April 19, 2013

"The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings led police on a wild and deadly chase through the suburbs..."

"... here early Friday morning that ended in the death of one of the suspects as well as a campus police officer; the other suspect remained at large while hundreds of police officers conduct a manhunt through Watertown, about five miles west of downtown Boston."
The surviving suspect was identified as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass., a law enforcement official said. The suspect who was killed was identified as his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, the law enforcement official said. Investigators believe that both of the suspects were Chechens.
ADDED: "Victim in iconic photo says he saw bomber... 'He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, "bag, saw the guy, looked right at me"'..."


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Brian Brown said...

They are Muslims. Chris Matthews, the Daily Kos, and Brian Ross hardest hit.

Brian Brown said...

Oh, and I'm anxiously waiting for ABC's Brian Ross to tell us these two terrorists are college Republicans & the Tea Party is active in Chechnya.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The dancing around of the issue in the media of these adherents of the religion of peace is disgusting.

I was reading Daily Kos earlier (while loathsome, the comments there update constantly, lots with local Boston info)

They are so desperate to pin this on "wingnuts" it is pathetic.

Rusty said...

We have to wait until the investigation is over before we draw any conclusions.

Just saving the usual suspects the trouble.

rhhardin said...

They're hard to look up in a phone book, I bet.

Hamming reports spellings of Chebyscheff

{Tsch,Tch,Ch,C} eb {y,i} {sch,ch,sh,š} {ë,e,o} {f,ff,v}

virgil xenophon said...

The dead guy was studying engineering at Buinker Hill College. Ala M. Atta, so much for poverty and ignorance as root causes for Islamic "alienation."

rhhardin said...

This should show the Chicago gang bangers the value of a good education.

Brian Brown said...

What America clearly needs right now is a big 800 page + immigration bill allowing for more student visas.

James said...

There goes "immigration reform."

Also, the suspect at large was on scholarship at Rindge & Latin School. Shouldn't really be surprised this all went down in Cambridge.

Brian Brown said...

They are so desperate to pin this on "wingnuts" it is pathetic.


How badly are they hoping these two bombers got so much as a piece of junk mail from the NRA?

Icepick said...

The guys name is Joker? Really?

HA said...

These guys were just celebrating diversity, Chechen style.

Maybe Obama will order a drone strike against the surviving suspect.

virgil xenophon said...

LOL. As I mentioned on the previous thread, MSM types STILL don't want to "speculate" about "motive."

Mark said...

Poor Wolf Blitzer.

James said...

They are actual "Caucasian" Muslims...

Chip Ahoy said...

Newscaster: "Well, they're not mincing any words, they're just straight-up calling them terrorists." )) click ((

virgil xenophon said...

Yes, James, that fact makes it all so much better for lefties--blame it all on "whitey" and screw the muzzie bit..

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A sweep of Watertown could take... what?

He couldn't have gone far...

Unless they made plans ahead of time... like in the movies or something.

I would imagine anybody related to the two would have been contacted by now.

It wont be long.

Clyde said...

@ Icepick

"Some people just want to watch the world burn."

Icepick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

They apparently got their visas in 2007.

Guess who the lefties will blame...

Larry J said...

They've been saying on the news that the older brother was 20, not 26. However, compared to the other goofs and gaffes the Press has made about the story, that's trivial.

I hope they catch the younger brother alive. You can learn more from a live guy than a dead one, a lesson Obama doesn't take to heart in the drone wars.

sane_voter said...

The Religion of Piece-es strikes again

HA said...

Now that "liberals" have been rudely woken from their wet dream that these guys were white college Republicans, they will be praying to Gaia that the second suspect is killed rather than captured so they can consign this story to the dustbin of history with the Kermit Gosnell trial.

Aridog said...

How soon before the talking heads and bureaucrats can repeat the recent meme of "what difference does it make now?"

Anonymous said...

Islamic terrorists, trained down in Texas by Tea Party extremists no doubt.

Colonel Angus said...

I hope they catch the younger brother alive.

One report I read the one who was killed had a bomb strapped to his chest so I would think the other one won't be taken alive if he can help it.

It does bring the gun control debate back into.focus. Can legal residents but non citizens legally purchase firearms? If so, that's not going to help the anti gun control cause.

Anonymous said...

Oh, in related news, Chris Matthews is already in the sauce this morning. Granted he does it every morning, but today he's doubling down before his show . . .

Cody Jarrett said...

Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev received a Cambridge city scholarship in 2011 and was accepted to UMass Boston

LMAO! The beautiful people paid this cocksucker to hang out while he waited to kill Americans.
Or at least Massachusettians, whichever.

Synova said...

"...both of the suspects were Chechens."

At least that means they're white, right?

sane_voter said...

If Chechens are now active terrorists in the US, is a Beslan atrocity far behind? That will make Adam Lanza and Newtown look like amatuer hour.

