But students don't feel that they've had the full UW experience unless they protest something or another. And if they protest the faculty they might get flunked, and if they protest the administration they might get expelled. So Walker it is.
I look for UW student protests insisting that, yes, they really do want to pay more.
But now I hear liberals defending the UW reserve fund as a good thing. So it's ok for UW to have a huge savings which is contrary to Krugman-nomics which says spend like crazy and be in crazy levels of debt? Which is it libs?
Redistributive economics is premised on the enactment of monopolies or monopolistic behavior, which are enforced through fraud or coercion. It is pursued by minority interests in order to marginalize or eviscerate their competing interests. The lack of competing interests is why those economic systems are uniquely susceptible to corruption.
That said, does power corrupt or do the corrupt seek power?
To which pet project will the reserve funds be funneled?
Because you know that's going to happen. And why shouldn't it be used to, say, widen I-39/90 from the State Line to Beloit? Gotta get those out of state students up here more quickly!
I've yet to hear a Republican Legislator offer an opinion on the appropriate size of the UW's reserve fund. It's too bad Press people don't ask that question.
How very Keynesian. What's next, full employment? Perhaps an unwinding of the massive and pervasive market distortions. He can start with the education sector. Then move on to the health care sector, etc.
All those UW students who ran wild 2 years ago protesting Walker were doing the bidding of their professors. Following orders. Just like they were trained.
Also, they don't pay their own tuition much. Mom and Dad may appreciate Walker's move but these welfare drones could not care less.
""ran wild" Yup, that sounds like something a "neutral" person would say."
I've got it on video. I was there in the rotunda many times when things were utterly bizarre and people were talking crazy talk. I saw students literally running to storm the Capitol. It was wild. I was looking for a headline-short way to refer to those events.
There are some businesses that reward employees who come up with cost saving measures, but paying them a portion of the savings.
I think public schools should adopt this concept.
Example, when the Univ of Minnesota paid $3700 for an orgasm conference, the first student to expose this waste, should have gotten a $500 deduction in tuition.
I have seen several ads in newspapers, even in this ecomony, for companies trying to find welders, machinists, that sort of thing.
Can anyone give me an example of an employer in Wisconsin that has had trouble finding a gender studies major? Why are we funding bullshit majors? Can't we leave that for looneytune leftwing schools like Macalester?
Do you also have it on video when a (nameless) Union threatened you? Does Meade have a list of those sexual assaults he says were reported during the protests?
And no, "bad" isn't how I feel when confronted by the lies & smears put forth by you & yours...'tis more like disgust.
Since when did most college students care how much their parents were spending on their education? It's not their money. As long as the cost of tuition doesn't interfere with how much spending money mom and dad fork over every month, who cares?
At least, that was true for the kids I went to school with. I have, of course, raised responsible boys who will care deeply about such things, and who will cheer wildly if their father and I get a break financially. ;)
"running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme.
But despite the picture trying to be painted by Ann and Meade and the AlthouseCheerleaders, the protests at the Capitol weren't a rape-filled riot that caused millions in damages. The fact that they have to portray the protests as something it wasn't speaks volumes.
"running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme.
It appears that you have it exactly wrong. The Professor chose her words very carefully in order to avoid that connotation. It was you who failed to carefully choose words.
purplepenquin wants to "SQUIRREL! the fact that the UW system is lying to parents and students and the government of the state of Wisconsin.
His need to avoid that fact is paramount, and he is posting so furiously on the off-topic red herring he prefers, that the UW financial scandal must have hit him square in the breadbox.
How does this help the really hard core lefties? They want the government to eat failed and huge student loans based on a theory that no one should have been so irresponsible as to give those to students (let's not notice that the students agreed to the loans).
A responsible tuition rate goes along with higher likelihood students will be held responsible for paying.
Now it will come back and argue they are the same thing.
Nah, Purple's an o.k. guy - he'll admit he's wrong. Of course after accusing the Professor of carefully choosing words to connote something that those words do not connote, he can't help but do so.
With Walker as governor and Republicans in congress I would say running a reserve is pretty damn smart.
See, that's what marks you as a hack, GM. We think it's smart all the time. We don't vary our esteem of prudent acts based on whether or not our side is in power.
Relatedly, I have to ask: granting, purely for purposes of discussion, that your baseless assertion that Republicans "hide things is true - is hiding things good, or bad? Or, alternately, how is UW hiding over half a BILLION in reserves good?
