Of all the people responsible for us driving over the cliff, Romney isn't even close. You gotta blame someone, especially when you don't wanna blame the right people.
I don't hate Mitt Romney and I don't know any conservatives who do. My 75 year-old mother mentioned today that "lots of people" are beginning to blame Romney for losing. When pressed, she changed "lots of people to "pundits."
The only vile, out of control hatred for Romney is all on the left: Sullivan, Drum, and here: Crack Emcee, Ritmo, Garage, Inga, Shilho. I think it's safe to assume that RDS is a partisan disease.
Blaming Romney is about as useful as anything else that's being done. It's too bad all the energy being expended on figuring out who to blame can't be used to figure out how we're going to pay down the debt.
The outlook in the business world where I keep an ear is not optimistic, and it is overwhelmingly because of the Obama win. The fiscal cliff was always going to be a problem, but there was confidence it would be handled with intelligence with Romney in office. He wasn't expected to fix everything, but just to stop making it worse.
The mood has completely changed overnight from one of being ready to make things happen, invest and take chances to now covering your ass and protecting what you can. No risk taking, no investment, no new ventures, and most of all no new employees.
It a stark change that took pace in a very few days. People are upset with the lost opportunity, and over such trivia. Optimism has changed to fear overnight. The anger has to go somewhere.
RDS lol. Don't you have to win before you qualify for a deranged syndrome? Rhetorical.
Again, as I've mentioned several times over the years, if I were to hate a politician, Nixon would be the one. But one has to put a lot of effort into hatred and Nixon wasn't worth the trouble.
And (8) years of cheney/bush begat eight years of Barack Hussein Obama, so what's not to like! :)
I blame the con fools who invented the ((( laughable skewed poll meme ))) giving folks like bagoh20/Althouse, etc. false hope that Willard ever had a dog's chance in hell!
Indeed, wishin'/hopin'/prayin' does not lead to astute political analysis.
I don't hate Mitt Romney and I don't know any conservatives who do.
Agreed. In fact, I've noticed with some surprise and relief a distinct lack of ill-will or resentment (let alone anything like "hate"!) against Romney among conservatives.
Of course, they're unhappy about the outcome of the election, and of course in the postmortem find much to criticize and second-guess about Romney and his campaign, tactics and strategy, missed opportunities and misfires etc.
But overall, even among conservatives very opposed to Romney in the primaries and beyond-- those who deeply disliked him and who you'd think would be most compelled to say "I told you so"-- I've found very little blame, or more accurately little hostility or anger, directed at Romney himself.
More blame/ anger is directed at Akin, the MSM, Christie's Obama love-in, vote fraud, non-voting Republicans who made the perfect the enemy of the good, etc. The general sense is, Romney really did try his utmost and best to win this. Honorably.
I thought that the most hated man was Rush Limbaugh. I'm an independent, but I am willing to vote republican because of people like Limbaugh and Romney. If you take away the independents like me, the republicans aren't left with many votes. The republicans better watch out who they villify and who they push forward for 2016 because if they lose independent voters like me, they don't have a chance at all. I wish voters had decided to take advantage of Romney's talents and knack for success. They didn't, but at least we still have Limbaugh around to keep expose the truth about Obama's administration. Maybe America can hang on for another 4 years, and maybe 4 years will be long enough for the tea party to come into its own and take control of the republican party away from the cowards who control it now. There are a lot of cliffs in America's future.
I thought that the most hated man was Rush Limbaugh. I'm an independent, but I am willing to vote republican because of people like Limbaugh and Romney. If you take away the independents like me, the republicans aren't left with many votes. The republicans better watch out who they villify and who they push forward for 2016 because if they lose independent voters like me, they don't have a chance at all. I wish voters had decided to take advantage of Romney's talents and knack for success. They didn't, but at least we still have Limbaugh around to keep expose the truth about Obama's administration. Maybe America can hang on for another 4 years, and maybe 4 years will be long enough for the tea party to come into its own and take control of the republican party away from the cowards who control it now. There are a lot of cliffs in America's future.
Wow, the disassociative syndrome that the left employes is breath-taking in it's breadth and scope. Romney articulating that the DNC and Obamaclaus have done nothing but venomously demonize conservatives and anyone who would run on the republican ticket for calling them out on their tactics is under the bus worthy? People have truly lost their fucking minds.
"I feel a bit sorry for him at this point, he simply didn't represent the majority of Americans."
I feel sorry for America. The majority of Americans seem not to know what is required for a people to retain their freedom. The first thing is a viable economy with more producers than takers. It's clear that isn't a priority for 55% of voters.
"Indeed, wishin'/hopin'/prayin' does not lead to astute political analysis."
Nope, but neither is it a plan for leading a nation in deep trouble. Our mistake is over and done, but yours is gonna be painfully drawn out. Are you up for it?
For all the talk about "why can't Republicans just drop their social conservatism?" I counteroffer the following: why can't a social liberal drop their bankrupting fiscal promiscuity? I recall asking a follower on Twitter once (who happened to live in San Francisco): "why can't you guys field a social liberal/fiscal conservative?" He seemed taken aback and then tweeted back something about party machine politics and how it just wasn't possible. Sad
"And he "lost" to Zero by only 1.5% in a crooked race."
Even closer: less than 400,000 votes would have changed the winner of the E.C. Winning couldn't happen to a better symbol of what's to come. It has certain poetic justice to it.
Mitt Romney also has evil friends who are determined to enrich themselves further by repurposing the sweat they collect from their wage slaves as $100/oz. perfume.
I blame the con fools who invented the ((( laughable skewed poll meme ))) giving folks like bagoh20/Althouse, etc. false hope that Willard ever had a dog's chance in hell!
Indeed, wishin'/hopin'/prayin' does not lead to astute political analysis.
And what will your excuse be when Urkel fails by 2016? How much of the soul of the country are you willing to carve out so your party and your guy wins, so you can say that you are so progressive that you've choked the life and the incentive of those that produce. Are you going to force people to work at that point? Oh wait, those unemployment numbers today really haven't shifted after all, but hey, why should you care, they will get worse by 2016 and you will have more takers than ever before. Job security for your party and your guys while the country deep dives into a fiscal abyss it will never see the daylight from again. Then what will you do or say? Hurray, we won? We all still lose.
And speaking of poetic justice Willard is now at 47.6% and below McCain's 2008 vote total as votes are still being counted.
Are you one of those people that kicks a man's teeth in when you have already won just so you can leave your mark and say, "Now, he'll know who not to fuck with?" is that what you are trying to prove here? Otherwise, how kicking dead horses makes you better somehow?
Of course not, if you did you wouldn't have voted for Obama. I wouldn't want it any other way. You have earned everything you're gonna get. It too bad that those who haven't have to go on this ride with you.
If you can't win well, you probably can't do anything well. It is truly a sign of the most lame, especially when you disappear during the height of the fight. That's just embarrassing no matter what.
They're called Libertarians, and they do nothing but lose at the national level.
That's glib, EMD, and not my point. Schwartzenegger claimed to be a social liberal/fiscal conservative (whether he was or wasn't is open), but that's how he ran. And he ran as a Republican. My question is why can't the Democrats do the same? Why are the "Libertarians" excluded from running as Democrats?
As always bagoh, feel free to stop whining at any time ... or not! 11/19/12 11:33 PM
shiloh said...
Now bagoh is Althouse #1 doting, trained seal's lap dog! Totally embarrassing ...
You see, you really have zero interest in truly winning. You would rather see your country go the way of the dodo bird to assuage yoursanctimonious sense of socio-economic justice that your kind likes to trot out as a means to denigrate those who actually do things and make things for money and betterment of themselves and others as opposed to those that want to take from those that do without any effort. Then stand back and watch them cry foul that they are being left out in the cold and behind because no one will stop to give them the opportunities that they are entitled to, but refuse to endeavor to undertake under their own power.
All so people like you can swoop in and cry foul on their behalf at what a horrible world we live in that these people are unjustly being treated unfairly due to the efforts of those that produce and do things for money, so those that don't can get a cut of that pie they did nothing for. You are one of those people. Your smarm, snark, and sanctimony in your reveling for this president paints you as one of those people. You will do nothing to better this country, but just usurp that which is not yours, so you can continue to gloat at how wonderful your ideology is, while ignoring how truly vile it has become.
