December 17, 2012

"Is 'God, guns, and gays' losing its peril for Democrats?"

A strange way to phrase a question, in this Greg Sargent column. What does this stunning lack of parallelism reveal about the Mind of Sargent?
Indeed, I’m cautiously hopeful that this time around, Democrats will overcome their typical skittishness on guns. ... [T]he politics of this issue have changed: Democrats are less reliant on conservative, rural, gun-owning voters than at any time in the history of the party, due to Dem gains among socially moderate suburbanites, and ongoing demographic shifts that continue to boost the vote share among minorities and young voters  — all voter groups who may not see “gun rights” as a potent issue.
You know those "rural" folk, who cling to their guns and religion. Maybe they can be ignored by Democrats who have other blocs out of which to build victories. But to throw "gays" on the list... well, that's not something those horrible peasants cling to like guns and religion. It's something they're supposedly repelled by, perhaps something like the way those socially moderate suburbanites are imagined to have an aversion to God and guns.

I guess Sargent might love alliteration. GGG. But someone ought to tell him that — coming from a very conspicuous gay guy — GGG stands for "good, giving, and game":  ("good in bed," "giving equal time and equal pleasure," and "game for anything — within reason'").

And some people think "Guns, God and Government" — the work of a not-quite-earless guy with a lady's name.

What does GGG mean to you? I'm thinking, for me, grammar, graphomania, and...


YoungHegelian said...

I look forward to the day when Mr. Sargent & his minions separate the urban black community from their guns.

I just hope, for his sake, he brings along the 101st Airborne when he decides to do it.

SteveR said...

due to Dem gains among socially moderate suburbanites

That would be women

Geoff Matthews said...

What does GGG mean to you?

That acronyms are used way to often.

Also, if they do come down hard on guns, will that mean Vermont will be in play? And New Hampshire?

Clayton Hennesey said...

I thought GGG stood for German Goo Girls.

YoungHegelian said...

I find it interesting that the same folks who will tell you in one breath that it'll be impossible to round up & deport 11 million illegal immigrants will tell you in the next breath that we've just got to do something about the estimated 200 million guns in circulation in the US.

This article describes Connecticut's gun laws. If this isn't enough, just imagine how draconian the gun laws must be for these guys schemes to work.

sonicfrog said...

It's a strand of DNA.

Of course, that's my first thought because I'm reading "The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Bilogy is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance".

I never would have thought about the Dan Savage angle... Oh, that could sound wrong. I'm gay, but i generally don't find what he writes about, his manner and positions on things (oh, another one) all that enlightening in relation to homosexuality. He's a sub-set.

As far as politics goes, I suspect that Obama's change on his position of same sex marriage was one of the turning points of the election. That change gave a lot of liberals at least one reason to support a guy who they see as a traitor to progressive type causes. Being a libertarian, I of course didn't vote for him. But still, I appreciated his change of tack, as it finally opened the door for many politicians who were supporters of SSM, but felt they couldn't say so openly for fear of retribution of one kind or another. As i suspect that most Democrats have favored gay marriage, they always looked like liars when they said otherwise, Barrack Obama and the Clintons included. Now they can all be honest, on this one issue at least.

Charlie Currie said...

Is stupidity losing its peril for Democrats?


Fprawl said...

I would welcome honesty in Dems pronouncements, instead of a wink and a nod to one of their main goals, a ban on guns.
If Bloomberg can ban big gulps, then he is the poster boy for banning guns in the Dem party.

Ironically, if President Obama had signed an Assault Weapon ban, presumably with his Dem Congress, it would have prevented Ms. Lanza from buying the Bushmaster brand new, and the shooter wouldn't have had it.

Ann Althouse said...

"I never would have thought about the Dan Savage angle... Oh, that could sound wrong. I'm gay, but i generally don't find what he writes about, his manner and positions on things (oh, another one) all that enlightening in relation to homosexuality. He's a sub-set."

I listen to the Savage Love podcast... every week!

Meade said...

A heartwarming novel, "Go,God. Go!"

Colonel Angus said...

We aren't the only nation that allows ownership of firearms yet we seem to have a near monopoly of mentallyq handicapped people who use them for settling whatever scores they have.

