"After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours."
Imagine if this set an example for everyone, and every adulterer resigned from his/her job. Civilization would collapse, no? It would be worse than "going Galt" if everyone goes Petraeus.
It calls to mind the old "General betray us" ad, but he didn't betray us.
ADDED: Is the resignation really about the affair... or is it connected to Benghazi?
३३९ टिप्पण्या:
339 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Is it too cynical to suggest that now we know why he kept quiet over the last two months?
Just goes to show, you never can tell who'll disappoint you.
November surprise!
Wow, that is a shocker. Petraeus has always seemed like such a straight-arrow type, but we are who we are, and a roving eye is part of our DNA.
Was that the real reason or an excuse to get away from Obama?
One wonders....
I don't have heroes. I don't believe in the infallibility of any particular person.
I can understand why an affair is a career ender for military or CIA. That doesn't mean he can't run for President someday.
He's also one person who would know what really happened in Benghazi who is no longer in the Admin. How long before Issa has him testifying?
I don't have heroes. I don't believe in the infallibility of any particular person.
That's good. Cults of personality usually end in disaster.
We'll see how everything shapes up with 45.
"That doesn't mean he can't run for President someday."
-- Between Benghazi and the affair, yeah. His upward career mobility is sunk for at least a decade.
Was that the real reason or an excuse to get away from Obama?
So that is what they had on him to keep him quiet.
It all makes sense now.
In the context of his particular line of work, resigning is the only thing he could do. An affair jeopardizes his ability to do his job as an intelligence officer. It opens him (and the country) up to unnecessary risk.
Going Petraeus only makes sense if you're a Petraeus.
Maybe he can follow Spitzer - get a show on CNN.
An affair is a very distracting thing to engage in. The people I see in my office who are engaging in this sort of behavior spend so much time worrying about cover ups and getting caught that they are no good in the other parts of their lives - i.e. their work. Better that he resigned. (Now if he were stationed overseas and having an affair while his wife was stateside, or if he had a living arrangement where he hardly ever had to see his wife, it wouldn't be a problem.)
Between Benghazi and the affair, yeah.
Democrat Presidential nominee timber, 2016!!
But guess what?
Now that the cat is out of the bag he can be more "flexible."
Those hearings on Benghazi will be pretty interesting.
I need some popcorn and an adult beverage.
Well, this furthers the life girl/dead boy theory of public service.
"Blogger Baron Zemo said...
So that is what they had on him to keep him quiet.
It all makes sense now."
I agree.
Imagine if people resigned because their negligence or incompetence led to people's deaths.
My main disappointment is that the director showed such poor judgement--did he really think they would stay quiet about it after the election?
He obviously didn't ask himself WWBD[What would Bubba do].
MartyH suggests: How long before Issa has him testifying?
Imagine if this set an example for everyone, and every adulterer resigned from his/her job. Civilization would collapse, no?
Talk about your totally false dilemmas. No, there is no need for civilization to collapse if resignation were required in every case of adultery.
Rather, the answer is to NOT COMMIT ADULTERY in the first place. Grow up and keep your damn pants on. But if one is going to engage in the most profound act of deceit and a gross breach of trust, then they ought not to continue in positions that require honesty and trust and integrity and honor.
Imagine if people resigned because their negligence or incompetence led to people's deaths.
Reagan would have resigned in 1983 then.
Matthew at 2:22, you have the quote backwards.
He thinks he can crawl into bed with a woman, and keep it a secret?? What other delusions does he suffer?
Yeah....he needs to resign.
Ah. You're right; I got it wrong.
Want things to get weird? Twitterverse says it was with a Warren staffer.
In an earlier time, the response to adultery was an invitation to a lawful duel, at the very least. Today, even if the law and law professors pooh-pooh the seriousness of adultery per se, still there are plenty of people out there who will respond to it with lethality, and our homicide laws still allow for reducing murder to manslaughter when it involves killing a spouse's paramour.
I guess this is what happens when you let straight guys serve in the military.
Ah. As someone said above, it now becomes very clear why he made the strange at the time move from the military to the CIA, from some degree of independence to a creature of Obama. The Chicago machine certainly knew -- this is one of their specialities, after all. That was their grip.
The Soviets used to specialize in this stuff. The KGB used to plant willing and beautiful young women in front of men they wanted to compromise themselves, either foreigners they wanted to be able to twist, or even their own they wanted to keep on the reservation. It all went into the files, and as long as you behaved, it stayed there.
Smart timing on the General's part, however. Now they can't touch him, and they might even need him if Congress wants a little testimony on Benghazi or the Afghan debacle that is shaping up.
Pity his family had to get mixed up in this bullshit. But that's what happens when you come to the attention of people who worship nothing but their own power. The lesson to be learned is: when your country is run, at least in part, by Stalinists, keep your head down. Don't stand out.
Bender, that only works if he was canoodling with a married woman.
It's tempting to read it cynically, and there may be more to it, but I am going to say this is a classy move.
General Petraeus is (a) protecting the country from the threat of blackmail and (b) doing the only honorable thing he can do, at this point.
