No charges after all the McCarthy-sim/witch hunt from the Milwaukee DA's investigation but Doyle who was up to his eyeballs in 'pay for play' got away scot-free.
Zielinski who was fired from The Journal-Sentinel for his disgusting personality traits continues to show just how vile he is.
His tweets prove that that lying isn't 'second nature' to him but 'first'.
And *this* is the person that the WDP wants as its public face.
For this loathsome behavior, for a period of 1 year, this guy should be required to wear a sign that says "I'm an idiot." and be required to begin each written or verbal statement with "I'm an idiot."
Guess I’ll never hear back on my question to Zielinski: "So I can pin down which circle of Hell you think @GovWalker occupies, who in your eyes was more evil: Dahmer or Hitler?"
"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev.... I want you to argue with them and get in their face (sic.).”
The Great Uniter calling for his version of "civil discourse" from the dupes and sociopaths who are today's Democrats. He can make them contentious, but he can't make them smart.
how long have I been telling you that to be a Democrat is to be on the side of evil?
That neighbor that vote's Democrat? They might be nice, even hard working. But their basic values - no matter how nice they seem - spring from immorality and deceit. Of course Republicans can lie too - but, unlike Democrats, the majority of Republicans subscribe to better values and do not treasure deceit. There is no one who has aligned themselves with the Democrat party that can even be fully truthful.
You can see it in the lying President we have now. The lying Cabinet members. The Senate Majority leader. It's their nature and their character. And you think it won't matter to the future of our country, the future freedoms and prosperity of your family?
Sam stole mine, but it never fails how the Demos, who whine all over the place about civility if somebody dares disagree with them, always live down to what Pat Moynihan said about them.
Oh the leftist thuggery is here and I'm fairly sure it's here to stay. Republicans are going to have to learn to fight these unpatriotic anti-american scum using their own tactics. Once they are defeated, then they can re-elevate themselves to normalcy. Until then, get in the fucking trenches and go for the throat.
I'm in a "finding a job" internship class and it's all... resumes are out, social media is in, expect your employer to do internet searches on you and find all your dunk college pics and political rants and moments of nastiness.
(My husband thinks this is as bad as the "c" word but...) The past tense of "tweet" is "twat."
Even if an employer has a good attitude about social media, tweeting about *work* is a no-no even stupid college students can understand.
Among other things, hiring and rehiring people that stole money from veteran's widows. Child enticement. A total of 5 people that worked under him were charged with crimes.
Great values. Marking others for death. Wonderful.
And I was about to agree that those tweets were unfair and over-the-top - even if they weren't meant as seriously as the unenlightened utterings which unwittingly slipped from Methadras keyboard.
Talking about proving the point you set out to oppose...
Chase's point was about how Republicans are just basically much more decent people, supposedly, OM. He didn't say that it was an issue of leadership. He said it was an issue of partisanship - one party being somehow comprised of more civilized values that the other lacks.
So no, I didn't feel a need to say that Methadras' supposed lack of political leadership absolves him from refraining from death wishes. He's all for the conservative cause - so I thought I'd point out to Chase that he seems to have been proven horribly wrong in less than one short hour.
The guy with child porn on his computer didn't work for Walker. He did, however, work for the state Department of Public Instruction, headed by Walker foe Tony Evers.
But don't let the truth get in the way of a good old liberal lie.
Chase = A Republican making a strong point that was so absurdly proven wrong that it makes it impossible not to point that out to him.
What role are you playing here, OM... "Communications director"? The whole point of a blog is discourse. If one of the commenters proves to do something as dastardly as what is claimed of the topic of the thread, I don't see how bringing up the issue of hypocrisy or credibility is a problem. Unless, hypocrisy or lack of credibility are impossible problems for certain people to overcome.
ALso, I was never issued the edict from John Boehner saying: Ordinary Republicans should feel free to issue as many death wishes as they want! That is great, wonderful, even! It's our LEADERSHIP that shouldn't sink to that level.
Because, you know, basic decency is only something we can or should expect of political leaders.
Great values. Marking others for death. Wonderful.
And I was about to agree that those tweets were unfair and over-the-top - even if they weren't meant as seriously as the unenlightened utterings which unwittingly slipped from Methadras keyboard.
Talking about proving the point you set out to oppose...
Your feeble brain can't process more than one thing at a time, Ritmo Montana?
Either we're going with "but you do it too" or we're not.
I mean, honest... If someone is going to condemn someone for being "a little bit over the top" why should someone else's behavior change the inappropriateness of the tweet?
"Taking this show off instant was the worst thing Netflix could have done. Larry Sanders Show= more than 5 stars Netflix's handling of it= less than one star"
That ain't the beginning of the first half of the first fucking act ferfucksakes.
"I miss this show on Netflix, I wish I could have watched every episode. The characters in this show make it one of the best TV shows in history. Garry Shandling and crew did a great job convincing the watcher that Larry Sanders was a real late night comedian. I would rather watch Larry Sanders than Conan or Jay Leno any day of the week."
"Larry Sanders was ground breaking in it's time with an honest look at the mostly unlikable people in television. Ironically, now the owner of this website (whose name we dare not speak) has removed the show from instant play because it's licensing agreement has expired. Come on cheapskates, pony up for ten more years so that we can feel good about not working in your industry."
I mean, honest... If someone is going to condemn someone for being "a little bit over the top" why should someone else's behavior change the inappropriateness of the tweet?
I'll agree that it was over-the-top and pretty damn inappropriate for a "communications director" either way.
But condemning it...? Yeah. That's a political act. It can be like being told: Say "uncle!"
Which I'm more than happy to do once I'm convinced that the opposition demanding that is decent enough to expect it of themselves.
It's a bit like that torture thing and conservatives. They don't want to condemn and prohibit it unless they know that their all-powerful terrorist enemies aren't bent on destroying civilized norms altogether. Certain others say that we should have a better standard, regardless. But I can see why you wouldn't want to limit your tactics until you're convinced that the people out to destroy your ideals aren't going to fairly reciprocate.
So, in a nutshell, don't say "uncle" unless the other guy's willing to avoid break your arm.
"Which I'm more than happy to do once I'm convinced that the opposition demanding that is decent enough to expect it of themselves."
I don't think you have a clue how the development of community standards works.
"It's a bit like that torture thing and conservatives. They don't want to condemn and prohibit it unless they know that their all-powerful terrorist enemies aren't bent on destroying civilized norms altogether."
It's really not like that at all.
"We won't lock you up if you stop committing crime" type argument that depends on the other guy's behavior is not a condemnation of locking people up. An argument that waterboarding is appropriate in a very narrow range of situations that depends on that situation existing is not a condemnation of waterboarding that is simply waiting upon the reformation of the terrorists.
If all the students do well so that all earn better than a C, it is not a condemnation of issuing F's.
I always told my kids... you can't control what other people do, you can only control what YOU do.
Basing your manners, behavior and opinions on what others do is, as they say, lame.
Someone can "demand" better behavior from their opponents. Or they might illustrate the inappropriateness of the behavior by turning it around.
(This isn't always a bad idea because people tend to "hear" with ideological ear-muffs... Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence, Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal.)
There is a great temptation to be just as bad as you're accused of being, just to show what that would really be like.
But "I'm only doing this because you did it first" is always stoopid.
Impulse Tweeting... its lingering effects are felt by thousands of pundits every year... an insidious rapacious urge to tweet with abandon... its triggers know no boundary... the passion of anger; envy; others, the most dangerous of all, the passion of politics.
Tumblr isn't *tweeting* but... "Genius: Someone Sets Up Tumblr Account In Which Women Post Pictures of Their Vaginas, for the Purposes of Female Empowerment (or Something)"
I don't think you have a clue how the development of community standards works.
Lol. Remind me of how horrible Sarah told us that Barry was for being a community organizer.
It's really not like that at all.
Paraphrasing Oscar Wilde, this sounds like the denial that dare not explain its rationale.
An argument that waterboarding is appropriate...
Has one been made? It's always an emotional appeal to how we're not like them. Where's the evidence that it works? Where's the evidence that it's not done for the feel-good purpose of retribution?
Arguments need not be emotional things. It's better when they're not.
If all the students do well so that all earn better than a C, it is not a condemnation of issuing F's.
Not sure what you mean here.
I always told my kids... you can't control what other people do, you can only control what YOU do.
Including, deciding whether the people you work with can abide by a mutually agreeable standard or not. Or any standard that is good enough for you. Yes, that decision IS within one's own control.
Basing your manners, behavior and opinions on what others do is, as they say, lame.
Opinions, yes. Manners and behaviors, no. Liberals and others who believe in reason hold to the thinking that strong ideas or good ideas can change people, and change society. Conservatives think society is harder to change.
Manners and behavior can be up to the individual, but most behaviors are social and there is little use in being/"acting" better than people who refuse to or are very slow to learn by example - especially when they think norms are more important than heroes.
To the mentally unhinged, (who always exist), it probably is.
Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal.
Because people who quote movies are probably capable of using language and thought in less crude ways. The unhinged like things simpler, visual even, like the use of crosshairs for instance.
But "I'm only doing this because you did it first" is always stoopid.
I don't believe in doing the stupid things that others do.
I believe that when are in a contractual situation, such as how two parties to a government decide to conduct their political affairs, that contractual situation always requires some degree of reciprocity in order to be effective.
When one party to that contract decides to behave dysfunctionally, there is no problem in deciding that he has violated a contractual form of power sharing and declaring, quietly or aloud, that certain repercussions might follow.
It doesn't matter how great they are. Just so long as it's clear that you feel that partnership in a contractual setting is more important.
People who live by the sword don't get to die by the pen.
I think your sanctimony is despicable. Are you denying that the mentally unhinged read into things in ways that normal people wouldn't? It doesn't mean it was intentional.
I am responding to a simple point made by Synova. If you are getting too mindblinded to follow the discussion, then be decent, and absolve yourself of any responsibility for following it cogently. Recuse yourself!!!
Also, were those words broadcast publicly over and over again in competitive (tough) political markets or said once at a fundraiser attended by supporters? One is meant for much broader distribution and consumption.
Also, "with a gun" is now the objectionable phrase? By that standard, every press briefing given by Bush on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now suspect. But so what? The point is not to avoid everything, just what you can.