Shame on all the people in every university who've been pumping up costs for students because they know it's easy for students to get loans. Shame on them for encouraging inexperienced young people to burden themselves with heavy debt. Shame on them for funneling money into bloated administrations and extravagant building projects rather than real education.
What's the lie? They have a surplus? With Walker as governor and Republicans in congress I would say running a reserve is pretty damn smart.
As I've said since this first post on this subject, I think having a surplus is a GREAT idea for the UW. What ISN'T a great idea is crying to students, parents, and the legislature that you're broke and in need of the maximum tuition increases allowed by law WHILE you hoard a $.6 billion slush fund. Also, telling professors they're not going to get raises because of Big Bad Gov Walker, when in fact it was simply UW decision-making and prioritizing. You can judge for yourself to what extent those untrue assertions were "lies".
Calypso Facto said... "Also, telling professors they're not going to get raises because of Big Bad Gov Walker, when in fact it was simply UW decision-making and prioritizing. "
""running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme."
You are absolutely wrong.
That was "wilding." Look it up.
And when you have the chance, watch the movie "Some Like It Hot." Marilyn Monroe, playing the ukelele sings a song "Running Wild."
"We're used to the word, 'tighten,' " new Regent Regina Millner of Madison said. "You can tighten by eliminating fat. At some point, you're eliminating muscle and then it's destructive to the organism." ... Regents ultimately decided to raise tuition to avoid "cutting into the muscle" of the state's universities and colleges, and the quality of education they provide. ... "On the one hand, I think about the families of our students. On the other hand, our chancellors have done a spectacular job of maintaining quality while the state continues defunding the university system," Higgins said. ... Per capita personal income in Wisconsin rose a total 5% from 2008-'11, while tuition at UW campuses rose a total 16.5% in the same time frame, he said.
The lies I mentioned were posted by Calypso Facto.
The lie that pissed me off was this one: ""We're used to the word, 'tighten,' " new Regent Regina Millner of Madison said. "You can tighten by eliminating fat. At some point, you're eliminating muscle and then it's destructive to the organism.""
Substantially all of the unrestricted net assets have been designated by the Board of Regents for purposes to fulfill the University of Wisconsin System's fiduciary responsibility, including academic and research programs and capital projects." LFB and LAB staff requested that UW System identify the purposes for which these funds have been designated by appropriation. Of the $648.2 million balance as of June 30, 2012 [in categories other than auxiliary revenues, Federal Aids and gifts]... the UW System Administration has identified expenditure purposes that would utilize $441.2 million of the balance.
The UW Foundation has the $2bn endowment, and that is a private, not-for-profit organization that brings in money from alumni individuals, corporations, etc., and then disburses it to the University and to students.
It is not quite correct to say that the UW has that money.
Then there is WARF -- the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation -- that makes money off of UW-funded patents, and also funnels money back into research (mostly). Much or WARF's endowment comes from warfarin. (I'm not sure what their endowment is and am too lazy to search).
""running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989."
That's ridiculous. "Running wild" is a phrase I have used since my childhood in the 1960s; it's a phrase my mother used. It doesn't refer to a specific event.
I have no doubt a state university system can and will spend every red cent available.
It's what they do.
What I want to know is why they couldn't afford to have kept the tuition the same, instead of raising it every year, even during a recession, even knowing that students are borrowing way above their ability to pay back loans.
"Running wild, lost control. Running wild, mighty bold. Feeling gay, reckless too, carefree mind all the time, never blue. Always going, don't know where, always showing..I don't care! Don't love nobody, it's not worthwhile. All alone, running wild!"
Really? You were expecting people who read the phrase (at least, those who are caught up on language and culture, of course) to be reminded of a happy lil' ditty about carefree folks who are bold, happy, and reckless? That was the picture you were trying to paint with your headline, rather than a riotous crowd that was out of control?
All due respect, but I ain't buying that.
And Meade, calling it a "parody" doesn't give you free license to spread ugly rumors.
UNM just raised tuition for students taking fewer than 15 credit hours. It works out so that 12 credit hours and 15 credit hours cost almost the same amount.
What they're saying is that this is to encourage students to get their ducks in a row and finish and graduate, but depending on your major and the classes even 12 credit hours can be a lot.
Add that to the need for students (the ones with any brains) to have a job so that they can get a job when they graduate (my son quitting his piddling pizza job would be the dumbest thing he could do) and the students who have other obligations at the same time as school and it seems like nothing more than a way to get people taking "full time" 12 credits to fork out more money.