I'm curious to know why he revealed the affair--he could have simply resigned--however, that would have drawn intense speculation about why. This may be the only way to head that off (even though, as evidenced by this thread, it may not wholly succeed).
Also, isn't it true that the military code has a penalty for adultery? He is holding himself to a higher standard than most of us.
People sin. What's refreshing and admirable is when they own up to it without self-justifying, self-pitying blather, and take their medicine.
General Petraeus may be another cynical pol--I don't know--but on the evidence so far, he seems like a good man. Sorry to lose him.
Death before dishonor.
Ann Althouse said...
Imagine if this set an example for everyone, and every adulterer resigned from his/her job. Civilization would collapse, no?
No, civilization would prosper. We need honorable men (and women). Men to whom we can look up. Men who would die before betraying a trust.
We used to have men like that in this country.
Paul said...
Was that the real reason or an excuse to get away from Obama?
Like those 8 million Romney voters nobody can find, I'm not buying this one for an instant.
This is just the excuse.
Or the explanation.
Adultery is not grounds for resigning from a position of responsibility. It is grounds for either pursuing reconciliation or divorce from the woman you betrayed.
I wonder if the timing of this announcement is related to Obama's reelection and the Benghazi coverup. Well, at least Nixon had the dignity to resign.
The other option could simply be his wife gave him an ultimatum to come clean or she walked away. I see no reason to read any more into this than we need to. I wonder how soon before he's referred to as a Republican.
What I just posted on Facebook:
General Petraeus: He made his career with the Surge; loses it to the Urge.
The affair must have been with someone who could compromise national security.
Otherwise, why the resignation? It's not like he had sex with an intern or a Hollywood bombshell, etc etc etc.
Democrats and people in their administrations don't resign over affairs. This is suspicious.
Now he can be thrown under the bus with impunity for the "video" part of the Benghazi screwup.
Bill worked pretty hard for the Obamessiah, so I don't see Hillary getting nailed for the front end.
He couldn’t have done this, say, a week ago?
Maybe he thought a magnanimous President Romney wouldn’t pursue Benghazi.
Peter -- you don't think that wives who are cheated are able to pick up a gun? Or boyfriends of a married man's girlfriend?
I would guess that he wanted out of there and having a reason like this was the only way the he would be allowed to go peacefully.
I want to know who he cheated with.
That way if she ends up at room temperature, that would be worth looking into.
Santa Ana:
I don't see anything dishonorable about him wanting to keep his moral failure from influencing the election.
It's not his job to try to tip the election; quite the opposite.
Could it be that we're all so screwed up that we're baffled when a man acts like what an honorable man does, when he messes up?
Matthew Salabal:
"Want things to get weird? Twitterverse says it was with a Warren staffer."
Jan 11, 2011:
"The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced the selection of Holly Petraeus to establish the Office of Servicemember Affairs being built by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) implementation team currently housed at Treasury."
"The bureau was set up by Elizabeth Warren, who was passed over for Director in favor of Richard Cordray."
Is a lawyer cheating on one's client grounds for terminating the representation? Is it grounds for disbarment?
Yes, to both questions, of course it is.
And yet we treat spouses with less respect and protection than we do someone in some mere business relationship.
What if the Chicagoes threatened to expose him if he told the truth about Benghazi? Just wondering.
Okay. Just so we've all got our history right:
1990's: Use an ill-timed military exercise to divert attention from the botched handling of an extramarital affair.
2010's: Use an ill-timed extramarital affair to divert attention from the botched handling of a military exercise.
Resigning from an espionage agency because of moral failings seems... not exactly "ironic", but something in that ballpark.
The Neocon's favorite General just bit the dust.
The "Surges" to bring democracy to the Noble Freedom-Lovers of Iraq and Afghanistan have not worked out so well.
His Iraqi waterpark paid for with 32 million dollars is abandoned.
And his strategy of arming up the new Afghan Army and police force and letting Narcokleptofiend Ahmed Karzai disarm US soldiers in Afghan government buildings has left a green on blue death toll pushing 200.
John McCain, Lindsay (I'm not gay, just McCain's Sancho Ponza!)Graham, Liebermen, Netanyahu are all going to have to look around for a new Nation-Builder.
Was the girlfriend full-flavored?
Was the girlfriend full-flavored?
Without knowing anything about the Petraeus personal affair, I say he resigned over the Benghazi affair.
Don't Tread wrote:
"That way if she ends up at room temperature, that would be worth looking into."
DT, as an avid Althouse reader with an evolving sense of morality, I am offended by the assumption implicit in your use of the word "she."
@Coketown: It's called dogging the wag.
My guess is that there was no affair and that the good General and his wife will reside under the bus until it all blows over. They were running guns from Libya to Syria, extra-legally I would expect, and the cover up of the 9-11 disaster was so poorly bungled that he had to go. Plus he was leaking ever so little bits of the truth. In the old days they had fatal car accidents. This is not as cheap but it is somewhat humane.
Ok, look. Guys? Remember the conspiracy theory nuts of 2000 and 2004 who saw Bush's evil machinations in every little thing?