Beslan Massacre

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You can learn more from a live guy than a dead one, a lesson Obama doesn't take to heart in the drone wars.

Catching him alive would force Obama to make a decision of whether to try him or send him to Gitmo.

Or Obama could just say is up to Holder and Justice... taaadaaa, off his hands.

virgil xenophon said...

The killers family had come to the US via claiming "Aslyum." But MSM STILL can't quite explain "motive" even as it admits they are Turks from Chechnya. The word "Muslim" has yet to escape their lips..

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

At least that means they're white, right?

Close enough for political propaganda work.

HT said...

CEO, and it's probably happening right now as we speak. Scholarships are being handed out everywhere. It's just particularly flavorful to yall here because it's in lib Cambridge. But it's happened in Alabama, Georgia, too, it's happened in California, and it's happening NOW, right now.

Bob Boyd said...

For some reason I am thinking of
Yortuk and George Festrunk.
Two wild and crazy guys.

Darrell said...

Two scholarships just opened up.

Brian Brown said...

By the way, one person is "at large" in a relatively large American city. The leaders of said city (and state) have:

1. Advised all citizens to stay in their homes
2. Shut down public transportation
3. Sent in "busloads" of police to search for the one person.

What does that say about government's ability here?

Scott M said...

I hope they catch the younger brother alive. You can learn more from a live guy than a dead one, a lesson Obama doesn't take to heart in the drone wars.

Some in the administration might actually be hoping the second terrorist is taken alive for questioning, but not the political advisers. A terror interrogation is the last thing they want to have to deal with.

Anonymous said...

"Two scholarships just opened up."

Both in American colleges AND in terrorist training camps. So that's four really . . .

Brian Brown said...

The city of Boston is closed for business today.

Because of 1 person.

sane_voter said...

BTW is Deval Patrick really black? Watched his statement a few minutes ago and he looked as white as the Irish police officers next to him.

Must be the one drop rule

virgil xenophon said...

Pete Williams on MSNBC JUST NOW: "We know the who, but now the why."


Scott M said...

Both in American colleges AND in terrorist training camps. So that's four really . . .

That's pretty damned funny.

Darrell said...

I stand corrected. Four.

Jane the Actuary said...

Motive unknown: that's legitimate. I thought the Chechens were all about killing Russians -- I've never read that they had it in for Americans. Did they decide to expand the war? Or were they put up to it by some other entity?

HT said...

I agree, closing a city for one person does seem messed up, unless there's something we don't know. Imagine how 'bold' everyone was right after the bombing, showing up for vigils and whatnot. And both were still alive (unknown?) at that point.

Cody Jarrett said...

Lem said...

At least that means they're white, right?

Close enough for political propaganda work.

Since George Zimmerman can be a white hispanic, I guess a Chechnyan Turk can be white too, right?

Cody Jarrett said...

It's fascinating that they moved in on them this quickly though.

How long was Whitey Bulger on the lam?

Roger J. said...

The Chechens are notoriously murderous bastards--and in fact most chechens are sunni muslims. It is their international ties that must be examined. Their involvement IMO signals a rethinking of our counter terrorism policy.

And I think the law enforcement agencies did an excellent job in responding to this atrocity, the American press notwithstanding.

Brian Brown said...

During the manhunt for the DC snipers, nobody even considered shutting down the city.

This is kind of bizarre to watch.

Colonel Angus said...

What does that say about government's ability here?

That they are trying to make it very hard for the second terrorist to get away?

Darrell said...

If Elizabeth and Philip are still active from The Americans,the KGB should just send them to put a bullet in his head.

Icepick said...

During the manhunt for the DC snipers, nobody even considered shutting down the city.

This is kind of bizarre to watch.

Well, the nation is 11 years more stupid now, isn't it? Not to mention that the government is 11 years more full of itself and drunk on power now.

Brian Brown said...


My conclusion is that they aren't very competent.

If 1 guy can shut down a city, what if there were 10?

Balfegor said...

Re: Jane:

Motive unknown: that's legitimate. I thought the Chechens were all about killing Russians -- I've never read that they had it in for Americans. Did they decide to expand the war? Or were they put up to it by some other entity?

There are Chechen groups with close ties to Al Qaeda.

HT said...

Why isn't a clearer photo of him available? School ID? Didn't the cops break into his house? Can't someone locate a picture frame or photo album? Something....These blurry photos are not that helpful...but maybe someone recognizes something.

Roger J. said...

Please read about the Beslan school massacre in Russia--it will give you an understanding of their tactics and ends.

Cody Jarrett said...

Jane said...

Motive unknown: that's legitimate. I thought the Chechens were all about killing Russians -- I've never read that they had it in for Americans. Did they decide to expand the war? Or were they put up to it by some other entity?"


The fighting in Chechnya has drawn in sympathetic muslims including AQ. Math. It's easy.

Brian Brown said...

Fox just reported that the young man they are searching for said after a boxing match that he is a Muslim.

