Reminiscent of Richard Jewell and Atlanta Olympics bombing:
Early news reports lauded Jewell as a hero for helping to evacuate the area after he spotted the suspicious package. Three days later, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed that the FBI was treating him as a possible suspect, based largely on a "lone bomber" criminal profile. For the next several weeks, the news media focused aggressively on him as the presumed culprit, labeling him with the ambiguous term "person of interest," sifting through his life to match a leaked "lone bomber" profile that the FBI had used. The media, to varying degrees, portrayed Jewell as a failed law enforcement officer who may have planted the bomb so he could find it and be a hero.Horrible.
Two of the bombing victims filed lawsuits against Jewell on the basis of this reporting. In a reference to the Unabomber, Jay Leno called him the "Una-doofus." Other references include "Una-Bubba," and (of his mother) "Una-Mama." Jewell was never officially charged, but the FBI searched his home, questioned his associates, investigated his background, and maintained twenty-four hour surveillance of him. The pressure only began to ease after Jewell's attorneys hired an ex-FBI agent to administer a polygraph which Jewell reportedly passed....
१३२ टिप्पण्या:
I spent way too much time on Reddit poring over the photos, and many were of these two.
The Post has always sucked at hard news, but I give kudos to Reddit who were very tempered in their speculation, and who were quick to report the kid's claims of innocence and subsequent actions.
So much for "crowdsourcing" a terror investigation. Let's hope the news gets around before a mob converges.
If the kid is white he fits the left wing profile.
If he is black or middle eastern looking he is in the clear.
Just ask Salon.
Really dumb to put up pictures and Facebook pages. I smell lawsuit.
There's an evolutionary explanation for scapegoating, probably.
I thought those two looked way too fit and their running jackets too current to look suspicious. They looked like runners watching a marathon.
Online crowdsourcing vigilante justice has consequences?
The technology is available to have a cheap platform to broadcast easily, and share information. This has undercut a lot of professional journalism, but some of that journalism we want.
Sure there's the 'ethics' courses, but there's also some stuff we want, like some long form journalism, some investment in keeping an eye on our beloved elected officials, and some standards of writing and responsibility in the eyes of others.
I just don't support top down, protectionist/crony solutions
Richard Jewell was a hero whose actions saved the lives of many innocent people.
No matter how rich and famous Jay Leno is, he’s never done anything in his life that compares to that.
"How did these two end up with their brown faces splashed all over the world? Do we even need to ask?"
I told you. That was a pretty light shade of brown. It's good thing I wasn't in Boston Monday. I'm white.
Kids look a lot older nowadays than they used to.
The fact that Reddit was able to find this kid before the Feds were does not inspire much confidence in the investigation.
Does or has Jewell sued anyone to clear his name? I believe that certain legal protection on law enforcement need to go away to some degree.
My wife and I were speculating on what we would do if we were one of the people in these crowd pictures that looked suspicious to someone who drew a yellow circle around us. I said I would immediately go to the cops which is what this kid wisely did.
That's the thing about pictures. They show a moment in time, but without context. I looked at those pictures, linked in the comments, and thought, "well, I guess that's plausible." But, it's also easy to disprove. Meanwhile, this kid gets trashed on the internet and in the NY Post.
But I'm gonna guess that all of the photos and surveillance will eventually help find the real bad guys.
Huh. When I saw these photos yesterday, I never suspected the guy in blue. His bag clearly is not holding something as large and heavy as the bomb. I could see wanting to talk to the other guy as his bag does have an odd shape that may be consistent with the shape of the bomb (as far as we know).
There was also the photo of the older guy with a grey beard holding a bag in front of him. To me, he looked like a guy holding someone else's bag. I figured he was waiting for someone to finish and was holding their bag for them.
It seems likely that the 4chan "sleuths" got this completely wrong.
Meth, Eric Rudolph plead guilty to the Atlanta bombings. He was the abortion clinic bomber that was hiding in the mountains somewhere before he was caught.
Sorry, I read Meth's comment as still wondering if Jewell was a suspect. My mistake.
Richard Jewell is dead.
The Federal government has sent out pleas for photos, videos and people to report anything they saw that might assist the investigation. A black backpack contained the bomb so anyone wearing a black backpack at the scene would become a suspect. What the fuck did you expect to happen?
