ADDED: Here's the NYT article:
"This, at Lady Thatcher’s personal request, is a funeral service, not a memorial service with the customary eulogies. At such a time, the parson should not aspire to the judgments which are proper to the politician; instead this is a place for ordinary human compassion of the kind that is reconciling."...Which Americans are in attendance? 3 former Secretaries of State: Henry A. Kissinger, George P. Shultz, and James A. Baker 3d.
There was no immediate sign of large-scale protests by anti-Thatcher demonstrators but the police kept watch on anyone who might seem suspicious....
At Ludgate Circus, close to St. Paul’s, a small group of protesters gathered, some with banners reading: “Now bury Thatcherism.” Some jeered and shouted, “good riddance.”
"President Obama did not send a senior serving member of his administration."
८८ टिप्पण्या:
David Burge @iowahawkblog 23h
Obama administration will not send rep to Thatcher funeral. You're welcome, England.
Like Obama's grandmother, Thatcher was just a typical white person.
Obama's a turd.
Obama is the most divisive politician devoid of any class, and playing for the lowest common denominator. He likes (like his wife) poking people in the eyes. I guess that gives him some cheap thrills. But he could do so much more if he presided over as the leader of a fine and magnificent country.
bpm4532, you insult turds there.
No, Obama did not send a diplomat. He did, though, send a bust of himself and a collection of DVD's that won't work in England.
Shame. What his signs says on the inside:
"I'm a dork who can't get a job in 30 years and I blame you, Thatcher! Even though the socialists have taken over, I still can't find a job. This free shit they give me tastes awful! Why on earth would anyone hire me, I'm a bitter old fool - it's your fault Thatcher! die!"
Zero doesn't like England, and certainly would not have liked Thatcher.
So, whatever.
Who ARE our allies now?
Do we have any that are worth having?
I don't think Obama has even named an ambassador for Britain yet.
Does anyone expect common decency from a grow man who surreptitiously shot the bird in public at people he didn't like? We knew he wasn't a good man before he was ever elected.
anti-Thatcher demonstrators
Also known as 'bitter clingers.'
Obama behaves like a spoiled brat.
Wow, examples must be in the thousands by now.
Petulant, no class, unqualified POTUS. The libruls who elected him should be happy but they are not- why is that?
Better Business Bureau?
"But We Loved Her" is no ringing endorsement.
@MayBee -- The current ambassador is Obama fundraiser Louis Susman whose term ends April 3.
The next ambassador is rumored to be Obama fundraiser Matthew Barzun.
Once again President Obama proves he has no class.
The next ambassador is rumored to be Obama fundraiser Matthew Barzun.
Unlike the U.K., it is common for plum Ambassador slots (e.g., Paris, London, Rome, Tokyo) to go to political cronies in the U.S. (Not that I agree with it, but it is reality regardless of the party of the president.)
Jimmy Carters mother not available?
Marxists are always at war. Obama never calls a timeout.
Wait until Castro dies, Air Force One will be filled to capacity.
And the excuse Obama used: "we're in the middle of gun-control leglislation" -- pathetic. But, again, his game of giving people the finger shows that he has no character in the first place. Do people that fawn over him as a wonderful role model for our children think that's cool, or try to pretend he didn't do it?
Obama is absolutely the Manchurian Candidate. But don't expect Althousian respectables to EVER admit that. Do they see it? Probably. But immediately the don't think an UGLY thought button is pressed.
I understand he sent a photograph of himself looking somber, and the tweet: Sadz =(
@Freder -- True. And Barzun is our former Ambassador to Sweden so he's a know figure in diplomatic circles.
Still, there's still something jarring about "fundraiser" being the first line in each of these individual's political biographies.
"President Obama did not send a senior serving member of his administration."
No one really thought he would, did they?
I mean, proper respect demands he do so; reasonable people would reasonably expect a reasonable president to do so; yet no one really thought he would, did they?
And, for obvious reasons, too.
"President Obama did not send a senior serving member of his administration."
What a dick.
"President Obama did not send a senior serving member of his administration."
Of course not. His lack of class toward our closest ally has no boundaries.
On the other hand, its probably just as well considering his senior administration is filled with bufoons who would probably just embarras us.
No matter how hard he tries, Obama will never be able to get over the fact that his Baby Daddy didn't love him.
Why won't G. Bush Jr. or Mittens Romney attend the funeral?
Or a posse of current Republican U.S. senators?
What's holding them back?
David Davenport, asking the tough questions.
Blogger David Davenport said...
Why won't G. Bush Jr. or Mittens Romney attend the funeral?
Or a posse of current Republican U.S. senators?
What's holding them back?
