deliberately.

The fact that she first tried to solicit someone to shoot her through the shoulder suggests she was initially hoping for a countrywide audience, top of the fold headlines, mass vigils with candles, demands for interviews, and incessant hype on MSM about the need for yet another "national discussion" --- just imagine, an innocent girl, raped, brutally beaten, and SHOT in a gun-free zone!

We're lucky her initial plan fell through, and that her back-up play was seen through.

Shanna বলেছেন...

How did the comments from Dr. Helen's place get moved over here?

@ Freeman: They showed up years ago, they're just getting more vocal.

Laura বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
jr565 বলেছেন...

Inga wrote:
It appears more likely she wanted attention in a big sick weird way.

So do the kids who shoot up schools, like Dylan Klebold.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga said...Kathleen Hanna ROCKS! She read my mind.

She does, however, apparently lack thigh gap. But otherwise she is a looker.

William বলেছেন...

The woman involved is obviously a masochist. By heaping further abuse on her, you are playing into her sad, sick game. This is probably the pay off she was looking for--jail time with some bull dykes who know how to handle her. You're all enablers except for Inga whose tolerance is a subtle form of cuelty......Nelson Algren recommended never going to bed with a woman who has more troubles than yourself. In my case that's always been an impossibly high bar, but even I would know enough to stay away from a girl who advertises on Craig's List for such a partner. Unless, of course, she was really cute.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

Headline Translation:

"Pretty little girls are never culpable. Feel sorry for her. Isn't she pretty? She is scared too. We should always feel sorry for scared little girls, regardless of them being guilty as charged. Because we know there's enough idiots out there that fall for this line of crap I am dealing here, so we have to use it."

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Fivewheels, heh. I thought "Freeman Cunt" was a nice touch. I've always expected that one, but I don't know that I've ever gotten it until now.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Morgan Triplett, 20, was charged with falsifying a police report after she told campus police at the University of California-Santa Cruz that she was on the grounds of the school looking for banana slugs in the forest when a stranger attacked and sexually assaulted her.
Now she is being criminally charged for lying about the circumstances of her attack, after police spent nearly two weeks investigating only to find out that she arranged for a man to beat her in exchange for sex.

I think the charge is justified, despite the fact that she didn't falsely accuse anyone. I still don't see why that is unreasonable.

*Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2302410/Morgan-Triplett-posted-Craigslist-ads-asking-men-shoot-beat-exchange-sex.html#ixzz2PM4qTMCv
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Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I don't think it's unreasonable. I just think she should be at an in patient psychiatric facility. She sounds like a suicidal, self-destructive person.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I don't think it's unreasonable. I just think she should be at an in patient psychiatric facility. She sounds like a suicidal, self-destructive person.

Well, doesn't she have to be formally charged with something in order for her to get that help? Otherwise -- being 20 and all -- she may just refuse and seek out another stunt. Of course she has six more years of her parent's healthcare.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And I never said it was unreasonable either, in fact I said she should face charges for any laws she may have broken, upthread, as well as psychiatric help.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"She IS a victim of insanity and yes she needs in patient treatment and whatever punishment will come her way legally, depending on what laws she has broken."

4/2/13, 4:01 PM

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Freeman: Up thread we disagreed about the similarity of this woman and the Kyle Woods case. Woods' motive was sinister but we don't know Triplett's motive. They did a similar thing though--beat themselves up or paid others to do so and lied to the police. They are both charged with the "same" crime. Absent her motive, it's hard (for me) to elevate her above him.

BTW, I'm sorry to see whore's verbal abuse of you.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

My goodness. What a smoking crater of a comment thread.

She is obviously a horribly fucked-up person. Aside from the psychiatric care she so obviously needs, I don't think the police appreciate being used as tools in peoples' personal psychodramas this way. I suspect they will want their pound of flesh in all this, and I think that is appropriate.

The (currently) anonymous he in all of this is also a horribly fucked-up person. While reprehensible, he's done nothing legally wrong, as far as I can tell, but he may yet get sucked down by the wreckage, which I think is inappropriate.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Ah Freeman, what can I say? it's a strange strange world at Althouse lately.

wow people.
some serious sexual frustrations going on in this thread.

it is going to be a long spring if some of these fellas do not soon discover free online porn. interactive even.

wonder if the sex/beating theme set them off... wow.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I think there are a lot of layers of hate, angst and issues here.