Michael, you are TOTALLY right about that. The police might start shooting before you even got your hands up.
Maybe if they weren't sitting on the actual photo and video of the people they suspect for over 24 hours now, things like this wouldn't happen.
It is obscene that they have been withholding this from the public, and whoever made that decision needs to be taken to account for it.
Poor Richard Jewell. Ran to the explosion. Saved some lives and then had his own ruined. His ambition in life was to do what he had been doing, police work of any type even low end private security work. And then he had the chance of a lifetime and acted upon it and was ever so briefly the hero he was. RIP
Mitchell the Bat said...
"There's an evolutionary explanation for scapegoating, probably."
Read "The Scapegoat", by Rene Girard, if you haven't already.
Like I said yesterday. The hivemind can be a force for good....or bad. I believe I even reference Jewell.
Jumping to conclusions is easy. Waiting for facts and the truth....hard.
President Mom jeans said:
"It is obscene that they have been withholding this from the public..."
Remember Faisal Shahzad? The failed Times Square bomber who almost escaped because of a slip on a talk show? The guy didn't realize he'd been ID'd by the FBI. He heard his name on the radio and went straight to the airport.
The guy didn't realize he'd been ID'd by the FBI. He heard his name on the radio and went straight to the airport.
If he had already been ID'd by the FBI, wouldn't him going to the airport be the best possible thing for catching him? Or are you telling me that the hundreds of millions spent on databases and the TSA is for nothing?
The person who committed the bombing knows that they are looking for him (or her, happy feminazis?), due to the massive amount of cameras and pictures from the bombing site. The repeated delays and cancellations of events where they were supposed to release information may be a curiousity to most of the country, but in a tense downtown boston where bomb threats and rumors are running wild, it is a huge fucking problem.
Well SOMEONE has to be blamed and shown up as THE ONE!
Oswald was the one back in the '60s. Jewel was another.
See, it kind of reminds me of Fahrenheit 451. The apparatus has to show 'justice' prevails! Don't matter who gets hung as long as SOMEONE gets hung.
There has to be a white guy to pin this on.
Preferably a business man or a member of the clergy.
Don't these guys watch "Law and Order" and "Blue Bloods" and everyother crime show on TV. It is only old white guys who commit crimes. Seriously. Sharpen up.
The Federal government has sent out pleas for photos, videos and people to report anything they saw that might assist the investigation. A black backpack contained the bomb so anyone wearing a black backpack at the scene would become a suspect. What the fuck did you expect to happen?
Yes, this is what happened.
Like I said, I was on the subreddits a lot last night, but I think a majority of the commentary was in good faith.
Anything containing names or social media profiles were deleted, and the 'mods' were very vigilant in reminding people of the purpose of the thread, was just to have eyeballs on photos, and not create a witch hunt.
Someone outside reddit released the FB profile, and the NY Post was admonished many times over for their lack of journalistic control.
"(Shahzad)was in custody after being hauled off a Dubai-bound plane he boarded Monday night at John F. Kennedy International Airport despite being under surveillance and placed on the federal no-fly list."
We really have no idea what the authorities know or don't know. Maybe they don't know anything yet.
My point is, there are unintended consequences to giving out information. Cops in general usually play it close to the vest.
I'm sure it is very frustrating to be in Boston right now, but seems to me a lot of the problem you describe can be attributed to media behavior.
Oops. Deleted that. Wrong f'n tab!
Jewell was jumped on because he was a southerner from Atlanta.
The jealousy against Atlanta's huge Olympics success triggered a mob attitude outside of the South when the question presented was whether he was a hero or a dumber than dirt KKK bomb planter.
I think that scene from Miracle Worker illustrated the government's bumbling around on ACA quite well.
Put it back up!
EMD said...
I give kudos to Reddit who were very tempered in their speculation, and who were quick to report the kid's claims of innocence and subsequent actions.
This is exactly right. Very few people went off the deep end, many of whom were on the left acting as if identifying someone to interview was vigilantism. As if an interview and a lynching were indistinguishable.
FBI doesn't want to tip off the bombers that they've been made for sure. Mistaken ID by reddit etc. are actually good for the FBI so long as the real perps don't get spooked. They won't release "a" name until they know who else they are looking for. It is likely they have IDed at least one and are waiting until they have biometrics in hand (if not a confession) before they release any photo/name to the public.
