AND: Compare this puff piece in the NYT Magazine: "Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin’s Post-Scandal Playbook." It begins:
One day in early February, I met Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin for breakfast at the Gramercy Park Hotel, one of their regular joints, just a few blocks from their apartment on Park Avenue South. The first thing Weiner said when I sat down was that their 13-month-old son, Jordan, had just moments ago taken his first step. They were both giddy, kvelling with baby-pride, especially Weiner, who, with all his free time, has become his son’s primary caretaker....They're kvelling. I'm gagging.
IN THE COMMENTS: CatherineM said: "Wow, so I guess he moved out of Forest Hills. No need since he's not representing a district anymore. So, I guess he's loaded if he's in Gramercy." Yeah. Good point. Where did all that money come from? Maybe the answer is in that NYT article, but the one bite of that cream puff was too much for me.
ADDED: To try to answer my question "Where did all that money come from?" without slogging through the whole thing, I searched the entire article text for various words: money, income, wealth, salary. Nothing. I resorted to "pay." "Pay" came up twice. Here:
"'You’re not paying enough attention to me'... And, I would then maybe play out, you know, if they told someone else that I was not paying attention to them anymore...."Ha. That's just Weiner talking about his idiotic scandal that we're supposedly "post."
७१ टिप्पण्या:
Thre's no mistaking him for a woman.
Count the phallic symbols in the photo illustrating this headline.
One. The big dick himself.
I don't know if I'd vote for him. Who's he running against? Could be a hold your nose and vote thing.
I said hold your NOSE. Not something else.
Too many dicks in that picture.
Can he be worse than Mayor Gloomburg?
Imus had a clever quip but I forget what it was.
Quick, look at Drudge's pic of Weiner next to the - nearly look-alike - chicken.
I see one giant phallic symbol right in the middle.
The real news in that linked article is that Weiner says he's not experiencing a burning sensation.
Honi soit qui mal y penis
"Gagging" you say?
(Could NOT resist)
Anthony Weiner eyeing run for mayor of New York City"
The one-eyed trouser snake lacks depth perception.
Huma says they're just a normal family. Heh. Sorry, but the typical family doesn't include a Dad who is a walking dick joke. I feel sorry for her and I don't think it's my business to judge the decision she made, but that statement was just too silly.
Count the phallic symbols
Does the nose count?
Inga: "Thre's no mistaking him for a woman."
Inga's real thoughts: Anthony Weiner is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
Weiner had a Brazilian.
They grow up so fast.
It won't be long 'til the little guy will be sending his first tweet.
“I don’t have this burning, overriding desire to go out and run for office,” he said. “It’s not the single animating force in my life as it was for quite some time."
Ahhh, first quote, first lie. First of many. Weiner is one of those people whose every move is scripted, poll tested. His campaign manager told him to pretend he doesn't care about politics. "Make sure the baby is there, get him in early and often, people are suckers for the new parent perspective changing crap."
Drago, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him, or his manly package. He might be a real dick, like you.
Good morning to you too.
When last we saw Anthony, he was posting his dick on Twitter. Now we're to view him as a typical stay-at-home dad on South Park Avenue in Manhattan.
There's a word not used much these days that really needs to attach itself to this putz: Boor.
Not only is his judgement questionable when compared to a 13 year old boy, but his manner, his unfounded arrogance, and his saliva dripping need for power all make him unqualified to manage a shoe store. Mayor of New York?
Sure. Why not.
Erections have consequences, just not in the democrat party.
I could only count one in the picture...
So who's the man in the family, him or Huma?
Only Hillary! knows for sure.
Inga said...
Drago, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him, or his manly package. He might be a real dick, like you.
The She Wolf of the SS only knows South American Nazis.
Mr Shaw, she never met.
Inga: "Drago, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him, or his manly package. He might be a real dick, like you"
Or he could be someone who doesn't readily recognize famous movie lines, like you.
Inga's all about not calling people names and being "classy".
Fen's Law
Humperdink wins the thread.
Braindead leftits twats will vote for him.
Judging by the commentary here at least. If there is one thing New Yorker's have proven over the years, its that they love awful Democrats.
At this point, what difference does it make?
Wow, so I guess he moved out of Forest Hills. No need since he's not representing a district anymore. So, I guess he's loaded if he's in Gramercy.
I will lose all faith in NYC voters if they vote for him.
I can't stand Bloombery for his nannyism (and not focusing on the street level stuff - Times Square is gross again and loaded with grifters and pockets since his "green space" initiative), but he's not an idiot or a flake. The next Mayoral race will be grim.
