But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
१९ एप्रिल, २०१३
"[T]here are probably quite a few people in the Watertown area who wish they had a gun right about now."
Instapundit relays the opinion of several of his readers.
But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
How often has this happened?
Yeah, that's all we need: The ole perfesser out their hunting Muslims with his arsenal.
Maybe a few . . . but I bet not very many.
Thanks Freder. Just when I thought everyone was on the same page . . .
I guess to some people, all gun owners are dangerous people just waiting and hoping for a chance to shoot somebody, somewhere, someday.
Which is why nobody should ever have a gun.
Especially those who train to use it like law enforcement. Because THEY really must be hoping to for a chance to shoot somebody, somewhere, someday.
I say disarm everyone, starting with the Presidential Secret Service detail first.
If I lived in Boston and I looked vaguely like the suspects, I would be worried about some frightened/angry law enforcement officer taking me out. Talk to the guy who was laying in the street last night surrounded by cops. Or the guy who was forced to strip naked. When their blood gets up, it's a rough comb they use.
Don't be silly. Being armed eliminates fears and makes one calm, cool and collected. Being disarmed raises fear through threw the roof.
intentional disarmament is a suicidal impulse being sold as a virtue.
Pass out Peacemakers and ammunition and watch the peace erupt everywhere.
With thwe possible exception of LA, DC, and Gotham, no area of the country is as responsible for the anti-firearm climate in this country as Baaston.
Ironic this happens.
Freder Frederson said...
Yeah, that's all we need: The ole perfesser out their hunting Muslims with his arsenal.
We all know the Lefties just love the Muzzlims, the same way they love women, blacks and homosexuals.
On a tight leash.
With thwe possible exception of LA, DC, and Gotham, no area of the country is as responsible for the anti-firearm climate in this country as Baaston.
Ironic this happens.
Freder Frederson said...
Yeah, that's all we need: The ole perfesser out their hunting Muslims with his arsenal.
We all know the Lefties just love the Muzzlims, the same way they love women, blacks and homosexuals.
On a tight leash.
How often has this happened?
These are the kind of problems imagined by people who have never owned a gun.
"Yeah, that's all we need: The ole perfesser out their hunting Muslims with his arsenal."
OMG Muslim backlash coming soon the the USA. Never happened before but dammnit it's GONNA happen this time.
When I was 17 I had a cop stick his gun in my face at a stoplight - this was before A/C in cars was common even in the deep south so the windows were down in any car for about nine months of the year - so I was sitting there waiting for the light to change.
A .38 revolver looks very big when it's an inch from your eye.
Some white dude was driving a tan Impala wagon (yeah, man, I was pulling chicks with that car!) after robbing a local bank.
So, yeah, guns on the street are scary when people are scared. Remember when the LA cops were looking for that crazy cop cop killer they finally burned alive?
I'm for more armed citizens, not fewer, I know where I see restraint....
As I recall, the LAPD tried to kill an Hispanic woman and her mother as they delivered newspapers a couple of months ago!
Well trained, highly armed, bat-shit crazy, popo!
Photos of Suspect here. Note caption
"But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out."
Good grief. He meant that they wish they had a rifle to defend themselves. No sane citizen just starts shooting at random people that might resemble a vague picture they've seen. That is not being fair to any side of the gun debate, it is ridiculous.
There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out
If it ever happened, it was in 1875and there was a Wanted: Dead Or Alive poster announcing a $10,000 reward for the fastest gun in the West, wanted for 33 murders.
Yes, Ann, if you look like the white hat suspect and you're robbing 7-11's and killing policeman and hijacking cars you would have reason to be concerned that someone might shoot you.
In all fairness to the young Mr. Tsarnaev, he's not a bad-looking guy and I wish I could get my hair to do that.
There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
How often does that actually happen? Largely a anti-gun fanatics fantasy. Of course, the cops in California shot up a couple of innocents recently. Cops probably shoot up the wrong person, car or house more often than anyone else in this country.
to be fair there are also people who wish you'd shut your trap.