Rupert Murdoch's NY Post has been more despicable than usual since this Boston bombing.
And the Drudge Report has been promoting Alex Jones' Infowars trash more than usual.
It is hard to overstate just how disgraceful the coverage of this event by the NY Post has been. This is the face of racism.
I can understand that some information for the investigation is sensitive.
I can understand playing some things close to the vest.
But the authorities have come out and said "we have video and pictures of suspects." This happened yesterday morning, if not earlier.
After that, canceled press conference after canceled press conference. Are you telling me they can't send somebody in front of a camera to release a statement? Why say that you have a photo and video at all if you won't share it with the public you just asked to report any information that would be helpful?
This has been handled very very poorly.
AReasonableMan said...
It is hard to overstate just how disgraceful the coverage of this event by the NY Post has been. This is the face of racism.
Fuck you. There is plenty of time for your usual lefty bullshit whines about race after the suspects are in custody. Whatever race they are. The kid had a fucking bulky bag and was in the vicinity of the bombing, he SHOULD be questioned, and if then ruled out, fine.
You seem to care a lot more about racism than preventing more people from being killed and maimed and for that you are a despicable asshole.
It is always racism.
Racism, racism, racism.
If it turns out it was a Middle Easterner who did this....well we need to let him go......why....because it is racism!!!!!!
TO steal from YOUR former Sec. of State: "Why does it matter?!"
Who cares who did the bombing? It's already done. It's a tragedy. Move on, nothing to see here. Poor guys were probably fighting the good fights against racism and for redistribution, anyway. Don't blame the messengers, even if they come strapped!
That's the Obama way. That's your shitty country's way, Americans.
Enjoy the decline, morons!
PMJ the public information part of the FBI's work has been horrible. But NOT releasing the photo(s) before they have done the legwork is SOP. I'm not sure how the "request for publuic help" was transmitted but it sounds more like overactive press than an official statement. Otherwise, as you note, the FBI would have released a photo if they are really seeking public assistance in IDing the perp(s). I don't believe they are. Can't explain the press conference boondoggle. But I completely understand the need to keep secret what they are doing right now to round up the perps. It is a very local story as the bomb was probably made within a block or two of where it went off. I don't see us going into the weekend without some real news breaking. As in factual, verifiable, physical proof in hand and perps in cuffs.
It is hard to overstate just how disgraceful the coverage of this event by the NY Post has been. This is the face of racism.
What race are Arabs?
They did release a statement.
Its not very satisfying however.
Its this:
FBI Boston April 17, 2013
Special Agent Greg Comcowich (617) 223-6110
Contrary to widespread reporting, no arrest has been made in connection with the Boston Marathon attack. Over the past day and a half, there have been a number of press reports based on information from unofficial sources that has been inaccurate. Since these stories often have unintended consequences, we ask the media, particularly at this early stage of the investigation, to exercise caution and attempt to verify information through appropriate official channels before reporting.
Take comfort in the thought that maybe they're water boarding the SOB somewhere.
The human race is racist. There, that covers it.
President-Mom-Jeans and Baron Zemo.
Are you seriously trying to argue that the NY Post's coverage hasn't been racist? If this isn't racist, what would constitute racism in your minds?
Bob Boyd, that's a lot more professional than the "interpretation" of what "investigators said" that "news" outlets were trumpeting on TUE and WED. It's the typical tight-lipped "chill out" press release.
Paging the mainstream media. Your size 47 shoes and bright shiny round red nose are waiting for you.
The Post's coverage is just the bookend to Salon's fervent wish that the terrorists be white and male. Just two of the many publications I don't bother with.
Unreasonable Bitch
What part of in the vicinity of the bombing and carrying bulky fucking bags don't you understand?
Just because they are dark skinned people should just say, oh, can't investigate them, that would be racist?
It cannot be said enough, go fuck yourself, you race-baiting piece of shit.
If this isn't racist, what would constitute racism in your minds?
I distinctly recall the DC sniper and the media outlets and even the FBI profilers insisted it just had to be a lone wolf white guy.
Turns out it was to black men who converted to Islam. Needless to say I don't recall many mea culpas from the MSM or the left, who like you, are oh so concerned about offending racial sensibilities. Because profiling is just fine as long as its restricted to Caucasians.
