I look at this sequester and also the expiration of the Bush tax cuts as an almost once in generational opportunity for America to solve its fiscal problems.... I mean, I see this as this huge opportunity and it's being squandered by politics... by people who are more interested in a political victory than they are in doing what's right for the country. And it's very frustrating, I have to tell you.Romney criticizes Obama for going "out campaigning to the American people, doing rallies around the country, flying around the country and berating Republicans and blaming and pointing," which "causes the Republicans to retrench and then put up a wall and to fight back. It's a very natural human emotion." Maybe Romney would have been better at working out a deal, but Obama, being better at campaigning, won the election, and if what he is doing now is more campaigning... well, that's the downside of democracy, isn't it? We judge the campaigns. We don't know what expertise they'd bring to negotiating and reconciling differences.
One of the commentators in the second part of the show was Charles Lane of The Washington Post, who said:
Mitt Romney is a person with a lot of ability and a lot of energy — who still has got a lot to contribute, and, you know, his hometown of Detroit, right now, has just been put into state receivership or it's about to be. I wonder if there is no role for him in the restructuring of Detroit. He'd be the perfect person to do it. He has got the expertise, he's a hometown guy, and he is a kind of a political free agent at this point. That is the kind of thing that he could, I think, contribute in the future.That sounds like a great idea to me. Fix Detroit!
२०१ टिप्पण्या:
201 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»If Romney wanted to take advantage of "this golden moment" he should have campaigned harder.
Seriously? After the beating that he was given, do you honestly think he would have any "cred" in Motor City? Rich white guy, 47%, Cayman accts, Seamus the Dog, bullied a gay guy, Mormon cultist, etc.......
If Romney wanted to take advantage of "this golden moment" he should have campaigned harder.
We judge the campaigns.
That's like buying your next car on the basis of who had the coolest Super Bowl ad.
"That sounds like a great idea to me. Fix Detroit!"
Oh Lord Jesus, it's a fire!
Does anyone anywhere still believe, let alone think, Detroit can be fixed?
Otherwise, Obama voters don't much care about the future - as long as the unemployment checks clear and the EBT cards still get Doritos, it's all good.
well, that's the downside of democracy, isn't it?
That's the downside of letting women vote.
Women's tendency to foolishness doesn't work out in politics.
"That's like buying your next car on the basis of who had the coolest Super Bowl ad."
And Budweiser is, still, inexplicably, the best selling beer in America.
Can't fix or save stupid.
Romney was beaten up with Low Information Voters. Sadly some of the lowest of LIVs are in the media and academia. If given the same level of control he had with the SLC Olympics, he could show the way with Detroit. That way, we will have a model for the nation, which we will need in a few years.
"We don't know what expertise they'd bring to negotiating and reconciling differences."
As the great philosopher's mama once said, "stupid is as stupid does."
Easy to see (again) this morning why Romney would be a good president and far better on than Obama.
I assume Ann is joking about fixing Detroit. The media guy who said it reflected the sad perspective of media who live in politics. No, a politician is not capable of "fixing" Detroit. In fact, no one can "fix" Detroit. The Detroit that once was is now gone forever.
Romney wanted to govern the country; Obama wants to transform it - governing will be for someone else to worry about later.
How about this: Hey, Detroit! Drop dead. We should freeze it as a permanent monument to the wages of Liberal rule.
As I look at the lessons of the reign of Obama, this takeaway is becoming increasingly clear. If it is a dangerous thing to elect someone who it is not permitted to criticize, why should we ever again elect a Black Liberal?
Seriously. Why?
The perfect antidote? Ben Carson for President.
Dear Romney,
We democrats have a consolation prize for you: Detroit!
60-year democrat one-party rule of Michigan, and we kind of fucked it up. Here - you take it. Romney, you won't mind if we heap blame and scorn on you if you don't fix it in a jiffy, right?
In fact, can we keep calling you a plutocrat?
The Democrats
No, he is going to sit on his keister in La Jolla doing nothing, which is what he would have done if he had become president.
He doesn't want to fix anything.
Vicki from Pasadena
Worst thing of it all, I voted for him.
Vicki from Pasadena
Vicki is one of those low information voters. Go tune into the media, vicki. They have what you need.
Romney wouldn't be allowed to fix Detroit for the simple reason that he's white.
He doesn't want to fix anything.
I see. He only spent two years of his life running for president so he could reduce his taxes or something.
Makes perfect sense.
Rescuing blue states from the consequences of their voters is a thankless job. Meg Whitman tried it in California, and the voters preferred getting deeper into shit with a Democrat than climbing out with her, a Republican. So now she's at HP and doing a fine job of turning that around.
And, okay, so, Romney saves that shithole from sinking into the abysss--and then what? Detroit is suddenly teeming with newly born Republicans? Hahaha. No. They go back and vote in the same idiots that got them in trouble to begin with. They don't learn from their mistakes.
I, on the other hand, learn from my mistakes. Last week, I tried making tuna salad with a blender. It has a 'chop' setting which I thought would be an effortless way of chopping the veggies. But all it did was turn the veggies into a paste--and thus the tuna salad was a pink slurry, devoid of shape and texture.
This week, I used a knife. Chop chop chop. And it is so delicious this time around. Very crunchy and bursting with flavors!
Democrats prefer pink slurry because it's easier. Blenders over knives. But it's the wrong tool! You can't solve budget problems with campaigning! BUT! Campaigning is the only thing Obama's ever been successful at. When your only tool is campaigning, every problem looks like an election. Just like when your only tool is a blender, everything comes out looking like slurry.
But I guess if you've only ever eaten blended tuna slop, you wouldn't miss the virtues of chopped tuna salad. That's Obama's sinister plan: anemic growth, high unemployment, falling wages, higher taxes--PINK SLOP! It's the new normal. Today's youth don't even know what they're missing. They don't know that with the right tools, it's chopped tuna salad for all.
Detroit councilwoman JoAnn Watson says that Barry owes Detroit a bailout! They voted for him not he owe them! Let Barry fix it!
Romney advocated bankruptcy for the car companies, and criticized the bailout. This was used mercilessly AGAINST him by the Obama campaign, the PACs that supported Obama, and the leftwing media. Richard Fernandez http://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/ linked this morning to an absolutely devastating ad that nailed him for his position advocating bankruptcy. I am convinced that this is the reason Romney lost. There are too many working class people (real hard working people) who stayed home or voted for Obama because they feared Richey Rich, and were too ignorant to understand that bankruptcy would have meant a fresh start, and not a dead end.
As much as I like Romney, one also must be critical of his campaign. Despite his vaunted managerial skills, the people he put together on his campaign were mediocre. With the extreme media bias (think what the media would have done to a republican president on Benghazi), the republican needs an A team and an A campaign, especially against a black candidate who is a very good politician with a very good campaign.
Example of Romney's mediocre campaign is the 47% comment. It, of course, was stupid to make it. The bigger crime was the ineptitude of the campaign's response once it came out. Romney should have immediately, repeatedly and without waiver said that "what I was trying to say was that Obama would get 47% of the vote no matter what we did in the campaign and our job is to try to persuade the other 53% that [rotate best campaign themes]."
Oh well, it is always easy to criticize from the sidelines.
Detroit should be moved into the Smithsonian and put under glass--preserved in its dilapidated state to show what happens with Democrats are allowed to control anything for extended periods of time.
It might help explain why Republicans controlled Congress for twelve years while Democrats weren't even trusted with it for four.
What did they call him? Whitest white man ever? Something like that.
And now they want him to "fix" Detroit?
The first step would be to get the citizens of Detroit to become Mormons. Then they might have a chance. Good luck with that happening.
Detroit has been ruined by a great many things, including terrible black leadership and irresponsible black citizens.
