“Boston is your hometown but we claim it a little bit too,” he said, referring to his days as a student at Harvard Law School. “I know this because there is a piece of Boston in me.”Given the context, that's one of the worst figures of speech ever.
It's also bad for Obama to make the disaster about himself and to bring up an aspect of his life that entails time spent not with ordinary Bostonians, but amongst the elite academics of Cambridge.
And I'm surprised at the photograph the NYT is running (at the link). It's got Michelle slouching down so that her legs are overextended in a too-casual manner, and the photographer has lined up those legs directly under Obama so that they seem, surrealistically, like his legs.
१८२ टिप्पण्या:
Professor, seriously, OF COURSE it's all about him! Where have you been?
It's also bad for Obama to make the disaster about himself and bring up an aspect of his life that entails, not life with ordinary Bostonians, but the elite academics of Cambridge.
He's incapable of not making something about himself in some way. I've met people like him in my life. They are insufferable.
You have great gams Barack. ~ Chris Mathews.
He's incapable of not making something about himself in some way. I've met people like him in my life. They are insufferable.
It's a peculiar trait.
I'm sure he's vain, but perhaps he erroneously thinks his personal interjection helps people relate to the event somehow.
L'etat, c'est moi.
Like Joe Biden said, clean and articulate.
It's Hollywood, man!
No tragedy that old Barry can't swoop in to exploit. I'm sure its a great idea to divert a bunch of security resources to protecting this stupid fuck and his disgusting wife rather than looking for the bombings suspects.
Boston's economy certainly needs the massive traffic and airspace shutdowns he brings too.
Fuck him.
Maybe now that the Media Whore in Chief got his speech in they can release the fucking description now.
So we can deport people who are legally here now?
Good to know.
perhaps he erroneously thinks his personal interjection helps people relate to the event somehow.
Well, he's the most interesting and awesome person there is. So naturally it would make people feel better that he's a little bit like them. That's just plain logical.
Althouse said ...
It's also bad for Obama to make the disaster about himself ...
Has he ever not made anything all about himself? Ever?
His footnote additions to several presidential historical bios on the White House site alone are almost hilarious. The man cannot help himself, really.
I'm not seeing what you are in the photo. On the other hand, It seems odd to me that the four people seated in the front all have their legs crossed. Above the knee. I know that's common for women is skirts. But what about the guys?
Do any of you guys sit like that? Ever?
Professor - so typical of you to rag on our Dear President when expressing his deep, heartfelt EMOtions! I'm sure garage/inga/Ritmo are ANGRY as hell now!
Obama is endlessly self-absorbed and narcissistic. Did you hear the recording of Deval Patrick giving Obama a tongue bath regarding his visit?
People lost limbs, body parts, children are dead ...
Democrats cannot turn off the politics and the self-aggrandizement-- not for one second.
"As I wept over your life-changing tragedy, I couldn't help but be reminded of me."
It's the only kind of speech he knows how to give.
"There's a piece of Boston in me" is just a clunky sounding phrase - aside from whether it summons up the image of shrapnel. Makes we wonder if he's got any bits of Benghazi wedged up in there too. Haha. Not really. Now I'm picturing a president filled with pieces of every place where something bad but politically useful has happened. He'll need to have the Newton piece surgically removed.
Because, yes, OF COURSE, it's all about Obama. This is not news.
I was wondering why he had to show up in Boston at all. It's always annoying when the preezy's in town, flying overhead in his helos, jamming up the highway. (Believe me, No. Cal/San Francisco empirical knowledge talking here.) Can't he send his sympathy from afar? Is Boston incapable of handling the situation on it's own? Why does he really need to jet in immediately? The emoter in chief at the interfaith service for ... what, other than a photo?
The real question is, did he write his own speech?
"As I wept over your life-changing tragedy, I couldn't help but be reminded of me."
It's the only kind of speech he knows how to give.
Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn were unavailable for comment.
I think this criticism is on the wrong track. Obviously, he's going for an "Ich bin ein Berliner" moment.
Its inappropriateness is not in the self-focus, but in the fact that the parallel doesn't work. Kennedy was telling Germany that it can depend on America's support, something they may have been worried about prior to that speech. Obama actually is Boston's president so why does he feel the need to assure them of his support? To ask the question is to answer it.
