"It’s not that kind of a thing. I’ve never made a huge secret of it at all. My friend and I, my partner, we went through all of this 38 years ago. So I mean, we made our vows and that was it. It was to each other, but nevertheless, we were a couple.”
३० जानेवारी, २०१३
Gomer is gay: Jim Nabors marries his partner of 38 years.
"I haven’t ever made a public spectacle of it.... Well, I’ve known since I was a child, so, come on."
२०३ टिप्पण्या:
203 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Dammit! Another hottie off the market.
He's right that he never made a secret of it.
His guy pal and he used to fly from Miami thru Houston and onto LA/Honolulu in the early 80's on the airline I worked for at the time.
There was no doubt that he and pal were more than friends. Not that it was ostentatious. It wasn't. It was just obvious.
For the record, Carol Channing, Jim Nabors and about a thousand other celebrities were as pleasant as they could be when flying.
Barbara Walters was a total egomaniac and b**** to the airline workers. Although, in her defense, she was a trailblazer in many ways and had to be overly pushy.
Anyway, Jim Nabors rendition of "The Impossible Dream" during his Gomer Pyle days is still one of the best I've ever heard.
Sylacauga, AL was famous for two things: marble & Jim Nabors.
If I was a gay kid growing up in Sylacauga, AL in the 50's I would have got the hell out of town to friendlier climes as fast as my little feets could take me, too!
God bless. Who the hell doesn't like Gomer Pyle?
So much for the fable of the Jim & Rock relationship.
I scarcely watched the show, but running around in the mental archives, I suppose it is now obvious in retrospect from his behaviors that he was queer like snake suspenders. my gaydar has always been of the poorest, gay friends have had to wise me up to my face about themselves because I hadn't figured it out. I guess if they seem gay, they're gay.
What about Ernest T. Bass? There was always something fishy about him.
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
(Can't pass that up.)
If I were Mr. Cadwallader's father, 38 years ago I would've said, son, are you sure the age difference between you two isn't a bit much?
Broomhandle said...
God bless. Who the hell doesn't like Gomer Pyle?
1/30/13, 2:43 PM
Sgt. Carter.
Whereas, now, I really would not have guessed it of Charles Emerson Winchester the Third, or whatever the M*A*S*H guy's name really is. then again, ha ha, I didn't see the heroes of that show as the self righteous prigs they now appear to me in my mind's eye.
not to mention sexual harassers of a perfectly unimaginable kind. how many nurses do you think they fucked, and none of them ever came up pregnant? no Pill existed in the Korean War era. I wonder if hawkeye, trapper and so forth did abortions for them?
Congratulations for Mr Pyle and his new partner--Jim Nabors always impressed me as a real human being. May they enjoy all of life's blessings.
Oh, now, I bet somebody's going to tell us Floyd the barber was the founder of the local ACT-UP chapter in Mayberry......
One bad thing about getting older, is that if you let yourself imagine older people having sex, you actually know what it looks like.
Now you wish had just skipped over me like usual, huh?
There was so much...repression...on that show.
Did Andy ever kiss Helen Crump?
Howard Sprague...he was quite gay.
And all those church ladies!
Not to mention that there were absolutely no black people in Mayberry. In real life, Goober would have been a psycho racist.
His version of "You are the Sunshine of my Life" that made it onto the album "Golden Throats" was pretty atrocious ...
Now you wish had just skipped over me like usual, huh?
I don't usually skip you, but I will now.
His homosexuality is nothing to remark on, but his singing is a Crime against Nature.
I wish their relationship well, but these pleasant stories never really impacted or changed my view on reverting back to marriage as one man/one woman.
44 and 26 when they got together.
Maybe he was a young 44 and he an old 26.
In real life, Goober would have been a psycho racist.
What a load of crap! The Goobers of this world are mostly very nice people.
I grew up in Mayberry, and knew plenty of Goobers.
The asshole, St. George, is you.
Hey Nichevo there are a ton of TV characters who are gay in real life.
Barney in "How I met your mother."
Sheldon in "Big Bang Theory."
Sponge Bob Square Spants.
It is the year 2013. A good rule of thumb is to just assume that they are gay. It is easier that way.
It is the year 2013. A good rule of thumb is to just assume that they are gay. It is easier that way.
The year doesn't matter.
The acting biz has always been dominated by gays, probably back to the times of the ancient Greeks.
I assumed Nabors was gay.
We got a "GOllY!," a "Shazam! and a "Surprise, Surprise surprise" all within about 25 minutes.
Good job Althouse commentariat!
It's Sgt Carter that is the big surprise.
A pillow biter from way back.
Citizen's Arrest, Citizen's Arrest!
The constant trotting out of the latest celebrity to buttress the gay marriage argument is, however, quite tiresome.
Give it up, Althouse.
In fact, chuck the discrimination obsession. Give us all a break. You've been doing it for 60 years. Find something else, for God's sake.
God, another fucked-up faggot trying to pretend his "relationship" is perfectly healthy, normal, and should be supported by society.
Until now, he's been an ideal gay---quiet, never-in-your-face, embarrassed enough of his freak-dom to keep it quiet; contributed positively to society with humorous, positive roles in two historic shows.
Now, he's clowned himself up with his "partner" as a public spectacle.