But only the citizens of Detroit can "fix" it.
This seems unlikely while they are constantly told that it's all someone else's fault. That leads to the expectation that someone else should fix it.
And in terms of Detroit politics, white boy Mitt is "someone else" a big, shiny, paleface Other.
He would not stand a chance.
So now that the election is over the boot licking toadie yappy crap media - but I repeat myself - has now been cleared to mention that this Romney guy has some financial talents that could be put to use to fix gov induced problems. Wow. Way to pull your head out of Obama's ass long enough to speak clearly.
Coketown left one ingredient out of the PINK SLOP new normal recipe, blame others!
Why can't Obama fix Detroit? I thought he was smart?
The left insist Obama is a brilliant man. OK. Then he should be able to fix Detroit.
We know Obama is busy on both wasting our grandchildren’s future on his Beyond Big Government Transformation Plan, and the Perpetual Blame Republican Vilification Tour, but I thought the guy was superman?
Obama will get to Detroit right after he "fixes" Chicago and Illinois his old stomping grounds!
I'm thinkin Dennis Rodman might be a good man for Detroit!
Good gosh Victoria is dumb.
I mean biblical dumb. So dumb I'm pretty sure the only reason she manages to continue breathing is her brain stem refusing to admit defeat.
He didn't want to fix anything? That's only about the only thing he's ever done everywhere he's gone. Jesus.
And Chip S, it was more than two years--he ran before after all.
And Sperling admits Barry the Zero proposed the sequester.
Imagine that.
After a week of hitting Bob Woodward as a senile liar who should go off in a corner and swallow poison...the little cocksucker admits it.
Democrats. Is there an honest person left in that pathetic party?
Democrats and leftists are simply filthy repugnant human beings. They too had a shot at helping to bring this country out of funk, but nope, keeping an affirmative action marxist puppet was more in line with their thinking. The rest of the retards that make up the lower socio-economic democrat just went along for the goodies. Have fun enjoying the decline.
At the same event where Romney acknowledged that 47% of the population were unlikely to vote for him, he also remarked that redistribution schemes only served to delay a confrontation with reality.
At present, the government, at all levels, controls approximately half of the nation's GDP. Of that, the federal government controls more than half. Over one trillion dollars is removed every year from the private economy through back channels (i.e. other than taxation and overt revenue generation schemes), purportedly to fund operation of the federal government and its interests. This is an unsustainable situation.
Detroit is not the exception but an example of policies which deny reality and sponsor corruption.
Or, to put it another way, Romney wanted to get the country back on track; Obama wants to run it so far off the tracks it can never get back on.
The Detroit commercial was devastating. It is another issue on which the Romney campaign was very bad. And, who was the genius that told him to submit a column to the New York Times and allot them to creat a headline for your column. It should not be rocket science to know that a republican cannot trust the NY Times.
Fix Detroit?
Bah - f*ck Detroit, let it burn. You can't fix stupid and those idiots did it to themselves.
Does Detroit want to be fix, is the real question.
It's possible. Now we will not know. However, we did know Obama's solution, and nothing has changed. Obama still believes in the "new" economics, which is the old economics, which is designed to consolidate capital and power in minority (i.e. special interests) hands.
"The need to pave it over and call it a parking lot"
That was one of the factors of Detroit's fall.
Romney taking over responsibility for Detroit would be really interesting. He's have a chance to show his stuff in actual leading (so many years on the campaign trail softened his credentials). Given the predominant African-American population in Detroit, Romney would be initially hated and opposed, so would have to lead in a very hostile situation.
If he could pull off renewal and working together it would be an amazing feat. I think it's just the challenge he needs, and probably he's one of the very few people who could pull it off. Not only would he fix Detroit, if he did it by working with the communities, he might change voting patterns among otherwise entrenched demographics.
The things "cut" in the sequester were all things that would have to have been "cut" anyway.
What we're seeing now is probably the best possible scenario.
Or, to put it another way, Romney wanted to get the country back on track; Obama wants to run it so far off the tracks it can never get back on.
It's the story of Tootle all over again.
Fuck Detroit. Let it burn. Or dissolve slowly into dust. Makes no difference to me. Let it stand as a shameful example of the blue model crashing down.
As for Romney? Play a recessional and let him fade into history. No reason for him to help Detroit. The Detroit of his father is long dead and rotted off its bones. It's a dead city; as dead as Carthage. I can see a future for Detroit as a tourist attraction for its ruins.
Note that the CA state governor went a similar route. Went back to being a mayor of a large city, then rose again in the ranks, making his renewed role as governor much more plausible. Not necessarily more successful, but that's where a Republican could be better than a Democrat.
It would be a bad start to the fix Detroit job to be so bluntly criticizing the sitting President. Herman Cain is also available. Or Condi Rice. Governor Snyder has a lot of good choices.
There is no fix for Detroit.
Shows you how little Charles Lane knows. I have a lot of respect for Romney, and think he is a very capable executive, but one serious look at the present situation in Detroit tell you that there is a racial component that isn't going to accept a white multimillionaire coming in as a receiver. They need to get to Chapter 9 as soon as possible, it';s the only way to sidestep the local politics which have dictated that failure.
I like the way Ann Romney laid it on the line about blaming the media.
A First Lady.
Big Mike said...
If Romney wanted to take advantage of "this golden moment" he should have campaigned harder.
Oh, cram it. I am so damned sick of all the Libertarians and small c conservatives who were more interested in seeing Romney not win than seeing I-am-not-a-Dictator Zero lose.
He fought as hard as anyone could. the fact is, the election was stolen.
The guy was winning right up to the end - to the extent he never wrote a concession speech - guess who did?
The whole Low Information Voter is a crock. It didn't stop either Bush, Reagan, or Nixon from being elected.
"Mitt Romney, saaaaave us!!"
After he's made the planet spin backwards long enough to restore Detroit to is 1950s splendor, he can get to work on Centralia, PA.
I could have sworn we heard a few dozen times or so in the election that Obama had "saved Detroit"...
What happened with that?
bin Laden's still dead.
What more do you want?
Yah, Romney, being a squish without socon values really got you elected, hey?
Note: Met the man semi-personally, not a bad dude. But really, fascism lite was not going to beat the full court press of Obama fascism.
Enjoy the decline, meatheads!
The Obama fix is to force tax payers to cover the loss, and hand it all over to the unions.
P.S. Detroit's problem is that it is run by black people
Fact: Any place run by black people turns into a shithole.
As Paul Kersey noted, Detroit when run by white people was one of the greatest and most beautiful cities in America.
Run by blacks, it is a joke.
But no one ever listens.
Enjoy the decline, ostriches!
Althouse said...
We don't know what expertise they'd bring to negotiating and reconciling differences.
You mean we didn’t know how Obama performed when he pushed through Obamacare?
Or how well Romney negotiated and worked with the Massachusetts legislature when he was governor?
The Democratic/Leftist Blue model broke Detroit....let them fix it.
Every word AprilApple is saying is spot on
Man, this country messed up. We shouldn't judge campaigns, we should judge the person, his history, and his qualities. We really missed electing the right man for this time
Hey, ed butcher! Piss off. It's dunderheads like you who end up sucking the dicks of anybody the Republican Party deigns to put forth for us to vote for.
Stolen election? Yeah. You keep on thinking that while sucking your thumb in the corner. Stolen election. Stolen election. They stole the election. Why, we would have the White House if those kids hadn't stolen the election!
Idiot x 2. You actually believe that crap. Laughable.
Mitt Romeny got his ass handed to him because he was Obama lite, just like McCain was. And fucking idiots like you let it happen. Deal. Obama won this thing running away.
Again: Piss off.
