१२ मार्च, २०१३

The Alpha and the Omega.

The Abby and the Zeus. Abby is a 17-week-old St. Bernard, and Zeus is a 6-year-old Labrador Retriever. They come from different neighbors, and in our house, we try to apply the Principles of Dog, which — I'm told — do not include equality.

ADDED: Meade warns me that Abby might chew my shoes, and that may draw your attention to these UGG slippers and these Patagonia shoes.

५९ टिप्पण्या:

अनामित म्हणाले...

Meade is head of the pack. Althouse is the alpha female. The rest of the pack wants to find their slot and fit in...

pecking order is the rule

I Have Misplaced My Pants म्हणाले...

Are we to treat dog posts as cafe posts?

Amartel म्हणाले...

Walk them together.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Rank has its privileges in the Dog world. Had two dogs as a kid, one a twenty pound "Old timer" and a 50 pound "young kid" - guess who bossed around who till the "old timer" died?

Kensington म्हणाले...

Great video! I can almost smell Abby's dog breath. :)

Ernst Stavro Blofeld म्हणाले...

Do St Bernards retrieve?

Zeus seems younger than six. He's still got that young lab/spazz vibe going on.

kentuckyliz म्हणाले...

Love these two. What delightful puppers. Can pets you watch on video bring your stress hormones and blood pressure down as well as pets in real life?

My cats are yakking a lot. I need to work in hairball fighting kibble.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Are you momentarily forgetting your position as a dog? In that pack, you are number 1 and Zeus is number 2, the giant baby a distant number 3 or 4 after Ruby. It's fluid, but not that fluid.

YoungHegelian म्हणाले...

When I was a kid, all the St. Bernard's I knew were terrible slobberers. There was a constant dribble of saliva from their mouths.

Some years ago, I heard that the newer "varieties" of St. Bernard were "slobberless".

Is this true about St. Bernards now? Does Abby slobber?

edutcher म्हणाले...

Evrything in Doggiedom is hierarchical. We learned that the hard way.

pm317 म्हणाले...

That Abby is one beautiful girl, big girl. Can we expect any romance between Zeus and Abby? He would be a cradle robber if that were to happen.

JAL म्हणाले...

Again. I love the rug.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

for a meal of blue crab risotto, lobster Thermidor, sea bass and the like.

That was the Republican's and Obama's dinner. It doesn't really matter, but ...

Risotto is boiled rice or steamed rice that is knocked around so that the surface starch comes off and forms a sauce with the liquid to your desired thickness. Then the crab bits added at the very end so they don't actually cook together, unless you use crab juice for part of the liquid and that can be purchased separately where you buy sardines.

The Thermidore is the same thing as Newburg. They copied it when a play came out. But there was nothing to copy because everybody was doing the same thing already because when you get down to it, there's only a few things you can actually do. Basically, a sauce of butter and cream, and brandy. So a perfectly ordinary everyday thing where one would use wine and those things for an instant sauce. Some recipes also call for cheese, gruyere usually, and then baked briefly to melt it, and that right there can be item A for an argument against the proscription against cheese being put with seafood.

I determined that rule came about because people who live by the sea know the thing seafood has going for it is its simplicity and it's unprocessed freshness, and cheese is the opposite of that, time-consuming, for long term food storage, and exceedingly processed sometimes, almost never fresh, an unnatural opposite that doesn't do.

And sea bass, eh, you sweat some sliced onions, and chop up a tomato and sauce with olive oil, fish skin side first to crisp it, then flip once, then off the pan in minutes. Extremely easy and fast. Again, butter, olive oil, and wine are perfect to lift everything off the pan and onto a plate so that everything stays wet except the crispy fish skin. And lemon to cut through the fat and brighten the whole plate.

But I will have first carefully felt the filet with my fingertips along the grain to feel for any errant bones, and remove them.

That will be $57.00, thank you. I just made up that price, I have no idea what I must charge you. You'll have a salad too. A very good one.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Are we to treat dog posts as cafe posts?

Dog fringe posts.

Sim म्हणाले...

Sorry i couldn't resist to say this, but i love the furniture.

Meade म्हणाले...

Abby doesn't slobber... although, I did... while reading Chip Ahoy's comment.

pm317 म्हणाले...

Risotto is boiled rice or steamed rice that is knocked around so that the surface starch comes off and forms a sauce with the liquid to your desired thickness.

