২৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

"Obama Will Include Same-Sex Couples In Immigration Plan."

That's your cue, Republicans, to say something stupid. He's roping you in. Come on. You can't resist!

৩৯৫টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   395 এর 201 – থেকে 395
Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Is Titus really Thomas the valet?

No. Thomas isn't out. Yet.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

I've explained at some length, Freeman.

I don't care whether the Republican Party lives or dies. It, just like the Democratic Party, does not represent my or my family's self-interest.

That would be stopping illegal immigration because it diminishes the earning power of low skill workers. I still have people in my family that fit that description, gay or not.

So, the continued description of the self-interest of my family as "stupid," is, so far as I can see, a continuing effort to make sure that no political party will represent that self-interest.

As I said, this has been a dilemma I've been confronted with for 45 years. My and my family's self-interest is always, particularly in the eyes of academics, "stupid."

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Do I have to lay it out for you?
Althouse's son wants to marry a wetback and then join the Boy Scouts.
All the clues are there, if you know where to look.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

So Freeman, "that's your cue, republicans, say something stupid"

That's just an entertaining way of saying, "a soundbite is expected, and a soundbite will be delivered." Accurate.

plus her other comments didn't make it clear why people would accuse her of trolling her own blog?

Her other comments point out that it's a trap, which it is, and that the issue is a loser, which it is. Those bits are true regardless of what one thinks of gay marriage.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

This tactic, i.e., describing my and my family's self-interest as "stupid" ... really how else can I respond to it except to say:

So, I'm stupid! Fuck off and die a painful death!

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Nothing is more disingenuous than a liberal quoting the constitution under this administration.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Who the hell wants to be married anyway? Everyone I know that's married has either been divorced at least once or is currently unhappy.

I am. 19 years. Happily. To a real woman. And most of the people I know fall into this category.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Freeman: I've opposed the mechanics of lawmaking that Althouse has defended on this issue. My first response to her on this thread was a challenge as to whether the writer of her linked article was accurate.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...
Okay, someone just go ahead and break it down for me: why does this post make people mad at Althouse?

Perhaps these comments:

"Get over it, righties.

You lost this one."

"Get on with your lives.

Leave the gays alone."

First of all, the homosexual rights stuff is simply not important to most people. Do you have any idea how far in debt this country is? Of course you do. Ask youself this, why is she so insistent on rubbing righties, (or whatever boogeymen she imagines) faces in it. She comes off as bitter.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I don't think the intention was to call people stupid for having different opinions on gay marriage. I think the intent was to call hard charging on this loser political issue stupid. Politically stupid. And it is. The hill has been taken. Why run back and die on it?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"My constitutional law professor was a gay man and a lot of his scholarship was about that sort of thing, but he was nevertheless an extremely good and fair professor. Some professors are able to keep their politics out of the classroom."

I really think your experience may be an outlier. When I took Con Law II, my extremely liberal professor was horrified that he had to give me the book award. Straight up highest score on the exam, exam being 100% of the grade for the course.

I may have written the essay portions of the final from the perspective of an African American female (thanks blind grading! or should I say anonymous grading, wouldn't want to offend those of different sight).

Also, undergraduates get brow-beaten and indoctrinated at a much higher degree than law students. Being a bit older and more worldly, you are less inclined to take what they say as gospel, and at any rate are in a much stronger position to defend yourself or make trouble with the administration when they do try and pull shit.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

First of all, the homosexual rights stuff is simply not important to most people.

If that was true SSL would be the law of the land.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

"Get over it, righties.

You lost this one."

"Get on with your lives.

Leave the gays alone."

Okay, maybe the disagreement stems from having different reads on this. I read it as playful teasing. Other people read it, I think, as, "Screw you."

Colonel Angus বলেছেন...

The Democrats aren't immune, but it is ridiculous to say that they don't care about people.

They care about people to the extent they can maintain a dependent constituency that will continually pull the D lever. Naturally the party is supported by good liberels who hold the belief that much of that constituency is too dumb, incapable or unwilling to provide for themselves.

The Democrat Party is much like the heartstricken mother whose kid moved out of the house who then is overjoyed when he or she has to move back in because they need mommy again and she once again has purpose.

Without a dependent constituency, what do you need the Democrat Party for?

Cody Jarrett বলেছেন...

Freeman: you don't think it was her intention. Other people do. Oh well.

Ann behaves in a very passive aggressive manner sometimes. When cornered she often resorts to 'that's not what I meant I was posing a question' or something similar.

Maybe so. Doesn't make it any less tiresome to constantly have one's beliefs mocked.

Add to that a bit of personal mockage and it's crazy.

Then you start to figure that she's just posting it thisaway to generate comments, then what are you left with?

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Freeman: I also thought she was in fact "channeling mean Titus." Perhaps that requires explaining?

Cody Jarrett বলেছেন...

Yes Freeman. People read it as a screw you. Others read it as Ann just being a little bitchy for page hits.


But her attitude of late has taken a bit of a nosedive, IMO--as someone who's mostly lurked here for a few years, I've noticed it. Maybe she needs a vacation from the blogosphere?

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Her other comments point out that it's a trap, which it is, and that the issue is a loser, which it is. Those bits are true regardless of what one thinks of gay marriage.

You know what, Freeman? You may be right. Although our hostess could easily have dropped a comment (or an update) that explained what she meant. She didn't. So I've got to assume she really was trolling her own blog.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

I'll ask again.

Would you send your white hetero son to UW to incur $100,000 in student debt to suffer through this incessant, merciless browbeating from Althouse and her colleagues?

I think it's an interesting question. Maybe you don't.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"I am. 19 years. Happily. To a real woman"

See, that right there is the problem: A guy finds a good woman and he get all greedy about it.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Is this Downton Abbey?


Nobody wants to be Sybil!

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Obama could include laser beams on the heads of sharks in his immigration plan, but Congress has to do the actual legislatin'.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Talk about vapidity!Fer Christ's sake look at the corporate control over the Republican Party, which relies heavily on a few huge contributors who pay to play. The Democrats aren't immune, but it is ridiculous to say that they don't care about people.

Gheez. There's not a word there that doesn't apply juat as strongly to the Dems and your own stupidity. (Not sure how vapidity fits in here.) You can lie to yourself and the rest of us, but don't expect us to believe it. And, no, the Democrats don't care about people beyound suckering votes out of them.

n.n বলেছেন...