The good news is there'll be another memorial he can toss flowers at.
Harvard Law School is in Cambridge.
Close enough for government work.
"It's also bad for Obama to make the disaster about himself..."
It's always about him Surely you've noticed.
He also said "everyone stands with you."
Uh, not anymore. His speech writers need to step up their game.
"He's incapable of not making something about himself in some way. I've met people like him in my life. They are insufferable."
I can't listen to him anymore. He shows up and the volume is turned off.
Boston is celebrating its greatness. They are a great town.
But Obama is just jealous that he is not actually part of Boston.
They used to say Bill Clinton wanted the be "the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral."
Now Obama has "a piece of Boston" in him. Has anyone checked him for shrapnel ?
"The maker of the pressure cooker, Fagor America Inc., issued a statement saying the company has been contacted by investigators and is cooperating. “Our pressure cookers . . . are not intended to be used for any other purpose other than cooking,’’ the company said."
Boy, that's relief !
He acts more like dictator for life than president. Maybe he knows something we don't know---yet.
Amartel said...
Why does he really need to jet in immediately? The emoter in chief at the interfaith service for ... what, other than a photo?
My God, man...with the string of luminaries (15+ at a slow moment) who just have to stand on the dais and speak at every non-update news presser since this all began, do you think for a moment Obama is not going to set up on that? Please. Even Fauxahontas has been there...maybe even the Boston dog catcher too....not to mention a half dozen police wheels to tell us repeatedly, that the FBI is in charge. The FBI guys sets up an says 2 minutes of we got nuttin' and then the 6+ police chiefs thank him for that.
Michelle is a tall woman, and those are short chairs.
But yeah, everything is always about him.
If it's all about optics he should have reminded Michelle to sit up straight or left her home.
It's always about him Surely you've noticed.
Yes, it's always about him, except when it should be about him. For instance, has anyone heard any comments from him about Dr. Gosnell? His comment should be "With my aid in Illinois, what Dr. Gosnell did is legal."
Do any of you guys sit like that? Ever?
I do. I usually cross at the knee.
Sitting the more "manly" cross-legged way (where the leg rests perpendicular across the one underneath) puts too much strain on my hips.
EMD said...
but perhaps he erroneously thinks his personal interjection helps people relate to the event somehow.
He surely does, because the left taught him his mere existence is sufficently wonderful to be elected president.
Recall his appeal to the IOC to choose Chicago for the 2020(?) Olympics. It should have been the most embarassing moment of his life basically saying 'come to Chicago: you can tell how awesome they are by how quickly they recognized and embraced my greatness'. To this day there's no evidence he even understands why the IOC wasn't moved.
"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. The victims were all great people. Hopefully they all were Obamaniacs."
Hey, Aridog, I was being facetious. The whole idea of an "interfaith" service is such bullshit. They should just call it Opportunistic Political Photo Roll Call. Now with Imams.
About that pressure cooker mfr - I also saw an interview with the maker of the battery that was found. These poor people felt obliged to go on tv and explain that their battery was intended for use in toys, not bombs. Justify their products as if that wasn't obvious. As if people needed to have that explained. Tells you something about how blame gets directed.
Given the context, that's one of the worst figures of speech ever.
What a load of crap. Why read beyond this partisan nonsense?
Did you see the Ricin sheriff last night? Droning on and on with two deputies sleeping with their eyes open in the background.
It's always about him Surely you've noticed.
"It's always about how much we hate Obama."
He also said "everyone stands with you."
Except those bomb-leaving fools who didn't . . .
I think this criticism is on the wrong track. Obviously, he's going for an "Ich bin ein Berliner" moment. .
Oh, bullshit. When have there ever been big explosions in Berlin?
furious_a said...
Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn were unavailable for comment.
However, Mark Rudd [retired] and Katrhy Boudin [paroled murderer now a professor at Columbia] both said "Good Work" regarding the to date mysterious perpetrators.
Officers Waverly Brown and Edward O'Grady are unable to comment due to the six feet of dirt covering them.
That's FLOTUS' standard pose when on official business - just killin' time, waiting for her next bitchin' soiree.
He also said "everyone stands with you."
Uh, not anymore. His speech writers need to step up their game.
Given the number of legs blown off, so do his researchers.
