... I will be here, intent, intense, absolutely as long as there is... oh! Was it anything more profound than bacon?
९ फेब्रुवारी, २०१३
At the Watchful Dog Café...
... I will be here, intent, intense, absolutely as long as there is... oh! Was it anything more profound than bacon?
७१ टिप्पण्या:
I had a bacon and bleu cheeseburger and a Kentucky Bourbon Barrel beer for a late lunch today.
It's not just about the bacon.
It's also about the bleu. And the beer.
Bacon. Bleu. Beer.
You must have watched the South Park episode on fish eye lenses and dog noses, Althouses.
I suspect cute dog noses will be the theme for some time.
It worked for Cartman.
Anything good on TV tonight? Netflix? Got any good movie recommendations?
I gotta learn a couple a new songs for mass tomorrow, and I've got to learn some new songs for a rehearsal with a gospel group on Monday, but I've got a little time to fill.
Any Catholics out there have any favorite processionals? That are actually in the songbook?
Hey ST...anything match the readings? I haven't looked ahead.
The publishers usually put out liturgy planning guides/sites and it's lectionary based. Their suggestions are coded with the hymnal/missalette editions they're in.
We have OCP Journeysongs 2nd ed. and their liturgy.com site has the planning guides.
Do you tend towards the traditional or the ccntemporary?
Don't hit me for asking.
Does Zeus know he's a blogstar? With a wide ranging fan club?
Yeah, I check out the liturgy sites. I try to follow the readings, but we're in Ordinary Time and nothing much is happening.
I'm pretty traditional. I love the Elvis hymns, but the church is a little too tight assed to do them.
I did manage to find four that Elvis covered in the missal a couple of weeks ago, and I did an all Elvis service.
I will be here, intent, intense, absolutely as long as...
...nobody rings the doorbell, at least at our house.
From an earlier thread:
"Dogs are very perceptive to Witches. Look at their eyes in the Dog Cafe photos: they Know."
Eye of Newt, Pinch of Bacon, Pound of Kevin Bacon: what stew is Ann whipping up tonight?
No Black Gloves, No Althouse Robot That Was Once a Student who Learned Too Much: Ann is playing Tricks on me.
Does she not know that I will Persevere?
Don't make me go out on the ice again. Show a little rachmones, fer krise sake.
Today I saw that the local cat shelter was waiving all adoption fees. I tried to get my husband to let me go pick one out. He said no : (
Quantum is like that, so was Treasure Dog.
In your face and they're suddenly all nose.
And for BTD, nothing was as profound as a good Yip-Yap.
PS A few days ago, there was some kind of server error on Chrome that gave sites such as Althouse and Insta a false malware warning.
Today, I saw the same thing on Atlas Shrugs.
It's occurred to me to ask, is this only on Conservative sites or have some of the Lefty ones been hit, too?
I guess Dr. Ben Carson will not get any love from Ann..
He talked about healthcare and Obama wanted to run from his seat. The Dr. said, if you still have money in the HSA, you're 85 years old and with 6 diseases, you could just decide to pass on the money to your family, no need for death panels.
@pm317 I didn't like the use of a prayer breakfast to lecture the president. Conservatives gushing over the guy rubbed me the wrong way.
Was he lecturing the president? I thought he was lecturing everyone.
It's not as though Republicans are serious proponents of a flat tax (for example.) Is it lecturing the president because he went on a bit about attacking people? Or said that it was wrong to view taxes as intended to *hurt* the rich guy?
If that's the case... you can't lecture an honest man, only the guilty would see that as a lecture.
Thanks for responding, Ann.
No one else is holding Obama accountable, not the media, certainly not the Democrats. Even the congress critters on the right are timid. Who will speak truth to power? The good doctor did and in the only forum that would get some attention. Conservatives are gushing because somebody had the courage to say what needed to be said. The guy did it smoothly and with humor and his resume is astounding. He separated Siamese twins joined in the head in the 80s. He is a neuro-surgeon and I have heard, neurosurgery is the toughest of all. Just his resume alone and where he came from and how he built his life, would make me or anyone gush. His life is an inspiration and should be for all AAs. But instead what do they have? A hustler from Chicago with a paper thin resume for their role model. Then he is given the world-class opportunity to do something significant and what has he done in the last four years? The AAs need more of Carsons for role model than the Obamas, the Jay-Zs, the Beyonces, and the Chris Rocks. The doctor had a good line in his speech -- we need more young people who can solve quadratic equations than shooting baskets. It was an inspiring speech from a remarkable guy who has made it to the top. It is a shame that you can't give him the visibility he deserves.
