#BREAKING: N. Korea army says it has final approval for nuclear attack on US
— Agence France-Presse (@AFP) April 3, 2013
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
#BREAKING: N. Korea army says it has final approval for nuclear attack on US
— Agence France-Presse (@AFP) April 3, 2013
८१ टिप्पण्या:
We're all domed! (inhales) DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
I'm sure glad I don't live in Austin, TX.
Final approval from whom? The figurehead in daddy's seat at the end of the table?
I was pretty sure North Korea didn't need anyone's permission to attack the US.
Take them at their word.
Pre-emptive tactical nuclear strikes on every single location that even concievably could house either the leadership or their nuclear programs.
Let it be a warning to the rest of the world not to run their mouths about attacking the United States.
The sad thing is that it seems those crazy fuckers are nuts enough to do something like that. I would guess whatever bomb they've got is as likely to go off on NK soil as anywhere else.
Good to know we've got President Obama on the job (unless he's out shooting baskets or something..)
Smart diplomacy.
If China won't keep their attack Yorkie on a shorter leash, it'll be time to unleash Hell on them soon.
Final approval? What, they had to ask their daddy? lol
Nonetheless, Great Job, Obama!
Enjoy the decline, nuke-heads!
The Mouse that Roared.
"The prime minister decides that their only course of action is to declare war on the United States. Expecting a quick and total defeat ...the country confidently expects to rebuild itself through the generous largesse that the United States bestows on all its vanquished enemies (as it did for Germany through the Marshall Plan at the end of World War II)."
"Dr. Kokintz discovers that the bomb is a dud and that the bomb Grand Fenwick used to threaten the world into obedience never had any power whatsoever."
Life imitates a satire.
You know why they are threatening Austin, don't you? It is the home of "The Best Podcast in the Universe" www.noagendashow.com
Da boyz, Adam Curry and John C Dvorak think this is all just a movie promotion for the new movie "Olympus has Fallen"
Matt Lauer of the Today Show thinks so as well. See this video at http://todayentertainment.today.com/_news/2013/03/14/17310122-gerard-butler-friends-say-my-american-accent-makes-me-sound-like-an-idiot?lite
Matt Lauer's comments on the movie tie-in are about 40 seconds in.
Dennis Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters (Owned by Roy Disney estate) go over and the next day this all starts? Perhaps it the basketball diplomacy was just an excuse to carry bags of cash to Kim in exchange for saber rattling/movie promotion.
If this dies down in a week or two, when Olympus is out of theatres, we will know why.
John Henry
O noes.
Patrick said:
Good to know we've got President Obama on the job (unless he's out shooting baskets or something..)
If it does turn out to be more than a movie promotion let's hope that we have better aim with our missiles than Obama does with his bombs.
It may be time to go watch "Wag the Dog" again.
John Henry
So much for the element of surprise, I thought we could trust them
Any such attempt would be suicidal.
How can they be sure we won't fire back with Courtney Love?
Has Joe Biden been to N. Korea lately?
Approval from whom?
And Mom Jeans. Seems to me that an attack by the United States might be exactly what they are trying to create. Perverse? Of course. Sixty years of repressive dictatorship creates a lot of perversity.
Well, if it saves us from Obamacare, ....
Has there ever been a case in history where a country has been this bat-shit insane before?
NK must realize that we have subs with nuclear cruise missiles off their coast, and that they could be nuked before they would have even 15 minutes of warning. Unlike their missiles, we won't miss.
At the end of WWII, Hitler felt that the German people had failed him & their racial destiny. He ceased to care what happened to them at the hands of the Allies & Soviets. Is the leadership of NK seeking to immolate the whole country in a national suicide pact because they know that they have failed to establish true communism?
"Final approval from whom?"
Perhaps there was something lost in translation.
And by the way Althouse, good for you for posting this. The crazy little pufferbelly running the country might just try to implement his little scheme.
Best result would be for the Chinese and the Americans to work together to overthrow the jerks and put someone else in charge.
Bur probably neither China nor the US wants the others' troops in North Korea. I wonder how African peacekeepers under UN commanders would do in North Korea?
Probably would make the people want to have Kim Jong Un back in charge.
YoungHegelian said...
Has there ever been a case in history where a country has been this bat-shit insane before?
The Confederate States of America might qualify. I would also put Imperial Japan on the short list.
This proves Bush was nuts when he used that ridiculous term "Axis of Evil".
Leno got off the best line last night, saying the Chinese have told the NORKS that "whatever you do MAKE SURE not a SINGLE Wal-Mart is touched" LOL!
