१ जानेवारी, २०१३

At the New Morning Café...


... so happy just to see you smile/underneath the sky of blue...

१७ टिप्पण्या:

edutcher म्हणाले...

Looks like my neck of the woods.

m stone म्हणाले...

People who have 60-foot trees fall and split their yard and graze the house before Christmas never look at trees the same again.

Meade म्हणाले...

the night passed away so quickly
It always does when you're with me.

So happy just to be alive...

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Color in Ohio

Clyde म्हणाले...

WARNING: Read no further than this if you eating anything!

Hugh Hefner, 86, weds Crystal Harris, 26, at Playboy Mansion

From the story:

Taking special care to keep her second ceremony private, Harris -- who recently opened her own lingerie store, Femme Fatale, in Studio City, Calif. -- says her renewed bond with Hefner is solid.

I wonder what kind of pre-nup the lawyers wrote and how much she gets if she takes the Femme Fatale role to its ultimate copulatory conclusion? She could just claim that she was just a healthy young woman with "needs." How could she have known that the poor old geezer couldn't keep up with her? Even with the other heirs in the picture, she'll get a healthy haul for the disgusting things she'll have to do with a guy more than three times her age (some probably involving adult diapers and baby wipes).

Christopher म्हणाले...

Happy New Year! Weird thing about pasting Althouse posts into Facebook. You know how links usually churn for a second and then post the headline of the item, a thumbnail graphic if available, and the first few lines of the post. But if I do that with an Althouse post, the "first few lines" thing pulls up one of the comments instead. So instead of pulling up "so happy to see you smile/underneath the sky of blue," I'm getting "People who have 60-foot trees..."

It makes posting these things to FB unintelligible and/or in contradiction to whatever Althouse point I'm trying to share (not to mention dredging up foul language on occasion. I like the free-speech policy here but I don't like to spew in a FB headline).

I figure this is a function of blogger/blogspot, but I surf and post a lot and for the life of me I can't recall this happening with any other blog.

Clyde म्हणाले...

The good news for her is that actuarially speaking, he's only got about 5.26 years left, according to the Social Security Administration's tables, the latest of which is based on the 2007 mortality rates.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

Happy New Year, indeed.

It's pretty cold here. Still below zero. Nice day to hibernate, if you ask me.

Amexpat म्हणाले...

Enjoy your Winterlude!

ricpic म्हणाले...

Blue and green above the lavender huts in which we squat,
Escape flue we could fly up like a shot
Were we aware, which we're not.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"The good news for her is that actuarially speaking, he's only got about 5.26 years left..."

Tell it to the cold dead corpse of Anna Nicole Smith.

Clyde म्हणाले...

Anna Nicole's husband, J. Howard Marshall, dropped dead after 13 months at the age of 90. They were probably 13 pretty good months, though.

Anna Nicole died at age 39, some 11 years later, of a self-inflicted drug overdose. If you die at that age and it doesn't involve some horrible disease or hideous accident, then it's your own damn fault. Somebody has to make up the statistically small fragment of the population who die young, however, and often it's the druggies who do.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Yesterday I had my annual lipid panel. The office has a lab, so I got the results the same day: HDL 118, Triglycerides <15, LDL about 45.

Longevity syndrome, it's called. Genetic.

My dad had it too, so I assume I got it from him. He once had an HDL result of 147.

And he's dead. (Melanoma.)

Life offers no guarantees. Each day is a gift.

Deb म्हणाले...

from the Baal Shem Tov:

The world is new to us each morning; that is God's gift. And every man and woman should believe that we can be reborn each day.

Tim म्हणाले...

Stanford dominating early.

Aridog म्हणाले...

Clyde said ....

... disgusting things she'll have to do with a guy more than three times her age (some probably involving adult diapers and baby wipes).

Oh, noes...you ruined the the perfect image of a 26 year old lady who looks like she's pushing 45 to 50 and an 80 year old geezer getting it on.

Unknown म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.