But you guys, in New York and Massachusetts (and #1, my home state, Delaware), you have rich pickings in the female-heavy disproportion, where you can continue to behave in ways that women will angst over in the pages of the New York Times, which the guys in North Dakota and Alaska and Wyoming probably don't read, but if they did, would they shed a tear for you?
Of course not. They're out in the fracking oil fields being sweaty and manly.... Oh, the sexy married life you could have together!
But the NYT would have you believe the men out there are a bunch of sexist louts.
Christina Knapp and a friend were drinking shots at a bar in a nearby town several weeks ago when a table of about five men called them over and made an offer.Stay in New York City, ladies. It's really low class out there in the hinterlands. It's not for you.
They would pay the women $3,000 to strip naked and serve them beer at their house while they watched mixed martial arts fights on television. Ms. Knapp, 22, declined, but the men kept raising the offer, reaching $7,000.
“I said I make more money doing my job than degrading myself to do that,” said Ms. Knapp, a tattoo artist with dark streaks in her light brown hair, a bird tattoo on her chest and piercings above her lip and left cheekbone.
Many [women in North Dakota] said they felt unsafe. Several said they could not even shop at the local Walmart without men following them through the store. Girls’ night out usually becomes an exercise in fending off obnoxious, overzealous suitors who often flaunt their newfound wealth.All the young, highly sexed single men are out there in North Dakota, but stay away! They're disgusting. It's gross!
“So many people look at you like you’re a piece of meat,” said Megan Dye, 28, a nearly lifelong Williston resident. “It’s disgusting. It’s gross.”
८५ टिप्पण्या:
Hey gals! If you need tuiton money for your Womyns' Study curriculum, spend a weekend in North Dakota with the sweaty sugar daddy of your dreams!
Thanks for going for this one.
I found this article in the NYT hilarious. Yet another front on the war against fossil fuel production.
Oil production oppresses women!
Not only are the men sexist louts, but if you want to go shopping -- if you can get past the rapists -- you'll be going to the local Walmart.
The women of NYC are continually soothed by the NYT, which assures them -- for all their angst and loneliness -- that they are much better off in NYC, where the men are loutish, but in a more hip way that seems like it could be an HBO show, and the stores are really good. Why don't you buy something for yourselves, girls?
"American Psycho". Hey, he'll murder you and prance around wearing your entrails, but the dinner and show beforehand? Soooooo worth it.
Friend of mine works out in ND in the fracking fields. Damn cold and windy this time of year. Lots of men, and there is such a demand for labor that the oil companies aren't looking too closely at background of their new hires. Police forces are also having trouble keeping up with hiring.
My friend works 3 weeks on, and comes home for about a week, and then returns. His wife and kids stay here. He says the money is really good, but it's not exactly a family atmosphere.
It is a vexing question for the lonely single women of New York City: why won't the men stick around and let me compete with and out do them while I continually berate them about how Neolithic they are?
It is a question only Ivey League grads are suited to ponder.
So, Althouse, do you think this article will set off a stampede of horny, single women headed to the oil fields?
Thar's gold in them thar hills!
I don't read it so I don't know, but is the NYT approving of the Sugar Daddy trend in NY Universities?
And, I'm curious as to what the stastistics are on sexual assaults in North Dakota vs NY City. Not curious enough to look them up, just in a 'I think writers of NYT articles have the vapors but are ignorant' way.
It does read like an article that started with a premise, and then found the quotes to back the premise up.
Gee, I don't know. Maybe Maureen Dowd could benefit from a good fracking.
Elizabeth Wurtzel needs to get her psycho ass out there and find a husband.
Or, maybe a dozen husbands!
I was just in Manhattan this weekend, and the "empowered" feminist women there are easy pickings. I actually am starting to notice the affects of the shift of more women than men attending college, as most women don't "fuck down." The ironclad laws of supply and demand are in full effect: Single men with educations are prized, while all the women put out and the market oversaturated. The sexual revolution has made women worthless.
