Two law enforcement officials said that the suspect, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, was found in a boat parked behind a house there....
A police officer at the scene said that the man was covered in blood when he was captured. An ambulance was already there. The Boston Police Department announced on Twitter: “Suspect in custody. Officers sweeping the area.” And Mayor Thomas M. Menino posted, “We got him.”
१९ एप्रिल, २०१३
The second Boston bomber is taken alive...
... and injured.
१८८ टिप्पण्या:
أنا لا يقدم إلى الإسلام
So it appears that the death penalty IS possible.
House owner went to check on his boat...
Sunday sermon preview.
Too bad. I was hoping he would be "accidentally" shot while resisting arrest.
Maybe too weak to offer resistance.
Waterboard the sucker.
Inga said...
So it appears that the death penalty IS possible.
In the People's Republic?
Get a clue.
I look forward to hearing from Liberals how America failed our immigrants and turned them bad. If only we had been less Xenophobic, they wouldn't have to kill us.
..."accidentally" shot while resisting arrest.
Its Boston... not Los Angeles or Chicago.
Its why I support McCain and Shumer in Amnesty for illegals and supporting even more immigration. Had there been a million more Muslims in Massachusetts this bombing wouldn't have occurred.
In the People's Republic?
He should be subject to Federal jurisdiction, so the death penalty is in play. The Obama Administration generally just prefers to blow terrorists (and their families) all to Hell with drones, but they'll probably be forced to actually enforce the law this time, much as it pains them.
I think the Boston Police has handled this incident with a lot of restraint and civility.
A model for the rest of the nation.
I wish they would also swoop in and arrest that Ortiz woman, for her terroristic attack on Aaron Swartz.
"So it appears that the death penalty IS possible."
No way that will happen.
It will be interesting to watch the liberal media spin over the next week and months.
Does anyone seriously think he will ever be put to death, get real.
That Ortiz sure was a turn off.
The Nobel Peace Prize winner is about to speak. My mute won't last four more years.
He'll get the Federal rap and could end up like McVeigh but his lawyers will keep a lid on any good info unless they plea him down.
I like that they will be able to get info but I'm also disappointed that he wasn't killed because the liberal media will probably turn him into a victim and his trial will be a mess and probably a great recruiting tool for the terrorists.
Oh oh..
Obama with a reflection hat?
Asking why?
Is that safe?
"I think the Boston Police has handled this incident with a lot of restraint and civility."
And a lot of standing around. Wait until you see the overtime bill.
Sometimes there is a tendency for Obama to start talking bullshit.
Obama looks very tired. Especially his eyes.
I cant imagine the stress that any President must be under when these events ( and things we never hear about) occur.
Lem said...
I think the Boston Police has handled this incident with a lot of restraint and civility.
A model for the rest of the nation.
4/19/13, 9:00 PM
The Boston cops put the LA cops to shame.
He has said the word "diversity" twice.
And a lot of standing around. Wait until you see the overtime bill.
My thoughts exactly. But OweBama will cover it.
"He'll get the Federal rap and could end up like McVeigh but his lawyers will keep a lid on any good info unless they plea him down."
Would you trust your 19 year-old dope-smoking little brother with any "good info"? I think he gets the death penalty because he doesn't have good info.
The elder had the good info.
I read that he will not be mirandized and will be forced to talk under a national security exception. Is that true?
What is that exception and has it ever been held constitional?
Like I said a couple of days ago. If it was an islamic attack you can kiss many of our freedoms good-bye.
If there are more attacks in the near future you can kiss most of our freedoms good-bye.
Outside the perimeter.
Outside the perimeter.
What else is there to be said. All the police high fives are due to a citizen noticing something not right on his property. It has nothing to do with an entire day of disruption and searching in the wrong place. Oh no! Watching the mayor, the governor, the police chief and now the president crowding in for face time congratulating everyone OTHER than the citizen who actually noticed something wrong.
Poseurs all of them. The ATF strutting in their Koresh immolating togs. The 3 dozen cop cars crouded into the cup due sac. The legions of law enforcement officers tripping over each other. The wounded suspect (who somehow was still able to get outside of the perimeter) but who could not be subdued without additional gunfire.
Outside the perimeter.
Outside the perimeter.
What is that exception and has it ever been held constitional?
Some National Security provision or other that is reauthorized periodically by the congress... the Feds just need to check with a tree judge panel set up to handle these kinds of exceptions.
Wait! Wait! So...I'm confused.
Obama spoke at Al Ahzar. He went there and spoke.
Is anyone here actually trying to suggest that Obama's speech didn't heal the rift between the west and some in Islam?
I can't believe it. I don't believe it.
And as for these two guys in Boston. One of the brothers became an American citizen on September 11.
He had the chance to vote for Obama last election.
What more could that man have wanted?
What more could anyone want?
"I think the Boston Police has handled this incident with a lot of restraint and civility."
Yes, I'm so glad some POS Bomber who murdered and maimed dozens of people will live out his day in comfort and eating 3 squares a day. I just hope the Police didn't cuff him too tight, I'd be sad if we irritated his skin or harmed in anyway.
It's true that there was a lot of self-congratulations among police and politicians after the DC snipers were captured. I was in DC at the time -- the cops were thoroughly incompetent. But they did not shoot any innocents, so they're one up on the LA cops.
I'm just glad that America has treated its terrorists with restraint and civility. I wouldn't want any would be terrorist to think any less of us.
Lem said...
What is that exception and has it ever been held constitional?
Some National Security provision or other that is reauthorized periodically by the congress... the Feds just need to check with a tree judge panel set up to handle these kinds of exceptions.
4/19/13, 9:19 PM
And that is how our freedom dies.
Not by revolution but by evolution.
Killing may be bad. But Manners are everything.
I'm glad he was captured alive, and if he lives (he was reported to be wounded) I hope he provides useful information about his "associates", as the press like to call his fellow terrorists.
I know Mass. doesn't have a death penalty, but I assume there's a basis to invoke a federal statute that provides for capital punishment in a case like this.
As for the weepers who will claim that this poor 19-year-old child shouldn't be executed, just remind them of the photo showing this guy, his explosive back-pack, and his 8-year-old victim. This was as cold-blooded murder as any I can think of.