I should have kept the email from the University because it said right out... if this will cause a financial hardship remember that you can get student loans.
What do they care really? They aren't charging YOU extra for your classes, because you can get a student loan.
Really? You were expecting people who read the phrase (at least, those who are caught up on language and culture, of course) to be reminded of a happy lil' ditty about carefree folks who are bold, happy, and reckless?
Yes, let us argue semantics!
Running wild connotes trampling over property with a level of disregard, not raping and pillaging.
For the sixth year in a row, tuition at the University of Wisconsin’s four-year campuses will go up by the state’s legal maximum of 5.5 percent. The UW Board of Regents voted 17-1 in Milwaukee Thursday to approve the tuition hike, which System President Kevin Reilly said was necessary to partially make up for cuts in state aid.
Only "partially" make up for the cuts according to the sob story, yet somehow allow for the set aside of $600 million.
Six consecutive years of 5.5% increases. Almost triple the rate of inflation. Sad.
That was the picture you were trying to paint with your headline, rather than a riotous crowd that was out of control?
Purple, you made a very specific accusation that was completely wrong. Your attempt to now claim that you don't believe the Professor meant something else makes you look bad, not her.
Reilly said resources are needed to attract and retain high quality faculty and staff members ... Faculty salaries at UW campuses have fallen more than 18% below the national average, Reilly told the UW System Board of Regents.
Reilly furthered his plea for more money to the legislature by pointing out that The state ended the 2011-'12 fiscal year with a positive fund balance of $342 million, and the balance for 2012-'13 is projected to be $348 million
Because there is a budget fund balance of $342 million dollars for the ENTIRE STATE BUDGET, Reilly lobbied for more money to the UW system while UW carried a fund balance almost twice as large. "For the teachers. For the children."
"To all those UW students who were singing and playing the ukele like Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot 2 years ago protesting Scott Walker..."
That's exactly what they were doing. Who knew? Sure was entertaining though. Now we just need to get Walker on board the bus with his distinctive baritone voice...wait, wrong Scott Walker.
'tis so astonishing, you wrote an entire post about it!
thanks :)
Purple, you made a very specific accusation that was completely wrong
My "specific" accusation was/is that she ain't anywhere near neutral when to comes to the protests. And naw, I ain't completely wrong about that at all.
Tho, with all that said, my original post was rude and trollish, and should never have been submitted. I've been trying to do a better job of behaving and am sorry about the slip-up.
My "specific" accusation was/is that she ain't anywhere near neutral when to comes to the protests.
Well, this is a blog, and she brings her viewpoint.
But your accusation was indeed about the use of the term "running wild," about which you were wrong.
"running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme
I've been trying to do a better job of behaving and am sorry about the slip-up.
My "specific" accusation was/is that she ain't anywhere near neutral when to comes to the protests. And naw, I ain't completely wrong about that at all.
Since you're not neutral when it comes to the protests, how would you know this?
So all those years, was Hulk Hogan trying to draw attention to the Central Park incidents? Nifty trick, considering he had been saying that since at least 86.
Whatcha gonna do, when braindead leftists run wild on you?
So Garage, why are you defending this blatant exploitation by this corporate welfare sucking bunch of fat cat professors and administrators selling defective, overpriced product to unsuspecting children to jam ever more into their stock portfolios, and over-stuffed mattresses full of cash?
Furious uncle sugar borrows at 1.5% and loans the money to the students at 6% not discharble in bankruptcy with an 80% recovery rate. The shy's are no doubt impressed. God if I could make such a markup in my biz I could retire very comfortably in three years. And that's after paying taxes (except the government doesn't pay taxes! )
This is a tiny first step. If I was a governor I'd push for law to roll back college tuition rates at least 1% per year at public institutions until costs come down to 1980 levels as a proportion of household income.
Greedy universities are raping our kids and somebody needs to stop them.
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१२२ टिप्पण्या:
Um - gee. Does this come under the category of rewarding bad behavior?
Giving Scott Walker credit does not fit the narrative.
Won't matter. He's eeevil.
What?! He's not forgiving student loans?! *Koch puppet*
The bastard.
But students don't feel that they've had the full UW experience unless they protest something or another. And if they protest the faculty they might get flunked, and if they protest the administration they might get expelled. So Walker it is.
I look for UW student protests insisting that, yes, they really do want to pay more.
Redistribution requires TAKING the money first so it can be given to friends for votes and then taking it back etc..
Scott Walker fails to take the money and that ends the redistributionist reproductive cycle like a good insecticide does.