Colonel Angus said...

And I think the law enforcement agencies did an excellent job in responding to this atrocity, the American press notwithstanding.

If there is an area that the government excels, with exceptions as in everything, it can typically be found in law enforcement and the military.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

David Sirota is sadz :(

dreams said...

Ignoring our Miss America's advice, the police fight violence with violence.


Unknown said...

I don't disagree with the media's ridiculous contortions to avoid the Muslim terrorist angle, but I was pretty puzzled when I heard they were Chechens. Not that terrorism is always logical, but I don't get why they'd expand to US targets, at all.

virgil xenophon said...

Reports of mass suicides over at DU and Daily Kos..

Brian Brown said...


"Stay Home, Stay Indoors"

MIT and Harvard are closed.

Land of the free, home of the brave.

Roger J. said...

Perhaps Mr Obama can concur with President Putin who has some experience with chechens. As we know he now has more flexibility post election.

Cody Jarrett said...

While I don't disagree totally, Jay, in fairness, these people have demonstrated their full of Chechnyan bloodthristyness.

I also wonder if there isn't a nest of them out there, or at least if LE is thinking there's a nest of them.

OTOH, tell a bunch of Bruins fans from Southie what he looks like and about where you think he might be and stand back. Problem solved.

Brian Brown said...

Gunfire live on TV now...

Kelly said...

Wasn't it the Chechnya's that took that Russian school hostage and raped and murdered dozens? I was always worried about that when we lived near Fort Hood and my daughter was in elementary school.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yes Jay...

I too believe that it is instructive to bear in mind, that while a city is under siege, president Obama is disappointed that citizens may still be able, if they so choose, to defend themselves, should they have the misfortune of encountering crock pots like these two.

Colonel Angus said...

My conclusion is that they aren't very competent.

If 1 guy can shut down a city, what if there were 10?

You're right. It would be better for the terrorist obviously skilled in bomb making to to walk freely among the populace. Give the cops a challenge in trying to find him.

Brian Brown said...

There are about 40 cops in front of a house in Watertown

Roger J. said...

C Stanley--its not the Chechen angle, its the al queda infiltration of Chechen muslims (IMO)

Anonymous said...

Don't get caught up in the whole Chechen thing. That area is very Islamic and it's just another place we are going to have to watch in the future instead of the usual suspect countries.

This is about Islamic extremism/terrorism and nothing more.

PB said...

So, how will immigration reform stop this?

Brian Brown said...

I also wonder if there isn't a nest of them out there, or at least if LE is thinking there's a nest of them.

Fair point.

It is reasonable to conclude they would flee to those sympathetic or in concert with them...

Unknown said...

Roger J, certainly a high probability, but it's something we haven't heard much about.

rhhardin said...

They don't add up the cost of stopping commerce very well.

This started when they started closing down traffic for ten hours after fatal accidents so they could photograph the police line tape.

It used to be that traffic could get by by steering around severed heads and limbs.

Now government takes precedence.

Anonymous said...

Can legal residents but non citizens legally purchase firearms? If so, that's not going to help the anti gun control cause.

My understanding is the green card holders, (e.g. permanent residents) can buy huns, else there would be a lot of 7-11's robbed.

student visa's No.
James said...
They are actual "Caucasian" Muslims...

nice pun. They are from the Caucasus. With Russian papers. They could be from Iranian, Turkish, or Armenian roots. All of them are Caucasians Ethnically...

Darrell said...

Dozens? 303. A lot of dozens.

Militants from Chechnya and neighboring provinces have launched a long series of terror attacks in Russia, including a 2002 hostage-taking raid in Moscow's theater, in which 129 hostages died, a 2004 hostage-taking in a school in Beslan that killed more than 330 people, and numerous bombings in Moscow and other cities.

virgil xenophon said...

Reports of a third "person of interest."
Poss a relative..

Cops also now know where 2nd guy is--latest.

HT said...

Well Colonel, I initially thought that the towns and city were put on lockdown because of the dangerousness of one man. But putting everyone on lockdown in order to facilitate a search is something different, and something that if I were in charge I think I would not hesitate to do. In fact, I cannot believe it wasn't done with the snipers. I felt we should have had house to house searches, and said so. But that's what would have happened if I were in charge, because I was angry and scared. But, is doing that legal?

rhhardin said...

If more people knew morse code, they wouldn't have to ask for pen and paper.

Telegraph keys in every hospital!

virgil xenophon said...

Third guy now "in custody."

Brian Brown said...

Can legal residents but non citizens legally purchase firearms?

In most states, yes.

In some states they can carry concealed.

For example in PA:

If you are applying for a firearms permit and you are a Non-US Citizen, you MUST apply in person.


Unknown said...