I do. I usually cross at the knee.
"But it is not only the events of - the tragic events of Monday which bind me. It is the marathon itself. I remember being a child at Punahou, which was as racist as any part of Southie as far as you know, and learning of the heroic soldier Marathon who ran exactly 25 miles to Rome to get reinforcements against the savage Celts, the ancestors of so much of this city today. It was that lesson, brought to me by a teacher much like any in Boston's public schools, that sparked my lifelong commitment to maintaining an immaculate physical condition. And while the rigors of my many intellectual pursuits didn't leave me the free time for long distance running that so many of Monday's competitors enjoyed, I join with you in marveling at the accomplishment of the fastest, who it seems invariably come from Kenya, the land of my father's birth. There are some who would say these masterful athletes with the funny names should be banned from our shores because they might be responsible somehow for Monday's tragedy. I want to reach out to those who feel that way and say I understand, but do not let your cowardice cause your bigotry to overwhelm you. There is a better way. A way that binds us all together, progressive and reactionary, black and racist, into a community in which we can all agree that the government must provide education and health care with the same dedication and skill with which it protects us from attack."
He's just not that smart. We know how he got to be the "President" of the HLR.
Maybe he'll write another book about himself, and include the Marathon Bombing in it.
It's also bad for Obama to make the disaster about himself
When is it NOT all about him?
The proper way for a gentleman to sit is with both feet flat on the floor and either hands together or flat on the thighs.
Or so the cotillion ladies taught my son, saying that crossing of the legs is too feminine.
As I sat there with legs crossed...
No, you guys are making the disaster about Obama. It's your judgment that is wanting.
Amartel said...
Hey, Aridog, I was being facetious.
I knew that, and so was I...I just couldn't help piling on...the debbil made me do it. I was weary of the photo parade non-news briefings by Monday evening.
I'm sort of used to the concept...prior to retirement I had to participate in these fandangos for much lessor issues, where everyone from the executive janitor to a some 3 star general had to yap yap...and everyone from civilian SES level 1 to general had to have HIS flag on a staff on the dais as well. Sometimes it looked like a frigging UN convocation.
So yeah, I'm rather cynical about photo poops and grip & grins.
Great Orator.
He is the one we have been waiting for and waiting for and waiting for...
you people are pathetic. the only consolation is that you live in a hell of your own creation, a prison in your narrow minds that leaves you scowling and hateful right now.
the rest of us are able to live in this apolitical moment and feel what is going on as full human beings.
"If I had a city, it would look just like Boston."
Man, oh man, do you ever have an imagination.
When you have real legs flying around all over the place it is very important to have them matched up properly.
phx said...
No, you guys are making the disaster about Obama. It's your judgment that is wanting.
Yes, our judgement is wanting because some pathetic twat on the internet who can't stand any criticism of the affirmative action joke who just thrust himself into boston says so.
Brilliant, Chip Ahoy!
Barack Obama's note in the Anne Frank guestbook: "I been where you've been, Anne. I, too, hid in the attic when my white grandma was on the warpath over something or another. It is no way to live."
He's trolling, trying to distract the topic from something damaging to his side. Don't take the bait.
Kevin said...
"If I had a city, it would look just like Boston."
That's funny.
"you people are pathetic. the only consolation is that you live in a hell of your own creation, a prison in your narrow minds that leaves you scowling and hateful right now.
the rest of us are able to live in this apolitical moment and feel what is going on as full human beings."
Seriously? "You people?"
Not "full human beings?"
Awesome Chip.
Someone(s) bombed a marathon, it's political.
No, those are his legs. Ever seen him throw a baseball?
Let me just say as a former Somervillian that Cambridge is not Boston any more than Occidental is Los Angeles. Obama's egocentrism exceeds imagination.
Did they switch the photo? I don't see what Althouse saw in the current one...or at least I didn't until Chip helped out.
A memorial service in a church, and those pedophile Catholics leading the service.
Funny, how everyone disregards the church, but when they catch the first whiff of grapeshot it's all pass-the-holy-water.
Another corollary to.....There are no atheists in foxholes.
Fascinating how he went from being a Churchillian orator in the minds of some to a pedestrian nag with a teleprompter.
I don't think the man wrote a word of his autobiography. Celebs don't do that.