I think any protest now will be about Mifflin.
But now I hear liberals defending the UW reserve fund as a good thing. So it's ok for UW to have a huge savings which is contrary to Krugman-nomics which says spend like crazy and be in crazy levels of debt? Which is it libs?
Somebody get a drum!
Giving Scott Walker credit does not fit the narrative.
Redistributive economics is premised on the enactment of monopolies or monopolistic behavior, which are enforced through fraud or coercion. It is pursued by minority interests in order to marginalize or eviscerate their competing interests. The lack of competing interests is why those economic systems are uniquely susceptible to corruption.
That said, does power corrupt or do the corrupt seek power?
Sure there's $650 million in reserves . . .
but at what cost?
AT WHAT COST!1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!1!!!
I have no problems with rainy-day funds. I keep one for myself.
However, UW system is subject to the law and to transparent accounting.
Crying poor while secretly hoarding money and jacking tuition is downright unethical.
"ran wild"
Yup, that sounds like something a "neutral" person would say.
*rolls eyes*
It is absolutely fucking hilarious Republicans in the legislature are talking about transparency. With a straight face.
To which pet project will the reserve funds be funneled?
Because you know that's going to happen. And why shouldn't it be used to, say, widen I-39/90 from the State Line to Beloit? Gotta get those out of state students up here more quickly!
I've yet to hear a Republican Legislator offer an opinion on the appropriate size of the UW's reserve fund. It's too bad Press people don't ask that question.
garage - 100% politics all the time. Everything is war to you. Republicans can't ever be given the benefit of the doubt on policy. It's war, war, war.
purple - I guess you weren't paying attention 2 years ago. They were running wild.
How very Keynesian. What's next, full employment? Perhaps an unwinding of the massive and pervasive market distortions. He can start with the education sector. Then move on to the health care sector, etc.
Scott Walker has greatly benefitted politically throughout his career because of the greed and secret shenanigans of his opponents.
"purple - I guess you weren't paying attention 2 years ago. They were running wild."
Was paying attention in person, rather than just reading the reports on this blog, and I didn't see any running...wild or otherwise.
There also weren't any sexual assaults reported at the protests nor did a Union threaten our hostess or host.
Don't beleive everything Ann&Meade tell ya...'cause they will twist&slant in order to push their agenda.
"Scott Walker has greatly benefitted politically throughout his career because of the greed and secret shenanigans of his opponents."
-- But do his opponents have SECRET ROUTERS?
We thought the hundreds of millions in cuts from two years ago would cripple you dammit!
All those UW students who ran wild 2 years ago protesting Walker were doing the bidding of their professors. Following orders. Just like they were trained.
Also, they don't pay their own tuition much. Mom and Dad may appreciate Walker's move but these welfare drones could not care less.
I think Garage needs to update us on the Walker indictment.
We thought the hundreds of millions in cuts from two years ago would cripple you dammit!
Capping Universities ability to save: Bad
What's your opinion on capping individual Americans ability to save?
u mad durple? u still mad?
He kills them with kindness.
3 years from now a Paul/Walker ticket?
Oh, yeah!
garage mahal said...
It is absolutely fucking hilarious Republicans in the legislature are talking about transparency. With a straight face.
No, that's the Demos in DC.
""ran wild" Yup, that sounds like something a "neutral" person would say."
I've got it on video. I was there in the rotunda many times when things were utterly bizarre and people were talking crazy talk. I saw students literally running to storm the Capitol. It was wild. I was looking for a headline-short way to refer to those events.
Sorry if it makes you feel bad. I'm not.
"A young man's oration after the Budget Repair vote in the state senate last night, juxtaposed with a chant from the young, heart-full-of-love folks: 'Tax, tax, tax the rich/Walker you fucking son of a bitch.'"
That's not running wild, that's rhyming with style.
There are some businesses that reward employees who come up with cost saving measures, but paying them a portion of the savings.
I think public schools should adopt this concept.
Example, when the Univ of Minnesota paid $3700 for an orgasm conference, the first student to expose this waste, should have gotten a $500 deduction in tuition.
Most UW students are taking on significant debt loads to fund their education.
And yet AUW raised tuition. During a recession.
Worse, they cried poor over and over again, predicting the devastation that Walker would rain on the UW system.
My kid is in UW MKE, and I am pissed about this reserve because "$414 million came from surplus tuition."
Fucking bastards.
AA, I recall the video. Taken that one night. They were coming through windows and yes, running very wild in the capital building.