So sad. I guess the ravages of mental disease have finally taken control of him.
Enjoy the decline, degenerates!
Hmm, 38 years ago, Nabors managed to figure out what many others still haven't come around to understanding.
Sponge Bob Square Spants.
As if...sponges reproduce asexually.
So, the reality is that gays have been living among us are entire lives, and we all have always known it... apparently, except you, Althouse.
And, nobody has bothered gays and there's been no campaign of persecution aimed at them.
Give it a break!
Barbara Walters was a total egomaniac and b**** to the airline workers. Although, in her defense, she was a trailblazer in many ways and had to be overly pushy.
Yes, celebrity softball interviewer Baba Wawa truly is a "trailblazer in many ways."
Next up: Liz Smith: Hero, or Super-hero?
So, here's another reality, Althouse.
There are assholes like the whore who hate gays.
And, there are assholes like St. George who hate Gomers.
Get it?
For those saying "God Bless" ... you do realize that is southern slang for "you're not quite right" or "you're an idiot" said as a form a instant repentance for an uttered criticism.
A couple of the commenters here abouts use it rather frequently...and they mean it exactly I describe it here. "-))
Not true buddy.
Sponge Bob and Patrick were gay married in Malibu last year.
@Shouting Thomas:
By all means, embrace the faggots, ST. After all, their behavior isn't morally degenerate at all.
Enjoy the decline, buttfucker!
Althouse, I know you won't let Shouting Thomas's browbeating dissuade you from posting anything you see fit.
Why does he think that he has any influence with you whatsoever?
ST for the love of God, stop trying to control the narrative. It's Althouses blog, don't like the topic? Don't comment.
See what I mean, Althouse?
Drag yourself out of this eternal bigotry and discrimination shit that you are locked in.
Take care of your end of the deal, Inga, and I'll take care of mine.
I was married 13 years ago, not last year, and I resent the implication that I approve of interspecies marriage!
Althouse, show a little leadership here.
This bigotry and discrimination bullshit is destroying us intellectually and politically.
Pull your head out of your ass.
For example, I wouldn't approve of WOTI marrying anyone, ever.
You are a stupid, lying, unaccomplished, braindead little woman who has done nothing with her life but evil.
Now, explain your position on Nakoula Nakoula again, you lying little obama whore
ST, there is no deal.
I heard that Anderson Vanderbilt was gay!
yes, SpongeBob I picked up on the first time I watched the show. My then girlfriend, with her son who is a big fan of the show, was watching when SpongeBob made some crack about "nothing *sucks seed* like success" and I gaped like a fish myself, and asked her about it later, and she grew quite outrageous. Ah, those fiery redheads...more please...
I think he was waiting for the repeal of DADT before getting married.
I don't exactly understand why, Althouse, but I can see clearly that this bigotry and discrimination brainlock that we've fallen into is not compatible with a healthy and functioning democracy.
It's killing us.
Inga: stop trying to control the narrative.
...shrieks our resident harridan/playground supervisor/threadjacker.
Jim Nahbors has always been a gentleman, but if he didn't blip your gaydar, you need to have it re-calibrated.
Zemo: Sponge Bob and Patrick were gay married in Malibu last year.
That's barnacles, and you know it. Besides, "SpongeBob Asexual, Not Gay: Creator".
Just like the reproductive system.
You know, Althouse, I'm begging you...
Pull your head out of your ass and move beyond the bigotry and discrimination bullshit.
We are suffocating in this airless hell of stupidity.
You are one of the smartest among us, but you've got a bad habit you have to break. We all need to break the habit and move on to something else.
Show us how to do it.
Gomer who?
The only thing I know Jim Nahbors from is singing "Back Home Again In Indiana" at the 500.
maybe I missed some subtext here but I thought the post was about a couple of folks getting together. I always enjoyed Jim Nabors as an actor and, my gaydar apparent was deficient. Why is it necessary to have such vituperation in response to a post that seems to me to require only congratulations for Mr Nabors and his new legally recognized partner.
This blog, it seems to me is getting genuinely poisonous. You may be getting lots of hits, Professor, but they are taking place in a less than savory environment.
Spong Bob Square Pants is the gayest show on TV.
It is more gayer than "Glee" or the "New Normal."
I mean he lives in a pineapple under the sea with a pink starfish?
Why do they have to hit us over the head with this on a Saturday Morning?
Why can't they be subtle like Bert and Ernie!
What a load of crap! The Goobers of this world are mostly very nice people.
Very true. I grew up on the outskirts of a southern town of 100,000 - 200,000 people. The city and country school systems were separate. From 1946 to 1976, 5 years before I was born until I graduated from college, the elected superintendent of schools was a woman largely believed to be a lesbian.
Note, again, the word "elected". This was a position for which an election was held every four years. She ran for this office in what was at that time a 100% Southern Appalachian, rural area just on the other side of the mountains from where Mayberry was supposed to be. This lady served, and served well, for 30 years. My high school was named after her and her pioneer ancestors.
St. George's comment is more bigoted than what was going on in that area 60 years ago.
Oh and one more thing.
Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Now if Sponge Bob started banging a shrimp....well that would be really disgusting.
Who would want to see that shit on your TV!
Short people have no reason to live!