Let's not be them, OK?
chickelit said...
@Coketown: It's called dogging the wag.
We don't know anything about her. She may not be so much a wag as a bona fide slut.
Hombre - Bill worked pretty hard for the Obamessiah, so I don't see Hillary getting nailed for the front end.
Black Messiah wants to keep the White House in black control, as only blacks have infinite moral superiority and the ability to give the boba-fide Preach-Speak gullible young whites and Hispanics are schooled to equate with the Greatest American Ever - Saint MLK.
That means that Hillary will be trashed and shitcanned, not that Bill Clinton cares too deeply....he'll have all the clout he wants by other channels...
And the 2016 nomination will be steered to another black of Infinite Moral Superiority to follow the black Messiah.
Next up?
Corey Booker or Deval Patrick.
Coketown and Rabel. heh.
How conveeeeenient!
The first thing I thought of: He's extricating himself from a honeytrap the administration caught him in, the only way he can.
Of course, this could be paranoia. It could be that he just couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
But the man is 60 years old, not 20. You're not that horny, and you're not that stupid, at 60. It would take a woman way, way out of a man's league to tempt him at that age, to risk a 37 year marriage and his career.
And women like that are rarely attracted to 60 year old bureaucrats.
Smells very funny to me.
I'll be very interested to see who this woman is, should this information ever come to light. I doubt that it will, though.
Imagine if people resigned because their negligence or incompetence led to people's deaths.
Ok, my 'conscience' is forcing me to recognise a good comment.
There's GOT to be another explanation!
Probably BENGAZZZZZI eh?
Hahaha. Monica's all stewing at her keyboard, like:
"Chelsea gets a full-page spread about hunkering down for the hurricane? And everyone's, like, 'OMFG she's tweeeeting, let's follow her!' I'll show that bitch. I'll show all of them! I know a thing or two about dominating news cycles! Now who can I blow this time?"
My Dearest Rabel,
I appreciate your sensibility. As a matter of fact, it did cross my mind that my assumption of 'she' was incorrect.
My sense is that this is just one way the regime' may rid itself of a key witness in the upcoming Benghazi hearings.
My sense is that this is just one way the regime' may rid itself of a key witness in the upcoming Benghazi hearings.
Don't leave home without your tinfoil hat.
Let's not be them, OK?
In the end, I have to agree, but the shoe on the other foot routine is tempting though, no? The way that this is presented is that Petraeus suddenly was overcome with guilt and resigned. Isn't it more likely that someone threatened to out him? And if that is so...who and why? I'm just sayin'
I don't see anything dishonorable about him wanting to keep his moral failure from influencing the election.
It's not his job to try to tip the election; quite the opposite.
But, Fr. Fox, by not resigning before the election, he allowed the Obama administration to be successful in their lies about Benghazi -- his resignation would have gotten the whole sordid mess out there in full view, where the MSM didn’t want it to be.
Isn’t that influencing the election?
Especially after the Candy Crowley-Obama routine in the second debate, I would think he had the moral responsibility to do his best to at least open up the topic, and his resignation would have done just that.
Is the picture currently up on Drudge of Petraeus and his mistress? Otherwise that's deeply embarrassing for that woman!
"Don't leave home without your tinfoil hat."
Predictable, phx.
Friday afternoon.
Surprise 'resignation', for a reason no one would have guessed.
Key player in the Benghazi disaster (btw, 4 Americans are still dead).
Dirty tricks (unsealing sealed documents a staple of the left and esp Barry) used liberally.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, sometimes what you have on your hands is a duck.
Why would anyone care if he had an affair?
I question the timing.
That's his wife.
But, you know, if you're gonna be the world's number one spy and you can't keep an affair secret, maybe it's time to go.
Really, really strange. There was no need for him to bring this infidelity story into his resignation because it is a huge unnecessary public humiliation for his wife. He could have just resigned since the start of a new term is a normal time for staff change.
My guess is that he was forced out so that it will be easier to make him the fall guy for Benghazi. This will keep Hillary viable for a 2016 prez campaign.
Sounds like a scene out of "About Last Night."
"I tell you I'm a thief and you call me a liar."
phx wrote: Don't leave home without your tinfoil hat.
Is that because you think he is not a key witness or because you think he will testify the same as a civilian? Just askin'.
"Why would anyone care if he had an affair?"
-- Affairs are like, one of the things right up there with unexplained income and working odd hours that people see as warning signs and/or possible ways of being blackmailed.
No. People with high-level security clearances shouldn't be having affairs. Well, no one should, but especially not them.
"There was no need for him to bring this infidelity story into his resignation because it is a huge unnecessary public humiliation for his wife."
-- Why should she be humiliated? She's not the one who betrayed her spouse.
PHX: you should read some books about the cia over the weekend. You might reach for your own tinfoil.
I would imagine that James Jesus Angleton kept his dick in his pants for the same reasons that Petraeus likely did as well. The affair thing is such an obvious no-no at the via, such a complete no-no that I seriously doubt the General is guilty. His wife is a patriot in any event.
Matthew - You are so right. I'm tired today and wasn't thinking.