That's glib, EMD, and not my point. Schwartzenegger claimed to be a social liberal/fiscal conservative (whether he was or wasn't is open), but that's how he ran. And he ran as a Republican. My question is why can't the Democrats do the same? Why are the "Libertarians" excluded from running as Democrats?
Even libertarians don't want to be called democrats or even look like one.
"why can't you guys field a social liberal/fiscal conservative?"
Ron Paul ran. The problem is people don't trust his stance on foreign policy.
Let's say, for instance, we didn't have the massive military. Not enough to deal with all this terrorism. Now we get an attack like 9/11. What do you do?
You can't roll over and say we aren't going to punish it, or hold back on the innocents, because they will do it again. Now can we rely on people's good will. History is full of examples of people killing others.
So, it's a problem. I think the answer is you retaliate with extreme force, as in launch nuclear bombs. The taliban won't turn over Al Qaeda, we don't have an internationally cooperative military, so out come the nukes. It's a lot cleaner, but quite messy.
The disparagement though is coming from the be-more-like-Democrats activists, taking advantage of the original lack of anybody-but-Obama conservative support.
Wait, I thought all the h8ters were on the right, which would make the most hated person someone like O. It's almost like all the hate comes from the other side of something.
Bagoh said... The mood has completely changed overnight from one of being ready to make things happen, invest and take chances to now covering your ass and protecting what you can. No risk taking, no investment, no new ventures, and most of all no new employees.
...Optimism has changed to fear overnight...
It's real, isn't it? Sadly, this is what Obama and the democrats want. The destruction of a thriving private business sector.
Maybee & pm317, I feel the same way as you about Romney.
Drum & other Obama supporters like him baffle me.
Romney lost the election, your guy won (and retains the most powerful office in the world), and you still have to expend energy demonizing Romney? Who holds no public office whatsoever. But you still have to kick him when he's down. "Officially the Most Hated Man in America"?? Really??
Shiloh - I've never heard someone whine so much about whining. BTW - those you accuse of whining are offering actual arguments. The left are collectively devoid of a good argument other than "we won, haters".
Per usual, I'm with Yashu. My poor brother has to host his wife's family for Thanksgiving dinner. They believe their daughter sold her soul to marry the Capitalist Pig. Never mind that his successful small business keeps her in all that she, and their children, wants.
I fear for his sanity.
He did say he was going to say grace for at least two minutes though. Oh, to be a fly.
If Drum thinks Romney is the most hated man now, try to imagine how much worse it would be (hatewise) if he had won?
I think the left had serious concerns that Romney would win and so they spooled up their hate-machine. Turns out they didn't need it but it has lingering effects. But only on the left.
And he "lost" to Zero by only 1.5% in a crooked race.
the one who couldn't get elected without massive vote fraud
A lot of folks agree with your theory that that the race was fixed. One of our State Senators made the claim that there were over 200,000 illegal votes cast for Obama, and that is just in Wisconsin alone!
With that many examples of criminal behavior I'm sure it'll just be a matter of time before arrests start happening, eh?
PurpleP. I am sure that that is on the agenda of the super secret grand jury convened a decade or so ago to indict your twice elected govenor. We have it on good advice that an indictment is imminent. Any. Day. Now.
I was one of those Obama voters who thought Romney ran a good and honorable campaign, he seemed like a good guy. But then he explained why he thought he lost, and it's just clear he really does believe in his 47% theory. He was never going to be the uniter or the healer, he was going to be a very polarizing president in his own right. It seems like he tried to hide what he really was and believed during the campaign.
And I understand why a lot of moderate Republicans are unhappy with him now for having said that. It makes the Republicans look bad to a lot of constituents that they need.
Yashu, may be all the stealing and hoodwinking the public with hiding info, lying by omission, and plain lying, makes these media whores sore winners. They know they didn't win it fair and square. They have to demonize the guy who lost, some more to convince themselves they did it. Liars and crooks. Fuckers. I will reserve my ire toward the media whores more than I do about the incompetent fuckers running the WH.
purplepenquin said... And he "lost" to Zero by only 1.5% in a crooked race.
the one who couldn't get elected without massive vote fraud
A lot of folks agree with your theory that that the race was fixed. One of our State Senators made the claim that there were over 200,000 illegal votes cast for Obama, and that is just in Wisconsin alone!
With that many examples of criminal behavior I'm sure it'll just be a matter of time before arrests start happening, eh?
Not when the side that cheated owns the justice department. When you own the courts then justice is what you say it is.
Ironically, the democrat's upcoming tax hikes on "the rich" will hurt small and medium sized businesses the most. The large corporations, the businesses democrats rail about, will be OK.
I am sure that that is on the agenda of the super secret grand jury convened a decade or so ago to indict your twice elected govenor. We have it on good advice that an indictment is imminent.
It is only "super secret" if this is the only blog you get your Wisconsin news from...lol. Here is the latest update for those who are curious as to what is happening with Walker&Company.
And despite what you claim about the length of these hearings (did the jury really convene around 2002? I thought that was when the alleged illegal behavior occurred) it seems that Walker (or perhaps Priebus?) will be indicted quicker than Blagojevich was.
Not when the side that cheated owns the justice department. When you own the courts then justice is what you say it is.
You're saying that the GOP in WI are the ones who cheated to help get Obama elected in this state?
Interesting theory. Do you have a newsletter or pamphlet? I am interested in learning more about your beleifs.
And speaking of poetic justice Willard is now at 47.6% and below McCain's 2008 vote total as votes are still being counted.
so what, Obama was millions of votes short of his 2008 totals, the first time that's ever happened to a president who won a second term. Why do you think that somehow this only reflects on Mitt Romney?
Obama won with the use of a much better ground game, provided by wonks from the many IT corporations that support him. Obama found a way to get out the vote of the most low information voters. Win some, lose some, but only frightened fools listen to MSM critics on the left. Besides, four years is a long time and the coming train wreck of the blue model at both the state and federal level will be fun to watch and have political consequences.
@Micheal - Actually, the John Doe investigation that has resulted in the arrest/conviction of some of Walker's workers hasn't been around for even three years let alone a decade.
Did you have some other investigation in mind when you made your comment or was that just an honest mistake?
Phx wrote: I was one of those Obama voters who thought Romney ran a good and honorable campaign, he seemed like a good guy. But then he explained why he thought he lost, and it's just clear he really does believe in his 47% theory. He was never going to be the uniter or the healer, he was going to be a very polarizing president in his own right. It seems like he tried to hide what he really was and believed during the campaign.
are you suggesting that the dems aren't running on class warfare, tax the rich and grow govt policies? (That's what he means by goodies) the only thing I'd quibble with Romney about is the number 47%. Not the entire 47% of those not voting for Obama don't pay taxes. But certainly that 47% were voting for bigger govt. Whatever the number, for those people, Romneys low taxes model won't relate. Why is that so controversial.
Tink of the corrolllary. If Obama said 47% of the people will not vote for him no matter what and want to shrink govt and keep taxes low and won't respond to calls for raising taxes or adding govt programs. would he be lying. He'd simp,y be describing half of the electorate.
Democrats, quit hating on Mitt and tell us how you plan on addressing the difficult issues facing this country.
So far I've heard, from Obama and Harry Reid, that we'll tax the upper middle class and will not touch Medicaid and Social Security. That math doesn't add up. That's still a giant deficit and it will hurt economic growth. What else do you have? Sequestration that you'll blame on Republicans? Sorry, you've got 2/3 of the federal law-making capacity at your disposal. Don't pick on the minority, right?
Though, the continued hatred and other-ing of Romney is to be expected. There's -still- two-minute hates for Reagan, Bush and Palin on regular intervals.
For the State of WI the Attorney General is a Republican by the name of JB Van Hollen.
I could be wrong about an assumption I'm making: Is the state allowed to investigate/prosecute voter fraud? I always thought they could but I could be wrong 'bout that. Are voting-laws like immigration laws in the sense that state can't do nuttin' to enforce 'em? If so, then I apologize for my mistake.