Jay, i disagree with your criticism. I'm impressed with the way this is being handled. It's not a random overreaction- they obviously are rounding up the family and probably expect to corner this guy within hours. Keeping the public sheltered down as this unfolds makes much more sense than allowing them to do further damage. They clearly demonstrated last night that they intend to go down while inflicting maximum number of casualties.

Cedarford said...

James said...
They are actual "Caucasian" Muslims...
And you think the Semetic Ones and the Aryan Ones are not??

test said...

virgil xenophon said...
Reports of a third "person of interest."
Poss a relative..

Cops also now know where 2nd guy is--latest.

I heard (local news airing the Boston sister-station feed) a woman was arrested at the dead one's home, possibly sister or wife. Guy was married with a small child, and the pair has two sisters.

Cody Jarrett said...

Vermont and NY plates on some of the cop SUV's.

The FBI has ordered air traffic suspended in and around Boston?

Woman (neighbor) says they just removed "a device" from the house a couple doors down.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It looks like the cops may have found him.

News told to go/step back news feed stopped because they don't want the suspect to know what's going on at that particular location.

Brian Brown said...

C Stanley,

If police are searching door to door in Watertown, why should a business in the north end of Boston be closed?

Icepick said...

Okay, how much of the greater Boston area is shut down? Shutting down downtown Boston seems stupid if they know the guy is in a particular area that ISN'T downtown Boston.

So how much of the city is shutdown, and how much of this is because we're listening to the same idiot news people that have been getting everything wrong since Monday afternoon?

James said...

>>Motive unknown: that's legitimate. I thought the Chechens were all about killing Russians -- I've never read that they had it in for Americans. Did they decide to expand the war? Or were they put up to it by some other entity?<<

What if they are radical Muslims? Does ethnicity trump religious ideology?

Pam Geller must feel vindicated this morning.

Unknown said...

Um, Jay, no one commutes from Watertown?

David said...

"Gangland Style"

Icepick said...

Jay beat me to it....

rhhardin said...

Boston is a real pressure cooker now.

Unknown said...

We also don't know where other relatives and potential co-conspirators live, Jay.

David said...

Time for Homeland Security to expend some of those 1.6 billion (!) rounds of ammo?

Cody Jarrett said...

Guess SWAT is heading to another location quickfast.

Anonymous said...

So these guys are Islamic terrorists and the guy who sent the ricin letters out is a Democrat.

The spinning of heads at MSNBC must be pretty bad this morning . . .

Roger J. said...

C Stanley--I suspect that Chechens weren't considered as possible terror source was because our intelligence agencies focus on the low hanging fruit; eg, young Arabic men, and overlook the fact that there are many militant muslims who are in fact not Arabic.
Al Queda appears to me to be quite adapatable in recruiting, but its recruiting will always be among Muslims who have no qualms about blowing themselves up to accomplish their ends. And Chechens have done precisely that. As noted above, the Moscow Theater and the Beslan school atrocity

Icepick said...

Um, Jay, no one commutes from Watertown?

Then it makes sense to lock-down Watertown, not downtown Boston.

Cody Jarrett said...

Uncle says kid's parents now live in Russia. And when told he was dead, the uncle says good, he deserves it.

virgil xenophon said...

FOURTH person/relative(?) taken into custody!

Michael Haz said...

Imagine the scramble as MSNBC producers scour photos of Tea Party rallies frantically trying to find either of the brothers on the audience or on stage.

Darrell said...

Time for Homeland Security to expend some of those 1.6 billion (!) rounds of ammo?

Turns out that they had not increased their purchases. That 1.6 billion is the sum total of all solicitations for bids over the years. The didn't purchase those amounts. (just 1000 rounds/employee/year)

Icepick said...

We also don't know where other relatives and potential co-conspirators live, Jay.

By that rationale they shut lock-down the entire planet. Hell, by that rationale we should shoot everybody, because everybody might be a terrorist.

Icepick said...

I mean, we don't want to take any chances, right?

Roger J. said...

While we have made inroads against AQ, it seems to me that they are quite resilient bastards. They remain a threat.

Clyde said...

Ungrateful bastards. They get to come here from their third world country and out from under the thumb of Russian oppression, and how do they repay us? Explosions and gunfire.

It reminds me of the story of the frog and the scorpion. "It's my nature."


Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob said...

The older brother was named Tamerlan, after Tamerlane, the 14th-century "Sword of Islam" who conquered much of central Asia.

4/19/13, 7:34 AM

...who slaughtered much of central Asia.

Cody Jarrett said...

The Boston CBS affiliate is going full Trayvon, with a picture of one of the little fuckers as a twelve year old with a halo.

Uncle described one of the boys as "a loser".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Muslims. Not tea party tax payers as suspected by the entire leftwing liar group-think.

Brian Ross and Chris Matthews hardest hit.

Unknown said...

Good grief, Icepick, do you take into account at all that the people making these decisions have information that we currently don't have?

Brian Brown said...