Yes, I think that crazy people might hear just the word "gun" every day and do God knows what. I don't think that means we can't use the word gun and I don't think that means that they are somehow immune to visual cues, either. Why would they be?
I think you are just trying to pull rebuttals out of thin air.
'garage mahal said... When is Walker going to apologize?'
How'd that one go over at the 'open mic' night?
And then there's this:' garage mahal said... For what?
Among other things, hiring and rehiring people that stole money from veteran's widows. Child enticement. A total of 5 people that worked under him were charged with crimes.'
Considering that WALKER HIMSELF asked for the probe it goes far in showing his high level of integrity.
Get back to me when Obama Hilary that chick from the EPA the guy who let 2000+ illegals go and Tim Geihner and Lew answer for their transgressions by Obama ASKING they be investigated and we can have a conversation.
In the meantime keeping being your usual asshole self Garage because it's something you do well and are well known for being.
Ritmo, *no* nutbar shot anyone at all because of an add with cross hairs on it. Your argument that a visual that is actually pretty darn ordinary is more likely to set off an unhinged person than words lacks any attempt at empirical support.
Of the unhinged prompted to violence we've actually got approximately *one* example where there is a clear connection between the instigation and subsequent murder attempt by the nutbar in question and it's "Floyd Lee Corkins II, who pleaded guilty in federal court on Wednesday to the Aug. 15 shooting at the Family Research Council (FRC), identified the FRC as a target by using the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which includes what it calls a “Hate Map” that features the FRC's Washington, D.C., headquarters."
So maybe it takes both the unrelenting portrayal of a person or group as evil *plus* a handy "visual" like a "hate map" to set the unhinged off.
I look forward to watching you coordinate many future ads for Republican candidates featuring violent tropes up to and including Mortal Kombat-style graphics. Burning and hanging effigies is sooo old school.
It must be hard to make a political case without using fear, violence and other aggressive stances that everyone - not just psychologically normal people - should have a right to enjoy! The Republican way awaits you.
The vulva tumblr thing is actually reasonable, sort of. It seems that a lot of young women want cosmetic surgery to remove part of their labia, because they think they look "abnormal". The tumblr is to show that the range of "normal" is pretty large, and no, you probably aren't deformed down there and don't need to cut off portions of your parts in order not to be disgusting.
I agree it is bizarre, but it's an attempt to ameliorate something worse.
It is that which gives a beast of burden its reason for existence.
It is that which men in formertimes had to bear upon their backs.
It is that which has caused nations to build byways from City to City upon which carts and coaches pass, and alongside which inns have come to be built to stave off Hunger, Thirst and Weariness.
"And that is fate?" said the priest.
"Fate... I thought you said Freight", responded the Master.
"That's all right" said the priest, "I wanted to know about Freight too."
If you're going to claim that cross-hairs cause unhinged persons to go shoot people and *words* do not, you have to actually show that it *happened*.
You made the argument that visuals were dangerous and violent language was not because, apparently, unhinged people don't have good vocabularies.
Heck, Ritmo, even the word CAMPAIGN is referencing warfare. If you're going to pick nits about how one type of "fighting" language is so obviously dangerous and another type of "fighting" language is so benign, you need to actually provide at least a homeopathic measure of empirical evidence.
I'm sure you feel that I must know this as well as Karl Rove and Dick Morris "felt" that Nate Silver knew he'd be wrong on election night. Or whatever.
Heck, Ritmo, even the word CAMPAIGN is referencing warfare.
Well, it was (it sill is, but I assume you mean exclusively so, which is no longer the case). But then, conservatives seem to have a problem accepting the fact that language changes over time.
bpm4532 said... For this loathsome behavior, for a period of 1 year, this guy should be required to wear a sign that says "I'm an idiot." and be required to begin each written or verbal statement with "I'm an idiot."
No. Free Speech. Even when what people say is loathsome.
I said: "Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence,"
You said: "To the mentally unhinged, (who always exist), it probably is."
I said: "Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal."
You said: "Because people who quote movies are probably capable of using language and thought in less crude ways. The unhinged like things simpler, visual even, like the use of crosshairs for instance."
There is no way to interpret this other than my saying that the two are equivalent and you arguing that they are not equivalent... that Palin will set the unhinged off on murderous sprees because there was a picture and that Obama's many violent metaphors are harmless because... words.
You can't show that anyone acted violently because of ads with "lets target these races" and cross-hairs.
On what basis do you argue that visuals set off the unhinged while words like "enemies" or "punch back twice as hard" or "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" will not?
The one example that we've got of a verifiable case where the unhinged person WAS prompted to violent action by political speech was the SPLC "hate list" of organizations that should be hated, and a "hate map" that showed the unhinged man where to find them.
(Curiously, he didn't make the SPLC's "hate crime" list the next time around either.)
If you want to say "let's tone down the rhetoric" then at least apply that to everyone and give up making stupid empty arguments about how when Obama rhetorically suggests violence that it's completely different than if Palin rhetorically suggests violence.
And no... I don't think that there is anything particularly wrong with violent metaphors in politics, not even when Obama does it, though I object to using the word "enemy".
It was, as they say, about the *hypocrisy* of a call for "civility" that excused anything Dems said because, well, they had *feelings*.
Discover some principles that aren't dependent on which side people are on.
And I'm still waiting for even a homeopathic measure of empirical evidence that "let's target these races" with a visual of cross-hairs prompted ANYONE to violence.
If you just want to argue that there are unhinged people in the world and we should moderate the way we talk about opponents, then make that argument without excusing Obama speaking of "enemies" or the SPLC "hate list" complete with map.
Whoa. Conversations evolve. Much like species and civilizations.
I said: "Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence,"
You said: "To the mentally unhinged, (who always exist), it probably is."
I said: "Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal."
You said: "Because people who quote movies are probably capable of using language and thought in less crude ways. The unhinged like things simpler, visual even, like the use of crosshairs for instance."
There is no way to interpret this other than my saying that the two are equivalent and you arguing that they are not equivalent... that Palin will set the unhinged off on murderous sprees because there was a picture and that Obama's many violent metaphors are harmless because... words.
Well, we do have the unfortunate result of one of Palin's "targets" winding up shot whereas no one that Obama referred to (and was he referring to anyone specific?) winding up shot. Things like that tend to matter to the evidence-minded.
You can't show that anyone acted violently because of ads with "lets target these races" and cross-hairs.
I can still say it's a bad idea. And I can say that connies' insistence on defending it means that they have a harder time envisioning a political campaign that is based on ideas, rather than on violent appeals.
On what basis do you argue that visuals set off the unhinged while words like "enemies" or "punch back twice as hard" or "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" will not?
On the basis that you can't tell me how this language was used in reference to a single Republican candidate who was then, you know, shot.
The one example that we've got of a verifiable case where the unhinged person WAS prompted to violent action by political speech was the SPLC "hate list" of organizations that should be hated, and a "hate map" that showed the unhinged man where to find them.
Ok, so now you're admitting that the SPLC identified someone, and therefore a victim. Was the pol a right-winger?
(Curiously, he didn't make the SPLC's "hate crime" list the next time around either.)
If you want to say "let's tone down the rhetoric" then at least apply that to everyone and give up making stupid empty arguments about how when Obama rhetorically suggests violence that it's completely different than if Palin rhetorically suggests violence.
I just did. With DADvocate.
He seems to be having trouble understanding what good it would do him to agree with the proposition, though, from what I can tell.
Maybe he's one of those people that likes to think for himself, though. He must be waiting for something important before he can clarify how he determines the rightness or wrongness of his actions vis a vis political opponents, I guess.
And no... I don't think that there is anything particularly wrong with violent metaphors in politics, not even when Obama does it, though I object to using the word "enemy".
Thanks for letting us know how important violence is to your way of understanding politics. It explains a lot.
I can't imagine it's the sort of admission you'll always be comfortable with. So thanks for showing us, you know, a little bit about "who you are".
It was, as they say, about the *hypocrisy* of a call for "civility" that excused anything Dems said because, well, they had *feelings*.
Discover some principles that aren't dependent on which side people are on.
You seem to be becoming a little more, well, animated here and I'm losing your point. Can you try being a little more specific, please?
No - you spew lies and hate. For beginners, the "crosshairs" you refer to are not crosshairs, but registration marksM used in printing.
But, because you and other lefties want to spread lies and hate, you lie about what a registration mark is. Then you make absurd claims about the word "target" as if a mentally ill person is going to start shooting at a department store because it's named Target and has a target logo.
You lie about crosshairs, you lie about words, symbols and their meanings. You make dishonest claim concerning things about which you know little or nothing. You tell a lie when the truth would serve you better.
There's nothing you won't lie about and then you claim "logic." You care nothing for logic. It's just another term for you to distort and twist to support your lies.
Looked up ritmo segundo in Google translate. One translation is "second rate". Fits.
Well, I don't know what it is. But it's certainly not reasonable.
Bush Joker = cover of Vanity Fair.
Depends. I'm not a fan of the face paint (was that used with Bush?) but he is a bit of a towel-snapper.
Obama Joker = dangerous racist.
Again, not sure what was meant by these ridiculously pitiful photoshops. But it did seem to make him look deviously "different".
KOS "targets" = who even noticed?
Don't read them. Complain about them all you want. I'm sure they become unabashedly unhinged from time-to-time. Doesn't bother me but I have no problem pointing out that others are right to feel bothered by them if they do.
Palin "targets" = dead people.
Loughner killed six.
Let us please talk about civility in political rhetoric... or not.
Just did. Not sure my responses were as disagreeably "treacherous" or villainous as a warfare-minded political activist as yourself might have hoped. ;-) I actually agreed with you at some points, horror of horrors! ;-)
"I can't imagine it's the sort of admission you'll always be comfortable with. So thanks for showing us, you know, a little bit about "who you are"."
Really? Do you *read*? Do you live in the world? Do you use idiomatic English with fluency?
"Target these races" is every bit as normal in usage as "we will win this battle" or "this is the fight of our lives". Even "lock and load" is a metaphor nearly as divorced from its origins as "shoot this off to accounting" or the base word of "lunatic". None of them are any different from Obama's chosen "fighting words" and none of them are anything but ubiquitously used in political rhetoric.
And was a lefty disillusioned with a lefty politician.
Far far more likely to have been exposed to KOS, far far less likely to decide something Palin said was a good idea... but you don't care about that, do you.
