He does a nice job with the comedy — even with this eyes locked tellingly on the teleprompter. And here's something that surprised me, in the end, when he recited these Bruce Springsteen lyrics:
Well, I guess everything dies, baby, that's a factI'm a little embarrassed to say this, but I'm saying it because it's political. When Chris Christie said "fix your hair up pretty," I got a chill. It had nothing to do with the substance of the comedy sketch. Chris Christie has that Bill Clinton about him. It bypasses the brain and goes to a woman's... heart.
But maybe everything that dies some day comes back
Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
And meet me tonight in Atlantic City
Normally, I am steeled against the manipulations of politicians, but, here, caught off guard in this comedy context, I discovered something about Chris Christie. I know, you may say that I'm crazy to let my reaction stand in for the reaction of all of the women of America. But this is America, where politics feeds on feeling and women determine the outcome. Crazy only just begins to describe it.
It's still too early to bet on Chris Christie 2016 at Intrade, but I just checked.
१७३ टिप्पण्या:
OMG, Ann is already falling for another megalomaniac.
Once again, yet further confirmation of the fact that women should have never been given the power of the vote by no less than our resident host Althouse..
"OMG, Ann is already falling for another megalomaniac."
I didn't say I'd fall for him. I was just in a situation where, caught unaware, I detected something that I believe will be powerful in affecting others.
It's not about me and who I'll vote for. I'm just revealing some information that I became aware of.
If you don't think this is important, think about Bill Clinton. Think long and hard.
I could get behind Christie, under him might be treacherous though. He is a male, that's for sure, if he dropped some of that weight, he would be hot.
Think about Chris Christie naked. Think long and hard.
Attraction to megalomaniacs seems to be a visceral female thing. All one has to do is view old news-reels of droves of fawning, starry-eyed women eagerly forcing bouquets of roses upon Hitler in supine supplication at one public event after another both large and small, formal or informal, to realize this obvious fact of human (female) nature..
Christie has zero chance at getting the R nomination in 2016. He's too liberal in the first place and R primary voters are not going to forget his ridiculous praise of Obama following Sandy.
"...droves of fawning, starry-eyed women eagerly forcing bouquets of roses upon Hitler in supine supplication..."
What do Christie groupies do? Throw boxes of butterscotch Krimpets?
America will never vote for a man that fat. And he's not just fat, he's gluttonous fat. He looks like a normal sized guy who became morbidly obese for no other reason than he eats like a pig and refuses to exercise.
I wonder if he's going to go Dem. I remember watching him deliver the keynote for Repub convention and I was thinking, for someone who has such a great rep for making aggressive speeches, this is awfully lacklustre. He might have been thinking this before Sandy.
He'd very good with speaking - even delivering hammy comedy on SNL. I guess I don't understand the Bubba and Christie thing with you though...
He would have a better chance if he switched parties.
"He's larrrrrggge", as Olive Oil sang in the movie Popeye. But I like him.
Olive Oyl?
I was surprised that there was no self-deprecating humor about his Twinkies blowup.
Considering how hard he has fought unions, I don't see how he makes a party switch. It is one thing to take apart unions if you start as a Dem, because then you get media protection from the word go like Rahm and others got. Christie can't get that now though; the left has already tagged him as a hater of unions and destroyer of the middle class. One photo op with Obama will not fix that for them.
Christie is not going to switch parties. The public employee unions hate his guts.
Also, Christie's felching of Obama is totally forgiveable. His first responsibility is to the people of New Jersey, and if the President is a malignant narcissist, Christie's gotta do that to get federal aid.
Look at all the fat comments come out. That's why Christie won't win the Presidency. The shallow voters who only care for surface appearance won't vote for him.
I like The Band's cover of Atlantic City. Levon Helm singing his heart out.
Those things are true, Matthew Sablan, but don't forget, Ted Kennedy killed a woman and her unborn child, and it didn't hurt him one bit.
He could tell everyone that he was inspired to become a Democrat by the amazing combination of compassion and competence that Obama displayed during Sandy. So unlike those Republican meanies who just want to cut taxes for millionairesandbillionaires and ban tampons. Democrats would eat that up. Especially if could work in some Springsteen lyrics.