An excellent post IMO. Romney might have been better but we won't ever know the answer to that. I stand by my vote in November. I understand how Romney feels but . . .
at this point what difference does it make?
Detroit can't be fixed. There aren't enough honest people left. When the majority is corrupt, democracy doesn't work.
The rest of the country isn't far behind.
And ed? Let's just say for the sake of argument that Obama DID steal the election.
The only reason he succeeded is that Romney was too incompetent to prevent it.
Sometimes you really have to admire a good, clever thief or pickpocket simply from the part of view of artistry.
Usually, it's not that the thief is so good. It's that the victim is a moron.
I was very on the fence about Romney until the Paul Ryan pick and the RNC. I told my spouse, "that guy will be a terrific President. He's going to fix things and the American people will hate him for it. But they'll be fixed."
I was right. Insomuch as Detroit is unfixable, I still think he should try.
AprilApple sez:
The Obama fix is to force tax payers to cover the loss, and hand it all over to the unions.
It worked the first time, at least long enough for him to get re-elected!
Romney didn't have the balls to beat Obama so he wouldn't have the balls to fix Detroit.
He is too worried what dunderheaded liberals like the Nutty Professor would say if he hit him hard enough to win. You know that would be racist on the Obama phone chat line.
You know who they should get. Rudy Giuliani.
"Hey, ed butcher! Piss off. It's dunderheads like you who end up sucking the dicks of anybody the Republican Party deigns to put forth for us to vote for.
Stolen election? Yeah. You keep on thinking that while sucking your thumb in the corner. Stolen election. Stolen election. They stole the election. Why, we would have the White House if those kids hadn't stolen the election!
Idiot x 2. You actually believe that crap. Laughable.
Mitt Romeny got his ass handed to him because he was Obama lite, just like McCain was. And fucking idiots like you let it happen. Deal. Obama won this thing running away.
Again: Piss off."
3/3/13, 4:41 PM
Worth repeating, LOL.
He would put in stop and frisk and before you know it eveybody in the city would be incarcerated and they could start over.
Maybe get the Indians to move back and build a casino or something.
Fix Detroit.
Because that's all that competent republicans are for, to clean up the messes created by democrats after there isn't another penny the democrat's can steal or wring out of the people.
Democrats, fix it yourself, you lying plundering weasels.
Hey Inga, don't you have to go lie some more about Obama arresting a man for making a movie, all the while knowing the man had omitted no crime?
Just checking, whore.
If you want to know what the problem is with Detroit you should watch "Hard Core Pawn"on TruTV.
It is about on Pawn shop on the Eight Mile in Detroit City. Tells you all you need to know. Just sayn'
Chef Mojo said...
Hey, ed butcher! Piss off. It's dunderheads like you who end up sucking the dicks of anybody the Republican Party deigns to put forth for us to vote for.
Stolen election? Yeah. You keep on thinking that while sucking your thumb in the corner. Stolen election. Stolen election. They stole the election. Why, we would have the White House if those kids hadn't stolen the election!
Idiot x 2. You actually believe that crap. Laughable.
Mitt Romeny got his ass handed to him because he was Obama lite, just like McCain was. And fucking idiots like you let it happen. Deal. Obama won this thing running away.
Again: Piss off.
Fluke you.
The facts are there, hotshot, but people like you are more interested in seeing the country go under than fighting for it.
Well, you got what you wanted, but you lose the right to complain about it.
And ed? Let's just say for the sake of argument that Obama DID steal the election.
The only reason he succeeded is that Romney was too incompetent to prevent it.
Like Nixon in '60?
And the media was semi-honest back then.
Again, a lot of so-called conservatives want to be able to sit back and say, "I told you so", rather than see somebody they don't like win.
We saw it in the primaries. These are the rocket scientists who want Zero to have it all so that, when the country is turned into the Weimar Republic, they'll be the ones picking up the pieces.
And tell me, pray, tell, how does a candidate prevent it?
Especially when the media is in bed with the crooks?
Mojo (laugh!) is the kind of Frenchman who was willing to see the country handed over to Hitler rather than see anybody he didn't like save it.
Paddy O - Detroit is way beyond fixing.
Dogwood - I agree, though a neutron bomb sounds interesting!
Chef Mojo is French? Ooo lala.
Romney chickened out when he had the chance to stand up and fight. He didn't have the balls. Never did.
He didn't want to go down swinging. He just struck out lookin'
He is the A-Rod of political candidates. Overrated. Over paid. Over praised. Over.
Hey Inga, don't you have to go lie some more about Obama arresting a man for making a movie, all the while knowing the man had omitted no crime?
Worth repeating, LOL.
Shorter: "The hardest thing about losing is watching how incompetent the other guy is."
He omitted no crime?
Wow, Romney's even handed between the commie thug in chief and his own party (supposedly). How statesmanlike...and utterly ineffective against Barack Fuck America Obama.
Chickie, you and Whoresoftheinternet, buddies now? Or are you mad because Ritmo is my friend? I sense a ripple in your force, what's wrong honey?
I mean I bet that Bill Clinton never omitted a crime. Prejury. Graft. Rape. Etc and so forth.
That Benghazi guy just made a fucking video.
And he is still in the joint.
No justice no peace.
The country is just as broke as Detroit. The difference is the country can print money and Detroit can't.
If you want to know what the problem is with Detroit you should watch "Hard Core Pawn"on TruTV.
Actually that show is everything that's right with Detroit! ;-)
Shorter: "The hardest thing about losing is watching how incompetent the other guy is."
Yes exactly so. And friend or foe, or in between, what else would anyone expect Romney to say?
On the campaign trail, the president mocked Republicans for watching Democrats work hard to get the car back on the road while they sipped on Slurpees. Republicans, the story goes, then ask to drive the car, with Obama responding, “You can’t drive!”
Read more: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/186495-obama-ditches-slurpee-and-shifts-his-tone-on-economy#ixzz2MWMSWtfJ
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook <--- this is me Chip, don't follow them on Twitter, rather follow Twitter aggregators, and get off of Facebook, your IQ points will rise automatically.
Chickie, you and Whoresoftheinternet, buddies now? Or are you mad because Ritmo is my friend?
I dunno, but he did seem to invest a lot of mental frenergy into trying to get me to agree that history can only be good and that we should do a better job of identifying with oppressors rather than with the Americans they oppressed.
I thought he was going to have a meltdown.
And then he went on to tell me that Sarah Palin was the source of all goodness and light in the universe and that everything she touches turns to gold.
It was very Stalinesque.
SarahPalin, the Mother of America, how dare anyone insult her!! The nerve.
Romney chickened out when he had the chance to stand up and fight. He didn't have the balls. Never did.
Well I won't disagree that he lacks balls and his son did say that he didn't even want the job (some candidate!) but I don't know that he didn't stand up and fight. It's just that when he did, the country seemed to feel that he looked like an asshole. Yammering and stuttering and cutting the president off like that just so that he could make things up.
Telling the moderator of the debate that he's going to be fired is just about the biggest dick move you can make. But make it Sir Romney did!
SarahPalin, the Mother of America, how dare anyone insult her!!
Some mother, at that.
Did you ever watch the Dana Carvey show when he impersonated Clinton and declared that he wanted to breast-feed the country, even pulling away his shirt to demonstrate? That was funny stuff.
Check it out on Hulu.
Sarah Palin wants her grandchild to grow up without a father.
Well he never should have accepted the moderators that he had anyway. That's the mistake the Republicans make all the time.
It makes the political debates like professional wrestling.
No mainstream media douchenozzle should be the moderator.
Romney walked away form hitting him on Benghazi. On the rat shit economy. He played prevent defense because he convinced himself he had it in the bag. You can't do that. You need to pound him and pound him and knock him out because you can't count on the judges to give you a fair shake.
He could have rattled Obama who is very brittle.