Yes, I'm so glad some POS Bomber who murdered and maimed dozens of people will live out his day in comfort and eating 3 squares a day. I just hope the Police didn't cuff him too tight, I'd be sad if we irritated his skin or harmed in anyway.
Yes, we already spent the last 24 hours ignoring the Constitution and the rule of Law, why not just throw the damned thing in the fire and be done with it?
"As for the weepers who will claim that this poor 19-year-old child shouldn't be executed...."
I don't think anyone considers a 19 year old a child.
I'm glad he was captured alive, and if he lives (he was reported to be wounded) I hope he provides useful information about his "associates", as the press like to call his fellow terrorists.
I have the feeling that the real link to any associates, especially ones abroad, got iced last night.
Is it true that the younger killed the elder? He ran over his brother, and i heard, but for that, the elder would still be alive.
"I don't think anyone considers a 19 year old a child."
But he is cute. Don't forget that women vote.
He's not cute.
Well, what do we do now?
We've had four serious jihadi attacks on American soil in Obama's four years as President, compared to zero during Bush's presidency after 9-11. Two of the attacks on Obama's watch failed and two of them succeeded.
The attacks only killed sixteen Americans so far. That's not many in the big picture. One attack per year, two or three, even. What's the big deal?
Liberals avoid saying it directly, but this is, bottom line, acceptable to them. After all Obama himself said, according to Bob Woodward, that the US could absorb another 9-11 attack.
Since liberals bugged out of the Iraq War, liberals have fought bitterly every aspect of the War on Terror. The Obama administration has even classified the Fort Hood Massacre as "workplace violence" and refused to award survivors their purple hearts.
Liberals may go through the motions of denouncing Islamic extremism when they are forced to, like now, but we know their heart is not in it. They have no interest in this conflict. For them, the real enemy they are motivated to oppose reamins the American Republicans and conservatives.
So it's up to the rest of Americans to decide whether current Obama policies towards dangerous Islamic groups and states are adequate.
The Boston cops put the LA cops to shame.
They truly did. They caught (at least) one of the suspects in less than a week, and no hispanic newspaper delivery ladies were blasted in the process.
He killed a 8 year old child. Why would women (liberal or conservative) try to prevent this person from being executed?
Did the White House blame this one on a YouTube video?
Or is that only Hillary's line?
The elder had the good info.
Likely true but he'll be given the chance to sell what he has. He didn't take the martyr route so obviously not a hard core jihadi.
He's not cute.
He's kind of cute. The elder brother was better looking and hunkier, though murdering and maiming people, including a child, kind of puts the ky-bosh on any sex appeal the bastards may have had.
So we are all convinced by the "facts" given by the Boston Police filtered through the national media. Pardon me if I keep my bullshit detector turned on for a few more days. I hope they have the right guys and it is all over. But there's no reason to stop paying attention now.
Likely true but he'll be given the chance to sell what he has. He didn't take the martyr route so obviously not a hard core jihadi.
I don't think the elder brother intended to get iced, or off himself, either. From the post-mortem photograph of him that I saw (assuming that it's genuine), there didn't seem to be any evidence that the elder brother "blew himself up" as was reported earlier. Just a lot of lividity to the face and a big, scalpel-cut hole in his thorax.
HT said...
Is it true that the younger killed the elder? He ran over his brother, and i heard, but for that, the elder would still be alive.
4/19/13, 9:29 PM
Did you see the death photo? I don't thing running over him killed him. I don't want to post a link but google it if you are interested.
Robert Cook said...
As for the weepers who will claim that this poor 19-year-old child shouldn't be executed....
I don't think anyone considers a 19 year old a child.
Stick around. The bleeding hearts will crawl from the woodwork soon enough.
Inga said...
He killed a 8 year old child. Why would women (liberal or conservative) try to prevent this person from being executed?
Because the Lefties are a pack of dhimmis?
Also because they want chaos in society. Look how they were able to turn Baaston into a police state.
rcocean said...
Killing may be bad. But Manners are everything.
Prince Feisal: With Major Lawrence, mercy is a passion. With me, it is merely good manners. You may judge which motive is the more reliable.
"He killed a 8 year old child. Why would women (liberal or conservative) try to prevent this person from being executed?"
Because he is alive and the little boy is dead and will be forgotten. The victims are always forgotten except by their families.
I followed this whole incident without reading or watching any mainstream media. All the information I got was from monitoring scanner traffic and reading competent summaries of it.
I'm glad they captured one of them alive. Hopefully it'll be possible to get some answers out of him.
Inga said...
He killed a 8 year old child. Why would women (liberal or conservative) try to prevent this person from being executed?
Wait and watch.
Look at Ayers and ??? (the newest ivy league professor). They tried to bomb enlisted man's dance. And remember this was when there was a draft. They wanted to kill a bunch of poor working class kids because they served when their country called.
Now they are the toast of the elite crowd. Even our current president kissed their ass.
"Yes, we already spent the last 24 hours ignoring the Constitution and the rule of Law, why not just throw the damned thing in the fire and be done with it?"
Rule of law? LOL - 11 million illegals in the USA. No one cares about the "rule of Law" Ask our illegal immigration loving law professor lady.
I was wrong about that judge panel.
That three judge panel is something to do with foreign surveillance... wiretaps national security letters.
The Miranda warning has a public safety exception.
The Miranda rule is not, however, absolute. An exception exists in cases of "public safety". This limited and case-specific exception allows certain unadvised statements (given without Miranda warnings) to be admissible into evidence at trial when they were elicited in circumstances where there was great danger to public safety.
But if the younger shaves his head in prison, as they sometimes do, then he loses his cute leverage. If I was his lawyer, I would tell him to definitely keep the hair. If I was a fed, I'd find some lice in there.
@rocean I look forward to hearing from Liberals how America failed our immigrants and turned them bad. If only we had been less Xenophobic, they wouldn't have to kill us.
Fret not. Look here.
As for the Constitution. Its a "living constitution" and can be read to support anything from Racial Segregation to affirmative action to sodomy to interning Japanese-american citizens.
Its living and very flexible. Its what Justice Kennedy believes from day to day.
And just one other thing, inspired by seeing Pres. Obama's statement this evening.