It would be just as legitimate to blame video games.
No - you spew lies and hate. For beginners, the "crosshairs" you refer to are not crosshairs, but registration marksM used in printing.
Lol! This is the funniest fucking thing I've heard all night. Palin was trying to communicate her intention to register Democratic opponents for trademarks and branding! All night long Synova's trying to convince me of the legitimacy of using violent belligerence in a political campaign, and DUDvocate goes all consumer marketing on me. LOL.
I guess you have to obsess on hyperbolic language about "lies" when you come up with something that desperately stupid.
I say stick to the computer programming, son.
Anyway, since you refuse to get specific about your feelings on that Democrat's use of "registration marks" (talk about shifting goalposts), why not tell me more about how you came to be divorced. By avoiding the topics that you couldn't get into, at least, not without just going LIAR LIAR LIAR DIRTY LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!
Really? Do you *read*? Do you live in the world? Do you use idiomatic English with fluency?
I give wide leeway for the various uses of language.
I also give wide leeway for what someone might mean when they obsess on a "right" to use certain kinds of metaphors, over and over and over and over again. Especially the violent ones that you admitted were violent.
If Obama made a pattern of using violent language, then that would be a problem. Again, one-time use is different than the idea that someone needs to use violent language. That signals that they feel especially inclined to legitimize the right to resort to violence in an arena that, in this country at least, should be anything but.
Some people are more violently inclined than others. When one's language makes particular use of violent terms, that says something.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think there's a lot of evidence in psychology to disagree.
Scott Walker might have been condemned on Twitter for having a better lawyer than a gay cannibal by his ideologic opponent, but today I was blessed.
By a guy holding a cardboard sign.
He was walking my direction and displaying his sign and it was only us two on the whole block, but I still did not read his sign. I have no idea what it said.
I go, "Hi."
He goes, "Hi. Whachew up to?"
"I'm going to that corner store to buy some toilet paper."
Internally, I thought that was hilarious but gave no indication of being tickled. I stopped and leaned against a parapet and dug out my wallet. That took a moment, it was stuck back there. I removed a ten and handed it to him then proceeded along my way.
"Hey! You wanna go get your toilet paper?"
"I can handle it, thank you."
jaed said... The vulva tumblr thing is actually reasonable, sort of. It seems that a lot of young women want cosmetic surgery to remove part of their labia, because they think they look "abnormal". The tumblr is to show that the range of "normal" is pretty large, and no, you probably aren't deformed down there and don't need to cut off portions of your parts in order not to be disgusting.
I agree it is bizarre, but it's an attempt to ameliorate something worse.
Somebody should tell em we ain't down there for the view. But thanks for shaving.
Synova said... And I'm still waiting for even a homeopathic measure of empirical evidence that "let's target these races" with a visual of cross-hairs prompted ANYONE to violence
It prompts little ritmo to verbal violence. Does that count?
Except Loughner wasn't a Palinophile, was a registered Democrat who supported Obama. He was also a dangerous nutbag who would have been locked away someplace already if his momma weren't politically connected.
Logic. Jesus, if that's what logic is passing for these days, we're better off passing gas.
I think it'd be wise to read The DIM Hypothesis during the collapse of our culture, rather than after. I believe you will have a new insight into what (intellectual) trends are dominate and what trends are coming. The left ruling class seems dominated by "dis-integrators".
Except Loughner wasn't a Palinophile, was a registered Democrat who supported Obama.
Ritmo has a recorded history of PDS here that's almost as detailed Andrew Sullivan's is elsewhere. Best to just accept that unreasonable aspect of him. Even his friends tell him he's crazy.
When are the Democrats/Leftists/Ritmo/Mahal going to admit the mass shooters and serial killers are pretty much all Democrats? Heck, 0bama's son Tryvon was shot by an activist in the Democrat party...
When are the Democrats/Leftists/Ritmo/Mahal going to admit the mass shooters and serial killers are pretty much all Democrats? Heck, 0bama's son Tryvon was shot by an activist in the Democrat party...
Just about the same time they admit that a majority of the very rich are Democrats, from NYC/Wall Street & New England to LA & Hollywood and San Fran, Silicon Valley and Seattle/Washington+Oregon.
Chickwell has a recorded history of Palin Obsession Syndrome here that's almost as detailed as anyone's. Best to just accept that unreasonable aspect of him. Even his friends tell him he's crazy.
He has a social disability that causes him to believe that Palin is some sort of godlike figure whose actions, beliefs or very statements cannot be criticized - or even spoken about - at all. This cult of personality is very dangerous and very stupid but it appeals to the wild and confused pagan in him. He is like a little lost boy who needs his Palin. He keeps a statue of her on his key ring and rubs it for good luck when his senses become overwhelmed and society seems too bewildering for him, which is very often.
He also thinks he's one step away from being sold into white slavery, but that's another story.
Ritmo you don't spew logic, you spew rhetoric. You are in essence a sophist. You're just trying to get over with superficial verbal fluency because, I suppose, of your contempt for your opponents and in fact your audience. As Stephen Maturin said, we must not be the prisoners of words.
And in fact I think most of us see through your ink-clouds and are not deceived. But perhaps the eel is the better metaphor, you're a slippery one for sure. In any case, what you can't and won't do is stand your ground with facts and reason.
I really can't be bothered to correct you every time you fail - your misinterpretation of "registration marks" for instance - whether willful or inadvertent. But they do not pass unnoticed. It's like the ethnic joke, which I heard with an Irishman in the key role (sorry Eire):
Paddy comes home to Molly. Look what I found! Unwraps his handkerchief, a wedding gift. Begorrah, Padeen, that looks like a piece of dogshit! Yes, acushla, I found it in the street. I was walking along and saw it in front of me. I looked and it looked like shit; I picked it up and it felt like shit; I smelt to it and it smelled like shit, very fresh; then I tasted it and sure enough, fresh shit!
And you bring it home to me wrapped in Bridie's best lace kerchief?
Well yes, dear, I wanted to see if you agreed with me.
Well, by the powers, I do!
Ah, well isn't it lucky I didn't step in it!
Ritmo, I ain't Patrick. When I see shit in the street, I just step around it and move on. I rarely consider what kind of dog, what diet, sick or well, etc., because I am not a connoisseur of shit. There are guys who will pick apart, catalog, fisk your rhetorical fallacies; I ain't that guy, not today.
But rest assured I always give you a chance to make your point for real, because I believe there's a mind in there. That said, you almost always fail. You make a great show however, I'll give you that, and you know how to inflame (as if that was worth anything). But you don't convince me. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I always prefer to think of you as evil rather than stupid. Im sure that's how you'd rather have it. But correct me if I'm wrong.
He has a social disability that causes him to believe that Palin is some sort of godlike figure whose actions, beliefs or very statements cannot be criticized - or even spoken about - at all. This cult of personality is very dangerous and very stupid but it appeals to the wild and confused pagan in him. He is like a little lost boy who needs his Palin. He keeps a statue of her on his key ring and rubs it for good luck when his senses become overwhelmed and society seems too bewildering for him, which is very often.
That is downright Cedarfordian! I recall a post of his (several perhaps) where he likened Palin to a "totem goddess." It would be easy to find for comparative purposes.
And as stupid as saying that vegetarians are like Hitler in their vegetarianism, Chick-weenie.
Nichevo, if you had the guts that Synova did, you'd actually raise a substantive point or two to debate. But instead, you just post a long-winded anecdote about nothing, proclaim your hard-headed ideological obstinacy - sprinkled with some choice vulgarities, Manicheaism and insults, and run away. That's impressive.
If you weren't such a gutless toad, you'd actually voice a specific objection or two.
My God, Ritmo, do you dream that I care what *you* think of *me*?
Synova is for some reason willing to make the effort. I suppose it speaks to her noble nature. I don't pretend to a noble nature. I merely have certainty that your arguments are not worth addressing. Your trying to turn black into white on the subject of the Fight Club Democrats under the leadership of Chicago Way Obama is about as predictable as sunrise at dawn.
Oh, I would do it on a bet, but I haven't had enough coffee yet and I wish to enjoy the remains of my brunch without being nauseated. if you didn't like the Irish joke, just consider that I have learned that you don't mud wrestle with a pig.
In other words, Ritmo of Montana has nothing to bring to the table.
C'mon, sweetie--you can do better. I have faith!
The fact remains--you just bleated out a talking point, that is that Palin is responsible for Crazy Jared shooting a buncha people.
And the fact remains, Crazy Jared didn't like Palin. Crazy Jared was an Obama supporting democrat who was crazy (hence, you know, Crazy Jared) and mad at someone in particular.
Since you can't seem to attack the issue with the intellectual honesty you mock others for supposedly not having--what's the point of interacting with you at all, except for the joy brought by pointing and mocking?
You're like Inga, only not as intelligent, or Cedarford without the civility.
God! At least Methadras will give you a straight answer and address and issue, no matter how over the top you might find his comments.
You sir--you sir are nothing but a giant puffy partisan, fit only to carry water and puke talking points.
Wake me up when you decide to actually address an issue. I know you can do it, I've seen it. I know you can interact in an intelligent logical manner, I've seen that too.
But let's humor you and engage. A perfect example of your sophistry, not to mention hypocrisy, is to accuse me of vulgarity. For one thing, literally, Tu quoque, you're another; you do it all the time, and if anyone calls you on it you call them squares. For another thing, the vulgarity was strictly in the context of the anecdote.
As for the question of insults, let me teach you a piece of etiquette of which you could not help but be ignorant: a gentleman cannot be insulted by the truth.
At this point I have to assert the Malcolm X rule: throw a rock into a pack of dogs, and the 1 that yelps the loudest is the 1 you hit.
If you had any concern about substance or issues, ritmo, you might consider addressing the original topic of the thread. But we know that you won't do that.
At least Methadras will give you a straight answer and address and issue, no matter how over the top you might find his comments.
Oh, really? Then where did he go? It seems that defending his death wishes was the last thing he wanted to do. Packed up and left proverbial Dodge just as soon as offense was appropriately taken to his violent yammering.
Good to know that you can provide as much drivel as Nichevo. For a moment I was worried that he'd feel peerless and alone in that.