There's a loose Weiner out there somewhere, trying to find the right packaging so it can become the Supreme Dick of NYC.
All will be forgiven. As per usual with the dems.
The jokes write themselves, and they are endless. This comment thread demonstrates why there is such a pressing need for Weiner in public life. So much funnier than jokes about large sodas. I live in NYC, and among the current candidates, he would be far from my last choice. I think we are all ready for a fresh new perversion.
Can Weiner rise again?
The eye of the Weiner is upon you!
He certainly means well. Ask him, he says so himself.
"Where did all that money come from?"
The in-laws.
Oil, that is.
Black gold.
Texas tea.
Didn't read the Times article but I bet they don't mention it.
Who better to govern a city of dicks?
The one thing in the article about money iirc is 4.something million campaign cache. chest. war chest. fund. And I thought in that moment, "burning a hole in his pocket."
NY can move from someone who is a nanny to someone who will bop the nanny.
He is the most vile person I've ever listened to, first before DWS, der vaser voman. He never did answer a question directly. He was always in attack mode and never reasonable. He would answer something else unreasonably in attack mode and worse of all, repetitiously. Argumentative and purely political. He sounded exactly like my little sister at her psychotic worst, and I mean exactly toxic as that. An apparent master at formulating flawed attacks to unload in series, so while his interlocutor is formulating a reasoned response to an unreasonable attack, he is formulating, and then interrupts with his next unrelated unreasonable attack, so that progresses rapidly in series giving the impression of himself behind a .50 caliber machine gun but annoyingly flesh so all mouth and no ears. To admire any of the traits that he shows on air would expose a flaw of one's own character. What sounds like brilliant discourse to his Twitter admirers sounds to me like mean-drunk rumination spilling out.
You make a good point about Weiner's wealth. Certainly, Huma's connection with the Clintons brings some good money, and Weiner may have gotten some good money while in Congress, but how?
Did Weiner come from a wealthy family? Did Huma? Do they have a business?
Ace of Spades deconstructs the Times article and finds the gap-toothed hillbillies clustered 'round the still, clingin' to their guns and religion, protecting their own.
The Times bought into Weiner's claim that he was hacked immediately so they don't linger on that particular lie, and downplay the scandal. No mention that Pelosi called on Weiner to resign. That's all ancient history now! (that he might be running for public office again.)
What do we want?
When do we want it?
More Democrats!!!
He would occaisionally come to our Community Board, but he wouldn't contribute. Just showed for the photo op that "he cares."
Why I read Althouse
pduggie said...
Honi soit qui mal y penis
Drago said...
Inga's real thoughts: Anthony Weiner is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
BTW, NYC bashers, see:
URBAN FUTURE NOT TURNING OUT AS FORECAST: Why the Next Great American Cities Aren’t What You Think.
H/T Instapundit
I just clicked on the link. 10 pages? Who would read that? Aw, the cutsey work photo in bare feet. Just the pictures alone. Puke.
I do not feel sorry for Huma. She's doing a Hillary here.
Remember, what made this such a big deal was he would look at the camera and LIE. It's not me, I was hacked and other lies so blatant that I recall some of the pool reporters openly laughing and saying, come on! If you were hacked, where's the FBI investigation?
Well, New Yawkers are dumb enough to vote him in.
Weiner is absurdly grotesque. I know power attracts, but doesn't the rest repel decent humans?
Huma is not repulsive, though she has very odd features. Her mouth is two sizes too big for her otherwise delicate face, the rest of which is almost Micheal Jackson-like in its fragility.
It is impossible for these people to go away. It's not in their nature.
Drago said...
Humperdink wins the thread.
Or, Humperdink is the thread-weiner.
People get the government they deserve. It is up to the New York voters and their dead relatives.
I thought the Weiners lived in Rockaway. My sisters husband has family there. I friended the Rockaway emergency Facebook page after Sandy. There was a post that said Anthony and Huma (no last name) were delivering supplies. Sounded like to me they were part of the community. Maybe they just have a summer home? I do wonder where their money comes from.
I wish I was an Oscar Mayor Weiner,
Then everyone would be in love with me!
Weiner is not seriously in the running.
The next mayor will be an African American from Brooklyn. Most likely Bill Thompson of Bed Stuy.
Not Christine Quinn the gay candidate who is already getting hammered with attack ads from the black political machine.
Bill THompson almost beat Nanny Bloomberg and all his money last time and would make a great mayor.
Unlike the Jug Eared Jesus who had no experience of any kind other than running for office, Bill Thompson is an experienced and thoughtful public servant. He has served two terms as comptroller. He was also President of the Board of Education under Rudy Giuliani.