Right after the explosions, the President went on the tube to pledge that whoever did this terrible act would be brought to justice. And by gosh it looks like they have been!
The Pres. made the same pledge, in pretty much the same words, after American diplomatic personnel were murdered in Benghazi. But so far, there's no apparent progress on that front. So how about we put the Boston Police to work on the Benghazi case?
"there didn't seem to be any evidence that the elder brother "blew himself up" as was reported earlier. Just a lot of lividity to the face and a big, scalpel-cut hole in his thorax"
Interesting. I thought the hole was from an explosive and the red on the face was burns.
You made me look up thorax. I thought that was the throat and I was confused about what hole you were talking about. Now I know. Thanks.
I'm still not sure whether Gay Marriage is in the Constitution or not, but hopefully Justice Kennedy will tell us soon.
...and no hispanic newspaper delivery ladies were blasted in the process.
People put on "Don't Shoot, I'm Not Chris Dorner" bumper stickers and t-shirts.
Palladian said...
I followed this whole incident without reading or watching any mainstream media. All the information I got was from monitoring scanner traffic and reading competent summaries of it.
I stayed up all night and all day watching it. I read the comments at Ace of Spades HQ and listened to the police the scanner (when it was working)and the local news feed (but that was really worthless).
I don't understand the purple lividity on the face. He must have been lying in a face-down position for quite awhile. Seems odd if he really died at the hospital.
I'm glad they captured one of them alive. Hopefully it'll be possible to get some answers out of him.
I doubt there will be anything interesting. All this attack does is piss people off, and stiffen the backbone of Americans.
In fact, if it weren't for the press, maybe this will help people to question what it means to be an American. Is it some international border less state, or is it on account that people actually have some common values?
I suspect this will put the kabash on Obama and his gun control ideas, and perhaps even the amnesty bill floating around.
Almost everyone wants the border shut down, but our politicians keep it open. So much for Democracy, eh, Ann?
Creeley23 - Since liberals bugged out of the Iraq War, liberals have fought bitterly every aspect of the War on Terror. The Obama administration has even classified the Fort Hood Massacre as "workplace violence" and refused to award survivors their purple hearts.
That's not Obama. Thats the Pentagon and to some extent, backed by WH collusion going back decades.
None of the Marines killed or wounded in Beruit got PHs because Reagan politics denied it was a military was a "Peacekeeping mission" and the Marines were "Peacekeepers".
Then Bush and the Pentagon classified SGT Akbars attack on fellow soldiers as "workplace violence" and no PHs were awarded. Of course, that was after the Neocon's doltish puppet President with Pentagon agreement that "The Heroes Who Serve" deserved full military honors - gave 2 million dollars and PHs to all military "terror victims" aboard the 4 flights, at the WTC, or Pentagon from 9/11.
Based on that, it was easy to see why they followed the SGT Akbar precendent.
Erik Erickson continued to confirm reputation for being an idiot by asserting the bombers weren't "Cowards". Shades of Bill Maher. Yes, killing little kids with homemade bombs is quite courageous.
Sometimes the liberal cliche that conservatives are stupid is correct. I haven't been following Bill O'Reilly has he said something dumb yet?
"@rocean I look forward to hearing from Liberals how America failed our immigrants and turned them bad. If only we had been less Xenophobic, they wouldn't have to kill us."
"The British thought this sort of thing wouldn’t happen in the U.S., where the process of “Americanization” seemed to have solved the conundrum of how to turn immigrants into loyal and patriotic citizens. But this is an illusion:
America now [bears] all the marks of a society that had been subjected to sevral decades of relentless indoctrination in the dogmas of multiculturalism and bilingualism."
rcocean said...
I haven't been following Bill O'Reilly has he said something dumb yet?
4/19/13, 9:59 PM
He's opened his mouth hasn't he
I can't find the image. Why don't you just link it. We get it that it may be gruesome.
Sorun, lividity of the face would be a sign that he died face up.
Cedarford said...
Since liberals bugged out of the Iraq War, liberals have fought bitterly every aspect of the War on Terror. The Obama administration has even classified the Fort Hood Massacre as "workplace violence" and refused to award survivors their purple hearts.
That's not Obama. Thats the Pentagon and to some extent, backed by WH collusion going back decades
The guys in the top echelons of the Pentagon take their lead from who's in the White House and who's run ning Congress.
The difference between how the Pentagon operated under Carter and Reagan was measurable only in lightyears.
rcocean said...
Erik Erickson continued to confirm reputation for being an idiot by asserting the bombers weren't "Cowards". Shades of Bill Maher. Yes, killing little kids with homemade bombs is quite courageous.
Guys like Erickson are a big reason why Libertarians are the minority they are.
"I can't find the image."
Sometimes the liberal cliche that conservatives are stupid is correct. I haven't been following Bill O'Reilly has he said something dumb yet?
I'm not sure I'd call him a conservative, although he's overall more right leaning than most of the media. I've had to not pay too much attention around this week's events, very hard to follow the media stretching this news out
rcocean said...
As for the Constitution. Its a "living constitution" and can be read to support anything from Racial Segregation to affirmative action to sodomy to interning Japanese-american citizens.
1. There is no reason to think that equal treatment under the Constitution must assume racial mixing. Before the blacks, there was Separate but equal for Native the insistance of Native Americans that did not want forced assimilation and whites living amongst them...but Reservations instead.
And to this day, many people of various races LIKE what Carter and others call "ethnic purity". Except for blacks, where the higher the black population the more violent and dysfunctional it is...the more you go towards 100% white, Asian, hispanic communities - the more stable, low crime and trusting of one another the people become.
2. You swallow the liberal meme of interning Jap-Americans wholesale. Most, 65% and up to 93% of adults, were not American citizens, they were enemy alien nationals. The J-As were enemy alien's underage kids that went with relocation because their parents were not keen on the idea of separation and having the little J-As living with temporary adoption black and white couples...or worst of all...Chinese and Filipino foster parents.
They are the ones that demanded the J-As go with them/
Nor is that racist when you know that all the interned Germans, Austrians, Romanians, and Italians had their US citizen kids interned with them. Many had their US citizen spouses voluntarily go to internment with them.
Thanks. Still, he went into cardiac arrest - at the hospital. Getting run over by a vehicle certainly did not help.