Obama. The Shrapnel Bomb of Love.
Re: Obama and Boston
We also can't forget that his Chicago Gang of personal advisers---notably Valerie Jarrett---are really racist against Irish. Given that Chicago's politics---i.e. Democrats-- have been long been divided between the Daley Machine (old school Irish-Dems) and non-Daley Dems (i.e. blacks and other non-Irish Dems), black politicos in Chicago make there bones hating on white Irish men.
Boston of course is famous for it's white Irish underclass---who, unlike in so many other American cities, refused to bow to black savagery.
This would infuriate Obama and his pals. He resided in Cambridge---where Jews, WASPs, affirmative actioners like himself, and lace-curtain Irish deplored the proud-to-be-Irish Hibernians and their celebrations. You know, people like Skip Gates, who get uppity if ANY Irish cop dare question them.
In short, Obama has no Boston in him. He has Cambridge and Chicago.
He's done this before. Remove shoe, insert "corpse-man."
Perhaps he is mocking the bitter clingers... to life. At least those men and women who are fortunate to survive the latest products and services offered by the abortion industry... I mean Planned Parenthood, and their hired assassins... I mean "doctors."
Did he bring "souvenirs" from the Little Shop of Horrors?
He really needs to reflect on the immorality of his support to denigrate individual dignity and devalue human life. Those policies do have consequences.
Perhaps this is just his conscience exposing his true nature through usurpation of his verbal expression.
Thanks for the laughs, Chip and Darrell. Much needed.
"I reject the false choice between me and anyone less fascinating than me!"
What happened to the pictures with halos around Obama's precious noggin? Has the love been lost?
This terrible tragedy here in Boston where people have occasion to discuss something other than me.
Scott M said...
I think this criticism is on the wrong track. Obviously, he's going for an "Ich bin ein Berliner" moment. .
Oh, bullshit. When have there ever been big explosions in Berlin?
Scott, is your response to me serious? Or am I just so suspicious that I'm not getting the joke?
If only he had some agenda item that he could use to justify loading a bunch of survivors on Air Force 1 and flying them to Washington. After they're off life support, of course. He's not crass.
My new prediction is that they will find another excuse to release the description and photos until late on friday afternoon.
Why would they want to do the newsdump thing with such important information vital to public safety?
Soft-headedness is running amok.
The Dayton airshow has cancelled a reenactment of the atomic bombing of Japan, owing to protests.
American technology day will go uncelebrated.
Officers Waverly Brown and Edward O'Grady are unable to comment...
Amen, nine children orphaned just before Christmas, and their fathers' murderers and their enablers livin' large today with tenure.
jd said...
the rest of us are able to live in this apolitical moment and feel what is going on as full human beings.
Hi dum-dum.
Remember when you criticized Chris Matthews and Nick Kristoff for politicizing this terrorist attack?
Me too!
Do any of you guys sit like that? Ever?
Yes, after five minutes of shank-over-knee my leg falls asleep. Plus, pasty white calf exposure.
Isn't there a youtube video he can blame this on?
Seriously they have to keep looking.
phx said...
Given the context, that's one of the worst figures of speech ever.
What a load of crap. Why read beyond this partisan nonsense?
Exactly. You'd be better served trolling somewhere else.
Remember when Obama inserted himself into various presidential biographies on the White House website? Those little nuggets of propaganda are still there a year later.
"Don't say "there is a piece of Boston in me" when orating about a bombing in Boston that put shrapnel in many victims."
I think its very difficult for him to find a way of identifying with Bostonians as president because his entire presidency seems to be based on HIS own identity... an identity closely tied to his place in history, a history in which Boston is/was not safe haven.
And so, when it escapes Obama, that the reason why he is there, is that he is there as president alone... He is not there because he is Barack Obama - the dreams of his father or whatever, his words veer off what we
expect a president might say at times like this.
Its a fine line... Where does Obama the president begins and Obama the man ends... But that's why the words he chooses, at times like these, in Boston, are so terribly important.
The words of the president should be easily open to the correct interpretation, which is, the representation of the sentiments of a united nation towards those Americans in grief.
There is no room for Obama the man in there, or anything else.
