April 28, 2013

"David Axelrod now works for MSNBC, which is a nice change of pace, since MSNBC used to work for David Axelrod.

Said Obama last night, making funny at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. His comic routine lasts over 20 minutes. I just pulled that one line out because it actually almost corresponded to the truth about correspondents.

ADDED: Meade and I both said "wow" when he said "I remember when Buzzfeed was just something I did in college around 2 a.m."

AND: That's a long slog. Here's the 2 minute compression done by WaPo.

I wish they'd cut out part of the lengthy laughing at every effort Obama makes at humor. It's so dull watching the complacent folks in formalwear lolling about chuckling at the boss's jokes. Conan O'Brien seemed pretty awkward. He rolled out the old analogy that adult life is like high school. Fox is the jocks, etc. He included bloggers — the goths. (That was a meme around here 3 years ago.)

MORE: I really do find the shots of the audience quite sickening. Do they not realize how they look? It's an anti-advertisement for the services they'd like to sell us. They seem utterly unprepared to confront power. I'm thinking: This is something that should be done in private, like masturbation. Then I realize: This is the public show. Imagine what they do in private.


lincolntf said...

Vacuous and self-indulgent, a perfect President for these times.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's an important distraction for the masses of American idiots that our king enjoy himself. I'll bet Conan O'jerkoff wrote all that.

Anonymous said...

They're plundering us, AND laughing about it to our faces.

Besides, news outlets are not longer about news, they're about access. The pols have figured out that in the world of 100s of channels controlling access is the key to controlling the 'press.'

And no self respecting top reporter wants to actually dig for the truth.

They want to sit on their duffs, get a phone call, get in the limo, and go over to get that exclusive interview.

And they can't do that, or even be considered a top reporter, if they don't get invited to the White House BBQs or be able to ride on the big blue airplane.

So they turn into pliable little lapdogs and label the propaganda they do get "news."

rhhardin said...

Self-deprecating jokes play well when you're something more than the self-deprecation.

jd said...

The lines were funny. Lighten up. There are more serious things to get worked up about. Benghazi! Oh, wait...

Anonymous said...

"Axelrod" should be a porn name.

Anonymous said...

I guess Axelrod could've been considered a 'fluffer'.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Was there a parade of sexy Hollywood starlets at the end?

Anonymous said...

Re: "Then I realize: This is the public show. Imagine what they do in private."

Axelrod. Ass-less Chaps.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi. Ball gag.

Anonymous said...

Harry Reid. Shaved genitals.

The rule of Lemnity said...

That line about Rubio not finishing a term and thinking he is ready to be president.

Wikipedia... (just the relevant part of the resume)

Barack Obama
United States Senator from Illinois
In office
January 3, 2005 – November 16, 2008

A term in the senate is 6 years...

Maybe I missed something.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Maddow. Botox buttocks.

Anonymous said...

Charles Schumer. Ball-gag cleaning Attendant.

Anonymous said...

Chris Matthews. 'Water Sports'.

cubanbob said...

If the republicans were smart as well as evil they would push for cable unbundeling. CNN and MSNBC would lose a lot of what is left of their current and potential audience. Or they would adapt and become something worth paying for.

Unknown said...

Greenwald is my favorite commie. He has these clowns' number and has been calling them out for years.

samanthasmom said...

I'd listen to his gags, but it would be time out of my life I could never get back. As I get older, I think about that more. So many minutes wasted.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I know several families [my age late 50's early 60's] who have been devastated by the bad economy in the last 4-5 years. These are families who worked all their lives and did the right thing. One now has cancer and had to let his insurance lapse. Yet we can afford to pay the immigrant bombers all kinds of welfare and they can yuck it up at the White House at least once a week.

A revolution will happen IMO and I would not want to be a Dick Durbin or a Lindsey Graham.

DADvocate said...

This is something that should be done in private, like masturbation.

Word is many of them have life size cardboard cutouts of Barack and they do in private what you should do in private.