C Stanley,

It is one thing to tell residents of Watertown not to commute to the city. It is another to everyone in the greater Boston area to stay indoors.

Roger J. said...

If there are Chechen cells in the US, that, again IMO, is a major US intelligence failure.

Cody Jarrett said...

Roger J. said...

While we have made inroads against AQ, it seems to me that they are quite resilient bastards. They remain a threat. "

And of course we do have a POTUS who took the boot off their throat.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

>>Motive unknown: that's legitimate. I thought the Chechens were all about killing Russians -- I've never read that they had it in for Americans. Did they decide to expand the war? Or were they put up to it by some other entity?<<

Chechens fought in Iraq against Americans and are in Afghanistan today.

Colonel Angus said...

I felt we should have had house to house searches, and said so. But that's what would have happened if I were in charge, because I was angry and scared. But, is doing that legal?

Well I think going house to house without a warrant violates the Constitution. I suppose an argument can he made whether doing so in this situation constitutes an unreasonable search. Perhaps for a guy who knocked over a liquour store, yes. A terrorist? Maybe not.

As for the lockdown, I thought city officials had that authority already.

Icepick said...

Good grief, Icepick, do you take into account at all that the people making these decisions have information that we currently don't have?

Good grief, Stanley, have you taken into account that one of the people making the decisions gave a press conference Monday where he stated that the incident at the JFK Library was and WASN'T a bomb? That his own people were already trying to correct his statements with the press before he had even left the podium?


And again: Is all of Boston on lock-down, or just Watertown?

Anonymous said...

Roger J. said...
C Stanley--I suspect that Chechens weren't considered as possible terror source was because our intelligence agencies

For years after 9-11 as profiling of ME men kicked in, there was talk about how AQ wanted to recruit non-arabs, African Muslims, Chechi's, French Muslims, etc. The better for their papers and accents to blend in...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The suspects were identified by law enforcement officials and a family member as Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, brothers from a Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars.

Cody Jarrett said...

Darrell said...

Time for Homeland Security to expend some of those 1.6 billion (!) rounds of ammo?

Turns out that they had not increased their purchases. That 1.6 billion is the sum total of all solicitations for bids over the years. The didn't purchase those amounts. (just 1000 rounds/employee/year)"

That's not totally true. It's a line one of the writers at National Review tried to throw out. When I have time I can get the cites that prove it wrong if you want. Or you could check it yourself and see.

For one thing, you say it's only 1000 rounds/employee/year...but how many of the employees do you suppose actually carry firearms.

David said...

If you lived in Watertown, would you like to have a gun on your person and in your home today?

Oso Negro said...

There is another story here, besides the real-life 24 episode, that you might have missed if you just caught the news this morning. There was a fellow on Reddit who was corroborating sources and providing a live commentary of the action all through the night. I am in Istanbul today and so I spent the morning watching it unfold. The Reddit guy had it all while Drudge, CNN, Fox, the Boston Herald, and the Boston Globe either slept or putzed along. This is new and different. Crowdsourced reporting. Right up your alley, Ann.

Anonymous said...

"Well I think going house to house without a warrant violates the Constitution. I suppose an argument can he made whether doing so in this situation constitutes an unreasonable search. Perhaps for a guy who knocked over a liquour store, yes. A terrorist? Maybe not"

Depends, exigent circumstances could be argued here. Searching for a fugitive falls right in that area.

Also, they are "locked down" but it's still voluntary. There are not enough cops to physically keep people in their homes. If someone wants to leave they can although it'd be stupid to do so considering the tense situation out there.

Roger J. said...

CEO: exactly. Two of the principles of war: pursuit and annhilation. We failed on those principles. Its some much easier to launch drone strikes (of which I approve) than take the actions that only "boots on the ground" can accomplish.

Cody Jarrett said...

Maybe so, Oso. But Drudge was updating links through the night, and Reddit was reporting they were white Americans.

Oso Negro said...

Oh, and one more time - it wasn't fucking WHITE SUPREMACISTS! The Feds and the state-controlled media should give that shit a rest until white supremacists actually do something noteworthy again.

Roger J. said...

I do hope we are communicating with Russian intelligence--they know a lot more about chechens than we do, as it obvious from the sad events in Boston. This is a situation where national interests coincide.

Anonymous said...

Roger J. said...
C Stanley--I suspect that Chechens weren't considered as possible terror source was because our intelligence agencies


If they weren't our intelligence agencies are dolts..the Chechens have always been core members of AQ.

AllenS said...

Drill SGT said...

They could be from Iranian, Turkish, or Armenian roots. All of them are Caucasians Ethnically...

You are correct, sir.

Cody Jarrett said...

"Also, they are "locked down" but it's still voluntary. There are not enough cops to physically keep people in their homes. If someone wants to leave they can although it'd be stupid to do so considering the tense situation out there."

Have you seen the sheer volume of cops and military on the streets? And they most certainly can keep can (and are) keeping people in or out. Including carrying elderly people who can barely walk out.