But if not then "partisanship" can't be an excuse for zero arrests for over 200,000 cases of voter fraud...can it?
Uh, has anyone here even read Drum's article? His point is that conservatives threw him under the bus after he lost, not that liberals are full of hate for Romney (even if they really are).
"Mitt Romney Is Now Officially the Most Hated Man in America."
Mitt didn't leave people to DIE. Mitt didn't get on TV and LIE. Mitt didn't spend till we were BROKE. Midd didn't push death pannels on the FOLKS.
So why would the 'right' or 'left' think he is hated. Cause he failed to oust the ONE who has done all above? Then hate the one in power, not the one who at least tried to stop him.
If anyone failed, it's the voters. And they are geting just what they deserve.
Let's think about the bright side of life. Why mope about it? Romney wasn't a great candidate. He had a number of flaws. He was for government mandated health insurance, it's hard to imagine him being aggressive on terrorism, and he's Mormon.
Now we have the Golden God to help us out. And he's going to do a great job. We've all seen the reports of more jobs coming about. Companies are cutting down on the number of hours to avoid Obama care taxes. And that's good. It will make more jobs. Don't worry about those who need the hours, as Farmer says, the good folks will land on their feet. Perhaps they will take two jobs, working 56 hours per week to make up for it. That's good, right? Maybe even Julia will pay more of her way!
And then there is the really wealthy. Now, I do have a bone to pick with them. I do not understand how the top 400 paid only 17% in their realized income. That seems a bit low, compared to those making under $108K who have to pay 14.4% in Social Security (we all know where that money goes: into programs). So it's only fair they pay more. And who knows, if they have to pay enough, maybe they will get on the side of smaller government!
At present, it's hard to see why they would care. Like the Obamaphone. All the money for that program is regressive, coming out of the owners of phones. And the money goes to the very wealthy! In fact, a lot of money is like that. People's Gas and Electric bills are taxed regressively. Here in CA, the top tier is 40c per KWH, as opposed to 17c for the lowest rate. That means subsidizing, and encouraging energy use by the poor.
So many hidden regressive taxes, so much of it going to the ownership class. We need to sock it to the wealthy, because obviously they aren't making good decisions for middle class folks. Let them pay for all this welfare for a while, and see how they like it.
chickelit said... For all the talk about "why can't Republicans just drop their social conservatism?"
I want to add to what chickelit said that I think social conservatism is what has kept this country viable. Recent statistics showed that 40% of the births in the US were to unmarried women. For blacks, who are continue to struggle economically, something like 79% of the births were to unmarried women. For Asians, the most successful immigrant group, only 16% of the births were to unmarried women. Tell me how social liberalism makes society better? Studies show that children whose parents are married (even unhappy marriages) fare better economically and socially than children who grow up in single parent homes. Yet, the overwhelming liberal political, social and peer pressure pushes people towards single parent homes. And the liberal elite who promote all of these socially liberal policies are rich (relatively speaking) and buy the $650 handbags, the $250 shoes, the $3,000 dresses, etc. and don't have a clue about what makes life meaningful and fulfilling for the common person. It is the common people from the Red States who cling to their guns and their religions who are also clinging to their families and keeping this country going.
Obama would have the brains and respect enough for his party not to ever say that.
Why, no, he wouldn't say that. He would talk about clinging to guns and religion. He would say "You didn't build that." He would talk about the 57 states.
Look, you guys won. Great! Tell us what you hope to accomplish. Here are some metrics you can use to let us know how well things will be four years from now:
The unemployment rate The underemployment rate The poverty rate The Federal debt The deficit GDP
Take a stab at it! Let us all know how well things are going to be now that your Golden God was re-elected. Really, you won, tell us all how good it's going to be. If the numbers look good, and turn out to be good, I may even vote (D) next time.
Look, you guys won. Great! Tell us what you hope to accomplish. Here are some metrics you can use to let us know how well things will be four years from now
I have no idea how things will be four years from now, none. I notice your concerns are all economic.
What else do they have? They can't run on ideas or competence.
And do I no longer have to feel bad that I hate Obama with a burning hot hatred and hope he suffers a near infinite level of personal misfortune in all possible areas?
But if not then "partisanship" can't be an excuse for zero arrests for over 200,000 cases of voter fraud...can it?
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, when one side actively does everything it can to ensure the absence of evidence.
Your side's extremely dishonest, shrill, partisan screeching against voter ID has been very effective in maintaining the opportunity for massive voter fraud.
Now, was the fraud enough to tip the election? No one knows, because your side has been successful in preventing transparency.
How is that not partisanship?
Remember: the Justice Department head refused to enforce voter protection laws against the Black Panthers, citing his interpretation that voter protection laws are not intended to protect white voters.
In light of that, how much effort do you think Obama's Justice Department will work to try to find evidence of any fraudulent voting anywhere, much less look into a broad estimate of voter fraud in WI?
Why does your side work so hard to disenfranchise military voters?
You don't have a leg to stand on when you embrace dishonesty like you do.
It's actually amazing. There was a time when it would be inconceivable for the government to take on the role of provider for a family. There was a time when it would be inconceivable for the government to take over so many functions of the religious institutions that have provided a path of how to live ones life. But it has.
I do not think the country is better off for it. Unlike Ann, I find nothing offensive about showing where the country is headed, by the use of the Obamaphone lady video. I think we all ought to take a good look at that. It's not that she is self-righteous. It is not only that she seems to not care where the money to support her came from. It's that she was made that way by our government. In my view, it's a waste of human life and human dignity.
I don't feel good about her having that phone bought for with regressive taxes. I feel even less good about the company of Obama donors getting hundreds of millions from that program.
I think it's time to have a very strong assessment of what we have built in this country. Is it worth it? I don't think so. I think it's rotten at the core.
I think it's going to be incredibly difficult to change the money flows so that the system continues on.
What would happen if all those money flows the government is in the middle of suddenly stop? I think it would be a problem, a big one, to get the system back to one of personal responsibility.
Economic concerns are the only ones that matter in the long run. Except for foreign policy economic concerns are the ones that bring the others up or down. How much will social issues matter if the bottom falls out of the economy. I don't think people have a clear concept of what a failed economy looks like. Dancing vaginas and gay marriage are way down on the list when you're worried about where your next meal is coming from.
The truth that no politician wants to tell you is that we have past the fiscal Rubicon with the re-election of Obama. The proof is that the Sec of Treasury Timmy Geithner, the guy whose father funded Obama's mother's NGO from the Ford foundation, has said the debt ceiling should be abolished. Confiscating 100% of all earnings wouldn't balance the budget. Even just higher taxes and severe spending cuts won't fix it, that will only guarantee slow growth. Growth below 4% guarantees a continuation of the economy we are now experiencing, the new norm. Although, I think the "new norm" will be a little worse, Obamacare will assure that. I think we're turning Japanese, I really think so. Enjoy, FORWARD!
I agree. Many families are on some form of government assistance, they want the economy to recover as much as anyone else, but for the time being budgeting for next week is what really matters. Things are expensive, and many family qualify for S.N.A.P.(Food Stamps) are working and make a moderate amount of money. I was surprised how much income one can have and still qualify.
People are having a hard time to see long term economic recovery and aren't willing to take a risk, even though they will believe it will happen.
If you even think you are remotely close to being a prosecutor, you would have been fired long ago. But hey, keep that wish fulfillment thing going. It's all you have left, you little coward.
Do the Democrat posters here even know what the Obama plan is for the next four years? How do we balance the budget with hard numbers? Can you defend the plan?
I'm not trying to be coy. But if the crux of your plan is taxing the hell out of everyone, by way of new taxes or letting Bush tax cuts expire, then please admit it. If your only plan for cost-cutting is sequestration, please admit that as well.
Romney's 47% comment was true, he probably should have went on to explain why so many multinational corporations support Obama, gifts, or academics, gifts or public sector, gifts or unions, gifts.
The hit was political, like Obama's "you didn't build that" or a better example, "guns & bibles". The "guns & bibles" and "47%" comments were both made in private. Only Pollyannas never involved in politics believe comments like this aren't made all thew time behind close doors.