Homosexual behavior was never normalized. It has been selectively tolerated. So have other dysfunctional behaviors. The normal position has always been to promote the development and growth of the native population.

This is not a political issue. It is strictly about evolutionary fitness. The election to normalize a behavior is strictly about the general, not individual, Welfare, which must be reconciled with the natural order.

Homosexual behavior, as well as many heterosexual behaviors, which are unproductive, are not normal, but are otherwise tolerated because they do not pose an imminent threat to other individuals or to the general Welfare of a society.

The overriding concern is sponsoring progressive corruption, which is denigration of individual dignity, involuntary exploitation, and devaluation of human life. What we generally describe as "morality".

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Does anyone get sarcasm anymore?

Re-read her post. Again.

Alex বলেছেন...

I am. 19 years. Happily. To a real woman. And most of the people I know fall into this category.

Congrats, you and 10% of the country.

mccullough বলেছেন...


White hetero or not, attending the law school at Madison would be a poor use of money because most of the students will not get a job that pays well enough to justify the loans. That is also true for anyone who goes there and majors in liberal arts. It has nothing to do with the quality of teaching or the curriculum. Higher education can be valuable to some students, but it isn't worth it for most.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

You know what, Freeman? You may be right. Although our hostess could easily have dropped a comment (or an update) that explained what she meant. She didn't. So I've got to assume she really was trolling her own blog.

I don't know if I'm right, but I wouldn't assume that she'd explain. I know I wouldn't, and I wouldn't have any ill intention by it. I would just think, "Oh man, and oh well. Heh."

Hey, maybe it's that personality type thing again.

Maybe we need gay marriage, so that more children will be adopted out of foster care and brought up to be productive citizens. How else are we ever going to pay back that $16 trillion?

(Even typing "$16 trillion" is gobsmacking. Holy cow! How did we get here?!)

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Mickey Kaus has Six Simple Questions on Immigration. None make any reference marriage, sexual preferences, or race. But, remember, if you oppose this immigration reform package in any way, you are a racist homophobe.

Colonel Angus বলেছেন...

Would you send your white hetero son to UW to incur $100,000 in student debt....

Actually you could have stopped right there since going $100,000 in debt for an 'education' is the biggest rip off facing kids today.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

What pisses off Righties about it is that we know it's true. It is a lost cause, and a trap.

But, what is most aggravating is that it's "smart". It's smart just like "binders of women", and "Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years", and "Romney killed a woman with cancer as part of his war on women", and "a video caused Benghazi", and "I want my Obama stash", and so on.

Yes, we are pissed off, but it's the presence of intelligence on the right, not the lack of it that causes us to get pissed.

MayBee বলেছেন...

That's just an entertaining way of saying, "a soundbite is expected, and a soundbite will be delivered." Accurate.

I'm not angry, but my issue with this whole construct is...you can't keep everyone on the right from saying something stupid any more than you can keep everyone on the left from saying something stupid.

But someone on the right saying something stupid does not equate to "the right" saying something stupid. Will "the left" be held responsible for every utterance from every individual leftie? I don't think so

If a rightie says something, let's say *a* rightie said something.

MayBee বলেছেন...

In addition to Mickey's questions, I'd ask what will happen with people who don't want to or can't qualify for the path to citizenship. People who don't want to pay the taxes or wouldn't pass the background check. Won't they just stay, illegally?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Higher education can be valuable to some students, but it isn't worth it for most."

That implies that a lot of people are making a dishonest living at it - kind of a fraud, if you will. I wonder which is worse: to take advantage of young skulls full of mush or the elderly.

Yep, the young ones. They got all that tight smooth skin, so to hell with em.

Colonel Angus বলেছেন...

What pisses off Righties about it is that we know it's true. It is a lost cause, and a trap.

Then the focus of the party should be fiscal responsibility and voting present on homosexuals and irresponsible women who are too stupid to use birth control.

If the GOP wants to he be the small government party then that means letting people alone. Then start forcing the hand of Democrats to start showing where the money is going to come from for their giveaway programs.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Does anyone get sarcasm anymore?

Sarcasm, anger and hostility are far from mutually exclusive.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" Won't they just stay, illegally?"

Of course. Just like with gun control, it's amazing how law-abiding people blindly assume that new laws will now magically control those who broke the old ones.

Tank বলেছেন...

What difference does it make?

They'll pass some 2500 page law that no one read and then years later, maybe, we'll find out what's in it. If Betsy McCoughy is interested.

What difference does it make?

We don't need ANYMORE people, gay, straight, weird, ugly, whatever. We gots dozens of millions of unemployed and make believe disabled in this country. Get them out of the wagon and let them start helping to pull.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Sarcasm, anger and hostility are far from mutually exclusive.

Is she making fun of the stupid party, or the NARRATIVE/IDEA that there's a stupid party?

Drago বলেছেন...

lawyapalooza: "I'm not ripping on stay-at-home mothers. I am saying that they are given huge financial benefits by virtue of marriage that flow solely through that marriage, and that very often exceed (by far) the contributions into that system."

Define "Huge".

Then, when you have a moment, why don't you give us some numbers on what % of Americans receive more (in monetary value) from the government than they contributed? Then, break down that number by stay at home moms vs not stay at home moms.

I mean, that would be important to know, right? Since you are on the warpath for those darn hetero-stay at home mom leeches.

I wonder if you are as passionate about all the "takers" in our society who consume more then they contribute? Something tells me your "outrage" and passion on the issue will be directly correlated with whether or not a particular group of people vote democrat or not.

rights, right?

Methadras বলেছেন...

Obama is basically implanting the equivalent of an IED into his public policy speech. Not to mention he wants to take credit and get ahead of the curve over the 8 senators that trumped him. He's a joke, the only thing missing is the big red wig and the big red nose. He's as trustworthy as a spitting cobra.

Rabel বলেছেন...

The number of same-sex couples in relationships which are (a) legally recognized by their home countries and who are (b) illegal immigrants and who (c) meet the other requirements of an immigration reform plan and who (d) wish to pursue U.S.citizenship is, by my estimation, approximately equal to 17.

You could expand that number somewhat by removing item (a) but that would open a whole new can of tequila worms.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

See, that right there is the problem: A guy finds a good woman and he get all greedy about it.

LOL. Thanks for the bit of levity in this thread, Bago. I needed that!!

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Congrats, you and 10% of the country.