Oso Negro said...

CEO - I must've looked at Drudge every five minutes all night long. He was NOT on top of this - the headline didn't change for hours, nor the links below. Here is the link to the guy I was following at Reddit.


The Reddit guy reported what came in and if new information made him correct the old, he did.

Roger J. said...

Lars: the events speak for themselves--out intelligence agencies are in fact dolts--Please recall that our esteemed Director of HOmeland Security opined there was no wider plot.

Sharc said...

What if they are radical Muslims? Does ethnicity trump religious ideology?

No. Islam would be their primary identity. Once your religion commits you to jihad, Bostonians, Russians, whatever. One infidel target is as good as another.

Anonymous said...

Laughed out loud when NPR just now said we know where they are from but not their "religion."

HA said...

Fox Business News just interviewed a young woman who knows the bombers. She said they lived with their parents and a sister. If this wonderful family had been Germans who wanted to home-school their children they would have been deported by now.

Anonymous said...

The problem with taking your boot off the throats is that in a counterinsurgency, you kill off the dumb ones. Darwin's law. The folks that survive are the smart, cunning ones who adapt and learn. Keep them in the game long enough and they learn the good guy play-book. They can aways recruit up again...

Anonymous said...

"Have you seen the sheer volume of cops and military on the streets? And they most certainly can keep can (and are) keeping people in or out. Including carrying elderly people who can barely walk out."

Yeah, I saw and still it's not enough to literally lock them down. But again, this is a public safety thing and I don't see an issue with it for a short term. Now if they continued it for a day or so, then obviously there are civil rights issues.

As to the searches for these suspects/fugitives, I'm confident exigent circumstances apply. Once they are caught that will have to stop.

David said...

The guy is (so they say) cornered, and the cameras have been moved away. So we are going to get the government version of the final act. No cameras, folks.

AllenS said...

I have the TV on right now, and that's something that I very, very seldom do. Watching CNN and they don't have a fucking clue.

Cody Jarrett said...

MASS STATE POLICE ‏@MassStatePolice 5m

Reminder-stay in home order remains in place Watertown, Boston, and residents of Cambridge, Belmont, Newton and surrounding towns.

Stay at home "order". But it's not mandatory or anything, right?

Anonymous said...

"No. Islam would be their primary identity. Once your religion commits you to jihad, Bostonians, Russians, whatever. One infidel target is as good as another."

Bingo. And it is evidenced by our homegrown American jihadis. Doesn't matter what race you are are where you are from.

Third Coast said...

Listening live online to WBZ in Boston. The uncle said the youngest came to this country in 2000-2001 which means he was around 6 years old at the time. Almost home-grown.

Roger J. said...

CEO--stay at home order as with mandatory evacuation orders are not mandatory.

test said...

AllenS said...
Watching CNN and they don't have a fucking clue.

I ususally start out on CNN when something big breaks, but they obviously made no real effort to cover this story. Maybe they decided not to cover it as a market differentiation strategy? They can claim not to be caught up in the hype? Or maybe they just assumed it would take longer and the other networks would look foolish chasing doghair.

Colonel Angus said...

No. Islam would be their primary identity. Once your religion commits you to jihad, Bostonians, Russians, whatever. One infidel target is as good as another."

Do we know for certain they are Muslim? Despite being from Chechnya or thereabouts that isn't a foregone conclusion. There are plenty of Christians in Lebanon and Syria for that matter.

Anonymous said...

"Do we know for certain they are Muslim? Despite being from Chechnya or thereabouts that isn't a foregone conclusion. There are plenty of Christians in Lebanon and Syria for that matter."

I've seen some kind of Facebook-like social media site that has his photo and personal information and he lists "Islam" as his primary interest. I think it may be a a school thing.

So, while I don't know it for a fact, I'm willing to lay a small wager that he is. They are.

Anonymous said...

The Chechens are notoriously murderous bastards

You know who is even worse--the Sicilians, Irish, and Blacks, not to mention those dirty Belgian bastards!

HA said...

This is a bad day for self-hating whites like David Sirota.

ThreeSheets said...

Whoever was interviewing the uncle on CNN told him they were sorry for his loss. TWICE. What the heck?

Third Coast said...

Now another uncle is being interviewed and he says the nephews (terrorists) arrived here in 2005-2006. Obviously, lots of conflicting info being put out there.

virgil xenophon said...

What no one has EVER wanted to admit from jump-street immediately post 9/11 is that organized AQ cells, etc,. while worrying, long-term are the least of our worries. The truly insidious long-term threat is the fact that we are facing a totally amorphous crypto-religious world-wide "movement" of self-motivated Islamic "believers" who ae not only inspired by internet Islamic propaganda, but zero-in on the very literal words of the Koran itself as a motivating and guiding lodestar. As such, as long as a SINGLE Koran is allowed to exist on this globe, the materials for Jihadist inspiration will, like a long-surviving virus, always be around to infect future potential Jihadistic adherents..