"It is a shame that you can't give him the visibility he deserves."
He's getting plenty of attention.
Of course, I admire the medical work, but I did not like using the president's attendance at a prayer breakfast in that way. It was not respectful. Whatever you think about why Obama got elected, he did get elected, and he is the president. He deserves the respect owed to the office.
GOP types get way too excited by the appearance of any black conservative. I find it embarrassing.
I find it embarrassing.
But who is getting hurt in that transaction? The guy who deserves to be heard. Why label him black conservative? At the school I taught before, the univ. president was black -- he had set up a program for AA students who excelled in math. He used to joke that we did not have big sports teams but we had math Olympiads. I don't know if he was Democrat or Republican, who cares?
GoP types get excited because that is what they want to see in all AAs and not the kind of domination and subservience to one political party that is the case now.
Ann Althouse said...
Of course, I admire the medical work, but I did not like using the president's attendance at a prayer breakfast in that way. It was not respectful. Whatever you think about why Obama got elected, he did get elected, and he is the president. He deserves the respect owed to the office.
Lefties have been pulling that kind of stunt for 50 years (Hillary and Edward Brooke are a perfect example). As long as you castigate both sides, Madame, we have no problem.
GOP types get way too excited by the appearance of any black conservative. I find it embarrassing.
Depends on which "GOP types" you mean, but a lot of us hope that one day there would be a "mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" (or girl) who could finally get the African community to wake up and see how they're being had.
Not all of us are consumed by guilt and are thus afraid to note that some of the worst of the welfare pushers and poverty pimps are black and, given the racist culture cultivated among many blacks, figure it's going to take a black man or woman to get the message across.
" Ann Althouse said...
@pm317 I didn't like the use of a prayer breakfast to lecture the president. Conservatives gushing over the guy rubbed me the wrong way."
Oh, you just didn't like his comments about lawyers. Why in the world would we want to listen to a guy who has actually accomplished something besides getting elected.?
GOP types get way too excited by the appearance of any black conservative. I find it embarrassing.
In comparison to the fellatio that liberals perform on black liberals, GOP types are pretty restrained.
Liberals have sanctified blacks.
figure it's going to take a black man or woman to get the message across.
It had better be a Democrat black man or woman because if a conservative black guy did that, it won't be heard or acknowledged by the other half.
I thought the neurosurgeon's speech was very well done. He managed to criticize every single political stance of this administration with humor and without ever naming one politician or even naming one policy. (Unless you count his use of the word "healthcare," which I don't.)
It really wasn't a partisan speech. He advocated the importance of debate, the importance of left and right, the importance of our founding freedoms. We could use a lot more speeches like that in this country these days.
That was really a bizarre statement, Althouse.
Conservatives get too excited about black conservatives?
What planet are you living on?
Have you noticed the way that liberals have beatified black politicians? Are you drinking tonight?
"...but I did not like using the president's attendance at a prayer breakfast in that way."
The boomers and their Alinsky methods are too common to demand 'respect for office'. Hell, that concept died long ago. The personal is political, and all that.
GOP types get way too excited by the appearance of any black conservative. I find it embarrassing.
It is exciting when a specie thought to be extinct, dead, gone... reappears out of the blue.
I just spent one and a half hours trying to figure out how to create a photo bucket account, take pictures with my iPad, share the photos with my laptop, put the photos in photo bucket and then link to them.
I'm sure to all of you this is child's play, but it took me a long time to figure it out.
I'm so happy, I just have to brag.
I made a card using Chip's Friday night link and promised a link. Chip, your "calling from God" inspired me.
Here's my card
sis, we've all had those moments, no matter how techie (or untechie) we are.
Nicely done, btw.
A lot of things going on at a prayer breakfast, besides prayer and breakfast I mean.
At one of those a watchful dog was there to capture and delight in the sutler aspects of the get together.