We needed a street fighter not a Wall Streeter.
I thought he was going to have a meltdown.
That little thread that just you and I kept going from a couple days again was interesting, Ritty.
But at least I wasn't reduced to shouting in all caps like you were the other day.
Well he never should have accepted the moderators that he had anyway. That's the mistake the Republicans make all the time.
To which, a typically Republican solution would be to just buy off the moderator. Why not?
No mainstream media douchenozzle should be the moderator.
Didn't they have a FAUX News guy at one of the debates?
In any event, getting Republican Central Casting FOX News to do the debates would have just made it look like the fiasco that were the primary debates. To which the nation would have just been made nauseous.
Although it was cool when RNC-FOX announced the primary candidates as if they were opening a pageant. That was great fun! Ludicrous, unserious, and utterly unbefitting the presidency entirely. But great fun!
I would do the son from Hard Core Porn.
But at least I wasn't reduced to shouting in all caps like you were the other day.
If it was a "reduction" it sure didn't last long. I was back to "normal" in no time! ;-)
Actually, I was doing it for effect and being satirical. You should learn that satire MEANS unserious.
And then he went on to tell me that Sarah Palin was the source of all goodness and light in the universe and that everything she touches turns to gold.
Actually, I never said anything positive about her. I just mocked your Sullivanistic temper when it comes to her.
Hard Core Pawn shows you what it is about when these Moms pawn their babies formula so they can get some money to go to the casino. Or when they pull the toof's right out of their mouth.
It is "True Tv" after all.
(Yeah I know it's all racist)
I love that term "Sullivanist", Ritmo--it describes you to a "T".
I would not use a news person as a moderator. I would use a normal American.
Maybe an umpire or an NFL ref.
Or Dr. Phil.
Better yet...Ryan Secrest. He is at the level of most voters. He would be the perfect debate moderator not a partisan like Candy Crowley.
We don't know what expertise they'd bring to negotiating and reconciling differences.
We didn't? even after four years of nothing?
As to the other suggestion "Fix Detroit", why should he? He offered to fix America but they didn't want it. He has nothing to prove and no obligation whatsoever to do what you and your ilk demand of him.
You all saw what the press did to Rubio for taking a drink of water. There is no such thing as being good enough to run against Obama. Even Clinton had to resurrect himself after Obama turned him into a racist.
It's the American people's fault for electing the guy with no plan
And now lefties can admit Romney could fix all the lefty problems that have manifested in Detroit. Even they know he was the guy with the better skillet.
I love that term "Sullivanist", Ritmo--it describes you to a "T".
If only language were not a participatory activity, then you'd be a chess champ at it.
I know an autistic person who likes to use the word "downsize" when minimizing a window on the computer desktop. It's interesting, but no one gets it. There are other interesting linguistic quirks, too.
I hear that unique uses of words like that, in ways that resonate with nobody else, is common among some people.
Mark b wrote:
Romney advocated bankruptcy for the car companies, and criticized the bailout.
I don't think that dems understand bankrupts. GM Still went through a bankruptcy. It was just one with different rules. Usually it's the creditors who are paid first. In this case, it was the unions.
But it was still a bankruptcy.
So, Romney is for bankruptcies where the adhere to the rules. obama and the dems like to demagogue the concept and those advocating it as trying to destroy businesses and jobs.
A bankruptcy would lead to a restructuring which could jettison some of the wasteful debt and spending (like sops to the union) and get a company back on solid footing.That's what Romney was advocating.
Since we went through a bankruptcy anyway dems and the media can't really argue that they are against them. They just changed the rules ot benefit their advocacy groups.
"Detroit is way beyond fixing."
Unless someone fixes it. That's the difference between a great leader. They do things that other people see as impossible.
Nothing is beyond fixing. There is always hope.
Some would rather indulge in despair. Which is precisely Detroit's problem. Someone has to lead them beyond the despair.
Plus, I'm a Californian. I have to maintain hope for Detroit if I'm going to continue to hope for my state.
Reagan gave hope to California and to the US, after both had fallen into unrepairable malaise.
I just mocked your Sullivanistic temper when it comes to her.
Um, I'm guessing that this Palin-derived tantrum you somehow observed was just another thing you imagined.
I really don't think much about her. She's actually a pretty unremarkable person. Can you tell me why that is a problem for you?
The only way to beat Obama is to do what Giuliani did to Dinkins. Hit him hard on his incompetence and not be afraid when they call you a racist. Because they will do it anyway no matter what so what the fuck. Start slugging and dirty him up like he did to you.
Enough with the civility bullshit.
Like Nixon in '60?
Right, ed. Show me how the margin of Obama's victory was just like Kennedy's. Moron.
And the media was semi-honest back then.
Like hell it was. You still in the corner sucking your thumb in denial?
Again, a lot of so-called conservatives want to be able to sit back and say, "I told you so", rather than see somebody they don't like win.
How you are able to operate as a higher life form utilizing this sort of flawed "logic" is beyond me. Really, ed. Just look at what you just wrote. Sheesh. Like shooting fish in a barrel...
We saw it in the primaries. These are the rocket scientists who want Zero to have it all so that, when the country is turned into the Weimar Republic, they'll be the ones picking up the pieces.
Sorry, ed, but no cookie. George Bush and his brand of Republican sycophancy did more than a little to grease the skids to our own little Weimar. And cockknob slobbering shits like you insisted on more of the same. Fuck you, asshole.
And tell me, pray, tell, how does a candidate prevent it?
He can't, if he's a deer-in-the-headlights prat like Romney. He's the guy who wears his wallet half out of his back pocket in a Cairo souk, and then acts surprised with some kid runs off with it.
Especially when the media is in bed with the crooks?
You - and Romney - knew that going into the game. So now you're whining about it? Really, ed? Pull my finger, ed! Go ahead!
Mojo (laugh!) is the kind of Frenchman who was willing to see the country handed over to Hitler rather than see anybody he didn't like save it.
Besides betraying an amazing ignorance of 20th Century history, that's an amusing statement from a guy who insisted on supporting the builders of the Republican Maginot Line. I was one of the ones who insisted on not submitting to party orthodoxy like you did. You built the Line, prostrated yourself before it, and now you act all bent out of shape when the opposition simply bypasses it and whips your ass six ways to Sunday. "Why, they must of stolen it! We were betrayed by the Jews/Capitalists/Communists/Fascists/(Evil de Jour)!"
When you're finished polishing your forehead in supplication before your god Mitt and his Holy Party, you might want to look around and really ask yourself why that donkey's dick is really stuck so far up your ass, and what you might conceivably do to extricate yourself from your current humiliating circumstances.
"Hard Core Pawn shows you what it is about when these Moms pawn their babies formula"
Really?! I wonder if that's part of the big push they're making at WIC for women on TANF (i.e. welfare) to breastfeed --- they give the women who agree to breastfeed more food than the women who stick with baby formula.
I forgot to start off by mentioning, the ditch and Slurpee were provided to fill out the thread with more Washington metaphor, although it hardly needed it, I really love Coketown's tru fax analogy about tuna fish salad because that is true about chunks.
And that made me want to try a potato salad where the potato chunks are hot and soak up bacon fat before they cool for intensified internal bacony flavor. Which might be a mistake.
When ever I watch Hard Core Pawn I say to myself, "thank God it isn't me".
I love it when the black ladies get all pissed off and talk shit. This one with like one tooth was telling the other losers she was going to fuck their men.
The guy was winning right up to the end
I think Romney lost it when Candy Crowley re-invented history to pull Obama's bacon out of the fire. Romney just passed on that moment, and let it stand. He should have re-directed to squelch that.
In fact, that whole Obama - Crowley exchange seemed scripted.
