Reading the headline at Breitbart, I thought I was going to see someone who had become hysterical and irrational, but watch.
It's been 3 days, and they don't have power or gasoline for generators. There are people who are, she says, 90 years old who are cold and do not have extra clothing or enough food. It made me cry.
AND: "Red Cross is here with hot chocolate and cookies. We need blankets, we need pillows, we need clothing. We can get hot chocolate and cookies, we need help!"
१२३ टिप्पण्या:
At least the President isn't leaving them behind. At least their Mayor isn't focused on some dumb-assed sporting event.
Oh, wait....
I wouldn't want to be a NY Democrat right now.
Upstate will vote R, downstate is angry.
Do the math.
Well, the race must go on.
Can't someone use an Obamaphone to call for help?
Chuck: "cut through red tape"
"red tape" = the money you have to pay people to do the job they are already being paid to do.
This stuff is seriously trending on FB among my liberal NY friends. They'd never vote for Romney, but they might stay home.
Shumer seemed sincere.
Not sure why she doesn't have clothes if her house is still standing. I wear the same pants for days. Are they just wet?
Begging Urkel for their daily sustanence because they are incapable of adapting while government watches them suffer in their leftard enclaves. How is that leftism working out for you now, Ms. Soley?
Yeah, while Urkel strips the red tape away from government to make it more efficient (what a laugh), you are on video begging and pleading with do nothings that could care two shits about you while they get their photo-ops from their do-something campaign to help you D's out. Rofl. Sandy is Urkel's Katrina and they will still get on their knees and beg for their daily bread from him.
Conservatives would most likely already be finding way to survive and McGuyver a solution together. See the contrast? Help us Obama. You're our only hope.
On second thought maybe she's a Republican "plant"
@Althouse: The video loads and starts playing automatically. You might want to fix that.
Shumer stole a FEMA windbreaker. That's funny.
This is so much bigger than Katrina. Obama will vote present as in do nothing as he did with Benghazi and the media will focus their negative reporting onto Bloomberg and maybe Christie so as to protect the one they had been waiting for.
Missed opportunity for Schumer. He should have given her his FEMA jacket.
the DNC might want to rethink the Michelle add that plays just before story. personally I don't think the optics look to good.
It does seem like it should be easy to get things to places around NYC. There's lot of money. Tons of infrastructure. I don't see why it should take more than three days to supply people.
Not sure why she doesn't have clothes if her house is still standing. I wear the same pants for days. Are they just wet?
Maybe that wasn't her house we were seeing. It wasn't clear to me.
I kept thinking, "Chuck, for God sakes, go hug that woman!" He finally did. The physical contact makes for a more human connection, and clearly that woman (and those beside her) need to feel that someone is looking out for them.
Don't underestimate morale. We went through a helluva a lot with four major hurricanes hitting Florida in sex weeks back in 2004. (Sandy, by way of comparison, was not a major hurricane.) It helped knowing the Governor was out and about, doing his job, seeing that others were doing theirs, seeing and being seen. It's generally too big of a cluster-fuck for the President to do this, but the Governor, the Mayor and the other elected officials need to be out there, seeing and being seen.
Now to find out if the senior Senator from New York can kick some ass or not.
The thing to remember about all these big natural disasters is that usually once the event is over the bad stuff is just starting to happen.
How is that leftism working out for you now, Ms. Soley?
Maybe the time for political lessons isn't right exactly now for her.
I should sympathize with this woman, right?
four major hurricanes hitting Florida in sex weeks back
Well, Sex Week is kind of crazy.
I'd be interested to know why all those people were still there as the hurricane hit. Didn't Bloomie downplay evacuation before the storm ? Maybe they were afraid of looters but two cops on the bridge could stop most of that.
I think that D voters just don't think about self-preservation enough. Mississippi dug itself out of Katrina while NO sat and whined.
Conservatives would most likely already be finding way to survive and McGuyver a solution together. See the contrast?
And what would they be doing, stuck on an island with no power, no gas, the old and the sick and no food?
I've had the "luck" to go through three hurricanes in six weeks time. Yeah, there are things you can do for yourself - if you're not sick, or old, or injured. Or dead. Let's not forget them. I had the advantage of being well inland and out of way of the worst of it. It was still miserable, and people in my neighborhood actually did have their houses destroyed. No amount of duct tape is going to fix that, and no amount of boot-strapping is going to help you get through the initial shock if the same thing has happened to everyone else.