If you have an advanced degree and a decent hairline you can have your pick of them. Hell, you don't even have to buy them drinks anymore. Enjoy your equality Julia's.
I just want to be the first to say that if any group of 20-something young women will pay me to strip naked, serve beer, and watch mixed martial arts, I can be bought for much less than $7000.00.
I must say that I find watching the mixed martial arts to be the most degrading part of the whole deal, however.
Christina Knapp and a friend were drinking shots at a bar in a nearby town several weeks ago when a table of about five men called them over and made an offer.
Shot drinking chicks usually put out. Just sayin'.
The NYT is hilariously insular.
"High heels and skirts are as rare around here as veggie burgers."
Oh noes! They eat meat too!
Amateur anthropology at its finest.
Too many young, single guys with lots of money in an isolated place who don't mind their manners......a phenomonon that has only happened in every other boomtown area in world history.
@Mitchell the Bat, that was Dowd-fracking hilarious!
"Ms. Knapp, a tattoo artist with dark streaks in her light brown hair, a bird tattoo on her chest and piercings above her lip and left cheekbone."
Haha she's worried about being degraded.
Haha she's worried about being degraded.
Paul, unless her nipples and labia are pierced, she's practically a virgin!
"I must say that I find watching the mixed martial arts to be the most degrading part of the whole deal, however."
And here I had you picked for a true Philistine--an educated Philistine, mind you--but a fellow Philistine in good-standing, nonetheless. Sadly, with this revelation my world is now a lesser place...sigh..
I finally looked at that map of unmarried men Althouse links to.
The damned map has an erection!
"Paul, unless her nipples and labia are pierced, she's practically a virgin!"
They could be, but the ones on her face are for the world to see. They have the twin distinctions of being both grotesque and an advertisement for unoriginality and following the trends of the herd.
I had the same thought as Mom-Jeans, that the feminazis have run most of the men out of places like Gotham, but, give it 5 years, and the guys in the fracking fields will be buying and selling those broads who refuse to "marry down" .
Shouting Thomas said...
So, Althouse, do you think this article will set off a stampede of horny, single women headed to the oil fields?
Thar's gold in them thar hills!
Black Gold, Texas Tea.
Hey, that's why the first women went to CA (and NV and CO and MT).
Did anyone notice that the male, female relationship became one of "us against them" around, ohh, the 70s?
Did anyone notice that male behaviour - meaning anything that wasn't female behaviour - became "neanderthal" about the same time?
Has anyone noticed that our entertainment sources now all revolve their stories around detached sex?
Are women swapping shots in a bar expecting to meet stable, balanced, considerate, hard working males with family aspirations there?
Progressives never calculate the cost of change beyond their immediate desire for that which they want changed. They are like a chess player that can only see to a depth of one move.
Cultural chicness is often contradictory to cultural health.
"So, Althouse, do you think this article will set off a stampede of horny, single women headed to the oil fields?"
No, I think it will set off a stampede of horny, single women headed in groups to restaurants and bars in NYC and Boston to gab about stampeding hornily out to North Dakota to fuck a lot of hot-looking men and then find, amongst them, the love of their life to make beautiful babies with and love them until they day they die. Then, they'll stagger home, cry, sleep, sober up, look at their city and faux-realize how deeply in love and married to it they are.
NYT women want to be valued for their minds, by men.
It's the estrogen running wild.
"Shot drinking chicks usually put out. Just sayin'."
So... if the lady from NYC who wants a hot husband to fuck her and love her for the rest of her life goes to North Dakota and orders a glass of beer and sips it....
Will that work?
Putting aside looks the most appealing trait a woman can posses, and the hardest to find, is the ability to be happy, show it and return to it regularly without delay.
Not all men look for this, but if you are such a girl, you better be looking for him, or the guy you get will never work out.