20 dead 6-7 year olds a week before Christmas. Certainly won't be tough to get signers on to a gun ban after this.

YoungHegelian said...

@Prof. Althouse,

I used to read Savage Love in the Onion all the time, too. But then, I just got tired of Mr Savage's unrelenting bigotry not only towards conservatives & religious believers, but also towards people who led alternate lifestyles of which he didn't approve (e.g. bisexuals).

It's amazing how many gays are as judgmental in their views on the sex lives on others as any fire and brimstone Baptist preacher. They just dislike different groups is all.

TK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colonel Angus said...

I find it interesting that the same folks who will tell you in one breath that it'll be impossible to round up & deport 11 million illegal immigrants will tell you in the next breath that we've just got to do something about the estimated 200 million guns in circulation in the US.

It wouldn't happen overnight but you could certainly dry up the availability of ammo, magazines and new purchases over time. Implement outright bans on assault rifles, exempt legitimate hunting rifles, ban clips on excess of 7 rounds etc. The Aussies did it so it can be done here. Then we just have to hope the crazies who want to slaughter don't start making bombs.

You can remove the 11 million illegals easily as well. Implement a $25,000 fine for every undocumented person employed at a business. Put the legal onus on business so harsh they don't dare hire illegals. Problem solved.

DADvocate said...

GGG means nothing to me. As YoungHegelian points out, the two largest minorities in the U.S., blacks and Hispanics, seem to love their guns. Currently, these groups seem to be low information voters, but with a little PR administered properly, the Dems could find themselves in hot water real quick.

shiloh said...

GGG is how ailes/atwater/turdblossom er cons used to win presidential elections. It doesn't work anymore ie ...


1992 ~ 37.5% Bush41 an incum­bent pres­i­dent who won Bart’s er the 1st Gulf War.

1996 ~ 40.7% Dole

2000 ~ 47.9% against a very, very weak can­di­date Gore.

2004 ~ 50.7% as an in­cum­bent wartime president ran against a very, very weak Kerry.

2008 ~ 45.7% as the best Reps could come up with, Mc­Cain, didn’t have a dog’s chance in hell af­ter (8) years of cheney/​​​bush.

2012 ~ 47.8% as Willard had a con bil­lion­aire $$$ advantage.


The good news ;) for Reps ~ the updated aver­age has gone from 44.5% to ((( 45.05% ))) for the last (6) pres­i­den­tial elections.

So they now try voter disenfranchisement/suppression as voter demographics are turning against the party of Lincoln.

Indeed, (40+) years of ailes/atwater/turdblossom ((( hate/division/fearmongering/misinformation ))) scorched earth presidential politics no longer works. Go figure! :)

Especially after (8) years of incompetence/ineptitude er cheney/bush lol.

GGG worked in Ohio in 2004 when turdblossom put the gay marriage hate issue referendum on the ballot in (8) states and Bush squeaked by in Ohio. Congrats on that small victory. But as it turned out (8) years of cheney/bush begat (8) years of Obama. :)


Rusty said...

Are you saying that the democrats don't want law abiding , god fearing gay folk to have guns?

AllenS said...

Greg Sargent is a Journolist member, and because of that, there is no need to trust him or listen to anything that he writes.

traditionalguy said...

Her G spot being rhythmically stimulated. That being a heterosexual breeders thought, I have typed myself. I blame God for designing women.

Anonymous said...

Because if there's one lesson to be drawn from the last election, it's that riling up the other side's base is the royal road to electoral success.

YoungHegelian said...


Implement a $25,000 fine for every undocumented person employed at a business. Put the legal onus on business so harsh they don't dare hire illegals. Problem solved.

You think the that then the illegals/undocumented will then self-deport themselves back to their impoverished country of origin to suffer among their own?

Not likely. They'll stay here and live off of welfare, or. more likely, become an even more desperate & impoverished underclass living off of crime or exploited by the slimiest of the slimy.

sonicfrog said...

I listen to the Savage Love podcast... every week!

Yeah... But yer a girl! And girls always need help with relationship stuff!!! :-)

shiloh said...

Correction as Willard is now at 47.3% ~ again, the irony lol.