How can anything be more profound than bacon?
That's what Zeus would say if he were commenting.
Have you noticed the way that liberals have beatified black politicians?
Exactly... If the GOP is embarrassing its only because the liberals have elevated that game to an art form.
"Whatever you think about why Obama got elected, he did get elected, and he is the president. He deserves the respect owed to the office."
Agree with Althouse on this, with no apologies for my 1950's sensibilities.
A mere 37 years left in the century to erase ANY respect for the office of POTUS.
We may still be in the "I can respect the President I like" phase, but as the overachievers we were bred to be, we will SMASH those 37 years into a suitcase and take this wildly destructive roadshow on a round-the-world Demolish Democracy Tour.
Care to place any odds on who'll be left to document the 2050's?
As far as respect for the office, I don't recall Zero the Back Bencher getting up and saying anything when the Dick From IL and the Chap of Quiddick were trashing Dubya.
And don't tell me it's just politics.
BTW, Insta links to a piece about the false malware warnings that went out twice this week.
I post this not only for Ann and Meade, but anyone else who got them and Whiskey Tango Foxtrotted.
You know... now that wyo sis started it... I want to say something along the same lines of gratitude and worthy praise for commenter Chip Ahoy.
I was asked to help a friend with a wedding card invitation and I couldn't say no to these people for reasons that are too long... and personal... not to mention that I no longer have access to the necessary tools for that kind of thing... So, while I was pondering how I came to this predicament, and wondering what to do, I recalled Chip ahoy.
I emailed him and he graciously accepted to take on the task, because, in his words I like doing this kind of thing.
So he went ahead and not only created what the future bride wanted... with her approval, he improved it. He even made me feel at ease about contacting the bride directly too... "So you're not stuck being middleman, but still get to be the hero of the story."
How could I say no to that?
Tonight the future bride emailed me saying... He did a superb job.
And Sorry for my embarrassing indulgence Chip... I wish I could do something else, but I cant think of anything... except for quoting somebody else's lines...
Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks; but I thank you...
Bacon - THE gateway drug.
Althouse lives in a reality distortion field where she only notices GOP racism.
I didn't like the use of a prayer breakfast to lecture the president.
Ha ha ha.
He espoused his beliefs, like any real man should.
GOP types get way too excited by the appearance of any black conservative. I find it embarrassing.
Any man that can achieve what Dr. Carson has done, given his origin, is exciting — black or otherwise.
The question is why does Ann think Obama is deserving of respect in the first place?
...rubbed me the wrong way.
Althouse and her indecorous puns... I've had it up to here with them.
He spent most of his time talking about education, too.
A fine line to tread between respect for the presidency and respect for authority / aristocracy.
I think I'll come down on lack of respect being more democratic.
I saw Naked Gun 2 1/2 in Indonesia and my Indonesian friend kept asking me why they made fun of Bush I. See, in other countries when you "disrespect" the president, you go to jail.
Screw that.
The tears coursed down his cheeks — not freely, however, for when they came into contact with his heavily promoted bio they assumed an inky color, and pursued the rest of their way in slow black rivulets.
These Gatsby sentences have been a blessing to me.
He deserves the respect owed to the office.
Maybe it is because I was born during the Nixon administration, but I never lived in an America where the Presidency was considered especially worthy of respect.
In fact, Obama is the first President of my lifetime for whom all criticism was considered wrong and suspect. People mocked the hell out of Ford, Carter, Reagan (did they ever), both Bushes and Clinton.
And I don't see anything wrong with that. For pity's sake, they're just a bunch of politicians. It isn't like they belong to a respectable profession, like used car salesman or prostitute.
My Queensland Heller likes to kill chickens. Not for food, but because he likes to do it. If I had to chose between the life and death situation between the heeler and my oh so lovable bassets, I'll take the heeler.
He's part Dingo. Loyal, smart (Blue heelers are favorites for Frisbee dogs), and I take his love as the more genuine. But still, there is that "I'll do what you want me to do."
I'm trying to train him not to kill Bob, the cat. He wants to do it, and it's a constant struggle.
My hope is that I can help the queensland to understand the cat has value to him other than as a kill. It's driving him crazy, this very moment, as the cat is comfortable in front of the fire, and he desperately wants to deal with his conflicted emotions.