No, I think it will set off a stampede of horny, single women headed in groups to restaurants and bars in NYC and Boston to gab about stampeding hornily out to North Dakota to fuck a lot of hot-looking men and then find, amongst them, the love of their life to make beautiful babies with and love them until they day they die. Then, they'll stagger home, cry, sleep, sober up, look at their city and faux-realize how much deeply in love and married to it they are.
That's so very, very true. Then again, these overeducated Americans seem to have lost much of the "Go west, young man!" spirit. It used to be understood that if you were where the men/women/jobs/money weren't, you went to where they were, if that was what you really wanted out of life. If you want a job, go to where the jobs are. If you want a husband, go to where the marriage-material men are. Why are these women not willing to question the idea that being over-educated, underemployed, and single in the Northeast is unequivocally better than being bedded, wedded, and making some blue-collar cash in North Dakota, or Texas, or where have you? So bizarre.
To produce the things that make our civilization work, you have to have access to capital, and a finance industry to supply it. You also need roughnecks to work the dirty end of the business. I'll bet the people of North Dakota understand this. I'll bet the people of Manhattan largely don't.
(I've spent quite a bit of time in both North Dakota and Manhattan. People in both places can be provincial, but in NY they are condescendingly provincial)
Living in the 'outback' of North Eastern California, the sticks, the boontulies, the back end of nowhere, the end of the road, where all of the knuckle dragging neanderthal men and women mindlessly drool and pick banjos from the trees and where no sane NYC urbanite would deign to go [thank you btw....we don't want you]......I can affirm that any woman who was out either alone or with other young women pounding down double shots and dressed as such: tattoo artist with dark streaks in her light brown hair, a bird tattoo on her chest and piercings above her lip and left cheekbone. , might just as well have a neon sign over their heads with a big arrow screaming WHORE, PROSTITUTE, EASY PIECE OF ASS.
Are there going to be bad elements in a town full of hormonal young and horny men. You betcha!! Deal with it women.
Rules to live by in fly over country (or actually anywhere).
1. Don't dress and act like a slut or whore. You might be treated like one. Walks like a duck etc.
2. Remember that no one is invincible. You aren't protected by an invisible shield of feminism. No one cares. So your snotty superior attitude isn't going to play very well with anyone, men or women.
3. Be polite and friendly to everyone and stop sneering down your pierced and tattooed nose.
4. Don't tease the natives. Especially the horny guys ready to go off on a hair trigger. It isn't a game. Remember number 2. Cock tease is a dangerous game and you will lose in N Dakota.
5. If you are really afraid of being alone or in the bars......don't go out alone....don't go to the bars alone dressed like a slut. Go out with some friends and even some guy friends.
6. If you are approached by a creep in a public place, and yes it will happen, stand your ground. You will be surprised that unlike much of NYC or other urban areas, there is still a strong streak of chivalry in the men and in the women and you WILL be protected.
7. Most of those single guys are just lonely. Give them respect and they will give it to you. They work hard. Really hard. (If they are married, tell them to fuck off.)
There is much more. And ladies, if you are looking for a longer term relationship, gifts of cake and cookies are always appreciated and may just take you out of the easy lay, one night stand category. /wink
NY people actually believe that everyone not surrounded by 50 stories of glass are Honey Boo Boos, and that does make them feel good. It's a consolation prize for not getting the big one.
Is this more of that women doing their ruminating thing?
This article highlights, again, for me why I'm happy with My Filipino Baby.
Fred has a few things to say on this subject... again.
How is it that men as a percentage of single people starts at the 52% range and goes up to 56%?
Has lesbian marriage become that popular?
Probably a coincidence, but a surprising number of single women I know in their late 20s to late 30s have taken seasonal jobs in Alaska.
Then, they'll stagger home, cry, sleep, sober up, look at their city and faux-realize how deeply in love and married to it they are.
And then one will write a New Yorker piece about the whole experience.
That's really depressing. If I wasn't looking forward to finding a bottle of Balcones tonight I'd be really down.
By the way, is faux-realization distributive? I mean, will they be deeply in faux-love, and faux-married to it? Will it result in faux fucking?