So just shut the fuck up with the political lessons. There will be time enough for that later. But since you are (presumably) not cold, not without power, not without communication, not without food and possibly potable water, I just have to ask: What's your reason for being an ass about this?
I don't know if anyone will die as a result of poor handling of the emergency services. I can, however absolutely guarantee that the number of politicians - at any level - that will die is zero.
Hurricane Sandy the next Benghazi?
Hurricane Sandy the next Benghazi?
Or Katrina. Take your pick.
And what would they be doing, stuck on an island with no power, no gas, the old and the sick and no food?
I guess you could buy a generator beforehand, just to have in case of something — especially living on an island. Some of my neighbors have them and I heard them purring the last time our power went out.
Of course, we live in a place with enough room to store gas for at least a weeks worth of use.
I do feel for the lady, in the fact that she seemed to be concerned about others affected more than herself.
There are plenty of common sense things you can do to prepare yourself for this kind of emergency. Some do and some don't. Those who don't do not deserve to suffer, but they will as a matter of consequence suffer more than the prepared. When you place your trust in big brother and he fails to deliverer it may in fact be a very unsettling experience.
Lady, Hizzoner sez anyone in the city can get a generator. You just have to find a car that isn't flooded, a steet that isn't blocked, a hardware store that hasn't been destroyed or looted...and a gas station without a line around the block.
Not to worry, though, the NYC Marathon catering tent will be properly refrigerated.
So just shut the fuck up with the political lessons.
I second that. People are suggesting that this woman is getting her just desserts for voting for Democrats without even knowing for whom she voted. There are people of different political persuasions that live here in the New York metropolitan area, you know. Of course, who gives a fuck at the moment?
Sadly, people also overestimate the ability of FEMA to massively take over a relief effort.
They're more of a coordination agency than a feet-on-the-ground agency.
What about the NY/NJ National Guard? How active have they been?
garage mahal said...
Hurricane Sandy the next Benghazi?
Only if we put off responding 'til after the election.
Staten Island Lady: We need blankets, we need pillows, we need clothing. We can get hot chocolate and cookies, we need help!"
Elected Official: What Otter said.
Lady, Hizzoner sez anyone in the city can get a generator.
This is from the same mayor who wants New Yorkers (except himself, of course) to live in 300 square-foot pods.
I'd like to know how elderly people (or anyone for that matter) who live in apartment buildings are supposed to run gasoline generators without killing themselves from the exhaust.
Exactly, garage -- just some nothing-burger about a few faceless little people who died.
Just like that Fast-and-Furious nonsense. Dead Mexicans...big woof. Those dusky mud-people will just breed and make more, after all.
Benghazi, Sandy, F&F: All just blown out of all proportion by the reich-wing spin machine through hard-core uber-conservative bloggers like Ann Althouse.
Seriously: Can't we get back to the important issues, like the sanctity of garage mahal's lady parts, and how we should all help fund garage mahal's birth control?
Is there any evidence that she does not have a generator? It seems to me she has one but no more gas to run it.
Doesn't look too bad there. One SUV, one pickup truck drive by in the background. Four cameramen made it onto the scene not to mention assorted politicians. Ninth ward it ain't!
"We can get hot chocolate and cookies"
Maybe we could get them some graham crackers, marshmallows, and hershey's bars, they could built nice little fire out in the back yard with fallen debris. Lets make it a fun activity.
The lady must be confused. The media already declared "mission accomplished" for the President during the morning after photo-op.
What about the NY/NJ National Guard? How active have they been?
NY NG are handing out relief supplies in Red Hook while the NYPD sets up crowd barriers along the marathon route.
Having a house well-stocked with emergency supplies is of limited value if that same house is completely swept out to sea.
For those those who don't know, Staten Island, NYC's smallest borough is also its most conservative. It is also the most exposed to the open ocean (though parts of Queens and Brooklyn are also exposed). I don't think these people are a bunch of teat-suckers - they are fellow citizens who have lost a great deal and should be given assistance in the immediate aftermath of the storm.
If I were the Romster's campaign people, I be sending in a few campaign buses loaded with food and water.
"most conservative"
Interesting choice of words.
How about "least liberal"
Damn, and I thought she was upset because she couldn't charge her cellphone. After all, the is the most important thing, being able to play Angry Birds--certainly more important than food or heat.