Why is it necessary to have such vituperation in response to a post that seems to me to require only congratulations for Mr Nabors and his new legally recognized partner.
Kinda went to hell in both directions at once, didn't it?
First, the ugly barb at Gomers from St. George. Then, the wild stupidity of the whore.
"Maybe he was a young 44 and he an old 26."
Maybe. Still, my old fashioned advice would've been - don't jump into it; give it some time. If you're still sure you're in love with him in 5 or 6 years, then perhaps it will last.
Dude you have to stop the madness.
It is ok if Sponge Bob likes a rusty barnacle in his Davey Jones Locker. Live and let live!
I mean we have photos to prove it!
Not that there is anything wrong with that!
Everybody hates somebody.
It ain't gonna go away.
I agree.
We have to get rid of those fucking shrimps!
What could be more disgusting than Danny Devito!
I mean seriously!
Old queers.
Don't you have anything better to write about Anne? Stuff like this doesn't belong in the closet - it belongs in the goddamn out house.
Because, you fag-loving nitwit, open and continuous homosexuality is a symptom of a deep mental disturbance that should not be encouraged or celebrated or embraced by society.
Jim Nabors is no more married than a gopher can marry a chipmunk. He's a fag playing pretend, demanding we all bow down to his fantasy.
He's an alcoholic demanding society recogonize his disease as a positive thing and never reprimanding his poor,socially destructive behavior.
He deserves institutionalization, not celebration. Pretending he's ok is not going to work here, fag-lover.
Short people just want to be short. They claim they are born that way but that is bullshit!
There are doctors than fix that.
And shoes they can wear and shit like that there.
They are only short because they want to be short! Bastards.
I mean we have photos to prove it!
You mean you have photoshops to prove it.
Starting to get a little creeped out here.
whores: re your post: LOL
Cartoon gay sex is creeping you out!
What are you religious or some crap like that there!
Cartoon gay sex is creeping you out!
I watch 'Spongebob' with my eight-year-old.
I am surprised this story is getting so much coverage. He explained the whole situation in detail in this :08 Gomer Pyle clip.
Good for Mr. Nabors and his partner, wish them happiness.
I always liked his nuts.
Note how the left-winger cannot respond to a millenia of thought and argument demonstrating the mental disease that causes homosexual behavior. He merely tries to laugh off reality, hoping it will go away.
Intelligence, to a leftist, means ignoring all evidence and argument to the contrary of leftist dogma.
Enjoy the decline, bitches!
Well that is good then. He or she will be indoctinated into the fact that there is nothing wrong with this. That it is almost preferable in the scheme of things in this day and age.
It is never too young to start teaching the childrens.
I mean I remember when I was a kid I learned never to buy an anvil from the Acme Tool and Die Company.
The lessons these kids learn now are much preferable. Didn't you sign on to that when you turned on your TV!
What are you? A Neanderthal?
You just can't get an old school cartoon where a cat is trying to eat a tweety bird or a coyote is trying to smash a road runner.
You know something that includes some old fashioned cartoon violence.
We need new messages for a new century.
Now if we can just get rid of these disgusting short people we will be getting somewhere.
I know Dr. Helen can recommend some doctors that specialize in stopping people from being short. I think they insert bones or something. Which is ok for short people. But not for gay people. Or something.
I don't know. It is hard to follow sometimes.
whores: again, LOL--looking forward to your next riff--now ordinarily I wouldn't engage you in comments, except its a slow day--so any port in a storm.
Now Roger..... Are you saying you want to get into Whore's "port"!? O_o
You know Althouse only writes all these posts about short people because she has a lot of short people in her family.
In fact I think she is short herself and just doesn't want to admit it. Just sayn'
bagoh20: Now you wish had just skipped over me like usual, huh?
Nah, you've been on a roll lately, cracking me up.
Or would that be port hole!? In the line with nautical (naughtycal) theme. You know Whores wants it.
I find it interesting that straight couples are more and more just wanting to live with each other and prevent pregnancy, while gay couples are valuing the commitment of marriage and want to be able to start families. This is turning into an interesting world.
Or would that be port hole!? In the line with nautical (naughtycal) theme. You know Whores wants it.
Yes he is most likely fingering his pink starfish even as we speak.
Not that there is anything wrong with that!
Just kidding Roger, but Whores reminds me of a very frustrated angry closet dweller.
Nichevo: Whereas, now, I really would not have guessed it of Charles Emerson Winchester the Third, or whatever the M*A*S*H guy's name really is. then again, ha ha, I didn't see the heroes of that show as the self righteous prigs they now appear to me in my mind's eye.
Ain't it the truth? I caught a few episodes somewhere recently, and was amazed at what self-righteous sanctimonious prigs these guys came across as. And I thought they were so cool when I was an adolescent. Found myself sympathizing with ferret-face.
Liked Winchester then, and now, though. And everybody knew Gomer was gay.
Jim Nabors being gay has been a non-secret for at least the last 20-odd years. You been living under a rock the whole time?
ST is right - this blog is starting to jump the shark on The Ghey, the way Ellen DeGeneris' show did when she decided to have her character Come Out.
You want every thread to devolve into a pissing contest between whores and Andy? Fine. The rest of us don't give a shit. It's your blog and you can do whatever you want with it, but I'd advise against it.