Cops probably shoot up the wrong person, car or house more often than anyone else in this country.
Truth. That is our most recent example of random people being shot during a manhunt isn't it?
So if you look kind of like this guy, you might want to stay away from Cops.
Two points of interest:
(1) The debate about gun control comes to a head geographically where it began more than 225 years ago: the Boston area. The subcontext is again protection against foreign invasion.
(2) The curious geography point is similar to how the public sector union debate played out in Madison, WI several decades after it was hatched--in Madison WI.
On the day of the bombing I remember one expert opining that the perpetrator(s) were likely "self-radicalized muslims".
From the caption in the photo mentioned above ("Tamerlan says he doesn't drink or smoke anymore: "God said no alcohol." A muslim, he says: "There are no values anymore," and worries that "people can't control themselves.") it looks like he was right.
TWM said...
OMG Muslim backlash coming soon the the USA. Never happened before but dammnit it's GONNA happen this time.
Roughly 3,000 dead on 9-11 and the American public retaliation consisted of one dead. That's right, in a country of 300 million there was one attack resulting in death even while in some places (including NJ) some muslims were openly cheering the attacks.
But somehow the left has convinced itself the American public is the big risk. What tools.
It's amazing what self-control frightened angry citizens with guns exercise. Well, it's amazing if you think of them as benighted neanderthals.
Check out the truck of the women in LA! It was the wrong make, wrong color! Let's just trust the popo! Popo did not worn or give any commands before they opened fire!
"Perfect" terrorists: white (leftist's favorite bad guy), Islamists (red neck's terrorist stereotype).
So, yeah, guns on the street are scary when people are scared. Remember when the LA cops were looking for that crazy cop cop killer they finally burned alive?
People on the street are scary when COPS are scared.
I guess to some people, all gun owners are dangerous people just waiting and hoping for a chance to shoot somebody, somewhere, someday
Have you ever tried to talk to an angry liberal?
The urge to disarm is motivated by projection.
Well, its better to have a few citizens shot by the police than by fellow citizens.
If I looked anything like the suspect I'd probably do what the police are recommending EVERYONE DO. SHELTER IN PLACE. Having a gun to defend myself from an on the run fanatic entering my home might be a nice thing while sitting on my couch watching the Price is Right.
Growing up in rural California, a friend of the family was a CHP Patrolman. Working rural highways alone at night. He talked about making stops, and walking up to cars with his clipboard in his left hand, shielding his pistol in his right.
Me, the short haired white guy is always very polite in a police stop. You never know how nervous the cop is and whether there is an APB out on 'shorted haired white guys'.
I fall back on the Army, with Yes Sir, No Sir, I'm sorry officer, while keeping my hands where he can see them...
Yes, unfettered access to weapons of every kind will solve all of these problems...
"But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate."
I'm still waiting for the gun battles over Walmart parking spaces that the "other side" warned us about when concealed carry laws were being passed.
Apparently self defense is socially irresponsible. Stay tuned for more restrictions.
Shouldn't Boston raise the need for more bomb-control legislation? With the threat of bomb violence, we need more laws to ban them so they won't hurt American citizens. I'm guessing even more than 90% of Americans would agree with implementation of a federal background check for those wishing to purchase one to close what must have been a loophole that was exploited.
"But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who are afraid they'll run into the fleeing, armed suspect and wish they'd be able to defend themselves if they do.
If this bomber was running loose in Montana, he'd have no place to go where he could feel safe from the citizens. He'd probably be dead by now, even without the cops showing up.
That's how I imagine Montana, which is why I always wanted to live there.
machine said...
"Yes, unfettered access to weapons of every kind will solve all of these problems..."
Who is arguing for "unfettered access to weapons of every kind"?
Capt. Vasili Borodin: I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a "recreational vehicle." And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?
machine said...
Yes, unfettered access to weapons of every kind will solve all of these problems...
