December 17, 2012

"Nine young and impoverished Afghan girls lost their lives..."

"... in a land-mine explosion Monday while they were collecting firewood in eastern Afghanistan."


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

All that senseless tragedy could have been avoided had Lady Diana invited them in on the Feast of Stephen.

test said...

The governor’s office did not say whether the land mine was an old one left over from the Afghans’ war against Soviet invaders, or a new one planted in the current conflict between Taliban-led insurgents and foreign troops led by the United States.

Apparently WAPO believes there are no Afghans fighting against the Taliban. I guess we know who WAPO believes is the legitimate government.

Wince said...

Gee, if only Obama would sign that "landmine control" treaty...

LAT: Why hasn't the U.S. signed an international ban on land mines?

Bob Boyd said...

"Allah be praised it wasn't the goats that wandered in there", a local Taliban commander told reporters.

prairie wind said...

Nine children killed, senselessly. Let the Facebook competition begin! Who will be the most saddened? Who will wail the loudest about the loss of these innocents? Who will hug their own children a little tighter today because of this tragedy...and then tell the world they did that? Who will be the first to suggest a candlelight vigil?

Oh, wait...these are Afghan children? Nevermind.

Larry J said...

EDH said...
Gee, if only Obama would sign that "landmine control" treaty...

LAT: Why hasn't the U.S. signed an international ban on land mines?

It doesn't matter if Obama signs it unless he can get it approved by a 2/3rds majority in the Senate.

I remember going through land mine class during infantry training back in 1975. There are some really sick minded individuals who design those things. They do have their uses, such as thinning the herd if North Korea decides to cross the DMZ.

edutcher said...

Considering our new pals, the Russkies, used land mines for crowd control and sowed them like ground cover, I wonder if Choom is going to be "flexible" about this.

Unknown said...

So many dead children in the news. It is hard not to lose faith in humanity.

Methadras said...

Ban landmines!!!! Oh wait...

Sam L. said...

Unfortunately, girls and women are barely considered citizens there.