" "OMG, Ann is already falling for another megalomaniac."
I didn't say I'd fall for him. I was just in a situation where, caught unaware, I detected something that I believe will be powerful in affecting others.
It's not about me and who I'll vote for. I'm just revealing some information that I became aware of.
" If you don't think this is important, think about Bill Clinton. Think long and hard."
I assume that's a pun. And curved ?
"11/18/12 8:57 AM
Blogger Inga said...
I could get behind Christie, under him might be treacherous though. He is a male, that's for sure, if he dropped some of that weight, he would be hot."
If he goes on a diet, he's in but as a Democrat. His GOP convention speech was all about him. He was never about Romney.
Any woman whose husband goes on a diet should immediately hire a private detective. Christie just has different interests.
He could tell everyone that he was inspired to become a Democrat by the amazing combination of compassion and competence that Obama displayed during Sandy. So unlike those Republican meanies who just want to cut taxes for millionairesandbillionaires and ban tampons.
Aw, you're stealin' all my talking points.
Do you realize that it is impossible for him to see his own schwantzstucker without the use of a mirror?
Do you realize that it is impossible for him to see his own schwantzstucker
I think you mean his peter, Peter.
Look at all the fat comments come out...
Yes, the ugliness of fatism.
Or perhaps corpulism.
No, it's more about Althouse's expression of feminine appeal towards a powerful man who is physically unattractive that is prompting a few reality checks.
I don't understand women anyway. I gag at the smell of estrogen.
"It's not about me and who I'll vote for."
If you felt it, millions other will feel it. Not everybody is as smart as you are to check it at some point (I am giving you that because you went Romney's way). But the damage will already have been done by the initial impulse.
The fat and abrasive bastard can be cute, cute enough to become somebody's boyfriend. I don't know how that will work with the righties though. I think all this boyfriend thing is a liberal boondoggle.
@Scott.. LOL, right on.
No, they just throw their daughters. Remember all the women AND THEIR DAUGHTERS on the rope-line falling all over themselves to shake hands and hug Clinton AFTER the Lewinsky scandal?
Chris Christie has that Bill Clinton about him. It bypasses the brain and goes to a woman's... heart.
Vicki Hearne (from In the Absence of Horses)
What It Is About the Frog
for Colleen Lerman
That induces her
To kiss him? Well,
He has plenty
Of froggy
Appeal - that
Isn't it, though. What
Is he thinking that he
Gazes so? He has
Lived for
Who knows how long
In that pond, flawlessly
Sexual. There's a pure
Feeling in the lines
Of his posture. She feels this
And the day
Is suddenly lush. Still,
It's unusual and her gaze is not
Like his. He
Knows. She
Is taken by him. What
He knows
Is how urgent it all is
That she yield to the green
Comedy. It's all in the way he
Looks at her face so
Steadily touching her
I'd have Cristie down 100 pounds in 9 months time, lowcarb and exercise, sweaty, hot and delicious.
@VX, who wrote:
"No, they just throw their daughters."
It must be like King Kong, where the natives tie a virgin to the altar so that the beast can eat her.
Christie proved his socialist bona fides after the hurricane by backing the NJ state law that defines "price gouging as increases of 10 percent or more during a state of emergency and for a 30-day period afterward."
Economically, this worsens shortages rather than alleviating them.
So he's a typical stupid gubmint official that worsens the lot of his subjects. Perfect man for our times.
"It's still too early to bet on Chris Christie 2016 at Intrade, but I just checked."
Fair, or unfair, as things stand now, he can't get through the Republican primaries.
A lot can change in 2 and a half years though...
"Think long and hard."
Christie, on Springsteen, "He's more of a saint."
It's Hard to be a Saint in the City
I had skin like leather and the diamond-hard look of a cobra
I was born blue and weathered but I burst just like a supernova
I could walk like Brando right into the sun
Dance just like a Casanova
With my blackjack and jacket and hair slicked sweet
Silver star studs on my duds like a Harley in heat
When I strut down the street I could feel its heartbeat
The sisters fell back, said, "Don't that man look pretty"
The cripple on the corner cried out, "Nickels for your pity"
Them gasoline boys downtown sure talk gritty
It's so hard to be a saint in the city
Look at all the fat comments come out.