Remember - the contract goes both ways: you post on what interests you, and we visit and comment on what interests us.
Baron Zemo said:
What could be more disgusting than Danny Devito!
That disgusting ex-wife comes close!
Inga: absolutely no offense taken--and I think your diagnosis is on target (re whores)
Just kidding Roger, but Whores reminds me of a very frustrated angry closet dweller.
God, Inga, that one's been beaten to death, too!
Abandon all hope, ye who enter into the idiot desert of the bigot and discrimination mania!
This shit has been beaten to death at least 60 years, for as long as I've been alive.
Does anybody have room in their brain for something else? Maybe, something new?
lol. Note how lefties cannot engage even in facts!
Note how all criticism of fags must mean a person is a closeted fag!
Note how fags are mentally diseased social parasites, and how lefties ignore it all!
Note how Inga is a lying whore!
lol. Life is just a farce God puts on to see if we're paying attention. And lefties are the biggest buffoons.
Enjoy the decline, bitches!
what crunchy frog said.
on to more important things: the niners versus the ravens. I am going with the niners.
@Crunchy frog:
You want every thread to devolve into a pissing contest between whores and Andy? Fine. The rest of us don't give a shit. It's your blog and you can do whatever you want with it, but I'd advise against it.
--You may try to pretend fag "marriage" isn't worth your time.
But the tearing at the social fabric it causes certainly should be.
Enjoy the decline, ostrich!
Niners v. ravens.
City of bankrupt faggots v. city of violent niggers.
Bonus: Ravens have murderer on team...celebrated by the league.
Enjoy the decline, degenerates!
Ha ha bago, about older people having sex.
A really good opportunity for virtual reality app development. Both old folks put on their goggles and voila, all of a sudden they're bedding a hawtie, and when they look at their own bodies, they are hawt too.
Viagra replacement.
" The Goobers of this world are mostly very nice people."
Well, thank you very much. We think you guys are swell too.
BTW, I am actually starting to "enjoy the decline." It's like that drunken bonding near the end of the "Jaws" movie.
"Farewell and adieu unto you Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain;
For it’s we've received orders for to sail for old Boston,
But we hope very soon we shall see you again....
Now let every man toss off a full bumper,
And let every man toss off a full bowl;
And we’ll drink and be merry and drown melancholy,
Singing, here’s a good health to all true-hearted souls."
the niners versus the ravens
I really want to see Deer Antler Spray RayRay meltdown in a righteous moment of glory!
I am really accustomed to "Enjoy the decline!" comments now. In fact, I am expecting them.
I love it Liz. Staring passionately into smartphones suction-cupped to each other's foreheads.
Comedy Central has Stephen Colbert and we have Whoreshidingbehindtheinternet.
Our caricature is way funnier.
You know who is really short?
Tom Cruise.
He pretends to not be and is photographed to look tall but he is a shorty. A midget. Shrimp.
He even got married to a tall girl to be pretend but everybody knows just to at him that he is a shorty!
Roger J. said...
on to more important things: the niners versus the ravens. I am going with the niners.
Enjoy the Decline!
Could this guy be our Whoresoftheineternet? Or maybe just a follower?
As I said, the worst kept secret since Barry likes old white guys more than brown sugar (if he likes it at all).
Roger J. said...
maybe I missed some subtext here but I thought the post was about a couple of folks getting together. I always enjoyed Jim Nabors as an actor and, my gaydar apparent was deficient.
Gomer, like the most of rest can keep it in abeyance. I have a feeling they like to put on a show for the breeders.
PS The She-Wolf of the SS does her suck-up thing again. luckily, Madame La Professeur is teaching a class.
PPS Baron, I'm betting Cruise has nothing on George Raft and Charles Boyer.
In other news, the sun is expected to rise in the east again tomorrow.
I've posted here a few times and I lean left, but not overly and I think whores is a troll. I've seen his blog but his shit is just too much of a far right wing racist idiot stereotype. If he is a troll, I must applaud him for his loyalty to his art. If he is an asshole, then fuck him.
You are so stupid. Five minutes reading his blog would have shown you his writing and mine are very different. I merely appreciate his catchphrase, and stole it.
But you are a low intelligence, never-accomlished-anything woman. I expect little more from you.
Inga is a prime example of why women voting is a horrid idea. The Muslims got it right with this one. And we used to.
It's Sgt Carter that is the big surprise.
A pillow biter from way back.
Okay, I have to admit I didn't know pillow biter is a term for homosexual. Anyway, here is the etymology of pillow biter at Wiktionary: From the trial of Jeremy Thorpe [British politician, leader of the Labor Party, whose career was damaged by the revelation of a homosexual affair] where Norman Scott, indicating his reluctant participation in receptive homosexual activity, said "I just bit the pillow, I tried not to scream because I was frightened of waking Mrs. Thorpe."
Receptive homosexual activity -- now that's a euphemism doing its job!
Roger J observes: This blog, it seems to me is getting genuinely poisonous. You may be getting lots of hits, Professor, but they are taking place in a less than savory environment.
It's kind of like reality TV in the sense that outrageousness kindles curiosity and more viewers. People know what they like, I suppose, even if it becomes evident that some of the outrageousness is manufactured. But what is the average Althouse fan to do here? Become Leary of the blog: log in, log out, and click away? Go Galt(house)?