It might have stopped these 2 morons.
We all know the Lefties just love the Muzzlims, the same way they love women, blacks and homosexuals.
I have no sympathy or love for terrorists, be they Muslim Al Qaeda, Catholic IRA or Protestant Ulster Defence Association. However, unlike Glenn Reynolds, I do not think terrorism from a small minority of a group justifies genocide.
Which of course proves you know nothing of guns or armed defense training.
machine said...
Yes, unfettered access to weapons of every kind will solve all of these problems..
In those places where it is, it has.
No. Really. Have you ever had a thought that someone else hadn't put there?
Boston, home of Kennedy & the IRA. Brits lived thru this for a few decades.
If you're stopped by the police at night, turn on your interior light and put both hands on the top of the steering wheel. It will ease the cop's fear that you might be armed, and will increase the possibility that he'll let you go with a warming.
If this bomber was running loose in Montana, he'd have no place to go where he could feel safe from the citizens. He'd probably be dead by now, even without the cops showing up.
You mean like Ted Kasczynski?
However, unlike Glenn Reynolds, I do not think terrorism from a small minority of a group justifies genocide
You heard it here first folks, Glenn Reynolds is an advocate for genocide!
You mean like Leftist Ted Kasczynski?
Shouldn't Boston raise the need for more bomb-control legislation?
Exactly! And for background checks and registries for those who buy knives, and cars, and pressure cookers, and castor oil (used to make sarin), and blunt objects, and rope . . .
For every problem, more legislation is the answer!
Machine and Freder's preferred gun owners.
If I looked like that guy, I would not go outside until he was caught. Meanwhile, I would order food to eat through the Althouse Amazon portal.
That's not being fair to the other side, AA. The number of people that probably applies to, meaning those afraid they look sufficiently like the suspect that they'll be "taken out" is probably a sliver of a percentage of those that wish they had some way of defending themselves this morning.
"You mean like Leftist Ted Kasczynski?"
As always, you are blinded, and miss the point. The people of Montana never knew what Kasczynski looked like and were not faced with him running into their house armed, or car jacking them. That's the point of this thread.
Yeah, that's all we need: The ole perfesser out their hunting Muslims with his arsenal.
Can't be any more dangerous than professional law enforcement and their arsenal -- search "LAPD Dorner Pickup Truck Emma Hernandez".
Freder Frederson said...
We all know the Lefties just love the Muzzlims, the same way they love women, blacks and homosexuals.
I have no sympathy or love for terrorists, be they Muslim Al Qaeda, Catholic IRA or Protestant Ulster Defence Association.
However, unlike Glenn Reynolds, I do not think terrorism from a small minority of a group justifies genocide.
Care to give us a citation for that one?
PS Is it me or is he sounding a lot like Cook?
If you woke up today and this was happening in your neighborhood, would you prefer your neighbors were armed or not. How about the people in your home?
Wouldn't it be even be better if the killer expected you to be armed? Then he may not want to visit.
At some point of armed citizenry, the bombing itself with any hope of escape would be too foolish to even attempt.
"If I looked like that guy, I would not go outside until he was caught."
With the cops in manhunt mode, I'd also stay inside if I was a Hispanic woman.
I got pulled over once and I kept my wallet under the car seat back in those days.
So the officer comes to the open window and I ask permission to reach under the seat for my license.
He says, "Go right ahead" like I just asked the dumbest question on earth.
But he wasn't there when this State Trooper I knew told the story about how some guy reached under his car seat and sat back up to find a gun in his face.
Actually, I was friends with the Trooper but he was kind of a dick.
Such brave Sir Robins....
Darrel, my comment was aimed at Freder not you, but I wanted to include the more accurate and informative "leftist" in your correction, which Freder conveniently left out.
Machine, are you hiding under the bed again?
Sorun said...
"With the cops in manhunt mode, I'd also stay inside if I was a Hispanic woman"
AllenS and I learned the same lessons.
