২৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

"Senators keep 2016 in focus as Hillary Clinton grilled on Benghazi."

"You will be sorely missed, but I, for one, hope not for too long," said the Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, and "I wish you the best in your future endeavors — mostly," said Republican Rep. Steve Chabot.

I don't picture Hillary Clinton as the candidate in 2016. Someone new will emerge. The Democrats gravitate toward youth (even as the Republicans duly cede the candidacy to the next oldie in line).

৪৭টি মন্তব্য:

Sorun বলেছেন...

Who's the "next oldie in line"?

Farmer বলেছেন...

LOL. It's going to be "duly ceded" to Joe Biden and he will bring holy hell down on anyone who tries to snatch it from his grasp.

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

I don't picture Hillary Clinton as the candidate in 2016

I don't either.

She's got a glass jaw, and runs to men to bail her out when she's in trouble.

Plus, she's a do-nothing Senator and a complete failure as SoS.

edutcher বলেছেন...

If the best the Demos have is the Hildabeast and Halo Joe, with Andy Cuomo in the bullpen, we will see a Republican President in '16.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

even as the Republicans duly cede the candidacy to the next oldie in line

I wouldn't count on that.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

There was a time when I would've never believed that a person with such a badly besmirched record as Hillary would have had any kind of a shot. Now I don't know. Despite the colossal screw up of Benghazi there are still a bunch of media people and politicians praising her as the bestest SoS evar! And I'm not convinced that a majority the American voters are smart enough to see through the pig through the lipstick.

Jim in PA বলেছেন...

What planet are you living on?

I was born in '75 and as far as I can tell, the Democratic Party more-or-less stopped recruiting new leaders after '68. Obama is the exception. You get past him and who do you have? Biden, Hillary, Gore, Reid, Schummer, Murray, Boxer, Feinstein, Durbin, Kerry, Pelosi, Hoyer, Moonbeam Brown. All white. All over 60. Even the new face, Fraud Warren, is a summer-of-love retread. The freshest face they have is Andrew Cuomo he's in his mid 50's. Don't tell anyone, but the Democratic Party is the party of old, white, baby boomers. Sooner or later people are going to start to figure that out.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

lol. lIke it matters now.

This just in Nakoula Nakoula was arrested for perfectly legal free speech. ACLU says nothing.

Enjoy the decline, bitches!

chickelit বলেছেন...

Hillary girded POTUS's sword yesterday, sheathing it to the hilt. She is a complete tool enabler. It will hard to get off that position.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

John Kerry?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Who's the "next oldie in line"?"

I'm sure they'll trip over him, eventually, as they grope around in the dark on their way to the next failure.

Maybe somebody will butt in like like George W. Bush and have a shot at winning.

mccullough বলেছেন...

The Dems need to go with Corey Booker or Julian Castro. Fresh face mayors of not quite large cities.

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

Best l ine I ever heard about Shrillary was uttered by Dennis Miller in the 2008 campaign. When Obama gets intense--as in the recent Inaugural Address, I tuned out the words--and simply hear shouting. When Hillary gets intense--as she frequently did in the 2008 campaign--you can hear shrieking.

After listening to one such clip of Mrs. Clinton, Dennis Miller said, "She sounds like my first ex-wife".

As for the Farmer's observation that old Slow Joe Biden will bring "holy hell" down on any opposition; I remind him that in one of his runs at the Presidency, Slow Joe got a grand total of 7.000 votes among all voters in the entire country. Let's just say that Slow Joe will bring a limp stick to the contest.

Icepick বলেছেন...

Republicans aren't going to win in 2016. Florida is now a blue state as far as the Presidency goes. The gubernatorial races are in off-years, and from a geographic perspective it is still largely red, so they can hold the state legislature. But there are too many Puerto Ricans, New Yorkers, Jamaicans, Haitians, Mexicans, Guatemalans and Cubans here now. (Young Cubans skew Democratic. The old conservative Cubans will be a weaker force in 2016 than they were in 2012.) As far as the presidency goes the state is never going to vote for a Republican again.

So the Republicans start off by ceding most of the large states to the Dems: California, New York, Florida, Illinois. That's 133 Electoral College votes that the Dems barely have to work for. (They'll still have to put in work in Florida, but it is ultimately in the bag. By 2024 they won't have to work any harder for Florida than they will for Mass.)

Throw in a bunch of other smaller solid blue states and the Dems just don't have to work that hard to get to the 270 needed to win. The Republicans can't even hold the South anymore (NC and VA are going increasingly Democratic), and thanks to giving Mexicans the franchise the Republicans are likely to have to fight for Texas as soon as 2020, and may well start losing it then, too.

Face it, Republicans, you've lost. This was your last chance to win and you blew it. The Dems are working towards a one-party state, and it's only about 15 more years before they get it, max. Then we'll start looking more and more like North Korea.

garage mahal বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Big Mike বলেছেন...

Maybe somebody will butt in like like George W. Bush and have a shot at winning.

Maybe so. Maybe so.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Netanyahu will run against Chuck Hagel. That seems to be the trajectory of both parties. Far far right, and center right.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

as the Republicans duly cede the candidacy to the next oldie in line

Maybe Rubio can work up some gray in his hair.

Strelnikov বলেছেন...

Biden in 2016! Run, Joe, run!!

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

It's a 2 party system. Wherever the middle is, the two parties will balance around it. The things you are hearing about the end of the GOP are just the sound of the readjustment.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) বলেছেন...

Folks, the real action is out here in the states, where the Republicans keep winning, and those Republicans are increasingly conservative. With the exception of New Hampshire nearly all of the Republican state legislature gains of 2010 were held and consolidated.