But do please continue with your faux hyperventalization.
El Sayyid Nosair. Ali Hassan Abu Kamal.Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Faisal Shahzad. Khalid Al-Midhar.
Khalid Al-Midhar. Majed Moqed
Nawaq Alhamzi. Salem Alhamzi.Hani Hanjour. Satam Al Suqami. Waleed M. Alshehri. Wail Alshehri.
Mohamed Atta. Abdulaziz Alomari.
Don't mention any names.
That's racism dude.
I didn't mention Sirhan Sirhan because every once in while they get it right. Just sayn'
Most news media content these days is speculation dressed up as information.
And at the end of the day, a TV reporter is a widget salesman.
But that's OK, we know that going in.
Howie Carr is a great local newsman at the Boston Herald, who sums it up well:
Here is what we know thus far:
The cops have photos of one of the suspects, or two.
The suspect(s) may be either “dark-skinned” (CNN) or “white” (CBS).
They were carrying backpacks, or maybe bags.
The backpacks, or bags, were black, unless they were blue.
The bombs were detonated by control boards, unless it was cellphones, unless it was egg timers.
Yesterday’s press conference was supposed to take place at 5, until it was supposed to take place at 8, until it was canceled.
The media descended on the federal courthouse on Northern Avenue because the suspect was in custody — no, actually it was because a bomb threat had been phoned in.
Yesterday was not a day in which the local and national media covered themselves with glory. It reminded me of my days as a college-boy rewrite man in the Hearst empire, taking dictation from the old-time Hearst legmen. Often they were wrong, never were they in doubt.
I don’t particularly want to point fingers here, if only because I got the same bad information. My source said he was getting it from “the White House.”
But this is the way it’s been from the beginning. Like everybody, I hope the cops are closing in, but over the past 48 hours there seems to have been a real epidemic of bureaucratic CYA around here.
It is not racist for the police and FBI to pursue legitimate suspects of any race. It is racist for a conscienceless rag like the NY Post to be repeatedly targeting members of one particular group with unfounded speculation. They don't care about any outcome other than making money and if stirring up racial hatred and a lynch mob does that for them then so be it. Nonetheless, it is not unreasonable to censure them for their behavior, which has been unquestionably racist.
repeatedly targeting members of one particular group with unfounded speculation.
Salon ringing any bells for you? I won't engage you again, you braindead lefty hack.
If only you and all the other leftwing trolls on this site could be the ones "with a piece of Boston in you" instead of the multitude of actual victims.
School shooting in Topeka, Kansas. 17 dead. Many more wounded.
What "type" of perp pops into your head?
A young, single white guy?
You're not alone. Many others would think the same.
Racial bias is inevitable when paired with context and history.
The Post fucked up massively. Maybe because of racism, or maybe because that's the journalist game ... get the story, a story, hell, any story. They checked their vigilance to facts (they don't really normally have any other time, either) at the door on this one.
When everything is racist...nothing is racist.
Give it a rest already.
What is unreasonable is to worry more about what is "racist" than catching the scumbags who did this.
That is the lefty stock in trade.
Your lynching hysteria is frankly laughable dude. You have to stop living like you are Gil Carter or something.
It is racist for a conscienceless rag like the NY Post to be repeatedly targeting members of one particular group with unfounded speculation.
What group is that? If you are referring to the two guys shown, are they Greek? Spanish? Arab? I'm asking because I know several people from those groups who fit their description.
Assuming the current buzz is correct, poor kid. I did wonder if this might happen, but I have to admit I was pretty taken in with the shape of his companion's backpack. Wonder what was in that thing?
ARM, out of curiosity were you equally appalled when the shooting of Gabby Giffords and others was blamed on Sarah Palin and the Tea Party? Or is your outrage for speculation and targeting certain groups reserved for those with dark skin?
There is only one guy who could possibly be the bomber and it not be racist.
All I can say is, Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American!
AReasonableMan said...
They don't care about any outcome other than making money and if stirring up racial hatred and a lynch mob does that for them then so be it.
So the Post is just like the Democratic Party then.
They've been good at witch hunts in MA for a long time.
AnUnreasonableTroll said...
It is hard to overstate just how disgraceful the coverage of this event by the NY Post has been. This is the face of racism.