Sure, Schumer seemed sincere. But the optics are negative. Why the barrier, the broken fence or whatever it is, between the victims and the 'rescuers?' If I had been in charge of PR I would have taped the whole party together with no barriers between the politicians and the victims. Even hugging the woman he had to lean over the barrier. Symbolically, it says, "You, the sufferer, are over there and me, the government, I'm over here. I don't have any help for you. Reaching from behind the safety of the barricade I will comfort you." I almost feel sorry for Schumer, but not really considering that it's doubtful that this video will see the light of day in the MSM. Note to politicians: Try to arrive at scenes of disaster with some kind of tangible, material assistance. Food, gasoline, clothing, water – even if it's only a few items.
The other thing potentially bad for New York politicians is the pleading of the woman, which would move anyone with a heart. It doesn't look good for your constituents to be seen as desperate and in life-threatening, helpless situations. But most folks will never view this tape unless the MSM can figure out a way to edit it to make the government look better.
I don't see why it should take more than three days to supply people.
Then you, like Althouse, don't understand the dynamics of a major hurricane.
Then you, like Althouse, don't understand the dynamics of a major hurricane.
Is that to imply that certain parties - including a certain President of the United States - got a bum rap in the wake of Hurricane Katrina?
I couldn't understand what the barrier was for either, was it to keep people in, or out? and why? I guess maybe setting up barricades is just SOP in any disaster?
It's not like they didn't have warning, do people not stock up on supplies? You can buy food with a 2 year experation date.
Where's the gov't cheese? Where's the bags of rice we send overseas?
It's best to organize your life as if government did not exist.
Just as a fail-safe.
The more you do so, the "luckier" you'll be when things go bad.
BTW - when the tsunami hit, there were 3 aircraft carriers there - each IIRC has the capability of making 90K gallons of water daily......
Airlift the people in, then airlift the food. This can't be that hard.
Geez, we bombed Berlin with food & candy.
Sorry for the autoplay. I tried to figure out the code to make it stop. I'll re-embed it if someone can tell me how to get it to stop. Here's what the code looks like:
[iframe frameborder="0" height="375" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" src="" width="500"></iframe]
I am confused about a few things. The houses did not look destroyed. There should be clothing and blankets. Maybe her clothes and blankets were completely destroyed. There are no neighbors to lend her some clothing and blankets? That doesn't make sense to me. People don't have enough food to survive for THREE DAYS? I'm not talking about full scale prepping, but peanut butter on crackers, stuff you could grill on a propane grill in the backyard if the gas is turned off? I figure we could live for a month with the food we have - it wouldn't be gourmet but we could survive.
I saw news reports about dumpster diving going on in lower Manhattan days ago. That is (I think) because so many NYers eat every single meal out - they do not have food in their own homes. If this went on for a long time I'd buy it. But three days and you're starving? Sorry - I don't get it.
I can see you'd be uncomfortable - but risk of death? Nah.
(Now for 90 year olds, yeah, I get it. But not others.)
I know I'm a dick and all, but didn't Indians used to live there year round without houses or FEMA?
It's not pure partisanship to notice that as people have gotten used to government care, they have lost a lot of their ability to sustain themselves, and even the patience to try to before expecting the government to save them. This is not wise. The government will never be large enough to take care of everyone in a disaster like this, never. Plan, learn, be prepared. Having someone to blame is a very poor substitute for survival.
Icepick said...
And what would they be doing, stuck on an island with no power, no gas, the old and the sick and no food?
I've had the "luck" to go through three hurricanes in six weeks time. Yeah, there are things you can do for yourself - if you're not sick, or old, or injured. Or dead. Let's not forget them. I had the advantage of being well inland and out of way of the worst of it. It was still miserable, and people in my neighborhood actually did have their houses destroyed. No amount of duct tape is going to fix that, and no amount of boot-strapping is going to help you get through the initial shock if the same thing has happened to everyone else.
So just shut the fuck up with the political lessons. There will be time enough for that later. But since you are (presumably) not cold, not without power, not without communication, not without food and possibly potable water, I just have to ask: What's your reason for being an ass about this?
Collecting wood to make fires so they could at least cook and keep warm. They could constructing some types of shelters out of those materials to at least insulate themselves from the elements. They could coordinate themselves to take care of the sick and the elderly amongst them. If chuck schumer and his cadre could get to that place, they could have brought, by hand medicinals with them. Could have carried some modicum of food with them. Tools perhaps to help with some menial construction efforts.