Anonymous said...

Chappaquiddick Theme parties in honor of the deceased Lion of the Senate. An Intern in the bathtub.

I'm Full of Soup said...

And let me add, I did not care for the media's GW lovefest this week and all the slobbering news coverage of the five presidents yukking it up at the opening of his library.

Anonymous said...

David Gregory. Cock Ring. Pierced Scrotum.

Anonymous said...

Maureen Dowd.

Can't go there.

Anonymous said...

Here comes the Tickle Monkey
Swinging from a Tickle Tree
I have a Banana for You
Do You have a Tickle for me?

AllenS said...

Any journalist worth his/her salt wouldn't attend.

Anonymous said...

Barbara Boxer. Cock Ring. Pierced Scrotum.

Anonymous said...

But I'm probably just a humorless killjoy.

I mean, what's wrong with the White House press taking one evening of the year to set aside their slobbering sycophancy of Obama by actually wiping off the slobber?

Surely there can't be anything wrong with that, can there?

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" while dressed in a kimono.

Paco Wové said...

Of course, this is old news by now, but Pew Study Finds MSNBC the Most Opinionated Cable News Channel By Far, so Axelrod should fit right in.

Anonymous said...

Helen Thomas.

Really can't go there.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

NOTHING about these Progressive sons-of-bitches is funny, OK?

Can we please try to remember that they are actively destroying the America we grew up in?

And when America goes, there goes that last best hope for the world.

I hope there is a special place in Hell for them all.

AReasonableMan said...

AJ Lynch said...
I know several families [my age late 50's early 60's] who have been devastated by the bad economy in the last 4-5 years. These are families who worked all their lives and did the right thing. One now has cancer and had to let his insurance lapse.

Politicians of both parties have a done a remarkably poor job of protecting the interests of working families but the bad economy is the direct result of a property bubble that blew up under a Republican president and Fed Reserve chairman. And, Republicans have blocked universal health care, which would have provided your friend with insurance.

Cody Jarrett said...

"then I realize"...

Well, progress is progress, I suppose.

catondan said...

Why can't these talk show hosts at least look at their material before the big night? Conan read his speech. Leno did the same a few years ago.

Otherwise, get the cue card guy to put the speech 20 feet away or use teleprompters.

Was Obama using a teleprompter? He made much more eye contact.

Cody Jarrett said...

betamax3000 said...
Harry Reid. Shaved genitals.

Some thoughts you can't unthink.

Next time you do that I promise I will find you and feed you to the birds.

virgil xenophon said...

Oh, I can well understand why Donkey Presidents and the MSM attend these things--it's all smug self-congratulatory--posing-as-hip-self-deprecating-jokes all around, but Why on Earth would an Elephant President EVER attend such things? To be made fun of with everyone laughing at him and not with him? Worse, the sight of a Republican President debasing himself trying to ingratiate himself--to show he is just "one of the boys"--by making himself the butt of his own jokes while the mainly lefty audience sneers and jeers in savage joy, and then to have to pretend to grin and take it---no, LIKE it--all in the name of a VERY false camaraderie while a lefty Master-of-Ceremonies savages him some more under the guise of "good clean fun."


sakredkow said...

Can we please try to remember that they are actively destroying the America we grew up in?

Not only that, just think of how they demonize the opposition.

Anonymous said...

RE: CEO-MMP said...

"Some thoughts you can't unthink."

Like a wrinkly new-born baby.

edutcher said...

That's not self-deprecation, that's preening; that's, "I'm so brilliant and so beautiful, I can steal an election (maybe 2), wreck the greatest country in the history of the world, use all the institutions of importance as my lap dogs, and sit up here and wank off in front of you applauding with the TV cameras as my full-length 360 degree mirror".

Unknown said...

This thing can be cancelled. No need to have one ever again.
Many great old American traditions have been cancelled.

Anonymous said...

edutcher said...

"...and sit up here and wank off in front of you..."