Hombre: Democrats and people in their administrations don't resign over affairs
McGreevey resigned.
At my most cynical I have to wonder if someone had what he thought was leverage on Petraeus and had suggested that, unless he played ball, he would be outed. In such a situation, by outing himself Petraeus can, at least, look himself in the mirror and testify openly without worries of repercussion.
"This will keep Hillary viable for a 2016 prez campaign."
It will be interesting to see if Cankles will keep her position or 'resign'. She and Petraeus are central to the Benghazi incident.
Phx, there is a difference between ignorance and willful ignorance. Asking questions is never wrong, don't be afraid of it.
With this timing, my guess is that they warned him not to make any more statements about Benghazi or they would expose him, and he thought about that for a minute and quit with his own revelation.
Is that because you think he is not a key witness or because you think he will testify the same as a civilian? Just askin'.
It's because I think the people who are saying it's a conspiracy by Obama are not stable. They will continue to mess up the GOP.
I know I'm just a concerned troll but I do believe we need two reasonably healthy parties for the process to function well.
Phx, there is a difference between ignorance and willful ignorance. Asking questions is never wrong, don't be afraid of it.
I think there are all kinds of lefties who will be happy for you to ask all the questions you like, as loudly as possible, please.
I think they believe as I do, "folks" like you cost Romney the election.
Why would he run around outing his affair on his own? Since when did anyone ever do that?
It is ALMOST as if he'd been threatened. However, I'm sure this administration would never do anything, they have nothing to hide.
"Let's not be them, OK?"
Because doing the right thing has worked so well?
I heard it was Michelle.
I mean Hillary.
Phx, exactly.
I think they believe as I do, "folks" like you cost Romney the election.
When one side gives the other side advice on winning elections, it's always bullshit.
Peter Hoh said...
Hombre: Democrats and people in their administrations don't resign over affairs
McGreevey resigned.
He resigned for embezzlement: giving his lover a state job he was manifestly unqualified for.
Maybe it was Elizabeth Warren herself!
"Because doing the right thing has worked so well?"
-- Politics is a thing; it is not -the thing.-
Some of us are true to our marriage vows. We view it as sacrement.
I can understand how people who don't can think this is not a big deal. I mean you don't care about marriage and it doesn't mean anything to you.
It is one of few things I agree with the Crack Emcee.
Santa Ana:
Well, we'll see. It depends on whether he had something more to say, but was prevented for some reason.
Did he have something more to say about Benghazi that he failed to say?
My point simply was that waiting to resign, for the reasons stated, meant not injecting his resignation into the election.
And you, fucks(phx), need two functioning brain cells to contribute here.
So that is what they had on him to keep him quiet.
Coming out relieves him of any qualms of loyalty or the like to keep mum on Benghazi.
If anything, lets say Petraeus finds religion, ala Colson, and spills all he knows to ease his conscience.
When one side gives the other side advice on winning elections, it's always bullshit.
Not really. Sometimes it's okay to speak the truth to your enemies if they're too dumb or too pigheaded to learn from it.
You knuckleheads have even been taught this in cartoon format, via Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd.
I'm a naive, optimistic retard. I think everything is as it appears on its face. Why should it be different? So the acting director of the CIA resigns on a Friday--it's pure coincidence that everything that raises eyebrows happens on a Friday--two days after an election and a week before he's supposed to testify on the sleeping scandal that is Benghazi. So what? Have you people ever heard of coincidence?
Durrrr. Put on your tinfoil hats. Idiots.
I can understand why an affair is a career ender for military or CIA.
I can see an affair ending a military career, but I don't see why it should be the end of a DCI unless he allows himself to be blackmailed rather than have it go public.
These sort of things are flagged as security risks because they open people to blackmail. Co-workers are expected to report such activities if they become aware of them. Petraeus did the right thing in resigning. Better if he had avoided the involvement, but such things do go on, Clinton for instance.
They are saying on the news right now that Petraeus will NOT testify about Benzaghai.
Peter Hoh wrote: "Hombre: Democrats and people in their administrations don't resign over affairs."
McGreevey resigned.
Sorry, Peter, I forgot the "sarcasm alert" you seem to need.
On the other hand, do you suppose Petraeus affair was with a man, like McGreevey's." (Sarcasm alert.)
"They are saying on the news right now that Petraeus will NOT testify about Benzaghai."
-- If Fluke could testify about birth control, Petraeus can testify about Benghazi as a private citizen. If he ducks out, I'll raise my status from "unconcerned" to "slightly intrigued."
I actually like what hombre said--they threated to expose him if he talked about Benghazi so he disclosed the affair himself and resigned and is now ready to talk.
Steve Koch:
Had General Petraeus resigned, either now or weeks ago, but after the Benghazi foul-up, without disclosing his reasons, don't you think the speculation about the reason would have been intense? Even with the disclosure, it's going on. Don't you think it would have been worse?
Also, as someone else noticed, if there was any kind of threat--or simply if he knew it might happen later--this enables him to be free of that constraint. This can't be used to blackmail or silence him.
Inga and phx: Wait a minute. I seem to recall you both saying that Benghazi deserved some level of investigation. Are you now saying forget it?