@ Paddy
Awwww. What a great picture of you and your baby!! Puts a smile on my face.
So... if the lady from NYC who wants a hot husband to fuck her and love her for the rest of her life goes to North Dakota and orders a glass of beer and sips it....
Will that work?
Make it a Chardonnay and maybe it'll work.
I worked in the GeoThermal drilling boom in the early 80's. A rip-snorting good time was always available at the "Lodge" where bj's in the bathroom could be had for a couple drinks or lines of coke. Outsiders were beat to a pulp if they ever disrespected any of "our" ladies.
It's nice to sit in the warm comfort of a liberal college town with a housebroken footwarmer and disparage NYC women for their scorn of the blue collar. Western boom towns are about hard work, hard partying, fighting and hookers. It's like a combat zone without the killing and mucho more money. Unless you have lived it yourself, you might want to move out of the glass house as a starter.
Ain't modern feminism grand?
Why are these women not willing to question the idea that being over-educated, underemployed, and single in the Northeast is unequivocally better than being bedded, wedded, and making some blue-collar cash in North Dakota, or Texas, or where have you?
Because they saw it on that show with the 4 sluts on TV.
And it was glamorous!
If you want a husband, go to where the marriage-material men are.
If you are a single, educated, professional woman in New York doing a job that can really only be done there (say, Network News Producer) and you want to meet a nice man - try going to church. Even an Episcopal Church.
Of course it helps if your parents raised you in the habit of attending church weekly - it just feels so much more natural then.
There isn't much competiton for nice men from nice, educated, professional women in churches these days.
Especially in Episcopal churches.
I moved from LA to Montana in 1975 to play music in a house band, and there were a lot of oil workers flying back and forth between MT and the North Slope. They were mostly tradesmen helping to build the pipeline. They were rolling in money, great customers, buying cars and starting their own contracting businesses.
They were great guys, and though they came on to me nothing got out of hand. But that was a much tamer time. Even then, I was afraid to go to places like Williston where more of the action was.
Guys are much more overstimulated now, thanks to online porn and new pharmaceuticals, and I wouldn't be surprised if things were a little more out of hand in the oil patch than back then.
But there are other places away from the industry that are worth checking out.
Howard: This boom in the Bakken, I am told, is not quite as wild as the old days. Heavy drug and alcohol testing, cramped quarters, work work work. That is not to say it would not appear to be the wild west for some pussy from NY.
Conserve Liberty: Now if you want a same sex marriage and are looking for a husband the Episcopal Church is absolutely the place to go to find a mate. Gays and Grays.
If the envirofascists didn't have such a death grip in New York, where the Marcellus shale contains, at a minimum, 200 billion dollarsworth of recoverable natural gas, those New York City gals would only have to travel upstate to find good fracking love.
Thanks, DBQ!
It's a picture from our Christmas on the Oregon Coast. Great memories and a pic that gives me perspective whenever I comment.
It's just inflation.
Feminism did women what Obama is doing to the dollar.
Manhattan already printed their trillion dollar coin when it comes to dating.
Enjoy your free birth control ladies, you are going to need it.
"Guys are much more overstimulated now, thanks to online porn and new pharmaceuticals ...." -- Carol
Oh, please! You sound like a post-menopausal woman steeped in feminst conventional wisdom. Granted, relations between the sexes has changed over the last 40 years, but that is hardly due to porn and Viagra. Yeesh! The popularity of the former is more a symptom of the breakdown than a cause, and the development of the latter is due to the aging of the baby-boomers coupled with the need for men to compensate for the growing obesity of women. Some here may recall that recently there was a study that found that a narrow waist in a woman has the same effect on a man as Viagra.
"Rules to live by in fly over country (or actually anywhere)."
Rule # 8: If you want to meet a man for the sex, you meet him at a bar. If you want a man to marry you, you meet him at church.