4/17/13, 8:41 AM
What's holding them back? A sense of decorum. It would look like grandstanding in light of BO's non-participation.
Who ARE our allies now?
Egypt? But don't go there if you are a woman or a christian because it's not safe.
Obama is petty. He's consistent on this, at least.
Henry- Susman has departed the country. There is an interim now.
David- the funeral was by invitation, so it wasn't up to a bunch of GOP Senators or Mitt Romney to just decide to go.
I'm sure GWB decided not to go because that would have made the protesters go crazy. GHWB must not be well enough to make the trip, sadly.
U.S. Rep. George Holding will represent the House at the funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Holding was chosen by House Speaker John Boehner. He'll be joined by Reps. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. They are traveling to London Tuesday morning.
I believe Cheney and Kissinger are also attending.
Given Thatcher's stature, along with England's place in our history, we really should be sending Zero, Biden or Kerry.
I saw a cartoon showing Reagan welcoming Thatcher to heaven.
Reagan was a big man, in the best sense of that phrase.
Obama may be cool, but he's small. And petty.
I'm surprised no women in the Obama administration chose to attend. Or even Pelosi. I thought Democrats celebrated women in power.
All the pomp and ceremonial uniforms, layers and layers of architectural adornment remind me these people have tea cups as old as our country.
"I'm surprised..."
Only lefty women, gentle commenter, only lefties..
(Which leads me to say that I'm surprised you're surprised...oh, wait, sarc button time, right?)
Given Thatcher's stature, along with England's place in our history, we really should be sending Zero, Biden or Kerry.
Not much to choose from, is it?
Virgil- ;-)
Obama is certainly the smallest president we've ever had. Aren't politicians supposed to "grow" in office?
Point taken.
How dumb or self-hating do you have to be to be British and still respect our President? He is a no-class embarrassment, and would be even if I liked his policies. I liked Bush while hating much of his policy, but Obama causes me no such dissonance.
The Brits colonized Kenya, do we need any more of an explanation?
(bad link)
This is how my British photochoppy friends think.
I'm not even going to check this.
The file name is ozzy, The photo is a face swap. A male crying. I'm thinking someone named Ozzy cried at Thatcher's funeral but did not mean it. So, an Oscar.
It's good to have a pointer toward the proper etiquette for the next time a prominent leftie dies.
The Left is full of haters and, thus, is incapable of grace.
Tank said...
Zero doesn't like England, and certainly would not have liked Thatcher.
So, whatever.
Who ARE our allies now?
Do we have any that are worth having?
Even our enemies hate us more now.
As my old Irish mother used to say, "The devil hates a coward".
EMD said...
anti-Thatcher demonstrators
Also known as 'bitter clingers.'
No, the bitter clingers loved her. The ones making asses of themselves are thew low-information voters so suddenly in vogue over here.
They only know what the shop steward or the local Commie gauleiter tells them.
David Davenport said...
Why won't G. Bush Jr. or Mittens Romney attend the funeral?
They're not part of the Administration, genius.
(would that it were otherwise...)
They're not part of the Administration, genius.
So what?
Sheessssss... you people are sooo mean.
Maybe they didn't invite obama.
btw... who attended the Chavez funeral?
A small group of protesters had banners? Some jeered and shouted, “good riddance?" Obama didn't send a high-level representative?
Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin.
The U.S. delegation at Papa Chavez' funeral was made up of James Derham, its chargé d'affaires in Caracas, U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D., N.Y.) and former lawmaker William Delahunt of Massachusetts. The Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. was there. As with all Leftist funerals, the event was really a political rally for Vice President Nicolás Maduro.
Um, are we really going to treat Chavez' funeral as equal in significance to America as Thatcher's?
Obama didn't send a senior member of the administration - it will be completely forgotten about, overlooked by our mainstream media.
Just wait until you guys are in office though. We'll crucify you when you try something like that! You won't know what hit you!
David Davenport said...
They're not part of the Administration, genius.
So what?
So Lady Thatcher didn't want every Tom, Dick, and Jessuh Jackson crashing her funeral.
As always, Choom shows he's white trash, through and through.
phx said...
A small group of protesters had banners? Some jeered and shouted, “good riddance?" Obama didn't send a high-level representative?
Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin.
If it had been the Romney Administration boycotting Hugo's obsequies, that would be a different story, though, wouldn't it?
He probably couldn't find one who wouldn't stop laughing and cheering through the service.
Obama does not like the Brits. Colonialism. Hegenomy. All the things he learned in school.
Yeah it's in bad taste but I say this as someone who would have spit at Ted Kennedy's hearse as it rolled by.
At least Thatcher never left a woman to die in car crash while she went home to sleep off an evening drinking.