It looks like to me they are just meandering around wondering why help doesn't come. I've been in plenty of situations where you have to rely on yourself or within the company of others. the political lessons are thus. No one will take care of you or yours except for yourself. The glaring idea that these people, this woman in particular, can run into Schumer and beg obama for help is understandable considering their condition, but I'm simply pointing out that whining like this is meaningless. That these people have relied and gotten soft in their suburban unionista enclaves thinking government will swoop into rescue them is a farse. This video proves that. My tract wasn't a political lesson, but an observation on what their particular brand of politics has done to them.
You do what you have to do in order to survive. Running and waiting for government help is a recipe for failure. This is an object lesson in preparedness. They could have left, they didn't. This is katrina style ignorance. That lesson was forgotten. They had how many days to pack up and leave?
So you can kindly shut the fuck up and get a clue yourself. I've been in tornado aftermaths, I've been in hurricane aftermaths. I was in the northridge quake in 94. I helped a ton of people who couldn't help themselves. I know how to at least eek out survival. Shit, there are shows dedicated to how to survive in the worse conditions.
These people could at least make a fire, find a pot and boil some water to make it drinkable. Use a bunch of shirts as a filter. Fuck, do something. Make a lean-to out of sticks. Stuff some cloths, dirty or otherwise into your clothing for insulation. Bundle your elderly with layers of more clothing. Christ, there is tons of things these people can do to survive for a bit. They might not eat regularly, but if you've at least got water, you can make a go of it.
Pointv1 City living and suburb living are not the same as country living.
Point 2 If these are old people on fixed incomes they may not have surplus food stored or the ability to get it.
Point 3 Help is most accessible if is close. I'll bet there are units of government or social support closer and faster than the mayor's office. Heck, put the campaign workers to work bringing gas and food instead of making phone calls or getting people to the polls they could get a lot done in very little time.
Palladian said...
So just shut the fuck up with the political lessons.
I second that. People are suggesting that this woman is getting her just desserts for voting for Democrats without even knowing for whom she voted. There are people of different political persuasions that live here in the New York metropolitan area, you know. Of course, who gives a fuck at the moment?
Her politics aren't in question. It's the place that is run by the left that is in question. Her call for help is understandable under the circumstance, but she either is forgetting where she lives and who is running the place. Democrats are in charge in NYC and in the burroughs. Their ideology is in charge too.
I'm still a dick, so I have to admit that I just don't get this reaction she is having to a few days without power. We have survived most of human history without it. Didn't she ever go camping? I just get a drama queen vibe from that. It would be an emergency if she had someone on a ventilator or something, but just being 90 doesn't mean you need an AC adapter plugged into your ass to live.
The survival shows are for the red staters, flyover country - they're too sophisticated.
Can the line be any clearer?
A lot of people means a lot of misery, but it also means a lot of help if they actually help.
put the campaign workers to work bringing gas and food instead of making phone calls or getting people to the polls they could get a lot done in very little time.
Which campaign workers are we talking about? I'm pretty sure it's already locked up for Obama. Now if they had the luxury of being a swing state it would be a different story. Unfortunately the Obama Campaign is broke, at least thats what their Emails imply.
Talked to a lady in Long Island City today for work. Their plant is out of power but offices ok. I asked how she had gotten to work - she said she was almost out of gas, but made it today. I asked "Did you fill your tank before the storm?" She said "Oh I had half a tank, I figured that was enough." The warnings about keeping your gas tank full were EVERYWHERE. But no, half a tank was good enough. And now she's 'running on fumes' as she put it.
I grew up in NY - the mindset of dependence on vendors, suppliers, services is complete. And now we are seeing the result.
BTW I don't believe most people (especially in the houses shown in that video) do not have room for some supplies.
I guess I'm a dick too. But i want bagoh and methadras on my team if the bad times come!
I don't watch Bear Grylls just because he's hot.
This is why more localized response is more effective. The Feds need to help with costs and coordination, much of which should be planning, etc before any emergency occurs. Local/regional units with people familiar to the area bring more a effective immediate response.
I would have liked to see more evacuation before hand, but how and where to do you evacuate that many people? Bloomberg and others like to play the climate change card, but that's just a ploy to get themselves more power. They don't really give a shit one way or the other. Just want power.