I imagine the CHP officer approaching a car on a dark night should be following the rule:
Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
They are handling this much better than the LAPD, soothing up women in pickup trucks as they chased Dorner.
No offense intended. I just wanted you to know that the initial reports of deportation were incorrect.
Yes, Freder, et al -- let's leave it to the professionals:
*Suspect was 30s black male. Victims were 47- and 71-year-old hispanic females.
*Suspect was driving a silver Toyota Tacoma. Victims were driving a blue Nissan Titam.
*No warning or commands issued prior to firing upwards of sixty rounds into the back of the women's truck.
"They are handling this much better than the LAPD, soothing up women in pickup trucks as they chased Dorner."
That typo leaves a great image in my head, Maybee. Thanks for the morning chuckle with my coffee.
20 years ago today the Federal government killed 76 people in Waco,TX including more than 20 under the age 18 and at least 16 under the age of 10.
Ironic that Ann would make her "frightened/angry citizen will take them out" comment today. The biggest mass murders have been by the federal government. Some say Bear River was the worst.
Oh, dear: I do not think terrorism from a small minority of a group justifies genocide.
Your touchiness about the World's Touchiest Religion is touching.
Genocide is always descending on Muslims perpetrated by Americans, but it's always landing on Copts, Jews, Christian and Animist Dinkas and Bahai'is perpetrated by Muslims.
machine said...
Such brave Sir Robins....
Says the dhimmi.
You heard it here first folks, Glenn Reynolds is an advocate for genocide!
If you heard it here first, then you are just not paying attention.
Glenn Reynolds 11/04/2006:
"On the other hand, it’s also true that if democracy can’t work in Iraq, then we should probably adopt a “more rubble, less trouble” approach to other countries in the region that threaten us. If a comparatively wealthy and secular Arab country can’t make it as a democratic republic, then what hope is there for places that are less wealthy, or less secular?"
and of course 11/02/2002
"Civilized societies have found it harder, though, to beat the barbarians without killing all, or nearly all, of them. Were it really to become all-out war of the sort that Osama and his ilk want, the likely result would be genocide -- unavoidable, and provoked, perhaps, but genocide nonetheless, akin to what Rome did to Carthage, or to what Americans did to American Indians. That's what happens when two societies can't live together, and the weaker one won't stop fighting -- especially when the weaker one targets the civilians and children of the stronger. This is why I think it's important to pursue a vigorous military strategy now. Because if we don't, the military strategy we'll have to follow in five or ten years will be light-years beyond "vigorous.""
Explanations of historical fact do not equate to advocacy for genocide.
Your imbecility today is truly outdoing your usual standard.
If this terrorist were to break into your home to hide out from the police,Gov Cuomo thinks you should be able to take him out with a seven round magazine.
If you can't.....well, tough luck.
EMD has it right in the first comment.
AA's "let's be fair" comment is inane and unsupported by facts.
Freder: Doesn't he... actually say that we should avoid genocide in the very thing you quoted?
If you heard it here first, then you are just not paying attention.
If you think that describing -- as a cautionary tale -- what has happened throughout history = "advocating genocide", then you're just not very bright.
"Explanations of historical fact do not equate to advocacy for genocide."
History is a fluid thing to liberals. They mold it to meet their needs. Facts, too.
Freder Frederson said...
You heard it here first folks, Glenn Reynolds is an advocate for genocide!
If you heard it here first, then you are just not paying attention.
Funny (in a political whoredom kind of way) how neither of your examples shows Reynolds advocating genocide. The second, in fact, does just the opposite.
This is why I think it's important to pursue a vigorous military strategy now. Because if we don't, the military strategy we'll have to follow in five or ten years will be light-years beyond "vigorous.""
Your reading comprehension needs work if you think this is advocating genocide.
Freder wrote:
You heard it here first folks, Glenn Reynolds is an advocate for genocide!
If you heard it here first, then you are just not paying attention.