And still people will be clamoring to be in the front row, wearing plastic bags like fans at a Gallagher show.

pm317 said...

I'm thinking: This is something that should be done in private, like masturbation. Then I realize: This is the public show. Imagine what they do in private.

YES! a million times. I too am nauseated looking at this whole spectacle.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Property bubble was started by Bill Clinton and the Community Reinvestment Act.

Repubs should have gotten behind some type of catastrophic coverage for all which is basic insurance but the Dem constituencies don't understand the concept of insurance because they don't understand the idea of having a positive net worth - Dem voters want prepaid health care for the slightest illness and want it to cover even the smallest expense.

virgil xenophon said...


"preening"--that's the word I was reaching for when I wrote "hip self-deprecating," i.e., preening-in-disguise..

KCFleming said...

Were there any Boston bombing jokes?
Newton massacre one-liners?
Hilarity about chronic unemployment or the clusterfuck of Obamacare?
Unpayable student loans?

I mean, there's lotsa funny shit out there.

Anonymous said...

“He grabs Nancy Pelosi suddenly and yanks her up against him, one hand at my back holding me to him and the other fisting in my hair.
"You're one challenging woman," He kisses her, forcing her lips apart with his tongue, taking no prisoners.
"It's taking all my self-control not to fuck you on the hood of this car, just to show you that you're mine, and if I want to buy you a fucking car, I'll buy you a fucking car," Chris Matthews growls.”

--Fifty Shades of DC

virgil xenophon said...

I wonder if betamax3000 knows what The Hulk would think of all this?

Anonymous said...

“His head turns fractionally toward Nancy Pelosi, his eyes darkest slate.She bites her lip.
“Oh, fuck the paperwork,” he growls. He lunges at her, pushing her against the wall of the elevator. Before she knows it, he’s got both of her hands in one of his in a vice-like grip above her head, and he’s pinning her to the wall using his hips. Holy shit. His other hand grabs her ponytail and yanks down, bringing her face up, and his lips are on hers. It’s only just not painful. She moans into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. He takes full advantage, his tongue expertly exploring her mouth. She has never been kissed like this.”

--Fifty Shades of DC

Anonymous said...

“I want you sore, baby,” Obama murmurs, and he continues his sweet, leisurely torment, backward, forward. “Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me. You are mine.”

--Fifty Shades of DC

Mary Beth said...

Conan, not understanding the correct use of the phrase, "begging the question".

Matt Sablan said...

Remember when people would avoid even the appearance of impropriety? Yeah, appearing to be chummy with the people you're supposed to speak truth to is not a good idea.

virgil xenophon said...

@edutcher, II

Breitbart said it best today:
"...malevolence masquerading as beneficence..."

sakredkow said...

Yeah, appearing to be chummy with the people you're supposed to speak truth to is not a good idea.

You guys seem to get most of your talking points from leftwingers.

The news correspondents are supposed to, wait for it, report the news.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Pogo gets comment of the day!

sakredkow said...

Sure if we never had a sense of humor or laughed at ourselves again most conservatives wouldn't miss that. Zero sense of humor.

Matt Sablan said...

"The news correspondents are supposed to, wait for it, report the news."

-- And part of doing that is providing a, let's call it "cruel neutrality," as opposed to being seen as willing shills for a given interest party.

edutcher said...

Matthew Sablan said...

Remember when people would avoid even the appearance of impropriety?

Only applies if you're not a Demo or a Lefty.

The "appearance of impropriety" can get you a free stay in the Federal slammer.

Just ask the guy who made the video.

Matt Sablan said...

"Sure if we never had a sense of humor or laughed at ourselves again most conservatives wouldn't miss that. Zero sense of humor."

-- Sure, that works. Whatever silly conservative strawman you need.

edutcher said...

virgil xenophon said...

@edutcher, II


phx said...

Yeah, appearing to be chummy with the people you're supposed to speak truth to is not a good idea.