Depending on federal government is a recipe for personal disaster, but being prepared as a community, family or individual isn't cheap or easy. As the lady noted, certain populations, the elderly, children, infirm, etc, are more vulnerable.
I'm thankful things aren't worse. It's sickening to see some politicians take advantage for personal gain. For politicians it's largely about power, over you.
Post of the people who live in NY & CT are Democrats. They are getting their just desserts!
I'm with bagoh20. I lost power for three days. It came back. It's tough. You send the kids out for firewood. You dig deep into the freezer. This ain't Ethiopia. Suck it up and show you've got what it takes to get through a storm. If you're better off than someone else, lend a hand.
Think of the logistics, phone calls, man hours spent on that little tour by Shumer. It did nothing for those people. The same effort could have gone to dozens of homes, gone inside and checked on what they need and set them up for survival for a few days. If I was there, I would have walked with that woman to her house and helped her get her family secured, but I don't think that's actually what she wanted.
Didn't she ever go camping?
Not very many people do. My family did growing up in suburban Chicago. In my new digs of the Twin Cities I am surprised by how many people have not camped before.
And I am talking about tent camping in October in the Midwest. The kind where you bundle up and have a heating source in your tent for hot instant coffee.
The technology the campaigns have for microtargeting could be used to help these people. You can canvas the street and enter an address and record how many people are there and ask what they need.
Our culture is becoming a waiting room rather than a doing room.
I feel bad for these people and thankful I'm not in their shoes knowing that someday I might be in an even worse situation as I get older. Becoming an old person is inevitable and its hard to be self reliant and secure when you're old knowing we're all dependent on the electrical power grid, gasoline supplies and whatever, dependent on our leaders whatever their competence.
Disaster planning pregame plan: watch the "Alone in the Wilderness" DVDs. You only need several tools to really survive.
I've never even been in the military, but I've spent multiple nights in the woods sleeping on top of a foot of snow with only snack food and liquor, miles from the nearest road. I just don't get it. We are not newborn kittens. Think about the pioneers in wagon trains. This is not Donner Pass, in winter. It NYC.
"I'm with bagoh20. I lost power for three days. It came back. It's tough. You send the kids out for firewood. You dig deep into the freezer. This ain't Ethiopia. Suck it up and show you've got what it takes to get through a storm. If you're better off than someone else, lend a hand."
I was without power for four days in the Ky. ice storm in 2009 but I wasn't flooded out of my house or had it burn down. Those people are in a lot worse situation than we had it in Ky from the ice storm.
A lot of these people are old people who are sick and infirm, stop telling people who have been flooded out of their homes and left without drinking water, food or enough warm clothes to suck it up.
It is a mistake to think that the woman in the video either can, or should be learning any lessons from this experience. As I watched her I could tell that her life has been "over" for a long time. she may live another 30 years, but she gave up being alive a long time ago
"I'm still a dick, so I have to admit that I just don't get this reaction she is having to a few days without power. We have survived most of human history without it. Didn't she ever go camping? I just get a drama queen vibe from that. It would be an emergency if she had someone on a ventilator or something, but just being 90 doesn't mean you need an AC adapter plugged into your ass to live."
It sounded like she was with a group of people who were evacuated from another place and that there are many very old and frail people who are suffering. Picture yourself as the able-bodied adult trying to handle the situation and how you would act if your Senator showed up on his walking tour in front of the building where this had been going on for 3 days.
Remember a few days ago MSNBC was criticizing the Romney campaign for collecting material donations rather than getting money for the Red Cross? Sounds like these people could use the Romney donations, and couldn't give two shits for the Red Cross.
I was in Hurricane Wilma in 2005and we were without power for days but we all survived. We actually set up a central area to cook food on grills in our neighborhood, cleared our street of downed trees and generally were self sufficient.
Struggling is not a bad thing. struggling to stay alive is the clearest evidence that we are in fact alive.
"It sounded like she was with a group of people who were evacuated from another place and that there are many very old and frail people who are suffering. Picture yourself as the able-bodied adult trying to handle the situation and how you would act if your Senator showed up on his walking tour in front of the building where this had been going on for 3 days."
So she had every right to be ticked off. Schumer should have channeled that anger and demanded a congressional investegation to find out why there hasn't been a better response.
-- lot of these people are old people who are sick and infirm, stop telling people who have been flooded out of their homes and left without drinking water, food or enough warm clothes to suck it up.---
Nature got to them before Obamaacare.