Most UW students are taking on significant debt loads to fund their education.
And yet UW raised tuition. During a recession.
Worse, they cried poor over and over again, predicting the devastation that Walker would rain on the UW system.
My kid is in UW MKE, and I am pissed about this reserve because "$414 million came from surplus tuition."
Fucking bastards.
Remember: It matters little what Walker's policies are, how they impact lives, or if they even work or not.
It just matters how liberals react to them.
"Look at this hippie with this sign!"
Now they too can
Stand, With Governor Walker!
A hip tune with a hip beat for the college kids to enjoy on their Walkman devices.
I have seen several ads in newspapers, even in this ecomony, for companies trying to find welders, machinists, that sort of thing.
Can anyone give me an example of an employer in Wisconsin that has had trouble finding a gender studies major? Why are we funding bullshit majors? Can't we leave that for looneytune leftwing schools like Macalester?
"I've got it on video"
Do you also have it on video when a (nameless) Union threatened you? Does Meade have a list of those sexual assaults he says were reported during the protests?
And no, "bad" isn't how I feel when confronted by the lies & smears put forth by you & yours...'tis more like disgust.
AA, I recall the video. Taken that one night. They were coming through windows and yes, running very wild in the capital building.
Well, Purple Penguin wasn't there yet, and hadn't had the chance to calm things down, mellow everybody out.
purplepenquin said...
Was paying attention in person, rather than just reading the reports on this blog, and I didn't see any running...wild or otherwise.
Of course not.
You're a silly, biased person who takes to the Internet to say silly, biased things.
garage mahal said...
Remember: It matters little what Walker's policies are, how they impact lives, or if they even work or not.
Like you commenting on the tuition, right, bozo?
I mean, you've made a bunch of posts on that, correct?
Actually I think this would be a good time to post a link to the video. Who has it? Was it AA, or from another site? Sykes maybe?
purplepenquin said...
And no, "bad" isn't how I feel when confronted by the lies & smears put forth by you & yours...
And if the grand prize were $400,000,000 you couldn't demonstrate it to be a "lie"
Since when did most college students care how much their parents were spending on their education? It's not their money. As long as the cost of tuition doesn't interfere with how much spending money mom and dad fork over every month, who cares?
At least, that was true for the kids I went to school with. I have, of course, raised responsible boys who will care deeply about such things, and who will cheer wildly if their father and I get a break financially. ;)
Garage mahal, the Paul Krugman of the Althouse commentariat.
"running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme.
But despite the picture trying to be painted by Ann and Meade and the AlthouseCheerleaders, the protests at the Capitol weren't a rape-filled riot that caused millions in damages. The fact that they have to portray the protests as something it wasn't speaks volumes.
OWS had that honor.
Think of all the free condoms and BC pills that money could buy!
purplepenquin said...
"running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989
Completely & utterly absurd.
I love how you're now the arbiter of what "runnng wild" is.
"running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme.
No. That would be "Wilding."
It appears that you have it exactly wrong. The Professor chose her words very carefully in order to avoid that connotation. It was you who failed to carefully choose words.
IS that on top of their endowment?
What is their endowment?
protests at the Capitol weren't a rape-filled riot that caused millions in damages
Way to knock down that straw man!
Hey, people who engage in straw men are big truth tellers.
Did you know that?
purplepenquin wants to "SQUIRREL! the fact that the UW system is lying to parents and students and the government of the state of Wisconsin.
His need to avoid that fact is paramount, and he is posting so furiously on the off-topic red herring he prefers, that the UW financial scandal must have hit him square in the breadbox.
USNews College ranking:
2011 Endowment $2,171,258,206
We really should post a link to the video. Yes, running wild is what was going on that night.
PP has a different interpretation of the words, that's all.
No. That would be "Wilding."
You shouldn't have done that.
Now it will come back and argue they are the same thing.
purplepenquin wants to "SQUIRREL! the fact that the UW system is lying to parents and students and the government of the state of Wisconsin.
What's the lie? They have a surplus? With Walker as governor and Republicans in congress I would say running a reserve is pretty damn smart.
Approx 30++ countries have less in GDP - it's for the children, UW, free the funds!
So when my parents said I was "running wild" that summer when I was 11, they meant I was out raping and rioting? Who knew?
How does this help the really hard core lefties? They want the government to eat failed and huge student loans based on a theory that no one should have been so irresponsible as to give those to students (let's not notice that the students agreed to the loans).
A responsible tuition rate goes along with higher likelihood students will be held responsible for paying.
