But wasn't it all worth it, to get that monumental outline of her entire body — a colossus — for her to pose in front of and then later to get Easter-Island-sized profiles of her face facing each other? The outage gave us time to reflect on the importance of Beyonce, lest we plunge too soon back into the workaday cares of football.
ADDED: "The halftime show, as the Commissioner said, was running on a 100 percent generated power, which means it was not our grid at all."
८० टिप्पण्या:
Blame Beyonce?
Blame "sustainable energy" which ensures that if you use more than your fair share, the grid can't handle it and "smart" sensors shut your power down.
The football game was just a way of framing the main event, right?
Embracing energy efficiency and renewable energy is having a profound impact on attracting developers and private industry in the New Orleans’ re-building efforts. The push to re-invent this destination city contributes to making Sunday’s game the greenest in Super Bowl history.
Another government success story!
It is reported that the first lady of the United States was very proud of Beyonce. Proud.
A Collosus of Boredom.
Blame me. Right after the 2nd half kickoff return for a TD, I said, and I quote myself: Blow out.
Supposedly there is going to be a documentary about her soon. Can she PLEASE retire already? Talk about over exposure.
Supposedly there is going to be a documentary about her soon. Can she PLEASE retire already? Talk about over exposure.
All Beyonce was missing was a pole to swing around. I did like it the few seconds where she actually sang. She has a decent voice, I wonder why she does not use it more in her "songs."
Whatever. It was so worth it. There isn't a living pop star that could have owned that stage like Beyonce.
At the same time, fair or not, the power outage made the game interesting again for the 2nd half. Changing the momentum made for a much more dramatic finish.
So, that makes the power failure a "colossal fuck-up"?
Not wanting to be left in the dark, I did a Google image search to learn more about this "Beyoncé" person.
I'm happy to report she has excellent teeth and a facial complexion of extremely high quality.
Garage,I'm disappointed in your opinion on Beyonce, she's a total lightweight. I thought you had your ear to the ground too if nothing else else since that Alabama Shakes link you provided early last year.
It was a Las Vegas lounge show with the requisite parade of showgirls.
About as trite as you can get.
Jay is smack-dab on target here--expect MANY MORE such "incidents" in our wonderfully progressive "green" future..
I spent the half-time helping give my daughter her bath and taking out trash. I'm pretty sure that was a better use of my time.
And they should have just retired the SB Half-time show after Prince performed a few years ago. Nothing is coming close to that performance!
I wondered if they might be porcelain caps.
I agree.
Stop having a half time show at the Super Bowl.
It's degenerated into utter shit.
Shorten the halftime to the same length as a regular season game and let the talking heads babble about strategy and such for 15 minutes.
The Super Bowl would benefit a lot from deflation of its gargantuan pretensions. Get rid of the week off between the qualitying games and the SB, too.
Get rid of the week off between the qualitying games and the SB, too.
They tried getting rid of the week off once or twice a few years back. It turns out that because of all the extra media involvement (which isn't going away as long as people keep watching) they need the extra week. The first week is game prep, practice and such, and the second week is devoted to the media mob.
Let's stop just using her first name. That elevates her to a place in music history she doesn't deserve. She's not Elvis.
And by the way, Beyonce blew the electric in the Superdome twice, I’m told, during her rehearsals during the week.
And with that the ears of all licensed electricians in New Orleans pricked-up, just for a moment.
Garage,I'm disappointed in your opinion on Beyonce, she's a total lightweight.
I don't usually get into this kind of pop stuff, but I thought Beyonce ruled last night. Defiant and on top of her game.
Heh heh heh. Beyonce "blew the super dome." No wonder Jay Z looks so happy. I thought it was his money. Turns out, it's the money shot he likes so much.
Sylvia Plath
"I shall never get you put together entirely,
Pieced, glued, and properly jointed.
Mule-bray, pig-grunt and bawdy cackles
Proceed from your great lips.
It's worse than a barnyard.
Perhaps you consider yourself an oracle,
Mouthpiece of the dead, or of some god or other.
Thirty years now I have labored
To dredge the silt from your throat.
I am none the wiser.
Scaling little ladders with glue pots and pails of Lysol
I crawl like an ant in mourning
Over the weedy acres of your brow
To mend the immense skull-plates and clear
The bald, white tumuli of your eyes."
Ozymandias fits, too.