Schumer should have brought people with him.
I can only surmise that Ms. Solli's first name is Julia.
Able-bodied people should not be reduced to this state by 3 days without power, particularly when they had days of warning.
"When is the Government coming?"
If you're smart, you'll assume the answer is never, and act accordingly.
I can only surmise that Ms. Solli's first name is Julia.
Able-bodied people should not be reduced to this state by 3 days without power, particularly when they had days of warning.
"When is the Government coming?"
If you're smart, you'll assume the answer is never, and act accordingly.
Struggling is not a bad thing. struggling to stay alive is the clearest evidence that we are in fact alive.
Tell that to an elderly person on the 20th floor of an apartment building with no power.
"When is the Government coming?"
If you're smart, you'll assume the answer is never, and act accordingly."
This is exactly right.
I too have lived through natural disasters - and helped many a neighbor get hooked up to temporary power, etc. etc.
Survival in these instances requires that you act. That usually means the loss of your comfort zone.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out - I am certain that many will be compelled to help their neighbor. Unfortunately, my experience tells me there are many that will expect OTHERS to do for them. These situations tend to flush out the prima donnas.
"Tell that to an elderly person on the 20th floor of an apartment building with no power."
I don't have to tell them, they already know it.
Now, I'm no fan of Chuck Schumer, but:
It sounded like she was with a group of people who were evacuated from another place and that there are many very old and frail people who are suffering. Picture yourself as the able-bodied adult trying to handle the situation and how you would act if your Senator showed up on his walking tour in front of the building where this had been going on for 3 days.
That's a fairy tale. Assumes facts not in evidence. This is Staten Island, silly.
I've got people with needs around me, where we lost power. I'm one of the needy folks. I don't go all weepy before a Senator, much less a leech like Schumer. This is stupid.
We've created a narrative for ourselves in the last 50 years that simply doesn't exist in history. At no other time have humans lived in such relative luxury. We expect to be born in a clean well equipped hospital, go to the best government funded schools. live in nice houses with good plumbing and climate control. retire with a nice pension, grow old gracefully with our great grandchildren on our knee, be the picture of health right up until the time they stick the slow drip morphine IV in our arm so we can leave this world never knowing the experience of pain.
Schumer should get everyone a baby teacup pig.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
If what I read is correct, Bloomberg on Sunday only ordered evacuation of Zone A, which is basically the waterfront areas. He hoped schools would reopen Tuesday. (WTF?)
To my knowledge, he never told people in mid-town 15-story apartments, for instance, that the power would be off for a week. In fact, he had been minimizing the potential damage.
I saw one elderly couple that would not leave their 16th floor apt because they knew they could not walk back up. The fridge is out, the food is rotten, and neighbors are helping.
So yes, don't listen to the government. But help the people who were trusting enough to fall for it.
We are the people are parents warned us against.
For those of us who have lived through natural diasaters like Katrina, I can't imagine anyone not feeling sorry for and wanting to help these victims.
That being said, the question is who provides better, the government or the individual? am sure that there were people too old or too poor to evacuate. However, this is NYC with more government services than probably in my entire state. The NYC government did not evacuate these people, and they, in my opinion, appear to be providing substandard assistance now. It is really up to individuals to assist each other, before and after a disaster. And that is the distinction: depending on the government for help or providing for yourself and others.
I really wish Schumer had given her his FEMA jacket.
Ann Althouse said...
Picture yourself as the able-bodied adult trying to handle the situation and how you would act if your Senator showed up on his walking tour in front of the building where this had been going on for 3 days.
I'd be helping coordinate taking care of the sick, the infirmed, the injured, the elderly first. Then get any able bodied man or women to help secure certain things if they can. That's how I've done it before, that's how I'd do it again. Anyone who has medical knowledge gets coordination priority, then I find engineers and work from there if I can. Everyone else helps or they get lost and outta the way. If there is someone who would or could command more authority to get those things done, I'd cede to him or her.
The first thing I'd do is shake his hand out of respect for who he is, then out of my mouth to would be, "Did you bring anything to help? If not, get out of our way, we have shit to do."
Palladian said...
Tell that to an elderly person on the 20th floor of an apartment building with no power.
Do you have anything else to offer besides your typical faggoty snark and smarm? Didn't think so. I wonder if Doucheberg has conducted a building to building inspection for those very people. You are there, has he? Or you busy getting ready for the marathon?