Best written description of risotto. Chip Ahoy, you should become a food writer or something.

pm317 म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"[Obamacare regulations] are now over 20,000 pages and measures 7′ 2.5″. These are all the Obamacare regulations published in the Federal Register up through last week. Then last Friday they added another 828 pages."

Anyone who voted for Obama either time can never make up for the disaster resulting from that simple act. I still apologize for my Carter vote 3 decades ago, and he lost.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Abby would know better.

edutcher म्हणाले...

For those who react to visual stimuli, McConnell's office has a representation of those 20,000 pages.

Titus म्हणाले...

Althouse and Meade, I love the fact that you are enjoying the love and relationships with amazing dogs.

Plus, that Saint Bernard has amazing eyes and is so fucking beautiful.

Titus म्हणाले...

Althouse and Meade, I love the fact that you are enjoying the love and relationships with amazing dogs.

Plus, that Saint Bernard has amazing eyes and is so fucking beautiful.

Julie C म्हणाले...

yeah, yeah, yeah, those dogs are cute. But let's talk about the Uggs!! People love to hate on Uggs, until they get their feet into them, and then watch out! The greatest treat for the feet ever invented.

Remember how George Costanza wanted to wrap himself in velvet? That's only because Uggs hadn't yet been invented (or imported).

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

We better watch, or is that Not watch, where and what we say on line.

New York's so-called "cannibal cop" has been found guilty of plotting to kidnap the young women he had fantasised about eating, after four days of jury deliberations in a US federal court.

Gilberto Valle, 28, faces a possible life sentence. The case has riveted the Big Apple tabloid press and raised questions about freedom of speech. No women were harmed, and Valle's defense argued he merely had disturbing fantasies.

Sentencing has been set for June 19 in the Manhattan federal court.

JAL म्हणाले...

The dogs are good, too.

Abby is gorgeous.

Zeus handsome. Great feet.

MikeD म्हणाले...

I'm confused, a somewhat permanent condition, who's dogs these 2 are. Video and stills suggest part of Anne/Meade family yet, intro says neighbor dogs?
Yeah,I know,"unknown" perfect identity for a lurker.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Tax payer funded health care. Enjoy.
Whatdayaknow? Obama and Reid are attempting to hike tax rats again. Gotta pay for our "free" health care. The bonus will be when we have to ask permission for basic treatments and procedures and are told to "just take a pain pill."

Government knows best.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

who's dogs these 2 are. Video and stills suggest part of Anne/Meade family yet, intro says neighbor dogs?

Abby and Zeus are fictional characters written almost like real people.

अनामित म्हणाले...

RE: "yeah, yeah, yeah, those dogs are cute. But let's talk about the Uggs!! People love to hate on Uggs, until they get their feet into them, and then watch out! The greatest treat for the feet ever invented."

Unless you are Patrick Stewart and Wil Wheaton is working the toe knuckles.

JAL म्हणाले...

@ unknown

Meade has a history of using.

Other people's dogs for company and recreation, that is.

All the joy, none of the vet bills ; -)

Seriously -- five years back who would have thought the Professor would be playing with hounds in her house?

The Hounds of Meadehouse!

(Lucky neighbors, too. "Hey -- let's send the dogs over to Laurence and Anne's for the weekend!")

Ernst Stavro Blofeld म्हणाले...

Have you ever heard of dog politics? Neither have I. Dogs... don't have politics. They're very... brutal. No compassion, no compromise. We can't trust the dog.

Zeus would like to be the first dog politician.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

"And so it goes: two and two make three, the shortest distance between two points is a crooked line, good is bad and bad is good, and from this morass we are to extract a workable, enlightened synthesis to govern our thoughts and our actions, for today we are educated men." - WFB

Today We Are Educated Women, so Nothing Else Matters.

Thank you James and Lars and the rest of the boys.

Kensington म्हणाले...

The Democrats should pass legislation that requires dogs to treat each other as equals. This whole alpha thing is so non-progressive.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Oh, and uh, thanks Bill.


Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

/məˈras/NounAn area of muddy or boggy ground.
A complicated or confused situation.