Well someone has to do the work that the unwashed doesn't want to do...

Colonel Angus বলেছেন...

The real sad part is the Sandy Relief bill will consume every bit of 'extra revenue' from Obamas tax hike, the deficit and debt continues to soar and the discussion du jour is allowing a couple of queens from Guadalupe to legally stay in the country.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"If the GOP wants to he be the small government party then that means letting people alone. Then start forcing the hand of Democrats to start showing where the money is going to come from for their giveaway programs."

I agree Colonel, but the last election showed us that the party of small government is not a winner, and showing people where the money comes from amounts to "Democrats give as more stuff, which they take from evil rich people."

"Smart" now means catering to a blend of the selfish and the dullest knives in the drawer, which is now a majority, and those people are not going to respond to good arguments.

All we can do is just keep telling the truth and waiting for it to become self-evident enough to get a majority back. And get your kids out of public schools and universities run by fools.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

remember, if you oppose this immigration reform package in any way, you are a racist homophobe.

You forgot stupid...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

So when do we allow marriage rights to pedophiles with legally purchased (in their home countries) children as well as to polygamous marriage and incest marriage?

The bottom line is that the privilege of marriage was created to strengthen society. Fag "marriage" only weakens it. Althouse pretending its ok because her son is a degenerate freak is short term selfish myopia and sticking-her-head-in-the-sand.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

I believe Althouse was once again giving her commenters the opportunity to prove they are NOT the stupid party, but her commenters are such reactionaries all they heard was "same sex" and they went wild.

Is that smart?

I Callahan বলেছেন...

All we can do is just keep telling the truth and waiting for it to become self-evident enough to get a majority back.

You know, the GOP could do that. They should market to the inner cities by using the immigration issue as a wedge. Black people are the ones most hurt by a lack of jobs. Alas, they're not called the Stupid Party for nothing (and it has nothing to do with the version of Stupid that our hostess hints at).

Balfegor বলেছেন...

Re: n.n:

Homosexual behavior was never normalized. It has been selectively tolerated.

I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree on what the historical record indicates here. As far as I can tell, the early Imperial authors (other than the fanatic Christians, like Tertullian) are not particularly critical of the use of catamites. And I think modern scholarship indicates that it was quite normal at the time, at least among the upper classes. It is only in the last, dying age of the Empire in the West, after Christianity had been adopted by Constantine the Great, that commentators take a modern, censorious tone about buggery.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Inga the lying obama whore:

opposing sexual depravity and opposing society supporting sexual depravity are the most intelligent positions an intelligent man can have on the subject.

You, being a stupid, degenerate, mendacious woman who has never accomplished anything your life, do not have the intellectual capacity to ever comprehend that.

Back to the kitchen, bitch.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

but her commenters are such reactionaries all they heard was "same sex" and they went wild

See? This is why I called you vapid earlier.

Please point out the comments (whores... doesn't count), and who made them, that referred to "same sex", and point out how those commenters went wild.

Let me put it in simple terms: you're accusing people of something they didn't do. You have a caricature, and you believe it REGARDLESS of what is actually being said.

Stop lying about people.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Really, Inga? The commenters did that? most of the commenters did that? a few did that?

To me, the stupid party is made up of people who pick comments they don't like and decide they represent whole swaths of people.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Inga is not a whore.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Please. St. Paul was highly critical of homosexuality, and sodomy was one of the hammers used by Christians against pagans, especially when showing the depravity of certain emperors.

Fact is, societies have always viewed homosexuality as a depraved instance that, if become widespread and open, lead to social destruction. Most were quite keen to sort out the difference between a minor homosexual dalliance that ended quickly and a full-blown "out" relationship.

Much like with prostitution or drunkenness, homosexuality was tolerated if kept private and away from public view and relatively sparingly in nature. But full-blown fagdom is like a hooker on every corner and entire cities drunk on a weekly basis--utterly intolerable for civilization to survive.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


She most certainly is. Anything Obama says is good and right in her eyes---she is a whore for him. Even when he directly contradicts himself, she still ignores the contradiction and worships Boss Nigger.

Witness her mendacity and evasiveness on the Nakoula Nakoula shredding-of-the-first-amendment.

Giant. Fucking. Whore.

hombre বলেছেন...

Obama will take care of the gay illegal immigrants.

Menendez will make sure the underage females get "handled."

McCain and Rubio will make sure everybody in the media likes them. McCain for the sake of posterity. Rubio for the sake of the future.

Who are the other guys again and what's the problem?

Did I tell you about my former neighbor, an American woman married to a Kiwi (NZ) helicopter mechanic for six years? After spending $8000 on lawyers to no avail, they were forced to return to New Zealand. Never mind that he was absolutely entitled to be here. Some bureaucrats at immigration decided their marriage was bogus. They have now been married 12 years.

Well, as the lefties say: "Social justice for the not white guys!"

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I Callahan, really? Reread the entire thread. What is the overall sentiment expressed?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

The overall sentiments.

Althouse is being bitchy, you are being retarded, nobody cares about gays, lots of people care about disasterous amnesty.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

You forgot stupid...

Oops. How stupid of me.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Reread the entire thread. What is the overall sentiment expressed?

No, Inga, don't deflect back to me. Answer the questions I asked of you. If you can show me that most of the commenters who lean to the right went "mad" about "same sex", then I'll concede. But they did not, and you know it.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

So whores called a black kid a name in school and the black kid kicked the shit out of him in front of all his friends.

Let it go whores. Let it go.

hombre বলেছেন...

Inga wrote: but her commenters are such reactionaries all they heard was "same sex" and they went wild.

Is that smart?

Your concern is deeply appreciated, both for its genuineness and its accuracy. lol

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" What is the overall sentiment expressed?'

Stupid wins, so do don't blame us.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@garbage pail:

If by "called him a name" you mean "refused to allow said nigger to physically push him" and by "got the shit kicked out of him" you mean "wrestled said nigger to ground and got hands on his throat" you'd be right.

But I realize in your world, jigaboos can do no wrong, so I must have started it.

p.s. then he went and raped your daughter.


Howard বলেছেন...

Don't forget to purchase your neo-Nazi literature via the Althouse portal. Each hate filled screed purchased will provide one dollar to the next Meadehouse Road Trip at no cost to you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


You do realize the Nazis were left-wing, right, kiddo?

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Is she making fun of the stupid party

My guess is she is. She's gotten rather huffy about this issue in the past.