"Picture yourself as the able-bodied adult trying to handle the situation..."
Frankly in that situation I would be too busy to have a chat with the Senator. I'd probably send her to do just what she did, as a kind of back up plan, but that would not be what I personally would be busy with. The government is not going to come and help us because we whined unless it does it at the expense of someone else that needs help. My responsibility to everyone in the city would be to be self-sufficient until the city is back up, not to push to the front of the line.
"The first thing I'd do is shake his hand out of respect for who he is, then out of my mouth to would be, "Did you bring anything to help? If not, get out of our way, we have shit to do."
Exactly, and I'd add the question: "Is walking around down here all you plan on doing? If you need suggestions on how you can really help Senator, I have a list here."
Bagoh has a point.
We won't see or hear from the people who are getting help to people. They are too busy to bullshit about it.
Someone has to go out and do photo ops. Schumer et al are good at that, but they're not the people who'll show up with food and gasoline.
Were they moved there before the storm? If so, why didn't they bring clothes or anything with them. If it was after the storm and they were evacuated to a place with no power and no food, it was a bad evacuation plan.
Unlike the Red Cross who apparently showed up with hot chocolate and cookies.
"Someone has to go out and do photo ops. Schumer et al are good at that, but they're not the people who'll show up with food and gasoline."
They say you don't want to get between Schumer and a TV camera.
Do you have anything else to offer besides your typical faggoty snark and smarm?
You know, I generally give you the benefit of the doubt and actually enjoy some of your comments, even though you're sometimes a bit over the top. But apparently you never read any of my comments because if you did, I cannot imagine why you would characterize me in that way. It seems that you are just looking for an excuse to call me a "faggot", even though I rarely discuss my sexual orientation here and when I do, I generally do it in a reasonable manner.
Anyway, I regretfully must add you to my ever-growing "scroll on by" list of commenters who are a waste of my time.
In short, fuck you, too.
What is the population density of Staten Island when compared to other areas of NYC?
My first thought when reading this is that relief efforts probably start in the most densely populated areas, where the greatest number of people can be reached, and moves outward to the less populated areas.
Might be an unfounded assumption.
Levi Starks:
We've created a narrative for ourselves in the last 50 years that simply doesn't exist in history. At no other time have humans lived in such relative luxury. We expect to be born in a clean well equipped hospital, go to the best government funded schools. live in nice houses with good plumbing and climate control. retire with a nice pension, grow old gracefully with our great grandchildren on our knee, be the picture of health right up until the time they stick the slow drip morphine IV in our arm so we can leave this world never knowing the experience of pain.
In addition to being so cut off from nature in urban environments, people forget humanity is easily swatted aside by Mother Nature when she gets the urge.
Your post illustrates one of the reasons I love TV or movies set in the mid 1800's (the degree of accuracy is another debate) - I think its good to be shown, and reminded on a regular basis, how brutal life can be without modern technology.
Let them eat cake.
" stop telling people who have been flooded out of their homes and left without drinking water, food or enough warm clothes to suck it up."
That's exactly what you tell them if you want them to survive, if you really care about them, and can suppress your own need to get emotional instead. It may make you feel better, but you are screwing them over if say: "just relax, we love you , and everything will be fine." You could be, in fact, killing them. If Shumer does not come back with help now, that's just what he did.
Palladian said...
Do you have anything else to offer besides your typical faggoty snark and smarm?
You know, I generally give you the benefit of the doubt and actually enjoy some of your comments, even though you're sometimes a bit over the top. But apparently you never read any of my comments because if you did, I cannot imagine why you would characterize me in that way. It seems that you are just looking for an excuse to call me a "faggot", even though I rarely discuss my sexual orientation here and when I do, I generally do it in a reasonable manner.
Anyway, I regretfully must add you to my ever-growing "scroll on by" list of commenters who are a waste of my time.
In short, fuck you, too.
Geez, I'm so sorry that I offended your sexual orientation as a means to counter it's prevalent ability to use snark and smarm to elucidate some kind of witty and pithy quip at the plight of the elderly in upper floors of their buildings.
Please, scroll on by. Gosh, there I go again, losing another fanboi. What will I ever do. Woe is I.