Your assumptions about me and my "side" are incorrect, and it is hard to take you seriously when ya rant on like ya just did. If you are sincere about wanting a good-faith discussion then please keep in mind that I, like everyone else here, is an individual rather than a group.
That aside...I do agree with you that is would be very unlikely for Obama's Justice Department to look too deep into voter fraud for this last election, for a number of reasons. However I sincerely don't understand why the Wisconsin Atty Gen wouldn't do so. Is that really an area that only the Feds are allowed to investigate?
"The mood has completely changed overnight from one of being ready to make things happen, invest and take chances to now covering your ass and protecting what you can. No risk taking, no investment, no new ventures, and most of all no new employees. "
@joe schmoe - Obama's plan is endless free ponies for everyone, forever, all paid for by the rich bastards who aren't paying their fair share.
It very well could be. It's hard to find specifics to the contrary.
Lots of folks cry about how campaigns should be 'about the issues'. All the real, hard, important issues. Issues, issues, issues all the time. No negative personal attacks. Just issues. Real issues that real people care about.
So it's past time to have discussions about the issues, most notably Obama's detailed plans for the next 4 years. But he didn't articulate plans in much detail during the campaign. And his supporters who purport to be all about the issues didn't press him on it. Now that the election is over, let's debate the pressing issue at hand - the economy. But no Democrats are talking about the plan, and they definitely aren't defending it. They're still demaguoging Mitt Romney and other rich people that voted for him.
Time to lead, Dems. Tell us your plans for cost-cutting and increased tax revenue.
"Conservatives believe that liberals are intent on creating a welfare state that saps initiative, leads to moral decay, makes voters more dependent on government, and helps cement the Democratic Party's hold on power." Kevin Drum
Ridiculous! Where would conservatives get an idea like that (other than by observing the state of the nation)?
Drum is just another lefty journolista trying to pass himself off as a sage despite the fact that he cannot understand basic economics. Please note, however, that lefties are joining Republican nitwits in trying to finish off conservatives.
No gracious winners here. The left is in it to win for all time and screw the Republic.
Old, conservative, white guys should buy guns! Next thing you know, there will be a bounty on us.
A gloat too far? When 'shiloh' wrote around midnight Eastern time that Romney's vote total was "below McCain's 2008 vote total as votes are still being counted", she seems to have gloated too soon. Gabriel Malor at Ace of Spades reports that as of 6:45am today Romney's vote total is around 10,000 higher than McCain's, with parts of California still counting votes, while Obama is still six million behind his 2012 total. Neither provides a link, but I know which one I find more trustworthy: the one who reports both numbers, including the one that makes 'shiloh' look like the fool she is.
phx wrote: Hate. A lot of people role that way. More soul-searching, less hating from these geniuses would be welcome.
I think a lot of people would argue with the word HATE. I don't know a single person that HATES Romney (Except maybe some dems - at least based on the rhetoric used against him) or even expresssed hatred of him. People have expressed disappointment but very few people say they HATE him. So this whole article is in fact overstated.
"Romney's vote total is around 10,000 higher than McCain's"
Whether I was or wasn't gloating aside, as just mentioned to EMD in a previous thread, congrats! Winning NC and IN when Obama is the worst president in history is truly something for cons to hang their hat on.
Democrats aren't shutting down Obama's campaign data mining operations.
From the Washington Post:
If you voted this election season, President Obama almost certainly has a file on you. His vast campaign database includes information on voters’ magazine subscriptions, car registrations, housing values and hunting licenses, along with scores estimating how likely they were to cast ballots for his reelection.
The Left should not hate him because he lost. The Right should not hate him because he assumed the primary risk. The Right may legitimately offer criticism of his campaign, and select another candidate for the next election.
The unemployment rate The underemployment rate The poverty rate The Federal debt The deficit GDP
Unemployment rate is not that bad. Underemployment rate is overrated stat. Poverty rate is lowest in decades. The deficit - who cares. GDP - never better.
Kevin Drum doesn't have a point. He was in a hurry to leave for Thanksgiving at the Hamptons, or wherever the hell rich liberals go for Thanksgiving, so he phoned in a story that will predictably make the Left cream their jeans. Yawn.
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१४१ टिप्पण्या:
Oh c'mon, that's Nick Saban.
I vote for Kevin Drum for MHMiA.
How dare a white male Republican run for President!
Of all the people responsible for us driving over the cliff, Romney isn't even close. You gotta blame someone, especially when you don't wanna blame the right people.
And the racial healing continues. That 2008 vote was a real doosey of a screw up. How the hell did that happen again?
I thought it was Mike Krzyzewski, but maybe that's just Kentucky.
W is now breathing a sign of relief. Obama will soon supplant Romney.
Not Jerry Sandusky?
Oh, well. Remember who the three most evil people of the 20th Century were: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Walter O'Malley.
Who are the officials that determine this?
Why are liberals so consumed with 'hate'?
What the huh? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Were Mondale, Dole, Kerry also "the most hated men in America" after they lost the presidential election to the incumbent?
Anyone care to synopsize this guy's point, because I can't be bothered to read it.
Well, he finally has a majority lol as he only got 49% plurality in 2002.
btw, most hated by cons as libs/Dems enjoyed the discombobulated train wreck! Plus we have empathy for the downtrodden. :-P
Willard, we hardly knew ye ...
Anyone care to synopsize this guy's point...
Victory has a thousand fathers. Defeat is an ugly, deformed, mentally deficient orphan.
I don't hate Mitt Romney and I don't know any conservatives who do. My 75 year-old mother mentioned today that "lots of people" are beginning to blame Romney for losing. When pressed, she changed "lots of people to "pundits."
The only vile, out of control hatred for Romney is all on the left: Sullivan, Drum, and here: Crack Emcee, Ritmo, Garage, Inga, Shilho. I think it's safe to assume that RDS is a partisan disease.
Blaming Romney is about as useful as anything else that's being done. It's too bad all the energy being expended on figuring out who to blame can't be used to figure out how we're going to pay down the debt.
The outlook in the business world where I keep an ear is not optimistic, and it is overwhelmingly because of the Obama win. The fiscal cliff was always going to be a problem, but there was confidence it would be handled with intelligence with Romney in office. He wasn't expected to fix everything, but just to stop making it worse.
The mood has completely changed overnight from one of being ready to make things happen, invest and take chances to now covering your ass and protecting what you can. No risk taking, no investment, no new ventures, and most of all no new employees.
It a stark change that took pace in a very few days. People are upset with the lost opportunity, and over such trivia. Optimism has changed to fear overnight. The anger has to go somewhere.
RDS lol. Don't you have to win before you qualify for a deranged syndrome? Rhetorical.
Again, as I've mentioned several times over the years, if I were to hate a politician, Nixon would be the one. But one has to put a lot of effort into hatred and Nixon wasn't worth the trouble.
And (8) years of cheney/bush begat eight years of Barack Hussein Obama, so what's not to like! :)
I don't blame Romney - he only had one vote, and I'm pretty sure he voted for the guy with a record of success.
Hate Romney? Thats ridiculous. I feel a bit sorry for him at this point, he simply didn't represent the majority of Americans.
I blame the con fools who invented the ((( laughable skewed poll meme ))) giving folks like bagoh20/Althouse, etc. false hope that Willard ever had a dog's chance in hell!
Indeed, wishin'/hopin'/prayin' does not lead to astute political analysis.
I don't hate Mitt Romney and I don't know any conservatives who do.
Agreed. In fact, I've noticed with some surprise and relief a distinct lack of ill-will or resentment (let alone anything like "hate"!) against Romney among conservatives.
Of course, they're unhappy about the outcome of the election, and of course in the postmortem find much to criticize and second-guess about Romney and his campaign, tactics and strategy, missed opportunities and misfires etc.
But overall, even among conservatives very opposed to Romney in the primaries and beyond-- those who deeply disliked him and who you'd think would be most compelled to say "I told you so"-- I've found very little blame, or more accurately little hostility or anger, directed at Romney himself.
More blame/ anger is directed at Akin, the MSM, Christie's Obama love-in, vote fraud, non-voting Republicans who made the perfect the enemy of the good, etc. The general sense is, Romney really did try his utmost and best to win this. Honorably.
And his defeat is a great loss to us all.