Obesity to that degree is a sign of unhealthy living. The voters might look for someone who looks physically fit.
In our fat hating culture Christie would have to drop 100 before running. Women won't vote for a morbidly obese man. If you see his waist shrinking he's running. If you don't, he won't.
Christie will leverage the fat insults. Unlike the pompous fat man Newt Gingrich, it will all work for Christie.
If he gets the fat vote, he'll do well. It's bigger than the Hispanic vote. Bigger than the female vote! And, as noted, he will get the female vote.
Gastric bypass and he'd be down 100 in 6 months.
If he gets the fat vote, he'll do well. It's bigger than the Hispanic vote. Bigger than the female vote!
Boy, it's big.
Fatism is the new racism for 2016!!
"Women won't vote for a morbidly obese man."
Maybe that's true. There were a few very fat Presidents before the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920; but I can't think of any after that.
Inga doesn't need to preach her diet to Christie. Just send him a photo to put on his fridge and cabinets. He'll have no appetite.
Today, Christie may well be the leader of the pack, or one of them, for the 2016 presidential nomination. But he is probably too high wire an act to likely be successful and, of course, unless the country is in total shambles in 2016, the liberal media will do everything they can to bring him down. His unusual personality for a politician is both attractive and make him subject to attack. The media will attack.
As to the appeal to women, I have no idea. I don't know if I have ever even heard that before. Seems like a significant number of women would consider him a fat loud mouth.
Chill, Ann?
No offense, kid, but this is why the country worked better when only men voted.
As for Christie, I think his political career ends with Cory Booker. Sandy is the second mess on his watch that's been handled badly and his conduct in the second week of November makes less trustworthy than Georgie Patton.
Spinelli, at least he wouldnt get diabetes and become impotent.
Christie did leverage his obesity w/ Corzine in NJ. Because NJ has a lot of fat people, ala Wi. Too many states won't abide it.
Fat or skinny, I wouldn't vote for him in the primary.
The only thing he has going for him is his anti-public employee union stance.
He's solid on that, but that's not an issue at the federal level, given how few federal employees are unionized.
Everything else?
He might as well be another idiot Democrat.
We already have far too many politicians elected by the left side of the IQ bell curve.
It's not sustainable.
Cause ya know what happens to blood vessels when they become clogged with sugar crystals......
"Ted Kennedy killed a woman and her unborn child, and it didn't hurt him one bit."
-- But he started as a Democrat, didn't he? They didn't have to suffer cognitive dissonance with forgiving a man they had demagogued for years.
But do fatties actually prefer fat politicians? We need garage mahal to *ahem* weigh in on this.
No Inga, your photo has the collateral damage of impotence. How bad does he want that White House? You don't want to ball bust w/ me, just let it go. That would be the smart thing.
I've never personally met Christie, but I don't see or feel the "Clinton" connection.
I have met Clinton prior to his presidential run. I knew nothing of his history of sex scandals or corruption, but I must say he was impressive. After learning more about him it all made sense.I just don't get that sociopath vibe from Christie.
Not even mega doses of Viagra will help, right Spinelli?
What about Bill Clinton? He is pretty thin now, but he was fat when he was president. Not fat like Christie though.
Spinelli your impotent rage is comical, you drop it fat boy.
"Maybe that's true. There were a few very fat Presidents before the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920; but I can't think of any after that."
There were very few fat people in the US before 1950.
Fat arose with wealth, and multiplied because of the ubiquity of cheap carbs.
"...makes less trustworthy than Georgie Patton."
Patton, at least, wanted to kill Germans, and his pivoting the 3rd Army north to relieve Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge was masterful. Far better (and more important) than anything Christie or Obama have been able to do.
"Christie will leverage the fat insults. Unlike the pompous fat man Newt Gingrich, it will all work for Christie."
Corzine jabbed at Christie on his weight, and it's true that Christie's response to that on the Don Imus radio program probably tipped the election toward Christie.