Yes, he comes to me for guidance, but it's really hard for him. Here he comes again! I tell him "He's a nice cat!"
And I don't see anything wrong with that. For pity's sake, they're just a bunch of politicians. It isn't like they belong to a respectable profession, like used car salesman or prostitute.
Amen to that!
Why does any office-holder, B. Obama inclusive, deserve respect?
...a priori, I should add.
The second part of the spectacular Valentine's pop-up card is available and now the action is doubled. Double the hearts for double the love.
Odd, even though double, it goes twice as fast because now you know what you're doing.
But the thing is, all that red is too much red in one small place, the magnificence of increased detail is forfeited to the greater mass of color so to remedy that the colors are changed and to avoid a blue/red Democrat/Republican thing, other unheartly colors are used as well. It's card, not surgery, you can do things like that and get away with it.
Incidentally, that first thing was a big hit, a lot of people looked at that. I was surprised. I hope somebody makes one.
Revenant, nothing wrong with questioning leaders about the decisions they make or don't make. That's all part of a healthy democractic process. BUT ... That isn't what's going on anymore.
Now that politics has become an extreme sport, I wonder what happens to "the long view"? That "Bigger Picture" outlook that saw cooler heads prevail with real understanding that, all in all, there will always be tradeoffs and compromise. The GRAY! It's not just about what's good for you. It's about making it work for you and for others who are not like you at all.
Fighting to the death, no matter the adrenaline rush, seems like a supremely selfish and totally ill-advised strategy for humans the world over.
Alex said...
Althouse lives in a reality distortion field where she only notices GOP racism.
Problem is, the Os are 3/4 black and the Liberal in her can't get past that. We still owe them deference because of slavery and Jim Crow.
I think she sees and deplores Democrat racism, but, because Dictator Zero trades on his race, it puts him and his spouse beyond the pale in most matters. I've mentioned Moochelle and her bad manners, ghastly fashion sense, and her gustatory hypocrisy on Inauguration Day and the fact Ann didn't want to call her on them.
In this instance, the rule is the office deserves respect, the man or woman holding it must earn it.
Choom has done little to earn that respect.
PS If you want the flip side of how much respect Zero the man deserves as opposed to Reagan or Dubya, consider Chris Rock and his remark the Zero is our Dad and our boss.
We've seen this kind of language used to describe leaders before.
Haven't we?
Obama has shown no respect for any other offices, their holders or co-equal branches of government. He has shown no respect for the US Constitution or the rule of law. Besides, the good Doctor Carson is superior to the president, he is a private US citizen.
Ann Althouse said...
GOP types get way too excited by the appearance of any black conservative. I find it embarrassing.
It's because conservative types really like and value black Americans and wish like hell they as a monolith would wake up and stop blindly supporting democrats.
Because democrats have done nothing for black Americans other than replacing plantation slavery with inner-city-vote-for-d's-and-we'll-give-you-baubles slavery.
It's disgusting and it hurts us. So when a man as brilliant and inspirational as Dr. Carson (and I have his books on my kindle, and have had for almost as long as I've had my kindle (year, year plus)) we think there might be hope.
And it's not that he was particularly conservative or liberal or (in your words I think) lectured Obama, it was that here was a smart person who's thought about something and has a simple answer, not a thousand pages of governmental double talk and gobbledygook.
No Ann. Your attitude is the embarrassing one.
Your responses smacked of "why doesn't he know his place".
Zeus likes prayer breakfasts. He prays for bacon.
Ann Althouse said...
Of course, I admire the medical work, but I did not like using the president's attendance at a prayer breakfast in that way. It was not respectful. Whatever you think about why Obama got elected, he did get elected, and he is the president. He deserves the respect owed to the office.
No, he does not.
Think of the respect Zero gave to the Sup Ct Justices sitting in front of him and a unable to stand up and call him a liar (as one brave soul did).
Think of his repeated lack of respect for the the Constitution.
Think of the daily, yes DAILY, lies, distortions, fairy tales he and his administration tell on matters big and small.
Think of the "action" he took as President when our ambassador and other Americans were under fire in an assassination attempt.