Synonymsbog - marsh - swamp - quagmire - slough - mire - fen

Speaking as notquiteunBuckley I don't believe the dictionary.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Unable to do a proper critique of the biggest of Lebowski fans (may Dudeness be upon them) for reasons too self-indulgent to specify at this point, I question how many have questioned Ethan's Yale experience?

Is up down and black white?

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

The Mr. Crack Emcee was correct in that Obama doesn't think of himself as God and yet Romney's religion demands that Romney does involves such levels of fuckedness that by God it just seems designed to make bitter those who deny it.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

To reach the level of Jesus like Mitt and maybe from what I have heard Marco want to do and believe, really makes me an uneducated bigot worthy of scorn.

I really am sorry I am a Mormon bigot; at least I am not practicing anything so I am not a hypocrite.

Oh shit...............

What if that makes me a bigot in and of itself?

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

A position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality.


Having a flat and even surface.

VerbGive a flat and even surface to.

noun. plane - standard - grade - degree

adjective. even - flat - plane - equal - smooth - plain - horizontal
verb. even - flatten - equalize

Nichevo म्हणाले...

Unlike you the real WFB spoke fucking English. Was good at it too. Try it sometime.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

if it were an astute observation then why, when describing it, would I trust someone who uses the term "astute observation?"

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Were I to search "Mormon" at https://cumulus.hillsdale.edu/Buckley/ God would bless my heart and thus I shall do so.

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...


Have you considered you got The Larry Sanders Show canned?

Well, then....

Guildofcannonballs म्हणाले...

Pie-in-the-sky hopeful dreamings becoming something not quite protein wisdom is my hope.

I would never, in real time, attempt to assuage the greatness of the one and only ProteinWisdom.com and outlaws exactly and precisely thus.

I am not made of that.

Darcy म्हणाले...

The dogs are so beautiful. I lost mine and I don't think I'll own another. The idea of borrowing dogs is appealing!

Notquiteun...have a lot of trouble getting the faintest idea of what you express at this blog, but I keep trying. Linking to Hillsdale is a plus.

Mel म्हणाले...

My excellent dog died a week ago. I can't imagine choosing another, but I know that by the time my kids get out of school, I will have done so. I've got to have a dog. I love them and I've taught my kids to love them.
My dog, by the way, was firmly #3 in the pecking order - helping control the 4 kids with authority they never thought to question. My guess is that my college kid will be seen as a guest by the next one and my 16 year old son will be #3. He was just beginning to get the dog to submit to him some of the time.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Speaking of shoes, Imus's Lou Ruffino, watching the Pope smoke coverage, announces that the new Pope is Punxsutawney Phil.

campy म्हणाले...

Anyone who voted for Obama either time can never make up for the disaster resulting from that simple act.

McCain would have been worse.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Chip Ahoy @ 7:54

Damn you! Damn you to hell!

Kensington म्हणाले...

"McCain would have been worse."

How can anyone consider ObamaCare and still insist that McCain would have been worse?

campy म्हणाले...

How can anyone consider ObamaCare and still insist that McCain would have been worse?

Because McCain would have gone along with PelosiCare.

Shanna म्हणाले...

People love to hate on Uggs, until they get their feet into them, and then watch out!

I don't like the uggs everybody was wearing when they first became popular but a few years ago when I was going to Scotland in the winter I wanted some warm boots and tried on some uggs with a different sole - they are the most comfortable boots ever! And still comfortable, after several years, although the suede doesn't look so nice anymore. I wear them in snow.

lemondog म्हणाले...

Abby poignantly asks: "Will you love me the same when I am 150 pounds"?

lemondog म्हणाले...

BTW did you see the photo of the golfer who sank a putt along with himself?

And no, it wasn't the current WH resident.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"McCain would have been worse."

See, that's how you made that stupid mistake the in the first place - by ignoring clear evidence, and replacing it with speculation.

AllenS म्हणाले...

I'll agree that McCain would have been bad. I don't think that he would have been worse. There is however, that possibility. I can't stand the man.

rcocean म्हणाले...

"How can anyone consider ObamaCare and still insist that McCain would have been worse?"

How can anyone know whether McCain would've 'reached across the aisle" and given us McCain-Reid Care? He's a maverick baby, and the NYT is his "base".

rcocean म्हणाले...

We know for certain he would've gotten together with Reid/Pelosi and given us "Anmesty" and probably gone to war with Iran, Russia, Syria, Libya, and Luxembourg in his first year.