As older white folk continue to pass on ...

Be afraid, be very afraid as AZ/TX will soon be purple states. Very soon!

Moose said...

Now that I think about it - advocating gays get guns is good! It started out in the 80's with gay rights - then marriage, then LBGT/whatever rights, then Dan Savage and "semi-monogamy". If they work that magic with guns, I'll be able to mount that 40mm ack ack on the roof to take care of my pesky neighbor and his helicopter!

edutcher said...

This assumes the demos can steal any election they want.

'14 is going to be interesting.

shiloh said...

GGG is how ailes/atwater/turdblossom er cons used to win presidential elections. It doesn't work anymore ie ...

Of course, it does, but the count has to be honest.

o they now try voter disenfranchisement/suppression as voter demographics are turning against the party of Lincoln.

Seems to me the only votes that were suppressed were Republican ones. Especially the military vote.

Indeed, (40+) years of ailes/atwater/turdblossom ((( hate/division/fearmongering/misinformation ))) scorched earth presidential politics no longer works. Go figure! :)

The little asshole is describing the 100 years of Democrat campaigning from Buchanan to Johnson.

Secession, segregation, all the good stuff.

Especially after (8) years of incompetence/ineptitude er cheney/bush lol.

Hmm, even the Senate Demos are getting antsy about ObamaTax and none of Barry's budgets can even pass his own party.

Throw in Benghazi, the Arab Spring, and Leading From The Messiah's Behind and we see who's incompetent.

Dubya, Darth, Rummy, and Condi won their fights and brought the economy back.

Be afraid, be very afraid as AZ/TX will soon be purple states. Very soon!

Not after the economy crashes. They're all going home.

The little asshole forgets Old Mexico is now doing better than the good ol' US of A under Choomie.

PS So, tell us, what's so hilarious about the CT massacre? You seem to think it exists just for your moronic non sequiturs, smileys, and Ned Silver's concocted poll numbers.

Go on, tell us.

Or you can tell us where you were hiding the month the Romster was winning.

Or the week after the Koskidz poll came out showing a quarter of the american people think the election was stolen.

So what were you doing, wanking off as you watched all those people in Jersey freeze in their homes, telling yourself, "It's all good"?

Colonel Angus said...

You think the that then the illegals/undocumented will then self-deport themselves back to their impoverished country of origin to suffer among their own?

Not likely. They'll stay here and live off of welfare, or. more likely, become an even more desperate & impoverished underclass living off of crime or exploited by the slimiest of the slimy.

Oh and no government welfare payments to illegals. There is no reason why they should be getting them now.

campy said...

This assumes the demos can steal any election they want.

A safe assumption.

Colonel Angus said...

As older white folk continue to pass on ...

Always a delight to see the blatant racism of liberals who cheer on the passing of a certain demographic soley based on their skin color.

Its as if they revel in being to display open racism since hated of whites is fashionable nowadays.

LoafingOaf said...

The easiest way to reduce gun violence in America has been obvious for decades: End the War on Drugs. But Republicans have been too authoritarian to run with that position. They prefer putting as many people in jail and prison as possible, which is destructive to society.

Then there's the problem that so many of the front and center Republicans nowadays just sound nutty. On this school shooting issue, all weekend long Republicans have been running around saying their bright idea is for kindergarten teachers to carry guns. That's their vision for America's future? They think that's how we want our schools to be? If you don't want to come off as gun nuts then stop being gun nuts.

And a lot of the conservative media voices have been trying to mainstream all this survivalist stuff the shooter's mom was caught up in. Glenn Beck sells survivalist packs. Glenn Reynolds is often linking his readers to web sites that are about prepping for the economic collapse. The Drudge Report has decided, in recent years, to regularly link to the paranoid conspiracy site Infowars.

When I went to lunch an hour ago the radio came on when I started the car. The dial happened to be on Glenn Beck's show and the first words I heard was a fill-in guest wondering how many members of the army would side with the people when the shit hits the fan. OH, more of that shit again. I quickly turned the channel.