The young one was somewhat cute and definitely fuckable.
The older one was hot, had nice bode and hair.
What a waste.
They lived a few blocks from me....I could of helped them before they caused this devastation and destruction. But they all look like them in my hood.
You would not find this international hotness in the heartland-they gravitate to the coasts.
Thanks JAL. Liked this from the HuffPuff Greek Millionairess:
"Important to remember, big difference between two Chechens and Chechen community"
Down, you American Rabble.
"He's opened his mouth hasn't he?"
Yeah, sorry. Dumb question.
rcocean said...
Erik Erickson continued to confirm reputation for being an idiot by asserting the bombers weren't "Cowards". Shades of Bill Maher. Yes, killing little kids with homemade bombs is quite courageous.
The "cowards" bit has always been stupid to lay on the enemy if they bravely fight, but don't mind killing kids in the process. Apaches did that, and were not cowards.
Nor were US bomber crews, amongst the bravest serving with the highest risk of dying of all US forces...."cowards!!" because they put bombs in enemy living areas hoping to napalm burn, blast and kill and maim whole families in the tens of thousands aimed at terrorizing Japs and Germans.
Generally, the enemy gets it right - someone who risks life and loses that bet, or goes on a mission knowing they will die is a martyr and someone brave. Someone who "took one for the team" and not a "coward".
We even get past that stupid taunt when we hand out medals for AF "baby killer cowards", or give out MOH for grenade floppers while denouncing far braver suicide bombers and Kamikaze pilots as "cowards".
I don't understand the purple lividity on the face. He must have been lying in a face-down position for quite awhile. Seems odd if he really died at the hospital.
Looking at the photograph of the elder brother's corpse again, I don't think the purple on the face, neck and upper chest are livor mortis after all. It looks more like some sort of massive hematoma or hemorrhage, possibly caused by being shot in the face/head and/or getting run over by little bro. The large thoracic wound was definitely a surgical/medical procedure, note the sharp angles of the cuts and the yellow staining from PVPI antiseptic.
Hi Palladian, others.
I am back viewing comments, as I rarely get to any more. I hereby say:
1. Fuckinay great job overall, Boston.
2. Hilarious to see Ocean and C-Fudd fit this so nicely into their virulently anti-immigrant and virulently racist worldviews.
Carry on.
He's kind of cute. The elder brother was better looking and hunkier, though murdering and maiming people, including a child, kind of puts the ky-bosh on any sex appeal the bastards may have had.
God that's odious.
CWJ said...
Outside the perimeter.
Outside the perimeter.
What else is there to be said. All the police high fives are due to a citizen noticing something not right on his property. It has nothing to do with an entire day of disruption and searching in the wrong place. Oh no! Watching the mayor, the governor, the police chief and now the president crowding in for face time congratulating everyone OTHER than the citizen who actually noticed something wrong.
Poseurs all of them. The ATF strutting in their Koresh immolating togs. The 3 dozen cop cars crouded into the cup due sac. The legions of law enforcement officers tripping over each other. The wounded suspect (who somehow was still able to get outside of the perimeter) but who could not be subdued without additional gunfire.
Outside the perimeter.
Outside the perimeter.
The 911 caller saw blood before the police arrived.
There seemed to be a lot of gunshots fired after arrival.
How many came from the bomber?
I am glad he is wounded AND in custody. Hopefully the rest of his life will be full of pain and of misery.
God that's odious.
You may happily fuck with the other idiots around here and get a rise out of them, but do not bother fucking with me, darling. What you call odious, I call honesty. You might try it sometime. It stings a lot at first, but the afterglow is sensational.
This from the NYT:
"When the shootout ended, one of the suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, a former boxer, had been shot and fatally wounded. He was wearing explosives, several law enforcement officials said. But Dzhokhar Tsarnaev managed to escape — running over his older brother as he sped away, the officials said."
I love the use of the phrase "former Boxer".
CWJ said...
Outside the perimeter.
Outside the perimeter.
I'm way late to this thread, but this reminded me of when my wife loved to watch the show '24'. They were always chasing terrorists, always putting up a perimeter, and they bad guy would always slip through. I went to work this morning with that thought in my head......
The pic of the younger one getting medical help from the SWAT team is hot.
I appreciate his lack of fat.
What you call odious, I call honesty.
Okay Titus.
Glad you're back Seven nachos - as long you're not going to threadjack.
Ah yes, you and C-Fudd had quite a feud going there.
Hello again, Seven Machos.
Cedarford said...
There is no reason to think that equal treatment under the Constitution must assume racial mixing. Before the blacks, there was Separate but equal for Native the insistance of Native Americans that did not want forced assimilation and whites living amongst them...but Reservations instead.
The reservation system was created by Thomas Jefferson to help them learn the ways of the white man.
It was policed by the US Army under the Indian Intercourse Acts. Indians did not want to live on reservations.
At least not until they found they could use casinos to scalp the white man in the one place it really hurt.
2. You swallow the liberal meme of interning Jap-Americans wholesale. Most, 65% and up to 93% of adults, were not American citizens, they were enemy alien nationals. The J-As were enemy alien's underage kids that went with relocation because their parents were not keen on the idea of separation and having the little J-As living with temporary adoption black and white couples...or worst of all...Chinese and Filipino foster parents.
They are the ones that demanded the J-As go with them/
Where do you get your information?
Actually, you've got it backwards (surprise!).
About 5 out of every 8 were US citizens. And they were interned to weed out the infiltators among them. Once that was done, many AJAs (and that's the correct term - Americans of Japanese Ancestry) served in WWII - not only the 442nd Infantry and the 100th Infantry Battalion, but many individuals serving in such units as Merrill's Marauders.
Here's a quick guide to the breakdown of generations.
My Twitter feed is filled with pressure cooker jokes and I have refrained from joining them. People think they're clever but they are ignoring what was inside the pressure cookers, which I believe--but do not know--was gunpowder.
At the risk of sounding paranoid, I believe we'll see a discussion of tightening controls of gunpowder and other nitrate derivatives and a link to the Administration's failed gun and ammunition control efforts.
BTW, I think POTUS gave an appropriate post-capture live press conference. His remarks about tweets and blogs cut both ways.
phx said...