I thought that the most hated man was Rush Limbaugh. I'm an independent, but I am willing to vote republican because of people like Limbaugh and Romney. If you take away the independents like me, the republicans aren't left with many votes. The republicans better watch out who they villify and who they push forward for 2016 because if they lose independent voters like me, they don't have a chance at all. I wish voters had decided to take advantage of Romney's talents and knack for success. They didn't, but at least we still have Limbaugh around to keep expose the truth about Obama's administration. Maybe America can hang on for another 4 years, and maybe 4 years will be long enough for the tea party to come into its own and take control of the republican party away from the cowards who control it now. There are a lot of cliffs in America's future.
I thought that the most hated man was Rush Limbaugh. I'm an independent, but I am willing to vote republican because of people like Limbaugh and Romney. If you take away the independents like me, the republicans aren't left with many votes. The republicans better watch out who they villify and who they push forward for 2016 because if they lose independent voters like me, they don't have a chance at all. I wish voters had decided to take advantage of Romney's talents and knack for success. They didn't, but at least we still have Limbaugh around to keep expose the truth about Obama's administration. Maybe America can hang on for another 4 years, and maybe 4 years will be long enough for the tea party to come into its own and take control of the republican party away from the cowards who control it now. There are a lot of cliffs in America's future.
Wow, the disassociative syndrome that the left employes is breath-taking in it's breadth and scope. Romney articulating that the DNC and Obamaclaus have done nothing but venomously demonize conservatives and anyone who would run on the republican ticket for calling them out on their tactics is under the bus worthy? People have truly lost their fucking minds.
"I feel a bit sorry for him at this point, he simply didn't represent the majority of Americans."
I feel sorry for America. The majority of Americans seem not to know what is required for a people to retain their freedom. The first thing is a viable economy with more producers than takers. It's clear that isn't a priority for 55% of voters.
Well, Mother Jones is, of course, an objective judge.
shiloh said...
Well, he finally has a majority lol as he only got 49% plurality in 2002.
And he "lost" to Zero by only 1.5% in a crooked race.
Even bigger lol.
btw, most hated by cons as libs/Dems enjoyed the discombobulated train wreck! Plus we have empathy for the downtrodden. :-P
Sure, that's why the people on Staten Island are freezing in the night.
As for train wrecks, the real one, the one who couldn't get elected without massive vote fraud, is in Burma, making an ass of himself once again.
And, as we contemplate asses, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Telling Choomie the surname came last in most Asian countries?
"Indeed, wishin'/hopin'/prayin' does not lead to astute political analysis."
Nope, but neither is it a plan for leading a nation in deep trouble. Our mistake is over and done, but yours is gonna be painfully drawn out. Are you up for it?
For all the talk about "why can't Republicans just drop their social conservatism?" I counteroffer the following: why can't a social liberal drop their bankrupting fiscal promiscuity? I recall asking a follower on Twitter once (who happened to live in San Francisco): "why can't you guys field a social liberal/fiscal conservative?" He seemed taken aback and then tweeted back something about party machine politics and how it just wasn't possible. Sad
"And he "lost" to Zero by only 1.5% in a crooked race."
Even closer: less than 400,000 votes would have changed the winner of the E.C. Winning couldn't happen to a better symbol of what's to come. It has certain poetic justice to it.
"why can't you guys field a social liberal/fiscal conservative?"
They're called Libertarians, and they do nothing but lose at the national level.
"And, as we contemplate asses, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?"
Maybe it fell for that
" ((( laughable skewed poll meme )))".
bagoh, like most Althouse con lemmings inane utterances the past (2) years, I don't accept your hyperbolic premise.
But no, I'm probably not up for another four years of ad nauseam con whining as the past (2) years was quite sufficient!
I know it's hard for you, but you're going to have to learn to accept winning.
And speaking of poetic justice Willard is now at 47.6% and below McCain's 2008 vote total as votes are still being counted.
I mean winning in the sense that the numbers favor your candidate, but the responsibility for the economy is now irrevocably his as well.
Mitt Romney also has evil friends who are determined to enrich themselves further by repurposing the sweat they collect from their wage slaves as $100/oz. perfume.
"Maybe it fell for that"
No, but buffoon bagoh sure was wishin'/hopin'/prayin' w/his inane presidential prediction.
Apologies to buffoons!
shiloh said...
I blame the con fools who invented the ((( laughable skewed poll meme ))) giving folks like bagoh20/Althouse, etc. false hope that Willard ever had a dog's chance in hell!
Indeed, wishin'/hopin'/prayin' does not lead to astute political analysis.
And what will your excuse be when Urkel fails by 2016? How much of the soul of the country are you willing to carve out so your party and your guy wins, so you can say that you are so progressive that you've choked the life and the incentive of those that produce. Are you going to force people to work at that point? Oh wait, those unemployment numbers today really haven't shifted after all, but hey, why should you care, they will get worse by 2016 and you will have more takers than ever before. Job security for your party and your guys while the country deep dives into a fiscal abyss it will never see the daylight from again. Then what will you do or say? Hurray, we won? We all still lose.
Cousin Kevin!
shiloh said...
And speaking of poetic justice Willard is now at 47.6% and below McCain's 2008 vote total as votes are still being counted.
Are you one of those people that kicks a man's teeth in when you have already won just so you can leave your mark and say, "Now, he'll know who not to fuck with?" is that what you are trying to prove here? Otherwise, how kicking dead horses makes you better somehow?
" I don't accept your hyperbolic premise."
Of course not, if you did you wouldn't have voted for Obama. I wouldn't want it any other way. You have earned everything you're gonna get. It too bad that those who haven't have to go on this ride with you.
If you can't win well, you probably can't do anything well. It is truly a sign of the most lame, especially when you disappear during the height of the fight. That's just embarrassing no matter what.
shiloh said...
And Zero is below his.
O! The humanity!
Apologies to buffoons!
Your friends may not be as forgiving as we.
And, on the subject of buffoonery, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Early vote tabulator in Death Valley?
As always bagoh, feel free to stop whining at any time ... or not!
Now bagoh is Althouse #1 doting, trained seal's lap dog! Totally embarrassing ...
EMD said...
They're called Libertarians, and they do nothing but lose at the national level.
That's glib, EMD, and not my point. Schwartzenegger claimed to be a social liberal/fiscal conservative (whether he was or wasn't is open), but that's how he ran. And he ran as a Republican. My question is why can't the Democrats do the same? Why are the "Libertarians" excluded from running as Democrats?
shiloh said...
As always bagoh, feel free to stop whining at any time ... or not!
11/19/12 11:33 PM
shiloh said...
Now bagoh is Althouse #1 doting, trained seal's lap dog! Totally embarrassing ...
You see, you really have zero interest in truly winning. You would rather see your country go the way of the dodo bird to assuage yoursanctimonious sense of socio-economic justice that your kind likes to trot out as a means to denigrate those who actually do things and make things for money and betterment of themselves and others as opposed to those that want to take from those that do without any effort. Then stand back and watch them cry foul that they are being left out in the cold and behind because no one will stop to give them the opportunities that they are entitled to, but refuse to endeavor to undertake under their own power.
All so people like you can swoop in and cry foul on their behalf at what a horrible world we live in that these people are unjustly being treated unfairly due to the efforts of those that produce and do things for money, so those that don't can get a cut of that pie they did nothing for. You are one of those people. Your smarm, snark, and sanctimony in your reveling for this president paints you as one of those people. You will do nothing to better this country, but just usurp that which is not yours, so you can continue to gloat at how wonderful your ideology is, while ignoring how truly vile it has become.
Your veneer is thin little boy.
chickelit said...
That's glib, EMD, and not my point. Schwartzenegger claimed to be a social liberal/fiscal conservative (whether he was or wasn't is open), but that's how he ran. And he ran as a Republican. My question is why can't the Democrats do the same? Why are the "Libertarians" excluded from running as Democrats?
Even libertarians don't want to be called democrats or even look like one.
Ermagerd, "oh my god" spoken as if with a speech impediment including intrusive r's.
" Why are the "Libertarians" excluded from running as Democrats? "
If you want to take stuff from people and tell them what to do, what's more valuable to your goal: big government or liberalism? Follow the money.