But fat is still a minus. Just as having a beard or moustache or having "Dr." in front of your name is a turnoff for voters.
As for the overwrought comparison of Gingrich's chubbiness to Christie's fat? Please.
The Farmer said...
America will never vote for a man that fat. And he's not just fat, he's gluttonous fat. He looks like a normal sized guy who became morbidly obese for no other reason than he eats like a pig and refuses to exercise
Wrong again, Farmer.
At what age did you decide you already knew enough, and so stopped educating yourself?
You wrote that ignorant and mean last sentence as if you were completely unaware of Gary Taubes' work.
Wise up.
To hell with Christie. He stabbed Romney in the back in the final week of the campaign. Obviously that wasn't the single thing which caused Romney to come up short, but it sure as hell didn't help. And it was just unseemly.
To hell with Christie. He stabbed Romney in the back in the final week of the campaign. Obviously that wasn't the single thing which caused Romney to come up short, but it sure as hell didn't help. And it was just unseemly.
I'll let you wingers handle this one.
Ann suggested fat people would vote for a fat candidate. Interesting. I had not thought of that, and I don't know if there is much evidence to support or dispute it. But it seems logical.
As to women voting, I think we are pretty much stuck with that for good or bad. It is interesting that 100 years after getting the vote, women (specifically single women) control presidential elections.
Even more interesting to me, is that presidential elections are controlled by the votes of persons whom many of us, including President Obama and the entire democratic power structure, would not trust to make any other important decision affecting their life. I think of that poor lady in Cleveland yelling that she would vote for Obama because he gave her an Obama phone. She is one of millions of similar people who voted for Obama. Would you trust her and persons similar to her to make any important decisions affecting your life? Well, they just elected our president.
Christie has that special "twinkle" in his eyes, quite like that other larger-than-life character we all knew and loved when we were kids.
There are fewer fat people in New Jersey than there are in Wisconsin.
But do fatties actually prefer fat politicians? We need garage mahal to *ahem* weigh in on this.
I'm not fat dude, contrary to popular opinion on this blog.
If he were to hire me as his personal chef, he would be eating steak, mushrooms and onions, slatherd in butter, bacon and eggs and lowcarb pancakes, real chhesecake sweetened with excellent new sweeteners, lowcarb muffins, cupcakes and scones AND he'd lose that weight.
Hmmmm, I should offer my services to him in a letter.
Inga, like I said the SMART thing would be to let it go.
How did Inga's deceased husband[a great guy] turn a fox into an elephant? He married it.
Ann writes:
I know, you may say that I'm crazy to let my reaction stand in for the reaction of all of the women of America. But this is America, where politics feeds on feeling and women determine the outcome. Crazy only just begins to describe it.
Well, blogging has indeed created at least one megalomaniac. Here's this woman who has thousands of people sitting at home most of the day awaiting her next blog entry. "Oh, joy, Ann has posted again!" I don't think Ann started out this way, but, sadly, her self-esteem has risen each time she checks the Site Meter statistics.
And I say this as someone who likes stopping by Althouse. But, when you step back and look at Ann and her blogging, there's something disquieting about it all. I think it has distorted her personality.
And why does she keep asking people to buy all their Amazon purchases through her website? Yeah, we got it the first time. Now, every other post mentions it. By the way, I've noticed that Instapundit has started this unfortunate carny routine also. Damn lawyers.
He doesn't stand a chance against Rubio.
"And why does she keep asking people to buy all their Amazon purchases through her website? Yeah, we got it the first time. Now, every other post mentions it. By the way, I've noticed that Instapundit has started this unfortunate carny routine also."
-- Because it costs you nothing extra and helps put money into the pockets of someone you like. I think I should become an Amazon affiliate and simply buy all my Amazon purchases through me.
And chocolate, deep dark peanut butter cups and peanut buttercream pie, drizzeled wirh chocolate. Mocha cream shakes.
He's gonna wait, too.
[Great song, that.]
I should have said, "The proportion of fat people in New Jersey is lower than that of Wisconsin."