What in hell is she defying? Total amperage?
'Twere Beyoncay's enormous loins hogged all the 'lectric'ty.
Seeing Beyonce perform live is on my bucket list.
I thought she should have sang more than prance around plus the sound system sucked.
"Seeing Beyonce perform live is on my bucket list."
If you're tall enough, you won't need a bucket. You might want to consider getting your electrician's license though.
Defiant and on top of her game
As somoene else echoed, Defiant about what? What is she, the Sex Pistols railing about Anarchy in the UK?
Suddenly Beyonce is a rebel?
What in hell is she defying? Total amperage?
Defiant about what?
The fact that not all the mitches voted for her personal god, Barack Hussein Obama.
If that's true, then it's gone over from Act Of God, straight through Act Of Beyonce, and settled on Act Of Incompetence.
Defiant? She is one of the most powerful people in entertainment right now. Defiant? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
I do not begrudge her the success she has achieved, the lady must work incredibly hard. As a conservative, I celebrate that success and wish her more.
I just do not appreciate her act as it appears vulgar to me. If she sang more and engaged in simulated intercourse on stage less, I could appreciate that. I am funny that way. 8)
Defiant after the criticism of her lip syncing.
Defiant after the criticism of her lip syncing.
I don't think she had a choice.
Face-saving defiance?
"Defiant about what?"
Relax, folks. It's a pop act. I read somewhere that somebody asked Joe Strummer of the Clash what he was trying to say when he was performing on stage. His answer: "Look at me! Look at me!" I don't see much point in saddling Beyoncé's performance with discussions of its heaviness or cultural significance.
And for what it's worth, I thought she did give a good show, much better than last year's. Further, she's much easier on the eyes than Madonna was at any age.
Exactly. She ain't defiant.
She's singing and dancing.
"Defiant after the criticism of her lip syncing."
She's a regular Joan of Arc.
Jesus Balls. Lighten up.
What Pogo said!
Beyonce has built her career more on slut than singer. Remember the Directv "Upgrade" commercials during the 2008 election.
Gawd, that [the 4 minutes of the YouTube of her performance I managed to get through] felt all Idiocracy to me. Do people really need all that flashing light and barely intelligible but extremely loud sound and frenetic motion to be entertained?
Thank God my dorky kids prefer George Strait and Beethoven's Wig.
Funny thing is, I've watched the video of her performing the national anthem several years ago a bunch of times with my kids. I praised her to the skies because she used her powerful, gorgeous voice beautifully and comported herself like a lady (demure hairstyle, well-cut beige suit). It's a shame that such a talented woman capable of class churns out shit like the halftime show to please the mouthbreathers among us.
It was 2004, if you're interested in looking it up.
If Bouncy blew it that well, she'd be able to make tons of money any Saturday on Bourbon St.
Laissez les bon temps roulez!
She is an amazingly beautiful woman, nothing at all wrong with her thighs, unless one likes anorexic looking women. Why all the negativity? What was her sin?
And for what it's worth, I thought she did give a good show, much better than last year's. Further, she's much easier on the eyes than Madonna was at any age.
Yeah, but Madonna's show had that guy jumping and balancing on the rope. That was far more entertaining that Beyonce and Madonna combined. If he could just shake his butt a bit and/or dress slutty (or even better have a woman do the same thing) and that would be the best show yet!
Erika wrote:
Funny thing is, I've watched the video of her performing the national anthem several years ago a bunch of times with my kids. I praised her to the skies because she used her powerful, gorgeous voice beautifully and comported herself like a lady (demure hairstyle, well-cut beige suit). It's a shame that such a talented woman capable of class churns out shit like the halftime show to please the mouthbreathers among us.
"all the single ladies" wanna do these days is wear skin-tight clothing and shake their coochies around. good job, gloria steinem.
What was her sin?
Didn't say she was a sinner.
I said the show was a shlock Vegas lounge act.
The usual crappie showgirl revue.
I find Pink far more interesting and entertaining.
Polacko: you can't treatment like a sex object if I do it first.
*treat me
"100 percent generated power"
What would non-generated power be?
I don't usually get into this kind of pop stuff, but I thought Beyonce ruled last night. Defiant and on top of her game.
"Defiant"? Defiant against what? People who don't think a troup of leather-clad exotic dancers is appropriate family entertainment for a national event like the Super Bowl?