"Now bagoh is Althouse #1 doting, trained seal's lap dog!"
Seals don't have laps - no knees. And it's insensitive to remind everyone how I'm #1. They know it - don't rub it in.
"why can't you guys field a social liberal/fiscal conservative?"
Ron Paul ran. The problem is people don't trust his stance on foreign policy.
Let's say, for instance, we didn't have the massive military. Not enough to deal with all this terrorism. Now we get an attack like 9/11. What do you do?
You can't roll over and say we aren't going to punish it, or hold back on the innocents, because they will do it again. Now can we rely on people's good will. History is full of examples of people killing others.
So, it's a problem. I think the answer is you retaliate with extreme force, as in launch nuclear bombs. The taliban won't turn over Al Qaeda, we don't have an internationally cooperative military, so out come the nukes. It's a lot cleaner, but quite messy.
How the hell did that happen again?
People are lazy.
Seal knees,hind limbs. Not much there. Covered in flappage.
Oh c'mon, that's Nick Saban.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I love you, EMD!
I adore Mitt Romney.
I cannot believe the American people rejected the opportunity to elect this once in a lifetime qualified for the times leader.
I cannot believe our sitting president ran on a platform of "maybe he's a felon and romnesia".
If people are going to fall for that, there's nothing Romney could have done.
Now. Let's hope Obama figures out how to be a president.
Sorry, off topic.
Where is crackemcee? I have not seen him make comments since before the election.
The election is over.
What's Obama doing to get us out of the messes that he now owns lock, stock and barrel?
Lead on, big guy. Time to stop blaming and campaigning, and start leading. Get something done rather than take your ball and go home.
I'm waiting.
MayBee said...
I adore Mitt Romney.
I cannot believe the American people rejected the opportunity to elect this once in a lifetime qualified for the times leader.
If it helps any, people in TX are trying to figure out how a barren stretch of desert produced 14,000 votes.
Romney would have repaired big government.
The disparagement though is coming from the be-more-like-Democrats activists, taking advantage of the original lack of anybody-but-Obama conservative support.
Hate. A lot of people role that way. More soul-searching, less hating from these geniuses would be welcome.
Romney is a good, decent, and honorable man. He does not deserve these kinds of headlines. Screw Drum and other fuckers in the media.
Wait, I thought all the h8ters were on the right, which would make the most hated person someone like O. It's almost like all the hate comes from the other side of something.
Bagoh said...
The mood has completely changed overnight from one of being ready to make things happen, invest and take chances to now covering your ass and protecting what you can. No risk taking, no investment, no new ventures, and most of all no new employees.
...Optimism has changed to fear overnight...
It's real, isn't it? Sadly, this is what Obama and the democrats want. The destruction of a thriving private business sector.
Maybee & pm317, I feel the same way as you about Romney.
Drum & other Obama supporters like him baffle me.
Romney lost the election, your guy won (and retains the most powerful office in the world), and you still have to expend energy demonizing Romney? Who holds no public office whatsoever. But you still have to kick him when he's down. "Officially the Most Hated Man in America"?? Really??
Sorest winners ever. WTF.
chickelit notes the question for the ages:
Yo dems: why can't a social liberal drop their bankrupting fiscal promiscuity?
I have never understood how dislike of policy positions traqnslates into personal hatred.
It's funny though. Some of the most obnoxious, terrible, snarly partisans are wonderful people when you get them off their political bailiwick.
There's something about this political stuff that has a tendency to bring out the worst in us.
Shiloh - I've never heard someone whine so much about whining. BTW - those you accuse of whining are offering actual arguments. The left are collectively devoid of a good argument other than "we won, haters".
Per usual, I'm with Yashu. My poor brother has to host his wife's family for Thanksgiving dinner. They believe their daughter sold her soul to marry the Capitalist Pig. Never mind that his successful small business keeps her in all that she, and their children, wants.
I fear for his sanity.
He did say he was going to say grace for at least two minutes though. Oh, to be a fly.
Chip Ahoy said...
Seal knees,hind limbs. Not much there. Covered in flappage.
Are you going to finish that?
I don't understand the lefty use of the term ,"hate".
It's childish.
isn't the opposite of liking someone indifference?
If Drum thinks Romney is the most hated man now, try to imagine how much worse it would be (hatewise) if he had won?
I think the left had serious concerns that Romney would win and so they spooled up their hate-machine. Turns out they didn't need it but it has lingering effects. But only on the left.
And he "lost" to Zero by only 1.5% in a crooked race.
the one who couldn't get elected without massive vote fraud
A lot of folks agree with your theory that that the race was fixed. One of our State Senators made the claim that there were over 200,000 illegal votes cast for Obama, and that is just in Wisconsin alone!
With that many examples of criminal behavior I'm sure it'll just be a matter of time before arrests start happening, eh?
PurpleP. I am sure that that is on the agenda of the super secret grand jury convened a decade or so ago to indict your twice elected govenor. We have it on good advice that an indictment is imminent. Any. Day. Now.
I was one of those Obama voters who thought Romney ran a good and honorable campaign, he seemed like a good guy. But then he explained why he thought he lost, and it's just clear he really does believe in his 47% theory. He was never going to be the uniter or the healer, he was going to be a very polarizing president in his own right. It seems like he tried to hide what he really was and believed during the campaign.
And I understand why a lot of moderate Republicans are unhappy with him now for having said that. It makes the Republicans look bad to a lot of constituents that they need.
It's not about hate at all that I can see.
Yashu, may be all the stealing and hoodwinking the public with hiding info, lying by omission, and plain lying, makes these media whores sore winners. They know they didn't win it fair and square. They have to demonize the guy who lost, some more to convince themselves they did it. Liars and crooks. Fuckers. I will reserve my ire toward the media whores more than I do about the incompetent fuckers running the WH.
purplepenquin said...
And he "lost" to Zero by only 1.5% in a crooked race.
the one who couldn't get elected without massive vote fraud
A lot of folks agree with your theory that that the race was fixed. One of our State Senators made the claim that there were over 200,000 illegal votes cast for Obama, and that is just in Wisconsin alone!
With that many examples of criminal behavior I'm sure it'll just be a matter of time before arrests start happening, eh?
Not when the side that cheated owns the justice department. When you own the courts then justice is what you say it is.
Ironically, the democrat's upcoming tax hikes on "the rich" will hurt small and medium sized businesses the most. The large corporations, the businesses democrats rail about, will be OK.
Libruls are expert haters. It is what they do best.
I am sure that that is on the agenda of the super secret grand jury convened a decade or so ago to indict your twice elected govenor. We have it on good advice that an indictment is imminent.
It is only "super secret" if this is the only blog you get your Wisconsin news from...lol. Here is the latest update for those who are curious as to what is happening with Walker&Company.
And despite what you claim about the length of these hearings (did the jury really convene around 2002? I thought that was when the alleged illegal behavior occurred) it seems that Walker (or perhaps Priebus?) will be indicted quicker than Blagojevich was.
Not when the side that cheated owns the justice department. When you own the courts then justice is what you say it is.
You're saying that the GOP in WI are the ones who cheated to help get Obama elected in this state?
Interesting theory. Do you have a newsletter or pamphlet? I am interested in learning more about your beleifs.
Shiloh wrote:
And speaking of poetic justice Willard is now at 47.6% and below McCain's 2008 vote total as votes are still being counted.
so what, Obama was millions of votes short of his 2008 totals, the first time that's ever happened to a president who won a second term. Why do you think that somehow this only reflects on Mitt Romney?
Obama won with the use of a much better ground game, provided by wonks from the many IT corporations that support him.
Obama found a way to get out the vote of the most low information voters.
Win some, lose some, but only frightened fools listen to MSM critics on the left.
Besides, four years is a long time and the coming train wreck of the blue model at both the state and federal level will be fun to watch and have political consequences.
@Micheal - Actually, the John Doe investigation that has resulted in the arrest/conviction of some of Walker's workers hasn't been around for even three years let alone a decade.
Did you have some other investigation in mind when you made your comment or was that just an honest mistake?