On the issues related to God, gays, and guns, the Republicans have a lot of mentally sick people front and center, and they turn people off. Meanwhile they continue to portray Obama as some sort of extreme socialist, which is far from reality. And Obama can continue to come across as the level-headed, reasonable person standing in sharp contrast to people who are disturbing to mainstream America and don't even know it. 'm not even a fan of Obama anymore, but I had no doubt he'd win that last election, yet out of touch Republicans didn't see it coming at all, and Karl Rove had a meltdown on election night.

LoafingOaf said...

Greg Sargent is a Journolist member, and because of that, there is no need to trust him or listen to anything that he writes.

You don't think many of the voices in the right wing media are coordinating in similar fashion? You couldn't be that naive.

test said...

LoafingOaf said...
You don't think many of the voices in the right wing media are coordinating in similar fashion?

Actual media manipulation is ok because I assert others do it too.


Paul said...

The whole reason for the BILL OF RIGHTS was to keep from having a ' tyranny of the majority'. That is 51 percent decides the other 49 percent DIE. See in a true democracy 51 percent can sell out the other 49.

It is also why we have the rather convolved way of getting laws passed. It's all to make the process harder so the 'majority' will find it difficult to impose it's will on the minority.

And it also explains why we have the Electoral College. It's to make sure any one who wins has a broad support across the whole land.

So be careful when you want direct democratic rule. Unless you have a VERY STRONG bill of rights then the majority can destroy the minority.

And that might mean YOU.

Sam L. said...

GGG--God, Gays, and Girls, for some. No point arguing about them--as Paul Harvey said, "No use worrying, ain't nothing going to turn out right."

Chuck Curry--it hasn't stopped them so far.

Fprawl, the boy didn't take it in with him. And it isn't an assault weapon, it's semi-auto. Looking military is good enough for Dems to hate it.

Anonymous said...

"With God, guts, and guns our freedom was won."

sinz52 said...

Mr. Sargent did not invent the phrase "God, guns and gays."

It probably traces its lineage back to the Republican Jim Inhofe, who used it during his 1994 campaign for the U.S. Senate.

edutcher said...

campy said...

This assumes the demos can steal any election they want.

A safe assumption.

No, Romney won the states that had strong voter ID laws beyond the margin of fraud.

Big Mike said...

@YoungHegelian, thank you for the link. I don't understand how Connecticut can ban "35 semi-automatic and automatic weapons" but overlook the Bushmaster. Wasn't that the weapon of choice for the Beltway sniper a few years back.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how Connecticut can ban "35 semi-automatic and automatic weapons" but overlook the Bushmaster.

It's always the next regulation that will finally deliver the results we were promised from all the previous regulations.

DADvocate said...

BigMike - Simply because someone used a weapon of an illegal purpose doesn't mean it should outlawed. There are plenty of hunting rifles that can shoot your eye out as sure as the Bushmaster. The Winchester Model 70, widely used as a sporting gun, has also been used as a sniper rifle by the military and law enforcement. Since it's bolt action, it can't fire as rapidly as a Bushmaster, but for sniping, that's not a major concern.

bgates said...

End the War on Drugs. But Republicans have been too authoritarian to run with that position

Things will be different someday when a Democrat becomes president.

Crunchy Frog said...

GGG - sounds like a bad stuttering episode.

Anonymous said...

And then there's GGGG, courtesy of Professor Bill Vallicella.

Salamandyr said...

We aren't the only nation that allows ownership of firearms yet we seem to have a near monopoly of mentallyq handicapped people who use them for settling whatever scores they have.

Do you realize this is not actually true. It's not even close to the truth.

Every country on earth has mass murderers. Most places on earth, including most "developed" countries, are more violent than the US.

Canada is more violent than the US.

pm317 said...

Is he a college drop out like the rest of them, you know, Chucky Todd, Brian (I will lick your shoes obama) Williams?

Don said...

GGG - Gospel Guitar Guys

Don said...

Here's a better link for the Gospel Guitar Guys.

kentuckyliz said...

So...the government death panels will soon have your very life in your hands, and now you want the government to outgun you?

Just give us bread and circuses and we'll accept whatever tyranny they want to impose.

kentuckyliz said...

At what point do we cease to call ourselves citizens and start referring to ourselves as subjects?

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