Glenn Reynolds 11/04/2006:
"On the other hand, it’s also true that if democracy can’t work in Iraq, then we should probably adopt a “more rubble, less trouble” approach to other countries in the region that threaten us. If a comparatively wealthy and secular Arab country can’t make it as a democratic republic, then what hope is there for places that are less wealthy, or less secular?"
Freder, you're pegging Reynolds for advocating genocide? if that's advocating genocide then the left has been advocating genocide, when it came to Iraq for 8+ years! Because that is the default position of the left on Bush's war of choice.
Do you remember the times saying we need to pull out of Iraq even if a genocide occurs, and saying that it very well might. Do you remember all the talk about how we should put another strong man in Iraq because democracy just doesn't work there.
I certainly do.
freder, you are as intelligent as I thought you were. well done sir.
A guy makes an estimation of several hisctorical instances of unreconcilable cultures and that's advocating genocide?
I guess Freder really is Cook, albeit on meds.
Freder Frederson said...
. However, unlike Glenn Reynolds, I do not think terrorism from a small minority of a group justifies genocide
Freeper makes another silly, idiotic assertion on the Internet. Everyone is shocked.
Hey stupid shit, remember when you blithely asserted that Dallas and Houston have "essentially the same" crime rates as Chicago?
Given that whopper, why do you think anything you say on the Internet is credible?
"It's also true that if democracy can't work in Iraq then we should adopt a more rubble less trouble approach to other countries in the region that threaten us"
Freder, who was saying that democracy won't work in Iraq? Glenn Reynolds or the left?
And more rubble, less trouble sounds a lot like Obamas drone strike policy.
Don't committee troops to nation building, or building a stable state, which is messy. Just drop bombs from on high to kill people.
It may in fact be the better policy in certain cases, but lets at least acknowledge the implications of the policy.
Glenn Reynolds also blends puppies.
Freeper takes to the Internet to reveal she can't read and comprehend sentences.
A beclowning ensues...
Ha ha ha! "Soothe you up" is a good phrase, isn't it?
Professor Gunslinger said...
But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
Prof, you clearly have zero clue about gun ownership or what it means to own a gun. People generally don't go out as frightened or angry citizens and take people out. Have you ever owned a gun? Have you ever fired a gun? Have you ever seen or touched a gun. I'm suspecting the answer is no. And clearly to that end, you are clueless due to your refrain above. Don't say stupid shit like that anymore please. It just makes you look dumb. And I don't want to see that happen. Thank you.
The Reynolds quote is realistic. It's not a call for genocide. He is simply saying that if warfare against a committed enemy is not pursued vigorously enough to result in that enemies clear defeat and the enemy continues murdering your women and children the next step in a them or us scenario is, tragically, genocide.
But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
The genocide of Islam is not a tragedy, but a celebration.
Reynolds asserts that genocide is sometimes "unavoidable and provoked". I don't know how he can consider himself civilized.
Freder Frederson said...
Reynolds asserts that genocide is sometimes "unavoidable and provoked".
You're a fucking pathetic liar.
Methadras challenged Althouse: Have you ever fired a gun?
I vaguely recall her posting about going to a shooting range with Meade. This was probably the latter's idea. But there is that at least.
On the other hand, didn't Sullivan post about doing the same--trying shooting once?
I used to belong to the local gun range but the price of ammo kept getting higher and higher so I stopped going. Plus I had fulfilled my mission of teaching my son handgun safety.
I look forward to Althouse posting on this again and asking just what kind of happiness people find in warm guns.
What kind of complete fucking asshole takes to the Internet to say this:
Were it really to become all-out war of the sort that Osama and his ilk want, the likely result would be genocide -- unavoidable, and provoked, perhaps, but genocide nonetheless, akin to what Rome did to Carthage, or to what Americans did to American Indians. That's what happens when two societies can't live together, and the weaker one won't stop fighting -- especially when the weaker one targets the civilians and children of the stronger. This is why I think it's important to pursue a vigorous military strategy now. Because if we don't, the military strategy we'll have to follow in five or ten years will be light-years beyond "vigorous.""