Anonymous said...

Here's his Twitter profile:


Roger J. said...

thank you for your input, Freder--most enlightening

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Do the FBI have a David Sirota-skin-color-detecto-gizmo? I sure hope so. It's important we know the exact shade of white or off-white or mildly tan of the perps skin.

They were from a Muslim region, know for radicalization.
The media have no problem entertaining and speculating that it "could be angry white supremacists or a tax payer group" without any evidence. Now that evidence is rolling in, the pro-democrat media shut up about the obvious.
They don't want to report in the same manner.

Anonymous said...

"You know who is even worse--the Sicilians, Irish, and Blacks, not to mention those dirty Belgian bastards!"

This isn't about region, it's about religion. And if you want to talk notorious just look at the Presbyterians. They are the worst . . .

AllenS said...

This is just the latest of the terror attacks that will happen to this country forever. This will never end. It won't be every day, but it will be often enough to cause a lot of misery.

These people hate our freedoms. They think we deserve to die because of our lack of morals.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC talking head just said, "We'll find out if some United States policy set them off."

It's always America's fault to the left . . .

Anonymous said...

thank you for your input, Freder--most enlightening

As is your overt racism.

Roger J. said...

there are some books out there on the Caucasus Region--might be worthwhile to read them.

Anonymous said...

The Chechens are notoriously murderous bastards

It's a sheep thing.

Drill SGT's First Law of Sheep:

Groups that raise sheep are marginal peoples, on Marginal Land, with time on their hands to plink at targets and dream of raiding those rich low land bastards and carrying off their cattle and women.

Notable Sheep Herders:
- Scots
- Serbs
- Afghans
- Chechens
- Nepalese (aka Gurkhas)
- Kurds

basicly folks you don't want mad at you :)

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger J. said...

thank you for your input, Freder--most enlightening

4/19/13, 8:19 AM

Cut Freder some slack.
The ricin poisoner is a Democrat.
The judge killers in TX were not members of the Aryan Brotherhood.
And now, the Boston bombers are Islamists.

Nothing is fitting the narrative.

James said...

VK is the Russian equivalent of Facebook.

Roger J. said...

Freder: whatever--

X said...

ties to academia and islam. how unusual.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

TWM - MSNBC is so completely disgusting and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

"Nothing is fitting the narrative."

That's because the liberal narrative is just all kinds of crazy . . .

Cody Jarrett said...

CEO--stay at home order as with mandatory evacuation orders are not mandatory."

LOL. Tell me that while you're being carried out of your house. Or screamed at to get back inside.

Yes, if you really wanted to leave you could I'm sure. But most Americans anymore don't bother to question authority.

Darrell said...

His Russian Facebook entry has him listing Islam and Making Money as his life focus.

test said...

AllenS said...
These people hate our freedoms. They think we deserve to die because of our lack of morals.

I think this overstates these factors. They hate us because we prevent Islam from achieving its rightful position of world domination.

They think our freedoms are stupid and certainly believe we are depraved, but that isn't what motivates them.

Anonymous said...

"As is your overt racism."

Chechens are Caucasian and therefore one cannot be racist towards them by definition, Liberal definition that is . . .

virgil xenophon said...

If the 2nd guy is captured alive and manages to ACLU lawyer-up what are the odds that American racism and "suffocating" "cultural hegemony" will be used as mitigating explanatory factors in his defense?

Roger J. said...

CEO--I do agree that most people will comply--however, those orders are not mandatory and are not enforceable.

Cody Jarrett said...

suicide vest.

Michael said...

Thank God the people in the area where this guy is hiding dont have guns because of the strict Mass gun laws. Somebody could get hurt.

Darrell said...


I was going by the Military Times story about the ammo purchases.


lemondog said...

Why isn't a clearer photo of him available? School ID? Didn't the cops break into his house? Can't someone locate a picture frame or photo album? Something....These blurry photos are not that helpful...but maybe someone recognizes something.
Scroll down for his really
baby facephoto


MadisonMan said...

The things you miss out on by just getting up and going to work without listening to the radio or watching TV.

Good police work.

Speaking as a younger sibling, I wonder how the younger brother was influenced by the older. Now that the older is dead...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colonel Angus said...

thank you for your input, Freder--most enlightening

As is your overt racism.

What race are Chechens?

lemondog said...

Other photos

AllenS said...

Marshall, I've said more than once that Islam is on the march. They realize that they won't dominate the world in the near future, but that doesn't bother them. They are very patient. They must laugh at us when they see that we can't even mention Islam during this whole affair. They roll on the floor with laughter when someone does mention Islam and those people are ripped a new one.

They know they are winning.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC talking head asks an expert on what law enforcement/intelligence groups will be looking at now and when the guy mentions Islam/Al Qadea he does his best to SHUT HIM UP.