Althouse is absolutely right in recognizing that mistake.
jd: the rest of us are able to live in this apolitical moment and hang Jared Loughner around Sarah Palin's neck, pull the first name off the Colorado Tea Party roster than that matched the Aurora shooter, speculate that the Times Square Bomber was opposed to Obamacare and hope ("Let's") that the Boston Bomber is a white man.
There, fixed it for you.
The cardboard cut-out president. Vanity, ego, and hubris, in a two-dimensional man.
Lem that is insightful, coherent and perceptive.
Who is using your account?
The cardboard cut-out president. Vanity, ego, and hubris, in a two-dimensional man.
Scott, is your response to me serious? Or am I just so suspicious that I'm not getting the joke?
It was a WWII joke. You're only suspicious if they're not out to get you.
and hope ("Let's") that the Boston Bomber is a white man.
The shoe on the other foot, I suppose the pro-life people, upon hearing there was a bombing, could have hoped that it happened in Philly so maybe SOME press would be in that city right now.
Hello Boston!
Salon is proof enough of what happens to full-on insanity of lefty brainwashing takes FULL effect.
Furious A.
Thanks for the reminder of how dishonest the left are - collectively.
The left never thought it was important to prove the Jared Loughner actually ever WENT to Sarah Palin's web site. He never did! Loughner was obsessed with Gabby Giffords and, as it turns out, included on Jared's list of favorite books on his facebook page were--The Communist Manifesto, and Mein Kampf.
That didn't keep Paul Krugman from lying.
So apparently they had separate motorcades.
I'm fine that she wanted to go visit some of the injured or whatever, but really...two motorcades? In a city already known for being murder to drive through plus now with the police presence?
They couldn't go somewhere together just once, help save the planet?
Oh and Lem one more thing.
Just know that even though we send out all the love and support to the victims of this terrible atrocity.......Boston still sucks.
If we don't recognize that ......then the terrorists have won.
I said Obama can't seem to find a way (of identifying with grieving people) because I remember the charge of a presidency 'being about him' to be made about Bill Clinton too.
But, whatever his foibles and predilections as a man, Bill Clinton knew how to do these things... ceremony.
When it comes right down to it. The ceremonial aspects of a presidency is one of those things that shouldn't be that hard.
Should it?
Unless his hart is not in it and faking it, while in the realization of an unhappy first quarter, is impossible.
Bill Clinton was praised for his compartmentalization skills.
If there are any other phx-like low information trollers out there, here's an update. The president has a predilection for working himself into every story. You needn't take my word for it. Check out the bios of previous Presidents on the White House Web site. Go ahead. Now tell me why any of them should have his name inserted. But they do. Weird isn't it?
In fact his use of the first-person personal pronoun is roughly analogous to his deficit creation in relation to all other past Presidents. That is, he has used "I" and "my" and "me" etc. more than any other President in history, more than all of them combined most likely, since he talks more than any other President ever did.
Thus did yesterdays tortured prose conform to his normal method of operation, including "a little piece in me" is just one manifestation. Sure it's silly to pint it out, but no more silly than him inserting himself into every event. And we are having fun at his expense and causing you to whine, which only makes it sweeter. Thanks, phx!
Who is using your account?
I read it off my teleprompter.
You would think empathizing with people for their vote was much harder than empathizing with them in their grief.
Did he remember to say, "We're all Americans now"?
If he had three sons, they'd look just like the bombers - one black, one white - and one like the guy thrown out of the country.
(can't wait to hear the She Devil of the SS weeping, "Have you no mercy? He's bringing us together in a moment of tragedy".)
Do those leg come with a vag?
Boston still sucks.
I know its early but first is first.
When the Charles overtops the banks, he will be flooded with emotion;
When Beantown burns he'll be afire with compassion;
When Cambridge ices over he'll be chilled to the bone;
When a hurricane hits Boston, he'll be tossed by the storm.
Regarding Michelle's crossed legs. Very low class. I was always taught that "a lady" didn't cross her legs in public and that the correct way to sit was with both feet on the ground, perhaps one foot in front of the other, or legs crossed at the ankles and knees together. Especially if you were wearing a dress. ESPECIALLY if you were in the front row.
Of course, that was in the days of micro mini skirts where if you just bent over an inch or two everyone could see what underwear you were wearing...or not wearing.