It seems to me that government could get out of the marriage business. All people are taxed the same, married or single. Head of household status could continue, etc. But, if government gets out fo the marriage business, liberals can't force others into a nominal acceptance of things they don't like or approve of.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Don't forget to purchase your neo-Nazi literature via the Althouse portal. Each hate filled screed purchased will provide one dollar to the next Meadehouse Road Trip at no cost to you.

See, now even I have to stand up for the professor. Are you seriously conflating what "whores" says with everyone else here?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

C'mon, whores. You don't have to lie to make friends.

And it's not healthy to hold all that anger of getting beat up in. I'm here if you want to talk.

Michael Haz বলেছেন...

"Hey everybody! Let's dance!"

hombre বলেছেন...

I Callahan wrote: You have a caricature, and you believe it REGARDLESS of what is actually being said.

In today's Democrat circles, or just when Obamadupes meet, this is called "critical thinking."

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Oh garage, I see you got some of that on you too.

Hot shower, stiff brush. Air dry. It's not 100% - I still smell a little poop on my shoe. We may never get Inga cleaned up. We may have to move her to a desert island.

Howard বলেছেন...

I love how free WOTI is with sharing his most cherished and explosive spank-bank fantasy embracing the forbidden negro fruit. We all know what you really mean by "hands on his *throat*"

edutcher বলেছেন...

Oh, for Heaven's sake, the homosexual thing is a blind spot with her - mutterliebe and all that.

For the rest of us, it boils down to what happened to the Roman Empire and Attic Greece.

Even Gerard Butler told us the Athenians were a bunch of wussies.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


lol. Still trying to deny reality, eh? Always gotta have the Magical Negro oppressed by Evil Whitey. Statistics be damnded!

Tell us all how Obama's gonna save your daughter.

Howard বলেছেন...

We should all applaud WOTI for bravely coming out of the closet with his taste for Rent Boys on the Down-Low.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@I Callahan:

Again, nazis= left wing.

Seriously, do all of you have the same IQ as Inga?

নামহীন বলেছেন...


lol. I love the standard leftist line: "if you hate gays, you must be gay!"

Now, of course, Howard is projecting his fantasy of being sodomized by Obama.

Tell us, Howard, in your fantasy, are you bent over or face up when I Won plows you?


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Bagoh, don't forget, I like perfumed bubble baths.

Howard বলেছেন...


The right wing Nazi commie killerz were also closeted leatherites. Right up your *alley*

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I love how free WOTI is with sharing his most cherished and explosive spank-bank fantasy embracing the forbidden negro fruit

Explosive indeed. Perhaps whores was making unwanted advances on the black kid?

You know what they say: You only hurt the ones you love!

Howard বলেছেন...


You have me pegged my brutha

I say, can I gen an AMEN

নামহীন বলেছেন...


So you're stupid enough to believe a group f socialists in favor of government run health care, governments on the board of corporations, heavy regulation and taxation, few checks and balances on power, government involvement even in the personal vacation time of people, including how they raised their children----is right wing?


We have a winner in the stupid awards here. Inga the lying obama whore has been beaten--like the woman she is.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Garbage...garbage...how will Obama save your daughter.....

lol. She''s going to die. And Obama will not lift a finger to save her.

And denying reality won't save her.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

You only hurt the ones you love!

Then black people must love everyone. They're only 1% of society, but commit 40% of all crime!

It must be evil whitey holding them down, I say.

lawyapalooza বলেছেন...

But after all, those gays shouldn't have equal rights, right?

"In other words, you're saying you can't claim her as a deduction? Is one of you stay-at-home?"

You are correct. Can't claim her as a deduction. I was a stay-at-home for the first few years. Oh, and I have to pay taxes on the "benefit" of paying more than $18,000 per year for health insurance for my family. No one else in my firm has to do that.

dbp বলেছেন...

I don't understand this whole "lost cause" consensus. Most of the time SSM gets voted down. It is only a lost cause if we assume it will be imposed by "our betters".

In which case, it would be well worth it to make "our betters" pay a political price for their "bravery".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

12%, not 1%. We could only hope blacks became 1% of society.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

note how left wingers react to a story about nigger-on-white violence:

deny, blame the victim, cast personal aspersions, claim white guy provoked it.

Poor porch monkeys. In the left wing world view, they're completely incapable of any behavior alone. Whitey must always cause them to do anything!

garage mahal বলেছেন...

It must be evil whitey holding them down, I say

Oh I think you want to hold them alright. Dude it's 2013. Just come out! I told you I'm here to talk anytime. I'm a great listener too.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Has anyone here noticed that President Mom Jeans has said almost exactly the same vile despicable comments regarding Garage's daughter as Whores?

Keep this in mind the next time PMJ comments on these threads.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"They're only 1% of society, but commit 40% of all crime!"

Yet somehow you still make white guys look worse. Thanks, dude.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


lol. That's because little fags like you dismiss or discount every anti-white rant by sppok politicians, and look on approvingly when left-wing media refuses to report on the gravity or magnitude of black-on-non-black violence.


You still have not answered the question on Nakoula Nakoula. Hmm, I wonder why?

নামহীন বলেছেন...


How's your daughter?

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

Inga said...
I believe Althouse was once again giving her commenters the opportunity to prove they are NOT the stupid party, but her commenters are such reactionaries all they heard was "same sex" and they went wild


Because that is totally like what happened and stuff!

And, the "not stupid" party supports gay marriage too!

Why? Well, an idiot like you couldn't possibly articulate why it is (allegedly) that way. You just shout "You're stupid" and that's that.

It is so easy being a leftist. So comforting.

Intellectual curiosity is most definitely not allowed!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@bagoh20 :

Jesse Jackson. Al Sharpton. Jeremiah Wright. Skip Gates. Cornell West. The Bloods. the Crips. Trayvon Martin.

I love how compared to these "kill whitey" racists, I'm somehow worse.

Enjoy the decline, jigaboo-apologizers!

Brian Brown বলেছেন...

I love the Internet.

It is where we learn, for example, that liberals are "not stupid" 'cause they support gay marriage which is a "right"!

And supporting a "right" is good, therefore liberals = good!

What a great concept!

Howard বলেছেন...


WOTI only confirms what most normal people already think about right-wingers: Racist, bigoted, cowardly, self-hating, repressed preverted sexuality, working the swing shift at Circle K (hoping to advance to 7/11) and living on Mothers service porch.