You shouldn't have done that.
Now it will come back and argue they are the same thing.
Nah, Purple's an o.k. guy - he'll admit he's wrong. Of course after accusing the Professor of carefully choosing words to connote something that those words do not connote, he can't help but do so.
I am soooo confused, why is there a fund?
I thought we all should be at 90%++++ debt?
They keep changing the rules!
garage mahal said...
"Remember: It matters little what Walker's policies are, how they impact lives, or if they even work or not.
"It just matters how liberals react to them."
Reading this, I thought it was a Journ-O-List pep talk.
With Walker as governor and Republicans in congress I would say running a reserve is pretty damn smart.
See, that's what marks you as a hack, GM. We think it's smart all the time. We don't vary our esteem of prudent acts based on whether or not our side is in power.
Relatedly, I have to ask: granting, purely for purposes of discussion, that your baseless assertion that Republicans "hide things is true - is hiding things good, or bad? Or, alternately, how is UW hiding over half a BILLION in reserves good?
purplepenquin said...
"Does Meade have a list of those sexual assaults he says were reported during the protests?"
You read and recalled my parody of Mayor Dave's screed about the Mifflin block party? I'm flattered.
Shame on all the people in every university who've been pumping up costs for students because they know it's easy for students to get loans. Shame on them for encouraging inexperienced young people to burden themselves with heavy debt. Shame on them for funneling money into bloated administrations and extravagant building projects rather than real education.
It's been happening everywhere.
What's the lie? They have a surplus? With Walker as governor and Republicans in congress I would say running a reserve is pretty damn smart.
As I've said since this first post on this subject, I think having a surplus is a GREAT idea for the UW. What ISN'T a great idea is crying to students, parents, and the legislature that you're broke and in need of the maximum tuition increases allowed by law WHILE you hoard a $.6 billion slush fund. Also, telling professors they're not going to get raises because of Big Bad Gov Walker, when in fact it was simply UW decision-making and prioritizing. You can judge for yourself to what extent those untrue assertions were "lies".
You can judge for yourself to what extent those untrue assertions were "lies".
Hard to tell since you didn't cite anything.
Calypso Facto said...
"Also, telling professors they're not going to get raises because of Big Bad Gov Walker, when in fact it was simply UW decision-making and prioritizing. "
Let's just call it a sequester.
Seeing Red:
Re endowment, at 12/31/12, UW had $2.3 Billion in investments.
Hard to tell since you didn't cite anything
We can't keep taking massive cuts to our operating budget and increase the number of college graduates."
University of Wisconsin System President Kevin Reilly, October 6, 2011.
""running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme."
You are absolutely wrong.
That was "wilding." Look it up.
And when you have the chance, watch the movie "Some Like It Hot." Marilyn Monroe, playing the ukelele sings a song "Running Wild."
Here. Get up to speed on language and culture.
So UW is almost at $3 billion, hmmmm?
I think it's time the citizens of WI get on board w/Massachusettes to tax the endowment fund.
(That was fun.)
The comments on the article are interesting.
(That was fun.)
Even more so about half an hour ago.
"We're used to the word, 'tighten,' " new Regent Regina Millner of Madison said. "You can tighten by eliminating fat. At some point, you're eliminating muscle and then it's destructive to the organism."
Regents ultimately decided to raise tuition to avoid "cutting into the muscle" of the state's universities and colleges, and the quality of education they provide.
"On the one hand, I think about the families of our students. On the other hand, our chancellors have done a spectacular job of maintaining quality while the state continues defunding the university system," Higgins said.
Per capita personal income in Wisconsin rose a total 5% from 2008-'11, while tuition at UW campuses rose a total 16.5% in the same time frame, he said.
All while hiding $.6 billion in "fat"...
To make taxing the endowment more palatable, the money should go directly to the state pension fund.
Or to K-12. Maybe their scores will improve and they could finally beat TX.
Get rid of Title IX and there would be even more money.
Since according to US News the split is 52/48 females vs. males.
The lies I mentioned were posted by Calypso Facto.
The lie that pissed me off was this one:
""We're used to the word, 'tighten,' " new Regent Regina Millner of Madison said. "You can tighten by eliminating fat. At some point, you're eliminating muscle and then it's destructive to the organism.""
I want a refund.
I was in MKE over the weekend and shared this fact with my student son and his girlfriend.
She had to take o two part time jobs to pay her rent.
Goddamn those UW administrators.
They could have made the lives of the students even a little bit better but instead decided to lie about it and even had the chutzpah to cry poor.