Yeah, how unfair they're looking for a black guy as well as a white guy.
And what about the brown guy on his way back to Araby?
It looks like the NY Post just published pictures of a pair of guys the FBI wanted to talk to. The experts wondered about the same pair as the guys at Reddit.
The kid is Moroccan, btw, and a local high school student who went to the FBI as soon as he found out they were looking for him. The other guy is his coach, apparently. Although how long these "facts" will hold up is unclear.
Considering that our "brown" president is ordering extrajudicial killings via drone in a "brown" part of the world. Killings where the target is tried and sentenced by an invisible panel of judges and juries, I would not think it would be unreasonable to expect that "brown" people might be behind a bombing here in the US. That makes me racist.
"one particular group "
Which particular group would that be?
Baron Zemo said...
When everything is racist...nothing is racist.
I am not calling everything racist. I am calling the editors of the NY Post a bunch of fucking racists.
Again, for the more slow witted, it is perfectly reasonable for the FBI to target muslim groups and domestic anti-government groups after an event like this. What is not reasonable and is in fact inherently racist is conducting a witch hunt on the front page of a newspaper in the absence of any credible information.
What is not reasonable and is in fact inherently racist is conducting a witch hunt on the front page...
...of Salon. I agree.
Michael Moore takes the cake. Actually eats it, too.
Actually, ARM, Salon is conducting more of a WISH hunt.
But that's the only drum you got, so you're going to keep on beating it.
You seem to be confused. Or liberal. Oops, sorry for the redundancy. Muslim is not a race.
This childish effort to draw equivalency between one writer on a small web site and the front page of a major newspaper is completely unconvincing. The key difference is that the Post has been calling out innocent individuals by name or face and targeting them for public persecution on the front page of their useless rag. Obviously this very personal, racist and completely over the top behavior is not what occurred in the Salon article.
That article simply states, in very general terms, that if the bomber is white little or nothing will happen in terms of public policy whereas if the bomber is a member of a foreign terrorist group we can expect multiple stupid freedom infringing responses. A view I largely agree with.
There is no equivalence here.
The claim of racism has no meaning anymore. The liberals like to take it out and paint everyone with it but it has lost any credibility because every single fucking thing is racist. So most people just shrug and move on. Because it is just bullshit.
That is the real legacy of Barack Obama.
The Post certainly participated in sloppy journalism; however, considering "racism!" is such an inordinately powerful attack, you need to have PROOF of what you say. You do not. If you do, present it. And "because I said so!" is so-o-o-o insufficient.
Interestingly, you have not called out CNN for also "reporting" about and showing the photos of these two young men. Why not? Hmmm... Because you are a bigot.
But keep telling us how it is racist to put the photo's of the subjects provided by police sources is a racist plot by the conservative New York Post. Listen douchenozzle it is a tabloid. They want to sell papers. They would muck prefer if it was a picture of a big titted Russian stripper.
This Muslim pogrom is just the figment of your fervid imagination.
Com'om buddy. Rachel Maddow is coming on soon. Go watch some TV and calm down.
I bet she has someone on to tell us it was Sarah Palin who set off the bombs using radio waves from her vagina.
Muck prefer?
Gee that works.
You still haven't answered which "particular group" is being targeted.
Baron Zemo said...
But keep telling us how it is racist to put the photo's of the subjects provided by police sources
But the photos weren't provided by police sources, which is kind of the point. The FBI explicitly criticized the coverage.
How do you know that it was not provided by law enforcement? Just because the FBI said they didn't do it doesn't mean that local cops didn't provide it. (You might not be aware but the FBI and the local cops do not get along and often work at cross purposes)
Did the Post announce the source?
Baron Zemo said...
The claim of racism has no meaning anymore.
So tabloid editors, who have had an appalling record of rabble rousing racism over the decades, are now magically no longer capable of being racist?
That's how you view it ARM. You are entitled to your view. Don't read the Post if it is so racist. Stick with the Times.
Or do you want to censor them? I bet you do. Have them closed down. Maybe take Fox news off the air too? I bet they are just as racist.
You can call them racist all you want. Nobody cares. Except the choir you are preaching to.
Baron Zemo said...
Or do you want to censor them? I bet you do.
Why put words in my mouth? I have not proposed censorship.