There's kind of a Heisenberg uncertainty at play here: even if you don't like the outrage, how will you know if it goes away if you don't keep checking?
I've found it helps to have other pursuits.
Hey fascist:
extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And getting along with tyranny is no virtue.
Best remember that, boy.
Why is it necessary to have such vituperation in response to a post that seems to me to require only congratulations for Mr Nabors and his new legally recognized partner.
This blog, it seems to me is getting genuinely poisonous. You may be getting lots of hits, Professor, but they are taking place in a less than savory environment.
Amen, brother.
He [Tom Cruise] even got married to a tall girl to pretend but everybody knows just to look at him he is a shorty.
Hey, don't put Tom Cruise's addiction to tall women down. For a short guy it's like climbing the stairway to paradise. Or so I've been told. Being 6' 4" of golden tanned rippling muscle I wouldn't know first hand.
"If he is an asshole, then fuck him."
I like how you pulled that back on topic at the end there. Nice work.
And he can be both, by the way. The asshole troll is the dominant gene in the troll species.
I am an asshole. Truth tellers always are.
Almost all of these so called action heros are short form days gone by.
Alan Ladd (to go way back).
Sly Stallone.
That transporter guy.
I mean the guys you got doing action films today are so short they make Sal Mineo look huge. Just sayn'
I mean if they are short well they are short. They should be proud of it. Say it loud and say it proud.
The'yre short. The'yre tiny. Get used to it!
Don't try and hide it and be all tough guy.
The actors in Hollywood are so short they have to get the seventy year old former governor of California to make action movies. WTF!
Baron Zemo, don't forget Hawaii 5'0".
You know President Obama is supposed to be very tall but I think in his heart of hearts he really is a shorty.
He just gives off that short vibe. Because when you are down low well you are short.
So to speak.
Oh. And not that there's anything wrong with that. Little fella.
I thought that Jim Nabors had died of aids years ago.
I had no idea that he was still alive.
If I were Catholic I would hate the sin and, I suppose, love the sinner. All kinda negatives IMHO attach both to homosexuality and to its acceptance, nay, glorification in society. It should be cured.
Yes, sorry! Bisexuality, an appreciation of really beautiful youths, any port in a storm/drunk and horny/prison sex, may be outliers that are negative but understandable. But any man what don't like pussy has got something wrong with him.
Yet I wouldn't hurt, say, Palladian's feelings for the world if I could avoid it. It's quite a conflict.
Jason Statham is short?!? Wow fooled me.
Yet I wouldn't hurt, say, Palladian's feelings for the world if I could avoid it. It's quite a conflict.
Cedarford has this very same feeling of conflict when he listens to his klezmer CDs.
Ok, Pal, engage with me: why are you gay? Why don't you like women?
C'mon Palladian. You never ribbed a Hollywood celebrity marriage before? You're getting sensitive in your victim class's old age.
"Why don't you like women?"
Oh, I see - starting with the easy questions first are you?
Ok, Pal, engage with me: why are you gay? Why don't you like women?
Why should I attempt to answer such a question? I have no idea! Why are you not gay? Why don't you like men?
Who knows? Who cares? I certainly don't.
The needle on my "Give a Shit-o-meter" is barely moving.
C'mon Palladian. You never ribbed a Hollywood celebrity marriage before? You're getting sensitive in your victim class's old age.
There's a distinct difference between ribbing a Hollywood marriage and some of the rhetoric in this thread. There's a distinct difference between criticising non-traditional marriages and homosexuality and some of the rhetoric in this thread.
Of course the ugly rhetoric is stupid and melodramatically inflammatory and doesn't deserve comment or rebuttal. But that doesn't make it any less poisonous, and some of us have quite enough poison in our lives. At a certain point it becomes hard to scroll past eliminationist ranting and expressions of disgust and ridicule without asking oneself "why the hell am I bothering with this nasty shit?"
The needle on my "Give a Shit-o-meter" is barely moving.
Apparently the needle moved enough to prompt you to type that comment. Perhaps you need to have your "Give a Shit-o-meter" calibrated so it isn't so sensitive.
No really. I don't give a shit. I wish them happiness like I would anyone else.
But I fail to see why I should be concerned, interested, shocked, appalled, approving.... or any other emotion. What Jim Nabors and his S/O do, does not affect my life in the least.
The Principal in our small town high school is a lesbian. Her partner has a landscaping maintenance service. There is no secret that they are a 'gay' couple. No one cares!!! She is a good administrator and her partner does a great job in her business and has a waiting list for clients.. The 4-H kids love her too because she is very helpful with her knowledge.
No one cares, or if they do they have sense enough to keep it to themselves. This is the beauty of living in a really really small town. Live and let live, because one day YOU will be the topic of gossip, so just STFU about other people.
Unless people are doing something criminal, torturing animals, beating each other up, making themselves a public nuisance......I really fail to see why we should be concerned with how other people structure their lives.
Gays and Gomer are getting less abuse here than Inga does every day, including on this thread.
And she is just one individual, all alone, innocent, helpless, no activist group to give her support. All she has is Garage. Would you rather be gay or Inga?
Damned right you would.
Okay, I've had better answers, but if y'won't, y'won't. I would have expected more self-awareness, though.