He is a good man and would make a great mayor.
Weiner is not seriously in the running.
The next mayor will be an African American from Brooklyn. Most likely Bill Thompson of Bed Stuy.
Not Christine Quinn the gay candidate who is already getting hammered with attack ads from the black political machine.
Bill THompson almost beat Nanny Bloomberg and all his money last time and would make a great mayor.
To win as Mayor you need a base constituency to build on and then you need to make deals with other ethnic and religious groups to cobble together a winning coalition.
Wiener was the protégé of Chucky Schumer. Both of them had the Orthodox Jewish community as their base and they vote as one man. They will never voter for Weiner. (Not only is he a wienie wagger but he married an Arab) The gays will go for Quinn and the blacks for Thompson. Lieu might run but there are not enough Asian votes and he has some serious ethics problems.
The Latin vote is the swing vote and it will not go to the gay candidate. There is no viable Latin candidate since Herman Badillo is in a nursing home. An ethnic white candidate will ever win in NYC in this day and age.
So it is Thompson's race to lose.
Honi soit qui mal y penis
"Evil be to him who thinks with his (evil) penis."
I liked the fluff when the announcer called him a Congressmoan.
But Weiner did say he won't "lean in" so much any more. On page 9, maybe? -- near the part where he said his thoughts are able to breath more air.
OK, so Mark Sanford is a joke because of his affair --- but Weiner is a fucking VICTIM, per the NYT?
Weiner lied. Repeatedly. He only stopped lying because Breitbart nailed his dick to a wall.
But the Times claims he did so after talking with Huma?
New Yorkers are the dumbest fucking people on Earth.
I will lose all faith in NYC voters if they vote for him.
Why have ANY faith in them any longer?
The fact that this clown can seriously contemplate re-entering public life says everything you need to know about the Democrat Party and the American electorate. Really, future generations will laugh their asses off.
Hillary: Marry the wiener Arschloch. I did. They get all the girls while we get the women. And each other.
Huma: Oh Hillary, you say the sweetest things. I didn't know you spoke german?
Hillary: Schwanz, stechen, einstechen, you know the drill.
I don't think he'll enjoy being mayor as much as he did being in Congress, where he got to be called a "member."
You do not have to fret. This is just mutual masturbation by New York Magazine and Weiner. Like they used to do with Andy Stein who never had a chance in hell of being Mayor.
Weiner's only power base is Chucky Schumers people and they already have a candidate in another of his protégé's Bill de Blasio who is currently the public advocate and is already running of Mayor. de Blasio has a secret weapon. (he has a black wife)
Just sayn'
I haven't read all of the comments, but did anyone notice that the Washington Post blogger is also named Weiner?
"While Giuliani made a fortune in business after leaving office, Spitzer has leaned throughout his career on the fortune of his father, real estate developer Bernard Spitzer, and Paterson is the son of longtime New York political power Basil, Weiner has no family or personal fortune to fall back on. While he’s reportedly done some political advising, he’s spent his adult life as a politician, has no law degree or other obvious credentials, or family wealth to fall back on."
When it comes to his lifestyle, Weiner has help from a Democratic friend.
I'm just curious. Who gets to decide when Anthony Weiner is "post-scandal?" The New York Times? I don't recall Nixon ever being post-scandal, but Clinton was post-scandal before the Times admitted that his behavior was scandalous.
What sane person would vote for that turtle-faced pervert? Oh, but I forgot. He's going to run in NYC.
What sane person would vote for that turtle-faced pervert? Oh, but I forgot. He's going to run in NYC.
I think it is long past time for the lgbt community to embrace the exhibitionist community. If any perversion is disqualifying than all perversions are disqualifying.. Plus the acronym would be easier to pronounce. It does seem ironic and a little paradoxical that the last deviants to come out of the closet are the exhibitionists......I recognize there is something a trifle predatory about exhibitionsists but if done in a responsible way, there is nothing about that pastimes that should disqualify a candidate for public life. Can anyone name a single person whose life has been irreparably harmed by a flasher? I recognize that Mayor Weiner might not be the ideal presenter of the keys of the city to,say, the OLympic Gymnastics Team, many of whose members are under aged. But ,speaking for myself,there is no other politician that I would rather see give an interview on The View.
How is that Wiener and Clinton, two obvious alphas (at least as far as being sexual predators), wind up as beards for dykes?
^ Common ideological ground and it allows the predators to keep on doing their thing, with prejudice. Consensus! Lean in!
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