Out here in Kansas RINO state senators were routed in the primaries and conservative Republicans now hold 32 of 40 Senate seats. The Assembly even moreso. Amongst other things they will change how our state's supreme court justices are appointed. Presently the Bar Association (very liberal) offers three names to the governor, one of which (s)he must pick. That's gonna change.

And so it goes across the nation. Republican states are generally running budget surpluses and doing rather well. Democrat states are struggling, and Democrat cities are a disaster.

As arithmetic catches up with DC it won't matter who's there.

Brew Master বলেছেন...

The GOP 'next in line' has been pretty obvious for most of my lifetime, with few exceptions.

I'm really curious as to who people think is 'next' for 2016?

Santorum? Gingrich? Perry?

Who was Romney's main challenger that bowed out last? (I frankly don't even remember).

edutcher বলেছেন...

Theoretically, it's Perry (I think he can prove he was on pain meds for his back surgery), but I don't see him lusting to run. And there are a lot of young guns in the Republican Party, most of them governors.

After Andy Cuomo who's young among the Demos?

Chris Christie?

PS Anybody see this article?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Cory Booker didn't kowtow enough, he's on the outs with the party.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Math always wins, it's all gonna collapse.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

(even as the Republicans duly cede the candidacy to the next oldie in line)

Yep, they sure do go for seniority. The Donks have done well picking relatively unknown younger folks (Carter, Clinton, Obama) and letting the MSM do the selling.

bleh বলেছেন...

Rand Paul is fairly obviously preparing to run in 2016. Depending on how the next two years go, he may end up being the favorite. I can't think of an oldie whose "turn" it is. Maybe Jeb?

I see an open and young field of candidates, which will include Paul, Rubio, Ryan, and Christie. Yes, Christie will mend fences and demonstrate his conservative bona fides before then.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Wasn't that the laughter she tried out early in the 2008 campaign and was never going to do again?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Christie & gun control - no bona fides. He's a Northerner.

Jim বলেছেন...

The GOP will have the more interesting primary in '16, for sure. Christie will run, as will Santorum and probably Ryan. Gingrich may not be able to help himself, either. My guess is that 2016 will see the return of Huckabee as well. I wonder who will be the ankle-biting also-rans in the mold of Michelle Bachmann and Duncan Hunter?

ricpic বলেছেন...

Andrew Cuomo will be the Dems candidate in 2016. He's doing all the right things from their perspective, made an orgasmic anti-gun speech and then rammed through a law that essentially nullifies the 2nd Amendment in NY State. Has kissed enviros' ass by dragging his feet on fracking,in effect killing it in NY. He's their next golden boy.

machine বলেছেন...

This "article"?!


and "commentary" at that...

Does Dick "the Genius" Morris still write for them?

lge বলেছেন...

"I will follow your future career with interest" -- you social-climbing, power-tripping, peasant-scolding, Evita-clone pissant, dilettante, moron!

edutcher বলেছেন...

Jim said...

The GOP will have the more interesting primary in '16, for sure. Christie will run

If he does, it will be as a Demo.

Nobody likes him in the Republican Party and I think he could knock off Andy Cuomo.

PS The mindless automaton said nothing about the article, itself.

I wonder why?

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

It's funny seeing so many people focused on '16, when we haven't even had '14 yet. Anyone trying to predict what the political conditions in '14 (let alone '16) will look like must have converted one of those creaky climage change models to political use. Unfortunately, they are no good at predicating the direction of climate change and are even less good at predicting the direction of political change.

As for Hillary, a primary battle between he and Biden would be a sight to behold, but I doubt it will happen. That 'back to the future' stuff doesn't even work for Hollywood anymore.

Mitch H. বলেছেন...

The Dems need to go with Corey Booker or Julian Castro. Fresh face mayors of not quite large cities.

You mean like Ray Nagin? The thing about young politicians with limited experience is that oftentimes the other shoe hasn't dropped yet, or they haven't had time to be tested to destruction by the temptations of power.

sakredkow বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Anthony বলেছেন...

Hey, the Democrats still have Jerry Brown. He's run in most of the open Democratic primary since the 1970s, and some against an incumbent.

And he might even have some budget-balancing experience to crow about.

Methadras বলেছেন...

4 years is a long time to wait to get crowned as the DNC puppet.

Jim বলেছেন...

I forgot that some people only love Christie when he's screaming at teachers on Youtube. Obviously, the fact that he doesn't think we should be discriminating against judges based on their religion nor using natural disasters to attack the President disqualifies him completely.

test বলেছেন...

Jim said...
using natural disasters to attack the President disqualifies him completely.

How strange. A lefty seems to think using natural disasters to attack a president is a bad thing. I wonder where he was after Katrina?

McTriumph বলেছেন...

Hillary once again finds herself as the female apologist for a lying Dem president, stand by your man you pathetic woman.

Jim বলেছেন...

You build a pretty shitty straw man, Marshal. I don't toe the tea party line, so I'm automatically a lefty. Far from it. I didn't attack Bush after Katrina. I did criticize incompetence in bureaucracies at the city and state level, which were run by Democrats. Good effort at checking off all your snarky "lefty hypocrisy" boxes, though.

test বলেছেন...

Jim said...
I don't toe the tea party line, so I'm automatically a lefty

No. It's the fact that you manage to misunderstand every fact you base your conclusion on, all from the perspective of the far left.

ampersand বলেছেন...

The Democrats gravitate toward youth (even as the Republicans duly cede the candidacy to the next oldie in line).

Maybe the Republican establishment will nominate her. They're really stupid that way.

n.n বলেছেন...

The evidence suggests that Obama, along with his benefactors, plays the Chicago game better than Clinton. She lost in 2008, and unless there is cataclysmic change (i.e. more than a couple of degrees), then she, and Americans, will lose again in 2016.

Anthony Hopper বলেছেন...

I'm not sure that Clinton will want to run in 2016.