All while hiding $.6 billion in "fat"...
.4 billion is already allocated.
Substantially all of the unrestricted net assets have been designated by the Board of Regents for purposes to fulfill the University of Wisconsin System's fiduciary responsibility, including academic and research programs and capital projects." LFB and LAB staff requested that UW System identify the purposes for which these funds have been designated by appropriation. Of the $648.2 million balance as of June 30, 2012 [in categories other than auxiliary revenues, Federal Aids and gifts]... the UW System Administration has identified expenditure purposes that would utilize $441.2 million of the balance.
Yes, garage, I believe they can spend every fucking cent.
On some of those projects identified, will they be asking for any state or federal help or applying for grants?
Put it out there, what these projects are.
The UW Foundation has the $2bn endowment, and that is a private, not-for-profit organization that brings in money from alumni individuals, corporations, etc., and then disburses it to the University and to students.
It is not quite correct to say that the UW has that money.
Then there is WARF -- the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation -- that makes money off of UW-funded patents, and also funnels money back into research (mostly). Much or WARF's endowment comes from warfarin. (I'm not sure what their endowment is and am too lazy to search).
Put it out there, what these projects are.
See Here. (PDF)
""running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989."
That's ridiculous. "Running wild" is a phrase I have used since my childhood in the 1960s; it's a phrase my mother used. It doesn't refer to a specific event.
I have no doubt a state university system can and will spend every red cent available.
It's what they do.
What I want to know is why they couldn't afford to have kept the tuition the same, instead of raising it every year, even during a recession, even knowing that students are borrowing way above their ability to pay back loans.
"Running wild, lost control.
Running wild, mighty bold.
Feeling gay, reckless too,
carefree mind all the time, never blue.
Always going, don't know where,
always showing..I don't care!
Don't love nobody, it's not worthwhile.
All alone, running wild!"
Really? You were expecting people who read the phrase (at least, those who are caught up on language and culture, of course) to be reminded of a happy lil' ditty about carefree folks who are bold, happy, and reckless? That was the picture you were trying to paint with your headline, rather than a riotous crowd that was out of control?
All due respect, but I ain't buying that.
And Meade, calling it a "parody" doesn't give you free license to spread ugly rumors.
I should have kept the email.
UNM just raised tuition for students taking fewer than 15 credit hours. It works out so that 12 credit hours and 15 credit hours cost almost the same amount.
What they're saying is that this is to encourage students to get their ducks in a row and finish and graduate, but depending on your major and the classes even 12 credit hours can be a lot.
Add that to the need for students (the ones with any brains) to have a job so that they can get a job when they graduate (my son quitting his piddling pizza job would be the dumbest thing he could do) and the students who have other obligations at the same time as school and it seems like nothing more than a way to get people taking "full time" 12 credits to fork out more money.
I should have kept the email from the University because it said right out... if this will cause a financial hardship remember that you can get student loans.
What do they care really? They aren't charging YOU extra for your classes, because you can get a student loan.
Problem solved.
Really? You were expecting people who read the phrase (at least, those who are caught up on language and culture, of course) to be reminded of a happy lil' ditty about carefree folks who are bold, happy, and reckless?
Yes, let us argue semantics!
Running wild connotes trampling over property with a level of disregard, not raping and pillaging.
For the sixth year in a row, tuition at the University of Wisconsin’s four-year campuses will go up by the state’s legal maximum of 5.5 percent.
The UW Board of Regents voted 17-1 in Milwaukee Thursday to approve the tuition hike, which System President Kevin Reilly said was necessary to partially make up for cuts in state aid.
Only "partially" make up for the cuts according to the sob story, yet somehow allow for the set aside of $600 million.
Six consecutive years of 5.5% increases. Almost triple the rate of inflation. Sad.
In which purplepenquin waves shiny objects around, hoping to derail uncomfortable questions.
Gee, so you still disagree about something Althouse wrote more than a year ago? I can't believe it!
Astonishing tale, purplepenquin!
That was the picture you were trying to paint with your headline, rather than a riotous crowd that was out of control?
Purple, you made a very specific accusation that was completely wrong. Your attempt to now claim that you don't believe the Professor meant something else makes you look bad, not her.
Reilly said resources are needed to attract and retain high quality faculty and staff members ... Faculty salaries at UW campuses have fallen more than 18% below the national average, Reilly told the UW System Board of Regents.