He's kind of cute. The elder brother was better looking and hunkier, though murdering and maiming people, including a child, kind of puts the ky-bosh on any sex appeal the bastards may have had.
God that's odious.
But he's Gay.
I thought all you Lefties just adored anything or anyone Gay.
Could it be they were lying? Beth Israel Hospital giggle for treatment of his injuries.
They should read him his rights in Hebrew chortle.
Hello seven.
I thought all you Lefties just adored anything or anyone Gay.
I'm the wrong kind of gay. The odious kind of gay. You know, the kind that doesn't keep in line and vote the correct way. Lots of righties find me odious for the same reason.
God that's odious.
I see your point, but really it's no worse that saying Katherine Boudin or a couple of the Manson girls were hot. IMO, the danger is in saying things like Angela Davis was not hot, because people will accuse you racism.
But I agree, sexualization of these events should be--if at all--abstract and not a fingering pointing salivation.
At the risk of sounding paranoid, I believe we'll see a discussion of tightening controls of gunpowder and other nitrate derivatives and a link to the Administration's failed gun and ammunition control efforts.
I don't think there's anything paranoid about your speculation. This is the strategy, and it's working. Scare, scare, scare, erode, erode, erode, regulate, regulate, regulate.
This is the way the Republic ends
This is the way the Republic ends
This is the way the Republic ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Because when you're bound and gagged, literally or metaphorically, you can only whimper.
The kid will get the death penalty. If there truly is a picture of him placing the bomb behind an eight year old, I don't think even the libs will complain. I hope the execution comes soon before the marriage proposals start coming in......One bright side: his crime and capture completely upstaged the ricin mailer who probably did the crime just for the attention.
At the risk of sounding paranoid, I believe we'll see a discussion of tightening controls of gunpowder and other nitrate derivatives and a link to the Administration's failed gun and ammunition control efforts.
I mean, by analogy, that if the lefties can't get rid of SUVs, they'll go after what goes into them--fuel. Ammo is a weird and fucked-with market right now and we may see more of it, until they realize that they're fucking with something basic like food supplies.
But I agree, sexualization of these events should be--if at all--abstract and not a fingering pointing salivation.
Intra tua vulnera absconde me.
..sexualization of these events should be--if at all--abstract and not a fingering pointing salivation.
I saw an interview with Jessica, the girl that took the first firefight video last night/early morning, and I thought, and I guess I'm now saying, she's hot.
We're talking about the perps, Lem. Literally before their blood is even dry.
I don't know if there is any solution to this conundrum, but these two swine conducted a successful terrorist operation. They closed down a major city for a couple of days and at every marathon from now to the end of time this will be at the back of everyone's mind. I don't know how such swine come to be, but I do know that their example will be inspirational for other borderline swine.
I think it's very interesting the death photo of Tamerlan is out. Somebody let that happen or made that happen at a higher level I would think.
Somebody knew it was okay to release that one. No firings.
William -- I told my wife, again, that while we all sit here and talk about how heinous this is (and Ocean fits it into a nativist prism, and C-Fudd a hilarious racist prism), there's a few dudes out there watching all this, and thinking it's cool, and pondering how they could do the same thing, but different.
I wonder if the exchange of gunfire at the boat was a one way transaction. Save for the homeowner they would have found him when his rotting corpse stunk up the neighborhood.
Blood drying time depends upon several factors: size and depth of the blood spot or pool, humidity, temperature, the nature of the surface upon which the blood is found. A single drop of blood can dry in as little as an hour.
So, some of the blood is definitely dry.
In addition to being a silly moral scold, phx is also a conspiracy theorist. Who knew?
All it took was orderly with a cell phone and an internet connection, dude. It's 2013. Not 1971.
We're talking about the perps, Lem
"Everyone has problems".
Palladian said...
"I don't think there's anything paranoid about your speculation. This is the strategy, and it's working. Scare, scare, scare, erode, erode, erode, regulate, regulate, regulate.
This is the way the Republic ends This is the way the Republic ends This is the way the Republic ends Not with a bang but a whimper."
I watched the drama on the neighbors' TV, wavering back and forth between hoping they caught the little bastards, or being pissed that the police were so militarized.
The Nobel Peace Prize winner is about to speak. My mute won't last four more years.
Just push the moot button. It works for all lame ducks.
Kudos to the Boston PD. Excellent work.
I wish they would also swoop in and arrest that Ortiz woman, for her terroristic attack on Aaron Swartz
It would have been supreme irony if the bomber would have found Ortiz's house to hole up in.
Hi garage.. did you have a nice trip?
I don't know if there is any solution to this conundrum, but these two swine conducted a successful terrorist operation. They closed down a major city for a couple of days and at every marathon from now to the end of time this will be at the back of everyone's mind. I don't know how such swine come to be, but I do know that their example will be inspirational for other borderline swine.
International jihadists learned a lot from the Boston Marathon bombing.
I hope we learned too, but I'm not optimistic.
I don't know if there is any solution to this conundrum, but these two swine conducted a successful terrorist operation. They closed down a major city for a couple of days and at every marathon from now to the end of time this will be at the back of everyone's mind. I don't know how such swine come to be, but I do know that their example will be inspirational for other borderline swine
The worst part about the present act of terrorism is that, as far as we know (which may not be far enough at this time), it was relatively unsophisticated, pulled off with little funding and limited organization by two seemingly average dopes. And it was a great success, assuming that terrorism and the continued erosion of both liberty and security was the goal. Compare this operation to 9/11/2001, a (relatively) sophisticated, well-planned and expensive act.
The terrible thing is that there is no way of preventing these types of operations without serious further damage to our already thread-bare notion of a free society. And yet we will choose that path, again and again, until there is no escape from totalitarianism, and little memory of what life was like before it.
International jihadists learned a lot from the Boston Marathon bombing.
I hope we learned too, but I'm not optimistic.
That's the frightening thought of the hour.
Palladian nicely summarizes what terrorism is all about--there is simply no way you can secure a nation of 350 million people from a determined terrorist. Contra our political leadership Al Queda is not dead--It continues to operate and will continue to inflict death and destruction. And then there is the issue of the mentally unbalanced like the Newtown shooter, columbine shooters and many more. Then there are the sociopaths like Dahmer, Bundy and McVeigh.