Leno got off the best line last night, saying the Chinese have told the NORKS that "whatever you do MAKE SURE not a SINGLE Wal-Mart is touched" LOL!
The Confederate States of America might qualify. I would also put Imperial Japan on the short list.
I would disagree with both those assessments as being anywhere near this crazy, especially since the wars both started went for 4-5 years (with us at least) and both were winning for the first couple of years.
The Norks are openly courting instantaneous annihilation.
Can't wait to see what happens when Barry wants to finish the last 4 holes after being told Honolulu no longer exists.
On Facebook yet.
Doesn't Kim Jong Un know or care how many people unfriended him because of this?
Hundreds, probably.
I blame Hollywood for the remake of Red Dawn. If it would save the life of one child, in Austin, we should ban Hollywood from making movies.
But seriously, I suspect to see the sun rising over Houston from the West about 2am local time (3am DC). You make the call.
Best result would be for the Chinese and the Americans to work together to overthrow the jerks and put someone else in charge.
Bur probably neither China nor the US wants the others' troops in North Korea.
The days of trillion dollar neocon "nation-building" projects are over for America.
We will not put our "heroes with boots on the ground" building NORK schools by day and getting ambushed everyday as well.
And face it, the last thing we would do is care about the "innocent enemy NORK civilians" if a US city or two plus sites in Japan or S Korea took hits from that or other WMD.
Meaning no "tactical nukes" to minimize "innocent enemy civilian suffering" - but high altitude strategic nukes (440-660 KT thermonuclear bombs) use to maximize military and civilian deaths by burning, and minimize fallout drifting on Japan.
We have nothing to fear.
Its not a Nuclear Nuclear weapon...
North Korea only has a skim-milk Nuke.
Its a tax dressed up as a penalty.
YoungHegelian said...
The Norks are openly courting instantaneous annihilation.
Choom wouldn't do that. Remember, he gets all wee-wee when he thinks about how MacArthur humiliated the Nips by taking their surrender in Tokyo Bay on the fantail of the Missouri with all those planes flying overhead and all our ships riding at anchor.
Once he and Moochelle and Sushi and Mongolia are safe inside Cheyenne Mountain, he'll tell both survivors of the United States how they acted stupidly during the Korean War.
The Confederate States of America might qualify. I would also put Imperial Japan on the short list.
Both were calculated gambles. North won primarily by attrition, which they weren't able to get going until Grant was given command. And, I think that the war may have gone differently if the South had been able to get the Britts on board. It was supposedly touch and go there for awhile.
As for the Japanese, first keep in mind that the US, etc., was putting a lot of pressure on them through their dependence on foreign oil (yes, even back then). And, what would have happened if they had managed to sink our carriers to at Pearl Harbor the day they sunk so much of our battleship fleet?
I think that either of those actions weren't as crazy as what Hitler did in Europe. He declared war on the US, turned away from England, and attacked the Soviet Union. So, he ultimaely ended up fighting Russian winters and US industry at the same time, while getting much of his own industrial capacity obliterated from the air. Both of those opponents had several times the population base that he had to work with, and combined, it was much worse.
Still, I would put Hitler as more rational than the Kim jong family in NORK.
I disagree with you on Obama. I think in this case Obama's more dangerous than W would be.
You know why? Because Obama goes apeshit when somebody crosses him, and makes him look bad in public. Which is what the Norks are doing right now.
He may be a squish-lefty, but he's still got one of the largest egos on the planet, and I'm betting on the latter in a crisis.
It's all George Snuffleupagus's fault for being so mean to Dennis Rodman.
Choom wouldn't do that.
What must be remembered here is tha he has repeatedly stated that he wants to radically reduce our nuclear arsonal. That was one of the problems with Hegel's nomination for SecDef - Hegel's agreement with that. After all, what is more important with our military - women in combat? Or maintaining an unfair nuclear advantage over countries like North Korea, and our our hegemonic imperealism?
Still, does anyone really believe in the era of canceled White House tours and released violent illegal aliens that the money will be found to modernize our nuclear arsonal?
Sounds like the NORKS are telling China to back off.
YoungHegelian said...
I disagree with you on Obama. I think in this case Obama's more dangerous than W would be.
You know why? Because Obama goes apeshit when somebody crosses him, and makes him look bad in public. Which is what the Norks are doing right now.
Consider this, our little Choom is a gutless punk. He acts like he's tough when he's got a gang behind him and the other side can't hit back (race card, etc.), but, nose to nose, he's usually folded - witness how often he's been bitch slapped by Netanyahu.
The Little Pudgeball in Pyongyang can hit back. The Norks are great at little acts of terrorism and they've been a charter member of the Axis of Eeeevillle.