Don't take me wrong! I've lived in TX for (now) fifteen years. I have noticed that the "good men" usually meet their wives at a church or some family/friends gathering (and not too often at a bar), and then by the time they go to work at the oil fields they're married and have a little one or two. I met many couples who met at church and married before he ever went to the "hard sweat" jobs. My neighbors were married young, before he went to work at oil fields in Africa and Asia.
Perhaps the reason why the single women are complaining right now is because, sadly, most of the "good men", the "men you want to marry and have cute babies with", are now off the market. And what are they left with from which to choose? "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?"
There are exceptions, though. A friend of mine was with some single friends at a bar in one of Texas' coastal cities years ago when she saw a man seating alone, his clothes mismatched. She somewhat felt compelled to approach him and ask if he wanted to join them at their table. She did ask him, and he did join them at the table.
It turns out this man was the answer to her prayers. He worked in a very profitable field (the maritime industry) with my husband and was the single father of a daughter. Curious: she was the single mother of a daughter - a year younger than his. When they told each other their stories, it got curiouser: both were divorced because of serious marital offenses from their previous partners - infidelity and parental neglect, and domestic violence.
Yep, they married. They had two more kids. She got a Catholic annulment of her first disaster of a "marriage", and then they had their wedding Mass. My daughter was one of the flower girls.
And they lived happily ever after. The End.
Gee, I don't know. Maybe Maureen Dowd could benefit from a good fracking.
Dude, that's gross. I wouldn't frack her with your rig.
Guys never act that way in NYC. Well, only toward other guys.
As the father of a heavily tattooed, multiply pierced and multi-colored hair daughter, I can promise you that not everyone who looks like that is a tramp or a slut.
It is a lifestyle choice on how they want to look and how they perceive the world (one I don't particularly care for, but she is an adult and it was her choice).
However, I also have advised her multiple times that she has to be aware of the environment she is in, and that her choices have limited where she can live and be easily accepted for who and what she is.
Austin is fine, as would be, say, SF, Seattle, and other such cities, but when she told me she was thinking of moving to Alabama with a friend of hers, I sat her down and talked her out of that.
p.s. - to break another stereotype, she comes from a fairly conservative set of parents, and is also herself fairly conservative. You shouldn't judge books by their cover.
What kind of woman respond to five men calling them over to their table?
The guys should play sugar daddies to NYC's co-eds. Cheaper.
p.s. - to break another stereotype, she comes from a fairly conservative set of parents, and is also herself fairly conservative. You shouldn't judge books by their cover.
Then you probably shouldn't judge Alabama by its cover.
As a single man on the east coast I am SICK of these women. I have lived in DC for 15 yrs. I moved here in my 20's and I have dated every insecure, batshit crazy woman who has the ideal man in her mind but never dates him.
When I was in my 30's, getting serious and talking marriage made me weird. I had so many dates tell me that I was way too serious for them. Now in my early 40's I have women telling me men are all pigs.
I can't win. Maybe I need to move to the Midwest.
It is a lifestyle choice on how they want to look and how they perceive the world (one I don't particularly care for, but she is an adult and it was her choice).
Then she has to deal with how HER lifestyle choice is perceived by the rest of the world. Two way street, doncha know.
The lifestyle choices of OTHER people and how they view her is just as valid as hers to modify her body in ways that to others shout out unflattering things about her character and morals. Whether those things are correct, and she is conservative, is immaterial. Learn to recognize that first impressions count.
But you guys, in New York and Massachusetts (and #1, my home state, Delaware), you have rich pickings in the female-heavy disproportion
You misread the map. Even in these states there are more young single men than young single women - the ratio is just not as bad (or as good, depending on your POV) as it is in the West.
Same thing Paddy O noted.
All 50 States are listed but there's not some below 50% and some above, rather ALL are above 50%! (52% and up)
How can it be?
...and all the children are above average.
How is it that men as a percentage of single people starts at the 52% range and goes up to 56%?
Because there are more men than women in the US in all the younger age cohorts. (This is a reversal of the way things were in the 60's and 70's.)