Reilly furthered his plea for more money to the legislature by pointing out that The state ended the 2011-'12 fiscal year with a positive fund balance of $342 million, and the balance for 2012-'13 is projected to be $348 million
Because there is a budget fund balance of $342 million dollars for the ENTIRE STATE BUDGET, Reilly lobbied for more money to the UW system while UW carried a fund balance almost twice as large. "For the teachers. For the children."
garage - a huge portion of that document is dedicated to race/gender bs.
Ann, I'm changing your headline.
"To all those UW students who were singing and playing the ukele like Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot 2 years ago protesting Scott Walker..."
That's exactly what they were doing. Who knew? Sure was entertaining though. Now we just need to get Walker on board the bus with his distinctive baritone voice...wait, wrong Scott Walker.
Walker knows that the UW is a bastion of leftist thought and power. It must be destroyed at all costs.
Astonishing tale, purplepenquin!
'tis so astonishing, you wrote an entire post about it!
thanks :)
Purple, you made a very specific accusation that was completely wrong
My "specific" accusation was/is that she ain't anywhere near neutral when to comes to the protests. And naw, I ain't completely wrong about that at all.
Tho, with all that said, my original post was rude and trollish, and should never have been submitted. I've been trying to do a better job of behaving and am sorry about the slip-up.
pp - are you calling bullshit on Ann's "cruel neutrality" thing?
My "specific" accusation was/is that she ain't anywhere near neutral when to comes to the protests.
Well, this is a blog, and she brings her viewpoint.
But your accusation was indeed about the use of the term "running wild," about which you were wrong.
"running wild" is a phrase associated with rioting and/or the Central Park attacks of 1989. The Professor chose her words very carefully, in order to push the desired meme
I've been trying to do a better job of behaving and am sorry about the slip-up.
Atta boy. No one's perfect.
"Gee, so you still disagree about something Althouse wrote more than a year ago? I can't believe it!"
Around here, calling out lies and "disagree[ing]" are the same thing, so long as the lies are politically preferable.
What difference, at this point, does freezing tuition for UW students make?
Purple:"running wild" is a phrase associated with...the Central Park attacks of 1989.
Wrong again, Purple Nurple, that was known was "Wilding":
Chief of Detectives Robert Colangelo said some of the youths used the term “wilding” to describe their actions.
w-i-l-d-i-n-g. wilding.
Reading (comprehension) is FUN-damental!
What do they care really? They aren't charging YOU extra for your classes, because you can get a student loan.
And everybody gets paid back because student loans can't be discharged in bankruptcy -- Win-Win!
purplepenquin said...
My "specific" accusation was/is that she ain't anywhere near neutral when to comes to the protests. And naw, I ain't completely wrong about that at all.
Since you're not neutral when it comes to the protests, how would you know this?
Purple Pussy,
So all those years, was Hulk Hogan trying to draw attention to the Central Park incidents? Nifty trick, considering he had been saying that since at least 86.
Whatcha gonna do, when braindead leftists run wild on you?
It's sad when someone who should just say "I'm sorry, you're right" keeps on trying to be right.
$650 million is a lot, right? Rich even. Like rich evil, pay your fair share, gouging, exploitation, tax loophole kinda one-percenter rich.
So why is this corporate welfare sucking, rich snake oil business being defended for it's exploitative business practices by our lefties here?
It's like Fen's Law again, or always is really.
It's like Fen's Law again, or always is really.
It's now Jay's Law. Any dumb, and inane red herring.
"Where were you when ________ did ______ !"
So Garage, why are you defending this blatant exploitation by this corporate welfare sucking bunch of fat cat professors and administrators selling defective, overpriced product to unsuspecting children to jam ever more into their stock portfolios, and over-stuffed mattresses full of cash?
Shame! Shame! Shame!
So Garage, why are you defending this blatant exploitation by this corporate welfare sucking
Probably because that's not what is happening. You're so wrong, and no offense, you're barking up the wrong tree, again.
Furious uncle sugar borrows at 1.5% and loans the money to the students at 6% not discharble in bankruptcy with an 80% recovery rate. The shy's are no doubt impressed. God if I could make such a markup in my biz I could retire very comfortably in three years. And that's after paying taxes (except the government doesn't pay taxes! )
UW students may be so stupid they'll protest this, too.
UW students may be so stupid they'll protest this, too.
This is a tiny first step. If I was a governor I'd push for law to roll back college tuition rates at least 1% per year at public institutions until costs come down to 1980 levels as a proportion of household income.
Greedy universities are raping our kids and somebody needs to stop them.
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