He makes the rest of us whities look great by comparison.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Inga you snarling bitch.

Go and re-read any and all of my comments. I do not delete them unlike your sorry bloated ass.

I expressed concern that the poor diet and weight related diseases it causes might be of concern to the child welfare authorities. You trying to tie me to another commenter is pathetic.

Fuck you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Racist, bigoted, cowardly, self-hating, repressed preverted sexuality, working the swing shift at Circle K (hoping to advance to 7/11) and living on Mothers service porch.

----lmao. You forgot "blogging while in my pajamas."

I give you your intellectual leaders, leftists! A man so dumb, he thinks fascists were right-wing!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

PMJ, you are a fool if you think even the most righty of the right wing here will align themselves wih you. You two are what gives conservatism a black eye. We Democrats thank you.

You and WhoesofheInternet have made themselves a pariah here.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Garbage...garbage...how will Obama save your daughter.....

lol. She''s going to die. And Obama will not lift a finger to save her.

And denying reality won't save her.

It's the Fred Phelps of Althouse commentators.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

How's your daughter?

She couldn't be better actually.

mishu বলেছেন...

From reading the comments over at Buzzfeed, this motion seems to caterr to Westerners who want to bring their house boy from Thailand or the Phillipines with them. Yeah, true love. :P

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Still stinging over this little bon mot, eh Inga?

"If we wanted advice on diet from a stupid fat assed ugly old woman, we would listen to Michelle Obama."

The ravages of time and gravity have not treated you well. It will only get worse with each passing year. Tick tock, you worthless old hag.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

I expressed concern that the poor diet and weight related diseases it causes might be of concern to the child welfare authorities

LOL. Whatever, whores-jeans.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


PMJ, you are a fool if you think even the most righty of the right wing here will align themselves wih you.
---Eventually they will, Inga. They will see the foolishness of treating sub-human scum like you as civilized as society collapses around them.

You two are what gives conservatism a black eye.
---Truthtellers are always hated, Obama whore.

At first.

Enjoy the decline, nazi!

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans বলেছেন...

'Something stupid.'

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Garbage pail:

---Now, now, Inga's jeans are not at fault here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Garage, have you ever in your life seen such stupidity?

They don't know what they are doing to their own credibility, or are they so twisted and delusional that they think normal people either on the left or the right will take them seriously?

edutcher বলেছেন...

Well the thread's shot to Hell, but I thought I'd post this anyway.

Looks like the Roe Effect is a lot closer to becoming reality than we might have imagined.

And another reason not to encourage homosexual behavior.

edutcher বলেছেন...

PS As you and garage participate in it, O She-Wolf of the SS, you are obviously a big part of it.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"I love how compared to these "kill whitey" racists, I'm somehow worse."

I know, huh? But to be fair, you do try harder.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

God you are stupid Inga,

So I'm a pariah, thats fucking rich. Plump old cow is now the arbiter of what is acceptable on the internet.

I don't care who "aligns" themselves with me. I'm not looking for approval. I'm not looking for sympathy or acknowledgement of victimhood like you are. I'm not out for a popularity contest. I neither condone, nor approve, of the comments of anyone on here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Inga the lying Obama Whore:

have you ever in your life seen such stupidity?
----Leftists: self-parodic every moment.

They don't know what they are doing to their own credibility
---Leftists: where telling the truth=not being credible.

or are they so twisted and delusional that they think normal people either on the left or the right will take them seriously?
---We love truth. You love lies and whoring yourself out to the next Big Chief. DO you think anyone rational thinks you a serious, intelligent person, woman?

You are just a shining example of why women shouldn't vote: too stupid, too vapid, too shallow, too morally bankrupt.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Heh, Whores/PMJ, you've been outed. :)

chickelit বলেছেন...

You are correct. Can't claim her as a deduction. I was a stay-at-home for the first few years. Oh, and I have to pay taxes on the "benefit" of paying more than $18,000 per year for health insurance for my family. No one else in my firm has to do that.

Well, you weren't entitled to deduct her when you weren't working just like straight couples with one not working. I assume that your partner did claim her and should continue to do so. When you started working again, you both can't claim her, just as for straight couples. Two taxpayers should not attempt to claim the same dependent. So your real beef has nothing to do with stay-at-home moms and Christians, but rather that your partner couldn't deduct you when you weren't working 11 years ago. Correct?

Rusty বলেছেন...


chickelit বলেছেন...

Oh, and I have to pay taxes on the "benefit" of paying more than $18,000 per year for health insurance for my family. No one else in my firm has to do that.

This part makes no sense, but I'd consider switching firms if I were you.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...

'You know what, Freeman? You may be right. Although our hostess could easily have dropped a comment (or an update) that explained what she meant. She didn't. So I've got to assume she really was trolling her own blog.

Hey, maybe it's that personality type thing again.'

or more likely,
the men and women commenting here get the same comments out in the working world. like religious people, they don't like being dissed to their faces, for supporting their own interests, traditions.

if you stay at home, you don't see the vitriol. you don't see the repercussions in terms of the workplace. in short, you're not affected.

so sure, don't see the mean spirit at play here or note the increasing divisiveness in the country. that hill's already fallen, eh ... now what's on daytime tv, and when can we make paper mache planets with the kids.

wait until you get back out into the workplace to display your blase, freeman. you'll be dismayed at what identity politicking is doing to merit, but until your own sons experience it, it will mean little to you who is unaffected where she sits now...

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

What some people here should remember is that, despite his often unfortunate use of personal invective, many of the points whoresoftheinternet makes are factually, observationally, valid DESPITE THE FACT that it is whoresoftheinternet who is making them..

sakredkow বলেছেন...

I get it virgil xenophon. Your moral compass is shot.

Alex বলেছেন...

phx is our Dear Leader. He will decide who is moral and not.

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Alex there are some things that are just kid's play. Easy peasy, you know?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Calm down there Phx, they still won't let you lead a scout troop quite yet. Patience.

phx said...
Alex there are some things that are just kid's play. Easy peasy, you know?

sakredkow বলেছেন...

Piggybacking off of horsd'oeuvresoftheinternet to make a political point is one of those things that should raise a red flag for yourself. You don't need to do it, it doesn't at all help you or your cause and it just encourages Fred Phelps here.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Thank God, I worked out really hard at the gym this morning. This caused me to take my usual afternoon nap.