Delaware plunged to last place the same year I escaped from there for the Republic of Texas. Coincidence? (Where did you go to high school, professor? I'm Mount Pleasant.)
In NY they are just as bad, but they wear a suit and went to Harvard (so, s'ok!)!
Paddy, I was thinking Alaska when I was reading this myself. I was listening to a podcast and a guest was a reporter who worked in Juno for sometime. She loved Alaska and dating there (her uncle told her, don't be put off by dirty fingernails - he's probably a rich salmon fisherman). She spoke in glowing details about living there with the only negative being the light issues (dark winters, light summers). I thought, that sounds nothing like what NY Magazine told me Alaska was like. According to NY Magazine, it's a shitty state filled with meth-heads.
New Yorkers are assholes (and I live here.)
I bet $2500/month will get you more than a cramped one bedroom apartment out west also.
All 50 States are listed but there's not some below 50% and some above, rather ALL are above 50%! (52% and up)
How can it be?
Quite easily. More boys than girls are born each year in the US. This is exacerbated by the fact that we have a lot of immigration - and immigrants are disproportionately male.
Much is written about the "female shortage" in China, but it's actually a phenomenon common to many countries.
Does that map presume that all single men are heterosexual?
What is the incidence of homosexuality in men as opposed to in women?
I bet the ratios would be even more skewed if you adjusted for the fact that states with a higher percentage of urban dwellers vs. rural dwellers have a higher proportion of gays among the male population (they move to cities because its easier to find a sexual partner, according to one Dan Savage).
A few people have pointed to the fact that according to the map single men outnumber single women in every state...but you also have to consider population.
From the 2010 census, the population of Massachusetts is 8 times the population of North Dakota...and it's 25-34 year old population is 10 times as large. If you assume half of people in that demographic are single (just to pick a random number), then Massachusetts would actually have 193,000 more single men than North Dakota even though Massachusetts has a lower percentage.
So basically, your odds might be slightly worse, but your selection is much bigger. Which you prefer probably depends on what you're looking for.
Census data here:
@Ron F
Does that map presume that all single men are heterosexual?
What is the incidence of homosexuality in men as opposed to in women?
I bet the ratios would be even more skewed if you adjusted for the fact that states with a higher percentage of urban dwellers vs. rural dwellers have a higher proportion of gays among the male population (they move to cities because its easier to find a sexual partner, according to one Dan Savage).
No. The number of homosexual men is not significant enough to skew the numbers.
Unknown said...
As a single man on the east coast I am SICK of these women. I have lived in DC for 15 yrs. I moved here in my 20's and I have dated every insecure, batshit crazy woman who has the ideal man in her mind but never dates him.
When I was in my 30's, getting serious and talking marriage made me weird. I had so many dates tell me that I was way too serious for them. Now in my early 40's I have women telling me men are all pigs.
I can't win. Maybe I need to move to the Midwest.
A firned had a similar story. Single until 41 in DC, he marrried about 1.5 years ago and his wife had a baby yesterday. He bought himself a tux and attended charity events when he didn't have something else planned. There are all kinds of openings, political events, and NGO mixers, etc. He had many dates and much fun through this process, although he met his eventual wife online.
Keep going and give everyone a chance.
Nathan Alexander said...
@Ron F
Does that map presume that all single men are heterosexual?
What is the incidence of homosexuality in men as opposed to in women?
About 2% of women and 4% of men are homosexual. So there is a slight imbalance for that reason.
"Too many young, single guys with lots of money in an isolated place who don't mind their manners......a phenomonon that has only happened in every other boomtown area in world history."
In every other boomtown era they had brothels to "take care" of them. We don't give any any outlet for that energy these days. It is as if we pretend we aren't human with normal human desires. I think it is a mistake not to have some sort of socially acceptable mechanism for providing for that particular issue when there is a woman behind every tree but the nearest tree is 50 miles away.
"[Alaska]'s a shitty state filled with meth-heads and Sarah Palin."