O Ritmo wrote:
Yammering and stuttering and cutting the president off like that just so that he could make things up.
Oh brother. you want to talk about one side making stuff up? The amount that Obama has made up is off the charts. He even passes the buck on the sequestration and has to be held to account by Bob Woodward.
Then again, he seems to be one of the few that is holding this president to account
YOU certainly aren't. Mister "no one cares that the dems haven't passed a budget in 4 years".
YOu're one of those low information voters that we keep hearing about. But worse, you are one of those selective hearing voters that are on one side of the aisle exclusively. If there is infomration out there damning to the president you just don't care to hear it.
You know who would be the prefect guy to fix Detroit who all of the people there would support and love and be behind....Robert Mugabe.
Just sayn'
If Dave Bing were awake he would say that was racist.
The only way to beat Obama is to do what Giuliani did to Dinkins.
Uh, election's over, dude.
Start slugging and dirty him up like he did to you.
Enough with the civility bullshit.
Americans value politeness more than you know. They'll even prefer phoney politeness to being mean.
In fact, they'd even prefer phoney politeness to phoney, ginned-up meanness.
Which sucks for Roger Ailes.
Thanks for the tu quoque, jr.
Also, to be called a "low-information voter" by you, well, I consider that something of a compliment.
Informative babble and relevant information are pretty different things. But I can see that I've already gone too far by pointing that out...
Paddy O wrote:
"Detroit is way beyond fixing."
Unless someone fixes it. That's the difference between a great leader. They do things that other people see as impossible.
Nothing is beyond fixing. There is always hope.
You can't fix things that are intractable. You'll never fix the problems of a big city (or a small one for that matter) there are always potholes to be filled for example. Society tends towards a state of rust.
But that doesn't mean you can't make it BETTER. And clearly California and Detroit and Chicago could be made better. Going from a 7.9% unemployment rate to a 5% one would be better. There would still be a 5% unemployment rate though, but again, there will never be a time in history when you had a 0% unemployment rate and you wiped out poverty completely.
But so long as dems control these cities they will never get better. So long as Obama continues with his "Stimulus plan" the countries problems will never get better, let alone be solved.
So when Repubbies go on about "stolen votes", are they actually saying that the 5 million vote-margin was false?
That's pretty funny. And a bit of a problem. Kudos to Mojo for trying to fight the good fight and instill some sanity into the minds of his fellow partisans.
Americans value politeness more than you know. They'll even prefer phoney politeness to being mean.
In fact, they'd even prefer phoney politeness to phoney, ginned-up meanness.
The fault you have is that you think your sides demagoguery isn't mean. But again, since you refuse to acknowledge that Obama's dumps even smell like shit, why would you?
If Obama took a dump in a dumpster for a year and then dropped that dumpster off on your lawn once you heard it was Obama doing the shitting you'd try to convince yourself that it smelled like roses. and that republicans were the evil ones for commetning on how bad the shit smells.
We should wait until the show's over Ritty, like we did before. I think others may find it distracting.
Just tryin' to be a good faith commenter.
Why should a Republican risk his reputation trying to fix Detroit? Let the Democrats own it.
No problem, Chickie. Plus, I think we've got about as far as we could on our current issues, anyway.
But I am a bit intrigued by Romney's musings at this point. Especially considering what his son said about how unwilling he was to actually be president. And the Detroit issue is also of interest to me. Right now their state's Republican governor is using his Putin-esque powers to recall local elections. Will it work? He says that will save it financially. But the Althousians are going on about how it's a lost cause anyway. I guess we will see.
Not even Harvey Keitel's Balls can save Detroit.
Sigh...Ritmo Ritmo Ritmo...
I guess you didn't find any sun to shine on you this afternoon?
My heart weeps for you my friend. So much unhappiness.
Seriously dude--let it go. You'll feel better. I know it doesn't seem like it at the time (don't ask me how I know, lmao) but it really will.
By the way: the idea that, at a debate, someone would actually, you know, try and debate shit...well I can see why that would throw you!
PS: Inga, really? You can do better man, better!
Chickie, that's funny, cause when you go off topic, it's OK? Good faith when it suits, hmmmm?
Maybee wrote:
It's the American people's fault for electing the guy with no plan
And now lefties can admit Romney could fix all the lefty problems that have manifested in Detroit. Even they know he was the guy with the better skillet.
Yet you have people like Ritmo, who woudlnt' even think about comparing the skillsets since they have yet to come to teh conclusion that Obama can do wrong. He is above reproach to many, and you can't seriously expect an honest assessment about the situation from people like them.
To Ritmo, if the dems don't pass a budget for 4 years, who cares? He is a lost cause.
The people I'm more pissed off at are libertarians who made the argument that the two men were the same and went out and voted for Gary Johnson.
To them I offer my finger.
The fault you have is that you think your sides demagoguery isn't mean. But again, since you refuse to acknowledge that Obama's dumps even smell like shit, why would you?
Obama's likeability ratings are better than anyone's - certainly better than any Republicans.
At the same time, every article of faith that the Republicans have pushed nationally polls at abysmal levels. Whether it comes to protecting the pocketbooks of the rich from helping with revenue, to war as a first-resort, to their hatred of science and defense of rape-babies, they can't seem to do anything that looks remotely reasonable to the country at large.
But go on and muse profanely about excrement. That's sure to convince you and your hard-core partisan crowd, if no one else. And that's what matters most, right?
I guess you didn't find any sun to shine on you this afternoon?
It's still winter. The sun sets soon here.
My heart weeps for you my friend. So much unhappiness.
But frenzies are fun! Or at least, exciting, right?
Seriously dude--let it go. You'll feel better. I know it doesn't seem like it at the time (don't ask me how I know, lmao) but it really will.
I can. I just find the thrust of it all in good fun. If there weren't so many haters-in-training here, I guess the tone I'd contribute would be more civil - but Althouse says civility is bs anyway. Wouldn't want to let her down now, would I?
But thanks -
P.S. I know I got carried away. Just thought I could innocuously comment on Pawn Shop Heroes (or whatever), and then, a vortex! Ayayayayeeeyayeeeyeyeyeee!1!
Here, fishy fishy! LOLOLOL
At this point, what difference does it make?
Maybe it'll be like East Germany, the wolves will take it over. On the bright side, maybe Uncle Sugar can get credit for a carbon sink?
Ritmo, I'm familiar with the vortex. It's sort of like The Void.
Be careful it doesn't stare back at you.
Apropos of your blogs about Massachusetts and Mississippi, I wonder if you realize how many blacks moved to Detroit after to war and into the 70's and are now coming back to Mississippi to retire?
POTUS O'Zero's approval numbers are plummeting like a rock, by the way.
O ritmo wrote:
Obama's likeability ratings are better than anyone's - certainly better than any Republicans.
What can I say, there are a lot of low information voters out there.
He isn't likeable at all. Never has been. He's been arrogant since day when when he annointed his own arrival as the day when the oceans would stop rising.
I'll try my best, CEO.
In the meantime, if it wouldn't be in bad faith, I did find some interesting books while I was out. Cookbooks. I find them hard to pass up, even though chefs - by virtue of their newly attained celebrity status - seem to be able to crank out useless oversized glossies by the hundreds.
Some of these look nice as coffee table additions, but then, that's what bookstores are for. To browse. If you want to waste on a purchase later, might as well wait for something you'll really treasure.
And then, can you believe the noise level in some of these bookstores today!? Unbelievable. It can't just be where I live. I think the owners are trying to promote these places as the next mall.
So I still had enough daylight to check out the hoity toity Williams Sonoma joint. You see, I've had my eye on these amazing Shun knife sets that are comprised of dozens of layers of molted steel, giving them an almost "rippled mercury" effect further from the blade. But at over a thousand a pop I really had to decide if that was the market for self-indulgence that I felt like undertaking.