If terrorists force us to give up our freedoms, they have won.
And Palladian makes the case much more elegantly than do I
My belief, after careful analysis, would be the irony more accurately labeled delux-pan-style-Xtra-cheese as opposed to supreme.
I watched the drama on the neighbors' TV, wavering back and forth between hoping they caught the little bastards, or being pissed that the police were so militarized.
I followed on the scanner channels and I don't think it's at all hypocritical or strange to simultaneously wish for the former and abhor the latter. These perps deserved capture and ultimately, justice; the Boston P.D. and the FBI did an amazing bit of police work; and it's horrible that our police have become so militarized and that they, our so-called "leaders" and the general public have become so casual about committing and accepting probable violations of our Constitutionally-protected natural rights.
I am optimistic. I don't see 9/11 here. I see a story that unfolded quite a but like the story of the DC sniper and his sad, deluded sidekick, with shades of Andrew Cunanan.
The guy who did this (mainly the dead, older brother) is one of those standard, enraged, alienated loons.
Nothing but a combination of principles, fear, strategic calculation and good sense has stopped douchebags like him from bombing masses of people prior to this Monday.
I am not horrified by the police presence. I am happy we have that shit and that capability, and happier still that we have the good sense to limit its use to times like last night.
Buck up, campers!
Let's hear the lefties scream - send him to GTMO.
Lem, yes had a good trip, thanks. Had some good meetings, plenty of alcohol was poured, and I made a point to see Vegas on this trip outside the ripoff big hotels. Lot of hidden gems if you look.
Seven: I would add one thing to your list: pure blind luck--and if life, I would rather be lucky than good
It's all about perspective. For instance, while thousands of law enforcement personnel were pursuing two young men in grand old Boston and environs on Thursday, a suicide bomber detonated in a Baghdad café, killing at least 32 people and wounding many more. At least 8 people were shot in the Chicago area, in related and separate incidents.
Lem, yes had a good trip, thanks. Had some good meetings, plenty of alcohol was poured, and I made a point to see Vegas on this trip outside the ripoff big hotels. Lot of hidden gems if you look.
That side of Las Vegas is amazing. If it weren't so damned hot.
At least 8 people were shot in the Chicago area, in related and separate incidents.
Why do people so frequently use the passive voice when discussing murder in my beloved city? I prefer the active voice, which typically goes like this:
Over the weekend, an unknown number of thugs from various gangs put caps in the asses of a dozen rival gang members, and eight gang members died. One innocent bystander died. Also, these two other murders.
If it weren't so damned hot.
Odiously hot?
Odiously hot?
Of course. That's why I like it.
garage mahal said...
I made a point to see Vegas on this trip outside the ripoff big hotels. Lot of hidden gems if you look.
I shot a Tommy gun when I was there a year ago. It felt like....Chicago.
garage mahal said...
Lem, yes had a good trip, thanks. Had some good meetings, plenty of alcohol was poured, and I made a point to see Vegas on this trip outside the ripoff big hotels. Lot of hidden gems if you look.
4/19/13, 11:35 PM
Main Street Station has $5 craps and decent food.
Chicklit--must have een fun shooting a Thompson submachine gun--there were a few guys in viet nam that used them, but they gave them up in short order--the 45 ammo is heavy, both in the magazine and to carry and they take a long time to reload. Great if you are a gangster--not much good in combat operations
I think the chilling part of the story is not the craziness of the brothers but their seeming sanity and normalcy. They were functioning members of society, and they functioned at a high level. They won athletic contests and got good grades. It's scary that people like this are capable of such crimes. .....I wouldn't like to completely blame Islam for this, but it's certainly a risk factor. Also we have seen the downside of granting visas and asylum to Saudis, Somalis, and Chechens, but can someone explain what te upside is.
That side of Las Vegas is amazing. If it weren't so damned hot.
Weather this trip was mercifully cool. My problem is my feet. Standing all day at these events and then walking forever to get where you need to go really bothers my feet more than it bothers others.
The Boston PD did not impress. First, they had the guy, he drives away and the BPD lose him. Huge screw up.
Then the BPD locks down the whole city of Boston. Why not lock down the immediate area rather than the whole city?
Finally, the BPD didn't find the perp through excellent sleuthing, they had his location handed to them by a neighbor tipster. Nothing wrong with that but it wasn't brilliant work, it was just a tip.
I have to say, I feel bad for the guy. Just as I feel bad for people who make horrible choices they can't get out of and which cause misery and death of innocents.
Everyone who knows the guy from his youth describes a nice kid. So what happened to him?
I truly feel bad for his lost opportunity. Now he is a doomed soul.
That being said, he should still fry for what did.
Garage--glad you had fun--sorry about your feet--but I got to tell you if your feet are your only problem now, wait to you get to to be my age.
BTW--what is hitting now? we have been plagued by high water on the local rivers Smallies should be moving onto spawning beds. Now to rub it in, I am off to the Bahamas next Friday and am taking my fly rod. If I don't get any fish, I will at least have some good casting practice.
These two guys shut down Boston because of bombs, not guns. Somebody--I think it was bagoh20--compared the immobilized lethality of bombs vs. guns. Bomb squads still rely on clunky robots or fearless human defusers. Technology suggests drones are better tools but still, maybe against a backyard target but not in a crowd.
On the other hand, bombs are old school domestic terror weapons- Bill Ayers, Karleton Armstrong, Timothy McVeigh. What's new here is the audacity of targeting ordinary civilians and children.
Bill Ayers, Karleton Armstrong, Timothy McVeigh
So odd to see those names strung together. Considering intent alone, all three were cold blooded killers. Armstrong was a reckless "accidental" killer. But based on deeds, Ayers is celebrated, Armstrong is forgiven, and McVeigh was executed.
My problem is my feet. Standing all day at these events and then walking forever to get where you need to go really bothers my feet more than it bothers others.
I have a similar problem. I have very high arches so long walks and lots of standing hours are murder, even with good shoes.
I think the chilling part of the story is not the craziness of the brothers but their seeming sanity and normalcy. They were functioning members of society, and they functioned at a high level. They won athletic contests and got good grades. It's scary that people like this are capable of such crimes.
The banality of evil. Or something.
It's sort of like L'Étranger. The sun was in their eyes.