It's sort of like Al Gore and global warming.
How can they be sure we won't fire back with Courtney Love
Because any use of Courtney Love has been ruled a crime against humanity by the UN.
Bruce: Well, one good way to reduce our nuclear arsenal is to expend a bunch of it over North Korea. So, maybe.
We'll have to agree to disagree here, and see what happens, which considering we're talking about war I hope is nothing.
I'm just remembering an article I read years ago that when folks like SAIS would bring together liberals & conservatives to do war games against a common foe, it was the liberals who would go nuclear first.
Bruce Hayden & Hegelian:
William T. Sherman, who was head of a military school in Louisiana when secession came, wrote a letter to a southern friend accurately predicting the course of the war. Some early southern success, no intervention from Europe, a apparent stalemate and then a Union victory by attrition and by superior organization. Sherman, who had lived in the south for a considerable part of his adult life, saw clearly that the southern government and military would be fragmented and hard to direct and control.
British intervention was never a real prospect. The southern leaders miscalculated badly on that as on nearly all other matters. The southerners who realized this were simply ignored.
Likewise, Japan had no plan to win the war against the United States. Destroying the fleet would not have done it, even if the carriers had been sunk. We would have built more, and we still had the Pacific Ocean as a giant moat. Maybe if they had occupied part or all of Australia they might have had more of a chance. But they had no plan for that either. They were spread far too thin.
I do agree that there is a difference in degree with North Korea. They will be crushed immediately if they attack. And they should have no illusions that Obama would go easy. The dronekiller likes to win, and he will want to win fast.
But though the timing was slower, the result was just as certain with the Confederacy and the Japanese. Their main hope was that the United States would not fight. That has been a vain hope for America's opponents over the years, when push gets to shoving.
Doesn't Kim Jong Un know or care how many people unfriended him because of this?
YoungHegelian said...
I'm just remembering an article I read years ago that when folks like SAIS would bring together liberals & conservatives to do war games against a common foe, it was the liberals who would go nuclear first.
Likely because conservatives know the liberals will attack them for it even if liberals would make the same decision.
I recommend entry through the southern border. Annually, rround one million aliens illegally enter this nation. They are unmeasured and "undocumented". All that is necessary is to learn Spanish. The gatekeepers prefer unskilled, uneducated people who can be easily exploited for profit and democratic leverage.
YoungHegelian said...
We'll have to agree to disagree here, and see what happens, which considering we're talking about war I hope is nothing.
I'm just remembering an article I read years ago that when folks like SAIS would bring together liberals & conservatives to do war games against a common foe, it was the liberals who would go nuclear first.
To a certain extent, I'm being facetious, but, yes, the Lefties always vote dry and drink wet.
Ooooh, you vewy scaawy. Tie your shoe.
W.T. Sherman was the President of Louisiana Military Institute, which later morphed into LSU, thus he is claimed by many to be the first President of LSU..
PS to David: Which explains how LSU got the nickname "The Old War Skule."
(We have a long military tradition carried forward as well. The President when I attended and whose name appears on my diploma was one of Pattons generals, Lt. Gen Troy H. Middleton, USA.
I sent out the memo earlier. Glad to see my comrades got the message!
Eh, Austin is getting a little too weird anyway.
Perhaps someone should tell little Kim that Austin is full of socialists, perhaps he would be more interested in Colorado Springs?
Is this a consequence of smart diplomacy or is this when smart diplomacy begins?
This should drive the Dow to 20k tomorrow. Bullish!
I've got the solution on occupying troops. After we bomb them back to the pre-Stone Age, let's send in Cuban and Venezuelan troops. And maybe some Argentines. They'll save South Korea by imprisoning North Koreans just as Kim is doing. By the time they're through, there'll be a lot fewer North Koreans for the South to absorb.
San Francisco is closer.
Once the world was in Hitler's hands, now it's in Dennis Rodman's. Progress.
If Austin gets nuked, Boomer Sooner land should see a boost in recruiting.
I think we can rest fairly easy, until we see the Japanese loading up with 150 million doses of sodium iodide tablets, the 60 million Koreans doing likewise.
But the NORKs lacking an ICBM to hit CONUS does not mean they couldn't deliver nuke ordnance attack on Japan, S Korea, US Fleet and Pacific US bases tomorrow - using SCUDs, SRBMs, or jets.
At the Old Dawgz Band rehearsal last night, we agreed unanimously to nuke the mofos before they can nuke us.