Sarah Palin was an extremely popular governor, one of the most popular in history. She had over 80% approval, stood up to big oil and the "old boy network" of the Republican party. Democrats and Republicans loved her ... right up until the second she accepted the nomination and then two things happened:
1. "News" about her started making the rounds being reported as truth that turned out to be false.
2. She was viciously villainized.
What happened to Palin is an absolute disgrace to the journalism trade and the Democratic Party. It was disgusting. Anyone continuing that meme today gets absolutely zero respect from me.
Much is written about the "female shortage" in China, but it's actually a phenomenon common to many countries.
It's a female shortage by design.
I laugh because someday soon it's going to bite them in the ass when they have no one to take care of their own "boomers."
Random thoughts:
DBQ rule 8a: One may not find the woman of your dreams in an church, but her mother in likely to be there and looking for SIL's
My experience in bars offpost major Army bases is that a woman need only befriend the Bartender (and we're talking smiles here, not BJ's), one or two locals and not dress like a slut to be perfectly safe and be escorted anywhere she needs to go safely (e.g. to the ladies room, her car, etc). Specificly, it's the, "Nobody fucks with our friends rule". Genericly, there is a LOT of chivalry left in Red state America as long as you engage with first it while sober...
DBQ knows where Paradise is, Paradise California that is....
Near the end of my single period, I was staioned in central Texas, Ft Hood to be exact. My quip about Killeen is that there were no single women above 18 in Killeen that could read and write. AT 18, all the girls got married or moved to Dallas... It was a very dry spell. Met my wife when I moved to Target rich New Jersey...
DBQ knows where Paradise is, Paradise California that is..
Why, yes I DO. My daughter was born there. How cool is it for the rest of your life to put your birthplace on official forms....Paradise.
Drill Sgt has is right. Make friends, dress appropriately, act nicely. Yes.. there is a lot of chivalry and 'we look after our own' sentiment in the Red States. You also can see it in some local neighborhood pubs in some big cities such as San Francisco where there still is the feeling of a small town neighborhood in such establishments.
Well, if your love is NYC first you can screw whoever you want, have whomever's baby, keep your Breakfast at Tiffiny's job until you get old. Then you can host parties that are everybody's second or third choice for their night out or better yet spend half the night on the phone with other waxed out wish-i-had-not-thought-i-was-so-bold but still have to wear heals worn-outs picking another third-rate party to arrive late too.
Or get to Dakota and get laid.
Or for kicks, live somewhere fucking normal and just have fun.
Just sayin.....
As if the married men in expensive suits on Amtrak who give you their business card and tell you that they keep apartments in the city and are available for dinner are somehow less predatorial or disgusting.
I did my time in NYC. The women there just prefer wealthy exploiters so that they can delude themselves that the "relationships" are mutually beneficial.
At least the ND guys are honest about the whoring part.
As if the married men in expensive suits on Amtrak who give you their business card and tell you that they keep apartments in the city and are available for dinner are somehow less predatorial or disgusting.
I did my time in NYC. The women there just prefer wealthy exploiters so that they can delude themselves that the "relationships" are mutually beneficial.
At least the ND guys are honest about the whoring part.
As if the married men in expensive suits on Amtrak who give you their business card and tell you that they keep apartments in the city and are available for dinner are somehow less predatorial or disgusting.
I did my time in NYC. The women there just prefer wealthy exploiters so that they can delude themselves that the "relationships" are mutually beneficial.
At least the ND guys are honest about the whoring part.
Can't you see the virtual <sarcasm> tags there? I'm not trying to "continue the meme", I'm trying to say the outrageous media treatment of Palin is of a piece with the "shitty state filled w/meth-heads" slur.
Did anyone else read this article, and then go check rental prices in Bismarck, ND? Because I did. :D
In all seriousness, though, this doesn't surprise me too much. I was born and raised in Chicago, and the vast majority of the single men I met there just didn't seem--for lack of a better word--competent.
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