The Bengazhi testimony is Issa's call.
If there were any truth to conspiracy theories, I would think Issa would be targeted.
The named co-repondent is "Ben Ghazi." The rest is just a cover story.
McGreevey resigned.
McGreevey assigned his lover to a high paying position the lover was not qualified for... the affair didnt help, but the affair was not the only thing.
Why would you think such a thing Chickelit? Absolutely it should be fully investigated.
@chickelit I don't understand how you interpret my comments as saying there shouldn't be an investigation of Benghazi.
I seem to recall you both saying that Benghazi deserved some level of investigation. Are you now saying forget it?
I do, as well.
Matthew Sablan said...
"There was no need for him to bring this infidelity story into his resignation because it is a huge unnecessary public humiliation for his wife."
-- Why should she be humiliated? She's not the one who betrayed her spouse.
Haha, good one. So you think women are not humiliated when their husband cheats on them? You have a lot to learn about women.
Before the election, State/Hillary and CIA/Petraeus were blaming each other for the Benghazi debacle. Somebody is going down and it isn't going to be Obama or Hillary. That leaves Petraeus. All of a sudden, right after the election, Petraeus resigns because of an affair? Who cares if Petraeus has an affair? Even Republicans don't resign over affairs anymore.
Also, isn't it true that the military code has a penalty for adultery? He is holding himself to a higher standard than most of us.
Petraeus was no longer in active service, and the UCMJ doesn't apply to the CIA. At least, I don't think it does. But I still think he's holding himself to a higher standard than most.
chickelit said...
Inga and phx: Wait a minute. I seem to recall you both saying that Benghazi deserved some level of investigation. Are you now saying forget it?
I recall 15 stories alleging malfeasance and Inga saying anyone even concerned before a full investigation was complete was nuts.
Then WAPO wrote one puff piece and she declared the matter resolved. Yeah, she was real concerned.
Phx, Chickelit is playing games again.
Inga said...
Why would you think such a thing Chickelit?
Because you, like phx, seem to scoff at notions of and to a priori rule out any conspiracy. That is what the investigation is supposed to rule out--not you guys.
You'd expect the same thing, roles reversed.
It's fishy.
I bet we'll all find out exactly what happened.
Sure we will.
They are saying on the news right now that Petraeus will NOT testify about Benzaghai.
Subpoena his ass and make him take the fifth.
And Lem, and chickelet, you're wrong. I never said here there should be an investigation on Benghazi.
Although I do think there should be. I always have thought so. I just never said it here to anyone.
No one asked me.
Marshal, bullshit, I said conspiracy theorists were nuts, not concern. Liar.
Inga said...
Phx, Chickelit is playing games again.
I don't play games, Inga.
Looking more and more like the Nixon White House.
Oh yes you most certainly do Chickelit.
phx said...
And Lem, and chickelet, you're wrong. I never said here there should be an investigation on Benghazi.
Although I do think there should be. I always have thought so. I just never said it here to anyone.
No one asked me.
I assumed you were reasonable. Sorry about that.
Cedarford said...
The Neocon's favorite General just bit the dust.
The "Surges" to bring democracy to the Noble Freedom-Lovers of Iraq and Afghanistan have not worked out so well
Cedar once again shows his miniscule knowledge of foreign policy.
The surge in Iraq worked wonderfully.
The surge in A-stan failed miserably because Commandante Zero, our expert on everything, refused to let the professionals do their jobs and screwed it up.
How so, Inga?
The timing is obviously determined by the election. I think he is getting forced out so that if there is a fall guy, he is the guy and he won't have the resources of the CIA to help him wage his battle for survival.
Obama knows that the GOP, if they are smart, will try to discredit Hillary for terrible security in Benghazi. Dems stick together and Bill was a hero in this prez campaign so Obama owes the Clintons a solid. Plus who runs for prez in 2016 if it isn't Hill?
By resigning the general has shown that he is an honorable man. Or better yet he is attempting to regain his honor by coming clean and taking his lumps.
To get his honor back he must tell the truth about Benghazi.
Chickelit, this thread isn't about you or I, if you want specifics, email me, I'll tell you how, gladly.
I see the resident Hall Monitor is making his rounds all hopped up on caffeine.
Haha, the revenge bus is already on the road and the first hit to go under it is Patreaus. I had to laugh when the radio station anchor I was listening to ask the reporter — what would an innocent affair do, why resign? The reporter said (wait, wait for it), BLACKMAIL! (as in the context of how vulnerable the intelligence officials are to secrets they keep). I laughed out aloud. Obama minions dug this up, I will bet my last dollar on it, for his assertion that CIA did not, not send help to Benghazi thus complicating Obama’s predicament. They may have said make CIA the scapegoat or we will let it come out and I think he may have chosen to out himself and resign. That brings up the question what does Panetta have to hide?
BTW, Patraeus was slated to appear at a hearing next week and now he won't. Yes it is over Benghazi but not like what you're thinking. He is not the culprit.
I don't want presidents sleeping around. for moral reasons of course, but for the same blackmail rationale.