Cookbooks or overpriced knife sets?
Dilemmas, dilemmas.
I almost found myself in my own mental vortex of consumer indecision.
So I guess that's why this place didn't look so bad, afterward.
I know, I'm a sick person!
victoria said...
Worst thing of it all, I voted for him.
Just like you voted twice for Dewey.
Chef Mojo said...
And tell me, pray, tell, how does a candidate prevent it?
He can't, if he's a deer-in-the-headlights prat like Romney. He's the guy who wears his wallet half out of his back pocket in a Cairo souk, and then acts surprised with some kid runs off with it.
That's it? Gee, I was expecting something intelligent.
Especially when the media is in bed with the crooks?
You - and Romney - knew that going into the game. So now you're whining about it? Really, ed? Pull my finger, ed! Go ahead!
No, you stink enough already.
But that's no whine; mojo said he knew a way to fight the vote fraud, but doesn't want to share with the rest of the class.
I'm guessing mojo stayed home and thus forfeits any bitching rights.
Whatever the case, given the screaming and the invective, I must have hit a nerve,
or three,
or nine,
didn't I?
O Ritmo Segundo said...
So when Repubbies go on about "stolen votes", are they actually saying that the 5 million vote-margin was false?
No, the 1.2 million vote margin.
But I can understand why Ritmo (or mojo) doesn't want to talk about voting machines where 1 Romney vote in 10 was flipped to Choom
or people bused in to places like WI (or ME or VA) in vehicles with Michigan plates
or precincts reporting 98% turnout with 100% vote for Choom
or poll workers who voted twice (or as many as 6 times) for Choom.
I can see why they don't want to talk about it.
Fix Detroit???!!!
Maybe Florida can give one of its sinkholes to Michigan.
O Ritmo wrote:
Whether it comes to protecting the pocketbooks of the rich from helping with revenue, to war as a first-resort, to their hatred of science and defense of rape-babies.
You're right about those rape babies, committing all of those rapes. Who would defend them? Certainly not Ritmo.
Wars of first resort? LIke Libya for example?
Protecting the pocketbooks of the rich from helping with revenue? Er, you are aware the spending levels that Obama has racked up, correct? Back when Bush was racking up spending levels nowhere as obscene Obama called such proflicate spending unpatriotic.
WHy doesn't the middle class and poor consent to some tax hikes to help with the revenue since they are the ones using all the programs?
Fundamentally dems and Obama in particular do not understand that revenue taken from productive people doens't in fact grow an economy. It just grows government growth. SO look at the unemployment rate going on 5 years now.
Look at the fact that the dems haven't passed a budget in 5 years. Well of course they haven't. ANd of course you don't care.
I don’t know that 2012 ever was about who would be the most effective president, at least for a significant percentage of voters. So “buyer’s remorse” is unlikely to be very widespread.
However, for the relatively smaller group of informed voters who cast their ballots for Obama, who among them doesn’t honestly believe that Romney somehow would have resolved much of the current fiscal nonsense?
Ritmo wrote:
Cookbooks or overpriced knife sets?
Dilemmas, dilemmas.
I almost found myself in my own mental vortex of consumer indecision.
So I guess that's why this place didn't look so bad, afterward.
I know, I'm a sick person!
Who cares what you say Ritmo? You're an absolute bore.
Right now their state's Republican governor is using his Putin-esque powers to recall local elections.
To the list of things you pontificate about w/o bothering to check the facts, Ritmo, we can add the legal relationship b/w cities and states in the US.
Cities in the US generally are not autonomous political units but legal creations of state governments. The City of Detroit, e.g., was incorporated by an act of the then-territorial government in 1806. The operation of the city can be delegated to an elected local government, but this doesn't mean that if the city government is on the brink of systemic failure that it's somehow dictatorial for the state government to intervene.
The election was over when Candy Crowley said " You can't say that about our Barack!" and Mitt said "Okay, sorry."
My indecision reminds me of the liner notes to a certain album produced by the awesome, electronic punk thrash-core group known as The Prodigy. I think it has something to do with WWII. I'll quote:
We have no butter,
But I ask you
Would you rather have butter or guns?
Shall we import lard or steel?
Let me tell you
Prepardness makes us powerful,
Butter merely makes us fat?
I think a more odious guy originally came up with it, but these guys spin that wickedly!
Decisions. Trade-offs.
Who cares what you say Ritmo? You're an absolute bore.
Oh my. Mr. Life is an Endless Run-On Sentence just called me a bore.
Whatever shall I do?
Wahaha. Lol.
The operation of the city can be delegated to an elected local government, but this doesn't mean that if the city government is on the brink of systemic failure that it's somehow dictatorial for the state government to intervene.
If people can't control themselves the government will. If the government can't control itself, another government will.
Obama said during the debates that the sequestration was the republicans idea. THat man can lie his ass off. And since most in the media go along with it, it's the truth.
Only now, that the election is secure are some (very few) coming out and actually looking at Obama's statements for the veracity contained therein.
I'm surprised Crowley didn't say that it was in fact the republicans who pushed the seuqestration during the debates as well.
O Ritmo wrote:
Oh my. Mr. Life is an Endless Run-On Sentence just called me a bore.
Whatever shall I do?
Wahaha. Lol.
Really Ritmo, who wants to hear your statements about cookbooks.They are as smarmy and incinsere as everything else coming out of your mouth.
I know how it works, Chip - and whether the legal right is there.
I just think it seems Putin-esque.
Plus, I thought Repubbies were all about local control. Isn't the most local unit of government best?
I'm not saying that this won't work, or that Lansing's own Putin won't achieve either his goals or maybe even those of a (modestly, finally) rebuilt Detroit.
I'm just saying that it strikes one as a bit tyrannical. Subjectively speaking.
And King Richard II used his Putin-esque powers to take over failing schools, come to think of it, not only Chicago. But they're in blue states, so all is well.
Well, CEO, I tried:
Really Ritmo, who wants to hear your statements about cookbooks. They are as smarmy and incinsere as everything else coming out of your mouth.
Exactly what kind of an opinion on cookbooks does one have to have for it to feel polite and sincere?
Jr's not doing much good to repair the Republican reputation for mindless belligerency as a modus operandi stuck in the eternally "ON" position.
Next thing you know he'll fight me on my opinion of sugar and tea.
Pretty remarkable.
So Kerry handed 250 mill to Egypt.
We can't send a carrier out of port and even the congressional janitors are going to be on bread and water...but we can give a chunk to Egypt because they're such goooooood pals of ours.
Ritmo, what's your defense of that?
O Ritmo wrote:
In the meantime, if it wouldn't be in bad faith, I did find some interesting books while I was out.
There isn't much you can write that isn't in bad faith, so when you pretend to now speak sincerely it only comes across as smug and insincere. And in bad faith.
Being the asshole so long makes even mundane statements you make seem assholish.
You're an asshole to your very core. Some assholes are assholes on the surface but then do something that redeems them (think Jack Nicholson in as good as it gets).
ANd then there are some assholes that are just assholes through and through down to their cells.
That's you Ritmo.
I thought Repubbies were all about local control. Isn't the most local unit of government best?
I know you understand the diff. b/w a central tendency and a specific outcome.
So let's move on, w/o the silly, feigned fright at Big Government Republicans.
Detroit is no different than any industrialized city with an unhealthy reliance on a single industry. When that industry goes south, it's disastrous.
The only way to start a resurgence in Detroit is to bring in a lot of decent non-auto-industry-related jobs. Absent that, they just need someone to manage the contraction.
My question would be why would we need to save it? For nostalgia's sake? Is it a strategic defense location in case the Canadians decide to invade through Windsor?