I used to love those work conferences where they had the skirting on the front of the tables. We could sit with our knees apart with impunity and know that you weren't going to have people being able to look up your skirt.
Guys who cross their legs at the knee......gaydar goes off for me.
And, on the subject of the swell job Choom is doing, we have someone taking responsibility.
sort of.
“I know this because there is a piece of Boston in me.”
TITUS! You naughty boy.
After that performance, he might as well have Bill Ayers give a assessment of the bombing.
That's nothing, you should have seen the lines that got cut.
"We're here to give Boston a leg up!"
"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you can never keep Boston down!"
"Don't let the ankle-biters discourage you, Bostonians are the best!"
"Now, I give you the stylings of the church choir, who will have you toe-tappin' in no time"
"I expected my comments to be more forceful and not so scattered, but I just got into town and I don't have my bearings yet so it just isn't nailed down."
"Regarding Michelle's crossed legs. Very low class. I was always taught that "a lady" didn't cross her legs in public and that the correct way to sit was with both feet on the ground, perhaps one foot in front of the other, or legs crossed at the ankles and knees together."
4/18/13, 2:44 PM
LOL, whoosh, back to the 50's.
I see the She Devil of the SS has dumped the lesbian rape avatar and is now ignoring us
phx said...
What a load of crap. Why read beyond this partisan nonsense?
Dimwit: The last time you spoke of Obama, you assured us that the "adults" were back in Washington - RE: war & terrorism. Not 30 minutes later, an 8 year old was blown to bits in a terrorist attack in an American city.
Please, please shut up about Obama. The nation's children will be much safer for it.
whoosh, back to the 50's.
Wrong decade.
There were no micro-mini skirts in the 50's, and the stock market had yet to break 1000.
Did they switch the photo? I don't see what Althouse saw in the current one...or at least I didn't until Chip helped out.
Yes, the photo is gone at the link. The Power of Althouse.
After that performance, he might as well have Bill Ayers give a assessment of the bombing.
The Boston blasts had an Ayresian stamp on them (Ft. Dix, 1970). Stage an intial, shrapnel-laced blast to stampede the crowd toward a second, also shrapnel-laced, blast.
Fortunately, Ayres' bombmakers blew up themselves instead of enlisted men at Ft. Dix. Unfortunately the blast claimed only three of the five bombmakers.
Americans, including Americans of mixed Euro-Afro-Carib-American descent, are fed up with niggers.
David R, Graham said...
"Americans, including Americans of mixed Euro-Afro-Carib-American descent, are fed up with niggers."
4/18/13, 3:41 PM
Is this guy WhoresoftheInternet?
For once I must agree with the She Devil.
Mark this day well.
For once I must agree with the She Devil.
So ed, what you're saying is you're finally finished with your foreplay, off with her clothes?
Ings, are you ready for it?
Give him credit though, for not saying that he is sorry he didn't come sooner but Capitol Hill has been like a pressure cooker.
FBI Press conference happening now, supposedly they will finally be releasing the photos of the suspect they identified.
I have a basic instinct of how women should sit.
"We could have prevented something like this, had the sequester not cut our legs out from under us."
You suppose their ever going to have this briefing?
they're, not their. stupid autofill.
Fortunately, Ayres' bombmakers blew up themselves instead of enlisted men at Ft. Dix.
One of the dead was Bill Ayer's lover, Diana Oughton. The woman who was in the shower when the bomb went off and ran naked down the street was Kathy Boudin.
Later Boudin was part of the Brinks truck robbery in which her Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army associates killed two police officers and a security guard.
Boudin was in prison until 2003. During that time Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn adopted and raised Boudin's son, Chesa.
Boudin is now an adjunct professor at Columbia. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn hosted Obama's entry into politics.
These are the people around Obama.
Americans, including Americans of mixed Euro-Afro-Carib-American descent, are fed up with niggers.
Another Althouse regular finds the courage of his convictions.
heh. The pictures are the ones everyone showed yesterday.
phx said...
Americans, including Americans of mixed Euro-Afro-Carib-American descent, are fed up with niggers.
Another Althouse regular finds the courage of his convictions.
Is the pine cone jammed up your ass painful or are you used to it by now?