To get his honor back he must tell the truth about Benghazi.
It could be that Petraeus is using the affair to ease his way out of his post, relieving him of responsibility for continuing a cover up, a cover up that when unveiled, will likely take a lot of people down... not the least of which leads to highest office in the Pentagon.
Smart cookie Petraeus, leave now before it gets too hot.. much harder to leave later.
Is the resignation really about the affair?
Well, in today's world, especially the military, that's a resigning offense. (Presidents who are Democrats are exempt from this rule.)
So it isn't just about Bengazhi.
1. I question the timing. Is there any doubt he was encouraged to resign after the election.
2. This makes it less likely we will learn the truth about Bengazhi. Petraeus is out on a ledge. He needs helpers to bring him down. Obama is the First Helper here, with his glowing thank you to a guy who just completely fucked up his intelligence apparatus and its credibility.
3. Whatever Patreaus eventually reveals, his credibility is immediately attackable, giving Obama cover.
4. P. now needs Obama. He did not need him before. That's not going to lead to truth or confidence in the truth. Obama did not have to throw him under a bus. He put himself there. With a gag in his mouth.
Of course all those CIA non-disclosure agreements kick in once you leave. You'll need a nest of lawyers to sort it all out.
Phx, your concern-trolling about how we need 2 'viable' parties is touching.
You really do value yourself as one of the smartest. And we all appreciate that.
This stuff still matters?
I think maybe the conspiracy folks could have it a bit backwards:
Someone may have "mentioned" to him that the WH knew of his indiscretions, and further, that the WH had an expectation of his discretion in the upcoming Issa hearings.
Petreaus maay have felt he had no honorable alternative except resign.
But I don't think there is anything more than speculation here. He did the right thing, at the end, to reduce the damage to his office and the risk to the country.
I know grammar nudges can be insufferable, but it should be “this thread isn’t about you or me”, dammit!
The timing is obviously determined by the election. I think he is getting forced out so that if there is a fall guy, he is the guy and he won't have the resources of the CIA to help him wage his battle for survival.
I must say that scenario is also very likely.
Occam's Razor:
1. Either he felt bad about the affair (maybe his wife found out) and he is trying to mend his marriage, which would be damn near impossible in his position or
2. Some low level so and so caught wind of it and tried to blackmail him.
I don't know Petraeus, but I doubt if he's going to allow himself to be blackmailed.
As for Benghazi, well it remains a screw up, but without any evidence of a connection, it's a bit deep in the weeds.
"But I don't think there is anything more than speculation here."
And here I thought we were all onto something.
I think anyone who deals with highly classified information should resign if he has an affair. Stupid. Easy mark. Lack of self mastery.
Go take a less demanding, less adversarial, lower stakes job if you can't meet that standard. Otherwise you're a leak waiting to happen.
"Reagan would have resigned in 1983 then. "
and FDR well before 1941.
Woo! Nothing like an affair to pep up a slow commenting day!
"It is ALMOST as if he'd been threatened. However, I'm sure this administration would never do anything, they have nothing to hide."
Well of course he has been threatened. When you have an affair, you immediately give up a ton of power. Some goes to the partner in the affair. But it also goes to a bunch of strangers--whoever happens to find out.
The Director of the CIA surrendered a passel of power to a bunch of strangers. Isn't that a pretty good reason to resign.
garage mahal said...
I see the resident Hall Monitor is making her rounds all hopped up on caffeine.
"I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours."
Clearly he resigned as a matter of conscience. An evolving conscience which through a process of mutation and natural selection adapted to its environment to the point at which it told him right after the election that his behavior was unacceptable and his judgment was poor, or else he would have resigned earlier like the dinosaurs.
Why resign, someone asked? Let's see, last month we all wondered where he was and why the silence (except for that obviously misleading testimony on the Hill). So the cynic in me puts the two together and:
The Regime was using the affair as leverage to keep his mouth shut. Now he is free to speak up about Benghazi and not fear a headline-grabbing revelation of his affair.
The sentimentalist in me dismisses that theory because it leaves him open to charges of perjury if he contradicts himself re the testimony in Congress.
The writer in me wants to see how it plays out because this is a really good thriller plot!
As is often the case, Freeman said it more succinctly.
Sorry if someone already posted this, but Mark Knoller, White House correspondent for CBS reports: "Senate Intelligence Committee says Acting CIA Director Michael Morrell will testify at Benghazi hearing Thursday in place of Petraeus."
or else he would have resigned earlier like the dinosaurs.
LOL! Holy shit you're fast becoming my favorite commenter that isn't me.
Also, isn't it true that the military code has a penalty for adultery? He is holding himself to a higher standard than most of us.
Article 134: Adultery
(1) That the accused wrongfully had sexual intercourse with a certain person;
(2) That, at the time, the accused or the other person was married to someone else; and
(3) That, under the circumstances, the conduct of the accused was to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces or was of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.
and Article 133 Conduct unbecoming applies as well.
(1) That the accused did or omitted to do certain acts; and
(2) That, under the circumstances, these acts or omissions constituted conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.