Jeffrey, I'm with you. I long for those halcyon days when the Internet was about telnetting from a Linux machine to some dude's computer in a lab in San Jose where he had a camera updating every ten seconds on the contents of his refrigerator. So pure, so real.
That's unfair, time is money and the Professor provides some fun and interesting times for all of us.
Besides there's probably some W&S item she has her heart set on purchasing, chicks ( head shake )
Attraction to megalomaniacs seems to be a visceral female thing.
All one has to do is read "Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth" to learn that Hitler's appeal was not confined to the women.
Yeah, I want an oval La Creuset, whose gonna get me one through Althouse's Amazon portal?
Also, those top drawer, tofu mill, elite university town restaurants she frequents don't serve cheap coffee. ;-)
Tim said...
...makes less trustworthy than Georgie Patton.
Patton, at least, wanted to kill Germans, and his pivoting the 3rd Army north to relieve Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge was masterful. Far better (and more important) than anything Christie or Obama have been able to do.
The Bulge was really Kursk II. The time factor was what impressed some writers about 3rd Army's move, it was going to happen, regardless.
Patton was also responsible for Metz and Hammelburg, a couple of very bloody messes.
PS Nobody trusted Patton after Salerno. He was still in the doghouse over the slapping incident.
5th Army was in a bad spot in the Salerno beachhead and Mark Clark raised the idea of consolidating the landing by moving VI Corps to the British beach (a similar debate was held about Omaha Beach on D-Day). Harold Alexander, the Army Group commander, who despised Americans, wanted to sack Clark for even suggesting such a thing and started looking for replacements among the Americans.
The only one who held up his hand was Patton - who was supposed to be a particular friend of Clark's.
Thereafter, nobody in the upper echelons of the American Army ever trusted Patton.
And why does she keep asking people to buy all their Amazon purchases through her website? Yeah, we got it the first time. Now, every other post mentions it. By the way, I've noticed that Instapundit has started this unfortunate carny routine also. Damn lawyers.
I would think that she's mentioning it more often now because it's Christmas season and people are going to be buying a lot stuff on Amazon anyway, so why not throw a few reminders out there? It's always kind of funny to me that some people continue to bitch about the portal stuff when she's putting up all this content out there for free. People will complain no matter what, I guess.
It is all about the lady parts, baby! Tickle her "fancy" and she will follow you anywhere! God Save Us!
I like Chris. I disliked the skit on Weekend Update. **Shudder**
I think Chris will stick with Mary Pat.
The Professor needs to get a government subsidy to support this blog. That would satisfy those participants that feel commerce is dirty and evil, that those that participate in commerce are economic succubuses.
Unfortunately Barry has shown that it's more important to be credible and likeable to the people watching SNL, the Daily Show, and The View than any supposedly serious news show.
In that regard Christie has a leg up on any other GOP nominee being bandied about so far.
Economically, this worsens shortages rather than alleviating them.
I agree with the real data behind this, Pogo, but I have to admit that any governor that publicly endorses the practice of gouging is committing political suicide. Otherwise he looks like a Marie Antoinette-type ignoring the plight of his subject masses.
In my opinion, the next successful GOP candidate for prez should be able to describe, in lay language, why many seemingly well-intentioned platitudes mouthed by the left are really just the opposite. Right now there is no one who can rebut, on the stump, the conventional cliches of the left. Romney just chose to go along with most of them. Christie could be a guy who could do that.
And why is everyone feeling like Christie is ready to switch parties? I haven't heard anything close to that.
Think about Bill Clinton...long and hard??
I'm not that type of guy.
I will never ever understand how anyone can swoon over Bill Clinton.
Joe Schmoe
Christie is on SNL, Rubio is in Iowa raising cash.
Rubio is not a white man with a ladies rump.
He is masculine, Hispanic, young and fit.
Doesn't turn me on, but more ladies in US will react sentimentally/sexually to him over Christie.
Well Ann Chris Christie may have that something about him that goes to a woman's heart--he did pretty well with juries in his day.
But based on his performance with President Obama, he has something that goes straight to my "I'm ticked off with him" part. My checkbook is closed to this clown in any run for President.