Salmon and steelhead are running in the Milwaukee rivers, and probably in the harbor. Inland opener isn't until May 7th so not much happening until then unless you want to panfish. Plus, we had a late ice-out and unseasonably cool weather -- up north they might even be ice locked for opening day.
My wife swears by Danksos, a clog type shoe, for being on your feet all day. I'm not really a clog type of guy myself, but DAMN. Might have to consider trying them.
"They were functioning members of society, and they functioned at a high level. They won athletic contests and got good grades. It's scary that people like this are capable of such crimes."
I remain haunted by the warning I heard more than 15 years ago by a colleague.
He warned that the belief that "we all want the same things" is false and dangerous .
That there are people in our country who act like any other neighbor, going to work and worrying about their kids and planning for the future.
But they are not Americans, no matter how long they live here. They believe something alien, and destructive to America.
We let them in, arrogantly thinking they would assimilate, or stupidly thinking all humans wanted the same things.
We reap what we have sown.
I don't think anyone considers a 19 year old a child
Not only do the people who passed PPACA consider Joker a child, they consider Tamerlan a child as well.
Now they'll have to pass the thing a second time so Cook can find out what's in it.
My wife swears by Danksos, a clog type shoe, for being on your feet all day. I'm not really a clog type of guy myself, but DAMN. Might have to consider trying them.
I have worn Dansko clogs for years, though the last pair I bought were made by Sanita, because Dansko switched manufacture to China. They are indeed great and comfortable, but (in my experience) only as around the house or in the studio/workshop/classroom wear. I can't wear them for extensive, outdoor walking, because the top of them chafes my foot and they make me more likely to fall. I had a Danish friend in graduate school who recommended them as "working and standing shoes", and indeed they're excellent for hours in the wood-shop or painting.
For walking I still use New Balance 991s.
RE: The Boston Police performance.
I'm not so sure I agree 100% with your policework there.
Rizzoli and Isles could have found the little man on the boat right away.
Rizzoli and Isles could have found the little man on the boat right away.
So could have L.J. Gibbs.
So could have L.J. Gibbs
His divorce rate suggests otherwise. I suggest you Google "little man in the boat," Palladian, it's kind of out of your wheelhouse.
So Machos, you don't see a connection with radical Islam here (reached by increasingly purist regular Islam), or Chechnya with some ties to Al Qaeda?
Just an enraged, 'lone-wolf' type loser who dragged his brother along?
I see some Chechen training camps here, and a lot of similarities with other radicalizing types.
It's a big part of the story.
7 Machos -
Why do people so frequently use the passive voice when discussing murder in my beloved city? I prefer the active voice, which typically goes like this:
"Over the weekend, an unknown number of thugs from various gangs put caps in the asses of a dozen rival gang members, and eight gang members died. One innocent bystander died. Also, these two other murders"
Hilarious that 7 Machos delights in self-righteous rage against other people's "racism and nativism" - while talking out the other side of his mouth about his home city of Chicago's niggah problem.
Guy is as "bigoted and racist" as the people he targets with the race card or other PC cards, perhaps more so. But is far more dishonest about it - until the veil slips off his sophistry and his true sentiments emerge.
Palladian, it's kind of out of your wheelhouse.
Oh, I thought it was a little woman in that vessel.
The only time I encountered her, I let her capsize and drown as the tide came in. I was more interested in the drunken sailors on the pier, you see.
Also. bueno dias Seven. Good to see you back.
garage mahal said...
Salmon and steelhead are running in the Milwaukee rivers, and probably in the harbor. Inland opener isn't until May 7th so not much happening until then unless you want to panfish. Plus, we had a late ice-out and unseasonably cool weather -- up north they might even be ice locked for opening day.
If you can get up to the Oconto River There are some wadeable areas downstream from the dam. Wisconsin DNR stocks the Skamania strain of steelhead in the river. guaranteed to rip up your tackle.
"Where do you [C-fudd] get your information?"
Same place he gets his kicks, out of his backregion. The pathetic old boomer douchebag (he claims to be younger but that's yet another lie) has been playing this game for years. He spouts off some obscure "knowledge" in detail that impresses the unknowing with his savvy (even though they can still see what ranting obsessed Jew-baiter he is). Then someone comes along who actually *knows* the story and he is exposed for the lying POS he is. Like his profile, claiming to have two daughters - once he talked about his *son* to make some point. The reality of course is he has never had sex with a woman he didn't have to pay for. If even that.
Nice job, Palladian!
rcocean: Too bad. I was hoping he would be "accidentally" shot while resisting arrest.
I'm happy he got captured alive, it's harder than just killing him and an important symbol of competence after so elaborate an attack.
That's why I think bin Laden's death had so little lasting impact in people's minds.
Plus, we now get the show of a trial and the added satisfaction of seeing justice take its course.
Is the fact that the car the kid hijacked had a "Coexist" bumper sticker enough to make up for this entire shitty week? No, but it helps.
a tree judge panel
Is that a judge with the hangin' tree ready?
The cut in his side is from the thoracotomy. The purple lividity is from being run over. I'd be interested in seeing the rest of the picture. I understand that his lower body is mangled or gone from an explosive device.
Wouldn't it have been great justice if the pressure cooker they threw at the LEOs would have gone off on the both of them and sent their bits flying through the air. And caught on video and shared with the world. Live by the pressure cooker, die by the pressure cooker.
Twitter has been great through this. Fastest source of pix and video. You don't even have to join twitter--just follow the hot hashtags and read the feed.
أنا لا يقدم إلى الإسلام
Me neither.
I grieve for the boat.
The guy who did this (mainly the dead, older brother) is one of those standard, enraged, alienated loons.
Seven Machos: In time we'll find out how loony these guys may be, but you're making the classic mistake in assuming only crazy, alienated people become terrorists. You discount the possibility that there are committed people who do so out of deep conviction.
One of my childhood friends became the #2 Klan militia leader in the Southeast during the eighties and ended up serving ten years for conspiracy. He came from a picture-perfect American home. He was handsome, smart, sociable, and high-functioning -- an Eagle Scout in high school; a Green Beret, and a licensed pilot in his twenties.
If he had problems, I couldn't see them. He did what he did because he believed in his cause.