Rabel--Conscience? It's not that. He's supposed to conserve his power. Instead he gave it away. For that alone he should resign.
and Article 133 Conduct unbecoming applies as well.
Does it apply? He isn't active duty anymore, and I thought the UCMJ didn't apply to the CIA?
Is Gloria Allred involved in any of this?
Lets say the woman that had the affair with Petraeus went to Allred and Allred went to Obama first... and while Obama was setting up Petraeus to take the fall... Patreus got wind of it and got ahead of him and came forward.
Perhaps next weekend's hearing involves reports from [current] agency heads. That doesn't preclude other hearings of course, nor would it preclude either requesting testimony from Petraeus or issuing a subpoena. Next week is next week, and there's what may or may not happen later.
P. was scheduled to testify as head of CIA. Now he's not head. So they get the replacement.
Now they have to get him to testify as an individual. They will.
Don't expect much from Morrell. But it will be interesting to see what he says and if P. when he eventually testifies says anything different.
Morrell wants the top job, to be sure. He has a fun day ahead. He has to please Obama to be nominated. He has to please the Senate to be confirmed.
Adultery may not be an official reason for resignation, but people involved in intelligence work cannot be potential candidates for blackmail. Yes, it is a higher standard then the one we have for Democratic presidents, but it is a standard that is in our country's best interest.
it was honorable for him to wait until after the election. No matter who is president, the president is the boss. You just do not embarass the president who hired you unless it concerns a profound disagreement about policy, and then only when you have discussed it in private without a satisfactory resolution.
CNN needs to stop reading people's diaries.
Not weekend, "week's".
@Iowahawk: Think a CIA director resigning over an affair on the eve of testifying about an ambassador's murder will raise media curiosity? Silly you.
It is like mafia or third world dictatorship. Obama minions must go through garbage in everyone's life that Obama comes across and they save it in a secure file for use later. When the golden opportunity arises, they dangle it in front of the schmuck and if that does not make him or her cooperate, off with his/her head. Problem solved. Learn about his elections starting with his state and what he did to his opponents. You get the clues and learn the pattern. What a vile bunch.
Someone blackmailed him with his affair to shut him up about Benghazi?
Inga said...
Marshal, bullshit, I said conspiracy theorists were nuts, not concern. Liar.
Yes, and you defined people wanting to understand more as conspiracy theorists. Maybe if you thought a little clearer you wouldn't get so confused about what you wrote.
Now it starts dripping out and Swedish scientists thing we're in global cooling.
By all means, lets tax and dry up supply of our energy so poor people can't afford food or to get to work IF they have a job.
Coketown said...
Petraeus was no longer in active service, and the UCMJ doesn't apply to the CIA. At least, I don't think it does. But I still think he's holding himself to a higher standard than most.
you are correct, but possibly wrong :)
retired soldiers are not retired. They are recallable, and their pay is categoried as "reduced pay for reduced services"
in theory, and it has ben done, he could be charged under the UCMJ for an offense committed today, like say, "wearing the MOH".
additionally, more frequently, if the crime (affair) occurred while on active duty, he could be recalled and charged. aka, like a war crime, where they guilty are already out of unifor,. they might be recalled and punished in a military court if the Army felt it's honor was at stake.
"That doesn't mean he can't run for President someday" as a Democrat.
I've read the AG and Sec State are going to resign. Maybe nobody wants to be part of the oncoming mess.
Thanks for clarifying, Drill SGT!
It could also be that there is no affair... and Petraeus is just going after Obama on his own over Benghazi.
He struck me as a very honorable man who would not make that kind of mistake.. then again, it could also be the uniform.
Asymmetrical warfare... if you are going after Obama... you make yourself sympathetic... out yourself over an affair... giving you freedom to go after Obama.
That's my best case scenario.
I bet Petraeus was threatened by the Obama administration if he didn't support the Benghazi cover up.
Not having read the thread, I apologize if I'm the 10th person to assert this.
I've read the AG and Sec State are going to resign. Maybe nobody wants to be part of the oncoming mess.
Eww, gross. I just had a vision of some twisted ménage-à-twenty involving all of the above, and that's why they're all resigning at once. Groooooss.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He waited until after the election for reasons he felt were correct. Nonetheless his version of events may contrast with his old nemesis HRC who famously called him out in senate testimony ("suspension of disbelief"). He has not forgotten.
While I do feel a bit let down at least he is owned up to the affair and resign over it. He did pull a democrat and check himself into the Mayo clinic.
Should he have resigned? Well if he was extremely capable at his job, then no not necessarily. Ido give him propra for owning up to it.
As to whether this has to
Do with Benghazi, not sure what he gains. He still has to testify as far as I know.
Someone blackmailed him with his affair to shut him up about Benghazi?
No, they blackmailed him asking him to cooperate with what they wanted to do (about Benghazi).
Blackmail seems to have worked with Bill Clinton and Obama minions have a high success rate with their blackmail. Maybe they thought Patraeus would fall in line.
Marshal, no I did not, liar. Those who came here posting stupid shit from FAUX news were mocked. Commenters with sincere honest questions were in the same boat as I. I called for an investigation way back from the beginning of this whole issue.