Any thoughts about posterity? Yes yes your art to be sure, but obviously I mean that tawdry process that made you: breeding. No desire for your line to continue through you? Pass on your nifty genes? Do you ever fantasize you are breeding your lover?
Quoting myself: But I fail to see why I should be concerned, interested, shocked, appalled, approving.... or any other emotion. What Jim Nabors and his S/O do, does not affect my life in the least.
I have the same feelings about Angelina Jolie and whomever she is banging this week. The same "why should I care" attitude about celebrities who have zero effect on my life.
Now....if it turns out that Hillary and her assistant are a couple or Michelle really IS a beard for Obama...>THAT would be interesting since those people DO affect my life.
I'm sure they'd rather be gay, LOL.
I'm not helpless by any stretch of the imagination, my tongue is my sword;)
Okay, Pal, let me rephrase. What is it that you don't like about women? About sex with women? I assume you've tried? Let's say she gave up the ass, or the mouth, what difference with a woman? The smell? Bodyfat vs muscle? Hair? Kissing? Do you only prefer to catch rather than pitch? Hey, you make perfume, I presume for women as you don't say cologne. They cannot be of total disinterest to you.
Jim Nahbors has always been a gentleman, but if he didn't blip your gaydar, you need to have it re-calibrated.
To be fair, it's hard to get a gaydar lock on a black-and-white screen.
whoresoftheinternet said...
I am an asshole. Truth tellers always are.
lol, no, you're just a regular asshole. Every asshole justifies his douchyness by claiming he's just telling the truth. You think you're special, but you just fill the same old mold.
" my tongue is my sword;)"
OK, so I should have offered one more option: Gay AND Inga.
Inga warned...I'm not helpless by any stretch of the imagination, my tongue is my sword;)
She sheaths he swords by the sea shore.
alternately: She sheaths he swords 'til she's sore.
if 38 years together ain't love, then what is? i can barely stand most people for more than ten minutes. (kidding...kinda)
To paraphrase Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider:
This used to be one helluva blog
Hey why didn't they ask Jim Nabors to sing at the Super Bowl instead of that washed up old coot Bob Dylan.
Poor Inga,
Why's everybody always picking on me?
Come on Inga, let's take a little trip, a trip that ends with you stranded on a beautiful island, Gilligan's Island v2.
Yep, it's you and a teenage girl, and nobody else.
Now, Inga you being a natural born person with passions to please oneself, you do.
Months go by, and your passion begins to wander unto that teenage girl, who admires your feminine traits.
Question; Do you have sex with that girl or continue to please yourself Inga?
You don't have to answer Inga, because it's a trap, and answering it exposes your inabilty to recognize your going to be hoisted on your own sword. Or do you see the trap you little She Wolf?
One answer is your a homophobe, and the other answer you will give is the answer of a lying closeted homosexual.
So when one wanders the net, accusing others of being a closeted homosexual, you might just be one yourself.
Nichevo, it's hilarious to me that you would even think that I'd answer your insulting questions, although I'll give you a summary answer: none of your fucking business.
I will correct you on one point, however: the word "cologne" refers to a specific dilution of a fragrance product, generally 2-5% concentrate in a base of 70-90% alcohol. Cologne concentration is generally the weakest form of a fragrance commonly sold today, although aftershave lotions can sometimes be as low as 1% concentrate.
"Cologne", or more precisely "Eau de Cologne" also refers to a specific style of fragrance, invented in the early 18th century, that is generally composed of various citrus, wood and plant essential oils. Eaux de cologne tend to be bracing, fresh, light and liberally applied. "4711" and Guerlain's "Imperiale" are two popular versions of the type.
I know that it's common to call men's fragrances "cologne", but it's imprecise. Most men's fragrances are actually eau de toilette concentration, 5-15% concentrate, usually diluted in a stronger (80-90%) alcohol than cologne.
All this is a modern conceit, since fragrances weren't particularly "sex-specific" until the 1920s. Today, the umbrella term for all these products, colognes, perfumes, eaux de toilette, alcohol-based lotions such as aftershave, eaux de parfum, &c, is "fragrances".
@Baron Zemo: If Trooper York were here he'd say they're gomerphobic
Dear joe, I'd get a mango a cold drink of fresh steam water and watch for a ship, after building a fire, a big huge fire.
Dear Inga,
Answer the question then.
Do you have sex with the teenage girl or continue to sheath your sword by the sea shore?
Men, do not understand women. Sex would be the last thing on our minds, we would be more interested in survival, the building of a hut and decorating it with lovely tropical flora and fauna.
Men are so dumb sometimes.
Cute little lizards who scamper about.
Come on, Answer the question.
Don't play Puritan prude, and besides by not answering yet, you've committed yourself to the path of homophobia.
This island is pardise, it has all the comforts of Obama's home island. You suffer no physical discomfort, it's a Belafonte island, A Jamaica Farewell, where the nights are gay, and the sun sets nightly on the mountain top.
Joe, your entire comment @7:46, while amusing, is silly. Too silly for me to take seriously. If you're trying to prove I'm a homophobe feel free, but you'd be hard pressed to do it. But keep trying by all means bonga bonga joe.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
No really. I don't give a shit. I wish them happiness like I would anyone else.
Thank you. You stated my viewpoint better than I can.