Because you know you want to...don't you?
By the way....the FBI just released videos of two darkish dudes who are suspects. Are they racists? Are they trying to start a pogrom? A lynch mob?
Is it inherently racist to arrest non whites who commit crimes?
Because it is not the is the racism that is the problem. Right kemosabe?
I have to go. Rachel Maddow is coming on. She is going to have a panel discussion proving that it must have been one of Mitt Romney's sons that set off the bombs.
Should be great!
I haven't seen high enough resolution photos of the two perps put up by the FBI to definitively tell their races. So I don't know whether to prejudge them or not.
Baron Zemo said...
By the way....the FBI just released videos of two darkish dudes who are suspects.
Now you are just seeing what you want to see as well as hearing what you want to hear And, given what happened in Atlanta, a little skepticism and a presumption of innocence would not be misplaced.
It the Boston Marathon chickie.
It is all about the race.
chickelit said...
I haven't seen high enough resolution photos of the two perps put up by the FBI to definitively tell their races. So I don't know whether to prejudge them or not.
Unbelievable. You only want to prejudge when you are certain of their race.
LOL. ARM is unbelievably stupid. Chickelit was CLEARLY joking. Moron. is not the crime that is the is the racism when you note the perp's race that is the problem...or something like that there.
@ARM: You don't do sarcasm well do you?
Actually, the resolution in the video looks abbottabad as it gets.
No jokes allowed when you are talking about racism buddy.
That is the only thing you should be prosecuted for. That and homophobia.
Hate crimes. Thought crimes. That's the ticket.
Looking at the photos, I would guess North African.
Gee, what has been going on there lately . . .
Plus they look like Red Sox fans. Just sayn'
chickelit said...
@ARM: You don't do sarcasm well do you?
Sorry, you have said so many dumb things over the last few months that I wasn't prepared for something clever. My bad.
No, ARM, it is your bigotry coming through. You ASSUMED, because of your assumptions about chickelit's politics, that he would be racist rather than joking.
I'll just thankful that it wasn't that hillbilly-looking white guy in the blue denim. That would have been really bad for my tribe.
Matt said...
No, ARM, it is your bigotry coming through. You ASSUMED, because of your assumptions about chickelit's politics, that he would be racist rather than joking.
No. In another discussion, where I defended in a very luke warm fashion the concept of gay marriage, she repeatedly tried to infer that I was gay. I just assumed she, as an individual, was very stupid. Apparently just doesn't like gays.
@ARM: I know where your prejudice about me comes from: it's because I remain a Palin supporter even in her quiescence. That bugs the shit out of you, Ritmo, and Cedarford.
I just assumed she, as an individual, was very stupid.
I wish I could do a woman's voice. I'd chirbit you as Rachel Maddow or some shrill feminist.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, ARM, you bigot.
chickelit said...
@ARM: I know where your prejudice about me comes from: it's because I remain a Palin supporter
I could give a fuck about Palin. As far as I can see her main contribution to national politics was to add a little to Obama's margin of victory. If she is a personal idol of yours, that is fine with me.
@ARM: I do tend to get you, phx, harrogate and maybe one or to others mixed up and confused. For that, I apologize. Sometimes you all sound like a composite.
Matt said...
Whatever helps you sleep at night, ARM, you bigot.
You seem to be protesting a little too much.
I just assumed she, as an individual, was very stupid.
And I don't mind being mistaken for a woman. It shows that I have either (a) a sensitive side or (2) that ARM has negative prejudices against women which he projects onto me. I can live with both. :)
And yet, when I repeatedly call you a bigot, you don't deny it. At least you know yourself!
chickelit said...
And I don't mind being mistaken for a woman.
My bad again. Although in this case I don't think I can be said to be prejudiced.
AReasonableMan said...
chickelit said...
And I don't mind being mistaken for a woman.
My bad again. Although in this case I don't think I can be said to be prejudiced.
4/18/13, 5:19 PM
LOL. As I said, at least you know yourself.
Matt said...
And yet, when I repeatedly call you a bigot,
How would me denying that I am a bigot change your mind?
Also it wouldn't be entirely true. I am uncomfortable around men the color of John Boehner.
Colonel Angus said:
"What group is that? If you are referring to the two guys shown, are they Greek? Spanish? Arab? I'm asking because I know several people from those groups who fit their description."