At *that* is the difference.
George H. W. is not in very good health. And W just had some surgery or something. But family reps should have been sent. Everone from the Reagan Administration still able to travel should have done so.
"Which Americans are in attendance? 3 former Secretaries of State: Henry A. Kissinger, George P. Shultz, and James A. Baker 3d."
All Republicans, no? Did any Democrats attend?
Lady Thatcher was a great leader--My lasting memory of her was at the funeral of President Reagan--she walked up to the coffin and placed her hand on it--very tenderly. It was, to me, a touching moment. The Lady Thatcher was nothing but class--Our President, not so much. He is a classless, ignorant, and piece of excrement.
Just to play devil's advocate here:
The usual U.S. representative at the funerals of distinguished foreigners is the vice president. Given that the current V.P. is the pathetic buffoon Joe Biden, it's arguably (more than arguably, obviously) more respectful not to send him than to send him. I'm very glad Obama didn't send Biden, or go himself, and I really can't think of any member of his administration that I would like to see at the funeral. How shameful is that?
I read in some comment section that Cheney went. Assuming that's true, it's also good. Sending a distinguished former V.P. that agreed with Thatcher on most issues and was like her in many ways (loathed by fools for his brilliance, competence, and patriotism) seems to me way more respectful than sending anyone at all from the pathetic Obama administration would be.
Obama has zero diplomatic skills. None. Nada. This is just a simple, basic thing that adults do all the time. And he behaved like a child.
I believe if Hillary was at State she probably would have fought for this. It shouldn't even be a fight, it's so idiotic.
Is there nobody at State willing to explain to the petulant child how adults should behave?
Kerry = deadbeat dad.
kcom said...
Obama is certainly the smallest president we've ever had. Aren't politicians supposed to "grow" in office?
That type of growth is only when a Republican gives in to the Left. Obama is a small, petty man who is shrinking as time goes on. If he keeps it up, he could disappear. On second thought, we aren't that lucky.
I agree with Dr. Weevil. What an embarrassment it would have been to have ANY of those clowns attending the funeral.
Slow Joe would have sat there picking his nose, Barry would be looking up golf scores and Michelle would have sat there glaring at all the women who were dressed like adults.
Just wait until you guys are in office though. We'll crucify you when you try something like that!
I bet plenty of former high-level Obama administration officials would attend the crucifixion of a Republican.
Just who is POTUS Obama trying to appease with his petulance?
Let them speak forth.
President Stepin Fetchit acts like a complete asshole and ignores the funeral of a great American ally.
Meanwhile, he golfs every fucking day and he and his Klingon wife go on vacation every month.
But no time for Thatcher.
Good job electing him, Easy Annie A. Enjoy the decline you caused!
Tank said...
Given Thatcher's stature, along with England's place in our history, we really should be sending Zero, Biden or Kerry.
4/17/13, 8:52 AM
There is a reason he's called Zero, such as zero class.
But no time for Thatcher.
Someone loan one of your dampened hankies to poor whores.
~~Let's not have a sniffle
~~Let's have a jolly good cry
~~Always remember the longer you live
~~The sooner you bloody well die~~
I know I know....
"Enjoy the decline shithead!"
: D
~~Look at the mourners, bloody-great hypocrites
Isn't it grand, boys, to be bloody-well dead?~~
phx will some day die.
And no one will even care enough to piss on her grave.
Sad that.
Join me in a hankie Darrell.
I don't care enough, even for that, phx.
We are of one mind.
It is interesting that there was a House delegation, but no Senate one.
Chip Ahoy -
"Ozzy" would be George Osbourne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who did get a bit misty-eyed during the service.
I would be there for Baroness Thatcher, though, if I could. But sorry, no hankie for you.
She was a great lady.
Charles Cook: "The prime minister of Ethiopia was judged sufficiently important to deserve Susan Rice’s attendance, among others. The president sent Hillary to Vaclav Havel’s farewell, and also to send off the president of Ghana. Joe Biden led the delegation to a Saudi royal funeral. And Obama personally attended Polish president Lech Kaczynski’s."
The right thing for Zero to do was to ask Clinton (either) or GWB to go.
Seems there’s precedent for this kind of thing: Neither Lyndon Johnson nor Hubert Humphrey attended Winston Churchill’s funeral. Instead, according to this article at the time, it was attended by “an official delegation.”
And, as the article points out, Johnson could have sent Dwight Eisenhower, but didn’t.
The right thing for him to do was to send Meryl Streep.
"If he keeps it up, he could disappear. On second thought, we aren't that lucky."
But the Venezuelans were. It doesn't happen often but when it does it's sweet.
Yeah, I went there.
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