Apparently the "morning after" walk of shame for you guys involves picking up the scraps left over from the substantive discussion. Feelings of shame, regret, and exclusion, and you didn't even get to participate. You yakkers are like the girlfriends who call up the girl who got laid and excitedly ask her how it went. "Well, girlfriend! He's a jerk, anyway!"
If you had any concern about substance or issues, ritmo, you might consider addressing the original topic of the thread. But we know that you won't do that.
Synova already did. You didn't.
I guess you'll try to find a way to enjoying your "sloppy seconds" however you can get them.
I know it sucks to miss the big party, but you'll get over it - the same way a kid who arrived too late to be taken to the amusement park does.
Maybe Methadras has a life? Maybe he went out for the evening or went to bed, maybe it's a beautiful Sunday morning in (I think he lives in) San Diego and he'd much rather be outside in the sun than sitting at his computer arguing with a true blue turd of a moron like you?
Really now--you can't say that because someone isn't on the innertubez 24/7 just waiting to reply to you that they're afraid of you...can you? Are you really that self absorbed?
C'mon pally. You're better than this. I know you are--I've seen you do it. Hell, I've been involved in conversations with you when you did.
Maybe Methadras has a life? Maybe he went out for the evening or went to bed, maybe it's a beautiful Sunday morning...
Maybe, maybe, maybe... One can hope, right?
You're better than this. I know you are--I've seen you do it. Hell, I've been involved in conversations with you when you did.
Well, thanks. But Synova already did.
It's Nichevo who seems hell-bent on replaying it - I mean, other than the parts that we actually debated.
I don't know why he's doing this. Should I just say good day and leave it at that? I'm tempted to, but I guess I find his long, post-hoc soliloquies more bewitching than I suppose I should.
1. Your whole sloppy seconds thing is bullshit. I posted here on this thread last night. Then I had better things to do...that didn't include arguing with you.
2. I have better things to do this afternoon as well. Please don't take my absence as some sort of sign that I'm afraid of you or some other bullshit like that.
3. (yeah I know, I said a couple, consider this a bonus freebie)'d do well to air yourself out a bit as well. Take the dog for a walk or climb on top of your wife (or whatever it is you climb on top of).
Maybe Methadras has a life? Maybe he went out for the evening or went to bed, maybe it's a beautiful Sunday morning...
Maybe, maybe, maybe... One can hope, right?
You're better than this. I know you are--I've seen you do it. Hell, I've been involved in conversations with you when you did.
Well, thanks. But Synova already did.
It's Nichevo who seems hell-bent on replaying it - I mean, other than the parts that we actually debated.
I don't know why he's doing this. Should I just say good day and leave it at that? I'm tempted to, but I guess I find his long, post-hoc soliloquies more bewitching than I suppose I should.
LOL. That's better, thank you. Now I can wander away, feeling peace that Ritmo has regained some measure of control and humor.
Enjoy whatever sunshine you can find today. My dogs are agitating for a walk.
Peace, CEO. I need to get out, too. I don't know why I'm having such a stuffy weekend... maybe it's the weather, the gray skies, the long wait before an equally gray but much more revelry-filled and arousing (if physically and gastronomically challenging) St. Patrick's Day weekend. But your advice is good and simple enough. I'll do my best to do it.
And if not now, then the extended week away (and closer to San Diego) in a few weeks should do it.
Really, Ritmo, sloppy seconds? There's vulgarity and then there's vulgarity; this is the latter.
But see, you can learn. I have taken the consistent position that you are not worth the effort to engage; you have finally figured out that you are being mopped the floor with and have seized this ink-cloud of a premise (though the sky is blue here too) to disengage.
Good choice. Though Cedarford usually just bugs out without another word once I have crushed him; he knows his Jewish master. You go the other way and lay down some rodomontade first. Both have their attractions for me, as long as I see your face-saving accompanied by the sight of your backs.
In hindsight, Ritmo, this has been a waste of time entirely, except for the wholesome pleasure of stomping you. I suppose your crushing is just my vengeance for having been obliged to plow through this whole thread composed mostly of your, good word, drivel. So by all means, go in peace; and silence.
The one thing that always gets me, when the left needs to describe something the the right has done they always pick the worst light possible. Re; Palin's "cross hairs", those symbols are surveyors symbols, not scope cross hairs. Look at at scope and see what real cross hairs look like before you comment, or are you afraid to pick up a gun?
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Scott Walker the Cannibal. Bitch Tit Mahal better watch out or he might be his next pork sandwich.
No charges after all the McCarthy-sim/witch hunt from the Milwaukee DA's investigation but Doyle who was up to his eyeballs in 'pay for play' got away scot-free.
Zielinski who was fired from The Journal-Sentinel for his disgusting personality traits continues to show just how vile he is.
His tweets prove that that lying isn't 'second nature' to him but 'first'.
And *this* is the person that the WDP wants as its public face.
Why am I not surprised?
Interesting that he tried to hide his Tweets too.
Lot of good *that* did him.
A pretty disgusting set of tweets even if you disregard the Dahmer tweet.
DADvocate said...
A pretty disgusting set of tweets even if you disregard the Dahmer tweet.
The left is a collection of lunatics. what else do you expect them to do?
Well, Zielinski would say that! He just wants to keep it on the QT that Ed Gein was DNC chair of La Crosse County!
(I just made that up, BTW)
This guy's a loose wire and needs to be replaced. For a long time now, he's hurting way more than helping.
I guess Gov. Walker really gnawed at him.
For this loathsome behavior, for a period of 1 year, this guy should be required to wear a sign that says "I'm an idiot." and be required to begin each written or verbal statement with "I'm an idiot."
Guess I’ll never hear back on my question to Zielinski: "So I can pin down which circle of Hell you think @GovWalker occupies, who in your eyes was more evil: Dahmer or Hitler?"
"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev.... I want you to argue with them and get in their face (sic.).”
The Great Uniter calling for his version of "civil discourse" from the dupes and sociopaths who are today's Democrats. He can make them contentious, but he can't make them smart.
Boy, talk about the Pot calling the Kettle ... a teapot.
(I'm trying to avoid dykes who have the plague.)
Stay classy, Dems.
how long have I been telling you that to be a Democrat is to be on the side of evil?
That neighbor that vote's Democrat? They might be nice, even hard working. But their basic values - no matter how nice they seem - spring from immorality and deceit. Of course Republicans can lie too - but, unlike Democrats, the majority of Republicans subscribe to better values and do not treasure deceit. There is no one who has aligned themselves with the Democrat party that can even be fully truthful.
You can see it in the lying President we have now. The lying Cabinet members. The Senate Majority leader.
It's their nature and their character. And you think it won't matter to the future of our country, the future freedoms and prosperity of your family?
How stupid are you, really?
Everybody is trying to set up tripwires.
Economics must be too hard.
Scott Walker for president.
Sam stole mine, but it never fails how the Demos, who whine all over the place about civility if somebody dares disagree with them, always live down to what Pat Moynihan said about them.
In fact, Insty recalls what Michael Barone had to say about the way the Demos were headed.
And that was 5 years ago.
Nice. I guess if he hid it, he really didn't say it. Twitter is like natural selection, it will eliminate the weak minded.
That's ridiculous. Scott Walker is way more evil than Jeffrey Dahmer.
Seriously, this guy is Communications Director for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Why do they have any support at all in this state?
Oh the leftist thuggery is here and I'm fairly sure it's here to stay. Republicans are going to have to learn to fight these unpatriotic anti-american scum using their own tactics. Once they are defeated, then they can re-elevate themselves to normalcy. Until then, get in the fucking trenches and go for the throat.
"Just remember duped ones, Hitler won over the masses for a while. Walker is no different."
I don't understand tweeting.
I'm in a "finding a job" internship class and it's all... resumes are out, social media is in, expect your employer to do internet searches on you and find all your dunk college pics and political rants and moments of nastiness.
(My husband thinks this is as bad as the "c" word but...) The past tense of "tweet" is "twat."
Even if an employer has a good attitude about social media, tweeting about *work* is a no-no even stupid college students can understand.
What is this guy's problem?
When is Walker going to apologize?
"When is Walker going to apologize?"
For what?
He might want to delete the photo of Clem Zabloki that he uses on twitter. I doubt old Clem would have been amused.
Sorry Clem..
I think the resume item "former WashPost, ChiTrib writer" pretty much nails it.
For what?
Among other things, hiring and rehiring people that stole money from veteran's widows. Child enticement. A total of 5 people that worked under him were charged with crimes.
Dream on.
"When is Walker going to apologize?"
For what?
Eliminating the structural deficit.
SteveR said...
Nice. I guess if he hid it, he really didn't say it. Twitter is like natural selection, it will eliminate the weak minded.
Natural selection implies death. These leftists don't die from their mental stupidity. They just need to die physically.
That's so unfair to Jeffrey Dahmer.
how long have I been telling you that to be a Democrat is to be on the side of evil?
I dunno, Chase. Probably for as long as it takes me to disregard right-wing comments like this:
Natural selection implies death. These leftists don't die from their mental stupidity. They just need to die physically.
Yep. There's your right-wing decency, honor and ethically upstanding good citizenship.
This happens because of that damned Godwin ruining old faithful.
When is Obama going to apologize?
Well Andy Cuomo is just like Bill Bonanno. Just sayn'
And Chris Christie is just like Fatty Arbuckle before he started drinking champagne.
Great values. Marking others for death. Wonderful.
And I was about to agree that those tweets were unfair and over-the-top - even if they weren't meant as seriously as the unenlightened utterings which unwittingly slipped from Methadras keyboard.
Talking about proving the point you set out to oppose...
Barack Obama is a younger David Dinkins.
He just doesn't look as good in a tux. Just sayn'
Is Methadras the Communications Director for the Republican Party?
Chase's point was about how Republicans are just basically much more decent people, supposedly, OM. He didn't say that it was an issue of leadership. He said it was an issue of partisanship - one party being somehow comprised of more civilized values that the other lacks.
So no, I didn't feel a need to say that Methadras' supposed lack of political leadership absolves him from refraining from death wishes. He's all for the conservative cause - so I thought I'd point out to Chase that he seems to have been proven horribly wrong in less than one short hour.
Michelle Obama is Worf with tits. Just sayn'
I hear she is going to announce the brackets on the selection show this year. Cool.
Harry Reid is Jerry Sandusky before he got caught.
I like this game.