You think that would happen if these guys had been Tea Partiers?

Anonymous said...

Anglelyne said...
Of interest at Slate.

They pulled the page

James said...

>>Speaking as a younger sibling, I wonder how the younger brother was influenced by the older. Now that the older is dead...<<

It appears the "younger" brother is the ringleader. He was seen on tape planting both bombs and it was reported earlier that he ran over his brother while attempting to escape.

Matt Sablan said...

That was fast of Slate; I'm guessing the quote hasn't been verified yet is the reason for the pull. But even then, a correction or Editor's note is the preferred way to handle things.

CWJ said...

The Drill Sgt,

You forgot the Basques in Spain.

lemondog said...

The Russian social website vKontakte has a page of a Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who lists himself as a resident of Boston and a member of the class of 2011 at Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. The school lists a Dzhokhar Tsarnayev as its athlete of the month for February 2011, and the recipient of a Cambridge scholarship in 2011.

The vKontakte page says that Tsarnayev studied at School No. 1 from 1999 to 2001 in Mkhachkala, which is in Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim republic on the eastern border of Chechnya. According to the profile, Tsarnayev is a member of the group “Everything About the Chechen Republic.”

The profile lists Tsarnayev’s languages as English, Russian and Chechen, and lists him as a Muslim. The posts were made well before the Boston Marathon bombing, and are mostly jokes and humorous videos. The last post was in 2012.

- David Filpov, Globe Staff

Taken from Boston.com live blog

Darrell said...

His page on V Kontaktye page – the Russian equivalent of Facebook – states that he went to school in Makhachkala in Dagestan, which adjoins Chechnya.

His first name, Dzhokhar, is very Chechen, The Globe’s former Moscow bureau chief, Mark MacKinnon reports. The first Chechen pro-independence leader, killed by the Russian army, was Dzhokar Dudaev.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev speaks English and Russian, his profile states. His “worldview” derives from Islam, while his personal priorities are “career and money.” He is also said to belong to organizations supporting an independent Chechnya.

An online gallery of images assembled by photographer Johannes Hirn purports to show his older brother Tamerlan working out at Boston’s Wai Kru Mixed Martial Arts center where he practised boxing.

It quotes him as saying, "I don't have a single American friend, I don't understand them."

After fleeing the former Soviet Union with his younger brother, Tamerlan studied at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston and aspired to be an engineer, the photo gallery states, but took time off from school to train for a boxing tournament, the National Golden Gloves competition in Salt Lake City, Utah.

He drove a Mercedes to the martial arts center, the photo essay states, and usually didn’t take his shirt off out of modesty, because "I'm very religious."

Tamerlan Dzhokar was also said to have given up alcohol and tobacco because he was a devout Muslim and "God said no alcohol."

The brothers’ uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, told CBS that his nephews arrived in the U.S. around 2001.

“They do not deserve to exist on this earth,” he said.

“I just wished they never existed. I am wordless.”

Their parents live in Russia, the uncle said.

Dzokhar was a quiet boy, Ruslan Tsarni said. He called Tamerlan “a loser” and said of his death “he deserved it.”

But the younger brother, who in the spring of 2011 received a $2,500 scholarship from the city of Cambridge, has been “a nice, quiet boy," the uncle said.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev also left behind a YouTube file of his favorite clips, which included Russian rap videos and testimonial from a young ethnic Russian man titled “How I accepted Islam and became a Shiite,” the New York Times reported.

Alvi Karimov, spokesman for Chechnya leader Ramzan Kadyrov, told the Times the Tsarnaev family had not lived in Chechnya for many years.

“In such a way, the figures who are being spoken about did not live in Chechnya at a mature age, and if they became ‘bad guys,’ then this is a question that should be put to the people who raised them,” the spokesman was quoted as saying.

Anonymous said...

Drill Sgt:

No, I messed up the link. Let's try again.

Icepick said...

Drill SGT, you anti-Scot racist bastard you! I'd take offense to that because of my Scottish heritage, but then, because of my Scottish heritage I know you're not wrong. Damn.

(And that's Scottish Scot-heritage, none of this Scots-Irish crap.)

lemondog said...

Gulienne(?) Live on Bloomberg

HA said...

This guy will be killed even if he try's to surrender. He will get the death penalty without judge or jury because "liberals" wish he didn't exist.

virgil xenophon said...

The end-game of all this reminds me of the movie "Thelma and Louise."

Life imitates art..

Icepick said...

The first Chechen pro-independence leader, killed by the Russian army, was Dzhokar Dudaev.

Seriously? Their original leader was Joker Dude? That's messed up....

Anonymous said...

[deleted and reposted with working link]

Of interest at Slate.

"Tamerlan says he doesn't drink or smoke anymore: "God said no alcohol." A muslim, he says: "There are no values anymore," and worries that "people can't control themselves."

If only Americans would follow Tamerlan's fine example of self-control.

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