I think the biggest reason is that we don't like to concede failure, especially when it involves something uniquely American like a city that boomed on the back of the automobile.
Meh. Jr is a little goofy. I think he's in love with you actually, I think he wants to stroke your hair and suckle your toes.
Lol @ 6:17.
Ok, I'll let it go then.
I think I'm going to need your advice more often, CEO.
Cheers -
No, the 1.2 million vote margin.
But I can understand why Ritmo (or mojo) doesn't want to talk about voting machines where 1 Romney vote in 10 was flipped to Choom
or people bused in to places like WI (or ME or VA) in vehicles with Michigan plates
or precincts reporting 98% turnout with 100% vote for Choom
or poll workers who voted twice (or as many as 6 times) for Choom.
I can see why they don't want to talk about it.
And steel can't possibly melt from simple jet fuel burning!
Keep on keeping on, ed. You just keep squeezing out those conspiracy theories!
It's a fucking election, you moron! Of course there's cheating! There hasn't been an election in American history that didn't involve cheating!
But stolen? Nah. Not this time. Other times, sure. But not this time, no matter how hard you shut your eyes and wish it so. Romney wasn't up to it by a long shot. The Republican Party nominated a guy who had no hope in hell of winning his own state? And we mocked Al Gore for losing - narrowly - Tennessee?
Romney's loss was baked in the cake, ed. Simple as that.
And don't pull this "you didn't vote so you can't bitch" crap. I voted, but that's beside the point. I'm an American and I can bitch all I want, whether I vote or not, and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it, you moral poseur. Commenting on things American is my birthright, and it isn't predicated on how or whether I vote, no matter how hard you stamp your little feet about it. Don't you dare say I don't have a say, you supercilious prick.
What can I say, there are a lot of low information voters out there.
Just for the record I'm okay with being a low-information voter. Personally I'm overloaded with a lot of information these days.
I think a lot of you folks who toss around the "low information voter" meme/cliche have little idea how to correctly assess the information.
Low information voter is actually just polite code for "stupid cunts who're barely smart enough to come in out of the rain".
Kerry also handed $60 million to Syria.
I hereby propose the Give Detroit to Quebec movement.
"Meh. Jr is a little goofy. I think he's in love with you actually, I think he wants to stroke your hair and suckle your toes."
3/3/13, 6:17 PM
Who's toes? Mine or Ritmo's?
And the janitors' pay will not be cut - even tho a "high level official" said it would.
Via Drudge:
White House retreats from doomsday spending cuts predictions, but keeps blame on Republicans
– Federal revenue will return to its pre-recession levels in 2013, according to projections from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), setting a record for the most money the government has ever taken in.
"Low information voter is actually just polite code for "stupid cunts who're barely smart enough to come in out of the rain"."
Apt description of Ritmo. At least the stupid cunt part.
Ritmo sez:
Didn't they have a FAUX News guy at one of the debates?
Answer: NO!
Lehrer, Candy, Schieffer
Inga said...
"Meh. Jr is a little goofy. I think he's in love with you actually, I think he wants to stroke your hair and suckle your toes."
3/3/13, 6:17 PM
Who's toes? Mine or Ritmo's?
Ritmo's toes. But I suppose it could be yours, although he'd have to elbow ed out of the way to get to yours.
Low information voter is actually just polite code for "stupid cunts who're barely smart enough to come in out of the rain".
And why would you listen to someone who attacks you that way? If they were really smart they'd have an argument.
Until they demonstrate that they know how to think it's okay to assume they got nothin'.
Now if you got a SMART Republican you're just about duty-bound to give him a hearing.
The smart wingers among the Althouse regulars can probably be counted on two hands.
phx said...
"What can I say, there are a lot of low information voters out there.
Just for the record I'm okay with being a low-information voter. Personally I'm overloaded with a lot of information these days.
I think a lot of you folks who toss around the "low information voter" meme/cliche have little idea how to correctly assess the information."
The matter will clear up a lot in a few years. Even you will be able to see what we lost in November. Spain and Greece and Italy are voting for open fascist candidates (unlike Obama who is still in the closet).
When the economy collapses it will get real ugly and the denial instinct will be overwhelmed.
Statement of fact couched in personal opinion, phx. No attack. Stop flailing about, and spit the chocolate syrup out, you're not gut-shot.
You say crude stuff about conservatives and it's all snigger snigger har har har...let anyone say anything remotely akin to that back to you and other libs and it's katie bar the door how dare anyone be so crude and hurtful oh my god my god my god the humanity the horror.
I call bullshit.
Rethuglican or Libtard, the smart ones know the dims are the first ones to call you a stupid cunt.
If you could bet on that in Vegas even a pauper would be a whale in no time.
let anyone say anything remotely akin to that back to you and other libs and it's katie bar the door how dare anyone be so crude and hurtful oh my god my god my god the humanity the horror.
As soon as you find someone saying that let me know.
"Go fix Detroit!"--is that today's euphemism to tell Romney, "Go fuck yourself!"?
phx said...
As soon as you find someone saying that let me know.
Seriously? LMAO.
"Go fix Detroit!"--is that today's euphemism to tell Romney, "Go fuck yourself!"?
On the computer game SimCity, I used to play the Detroit scenario: High crime, fleeing tax base, budget out of balance, etc.
The only solution I ever found to save Detroit, was to just bulldoze away at least half of it, keeping only the salvageable parts, and dramatically shrinking the city's population.
Detroit is too big for the downsized role of its industry today. It just needs to become a smaller city.
betamax3000 said...
I hereby propose the Give Detroit to Quebec movement.
Ontario would put a stop to that.
As soon as you find someone saying that let me know.
Seriously? LMAO.
Yes. Seriously.
All I'm saying is I'd make $ betting you're a dim motherfucker.
Chip Ahoy said...
And that made me want to try a potato salad where the potato chunks are hot and soak up bacon fat before they cool for intensified internal bacony flavor. Which might be a mistake.
The key word is might. When the culinary muse strikes, I say cast caution to the wind and at least meet her halfway! You should try this bacon-fortified potato salad and report the findings.
Yeah, ask to hire someone competent to fix Detroit, but elect an incompetent to the White House. Funny thing, Mitt might take a job like this out of responsibility and a desire to do something good, but I could never in a million years envision Obama do something similar.
Chef Mojo said...
It's a fucking election, you moron! Of course there's cheating! There hasn't been an election in American history that didn't involve cheating!
Not on this scale, but it's OK because you wanted Romney to lose more than Zero.
That makes everything OK, don't it?
But stolen? Nah. Not this time. Other times, sure. But not this time, no matter how hard you shut your eyes and wish it so. Romney wasn't up to it by a long shot.
It's always easy to find a rationalization, isn't it? Just ignore the facts.
Romney's loss was baked in the cake, ed. Simple as that.
In other words, the fix was in.
As I said.
And don't pull this "you didn't vote so you can't bitch" crap. I voted, but that's beside the point. I'm an American and I can bitch all I want, whether I vote or not, and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it, you moral poseur.
Well, I do pull it and I can dismiss or denigrate anything you have to say; there's always plenty to be done. You stay home, you vote 4th or 5th party and throw away your vote, you do lose the right the right to bitch, if you know the stakes.
All I have to do is point it out to the rest of the assembled multitude, although mojo's done a pretty good job of executing himself. I don't see he needs my help.
Considering my original rebuttal wasn't aimed at mojo and, given the overreaction, I guess I was right more than I knew.
And seek professional help. You really have issues, you know.
"That sounds like a great idea to me. Fix Detroit!"
The feds prevent that by subsidizing the unions
The matter will clear up a lot in a few years. Even you will be able to see what we lost in November. Spain and Greece and Italy are voting for open fascist candidates (unlike Obama who is still in the closet).