The guy with child porn on his computer didn't work for Walker. He did, however, work for the state Department of Public Instruction, headed by Walker foe Tony Evers.
But don't let the truth get in the way of a good old liberal lie.
Graeme Zielinski = Communications Director for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Methadras = some commenter on an internet blog
Chase = A Republican making a strong point that was so absurdly proven wrong that it makes it impossible not to point that out to him.
What role are you playing here, OM... "Communications director"? The whole point of a blog is discourse. If one of the commenters proves to do something as dastardly as what is claimed of the topic of the thread, I don't see how bringing up the issue of hypocrisy or credibility is a problem. Unless, hypocrisy or lack of credibility are impossible problems for certain people to overcome.
ALso, I was never issued the edict from John Boehner saying: Ordinary Republicans should feel free to issue as many death wishes as they want! That is great, wonderful, even! It's our LEADERSHIP that shouldn't sink to that level.
Because, you know, basic decency is only something we can or should expect of political leaders.
As you were.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Great values. Marking others for death. Wonderful.
And I was about to agree that those tweets were unfair and over-the-top - even if they weren't meant as seriously as the unenlightened utterings which unwittingly slipped from Methadras keyboard.
Talking about proving the point you set out to oppose...
Your feeble brain can't process more than one thing at a time, Ritmo Montana?
I guess that gratuitous insult was meant to be just another decent form of persuasion, CEO?
I'm not feeling the decency Chase told me about.
Wasn't there an actual *produced* fantasy wish-fulfillment play in Madison about the murder of conservatives?
I dunno, Synova. I don't know much about Madison. And I doubt I'd follow stuff like that anyway.
But the others here are trying to convince me that it's just evidence of ordinary, upstanding, civically minded behavior so I guess all's good.
"Because, you know, basic decency is only something we can or should expect of political leaders."
Not your leaders.
Nor yours, Mike.
Nancy Pelosi is like a contipated Joan Rivers.
It's all in the rictus doncha know!
Either we're going with "but you do it too" or we're not.
I mean, honest... If someone is going to condemn someone for being "a little bit over the top" why should someone else's behavior change the inappropriateness of the tweet?
Netflix stopped streaming The Larry Sanders Show.
I am in shock.
You bastages too lazy to copy and paste don't waste the effort to tell me I should learn how to link.
My reasons satisfy me.
Sally or Bill or Susan or Thomas or Timothy or Tamara.
Chuck Hagel is like Herman Goering...without the charm.
"Taking this show off instant was the worst thing Netflix could have done. Larry Sanders Show= more than 5 stars Netflix's handling of it= less than one star"
That ain't the beginning of the first half of the first fucking act ferfucksakes.
"I miss this show on Netflix, I wish I could have watched every episode. The characters in this show make it one of the best TV shows in history. Garry Shandling and crew did a great job convincing the watcher that Larry Sanders was a real late night comedian. I would rather watch Larry Sanders than Conan or Jay Leno any day of the week."
This makes me wanna BREAK OUT.
"Larry Sanders was ground breaking in it's time with an honest look at the mostly unlikable people in television. Ironically, now the owner of this website (whose name we dare not speak) has removed the show from instant play because it's licensing agreement has expired. Come on cheapskates, pony up for ten more years so that we can feel good about not working in your industry."
I mean, honest... If someone is going to condemn someone for being "a little bit over the top" why should someone else's behavior change the inappropriateness of the tweet?
I'll agree that it was over-the-top and pretty damn inappropriate for a "communications director" either way.
But condemning it...? Yeah. That's a political act. It can be like being told: Say "uncle!"
Which I'm more than happy to do once I'm convinced that the opposition demanding that is decent enough to expect it of themselves.
It's a bit like that torture thing and conservatives. They don't want to condemn and prohibit it unless they know that their all-powerful terrorist enemies aren't bent on destroying civilized norms altogether. Certain others say that we should have a better standard, regardless. But I can see why you wouldn't want to limit your tactics until you're convinced that the people out to destroy your ideals aren't going to fairly reciprocate.
So, in a nutshell, don't say "uncle" unless the other guy's willing to avoid break your arm.
Larry Sanders is like Jerry Seinfeld.
Only gayer.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"Which I'm more than happy to do once I'm convinced that the opposition demanding that is decent enough to expect it of themselves."
I don't think you have a clue how the development of community standards works.
"It's a bit like that torture thing and conservatives. They don't want to condemn and prohibit it unless they know that their all-powerful terrorist enemies aren't bent on destroying civilized norms altogether."
It's really not like that at all.
"We won't lock you up if you stop committing crime" type argument that depends on the other guy's behavior is not a condemnation of locking people up. An argument that waterboarding is appropriate in a very narrow range of situations that depends on that situation existing is not a condemnation of waterboarding that is simply waiting upon the reformation of the terrorists.
If all the students do well so that all earn better than a C, it is not a condemnation of issuing F's.
I always told my kids... you can't control what other people do, you can only control what YOU do.
Basing your manners, behavior and opinions on what others do is, as they say, lame.
Are questions necessarily insults, Rit-Mo?
Be honest. You don't actually think what he said was bad now do you?
Especially since it gives you such a lovely springboard to launch a few straw men into the current.
Someone can "demand" better behavior from their opponents. Or they might illustrate the inappropriateness of the behavior by turning it around.
(This isn't always a bad idea because people tend to "hear" with ideological ear-muffs... Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence, Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal.)
There is a great temptation to be just as bad as you're accused of being, just to show what that would really be like.
But "I'm only doing this because you did it first" is always stoopid.
Impulse Tweeting... its lingering effects are felt by thousands of pundits every year... an insidious rapacious urge to tweet with abandon... its triggers know no boundary... the passion of anger; envy; others, the most dangerous of all, the passion of politics.
Some are Swallowed up whole by a hole that could never be tweeted from.
O' Ritmo. Can you name one significant principle of conservatives you applaud?
Can you name one action of Democrats you detest?
Or do you believe leftists and Democrats are always correct, and conservatives always wrong?
Tumblr isn't *tweeting* but... "Genius: Someone Sets Up Tumblr Account In Which Women Post Pictures of Their Vaginas, for the Purposes of Female Empowerment (or Something)"
There's no end to stupid ideas. Wow.
I don't think you have a clue how the development of community standards works.
Lol. Remind me of how horrible Sarah told us that Barry was for being a community organizer.
It's really not like that at all.
Paraphrasing Oscar Wilde, this sounds like the denial that dare not explain its rationale.
An argument that waterboarding is appropriate...
Has one been made? It's always an emotional appeal to how we're not like them. Where's the evidence that it works? Where's the evidence that it's not done for the feel-good purpose of retribution?
Arguments need not be emotional things. It's better when they're not.
If all the students do well so that all earn better than a C, it is not a condemnation of issuing F's.
Not sure what you mean here.
I always told my kids... you can't control what other people do, you can only control what YOU do.
Including, deciding whether the people you work with can abide by a mutually agreeable standard or not. Or any standard that is good enough for you. Yes, that decision IS within one's own control.
Basing your manners, behavior and opinions on what others do is, as they say, lame.
Opinions, yes. Manners and behaviors, no. Liberals and others who believe in reason hold to the thinking that strong ideas or good ideas can change people, and change society. Conservatives think society is harder to change.
Manners and behavior can be up to the individual, but most behaviors are social and there is little use in being/"acting" better than people who refuse to or are very slow to learn by example - especially when they think norms are more important than heroes.
Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence,
To the mentally unhinged, (who always exist), it probably is.
Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal.
Because people who quote movies are probably capable of using language and thought in less crude ways. The unhinged like things simpler, visual even, like the use of crosshairs for instance.
But "I'm only doing this because you did it first" is always stoopid.
I don't believe in doing the stupid things that others do.
I believe that when are in a contractual situation, such as how two parties to a government decide to conduct their political affairs, that contractual situation always requires some degree of reciprocity in order to be effective.
When one party to that contract decides to behave dysfunctionally, there is no problem in deciding that he has violated a contractual form of power sharing and declaring, quietly or aloud, that certain repercussions might follow.
It doesn't matter how great they are. Just so long as it's clear that you feel that partnership in a contractual setting is more important.
People who live by the sword don't get to die by the pen.
First Hitler, and now Jeffrey Dahmer. Wow. I'm trying to think how to top those. Have Satan or the Antichrist been used yet?
Ritmo link what Synova wrote: Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence,
To the mentally unhinged, (who always exist), it probably is.
This is despicable and I object. Ritmo's gone into AlphaLiberal territory. Hours after Gabbi Giffords was shot, he was doing the same thing.
I think your sanctimony is despicable. Are you denying that the mentally unhinged read into things in ways that normal people wouldn't? It doesn't mean it was intentional.
I am responding to a simple point made by Synova. If you are getting too mindblinded to follow the discussion, then be decent, and absolve yourself of any responsibility for following it cogently. Recuse yourself!!!
Or listen to Nothing Else Matters in a major key. Yeah, that'll take your mind off things.
Je recuse!
Lol. Well, okay then!
(And I won't even break your sword, as was done to Dreyfus - at least in the illustrations).
Yikes is right. I can only add oh dear.
"The unhinged like things simpler, visual even, like the use of crosshairs for instance."
You can't possibly actually think that an unhinged person is more likely to respond to a visual with cross hairs than to the words "with a gun."
I said what I said, Synova.
Also, were those words broadcast publicly over and over again in competitive (tough) political markets or said once at a fundraiser attended by supporters? One is meant for much broader distribution and consumption.
Also, "with a gun" is now the objectionable phrase? By that standard, every press briefing given by Bush on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now suspect. But so what? The point is not to avoid everything, just what you can.
Yes, I think that crazy people might hear just the word "gun" every day and do God knows what. I don't think that means we can't use the word gun and I don't think that means that they are somehow immune to visual cues, either. Why would they be?
I think you are just trying to pull rebuttals out of thin air.
'garage mahal said...
When is Walker going to apologize?'
How'd that one go over at the
'open mic' night?
And then there's this:' garage mahal said...
For what?
Among other things, hiring and rehiring people that stole money from veteran's widows. Child enticement. A total of 5 people that worked under him were charged with crimes.'
Considering that WALKER HIMSELF asked for the probe it goes far in showing his high level of integrity.