Thus missing out on this profound intellectual exchange.


What's the phase of the moon tonight? That's got to be the explanation!

sakredkow বলেছেন...

President-Mom-Jeans I'm not sure what that means, but I suddenly find I'm unwittingly here at the bottom of the barrel of the Althouse commentators.

Mick, save me.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Waning Gibbous moon tonight!

92% of full! I knew it!

Does that "gibbous" thing have anything to do with apes?

chickelit বলেছেন...

Does that "gibbous" thing have anything to do with apes?

I went to the animal fair,
The birds and the beasts were there,
The big baboon by the light of the moon
Combed down his auburn hair
The monkey he got drunk
And climbed the elephant's trunk
The elephant sneezed and fell on on his knees
And that was the end of the monk...

Dustin বলেছেন...

What is it about Althouse that brings so much personal and nasty comments against her?

I've seen it from both 'sides' of the political spectrum.

I honestly don't get it. She seems like an unapologetic professor like I assume many of us have met a dozen times in person. Nothing to get angry about.

It actually bothers me to see it.

Anyway, I think she's right this time to speculate there is some trolling in hopes of Republicans giving the dems some useful headlines. They have this powerful media tool that will cherry pick what they want, so of course they will take advantage.

Ultimately, it's up to the voters to wake up to the media bias and not be led around so much.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

now what's on daytime tv,

This is supposed to be me, the commenter who is only outdone in her hatred of television by rhhardin?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

This seems like a good time to plug a new song from my upcoming new CD. It's titled "Last Straight Man in New York City!"

And this is the chorus:

You might say that I'm a bit old fashioned
But I just don't care for that kinda action
When it gets down to the nitty gritty
I ain't kissing nothing but the kitty
I'm the last straight man in New York City

chickelit বলেছেন...

LOL Shouting Thomas. Inga has that part of you pegged wrong. As well as her opinion of Palladian's art.

edutcher বলেছেন...

More than half, but less than full.

From Late Latin gibbsus, hunch-backed, from Latin gibbus, hump

Darrell বলেছেন...

I bet al-Qaeda is more than 2% homosexual--way more judging by all the homosexual acts they engage in, if that means anything. Why is Obama waging war against homesexuals? Shouldn't this be factored into policy?

"Stupid" is in the Left's Charter. They own the copyright/patent. That's why they repeat the same failed policies expecting different results. Don't worry. "Crazy" is in there, too.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Actually Chickelit and ST I wasn't referring to ST's music at all, but a different mad music man (however I did include ST, after he was insulting, he wrongly assumed I meant him im first comment) I didn't mean Bagoh either, his voice is dreamy.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

*in my first comment*

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And, no Palladian is my buddy now, he told me he loved me in that last obesity thread:)

His art is wonderful, until the next time he insults me:)

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

', many of the points whoresoftheinternet makes are factually, observationally, valid DESPITE THE FACT that it is whoresoftheinternet who is making them.."

I have no doubt that he could make the trains run on time.

sinz52 বলেছেন...

Inga: "Althouse, they fall for it every time. Every single time."

Yes, you lefties know exactly how to bait the righties to go ballistic reflexively.

When I've seen this happening, I have pleaded with my fellow conservatives to ignore the provocation and not take the bait, but stay focused on the main issue at hand. But I usually fail.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I attempt to mock two accents at once: link

Synova বলেছেন...

Gaahhh... not reading it. I didn't think this subject would have any comments so I didn't even notice when it went past 200.

So... is this an attempt to trip up Republicans? Yes, maybe. But maybe not in the sneaky way Althouse thought.

Maybe it's just a knee-jerk reaction by Obama to anything remotely bi-partisan. He has an opportunity to do nothing more strenuous than endorse a bi-partisan proposal, let the congress do their jobs, and promote an atmosphere of working together, and he takes the opportunity to sow division, because that's his automatic reaction to everything.

Well, either version is sowing division, but mine is just him doing what he does while Althouse was suggesting a deep partisan game.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Wow Chickie! You've got talent!

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...


That was good, but I prefer the "Dicky Bird" one!

Tricky Dick was wrong. We'll always have him to kick around.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Is this an immigration plan or is this about importing liberal voting blocks?

BTW, how do people feel about all the illgal aliens from islamic countries, they will be able to go back and forth for terrorism training and communications now. But never fear, TSA will just probe our A$$es when we fly to make up for the increased risk.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Wow Chickie! You've got talent!

Remember those multilingual phone banks they used to have in Europe? The main church in Florence (forget the name) had those little "automated tour guides"; you'd drop a 250 Lira piece in and listen. Of course the English one was British English, but what struck me as funny was how the narrator would slip in the "I'm so cool with Italian" pronunciation like some people do with PAH-ki-stan. The recording in Florence was beneath a Giotto of some sort which explained the "chiaroscurro." :)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Why assume that Obama's gay ploy looks good to the citizenry? Isn't it more likely that folks are getting tried of the gay barrage and will see through the cynicism of connecting this non issue to immigration "reform?" This kind of overreaching is going to doom this entire enterprise to failure. Good.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Shit, this thread just will not die!

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Countdown to appearance by Ritmo





Patrick বলেছেন...

Piggybacking off of horsd'oeuvresoftheinternet

Well done, PHX!

Synova বলেছেন...

"As Breitbart News noted yesterday, Democrats have long pushed for “comprehensive” immigration reform, but have also blocked reform when passage was possible, as in 2005-7, since retaining the issue as a grievance motivates Hispanic voters and immigrant-oriented interest groups.
By rejecting the citizenship-for-security compromise, the president may hope to focus media criticism on Republicans in Congress, who largely oppose a new amnesty for illegal immigrants. If the past is any indication, Obama will use that opposition to label Republicans as racist.
Once again, politics will trump progress--and Republicans, who were split on the Senate deal, may well thank Obama for sparing them a difficult choice.

Partisan commentary... but it's the truth, isn't it?

Rubio is a "RINO", the plan he suggests is going to be opposed by a lot of the Republicans, it's a compromise, bi-partisan plan.

But its going to be more important to Obama to oppose that and insist on something that can't pass (and I'm not at all talking about bringing in gay couples as family members when they apply) in order to make it fail. Because it's a *great* political motivator and cause.

Actually solving problems isn't in the best interest of those who benefit politically from them.

Synova বলেছেন...


edutcher বলেছেন...

gutless is on the money. This is to keep the Lefties happy.