@Iowahawk: Think a CIA director resigning over an affair on the eve of testifying about an ambassador's murder will raise media curiosity? Silly you.
Maybe this is the way Petraeus is trying to force the press to look into Benghazi?
By falling on his sword?
If not connected to Benghazi then the timing is quite a coincidence. In the intelligence community it is assumed that there are no coincidences.
But sometimes coincidences really do happen. Just when it comes to the IC that's not your going-in assumption.
Petraeus retired from the U.S. Army on August 31, 2011.
Certainly if this misconduct began prior to that date, it is covered by the UCMJ. In theory anyway, to the extent that any of the rules apply to the guys at the top (I've read of other high-level guys who were caught, even while in service, and were allowed to quietly retire, pension intact, etc.)
So Petraeus is so worried about blackmail over an affair that while he is resigning he announces said affair to the world? The blackmail over an affair theory is ridiculous. Who would have been outraged or even care if Petraeus has an affair, besides his wife? This is 2012, not 1812. He is not even an elected official and since when do Dems get upset about infidelity?
Before the election, the CIA claimed that State had responsibility for its own security. State claimed it had a special deal, in this one particular case, for CIA to provide the security in Benghazi.
A prez does not want to fight with the head of the CIA because the CIA has ways to fight back. That is why it is so hard to reform the CIA. Obama alsodoes not want this Benghazi thing to drag on so he will offer up a fall guy to get past this as fast as possible. The easy solution for Obama to avoid the squabble between Hill and Petraeus and to get a fall guy is to get rid of Petraeus. Now the dems don't have to worry about the CIA stabbing them in the back as the Benghazi debacle is investigated.
At the same time, the dems preserve Hill's potential 2016 run for prez. Win win win.
Civilization would . . .
Do you mean law professors would resign? Or are you referring to some well known statistic?
After the elections, I actually found myself a bit depressed, and so I read some notes from "As Good as it Gets."
One of the lines:
"So long as you keep it zipped around me, I don't care where you shove your show."
There are a lot of great lines in there.
Come on, Ann, we need some humor! A post of the most funniest, least PC lines of all time!
This is another reason why the Monica Lewinski affair was not just about sex. An affair is like a gun pressing against your back.
If not connected to Benghazi then the timing is quite a coincidence. In the intelligence community it is assumed that there are no coincidences.
But sometimes coincidences really do happen. Just when it comes to the IC that's not your going-in assumption.
I second Fr Martin Fox's remarks on Petraeus's behavior. He has admitted to bad deeds in a forthright manner, and apologized for them. We can all learn from that example.
Perhaps this will sound naive, but I think sophisticates tend to over-estimate the amount of adultery going on. Lots of people don't cheat, I think and hope.
An affair is like a gun pressing against your back.
It feels that way if it starts right.
Wall Street Journal: "Lockheed Martin said its incoming chief executive had resigned following a relationship with a subordinate. The company appointed Marilyn Hewson to take over the position at the end of the year."
When it rains . . . .
It would be worse than "going Galt" ...
I don't understand your reaction to "going Galt," Professor. It wouldn't be my choice, but it strikes me as a perfectly rational choice under certain circumstances.
I've never had an affair. Why are they so popular? They seem just awful on a person.
Maybe he decided to get it out in the open before they tried to blackmail him for it.
I take exception to your comment.
I am (almost) 60 and have been chasing women since a divorce after a 30 year marriage. Note that I never had an affair.
Also note that liberal women are (by far) the easiest to get in bed, but less attractive and interesting (physically and intellectually) than conservative women.
I would like to settle down with a well educated conservative woman. Sorry! My bad. This is not Match.com
He has admitted to bad deeds in a forthright manner, and apologized for them. We can all learn from that example.
That a sinner repents is cause for forgiveness, but that does not mean that we hoist him on our shoulders, praise him, and proclaim him a great hero for doing the right thing.
I take exception to your comment.
I am (almost) 60 and have been chasing women since a divorce after a 30 year marriage. Note that I never had an affair.
Also note that liberal women are (by far) the easiest to get in bed, but less attractive and interesting (physically and intellectually) than conservative women.
I would like to settle down with a well educated conservative woman. Sorry! My bad. This is not Match.com
If the military brings charges on Petraeus over the affair as Drill Sargent suggest they can... that would definitely make/force the MSM to cover it... giving Petraeus a platform (ratings) he could not otherwise have... to tell what he knows about Benghazi.
Wall Street Journal: "Lockheed Martin said its incoming chief executive had resigned following a relationship with a subordinate. The company appointed Marilyn Hewson to take over the position at the end of the year."
And the Waffle House CEO is being accused of demanding sex acts from an employee for 10 years. This all has to be tied together somehow. Can't be a coincidence!
bagoh20 said...
I liked your comment on hotair post by Allahpundit talking about ORCA. Good job defending Romney. I was screaming but didn't want to register to comment.
The problem with the idea of going Galt is that anyone valuable enough to hurt the system with their inactivity is just not cut out for it. Bees gotta buzz.
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