Think of his saying the sequester is a terrible thing caused by the Republicans, when it was HIS idea, when he thought they would cave because of the defense cuts.
I could go on all day.
What this President deserves is a good old fashioned ass kicking. He is detestable.
Ann Althouse said...
I didn't like the use of a prayer breakfast to lecture the president.
Think of it as a "conversation", not a "lecture". The larger half of one's involvement in a conversation necessarily entails shutting-up and listening. It was Obama's turn to be quite, for once.
In fact, Obama is the first President of my lifetime for whom all criticism was considered wrong and suspect. People mocked the hell out of Ford, Carter, Reagan (did they ever), both Bushes and Clinton.
Media's slobbering love of Obama and Dems unconditional loyalty and just plain hiding of everything, even when justified, that could hurt his 'label and brand', makes Ann's remark that the he through his office deserves respect, such a weird statement.
Ann Althouse said...
Of course, I admire the medical work, but I did not like using the president's attendance at a prayer breakfast in that way. It was not respectful. Whatever you think about why Obama got elected, he did get elected, and he is the president. He deserves the respect owed to the office.
Ah! Yes indeed. But doesn't that road run in both directions?
Our president has shown little respect for our institutions or the rule of law.
So tell me Ann. When IS it appropriate to disrespect a tyrant?
I didn't even know the dr. was black until I got here.
Well good for him. Twice.
Althouse, the President and his pals have been the ones who have pushed our national discourse far past the respect and civility you are asking for. They've changed the rules for themselves, and it only benefits them for those of us who are not on board with them to continue playing by the old rules. I for one have no interest in having my good manners used against me and my country by people with neither manners nor scruples.
Are you saying that if you had a public audience with the President that you would politely ignore Benghazi?
I'm going to go with Althouse on this 'respect for the office' thing.
Although, I must say, Althouse was on a bad streak there for awhile.
And it all started with the blessed Saint Thomas More hat.
"He deserves the respect owed to the office."
He deserves to be noted as a divisive POTUS who lowered the respect owed to the office he was elected to.
Respect: an interesting concept. I grew up believing that certain people got my respect from the get go without ever really having to "earn" my respect. That included teachers, policemen, doctors, presidents. Over my life that philosophy has changed dramatically. I no longer give those people automatic respect but feel they have to "earn" my respect. That is very different than civility that is due them and needs to be practiced to the best of your ability.
But, this president has not given me, a conservative, the civility, that I also expect from someone is his position. So at this time.... screw you President "O" I am happy that someone gave you some unpleasant, irritating moments in the most civil way he could.
Respect the office. It is one of the few political offices occupied by a world leader that is peacefully transferred and is designed to make the president more humble. That it doesn't make him more humble is a flaw of the person holding it and the degrading of the founders original intent.
The Latest News From LA:
The LAPD have now determined that Dorner is pretty much trapped and they are closing in on him now. With an abundence of caution, they are not underestimating his resourcefulness at evading capture through a series of inventive disguises and deceptions. These include: losing 100 pounds, repainting his SUV, changing his skin color, changing his sex, carrying bundles of LA Times for delivery, splitting his body into two distinct people, and now, with obvious terrorist implications, becoming an LAX baggage handler, artfully disguised as a surfer dude.
Police warn that the danger this desperate person now poses to the law-abiding public of Southern California is at its greatest. LAPD now requests that anyone who could possibly be mistaken for Dorner, or drives a vehicle, or lives in Southern California, should remain indoors, away from windows and doors, and off the freeway system until this killer is apprehended.
Whatever you think about why Obama got elected, he did get elected, and he is the president. He deserves the respect owed to the office.
Sorry, Professor, after eight years of Halliburton Chimpy Selected McBushitler we're way past that. "Respect owed the office" is now just a cheap, rhetorical club to be deployed when the Preferred Narrative occupies the White House.
Giving it a little more careful thought -
I think limited drone strikes against US citizens in certain cases should be approved. In the case of Mr. Dorner, a surgical drone strike would very likely have less collateral damage than that currently being inflicted by LAPD.
Giving it a little more careful thought -
I think limited drone strikes against US citizens in certain cases should be approved. In the case of Mr. Dorner, a surgical drone strike would very likely have less collateral damage than that currently being inflicted by LAPD.
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