1. No one can disagree that this disagreeable bitch, (the one in the article, to be clear) is mentally ill. That does not make her a victim and it does NOT excuse her behaviour from criminal prosecution.

2. The guys who answered an ad to beat her up for sex are also not quite right. However, there is nothing illegal in a consenting relationship that while may seem weird or icky to most of us....it is still legal and he was betrayed by the bitch in #1.

3. I think that the guys here are furious because, her false claim of rape, would be believed because the 'meme' is that men are bad, commit rape and the poor ittle girl was a victim. Which is what SHE wanted to portray. Suddenly, MEN are the enemy. When did this happen? If a black guy is suspected of a crime, no one goes on a witch hunt for ALL blacks. But. if it is a rape by a white guy...Katie bar the door.

4. Whenever an incident like this get started whether real or FAKE, it always starts a media feeding frenzy and the faux outrage from people/feminists who have an ax to grind against men, pile on and the search for the horrible perpetrator goes wild. Inevitably some poor guy will get caught up in the feeding frenzy until either his life is ruined forever or it is proved to be false, at which point he gets nothing.....not even an apology. Just look at those guys from the Duke Lacrosse Team.

THEN...after some guy or guys have been ruined, the real criminal....the woman who cried wolf generally gets nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

To have people making excuses for this woman is egregious. Not only did she almost cause a feeding frenzy, ruin peoples lives, she also wasted tax payer money and make it even harder for women who are REALLY raped to get a serious hearing. AND she doesn't even really seem to be sorry.

Making HER a victim is insane.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

'But. if it is a rape by a white guy...Katie bar the door.'

lol. = no going out for skittles and tea tonight, white guys.

sorry, well said points, but just cracking up here at your funny phrasing...

Nomennovum বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse is a trouble maker. That much is clear.

Since the main bone of contention is the behavior of the Creepy Craigslist S&M Dude, let's define the parameters of acceptable sexual behaviors. OK?

Yes or no (assuming both parties consent and assuming all the following is done by the male):

Lip biting?
Light spanking?
Hair pulling?
Light choking?
Hot wax?
Verbal humilation?
Public exhibitionism?
"Forced" penetration?
Heavy spanking?
Heavy choking?
Spanking or slapping that leaves bruises?

Where do you ostensible liberals draw the line in consensual sexual behavior?

You know what I think? I think you're all full of shit. You have zero problem with any of the above. Because I believe most liberal women relish the thought of being ravished (by the right male, of course). You all entertain(ed) these fantasies. You all fanatasized about this. You've all read or have been tempted to read 50 Shades of Grey. or The Story of O. If you haven't, congratulations. You're either a nun or you're way past your sexual prime.

I remember having a "one day" affair with a lesbian who confessed to me her sexual fantasy of being raped my a man. I was an eye-opening experience.

I think you are all lying to yourselves.

Also, you would have zero issue with this if the sex roles were reversed or if gays were involved.

Your issues with this are plain to see.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

sorry, well said points, but just cracking up here at your funny phrasing...

Colloquialisms are fun. Plus it is my age. :-)

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

Where do you ostensible liberals draw the line in consensual sexual behavior?

again I repeat... google your preferred terms and come upon a cache of online porn to meet your needs. free.

no need to get off your computer even.

come back when you're done. we can tell you have springtime ... needs.

fivewheels বলেছেন...

I don't like to argue with DBQ, but I will quibble.

1) I might disagree that Ms. Triplett is mentally ill. I haven't seen the evidence of it. Get me a doctor to diagnose it, announce which disorder in the DSM she has that manifests itself in rape hoax schemes, and I'm open to changing my mind. What she exhibits is not insanity but calculation. Seriously.

2) These women generally don't even get the slap on the wrist, and most MSM outlets won't even name them. A mandatory sentence of a slap on the wrist would be a step forward.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

Colloquialisms are fun. Plus it is my age. :-)


Agreed. especially when sprinkled lightly like that in a smart comment.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...


1) In my youngest, horniest, most needful days, I would not have considered answering a classified ad to beat up a woman and have sex with her.

2) I didn't know anybody else who did, either -- at least, not that they would admit (and that is telling, right there). Such behavior would have been considered vile and pathetic.

3) If my son did something like that, I would be strongly tempted to give him a smack upside the head.

Marie বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Nomennovum বলেছেন...


That is true for most men. But I was asking the women. In my experience, women are intrigued by rough sex. Even the feminists and lesbians. Maybe especially them.