Get back to me when Obama Hilary that chick from the EPA the guy who let 2000+ illegals go and Tim Geihner and Lew answer for their transgressions by Obama ASKING they be investigated and we can have a conversation.
In the meantime keeping being your usual asshole self Garage because it's something you do well and are well known for being.
A perfect place to use this tag, Althouse.
Ritmo, *no* nutbar shot anyone at all because of an add with cross hairs on it. Your argument that a visual that is actually pretty darn ordinary is more likely to set off an unhinged person than words lacks any attempt at empirical support.
Of the unhinged prompted to violence we've actually got approximately *one* example where there is a clear connection between the instigation and subsequent murder attempt by the nutbar in question and it's "Floyd Lee Corkins II, who pleaded guilty in federal court on Wednesday to the Aug. 15 shooting at the Family Research Council (FRC), identified the FRC as a target by using the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which includes what it calls a “Hate Map” that features the FRC's Washington, D.C., headquarters."
So maybe it takes both the unrelenting portrayal of a person or group as evil *plus* a handy "visual" like a "hate map" to set the unhinged off.
Or maybe it just takes, you know, Jodie Foster.
I suppose she's "visual" too.
Ok fine and whatever, Synova.
I look forward to watching you coordinate many future ads for Republican candidates featuring violent tropes up to and including Mortal Kombat-style graphics. Burning and hanging effigies is sooo old school.
It must be hard to make a political case without using fear, violence and other aggressive stances that everyone - not just psychologically normal people - should have a right to enjoy! The Republican way awaits you.
/end futile conversation.
The vulva tumblr thing is actually reasonable, sort of. It seems that a lot of young women want cosmetic surgery to remove part of their labia, because they think they look "abnormal". The tumblr is to show that the range of "normal" is pretty large, and no, you probably aren't deformed down there and don't need to cut off portions of your parts in order not to be disgusting.
I agree it is bizarre, but it's an attempt to ameliorate something worse.
A priest asked the Master, "What is fate?"
The Master answered:
It is that which gives a beast of burden its reason for existence.
It is that which men in formertimes had to bear upon their backs.
It is that which has caused nations to build byways from City to City upon which carts and coaches pass, and alongside which inns have come to be built to stave off Hunger, Thirst and Weariness.
"And that is fate?" said the priest.
"Fate... I thought you said Freight", responded the Master.
"That's all right" said the priest, "I wanted to know about Freight too."
"Burning and hanging effigies is sooo old school."
And who hangs effigies? Egad.
/agree futile conversation
"It seems that a lot of young women want cosmetic surgery to remove part of their labia, because they think they look "abnormal"."
Oh dear.
Shaving has a lot to answer for.
Who puts crosshairs on opposition candidates?
Ritmo, of course you want to end "a futile conversation."
You know damn well Synova cleaned your clock.
Good job, Synova.
If you're going to claim that cross-hairs cause unhinged persons to go shoot people and *words* do not, you have to actually show that it *happened*.
You made the argument that visuals were dangerous and violent language was not because, apparently, unhinged people don't have good vocabularies.
Heck, Ritmo, even the word CAMPAIGN is referencing warfare. If you're going to pick nits about how one type of "fighting" language is so obviously dangerous and another type of "fighting" language is so benign, you need to actually provide at least a homeopathic measure of empirical evidence.
I'm sure you feel that I must know this as well as Karl Rove and Dick Morris "felt" that Nate Silver knew he'd be wrong on election night. Or whatever.
Talk about futility.
You're changing the point. You asked who burns effigies anymore.
To which, I asked, who puts candidates in crosshairs?
Whatever the effect, it seems clear that right-wingers are bigger fans of violence and of using violent language in their political campaigns.
That says something more about them than it does about the people who choose to do the violence that they claim to want no part of.
While using talk and imagery of that very violence in how they describe their aims.
Yep, that says something about Republicans. Not Jared Loughner.
And once again, where's the response to Methadras' death wishes? This is all cool with you? "Normal" psychological response or goal?
Do let me know about your feelings regarding the more, er, "thoughtful uses of violence in politics, Synova. There seems to be a lot you wish to hide.
Heck, Ritmo, even the word CAMPAIGN is referencing warfare.
Well, it was (it sill is, but I assume you mean exclusively so, which is no longer the case). But then, conservatives seem to have a problem accepting the fact that language changes over time.
bpm4532 said...
For this loathsome behavior, for a period of 1 year, this guy should be required to wear a sign that says "I'm an idiot." and be required to begin each written or verbal statement with "I'm an idiot."
No. Free Speech. Even when what people say is loathsome.
Especially when people say loathsome things. Popular or safe things aren't likely to need the protection of the Constitution.
Who puts crosshairs on opposition candidates?
Now that you ask. I'd say its safe to assume the person carrying this sign at a Scott Walker protest with crosshairs over Walker's face is another hatemongering, Ritmoesque Democrat.
So you do or don't agree that that's wrong to do, DADvocate?
Try hard. Try real hard.
I got a call today from people claiming to be fundraising for gov Walker.
I get the sense Walker' running.
So you do or don't agree that that's wrong to do, DADvocate?
Try hard. Try real hard.
Nope. It's the simple use of symbolism. What's wrong is your persistent hatemongering. That's the only reason you frequent this blog - to spew hate.
I'll give DADvocate some time to consider his position on the appropriateness of violence in politics.
Not that he needs to first consider what his opponents' position would be, or anything.
Because your memory is short:
I said: "Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence,"
You said: "To the mentally unhinged, (who always exist), it probably is."
I said: "Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal."
You said: "Because people who quote movies are probably capable of using language and thought in less crude ways. The unhinged like things simpler, visual even, like the use of crosshairs for instance."
There is no way to interpret this other than my saying that the two are equivalent and you arguing that they are not equivalent... that Palin will set the unhinged off on murderous sprees because there was a picture and that Obama's many violent metaphors are harmless because... words.
You can't show that anyone acted violently because of ads with "lets target these races" and cross-hairs.
On what basis do you argue that visuals set off the unhinged while words like "enemies" or "punch back twice as hard" or "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" will not?
The one example that we've got of a verifiable case where the unhinged person WAS prompted to violent action by political speech was the SPLC "hate list" of organizations that should be hated, and a "hate map" that showed the unhinged man where to find them.
(Curiously, he didn't make the SPLC's "hate crime" list the next time around either.)
If you want to say "let's tone down the rhetoric" then at least apply that to everyone and give up making stupid empty arguments about how when Obama rhetorically suggests violence that it's completely different than if Palin rhetorically suggests violence.
And no... I don't think that there is anything particularly wrong with violent metaphors in politics, not even when Obama does it, though I object to using the word "enemy".
It was, as they say, about the *hypocrisy* of a call for "civility" that excused anything Dems said because, well, they had *feelings*.
Discover some principles that aren't dependent on which side people are on.
That's the only reason you frequent this blog - to spew hate.
I "spew" logic.
You must view it as hate because, I presume, you view your own sense of identity as a highly irrational thing.
Or maybe not. I'm open to hearing you out on your loving explanation of how you came to be the person you are, with the core beliefs that you hold.
O Ritmo Segundo,
The Daily Kos "put the bull's eye" on a lot of Democratic primaries a few years back. Ironically, Giffords was among the, er, targeted.
And I'm still waiting for even a homeopathic measure of empirical evidence that "let's target these races" with a visual of cross-hairs prompted ANYONE to violence.
If you just want to argue that there are unhinged people in the world and we should moderate the way we talk about opponents, then make that argument without excusing Obama speaking of "enemies" or the SPLC "hate list" complete with map.
Because your memory is short:
Whoa. Conversations evolve. Much like species and civilizations.
I said: "Palin says "target" and it's a call to violence,"
You said: "To the mentally unhinged, (who always exist), it probably is."
I said: "Obama says "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" and it's just... normal."
You said: "Because people who quote movies are probably capable of using language and thought in less crude ways. The unhinged like things simpler, visual even, like the use of crosshairs for instance."
There is no way to interpret this other than my saying that the two are equivalent and you arguing that they are not equivalent... that Palin will set the unhinged off on murderous sprees because there was a picture and that Obama's many violent metaphors are harmless because... words.
Well, we do have the unfortunate result of one of Palin's "targets" winding up shot whereas no one that Obama referred to (and was he referring to anyone specific?) winding up shot. Things like that tend to matter to the evidence-minded.
You can't show that anyone acted violently because of ads with "lets target these races" and cross-hairs.
I can still say it's a bad idea. And I can say that connies' insistence on defending it means that they have a harder time envisioning a political campaign that is based on ideas, rather than on violent appeals.
On what basis do you argue that visuals set off the unhinged while words like "enemies" or "punch back twice as hard" or "they bring a knife, you bring a gun" will not?
On the basis that you can't tell me how this language was used in reference to a single Republican candidate who was then, you know, shot.
The one example that we've got of a verifiable case where the unhinged person WAS prompted to violent action by political speech was the SPLC "hate list" of organizations that should be hated, and a "hate map" that showed the unhinged man where to find them.
Ok, so now you're admitting that the SPLC identified someone, and therefore a victim. Was the pol a right-winger?
(Curiously, he didn't make the SPLC's "hate crime" list the next time around either.)
If you want to say "let's tone down the rhetoric" then at least apply that to everyone and give up making stupid empty arguments about how when Obama rhetorically suggests violence that it's completely different than if Palin rhetorically suggests violence.
I just did. With DADvocate.
He seems to be having trouble understanding what good it would do him to agree with the proposition, though, from what I can tell.
Maybe he's one of those people that likes to think for himself, though. He must be waiting for something important before he can clarify how he determines the rightness or wrongness of his actions vis a vis political opponents, I guess.
And no... I don't think that there is anything particularly wrong with violent metaphors in politics, not even when Obama does it, though I object to using the word "enemy".
Thanks for letting us know how important violence is to your way of understanding politics. It explains a lot.
I can't imagine it's the sort of admission you'll always be comfortable with. So thanks for showing us, you know, a little bit about "who you are".
It was, as they say, about the *hypocrisy* of a call for "civility" that excused anything Dems said because, well, they had *feelings*.
Discover some principles that aren't dependent on which side people are on.
You seem to be becoming a little more, well, animated here and I'm losing your point. Can you try being a little more specific, please?
Thanks -
Bush Hitler = reasonable.
Obama Hitler = dangerous racist.