However, you are not allowed to not get exercised about the LBGT narrative. Apparently, you must be for or against them, none of this not giving a shit and minding your own business.
And for the critics, spare me your opinions. I've lived with, worked with, shared space with, both Gay and Lesbian people throughout most of my life, including in the military. I never had any problems ... until the demand was made of me to **celebrate** LBGT special needs.
Fuck you, I have my own special needs and I just deal with them, long ago giving up any community wide special recognition...WTF is wrong with all y'all, what makes you noisy advocates so special?
In short, for those who ask this of me...I did my sacrificing in the 60's for real civil rights issues applied en' mass to large groups over more than half the country. Then I went to war and successfully dealt with people in lands far away and even learned a language or two. Then I cam home to a nation of perpetual victims of various hues and inclinations. Yet...I have never witnessed anything against LBGT folks that even comes close to Jim Crow. Nothing. Give it up.
Jim Nabors is going to be fucking pissed that his thread has become yet another Inga thread!
Palladian, don't blame me, they won't leave me alone!
Eau de Cologne
In Germany, Cologne is called Köln and I suppose the French eau de Cologne would be Kölnisch Wasser, though I never heard that translation. Some things are better left to the French. Beer is not one of them and I fondly recall tossing back half liters of Kölsch which is the name give to their particular style of beer. Kölsch* is more like an English ale than other German lagers and is usually served at room temperature. I'll never forget seeing Sonic Youth play in Cologne in 1992. This was their "Dirty" tour. There were guys and busty wenches working the crowd with trays of Kölsch beer for sale. Imagine that-- a rock concert where people bring you beer like basball game.
*The German dialect spoken in Köln is called Kölsch .
@Baron Zemo: If Trooper York were here he'd say they're mortified of Nabors.
Fixed that for myself
Why don't you answer the question?
So it's silly, which then makes the question, why is it silly Inga?
And that's where you want it to go, on to another discussion that moves away from what ends in you being a homophobe or closeted homosexual.
I mean, let's ask you this question then.
Q; Why does the question end with you being a homophobe or self hating homosexul, Inga?
Why does it Inga?
I'm trying to establish your ability to think, to think to conclusions, to think ahead. To play chess, and not avoid the game, by playing it off, as being silly.
That's all this crappy comment board is Inga, a game of knowing the answer to your question(s), and playing as if your searching for truth.
And for the critics, spare me your opinions. I've lived with, worked with, shared space with, both Gay and Lesbian people throughout most of my life, including in the military. I never had any problems ... until the demand was made of me to **celebrate** LBGT special needs.
Who is asking for a celebration? I just wish it was possible to even mentiona gay relationship without being attacked or having to listen to people whine about how they are sick of hearing about it.
While I certainly sympathize with the disdain for enforced "acceptance", you do realize that you also seem to expect that we sit quietly in the corner and never talk about our lives lest we be accused of "throwing it in people's faces" and "expecting celebration". Straight people can speak about their lives as freely as they'd like, without a second thought. They can discuss their marriages, relationships, children, desires, heartache, happiness, &c and generally won't have to deal with people bitching about having things "thrown in their faces".
If you don't care, then why don't you shut up.
Warm most nights with the heady scent of frangipani wafting into the grass hut on soft breezes.
Speaking of scents.
Palladian, don't blame me, they won't leave me alone!
What is your secret, Inga? Is it your perfume?
Palladian, as far as I'm concerned I could smell like a skunk and they wouldnt leave me alone. They want to prove they aren't bigots, that takes a lot of mental twisting, turning and game playing.
Do you make a frangipani scent?
Or you if you assert your right to be human, Palladian.
Ok Inga,
Let's try your reasoning skills on a favorite liberal game of Buy a Gun.
You Inga are the authority that is setting up the program to buy back guns, what are your requirements for the citizen in your program?
Show License?
Anymore requirements?
How much do you pay the citizen?
Now, this ain't silly Inga, it's time to play city manager.
Joe, this thread is about Jim Nabors and his marriage to his long time love.
Want to play games of reason? Wait for a Cafe thread.
Do you make a frangipani scent?
I don't at the moment. I've always found the note a bit too sweet for my taste. If you're interested, the frangipani perfume by the company Ormonde Jayne is a good one.
Well Inga,
Your right, and it's a quite clear that your a homophobe since you won't even answer a question that Gomer Pyle would answer without going to the intellectual well of the coward, and answering the the question concerning sexual orientation as being "silly".
Palladian, I'm looking for a combination of tropical flowers actually, heady but not overwhelming. I'll check out the one by Ormonde Jayne. Thanks!
Joe, your deductive reasoning sucks.
Here's the point of liberals and gun by backs, since your limited to one subject at a time, Bonga Bonga.
Ready? Ready?
Follow the logic Inga.
Cesspool liberal politicians are gun laundering thousands of weapons used to murder their citizens. They are paying criminals, and allowing them to have their(criminal) weapons crushed/thrown away without doing the most basic forensic test to solve murders in their cities.
Pallasian said ...
Straight people can speak about their lives as freely as they'd like, without a second thought.
No where did I say the Gay community can't speak freely? Never said that, don't think that.
Most of your comment/response projects your ideas and misconceptions on me, without justification. I can't help that.