Nomennovum বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Nomennovum বলেছেন...

google your preferred terms and come upon a cache of online porn to meet your needs. free - Mary

Yeah, Mary. I heard you the first time. No need to repeat. However, I am talking about your fantasies, not mine.

Methadras বলেছেন...

If any of you have children that are going to UCSB pull them out now. That place is one giant dysfunctional fuck up between the faculty, students, and the rampant alcohol, drug, surf culture there. It's awful. This girl is one of hundreds waiting to pop.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

If any of you have children that are going to UCSB pull them out now.


You Can Study Bombed.


Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

In my experience, women are intrigued by rough sex. Even the feminists and lesbians. Maybe especially them.

or maybe... not.

big difference between real life solicitation/participation/fantasy play and reading/viewing vanilla soft porn.

you understand that much. why your women are lapping up 50 shades despite your real life virility. right.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

You Can Study Bombed.

aren't those the banana slugs -- their mascot.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

UCSB = Santa Barbara

Santa Cruz, yes....the banana slugs. My daughter had an opportunity to go to Santa Cruz but after touring the campus she said that they were a bunch of retread hippies and didn't think anyone was serious about getting an education there. Thank GOD!

Nomennovum বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Nomennovum বলেছেন...


You seem to have a weird porn fixation and your syntax is garbled. However, I don't do online psychoanalysis (or offline, for that matter) and I may be misreading you. So I won't go further.

JAL বলেছেন...

Did she offer to pay the guy to beat her up and have sex with her?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Damn. I should've made popcorn at about 4:45 CST.

Alex বলেছেন...

Lesson to young, strapping men about to enter their early primes - do not hook up with crazy women.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

Last night we watched that episode of Mad Men where Pete falls hard for the disturbed chick married to the life insurance salesman.

Just thought I'd mention that.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Sure, the guy is a crep but then I won't even crack the spine on 50 Shades of Grey. But, if this guy wants to hit a woman, I'd just as soon he find a willing partner.

She's the big creep. She painted the young males of Santa Cruz as suspects for something they didn't do. Who cares if she didn't give the innocent guy's name? She said she was raped, she said where she was raped, and she blamed whomever matched the description.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Anyone who abuses someone - even if they are told to - is a little off and possibly criminally liable.

Man, the people on alt.com are in a lot of trouble.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Especially considering pointing a finger directly at the guy who did it would have cut her little game short.

The minute they identified the true guy, they'd know she set it up. She only gets to be a victim if she sends the police on a wild goose chase.

So, she was being manipulative about that, not good-hearted.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Who said she was being good hearted?

MayBee বলেছেন...

You didn't use the term good hearted, Inga, but you and Freeman thought there was something positive to say about her for that.
I'm sayin it's the opposite. She didn't name someone in particular to preserve her hoax.

Did you not indicate there was something positive a out her not giving the DNA?

sakredkow বলেছেন...

You didn't use the term good hearted, Inga, but you and Freeman thought there was something positive to say about her for that.

So if you correct someone who is falsely implying that a third party did something worse than they actually did, that means you think something positive about that third party??

This thread has just been unreal. Republicans apparently can't talk about women, sex or violence without crashing and burning.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Female, therefore a victim (of something...).

MayBee বলেছেন...

So if you correct someone who is falsely implying that a third party did something worse than they actually did, that means you think something positive about that third party??

I don't think that's an accurate take on the situation.

As far as I can tell, Inga and Freeman think it is a positive that she didn't allow DNA to be collected. That it says something about her intent, making it less bad than had she allowed DNA to be collected.
I disagree with that, for the reason I've stated.

I don't see that Freeman and Inga corrected anybody, just that they had a different view of her intent. Perhaps you agree with them.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

All right, MayBee, fair enough. Let's not you and I get going at each other in this godforsaken thread. Let's just go with I misunderstood you and spoke too soon.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Fair enough. Now let's get out of here while we still can!

X বলেছেন...

Brian Banks gets to start his NFL career at age 27 with the Atlanta Falcons.

He did 5 years in prison for a false rape allegation. His accuser went unpunished. We wouldn't want to create a chilling effect where women were afraid to make false rape accusations.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

: D

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Maybee, I did not say she was good hearted or positive, for trying to hide the guys identity, OF COURSE it was to continue her hoax and by then I'm sure she knew she would be in trouble.

I believe Freeman and I are saying she's SICK what is so difficult about this?

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