Bush Joker = cover of Vanity Fair.
Obama Joker = dangerous racist.
KOS "targets" = who even noticed?
Palin "targets" = dead people.
Let us please talk about civility in political rhetoric... or not.
No - you spew lies and hate. For beginners, the "crosshairs" you refer to are not crosshairs, but registration marksM used in printing.
But, because you and other lefties want to spread lies and hate, you lie about what a registration mark is. Then you make absurd claims about the word "target" as if a mentally ill person is going to start shooting at a department store because it's named Target and has a target logo.
You lie about crosshairs, you lie about words, symbols and their meanings. You make dishonest claim concerning things about which you know little or nothing. You tell a lie when the truth would serve you better.
There's nothing you won't lie about and then you claim "logic." You care nothing for logic. It's just another term for you to distort and twist to support your lies.
Looked up ritmo segundo in Google translate. One translation is "second rate". Fits.
Bush Hitler = reasonable.
No, it's not.
Obama Hitler = dangerous racist.
Well, I don't know what it is. But it's certainly not reasonable.
Bush Joker = cover of Vanity Fair.
Depends. I'm not a fan of the face paint (was that used with Bush?) but he is a bit of a towel-snapper.
Obama Joker = dangerous racist.
Again, not sure what was meant by these ridiculously pitiful photoshops. But it did seem to make him look deviously "different".
KOS "targets" = who even noticed?
Don't read them. Complain about them all you want. I'm sure they become unabashedly unhinged from time-to-time. Doesn't bother me but I have no problem pointing out that others are right to feel bothered by them if they do.
Palin "targets" = dead people.
Loughner killed six.
Let us please talk about civility in political rhetoric... or not.
Just did. Not sure my responses were as disagreeably "treacherous" or villainous as a warfare-minded political activist as yourself might have hoped. ;-) I actually agreed with you at some points, horror of horrors! ;-)
"I can't imagine it's the sort of admission you'll always be comfortable with. So thanks for showing us, you know, a little bit about "who you are"."
Really? Do you *read*? Do you live in the world? Do you use idiomatic English with fluency?
"Target these races" is every bit as normal in usage as "we will win this battle" or "this is the fight of our lives". Even "lock and load" is a metaphor nearly as divorced from its origins as "shoot this off to accounting" or the base word of "lunatic". None of them are any different from Obama's chosen "fighting words" and none of them are anything but ubiquitously used in political rhetoric.
"Loughner killed six."
And was a lefty disillusioned with a lefty politician.
Far far more likely to have been exposed to KOS, far far less likely to decide something Palin said was a good idea... but you don't care about that, do you.
It would be just as legitimate to blame video games.
No - you spew lies and hate. For beginners, the "crosshairs" you refer to are not crosshairs, but registration marksM used in printing.
Lol! This is the funniest fucking thing I've heard all night. Palin was trying to communicate her intention to register Democratic opponents for trademarks and branding! All night long Synova's trying to convince me of the legitimacy of using violent belligerence in a political campaign, and DUDvocate goes all consumer marketing on me. LOL.
I guess you have to obsess on hyperbolic language about "lies" when you come up with something that desperately stupid.
I say stick to the computer programming, son.
Anyway, since you refuse to get specific about your feelings on that Democrat's use of "registration marks" (talk about shifting goalposts), why not tell me more about how you came to be divorced. By avoiding the topics that you couldn't get into, at least, not without just going LIAR LIAR LIAR DIRTY LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!
Get a grip, Sir.
"...if a mentally ill person is going to start shooting at a department store because it's named Target and has a target logo."
Oh, I know it Ritmo. Violent language in politics is only totally acceptable if it's a quote from a movie.
(eye roll)
Really? Do you *read*? Do you live in the world? Do you use idiomatic English with fluency?
I give wide leeway for the various uses of language.
I also give wide leeway for what someone might mean when they obsess on a "right" to use certain kinds of metaphors, over and over and over and over again. Especially the violent ones that you admitted were violent.
If Obama made a pattern of using violent language, then that would be a problem. Again, one-time use is different than the idea that someone needs to use violent language. That signals that they feel especially inclined to legitimize the right to resort to violence in an arena that, in this country at least, should be anything but.
Some people are more violently inclined than others. When one's language makes particular use of violent terms, that says something.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think there's a lot of evidence in psychology to disagree.
"...if a mentally ill person is going to start shooting at a department store because it's named Target and has a target logo."
They actually might. Why is that something to make fun of?
Actually, I made no claims regarding use of the word "target". Synova did.
DADvocate might want to actually read the things he quotes before Synova takes to carelessly quoting him.
The (eye roll) bit was good. I expect 13-year olds to have great mastery over such unassailable gestures as that.
At least you didn't go (stomps feet, yells "DAAAAD!" and marches off to bedroom. Slams door). Lol.
How bored the Romans would be now.
Another thread demolished by Ritmo! Excellent work; Rit really earned his/her/its keep today.
But to the rest of you: why do engage Ritmo? S/h/it has the apparent mission to disrupt things here--but why on earth help out?
"If Obama made a pattern of using violent language, then that would be a problem."
Just wanted to admire that.
Honest, Ritmo, the man is practically *known* for it. The rose colored ear muffs strike again.
Target imagery is very, very bad.
Nice graphic Chip.
"Note the use of "enemy" on this graphic. Reminds me of Obama talking to Latinos "punish your enemies"."
Scott Walker might have been condemned on Twitter for having a better lawyer than a gay cannibal by his ideologic opponent, but today I was blessed.
By a guy holding a cardboard sign.
He was walking my direction and displaying his sign and it was only us two on the whole block, but I still did not read his sign. I have no idea what it said.
I go, "Hi."
He goes, "Hi. Whachew up to?"
"I'm going to that corner store to buy some toilet paper."
Internally, I thought that was hilarious but gave no indication of being tickled. I stopped and leaned against a parapet and dug out my wallet. That took a moment, it was stuck back there. I removed a ten and handed it to him then proceeded along my way.
"Hey! You wanna go get your toilet paper?"
"I can handle it, thank you."
Naked Ed Gein Robot says Ed Gein was the first post-modern fol artist re-purposing found objects with interpretive dancing.
Jeffrey Dahmer was just a freak with food issues.
Baron Zemo, I haven't seen the Dinkins=Obama meme before, but it is pretty good. Dinkins was Obama without the charisma.
"Who puts crosshairs on opposition candidates?"
Somewhere, a narrative died.
Other people who put things in crosshairs? Democrats.
It is almost like it was a perfectly normal, acceptable metaphor for everyone not named Sarah Palin.
jaed said...
The vulva tumblr thing is actually reasonable, sort of. It seems that a lot of young women want cosmetic surgery to remove part of their labia, because they think they look "abnormal". The tumblr is to show that the range of "normal" is pretty large, and no, you probably aren't deformed down there and don't need to cut off portions of your parts in order not to be disgusting.
I agree it is bizarre, but it's an attempt to ameliorate something worse.
Somebody should tell em we ain't down there for the view.
But thanks for shaving.
Synova said...
And I'm still waiting for even a homeopathic measure of empirical evidence that "let's target these races" with a visual of cross-hairs prompted ANYONE to violence
It prompts little ritmo to verbal violence. Does that count?
So Ritty says he spews logic, then he says:
"Palin "targets" = dead people.
Loughner killed six."
Except Loughner wasn't a Palinophile, was a registered Democrat who supported Obama.
He was also a dangerous nutbag who would have been locked away someplace already if his momma weren't politically connected.
Logic. Jesus, if that's what logic is passing for these days, we're better off passing gas.
I think it'd be wise to read The DIM Hypothesis during the collapse of our culture, rather than after. I believe you will have a new insight into what (intellectual) trends are dominate and what trends are coming. The left ruling class seems dominated by "dis-integrators".
Except Loughner wasn't a Palinophile, was a registered Democrat who supported Obama.
Ritmo has a recorded history of PDS here that's almost as detailed Andrew Sullivan's is elsewhere. Best to just accept that unreasonable aspect of him. Even his friends tell him he's crazy.
When are the Democrats/Leftists/Ritmo/Mahal going to admit the mass shooters and serial killers are pretty much all Democrats? Heck, 0bama's son Tryvon was shot by an activist in the Democrat party...
setnaffa said...
When are the Democrats/Leftists/Ritmo/Mahal going to admit the mass shooters and serial killers are pretty much all Democrats? Heck, 0bama's son Tryvon was shot by an activist in the Democrat party...
Just about the same time they admit that a majority of the very rich are Democrats, from NYC/Wall Street & New England to LA & Hollywood and San Fran, Silicon Valley and Seattle/Washington+Oregon.
""Scott Walker Compared To Jeffrey Dahmer By Wisconsin Democratic Aide Graeme Zielinski.""
Graeme Zielinski
WisDems comms. director; Milwaukee native; former WashPost, ChiTrib, Onion writer; Teddy Higuera votary; Cubs hater; SHJ, UW alum; Franciscan. Tweets=Mine own.
Ok, if he needs to compare Walker to Dahmer, and yeah it appears that he doesn’t like Republicans
......but....Cubs hater?!!!!
He has waaaaaaaay too many deep-seated anger issues.
Get a grip, Sir.
Is Keith Olberman Ritmo?
Chickwell has a recorded history of Palin Obsession Syndrome here that's almost as detailed as anyone's. Best to just accept that unreasonable aspect of him. Even his friends tell him he's crazy.
He has a social disability that causes him to believe that Palin is some sort of godlike figure whose actions, beliefs or very statements cannot be criticized - or even spoken about - at all. This cult of personality is very dangerous and very stupid but it appeals to the wild and confused pagan in him. He is like a little lost boy who needs his Palin. He keeps a statue of her on his key ring and rubs it for good luck when his senses become overwhelmed and society seems too bewildering for him, which is very often.
He also thinks he's one step away from being sold into white slavery, but that's another story.
Ritmo you don't spew logic, you spew rhetoric. You are in essence a sophist. You're just trying to get over with superficial verbal fluency because, I suppose, of your contempt for your opponents and in fact your audience. As Stephen Maturin said, we must not be the prisoners of words.
And in fact I think most of us see through your ink-clouds and are not deceived. But perhaps the eel is the better metaphor, you're a slippery one for sure. In any case, what you can't and won't do is stand your ground with facts and reason.