As for shutting up...fine, now count the number of times I've commented on the very frequent sundry gay issue posts in the past month or so. Damn few, on this thread once.
I really do not give a shit, and the question of gay versus straight does NOT enter in to any of my personal actions, transactions, or thoughts.
WHY is that so hard to accept? WHY must those of us who feel as I do choose a side? WE are NOT the problem, are we?
I find you closing point interesting considering your opening point of freedom to speak.
//Joe, your deductive reasoning sucks//
Ah Bonga Bonga, you don't answer questions because you can reason it out that if you have sex with the girl, you have been living a life of a closet homosexual, and denying you are a lesbian by birth only denies the truth of homosexuals that they(you) are born gay. But, because you didn't answer the question of having sex with the island girl, your just a heterosexual masturbatory homophobe, and not a closet gay.
Gomer is gay. Old news.
And Inga,
It's Inductive reasoning that your being faced with, you silly homophobe.
inductive reasoning - reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
You know, the fact of a island, the fact of a girl, the fact of your homophobia, which is a general principle
Inga, here's a link to the Ormonde Jayne "Frangipani" fragrances. A bit pricey, but as I said very nice.
JAL said...
Gomer is gay. Old news.
People are piling on.
Surrender, Dorothy!
1. Pallasian should have been Palladian, a typo, sorry about that.
2. I commented twice on this thread, not once, but the first comment was off topic and about the use of "God Bless."
Now Inga,
Not to let you think it all homosexual, all the time, but we can play the game of heterophobia with any gay here.
Take the Goober Pyle and place him on the Paradise island with you, Inga.
Does Goober Pyle end up with rough hands by sheathing his sword, and not using it on a female, Inga?
Well, that makes Goober Pyle a heterophobe, denying all your mystic beauty and your hetero passions for a male.
But, if Goober Pyle does unsheath his sword and uses it in Paradise, then he's a cheating(married) closet heterosexual.
Now, let's watch the bull--it answers to that Gilligan v2, Pile up.
while gay couples are valuing the commitment of marriage and want to be able to start families.
That'll end as soon as the divorces start.
Soo Inga,
You've been handed your ass for using the invective of naming a poster as a "homophobe" , and been proven to be a homophobe by not answering simple questions of gender/sex orientation. You know, the old "no comment", which deflects the search for truth, which is easily answered, you "silly" girl you.
You spout off about "deductive reasoning", since it is a refuge/cliche of weak minds trapped by their own logic, and sadly not knowing that the argument being constructed toward you is inductive reasoning.
I like you Inga, your just amoral/immoral(which is why you think the question was silly) from being unable to assess/access minimal truth.
You think it's silly? Well, when adolescent children ask you if you would have sex with another women if only women are about, or adolescents themselves are asked to answer the "situational ethic by the state propagandist(teacher)" that I asked you, will you still cling to the ad hominem of the "silly question", Inga?
Handed my ass? Bwahahahahahaha, oy!
Joe dear.
Oh all right Palladian, I had no idea you would be so touchy. Very well, respect for any remaining notions of decorum in this workaday world...
Fine, and yes I know vaguely the different names, I buy my Egoiste in Eau de Toilette, the strongest IIRC. BTW they scared me once with the crappy new stuff, they brought the old back but reduced packaging options...if they drop it again, what is something I might like? Don't seem to have Gravel or Paco Rabanne anymore, and Royall Lyme is rarer too outside Brooks Brothers.
Also have they tried to make an Aeon Flux scent yet? Leather, hazelnuts, gunpowder, sex?
Nichevo, I don't know what Egoïste smells like these days. They've monkeyed around with the formula several times in the life of the composition, and since the EU and IFRA decided to destroy perfumery in Europe for the sake of a few itchy Belgians, it may be totally screwed up.
You might like something like Guerlain's "Mouchoir de Monsieur" or even "Jicky", though those are far less modern-smelling than Egoïste (because they're very old perfumes, 1904 and 1889, respectively).
while gay couples are valuing the commitment of marriage and want to be able to start families.
I hear tell that is true, but I live in San Francisco and none of the gay/lesbian couples I know are raising children and their relationships seem even less stable than straights.
Which is not to say it doesn't happen -- my sister has been with her partner for ten years now -- but the gay marriage/gay parents stuff seems as oversold as the impression that gays are 20-25% or more of the population, when the reality is a good deal less. (The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force says 3-8%, which I consider a generous estimate.)
Ah Inga,
//Handed my ass? Bwahahahahahaha, oy!//
I left that sentence there for you to grab onto for your lack of reasoning, and allow you to continue to ignore all the question(s) asked you.
You see, it's sad to see you unable to admit errors in thinking, such as failing to recognize inductive reasoning. But, that's playing your game Inga; the ad hominem to attempt to deny simple questions and answers.
No one is coming to your defence Inga, no one is disputing the fact that your a homophobe by your own words, and not even you deny your homophobia.
I really thought you had the ability to debate and reason other human beings, but alas your left to "silly", and some slack worded onomatopoeia.
Joe, no one who matters here thinks I'm a homophobe, no one with a firm grasp on reality anywhere thinks I'm a homophobe.
Your games of logic are simply that... Games. Some subjects are too serious to be playing games with. You are engaging in intellectual oneupmanship, not reality.
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