When the economy collapses it will get real ugly and the denial instinct will be overwhelmed.
Fair enough.
A white man trying to fix Detroit is the equivalent of trying to teach a pig to sing. It can't be done and the effort annoys the pig. Governor Snyder should not even try and Mitt in his wildest dreams or rather nightmares shouldn't even consider it. Let it fail and go through bankruptcy. There is no other way.
Hitting the city with a neutron bomb is a waste of a neutron bomb. There aren't enough usable buildings in the city worth the trouble.
Just turn the lights out. Bulldoze it and let nature take over.
Oh, please, edutcher.
I voted for Romney--would have voted for the proverbial s.c. over Obama--but there's no denying that outside of a few brief moments (Ryan, debate one) Romney ran a campaign that sucked enormous dead bunnies through a microscopically sized straw.
chickelit said...
Hey Inga, don't you have to go lie some more about Obama arresting a man for making a movie, all the while knowing the man had omitted no crime?
Worth repeating, LOL
Another dumb bastard ignorant of what happens when a scumbag convicted felon released early violates the terms of his probation.
That the scumbag declared that the main reason he violated parole was to get money from inciting Muslims to kill or harm Americans overseas to show how bad Muslims are - made the call to throw him back in to serve out his felony the easiest of calls.
Except to the dolts of the far right that hold him up as huge Martyr. As bad in their own way as Lefties that have posters of martyr homage to cop killer Mumia in their homes.
Free Mumia!
Free Nakoula!!
OMG Cedarford! Whoever scripts you needs to write some new copy. I've read that same series of lines from you now maybe a dozen times.
Please add something original to it next time.
As long as we're doing reruns--here are few of my favorite Cedarford one liners (I was chiding Ritmo today for sounding so much like Cedarford when it came to Palin):
Cedarford said...
Except I never said Palin was a Fundie idiot. Just an unqualified idiot unfit for backing up an old guy with a serious cancer medical history as his VP.
Here's what you did say:
2/7/10 10:49 AM:
Palin is proclaiming herself a Christian Zionist* like others on the Republican Religious Right are. It does imply a higher loyalty to Israel and its Settlement policies than most other nations would find acceptable - even longtime friends of ours like Canada, Jordan, the UK.
2/7/10 11:56 AM:
*Here Cedarford defines Christian Zionist:
Some posters think all Christian Zionists are End of Days, Rapture sort of people. Not true. They are a component. There are others that are simple Fundies that somehow have come to a belief that since from OT Scriptures, Jews wrote that any who go against Israel go against God himself - that good Christians are obligated to do as the modern state of Israel instructs them to do. 2/7/10 11:35 AM
Other choice anti-Palinalia from Cedarford:
9/3/10 2:41 PM:
McCain "gifted" America with her. She now functions as a totem and Goddess Figure to the Religious Right and older white conservative males.
6/13/10 7:27 PM:
Big boobs and modest brains run in the Palin family, making them near-ideal based on conservative men's family values.
Look at Palin's daughter. A natural high-hormoned breeder, a walking milk factory, and no way college material.
The weird thing about C4 is that he reminds me so much of someone else. Someone whom I tried to take a stand against but when I did I suddenly found that I had fewer online "friends."
n.b. (especially Ritty): Notice that I never say positive things about Palin--I just point out how Ritty, Cedarford and Sullivan are birds of a feather because of their focus on negativity.
The reason it is imperative to fix blue messes is to keep them from going to red places and ruining them with their unrepentant blue voting habits. I am convinced Californians are going to ruin Texas.
Detroit is a perfect example of something already fixed by government. The only way to improve the city of Detroit is to change who lives there. That's who votes for the fixing they've been getting for decades. I guarantee you they want more of it just the way they've been getting it, and will insist on it, with violence if needed.
If you live in Detroit and want a better life, you have to go where they know how to do that. I'd suggest Texas, but you could just start walking in any direction and you'd be getting ahead. "Forward"
Except for you, Bagoh20. You would be an asset. Head to Texas any time you want.
But please, no blue refugees who don't have a clue about how it got that way. We have enough of those in Austin.
Jr- thanks for knowing "skillet" = "skill set".
America needs 4 more years of this crap before they realize never again.
Ann Ann Ann . . . .
Fix Detroit? Romney would need a 24/7 armed guard, bulletproof car, better yet, he should never set foot in Detroit. Racial divisions here are worse than ever, if you have been following our story, when Belle Isle was offered to be picked up (for FREE) by the State, the entire City Council vetoed it, and there was nothing Mayor Bing could do about it. Go watch some of those videos of our city council. They accused the white people of stealing the crown jewels.
You think a Mormon will be welcome? Why do you think Kwame Kilpatrick got elected? He got elected because the voters identified with his racial politics.
Now of course it is true that the problems with Detroit were caused by white people, that is because all the white (and black) rich people left, took everything not nailed down and now there is nothing economically valuable left. It's the donut with Detroit at the center, but on every side of Detroit you see economic renaissance, which is ironic because the renaissance center is the opposite of what is happening there.
Anyway, check out our problems, try to learn about what failed in Detroit, what works what didn't work, but having the whitest guy in America come "fix Detroit" should not even be on the menu here.
I'm hopeful for the financial emergency, but it's not because mayor bing is over his head but that the city council here wields too much power, and the voters are apathetic. If more people who cared voted, and ran the council out of town, or if the Mayor's office were strengthened . . .
As is it the financial emergency might be a good excuse to eliminate the city council, who exercise a system of patronage and crony politics, it's not the mayor you see, but the city council who is intent on destroying detroit. The financial manager will have the ability to eliminate jobs and if he destroys the entire city council by firing the lot of idiots that might be enough to put detroit back on its feet.
Now of course it is true that the problems with Detroit were caused by white people, that is because all the white (and black) rich people left, took everything not nailed down and now there is nothing economically valuable left.
Did they leave voluntarily? I understand they were more or less pushed out.
As regards Romney, I can't help but notice that this is the 2nd or 3rd time a pundit has proposed that Romney go fix some problems that Democrats created. If they wanted Romney to fix problems that Democrats created, they should have told voters last October to vote for the man.
As regards Detroit, how about we get a fleet of bulldozers and push it all into Lake St. Clair? And start over from scratch.
big mike that was before my time, I came to michigan after the white exodus was fully engaged.
Big Mike said: "Did they leave voluntarily? I understand they were more or less pushed out."
Ex-mayor Coleman Young blamed the 1967 riots for having caused the white flight to the suburbs:
"The white exodus from Detroit had been prodigiously steady prior to the riot, totally twenty-two thousand in 1966, but afterwards it was frantic. In 1967, with less than half the year remaining after the summer explosion—the outward population migration reached sixty-seven thousand. In 1968 the figure hit eighty-thousand, followed by forty-six thousand in 1969."
The 1967 Detroit riots, the worst inner-city black riots yet, killed or injured 500 people. These black agitators were black separatists, intent on carving out a separate black nation someday. Moderate blacks who believed in Martin Luther King's nonviolent approach were intimidated into silence.
Many whites said they had enough--and fled. Businesses followed them out.
And so, Coleman Young's administration saw Detroit change from a white-majority city to a black-majority city.
I lived in Detroit. I know what a shithole it was even back then. There is no fix for it then and there won't be any for it now. A third of the city is abandoned. The other third is retrenching. The blacks and unions are looking for ways to squeeze the rest of any left in it for themselves. It's fucked. I suggested that an entire wall be built around the place, 50 feet wide by 100 feet high. Give the morons living insides of it 2 weeks to get the fuck out. Then nuke it. Best thing that could ever happen to the place.
Is John Carpenter still alive?
He could make "Escape from Detroit" and they wouldn't have to build any sets or stuff.
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