I really can't be bothered to correct you every time you fail - your misinterpretation of "registration marks" for instance - whether willful or inadvertent. But they do not pass unnoticed. It's like the ethnic joke, which I heard with an Irishman in the key role (sorry Eire):
Paddy comes home to Molly. Look what I found! Unwraps his handkerchief, a wedding gift. Begorrah, Padeen, that looks like a piece of dogshit! Yes, acushla, I found it in the street. I was walking along and saw it in front of me. I looked and it looked like shit; I picked it up and it felt like shit; I smelt to it and it smelled like shit, very fresh; then I tasted it and sure enough, fresh shit!
And you bring it home to me wrapped in Bridie's best lace kerchief?
Well yes, dear, I wanted to see if you agreed with me.
Well, by the powers, I do!
Ah, well isn't it lucky I didn't step in it!
Ritmo, I ain't Patrick. When I see shit in the street, I just step around it and move on. I rarely consider what kind of dog, what diet, sick or well, etc., because I am not a connoisseur of shit. There are guys who will pick apart, catalog, fisk your rhetorical fallacies; I ain't that guy, not today.
But rest assured I always give you a chance to make your point for real, because I believe there's a mind in there. That said, you almost always fail. You make a great show however, I'll give you that, and you know how to inflame (as if that was worth anything). But you don't convince me. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I always prefer to think of you as evil rather than stupid. Im sure that's how you'd rather have it. But correct me if I'm wrong.
He has a social disability that causes him to believe that Palin is some sort of godlike figure whose actions, beliefs or very statements cannot be criticized - or even spoken about - at all. This cult of personality is very dangerous and very stupid but it appeals to the wild and confused pagan in him. He is like a little lost boy who needs his Palin. He keeps a statue of her on his key ring and rubs it for good luck when his senses become overwhelmed and society seems too bewildering for him, which is very often.
That is downright Cedarfordian! I recall a post of his (several perhaps) where he likened Palin to a "totem goddess." It would be easy to find for comparative purposes.
And as stupid as saying that vegetarians are like Hitler in their vegetarianism, Chick-weenie.
Nichevo, if you had the guts that Synova did, you'd actually raise a substantive point or two to debate. But instead, you just post a long-winded anecdote about nothing, proclaim your hard-headed ideological obstinacy - sprinkled with some choice vulgarities, Manicheaism and insults, and run away. That's impressive.
If you weren't such a gutless toad, you'd actually voice a specific objection or two.
It's funny seeing how superficial Chick-weenie can get.
My God, Ritmo, do you dream that I care what *you* think of *me*?
Synova is for some reason willing to make the effort. I suppose it speaks to her noble nature. I don't pretend to a noble nature. I merely have certainty that your arguments are not worth addressing. Your trying to turn black into white on the subject of the Fight Club Democrats under the leadership of Chicago Way Obama is about as predictable as sunrise at dawn.
Oh, I would do it on a bet, but I haven't had enough coffee yet and I wish to enjoy the remains of my brunch without being nauseated. if you didn't like the Irish joke, just consider that I have learned that you don't mud wrestle with a pig.
In other words, Ritmo of Montana has nothing to bring to the table.
C'mon, sweetie--you can do better. I have faith!
The fact remains--you just bleated out a talking point, that is that Palin is responsible for Crazy Jared shooting a buncha people.
And the fact remains, Crazy Jared didn't like Palin. Crazy Jared was an Obama supporting democrat who was crazy (hence, you know, Crazy Jared) and mad at someone in particular.
Since you can't seem to attack the issue with the intellectual honesty you mock others for supposedly not having--what's the point of interacting with you at all, except for the joy brought by pointing and mocking?
You're like Inga, only not as intelligent, or Cedarford without the civility.
God! At least Methadras will give you a straight answer and address and issue, no matter how over the top you might find his comments.
You sir--you sir are nothing but a giant puffy partisan, fit only to carry water and puke talking points.
Wake me up when you decide to actually address an issue. I know you can do it, I've seen it. I know you can interact in an intelligent logical manner, I've seen that too.
But this...this does no one any favors my friend.
I haven't heard that much false pretense since Buckley discarded his Mid-Atlantic boarding school accent long enough to defend segregation.
But at least he could address substance, which you can't.
But let's humor you and engage. A perfect example of your sophistry, not to mention hypocrisy, is to accuse me of vulgarity. For one thing, literally, Tu quoque, you're another; you do it all the time, and if anyone calls you on it you call them squares. For another thing, the vulgarity was strictly in the context of the anecdote.
As for the question of insults, let me teach you a piece of etiquette of which you could not help but be ignorant: a gentleman cannot be insulted by the truth.
At this point I have to assert the Malcolm X rule: throw a rock into a pack of dogs, and the 1 that yelps the loudest is the 1 you hit.
If you had any concern about substance or issues, ritmo, you might consider addressing the original topic of the thread. But we know that you won't do that.
What a lovely term. And so very general in your usage.
In other words--you bring nothing to the table, and are only here to disrupt.
Tell me, RitMo of Montana, do you get paid to disrupt these threads or does your little appendage just chubby up?
At least Methadras will give you a straight answer and address and issue, no matter how over the top you might find his comments.
Oh, really? Then where did he go? It seems that defending his death wishes was the last thing he wanted to do. Packed up and left proverbial Dodge just as soon as offense was appropriately taken to his violent yammering.
Good to know that you can provide as much drivel as Nichevo. For a moment I was worried that he'd feel peerless and alone in that.
Apparently the "morning after" walk of shame for you guys involves picking up the scraps left over from the substantive discussion. Feelings of shame, regret, and exclusion, and you didn't even get to participate. You yakkers are like the girlfriends who call up the girl who got laid and excitedly ask her how it went. "Well, girlfriend! He's a jerk, anyway!"
Jealous dweebs.
A perfect example of your sophistry, not to mention hypocrisy, is to accuse me of vulgarity.
Lol. So says the man who authored what I suppose he considers an eloquent discourse on eating shit!!!
RitMo of Montana,
You have got to be shittin' me.
If you had any concern about substance or issues, ritmo, you might consider addressing the original topic of the thread. But we know that you won't do that.
Synova already did. You didn't.
I guess you'll try to find a way to enjoying your "sloppy seconds" however you can get them.
I know it sucks to miss the big party, but you'll get over it - the same way a kid who arrived too late to be taken to the amusement park does.
Aww, Ritty...that's so mean!
You called us dweebs. I might cry.
Maybe Methadras has a life? Maybe he went out for the evening or went to bed, maybe it's a beautiful Sunday morning in (I think he lives in) San Diego and he'd much rather be outside in the sun than sitting at his computer arguing with a true blue turd of a moron like you?
Really now--you can't say that because someone isn't on the innertubez 24/7 just waiting to reply to you that they're afraid of you...can you? Are you really that self absorbed?
C'mon pally. You're better than this. I know you are--I've seen you do it. Hell, I've been involved in conversations with you when you did.
Maybe Methadras has a life? Maybe he went out for the evening or went to bed, maybe it's a beautiful Sunday morning...
Maybe, maybe, maybe... One can hope, right?
You're better than this. I know you are--I've seen you do it. Hell, I've been involved in conversations with you when you did.
Well, thanks. But Synova already did.
It's Nichevo who seems hell-bent on replaying it - I mean, other than the parts that we actually debated.
I don't know why he's doing this. Should I just say good day and leave it at that? I'm tempted to, but I guess I find his long, post-hoc soliloquies more bewitching than I suppose I should.
Ritmo, a couple of things:
1. Your whole sloppy seconds thing is bullshit. I posted here on this thread last night. Then I had better things to do...that didn't include arguing with you.
2. I have better things to do this afternoon as well. Please don't take my absence as some sort of sign that I'm afraid of you or some other bullshit like that.
3. (yeah I know, I said a couple, consider this a bonus freebie)'d do well to air yourself out a bit as well. Take the dog for a walk or climb on top of your wife (or whatever it is you climb on top of).
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Maybe Methadras has a life? Maybe he went out for the evening or went to bed, maybe it's a beautiful Sunday morning...
Maybe, maybe, maybe... One can hope, right?
You're better than this. I know you are--I've seen you do it. Hell, I've been involved in conversations with you when you did.
Well, thanks. But Synova already did.
It's Nichevo who seems hell-bent on replaying it - I mean, other than the parts that we actually debated.
I don't know why he's doing this. Should I just say good day and leave it at that? I'm tempted to, but I guess I find his long, post-hoc soliloquies more bewitching than I suppose I should.
LOL. That's better, thank you. Now I can wander away, feeling peace that Ritmo has regained some measure of control and humor.
Enjoy whatever sunshine you can find today. My dogs are agitating for a walk.
Peace, CEO. I need to get out, too. I don't know why I'm having such a stuffy weekend... maybe it's the weather, the gray skies, the long wait before an equally gray but much more revelry-filled and arousing (if physically and gastronomically challenging) St. Patrick's Day weekend. But your advice is good and simple enough. I'll do my best to do it.
And if not now, then the extended week away (and closer to San Diego) in a few weeks should do it.
Cheers -
Really, Ritmo, sloppy seconds? There's vulgarity and then there's vulgarity; this is the latter.
But see, you can learn. I have taken the consistent position that you are not worth the effort to engage; you have finally figured out that you are being mopped the floor with and have seized this ink-cloud of a premise (though the sky is blue here too) to disengage.
Good choice. Though Cedarford usually just bugs out without another word once I have crushed him; he knows his Jewish master. You go the other way and lay down some rodomontade first. Both have their attractions for me, as long as I see your face-saving accompanied by the sight of your backs.
In hindsight, Ritmo, this has been a waste of time entirely, except for the wholesome pleasure of stomping you. I suppose your crushing is just my vengeance for having been obliged to plow through this whole thread composed mostly of your, good word, drivel. So by all means, go in peace; and silence.
Zielinski is a writer for The Onion? Considering the far left slant that site has taken, I'm not surprised.
The one thing that always gets me, when the left needs to describe something the the right has done they always pick the worst light possible. Re; Palin's "cross hairs", those symbols are surveyors symbols, not scope cross hairs. Look at at scope and see what real cross hairs look like before you comment, or are you afraid to pick up a gun?
Hillary Clinton is like Golda Mier.
If Golda Mier hated the Jews.
They have the same cankles though!
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