If you have trouble believing Barry won with 4 million fewer votes than last time, a lot of this pandering is because his base is so shaky.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

The whole thing is ridiculous. Obama doesn't write the legislation - that will most likely be done in the Senate, since they have plenty of time, as they no longer have to worry about budgets (and the Republican House is unlikely to put its efforts into this area until they are forced to by the Senate).

So, this comes down to the question first whether the Senate is going to bother putting something this divisive into their legislation, esp. if it reduces the chance to get it enacted. Then, whether the House strips it out, and finally, whether the President will veto the legislation if the gay marriage part is missing.

Right now, I won't prognosticate on the first, but think that removing any gay marriage language would be probable in the House, if for no other reason than to dare the President to veto it. This is his one chance, and I don't see him blowing it.

Keep in mind that gay marriage probably has an even lower popularity with the populations that would be most influenced by this legislation, than the general electorate. Hispanics, in particular, tend to be more socially conservative than the general population, and the closer they are to their native lands, the more conservative. So, all the Republicans need to do is pass legislation that doesn't mention gay marriage, and if the Dems in the Senate won't buy in, or the President vetoes, the Republicans are likely to pick up a lot more Hispanic votes than they are likely to lose gay votes (and the votes of those with gays in their families).

I think, in the end, that the President included a wedge issue into the debate that, in the end, will work against him and his party.

BTW - I am not making these predictions based on any views on the rightness or wrongness of SSM, but rather on my view of the voting behaviors, etc. of different voting blocks and demographics.

n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
n.n বলেছেন...


It was never normal. It was the exception. It was tolerated. It was never promoted.

As for the upper class, dissociation of risk causes corruption. Consider that members of the upper class who are incapable of self-moderating behavior, experience an accelerated degradation preceding the general civilization paradox.

The problem is not exclusively money, it is dysfunctional behaviors, it is dissociation of risk. There is nothing to constrain the behavior of an individual when they develop an inability to control and moderate their behavior.

In any case, the issue is not principally individuals who elect a homosexual behavior (elective abortion is a notably more dysfunctional behavior). As someone above pointed out, they number in a distant minority. This issue, like many others, is used as a prop to commit emotional extortion and to force a compromise.

Howard বলেছেন...


"Rubio is a "RINO""

This attitude of marginalizing someone that has huge cross-over appeal is destroying the republican party.

Clinging to SSM, immigration and religious litmus test for ideological purity is a losing strategy.

Politics is about compromise and getting a good bit of what you want. Insisting on getting it all is the definition of Narcissism.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Noted: Barack is an anagram for Ackbar.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Howard said...

Rubio is a "RINO

This attitude of marginalizing someone that has huge cross-over appeal is destroying the republican party.

And Howard is a troll.

And a pretty obvious one, at that.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

"Rubio is a "RINO""

He may be, but he scares the bejesus out of the left right now. Obama only won last time because he got most of the Hispanic vote. Imagine the appeal of one of theirs who is truly fluent in their native language - often much more fluent than they are. The last two elections were for the Blacks to finally get their turn. Now it is the Hispanic's turn. Romney/Ryan might have won if they had gotten Bush(43) levels of Hispanic support. Bush did because he came from a state bordering Mexico with a strong Hispanic presence. Both Romney and Ryan come from states much closer to the Canadian border, and thus, I would suggest, could never connect with Hispanics. So, imagine a Hispanic, who had worked his way to the Senate, and instinctively knows how to relate to other Hispanics. No wonder he scares Schumer.

Synova বলেছেন...

When I said Rubio was a RINO I was being sarcastic... sort of.

Being willing to work with Democrats doesn't make him a RINO, though I think he's the non-scary moderate Republican. I expect Democrats to paint him as an extremist and the Tea Party to think he's too conciliatory.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Why did this crank you up so bad?

Synova বলেছেন...

Speaking of Bush... Republicans (a lot of them) really hated his take on what to do about illegal immigration because it wasn't hard-line enough but the Democrats still had the opportunity to get good reforms through because Bush could have (and certainly would have) promoted his very moderate plan and gotten enough of the Republicans to vote with him.

That Democrats didn't do this, but continued (and continue) to paint Bush as the evil enemy and Republicans as anti-Hispanic, sort of proves that it's not about helping people so much as it is keeping a voting block energized.

Same thing this time.

Just watch.

CWJ বলেছেন...

I'm in the same boat as Synova @ 5:15. I didn't think anyone would rise to the bait and comment. But then I come back later and see comments over 200 and counting. Again I ignored it assuming it was a Ritmo threadjacking. Boy was I wrong.

Now having read the thread, I just hope Freeman is still around, because I was surprised by her "this one's lost so move on" stance.

If she's talking about gay marriage, it's a curious sense of "lost." Gay marriage loses time and again at the ballot box, only to be rescued by the courts and the legislatures. So the people arn't buying the dogfood, but our political "betters" on the bench and making policy will keep selling it and browbeat their "lessers".

So it's only lost in the sense that the people are not allowed to win. Aside from the question of whether or not the people ought to win, saying that the issue is lost and that we should move on is a very fatalistic acceptance of the elite's position.

Kelly বলেছেন...

Whew! What a relief. I was really worried about this. I know the American people have been clamoring for the issue of gay illegal immigrants to be resolved. It's one of the top issues, right behind toe nail fungus and saggy pants.

Dante বলেছেন...

Republicans should retrench to a smaller interior. Rather than try to fight the insanity, they ought to retrench to smaller circles, and try to preserve essentials, like getting to energy independence. Totally feasible, and it doesn't take unproven tech to get there.

I asked my Dad what's wrong with Hydrogen cars: Ans: the atoms are too small. What's wrong with Methane cars? Ans: the molecules are too small.

So develop the 5X Saudi Arabia Oil Proven Reserves here in the US, and screw the ME and Global Warming. At least then we will be able to feed our people, if not still be able to give the Obamaphone woman her Obamaphone.

Lock down the essentials. Then let the Chinese take over the Arab world. Who needs that headache? Europe is dying anyway, so withdraw the troops, and declining Russia and declining Europe can fight it out.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

"Gay marriage" is yet another one of those subjects that those "intellectual" "elites" who believe themselves to have the o-so progressive "Vision of the Anointed" are determined to shove down the throats of bigoted, racist, troglodyte middle-brow middle-America..

n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
n.n বলেছেন...