Is advocating genocide?
Seriously, shut up. You're a fucking idiot.
Shorter freeper:
Reynolds used "genocide" in a paragraph, therefore Reynolds advocates genocide.
Go back to Kos when you're considered insightful.
I want to concentrate on the "fair" aspect of AAs statement. Every time I hear that phrase in situations like this I always think of the Churchill quote: "I will not be neutral as between the fire and the fire-brigade!"
Maybe the other side doesn't consider you civilized, Freder.
But let's be fair to the other side of the gun debate. There must also be a few guys in the area who look enough like the white-hat suspect that they're afraid some frightened/angry citizen will take them out.
Except that isn't being "fair" at all.
It is engaging in hysteria based on false premises.
There is no evidence to suggest that gun owners take to the street wantonly shooting people in a search for criminals.
MayBee said...
"Ha ha ha! 'Soothe you up' is a good phrase, isn't it?"
See! The LA cops aren't incompetent, they can multitask!
There are lots of guns in Boston. Unregistered ones owned by gangs and other criminals. Some of whom might decide to side with the angels for the moment and go vigilante, some of whom might lay low, some of whom might see this as an opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and the "lockdown" of stores and business.
Criminals aside, it's far more likely that a twitchy cop or security guard will shoot them than a random armed private citizen.
You're a fucking pathetic liar.
Yes, directly quoting someone, and providing the entire quote for context, makes me a "fucking pathetic liar"
Methadras challenged Althouse: Have you ever fired a gun?
I vaguely recall her posting about going to a shooting range with Meade.
Which is not the same thing as being a responsible gun owner. I would hazard a guess that Althouse has zero friends or acquaintances who own guns.
I would hazard a guess that Althouse has zero friends or acquaintances who own guns.
She is friends with Glenn Reynolds, and he loves him his guns.
So she goes down to TN to see him?
Does she have any friends that live in a closer state, perhaps even Wisconsin? That she physically sees or even (gasp) enters homes with guns on a semi-regular basis?
I was thinking a few moments ago about buying either two shares of Apple stock or a Glock. I have landed on the Glock.
Freder said...Yes, directly quoting someone, and providing the entire quote for context, makes me a "fucking pathetic liar"
it was the mischaracterization of what he wrote that makes you a fucking pathetic liar. not understanding that or what Reynolds wrote is the result of your brain's capabilities.
The car that the brothers hi-jacked had a "COEXIST" bumpersticker on it.
Just throwing that out there into the point-counterpoint universe.
Criminals aside, it's far more likely that a twitchy cop or security guard will shoot them than a random armed private citizen.
Probably yes -- and I know Obama administration policy is to shoot terrorists so you don't have to deal with the legal mess of taking them into custody and having them file a bunch of jailhouse litigation or tell the media they've been tortured. But don't we want this one alive?
Tamirlain was a great tyrant and a great murderer that reigned in the remnants of the Mongol-Persian Empire.
These Caucasus mountain tribes were in a strategic area. They were originally sun god guys. The symbol of their sun god was a hagencruz/swastika. But after being run over by Ginghis Khan amd Tamirlain, then Turkish Sultans and then the Russian Empire and Stalin, the tradition in Chechnia became to suddenly kill outsiders without mercy before they kill you.
I would hazard a guess that Althouse has zero friends or acquaintances who own guns.
This is a ridiculous assertion. I am as anti-gun as anyone, yet I still know (and apparently beyond your understanding) and am friends with people who own guns, some strictly for hunting, others for self defense. Heck, I even know people in England who own guns--granted that is unusual.
To be fair, it is not just civilians who are likely to shoot first and ask questions later. Whether a government agent or a private citizen, people must know that there are consequences for actions improperly taken.
Freder Frederson said...
Yes, directly quoting someone, and providing the entire quote for context, makes me a "fucking pathetic liar"
Um, you asserted the opposite of what Reynolds said.