In 2007 Muslim terrorists attacked the Glasgow Airport and London Hospital with car bombs. Five of those involved were practicing medical doctors.
RogerJ. Where are you going in the Bahamas? I have fished for bones down ther for thirty five years.
Palladian - I think you're awesome.
phx is odorous.
Participants in fire fights are not "injured." They are wounded.
We give soldiers a Purple Heart medal for "wounded in action." Not "injured in action."
The one commentator who got it right last night was (Ripley, call your office) Bill O'Reilly. All other commentators got it wrong.
I just love the fact that the 2 minutes of hate crowd took to the Internet to mock Sen Lindsey Graham for saying we shouldn't mirandize the perpetrator and then upon capture, the Obama Administration promptly invoked the "public exception" to Miranda.
Why, it is almost as if the left are stupid or something.
phx is odorous
Understatement of the week
Jay wrote:
I just love the fact that the 2 minutes of hate crowd took to the Internet to mock Sen Lindsey Graham for saying we shouldn't mirandize the perpetrator and then upon capture, the Obama Administration promptly invoked the "public exception" to Miranda.
Why, it is almost as if the left are stupid or something.
I hadn't heard that Lindsay said that, nor had I heard that Obama had invoked the public exception to Miranda. But I totally expect the hypocrisy of the left.
My car once broke down in Hanging Limb, TN. I think more towns should have names like that.
James Graham said...
Participants in fire fights are not "injured." They are wounded.
We give soldiers a Purple Heart medal for "wounded in action." Not "injured in action."
Dumb semantics.
Most people consider something that bleeds, a blown out eardrum, a an injury. And don't make a distinction between regular people in peacetime or civilians in war being injured - and government employees being "honorably wounded" vs injured. .
The sobering thought is, that after a day-long lockdown of a big area where the lawmen searched house-to-house, that massive search failed. Only after the proles were allowed outside their homes did an adult citizen observe the disturbance of his boat cover, and find blood, then the fugitive, inside it.
The citizen was lucky. The wounded fugitive had spent many hours lying still, and as hunters would know, had probably stiffened up enough to hinder any attempt to shoot the owner. Calling The Man to come get him was simple, and one might be allowed to think that all the subsequent shooting by the boys in blue was more a dramatic production than a necessary tactic in rounding up Dzokar Tsarnaev.
I hadn't heard that Lindsay said that
He tweeted it out yesterday and the left went wild on Twitter.
The Obama Appointed US attorney announced at the press conference last night at 9:30 PM that they were invoking the public exception.
For anyone interested, Orin Kerr :
Tsarnaev is being interrogated without first being read his Miranda rights because the DOJ thinks that the public safety exception to Miranda applies. Back in 2010, I blogged a lot about Miranda in this setting. Here are a few reminders about the law here:
Hmm, so apparently the older brother had become radicalized Two years earlier, at least. And the FBI had been warned about him, and even interviewed him, but dismissed him without further follow-up.
When The Bush administration had a memo that said al Qaeda was determined to attack us, the left went on a jumpi had about how Bush KNEW! So, what does that say about the Obama administration? They had warnings and even interviewed the guy. And yet he still carried out the attack. Shouldn't the left hold the Obama administration accountable?
He also thought that 9/11 was an inside job. When we talk about radicalization, lets not forget that saying 9/11 was an inside job is also radicalization. Was it just Islam that colored his views, or was it lefty paranoid delusions about the evil Bush Amerikkka that cause him to hate America.
See how there's a crossover between lefty radicalism and Islamic jihad? The weget was the same.
The older brother hated America because he believed, in part, the lefts libel about Bushs's America.
"My car once broke down in Hanging Limb, TN. I think more towns should have names like that."
I doubt the black residents of the area share your enthusiasm for the name or what it suggests.
At the risk of sounding paranoid, I believe we'll see a discussion of tightening controls of gunpowder and other nitrate derivatives and a link to the Administration's failed gun and ammunition control efforts.
You're not being paranoid:
"Also because they want chaos in society. Look how they were able to turn Baaston into a police state."
Who is referred to by your pronoun "they" in the above sentence...the "lefties" (sic)?
Huh. I hadn't realized the entire city, state and federal police organizations working the case had been infiltrated and taken over by "the lefties."
Jeez...them "lefties" are sure some sneaky, insidious, unstoppable, all-powerful force, ain't they?
Or do you mean "the lefties" want to sow chaos in society hoping to spur the authorities--not "lefties"--into implementing a police state?
I think you need reexamine your premises, either way.
(P.S. Start with the idea that there is scarcely a real "left" in this country at all, and none in Washington.)
Robert Cook is no true Scotsman.
He also thought that 9/11 was an inside job. When we talk about radicalization, lets not forget that saying 9/11 was an inside job is also radicalization. Was it just Islam that colored his views, or was it lefty paranoid delusions about the evil Bush Amerikkka that cause him to hate America.
If you think 9/11 was an inside job, then you think fundametnally that Bush was in league with Al Qaeda, or that Bush did it and framed Muslims for it. All to get Haliburton richer, or for some mythic pipeline. Or to start a war.
But fundamental to the argument is that Muslims are being scapegoated.
Now take a Muslim living in this country who has been radicalized with THIS notion. THat his religion is being targeted by evil America. Why wouldn't you take arms against such an evil America.
Birthers may be crazy (but there is some recent evidence that in fact the birth cert is in fact a fake), but what is the implication of Obama's crime? Namely that he forged a document and got a job that he wasn't qualified for.
What is the implication for thinking that 9/11 was an inside job?
That the govt should be overthrown and that Bush is the most evil perosn on the face of the earth, involved in the deliberate killing on thousands just to enrich himself.
The left is as much responsible for the world view of jihadis as Wahabism is. And I know plenty of my friends, people who seem like reasonable people otherwise, telling me how the Pentagaon wasn't hit by a plane, or that 9/11 was an inside job.People who I've known for ages who seemed, while liberal, to not be bat shit crazy.
Bush was the REAL terrorist.
And now the media is wondering how some normal guy got so radicalized. Maybe he went to an American university and hung out with liberals.
Robert Cook, yes, you may be right. I didn't look up the history of the name. I assumed they were hanging horse thieves. They did hang real criminals in the south occasionally, you know.
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