Phx wrote:
I was one of those Obama voters who thought Romney ran a good and honorable campaign, he seemed like a good guy. But then he explained why he thought he lost, and it's just clear he really does believe in his 47% theory. He was never going to be the uniter or the healer, he was going to be a very polarizing president in his own right. It seems like he tried to hide what he really was and believed during the campaign.
are you suggesting that the dems aren't running on class warfare, tax the rich and grow govt policies? (That's what he means by goodies) the only thing I'd quibble with Romney about is the number 47%.
Not the entire 47% of those not voting for Obama don't pay taxes. But certainly that 47% were voting for bigger govt.
Whatever the number, for those people, Romneys low taxes model won't relate. Why is that so controversial.
Tink of the corrolllary. If Obama said 47% of the people will not vote for him no matter what and want to shrink govt and keep taxes low and won't respond to calls for raising taxes or adding govt programs. would he be lying. He'd simp,y be describing half of the electorate.
You're saying that the GOP in WI are the ones who cheated to help get Obama elected in this state?
Interesting theory. Do you have a newsletter or pamphlet? I am interested in learning more about your beleifs.
Who runs the justice department PP?
That would only be true if he had won.
Democrats, quit hating on Mitt and tell us how you plan on addressing the difficult issues facing this country.
So far I've heard, from Obama and Harry Reid, that we'll tax the upper middle class and will not touch Medicaid and Social Security. That math doesn't add up. That's still a giant deficit and it will hurt economic growth. What else do you have? Sequestration that you'll blame on Republicans? Sorry, you've got 2/3 of the federal law-making capacity at your disposal. Don't pick on the minority, right?
Though, the continued hatred and other-ing of Romney is to be expected. There's -still- two-minute hates for Reagan, Bush and Palin on regular intervals.
How can the most hated Man in America not play for the Cowboys?
Who runs the justice department PP?
For the State of WI the Attorney General is a Republican by the name of JB Van Hollen.
I could be wrong about an assumption I'm making: Is the state allowed to investigate/prosecute voter fraud? I always thought they could but I could be wrong 'bout that. Are voting-laws like immigration laws in the sense that state can't do nuttin' to enforce 'em? If so, then I apologize for my mistake.
But if not then "partisanship" can't be an excuse for zero arrests for over 200,000 cases of voter fraud...can it?
Off topic, but why do all these young Journalist on Mourning Joe and MSNBC talk like they had speech therapy in junior high?
Uh, has anyone here even read Drum's article? His point is that conservatives threw him under the bus after he lost, not that liberals are full of hate for Romney (even if they really are).
"Mitt Romney Is Now Officially the Most Hated Man in America."
Mitt didn't leave people to DIE.
Mitt didn't get on TV and LIE.
Mitt didn't spend till we were BROKE.
Midd didn't push death pannels on the FOLKS.
So why would the 'right' or 'left' think he is hated. Cause he failed to oust the ONE who has done all above? Then hate the one in power, not the one who at least tried to stop him.
If anyone failed, it's the voters. And they are geting just what they deserve.
Let's think about the bright side of life. Why mope about it? Romney wasn't a great candidate. He had a number of flaws. He was for government mandated health insurance, it's hard to imagine him being aggressive on terrorism, and he's Mormon.
Now we have the Golden God to help us out. And he's going to do a great job. We've all seen the reports of more jobs coming about. Companies are cutting down on the number of hours to avoid Obama care taxes. And that's good. It will make more jobs. Don't worry about those who need the hours, as Farmer says, the good folks will land on their feet. Perhaps they will take two jobs, working 56 hours per week to make up for it. That's good, right? Maybe even Julia will pay more of her way!
And then there is the really wealthy. Now, I do have a bone to pick with them. I do not understand how the top 400 paid only 17% in their realized income. That seems a bit low, compared to those making under $108K who have to pay 14.4% in Social Security (we all know where that money goes: into programs). So it's only fair they pay more. And who knows, if they have to pay enough, maybe they will get on the side of smaller government!
At present, it's hard to see why they would care. Like the Obamaphone. All the money for that program is regressive, coming out of the owners of phones. And the money goes to the very wealthy! In fact, a lot of money is like that. People's Gas and Electric bills are taxed regressively. Here in CA, the top tier is 40c per KWH, as opposed to 17c for the lowest rate. That means subsidizing, and encouraging energy use by the poor.
So many hidden regressive taxes, so much of it going to the ownership class. We need to sock it to the wealthy, because obviously they aren't making good decisions for middle class folks. Let them pay for all this welfare for a while, and see how they like it.
chickelit said...
For all the talk about "why can't Republicans just drop their social conservatism?"
I want to add to what chickelit said that I think social conservatism is what has kept this country viable. Recent statistics showed that 40% of the births in the US were to unmarried women. For blacks, who are continue to struggle economically, something like 79% of the births were to unmarried women. For Asians, the most successful immigrant group, only 16% of the births were to unmarried women. Tell me how social liberalism makes society better? Studies show that children whose parents are married (even unhappy marriages) fare better economically and socially than children who grow up in single parent homes. Yet, the overwhelming liberal political, social and peer pressure pushes people towards single parent homes. And the liberal elite who promote all of these socially liberal policies are rich (relatively speaking) and buy the $650 handbags, the $250 shoes, the $3,000 dresses, etc. and don't have a clue about what makes life meaningful and fulfilling for the common person. It is the common people from the Red States who cling to their guns and their religions who are also clinging to their families and keeping this country going.
Obama would have the brains and respect enough for his party not to ever say that.
Why, no, he wouldn't say that. He would talk about clinging to guns and religion. He would say "You didn't build that." He would talk about the 57 states.
Look, you guys won. Great! Tell us what you hope to accomplish. Here are some metrics you can use to let us know how well things will be four years from now:
The unemployment rate
The underemployment rate
The poverty rate
The Federal debt
The deficit
Take a stab at it! Let us all know how well things are going to be now that your Golden God was re-elected. Really, you won, tell us all how good it's going to be. If the numbers look good, and turn out to be good, I may even vote (D) next time.
Ouch...from winning the Presidency in a blowout to...losing the Presidency in a blowout....and then trampled on by his party....
sick burn...
Look, you guys won. Great! Tell us what you hope to accomplish. Here are some metrics you can use to let us know how well things will be four years from now
I have no idea how things will be four years from now, none. I notice your concerns are all economic.
Why are liberals so consumed with 'hate'?
What else do they have? They can't run on ideas or competence.
And do I no longer have to feel bad that I hate Obama with a burning hot hatred and hope he suffers a near infinite level of personal misfortune in all possible areas?
But if not then "partisanship" can't be an excuse for zero arrests for over 200,000 cases of voter fraud...can it?
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, when one side actively does everything it can to ensure the absence of evidence.
Your side's extremely dishonest, shrill, partisan screeching against voter ID has been very effective in maintaining the opportunity for massive voter fraud.
Now, was the fraud enough to tip the election? No one knows, because your side has been successful in preventing transparency.
How is that not partisanship?
Remember: the Justice Department head refused to enforce voter protection laws against the Black Panthers, citing his interpretation that voter protection laws are not intended to protect white voters.
In light of that, how much effort do you think Obama's Justice Department will work to try to find evidence of any fraudulent voting anywhere, much less look into a broad estimate of voter fraud in WI?
Why does your side work so hard to disenfranchise military voters?
You don't have a leg to stand on when you embrace dishonesty like you do.
It's actually amazing. There was a time when it would be inconceivable for the government to take on the role of provider for a family. There was a time when it would be inconceivable for the government to take over so many functions of the religious institutions that have provided a path of how to live ones life. But it has.
I do not think the country is better off for it. Unlike Ann, I find nothing offensive about showing where the country is headed, by the use of the Obamaphone lady video. I think we all ought to take a good look at that. It's not that she is self-righteous. It is not only that she seems to not care where the money to support her came from. It's that she was made that way by our government. In my view, it's a waste of human life and human dignity.
I don't feel good about her having that phone bought for with regressive taxes. I feel even less good about the company of Obama donors getting hundreds of millions from that program.
I think it's time to have a very strong assessment of what we have built in this country. Is it worth it? I don't think so. I think it's rotten at the core.
I think it's going to be incredibly difficult to change the money flows so that the system continues on.