Yes, you're a fucking pathetic liar.
"I have landed on the Glock."
Practicality and realism over greed and speculation..
PS: Not that greed and speculation is necessarily a bad thing, but, considering the times..
"Wouldn't it be even be better if the killer expected you to be armed? Then he may not want to visit. "
About 40 years ago, there was a furious shootout between CHP officers and armed suspects that left 4 officers dead. It is called The Newhall Massacre and is used in training of officers ever since.
The bad guys then fled into the nearby forest area. One came upon a truck camper parked and ordered the owner, asleep inside, to open up or be shot. The camper owner emptied a .357 magnum revolver through the door of the camper and the bad guy took off. There is a moral there somewhere.
Freder Frederson said...
Yes, directly quoting someone, and providing the entire quote for context, makes me a "fucking pathetic liar"
The fact that you think this:
Were it really to become all-out war of the sort that Osama and his ilk want, the likely result would be genocide -
Means: "I'm for genocide"
Speaks volumes about your intelligence.
The only question is why you don't have any capacity for embarrassment?
Proving YET AGAIN that "you can't make it up."
PS to Armatel:
The only thing that would have made it even better would have been if he had been driving a Prius..
"But don't we want this one alive?"
I'd assume we do, since it seems very likely that there are international ties here, and maybe other accomplices. Sadly, chances are if he is taken alive he'll end up Mirandized and lawyered-up in federal custody shortly after capture. So who knows how long all that might take? If the feds are smart they'll leave the dude with some local cops and take a long lunch.
Some of whom might decide to side with the angels for the moment and go vigilante
Maybe she's just afraid that some Bostonians have seen The Boondock Saints one to many times...
How is it fair to the anti-gun people to make such stupid argument on their behalf?
Freder Frederson said...
I am as anti-gun as anyone,
What a dumb and moronic statement to make. But after all, you are dumb and moronic. That's like being called a racist and to prove your not you proclaim you have black and other ethnic friends. What's it like going through life knowing people laugh at you and your stupidity?
Yes, directly quoting someone, and providing the entire quote for context, makes me a "fucking pathetic liar"
Freder actually said this! Wow. No, Freder, it doesn't necessarily make you a pathetic liar. You could simply be a complete idiot, instead.
"Proving YET AGAIN that "you can't make it up."
Yep. The COEXIST directive is not aimed at the bullshit brothers and their co-religionists, though. The crescent is only there because it matches up so well with the "C" in "COEXIST" and also serves as a hypocrisy shield lest anyone point out that the directive to "COEXIST" is aimed at dangerous white privilege Christians. And that COEXIST eventually translates to Sharia law for everyone.
The police are looking for a green 1999 Honda. I drive a green 1998 Toyota and am in Ohio, but I'm still being very careful. I'm white and own a pressure cooker.
I'm white and own a pressure cooker
Me too, except I have 3 pressure cookers. And a pressure canner.
For 20-25 years I looked like about half the people on the post office wanted posters.
DBQ - you can expect a knock on your door any time now.
Pressure cookers -- you can't beat 'em when it comes to bang for the buck!
They can also perform as low-budget autoclaves for those tricky homebrew anthrax experiments.
But seriously folks, a pressure cooker is a welcome addition to any kitchen.
I've always thought they should make the X in "Coexist" a swastika just to show they really mean it.
Feder: Yes, directly quoting someone, and providing the entire quote for context, makes me a "fucking pathetic liar"
Concluding that Reynolds advocated genocide in that piece makes you illiterate. Repeating it over and over again makes you a liar.
Since you're a little slow...the tell is what comes after the "but" (hint -- the rationalization comes before the "but") and the value judgement implied in "Native American" appended to it.
That last bit is the rankest sort of slander.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
I'm white and own a pressure cooker
Me too, except I have 3 pressure cookers. And a pressure canner. ,
I gave up pressure cooking years ago and went down the crock pot direction. Yes, there is a joke in there somewhere.
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