You guys seem to get most of your talking points from leftwingers

Funny how that works out.

sakredkow said...

Sure, that works. Whatever silly conservative strawman you need.

You have only to read the comment thread.

sakredkow said...

Funny how that works out.

Now that's more or less a point taken.

Saint Croix said...

Barbara Boxer. Cock Ring. Pierced Scrotum.

That made me laugh.

Hillary Clinton reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" while dressed in a kimono.

This put me in a giggle fit.

Harry Reid. Shaved genitals.

This did not make me laugh.

Until CEO-MMP complained that Harry Reid's shaved genitals are in his head, and he can't get them out. That did make me laugh.

AReasonableMan said...

AJ Lynch said...
Property bubble was started by Bill Clinton and the Community Reinvestment Act.

Repubs should have gotten behind some type of catastrophic coverage for all which is basic insurance but the Dem constituencies don't understand the concept of insurance

This is nonsense. Here is the Case-Schiller index for housing prices. All the bubble occurs during the Bush Jr presidency.

To suggest that the Dems would have opposed a Republican plan for universal catastrophic health insurance is also stretching reality more than a little.

edutcher said...

Why is it every Left-wing moron on the 'Net feels obliged to make an ass of himself trying to tell us the crash wasn't Willie's fault?

For the 99th time, Read 'em and weep.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A dopey man:

Bubbles slowly build up momentum. Clinton and CRA started it and caused it. I agree it burst during Bush's presidency.

Just like the Soc Sec and Medicare Ponzi schemes started under Dem presidents and are in the process of bursting now.

I did not suggest the Dems would have opposed CAT coverage. I said CAT coverage is what the Repubs should have endorsed.

Sam L. said...

"I'm thinking: This is something that should be done in private, like masturbation. Then I realize: This is the public show. Imagine what they do in private. "

I can't imagine the depths of degradation they get to in private. I am not that sick, and I will not pollute my mind with it.

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AReasonableMan said...

AJ Lynch said...
Bubbles slowly build up momentum. Clinton and CRA started it and caused it. I agree it burst during Bush's presidency.

Did you actually look at the graph? It built and burst during the Bush presidency.

And yes you did imply that Dems were too stupid to support universal catastrophic health insurance.

Deb said...

Stupid evil shits, every one of them. They alll make me sick.

Deb said...

"I can't imagine the depths of degradation they get to in private. I am not that sick, and I will not pollute my mind with it."

you may as well try & get into the mind of Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy. It would make about as much sense.

Anonymous said...

“I still want more," Chris Matthews whispers. "I know," Obama says. "I'll try." Chris blinks up at him, and he reliquishes his hand and pulls at his chin, releasing his trapped lip. "For you, Chris Matthews, I will try.”

--Fifty Shades of DC

edutcher said...

AJ, you have to remember, the truth is what Lefties want it to be; facts don't matter.

For those interested, Dubya tried no less than 17 times in '08 alone to stop subprime lending.

Here's a timeline. Note that Dubya fought this from the moment he entered office.

One attempt was led by John McCain.

n.n said...

It plays well with the people who were promised instant gratification without perceived consequences, especially the minority representatives selected to deceive and exploit their prejudice and greed.

n.n said...


The effort to audit the principal funnels for America wealth, Fannie and Freddie, began with Republicans in the late 90s. It failed in committee.

The effort would have resumed with Romney, who wanted to audit the other principle funnels (e.g. currency debasement), Federal Reserve and Treasury, but people elected Obama and the status quo was maintained.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

edutcher said...
Note that Dubya fought this from the moment he entered office.

Let's assume for a moment that this is true. What does it say? The Republicans controlled both houses of congress for the six years leading up to the bubble bursting yet they had so little respect for their president that they repeatedly ignored his deeply held beliefs on sub-prime lending thereby leading the country into financial ruin.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Is it me, or is that a new shark specie?

sakredkow said...

This shark, swallow you whole. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go.

Deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig Landon said...

Next year expect a red carpet preshow. Fox wins.

Paul said...

Yuck it up Lame Duck Obama.... Yuck it up and party on.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

AReasonableMan said...

Did you actually look at the graph? It built and burst during the Bush presidency. 

Did you? It clearly shows that the run up started in 1997, a solid 4 years before Bush took office, and even longer before any of his policies would have had any effect.

Ignorance is Bliss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ed said...

@ AReasonableMan

"Politicians of both parties have a done a remarkably poor job of protecting the interests of working families but the bad economy is the direct result of a property bubble that blew up under a Republican president and Fed Reserve chairman. And, Republicans have blocked universal health care, which would have provided your friend with insurance. "

Your stupidity is only exceeded by your ignorance. This nonsense has been refuted numerous times.

You bore me.

Carl said...

The MSM doesn't even care to hide their bias any longer.

That's probably the most disturbing part of the dinner, leftists are absolutely sure that they'll never lose another election in their lives.

So they shove their political bias right in the face of their audience.

Do you know why? It's because leftists voters not only don't care about the lack of objectivity, they expect and want it.

To a leftist, there's nothing wrong with political bias in the MSM or academia as long as the bias is aligned with your political beliefs and it doesn't hurt you in an election.

Conservatives have lost the war in academia and the media.

From that loss will be a permanent political disadvantage.

buck smith said...

All the posts trying to put blame on republicans or democrats in Washington miss the point that republicans and democrats in Washington except for a few libertarians and tea partiers are just as subservient to the federal-industrial complex as the journalists at the WHCD.

SDN said...

"The Republicans controlled both houses of congress for the six years leading up to the bubble bursting "

Would that be with a filibuster-proof majority? No? Then they didn't control anything.

And when the Copperheads had one we got Porkulous and Obamacare... both of which are objective disasters.

David R. Graham said...

"YES! a million times. I too am nauseated looking at this whole spectacle."

Why do you look at it?

Marty said...

This has been going on at the WCD and the Washington reporting in general, just this bad and just this partisan, since the Lewinsky scandal if not before. Brokaw bitches about celebrities--not bias--and suddenly we notice what we never saw before.

THAT is sad.

George M. Spencer said...

Headline in the new issue of "The Atlantic"...

"Spain is Beyond Doomed"

Unemployment at nearly 30 percent. Housing prices nearly 25 percent overvalued.

The author concludes..."This is one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen. Spain needs shock therapy....it will drag its feet on reforms, try to cut its deficit, and fall deeper into depression."

Party on, mass media!

Moneyrunner said...

Maybe this is a good time to mention Pigford, a way to give $50,000 checks to people swore they were farmers at age 4 because they once bought a seed and passed within a country mile of a USDA office. And don’t forget the lawyers who went from ordinary millionaire to multi-millionaire by pushing this scam. Remember that as you watch the president who put Pigford into hyperdrive by expanding the scam to women and Hispanics at the suggestion of Robert “where’s my underage whore” Menendez. And then look at the audience who covered up for him. This is “Mexican Scale Corruption” brought to you by Obama and made possible by the White House Press Corps.

section9 said...

You want to know how I know they are doomed? By how they reacted to Palin's takedown of their whole nauseating affair. Sarah Palin neatly described what was going on and almost the entire institution of the Washington media turned on her. Very few of them had enough presence of mind to remain silent.

They knew that Palin's criticism of their "Let Them Eat Cake" Dinner had struck home, and they hated her for it.

section9 said...

@Moneyrunner: Remember how Media Matters and other Ruling Party front groups tried to frame Andrew Breitbart as a liar for his reporting on Pigford? He was right: the Propaganda Ministry lied for the Regime.

So what's new?

RebeccaH said...

I loathe our political and celebrity class so much now that I couldn't find any of it funny. And that photo up top of Obama makes him look like the monster in "Alien", like his teeth are going to leap out of his mouth and skewer somebody.