America is also dying. We have meekly accepted invasion by an alien population. We voluntarily commit generational suicide. The dysfunction is progressive, may have already reached a critical mass, and will ultimately be terminal.

Well, as much as any "great" civilization deteriorates and is eventually subsumed. The rise and fall of America will be a curious footnote in history.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Why did this crank you up so bad?"

I'm tired of this shit. Please read the comments before commenting...all of them.

Otherwise I will delete you.

Patrick বলেছেন...

Touche, Bagoh20!

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Was it worth the hits?

PS Isn't" RINO"way past its sell by date.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
virgil xenophon বলেছেন...


So....what word would you use as a substitute to describe the reality that the acronym "RINO" so aptly does? Or do you believe that it never did?

DADvocate বলেছেন...

So, is Althouse playing mind games? It certainly appears that way. If so, how insulting.

Howard বলেছেন...

Dad: It's only a mind game if you are totally clueless.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

So....what word would you use as a substitute to describe the reality that the acronym "RINO" so aptly does? Or do you believe that it never did?

Well since its so often used to describe someone who doesn't follow the conservative line to a T (as witnessed in this thread and the Erickson thread to name a few) what does it really mean? Clearly there are folks who are Republican but seem to constantly question the party and have difficulty identifying with any of its stances

but c'mon, Eric Erckson a RINO!?

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

So....what word would you use as a substitute to describe the reality that the acronym "RINO" so aptly does? Or do you believe that it never did?

Well since its so often used to describe someone who doesn't follow the conservative line to a T (as witnessed in this thread and the Erickson thread to name a few) what does it really mean? Clearly there are folks who are Republican but seem to constantly question the party and have difficulty identifying with any of its stances

but c'mon, Eric Erckson a RINO!?

Phil 314 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Yes Republicans! Abandon your principles! Otherwise you might look stupid.

What if your principles nowadays just happen to be stupid ones?

I happen to think that mistaking the year 2013 for the year 1980 is a pretty stupid thing to do, and that confusing the problems of today with the problems of that year is pretty stupid, also. But maybe that's just me.

furious_a বলেছেন...

"...gay illegal immigrant..." conjures up an image of someone sneaking off a fabulous Rosie cruise in Miami, not trudging across the Sonoran Desert toward Yuma.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I don't care whether the Republican Party lives or dies. It, just like the Democratic Party, does not represent my or my family's self-interest.

That would be stopping illegal immigration because it diminishes the earning power of low skill workers. I still have people in my family that fit that description, gay or not.

Lol. You're hilarious. Finally a description of your own elusive "self-interest" reveals itself.

Republicans will do nothing on illegal immigration either. It's amazing you don't get this. Their reasons are different, of course: Unlike Democrats, who care about the fate of these refugees to our country and their families, Republicans care about depressing wages so that business owners can make more and consumers can pay less.

But nothing will be done about it -- even if they were to win. The whole point of being a Republican is to appease crazies who want to go back in time, knowing full well that this is impossible. And then, you can always get the crazy conservative rabble to run for office themselves, and see how horrible they are at anything other than exemplifying the very incompetence in government or politics that they believe is its definition.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe consider that opposing progress just plain doesn't work.

rasqual বলেছেন...

Whatever. No one ever calls him stupid for saying such things.

Demagogues get a pass in this country. It's so weird.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Penny বলেছেন...

" Maybe consider that opposing progress just plain doesn't work."

So now "change" and "progress" are synonymous?

Who the heck is glutting the market with rose colored glasses?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

The interesting thing about the apparent agreement, or agreement to agree, etc., by the band of eight (or whatever they are calling themselves) is that it apparently calls for verifiable enforcement prior to any legalization. The Republicans allow citizenship for the illegals, but the Dems allow there to be enforcement of the borders first, and they don't get the legalization until the borders are secured first.

Which means that they all seem to be quite serious about this, and not really posturing this time (thanks, maybe to doing this right after an election), unlike President Obama who still seems to be more posture than any real will to get an immigration bill done.

BTW - this has thrown a big monkey wrench into our efforts to get high tech visas and a path to citizenship for STEM workers who complete their educations here, as opposed to the current H1B visas. Seemed to be making headway at the end of the last session, but now, an awful lot of lobbying money is going into getting a big chunk of H1B visas. My belief is that a STEM worker with a PhD or MS is a much better immigrant, on average, than someone with probably less than a HS education here to pick lettuce. Instead, we are going to give citizenship to the lettuce picker, and his extended family, and send the highly educated STEM worker back to his native country after we have educated and trained him. The problem is that the high tech companies that use H1B labor control those visas, and that means that their H1B workers are virtual slaves. And, yes, I am talking those new economy paragons of virtue like Apple, Microsoft, Intel, etc.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Dad: It's only a mind game if you are totally clueless.

So Howard likes to play mind games too, i.e. a largely conscious struggle for psychological one-upmanship, often employing passive–aggressive behavior to specifically demoralize or empower the thinking subject, making the aggressor look superior; also referred to as "power games"

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

The whole point of being a Republican is to appease crazies who want to go back in time, knowing full well that this is impossible.

Holy shit, he's cracked the code!

Run away!

jr565 বলেছেন...

Why not same sex trios?
Also, Althouse wrote:
Get on with your lives.

Leave the gays alone.

Er, who is attacking gays? The attack is on marriage and those who want to leave it the way that it is.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Also, this article refers to gay couples not gay married couples. HOw about if the couple isn't married?

The decision by Obama seeks to remedy what advocates for same-sex couples view as one of the most searing inequalities under the existing federal limit on marriage to one man and one woman: LGBT American citizens simply have no way to confer citizenship on their romantic partners, something that is automatic — if not always simple — for straight couples.

And another searing inequality. Foreigners who have are married in harems can't bring all their wives to this country and maintain their harem.

WHy isn't INga or Althouse or all the pro gay marriage proponents not jumping all over this searing inequality? Under current law, wives in a harem cannot marry under state law. And even if they were married in a foreign country their marriage is not transfered. At best, many one of the wives could be considered.

And you libs are ok with this?

Synova বলেছেন...

A solution that is fair, jr, might be to allow applications as groups. You and your platonic guy friend can get on the list together and no one cares if you have a sexual relationship or if you just think that having an old friend in a new place is a good idea.

Why should it even matter if two people are married or intend to marry? (Unless your spouse is a citizen already.)

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