"The maker of the pressure cooker, Fagor America Inc., issued a statement saying the company has been contacted by investigators and is cooperating. “Our pressure cookers . . . are not intended to be used for any other purpose other than cooking,’’ the company said."
No doubt some enterprising ambulance chaser is looking into the possibility of a class action product liability suit...
World's quickest presser. Wow.
Is the pine cone jammed up your ass painful or are you used to it by now?
You know exactly what I think of you. I spelled it out for you.
You don't like me.
Why address each other anymore?
Photos and video of the two suspects here.
OK, finally. Lets get 'em.
'Ich bin ein Boston Cream Pie' is what he meant to say.
You know exactly what I think of you. I spelled it out for you.
Oh yeah? Huh. Well, you can tell how much it meant to me, since I have no recollection of it.
I'll go out on a limb and assume it was insulting, since that seems to be your schtick.
As for your question...I don't know. Maybe because you comment on a blog and don't get to spew your crap with no push back? You want to do that, get your own blog, post whatever shit you want and moderate the comments.
Is the pine cone jammed up your ass painful or are you used to it by now?
You call that pushback? Heh.
Do whatever you like. I'll work around you.
Hey, look at the young man in the background of this photo!
My first thought when looking at the photos is North African perhaps?
Libyan? Tough to tell. Hope they find them soon.
FBI.gov page with official photos/vid
phx said...
Is the pine cone jammed up your ass painful or are you used to it by now?
You call that pushback? Heh."
No, I call it a question. Why ever would you think it was pushback?
"These are the people around Obama."
And the press doesn't give a crap. But, hey, if we can speculate without evidence about Tea Party bombing conspiracies that, my friends, is news.
CEO-MMP said...
For once I must agree with the She Devil.
So ed, what you're saying is you're finally finished with your foreplay, off with her clothes?
My eyes, my eyes!
phx said...
Americans, including Americans of mixed Euro-Afro-Carib-American descent, are fed up with niggers.
Another Althouse regular finds the courage of his convictions.
phx is still looking for his.
He hasn't been able to get on Kos today.
FBI releases video on YouTube
Well they both look very young.
I'm starting to feel like this is a political Rorschack test. I'm reading on lefty blogs that they think this guy is lilly white, but I'm thinking north african or some place where they have similarly sandy complexions.
Am I projecting? In good faith, any of the more liberal persuasion want to weigh in? The photos are not that great.
PMJ, FWIW I thought north African when I first saw them.
Compare this...
...to the side-view photo of the white hatted suspect. To my eye, they look almost identical. Though, the young man in the WBUR photo looks taller. He might be standing on his toes but I don't care. I hate tall people!
President-Mom-Jeans said...
I'm starting to feel like this is a political Rorschack test. I'm reading on lefty blogs that they think this guy is lilly white, but I'm thinking north african or some place where they have similarly sandy complexions.
Am I projecting?
The tall one looks white, the onther one might be also. Or not.
To pass the test you only have to understand you don't have to answer.
Hey my legs are blown off, but you know what really matters to me is what color skin did the bomber have. Did he do it because he was crazy about this or was he crazy about that.
I don't care. Find him, and kill the son of a bitch!
bagoh20 said...
I don't care. Find him, and kill the son of a bitch!
People who went to Harvard can hardly lay claim to Boston. Boston is a city full of tough white boys with thick accents ready to fight for what they believe is right in less than a milisecond. Boston is the place where those same guys cried when the Sox won the World Series in 2004 and partied all night and then made it to the docks for the first catch of the day in the morning. Think Good Will Hunting. Obama is Minnie Driver (just passing through on his way up the ladder). Now if Obama had married, say, the female version of Matt Damon, then he could talk.
Alright, let's count 'em:
Purple Hearts --
John Kerry -- 3
Bsrry Obamas -- 1
tim maguire said:
"I think this criticism is on the wrong track. Obviously, he's going for an "Ich bin ein Berliner" moment."
There is a somewhat popular (but false) meme floating around that Kennedy's phrase actually meant "I am a jelly pastry" after the Berliner pastry. Maybe Obama was listening to Boston before his speech.
Boston is a city full of tough white boys with thick accents ready to fight for what they believe is right in less than a milisecond.
Damn straight.
I once gave a party at my apartment in Kenmore Square and Leo, a co-worker from Southie, upon learning my brother had been murdered, put his hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eye and said, "Do you want me to find the guys and kill them?"