Or Jewish. Or Sicilian. Or Italian. Or French. Or German. Or Portuguese. Or Welsh. Or... Hell, to get any paler than the 2 dudes shown on the cover of the Post, you would have to be dead and all of the blood drained out of your corpse in the middle of winter.
As to the photo supposed from his facebook page... Well, I grew up in a predominantly German and Irish area. Most of the teen girls would have that skin tone after a few weeks of summer.
Interfaith Terrorism!
Diversity! Progress! Forward!
Ebony and Ivory
Kill and maim on
Lord & Taylor CCTV
Random death at the racetrack
Whack pack
Why don't weeeeee??
Now that the FBI has released the real photos the responses online are kind of interesting. Since the suspects are not obviously middle eastern, although there remains some room for ambiguity, it seems the right wing sites have concluded that they must be Occupy Wall Street types. Acknowledging reality while deflecting its potential meaning.
Acknowledging reality while deflecting its potential meaning.
I still would guess they are from the religion of pieces, but thats just me.
But saying they are not, Occupy Wall Street members have been convicted of attempted bombing in the last year. No not Obama's columbia pals, I'm talking about that bridge they targeted.
What potential meaning are you drawing from it, you race baiting piece of excrement?
wyo sis said...
Really dumb to put up pictures and Facebook pages. I smell lawsuit.
Not so.
Though libertarians HATE it, cameras % geographic tracibility of cell phones has solved many, many crimes rapidly and I strongly believe - has helped lower crime rates nationwide.
Not the dumbest of black teens flashmobbing a store, or impulse driven pedophile grabbing a kid to kill and rape may realize this - but pro crooks who have done time are spooked that security cameras are everywhere.
Their cells can be tracked, and anyone seeing a crime in progress can call it in instantly plus take pics and video if they have a cell. If Robert Zimmerman had recorded his two encounters with sweet ice tea and skittles Trayvon - chances are he would not be in the mess he is in with the race baiters.
And if mass media puts out images of 20 possible suspects near the scene of horrific works fast to winnow out the ones that are innocent as they rush to contact cops and exonorate themselves. The pool of suspects then narrows fast without the need for many weeks of "heroes of law enforcement" alone poring over photos at huge cost to taxpayers.
What are all you race baiting libs going to do if it turns out that these guys are from Libya and did this in direct reaction to the President's unnecessary and unwarranted intervention into their country?
Get that petard ready for some hoisting. Just saying.
Baron Zemo said...
What are all you race baiting libs going to do if it turns out that these guys are from Libya and did this in direct reaction to the President's unnecessary and unwarranted intervention into their country?
What are you going to do if they are from Iraq or Afghanistan or pretty much any other middle eastern country?
Say I told you so.
But Libya is on the Jug Eared Jesus.
They were killing each other and molesting camels and selling us oil for decades over there and we didn't have to do anything. Certainly not put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge.
I will remain perfectly comfortable with my view that the NY Post is run by a bunch of racists, as evidenced by their cowardly rabble rousing over the last few days.
I would expect nothing less of you A Reasonable Man.
In fact I don't think I could ever think any less of you.
Not that it matters what I think.
Just be assured that your selfless determination to raise your ire and vent your spleen against a conservative newspaper instead of the perpetrators of this heinous crime is in the best tradition of liberal thought. I salute you.
Baron Zemo said...
Just be assured that your selfless determination to raise your ire and vent your spleen against a conservative newspaper instead of the perpetrators of this heinous crime is in the best tradition of liberal thought. I salute you.
I have a much more positive view of the term 'conservative' that you apparently have. There is nothing conservative about the Post. Just a bunch of low-life grifters aiming for the lowest common denominator and then taking it down another notch or two.
Wait a minute.
Are you Mike Lupica?
That explains it.
it seems the right wing sites have concluded that they must be Occupy Wall Street types. Acknowledging reality while deflecting its potential meaning.
Thanks for all the links, lazy-ass.
You don't seem to understand that "Middle Eastern" and "Muslim" are not races. So even if someone is making assumptions along those lines, IT ISN'T RACISM!! Unfortunately, because you and yours don't seem to understand that, what true racism there is gets lost in all the "white noise." (Specifically, the "elite," white, liberal noise.)
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