This graphic explains why the White House is not particularly concerned -- the North Korean missiles can't reach the President's favorite vacation spots in Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard, much less DC. They can, however, take out Wasilla, Alaska.
Just sayin'
Approval from who? Did lil' kerm phone Chavez down in hell for permission?
I will laugh my ass off if the Norks go full retard and attack.
"Bu,bu,but who could have predicted this!?!"
Okay, okay, I admit it: I'm the one who approved it.
But all joking aside, let me make two points.
First, if North Korea was to attack us, it had better deliver a knockout punch first time out, because it has one nuclear warhead and we have 2,200.
Second, I can hear some sniggering at the back: "if NORK..." But here's the thing, guys. It's easy to dismiss the NORK thing as posturing, because we assume that they couldn't possibly have the capacity to carry out the threat. Now suppose that it's September 4, 2001, and an obscure terrorist organization called "Al Queda" tweets that it has received final approval for a devastating strike on the American homeland. Would we not have dismissed it as posturing, assuming that even with the Cole attack in view that they couldn't possibly have the capacity to carry out the threat?
"Because [Shrub] goes apeshit when somebody crosses him, and makes him look bad in public...
He may be a squish-[right]y, but he's still got one of the largest egos...
our little [Shrub] is a gutless punk. He acts like he's tough when he's got a gang behind him and the other side can't hit back (race card, etc.), but, nose to nose, he's usually folded - witness how often he's been bitch slapped...
The dronekiller likes to win, and he will want to win fast.
ick. Nope, changing the names didn't help.
Whatever happens we have got
The maxim gun
And they have not
The North Korean people are mostly in misery. Maybe we should put them out their misery.
They can see Wasila from their missile sites.
It's sort of like Al Gore and global warming.
The Nuke is in a lockbox.
They would never try this on Putin
Commie welfare queen saber rattling.
Let em starve.
Simon, if N. Korea did 9/11 we would have ended that problem permanently a long time ago. They have a country, leadership, a target. Islamist are spread out all over the world like rats.
When ever faced with a situation like this;
An idiot with a gun.
Always assume the gun is loaded.
Because loaded or unloaded sooner rather than later the idiot is gonna pull the trigger.
"Hey, Un, can I call you Un? Anyway, there's this little video I'd like you to watch. It's called 'Bambi verses Godzilla.' If you try anything, that's what will happen to you.
And have a nice day."
The North Korean people are mostly in misery. Maybe we should put them out their misery.
Kill the hostages, eh?
Chef Mojo said...
I will laugh my ass off if the Norks go full retard and attack.
"Bu,bu,but who could have predicted this!?!"
Weakness fosters contempt.
We are viewed as weak. Hence all the chest beating around the world.
LilKim is blackmailing the west.
phx said...
The North Korean people are mostly in misery. Maybe we should put them out their misery.
Kill the hostages, eh?
You stopped at the low hanging fruit, again.
Eliminate the source of the misery.
bagoh20, I agree, but that misses the point I’m making. Of course we can retaliate in ways that they can barely imagine, no one doubts that. My point is that we should be chary about dismissing the threat out-of-hand simply because we doubt their capacity to carry it out, just as we would—let’s be honest about it—have dismissed Al Queda’s threat out-of-hand because we would never have believed that they had the capacity to carry it out. Nor, I might add, should we dismiss the threat because they can't possibly be stupid enough to attack this fully-armed and operational battle station. My experience has been that more often than not, when tempted to say that someone couldn't possibly be that stupid, in fact, yes, they are absolutely that stupid. Would a sane person announce that they were going to make a nuclear strike on the US and then take out the Washington or the Stennis with low-yield tactical nuke? Of course not. But deterrence based on the assumption that the person to be deterred is sane (or even rational) is a dubious enterprise, as the criminal justice system proves every day.
bagoh20, I agree, but that misses the point I’m making. Of course we can retaliate in ways that they can barely imagine, no one doubts that. My point is that we should be chary about dismissing the threat out-of-hand simply because we doubt their capacity to carry it out, just as we would—let’s be honest about it—have dismissed Al Queda’s threat out-of-hand because we would never have believed that they had the capacity to carry it out. Nor, I might add, should we dismiss the threat because they can't possibly be stupid enough to attack this fully-armed and operational battle station. My experience has been that more often than not, when tempted to say that someone couldn't possibly be that stupid, in fact, yes, they are absolutely that stupid. Would a sane person announce that they were going to make a nuclear strike on the US and then take out the Washington or the Stennis with low-yield tactical nuke? Of course not. But deterrence based on the assumption that the person to be deterred is sane (or even rational) is a dubious enterprise, as the criminal justice system proves every day.
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