I knew as soon as this thing hit that there would be major problems getting supplies into the city, simply because of the huge population. Cities like New York work well when everything is functional, but when the electricity or the transportation network are fouled up, there's a cascading disaster effect, with the problems interacting with each other. No power means gasoline can't be pumped at the stations, as in much of New Jersey, and it means humongous lines at the few stations that do have power. I know that power is coming back on, much too slowly for people's liking, of course, but it's going to be bad for a while.
I was fortunate that when I lost power for six days after Wilma in 2005, it was only my neighborhood that was out that long. I could drive a few blocks and find a hot meal, gas up my car, get groceries. I could drive to work and take a hot shower. These people are in a lot worse situation than I was. I wish them all the best.
wyo sis said...
Unlike the Red Cross who apparently showed up with hot chocolate and cookies.
Red Cross makes a fuck ton of money. That's all they could bring? Really?
All the best to those affected by the storm.
Chuck Shumer and Gillibrand caught laughing on Rockcenter video after witnessing destruction of Staten Island. see 2:24 into the video
"So just shut the fuck up with the political lessons. There will be time enough for that later. But since you are (presumably) not cold, not without power, not without communication, not without food and possibly potable water, I just have to ask: What's your reason for being an ass about this?"
I live in Southern California where hurricanes are rare (but not unknown). I sailed through a small hurricane off Mexico in 1977. In 1961, my in-laws house burned down in the Bel Air fire with all our wedding presents inside. The house was destroyed and my father-in-law was sleeping on our extra bed for a week.
In 1980, the back yard of my house on a 200 foot cliff fell away and left our house 7 feet from the edge.
Did I beg our politicians for help ?
I feel sorry for those people but they could have evacuated. The idiot mayor of NYC did not encourage evacuation. He finally cancelled the marathon after looking the fool for a half day.
Why are you being such an ass about this ?
" Cities like New York work well when everything is functional, but when the electricity or the transportation network are fouled up, there's a cascading disaster effect, with the problems interacting with each other."
Think about this the next time some leftist talks about "sustainable growth" and "suburban sprawl." They want us all in hamster colonies like NYC.
I love the dark metaphor of the Senator just standing around with his hand in his pocket and wearing a "Team FEMA" jacket. Looks pretty fresh, too. Like he just put it on. And tippy toeing around like he is walking around a dog park at midnight trying to avoid the land mines. What a dope.
Didn't ANYONE mention that if he could get across, then he ought to be haulin' some freight to re-supply them with? Even a bob-tail?
And where were the "Officials" of this "Borough" prior to the storm, and the local PD and FD? Couldn't they have at least been able to do a quick survey and maybe locate some of the 90 year old constituents that are now in grave danger and at least got them out, or got them attention once the skies had cleared?
But the self-reliants up-thread are certainly right. One must prepare assuming the absence of relief post disaster. There were days of warning.
Fuck you.
Staten Island is a Republican enclave in a Democrat city. And the woman who was crying wasn't doing so for her daily sustenance, it was for disaster relief. I swear if I ever met you in person, I'd rip you a new cornhole.
People have for the most part responded magnificently. There has been some looting, but the usual suspects: blacks. The working class white population of NYC and environs has behaved with tremendous fortitude.
I repeat: fuck you. You are a worthless piece of shit.
I'm sure Schumer never even thought of bringing anything but cameras.
My house burned down in June, and except for the sheriffs, no one from the government helped me at all. And I didn't even have a week before it knowing it was coming to prepare. Clearly I got totally jacked by the government.
HankSaltz said...
Fuck you.
Staten Island is a Republican enclave in a Democrat city. And the woman who was crying wasn't doing so for her daily sustenance, it was for disaster relief. I swear if I ever met you in person, I'd rip you a new cornhole.
People have for the most part responded magnificently. There has been some looting, but the usual suspects: blacks. The working class white population of NYC and environs has behaved with tremendous fortitude.
I repeat: fuck you. You are a worthless piece of shit.
Sure HankSaltz. Whatever you say, you pathetic loser cockroach. Why don't you go ask The Advance why they endorse Titone. There are more democrats than republicans on that island. Go fuck your mother. I'm sure you can practice corn-holing on her fuckwad. Oh wait, that would be a waste of food.
chickelit said...
"Shumer seemed sincere."
100% why Progressivism thrives amongst the "listen to your heart crowd" despite all the historical evidence of it's inefficiency and corrupting power.
Uncle Joe seemed sincere to an awful lot of folks too.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Pentagon reporters that U.S. forces were on a heightened state of alert already because of the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington by al Qaeda.
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