What would happen if all those money flows the government is in the middle of suddenly stop? I think it would be a problem, a big one, to get the system back to one of personal responsibility.
Well, it looks like Fantasyland remains intact....
Althouse, please rename your blog the Althouse con self-loathing, whine factory. Truth in advertising!
Economic concerns are the only ones that matter in the long run. Except for foreign policy economic concerns are the ones that bring the others up or down.
How much will social issues matter if the bottom falls out of the economy. I don't think people have a clear concept of what a failed economy looks like. Dancing vaginas and gay marriage are way down on the list when you're worried about where your next meal is coming from.
This is terribly sad. At least the unfortunate victims of Bush Derangement Syndrome had an actual President to hate.
Althouse, please rename your blog the Althouse con self-loathing, whine factory. Truth in advertising!
Same goes for you. Be accountable. Here are the metrics:
The unemployment rate
The underemployment rate
The poverty rate
The Federal debt
The deficit
sign up for them. You won, don't you think you owe it to everyone to tell us how well your God is going to do?
The prosecution rests!
The truth that no politician wants to tell you is that we have past the fiscal Rubicon with the re-election of Obama.
The proof is that the Sec of Treasury Timmy Geithner, the guy whose father funded Obama's mother's NGO from the Ford foundation, has said the debt ceiling should be abolished. Confiscating 100% of all earnings wouldn't balance the budget. Even just higher taxes and severe spending cuts won't fix it, that will only guarantee slow growth. Growth below 4% guarantees a continuation of the economy we are now experiencing, the new norm. Although, I think the "new norm" will be a little worse, Obamacare will assure that. I think we're turning Japanese, I really think so. Enjoy, FORWARD!
wyo sis,
I agree. Many families are on some form of government assistance, they want the economy to recover as much as anyone else, but for the time being budgeting for next week is what really matters. Things are expensive, and many family qualify for S.N.A.P.(Food Stamps) are working and make a moderate amount of money. I was surprised how much income one can have and still qualify.
People are having a hard time to see long term economic recovery and aren't willing to take a risk, even though they will believe it will happen.
He's not. Jindal said he was a good and decent man, but just shouldn't have made the "gifts" comment.
shiloh said...
The prosecution rests!
If you even think you are remotely close to being a prosecutor, you would have been fired long ago. But hey, keep that wish fulfillment thing going. It's all you have left, you little coward.
Do the Democrat posters here even know what the Obama plan is for the next four years? How do we balance the budget with hard numbers? Can you defend the plan?
I'm not trying to be coy. But if the crux of your plan is taxing the hell out of everyone, by way of new taxes or letting Bush tax cuts expire, then please admit it. If your only plan for cost-cutting is sequestration, please admit that as well.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Romney's 47% comment was true, he probably should have went on to explain why so many multinational corporations support Obama, gifts, or academics, gifts or public sector, gifts or unions, gifts.
The hit was political, like Obama's "you didn't build that" or a better example, "guns & bibles". The "guns & bibles" and "47%" comments were both made in private. Only Pollyannas never involved in politics believe comments like this aren't made all thew time behind close doors.
Wouldn't it be fun to be a fly on the wall in Valarie Jarrett's office wall? She the actual President.
@Nathan Alexander:
Your assumptions about me and my "side" are incorrect, and it is hard to take you seriously when ya rant on like ya just did. If you are sincere about wanting a good-faith discussion then please keep in mind that I, like everyone else here, is an individual rather than a group.
That aside...I do agree with you that is would be very unlikely for Obama's Justice Department to look too deep into voter fraud for this last election, for a number of reasons. However I sincerely don't understand why the Wisconsin Atty Gen wouldn't do so. Is that really an area that only the Feds are allowed to investigate?
@joe schmoe - Obama's plan is endless free ponies for everyone, forever, all paid for by the rich bastards who aren't paying their fair share.
"The mood has completely changed overnight from one of being ready to make things happen, invest and take chances to now covering your ass and protecting what you can. No risk taking, no investment, no new ventures, and most of all no new employees. "
Amity Schlaes thinks next year looks a lot like 1937 when we went back into a second Great Depression. I fear she is right and Obama is perfectly positioned to not only make it worse but take the blame. There is no Second World War around the corner to save him.
Come to think of it, there might be but it won't save him.
I've always wondered what kind of idiot Kevin is. Damned near complete
is my current assessment.
@joe schmoe - Obama's plan is endless free ponies for everyone, forever, all paid for by the rich bastards who aren't paying their fair share.
It very well could be. It's hard to find specifics to the contrary.
Lots of folks cry about how campaigns should be 'about the issues'. All the real, hard, important issues. Issues, issues, issues all the time. No negative personal attacks. Just issues. Real issues that real people care about.
So it's past time to have discussions about the issues, most notably Obama's detailed plans for the next 4 years. But he didn't articulate plans in much detail during the campaign. And his supporters who purport to be all about the issues didn't press him on it. Now that the election is over, let's debate the pressing issue at hand - the economy. But no Democrats are talking about the plan, and they definitely aren't defending it. They're still demaguoging Mitt Romney and other rich people that voted for him.
Time to lead, Dems. Tell us your plans for cost-cutting and increased tax revenue.
"Conservatives believe that liberals are intent on creating a welfare state that saps initiative, leads to moral decay, makes voters more dependent on government, and helps cement the Democratic Party's hold on power." Kevin Drum
Ridiculous! Where would conservatives get an idea like that (other than by observing the state of the nation)?
Drum is just another lefty journolista trying to pass himself off as a sage despite the fact that he cannot understand basic economics. Please note, however, that lefties are joining Republican nitwits in trying to finish off conservatives.
No gracious winners here. The left is in it to win for all time and screw the Republic.
Old, conservative, white guys should buy guns! Next thing you know, there will be a bounty on us.
Haters gonna hate. And Kevin Drum is a hater. Damn, the depth of the hate bench on the left!
It's complete bullshit, this premise of his, but any excuse to talk about hate is a good excuse.
A gloat too far?
When 'shiloh' wrote around midnight Eastern time that Romney's vote total was "below McCain's 2008 vote total as votes are still being counted", she seems to have gloated too soon. Gabriel Malor at Ace of Spades reports that as of 6:45am today Romney's vote total is around 10,000 higher than McCain's, with parts of California still counting votes, while Obama is still six million behind his 2012 total. Neither provides a link, but I know which one I find more trustworthy: the one who reports both numbers, including the one that makes 'shiloh' look like the fool she is.
phx wrote:
Hate. A lot of people role that way. More soul-searching, less hating from these geniuses would be welcome.
I think a lot of people would argue with the word HATE. I don't know a single person that HATES Romney (Except maybe some dems - at least based on the rhetoric used against him) or even expresssed hatred of him.
People have expressed disappointment but very few people say they HATE him. So this whole article is in fact overstated.
"Romney's vote total is around 10,000 higher than McCain's"
Whether I was or wasn't gloating aside, as just mentioned to EMD in a previous thread, congrats! Winning NC and IN when Obama is the worst president in history is truly something for cons to hang their hat on.
Laura Ingraham To GOP: 'If You Can't Beat Obama With This Record, Then Shut Down The Party'
As insightful con media marches on ...
Democrats aren't shutting down Obama's campaign data mining operations.
From the Washington Post:
If you voted this election season, President Obama almost certainly has a file on you. His vast campaign database includes information on voters’ magazine subscriptions, car registrations, housing values and hunting licenses, along with scores estimating how likely they were to cast ballots for his reelection.
The Left should not hate him because he lost. The Right should not hate him because he assumed the primary risk. The Right may legitimately offer criticism of his campaign, and select another candidate for the next election.
The unemployment rate
The underemployment rate
The poverty rate
The Federal debt
The deficit
Unemployment rate is not that bad.
Underemployment rate is overrated stat.
Poverty rate is lowest in decades.
The deficit - who cares.
GDP - never better.
Kevin Drum doesn't have a point. He was in a hurry to leave for Thanksgiving at the Hamptons, or wherever the hell rich liberals go for Thanksgiving, so he phoned in a story that will predictably make the Left cream their jeans. Yawn.
I bet if I had a billion dollars to spend on TV, I could make anybody the most hated man in America.
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