He was drunk and I don't know he would have followed through, but it was nice of him to ask. I had lots of friends in Cambridge and they never volunteered to kill anyone for me.
The game with "Ich bin ein Berliner" is that proper German leaves out the "ein": Ich bin Berliner. At the same time, a Berliner is the name of a kind of jelly donut, and, in that case, you would keep the "ein" there: Ich moechte ein Berliner = I would like a jelly donut. But it's silly.
Obama reliable injects himself into national conversations in the most bizarre ways imaginable. Like, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."
Actually, no--if you had a son, he would look like Steve Urkel--but for the grace of God and Michelle's genetics, the kid might have a chance of looking like Charles Barkley. But anyhoo, thanks for the mental image of you impregnating Trayvon's mother, as she weeps on national TV.
Let's imagine other Obama speeches following this pattern, that thankfully were crumpled up and tossed by his speechwriters:
On Benghazi: "The dedication of our diplomats and their staffs is inspiring. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead in Benghazi."
On Sandra Fluke: "I aspire to live in an America where I could have a one-nighter with a young woman like Ms. Fluke, without worrying about the consequences just because contraceptives are too damn expensive."
On Thatcher's death: "She motivated an entire generation of punk rockers to act out against her policies. Which punkers, exactly, I don't know. I didn't listen to that kind of music, because that music is for honkies. But I did like Morrissey when he was in the Smiths, and he didn't like Thatcher either--and we both are referenced by our last names, so we have a lot in common."
On Barack Obama going 2 for 22 in a basketball game against small children: "You know, the Republicans would have us focus on the 20 shots missed, instead of the 2 achieved. Just as they would have us focus on the 2% of earners who did see their taxes go up, rather than the 98% of taxpayers whose Bush-era tax rates they successfully preserved. Wait, that's not what I meant to say."
Obama reliable injects himself into national conversations in the most bizarre ways imaginable. Like, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."
Man you guys expect to get a lot of mileage out of that one.
Man you guys expect to get a lot of mileage out of that one.
It's our version of the plastic turkey, except we probably will have moved on in 10 years.
But my apologies. That one just stuck out as the most egregious example. Care to offer your own? Plenty to choose from!
What's the plastic turkey?
I don't mean this to be totally insulting or as a troll or flame, but when you guys bring up the Trevor Martin quote it's like you're just phoning it in to me. There's got to be better anti-Obama stances.
If I had a son he'd look like Trevor Martin.
Trayvon Morton.
You mean.
Like, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin."
They don't call you bitter clingers for nothin'.
What's the matter with you autistics? They call it a "figure" of speech for a reason -- It's NOT to be taken literally.
Here's a picture of Baby Boy A.
If Obama had a son, he'd look a lot like Baby Boy A.
It's our version of the plastic turkey, except we probably will have moved on in 10 years.
Plus the Trayvon Martin quote is real, so there's that working for us too.
Claiming to love an unknown kid w/ a slug in his hand is weak cover for Althouse's true smarmyness, as emphatically revealed in this post.
Re: Bill Ayers...The woman who was in the shower when the bomb went off and ran naked down the street was Kathy Boudin.
Dustin Hoffman and his wife lived next door to the used-to-be bombmakers at the time.
well, pbAndjFellowRepublican, she probably cares more about that kid than you care about Baby Boy A (see Jane's post above.)
Please tell us more about how the Left is morally superior and caring and sensitive and all the shit that you people flatter yourselves with. I always enjoy hearing that from you guys.
Obama also shouldn't say "they picked the wrong city". It just begs the question of what city the terrorists should have picked.
Obama also shouldn't say "they picked the wrong city". It just begs the question of what city the terrorists should have picked.
Huge gun battle going down in Cambridge Mass right now. Explosives, automatic weapons. No link to Boston Bombing yet, however HS is on the scene. Media is asleep.
"But I did like Morrissey when he was in the Smiths"
I have to agree with Obama on that point.
Your criticism feeds the 'Republican hate' meme. Blame the speechwriter, not the speaker; In truth, any person who is in a constant speech cycle loses the bigger picture -sometimes.
Criticizing a shot of Michelle Obama is silly; are you suggesting she signed a photo release?
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