Wow, what a "rebel" she is. Like Madonna, looking for the cheap sex thrill to catch the public's eye because her talent level is strictly average.
The most striking thing about her is how a black woman manages to get her hair so very beautifully blonde.
Or was it Entergy's equipment?
"GREEN" is the new "DARK".
Doesn't seem like conservatives are big fans of black artists, for some reason.
And garage's post is why I cannot tolerate the left. Relentless disingenuous mendacity.
Or white ones, either.
Unless garage wants to restrict white to Italian.
Face-saving defiance?
Given she didn't have time to rehearse for the Inauguration with the Marine Band, lip-synching was probably the best choice. Fake-but-accurate, but better than her trying to "cold-arrange" a difficult song with essentially a small orchestra.
Frankly, I think the President-elect should have to sing the National Anthem at their own inauguration, just like a bride has to dance with her father at a wedding.
That's not true garage.
I mean this is not Billie Holiday or Ella or Aretha or Nancy Wilson or Diana Ross or Mary J Blige . You know someone with real talent.
This is the African American Britney Spears.
She is a bull-shit artist.
I am just grateful that they didn't pick Nicky Minaj.
I'm glad that Manboobs Mahal enjoyed the halftime show. The target audience was overweight intellectually limited males, so I guess mission accomplished.
Alicia Keyes was excellent, Beyonces was talentless and trashy. And trashy in a bad way, normally I am in favor of women slutting it up. But ths super bowl halftime show was the worst in recent memory.
, Beyonces was talentless and trashy. And trashy in a bad way, normally I am in favor of women slutting it up.
Not to worry, she wouldn't fuck a loser like you in a million years anyway.
Garage, gotcha, thanks for straightening me out!
Inga, I do not appreciate the way she sexually charges her routine. She asks to be treated as a sex object and I want my daughters to want to be more than considered a piece of ass. Beyonce's performance suggests that she wants to be treated as a piece of ass rather than a singer of talent.
I understand with Madonna, that girl can't sing. What is she going to do? But Beyonce has talent. Instead of diaplaying that, she showed what a hootchie mama she can be.
Like our culture needs more random sexualization at every turn.
Tsk Tsk, Manboobs, tsk tsk.
I express my joy that you enjoyed the halftime show, and you get all negative. Learn to take a compliment, lunchbox. How humorless leftists are.
And I would have no interest in sloppy Jay Z seconds and the accompanying petri dish of STD's thanks. But thank you for your concern about my lovelife, it's truly touching.
Since I have never seen her before, I can assess the performance without bias.
A pretty stripper without a pole to swing around, singing tuneless dance songs.
Not impressed.
Some real talent instead of aged rockers or dancers masquerading as "singers" would be nice for a change.
garage mahal wrote:
Not to worry, she wouldn't fuck a loser like you in a million years anyway.
You seem really protective of Beyonce, are you related to her somehow?
As to what is objectionable, i think it's more to do with that kind of singing. She obviously can sing, but instead it's all about the titillation and acrobatics
Call me old fashioned, but if I'm getting that kind of entertainment I'd prefer it not be boring. Show some boob. Lick the nipples. Use whips and have wardrobe malfunctions in key areas. Don't go have assed with the porn routine.
They're gimmicks of flash to prevent her from actually having to perform without the 20 girls also scantily dressed doing hump me routines distracting from the potential lack of talent.
Beyonce is not the only act doing this. If you watched any of the News Year even celebration it was this over and over again. But it sucks.
So is Beyonce good? Well, she can do a jazzercise routine. But so can any girl who plays X Box Dance Central.
"I blew the body electric ..."
OK, perhaps I do not want to go there after all.
Beyonce tweeted "take that Mitches" after the election.. that is all I need to know. Fuck her and her ilk.
I had diarrhea during the half time show. Sounds like I won!
This was in new Orleans. There is no need to look any further when trying to assign blame for infrastructure failure.
Inga asks: What was her sin?
This --> pm317 said...
Beyonce tweeted "take that Mitches" after the election.. that is all I need to know. Fuck her and her ilk.
She emanates contempt for half the country. She is a highly visible person...a representative. That is her sin.
She emanates contempt for half the country. She is a highly visible person...a representative. That is her sin.
Especially surprising since an Imperial Court's entertainers are usually more circumspect in their interactions with the Subjects.
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