Joe Schmoe
Christie is on SNL, Rubio is in Iowa raising cash.
Agreed, and 6 months ago I'd say Rubio would be the more serious candidate. After the last election, though, don't you have to question conventional wisdom about how to run a campaign? Barry went on the View and drank champagne from Beyonce's bra cup. (I made that last thing up, but it wouldn't surprise me.) Sorry to sound cynical, but Iowa seems pretty inconsequential. The trick is how to ignore Iowa while still having your campaign team somehow convince them you do give a shit about them. Even though every thing you do screams that you don't.
Remember when lots of people said Mitt Romney was a RINO who couldn't get his party's nomination because of various ideological heresies? Those were good times.
Personally, I'm looking forward to the Christie vs. Clinton campaign in 2016. Two fine leaders for America and much comedy gold to be mined.
But as of today, I'm looking at Bobby Jindal as the guy to watch. The GOP should have a good shot in 2016 based on the standard 8 year party cycle principle, and he has some real positives. And don't forget Jeb Bush.
I wonder if this fat tub of goo blowhard ever wears short pants! Certainly a deal breaker for the the professor!
Althouse and Inga carefully explain why the 19th amendment was a very bad idea.
Four years is a long time in life and politics, anything can happen. Four years prior to 2008 Hillary was a shoe in.
Other than his antipathy to unions he's a liberal. If he gets the nomination it is only because the Republican party has simply thrown in the towel on conservatism, and any chance at relevance or electoral success.
Neither Althouse nor Inga went out and predicted a huge Romney victory the way brilliant dudes like you did, Big Mike. Though I think Althouse went ahead and voted for Romney (was that ever actually stated?). So their political instincts and predictive powers are probably sharper than yours, champ.
And shouldn't you be at a Tea Party rally right now? The resistance won't succeed if no one shows up!
Inga said " if he dropped some of that weight, he would be hot."
So it's ok to make fun of fat chicks again, right?
The resistance won't succeed if no one shows up!
Spoken like a dyed-in-the-wool imperialist. Be careful; fiscal realists are truly the only ones who can save the Dems from themselves.
Feminism might take up the cause of upping the women's game in serious matters, foolishness not working out well in some areas.
Good motto: He doesn't mean well.
So future presidents need to pass the "I'd do him" test?
We are screwed.
(2) mos. before Obama's ((( second inaugural )))How cute that Althouse is already obsessing about 2016. ok, ok, that's her m.o. as that's what she does here ie "try" to keep her con lemmings hope alive!
Again, Reps fall in line. The Rep hierarchy/establishment "anointed" McCain in 2008 and mittens in 2012 as the Rep primary process is truly a waste of time and $$$.
Bottom line, if Jeb Bush runs he will be the nominee, as again, the Rep hierarchy/establishment will fall in line like lemmings behind him.
So there you have it as conservatives can stop obsessing now lol. btw, as always, no charge for my keen grasp of the obvious!
hmm, Hillary vs. Bush in 2016 ie Bill Clinton's fiscal track record against Bush41/43's fiscal track record ... let the games begin as runnin' for pres is a 24/7 evolution.
And oh yea, Christie is indeed a hunka-hunka burning love or a reasonable facsimile thereof. :-P
Remember when lots of people said Mitt Romney was a RINO who couldn't get his party's nomination because of various ideological heresies? Those were good times.
Uh, no, I don't remember that. I do remember lots of conservatives saying they didn't *want* Romney to win the nomination because because of his RINO tendencies, but that's different from saying that he couldn't win. Romney was the favorite to win the nomination right from the start of the primaries and it's simply inaccurate to suggest otherwise.
Personally, I'm looking forward to the Christie vs. Clinton campaign in 2016. Two fine leaders for America and much comedy gold to be mined.
I would be happy to bet you a $100 charity donation that neither of those two is nominated in 16. Christie I've already covered, Republican primary voters reward loyal party soldiers and Christe ain't one of those anymore. Conversely, Dem primary voters tend to fall for fresh young things and Hillary Clinton ain't one of those anymore.
As for Jeb Bush, fuhgeddaboutit. Fairly or unfairly, GWB damaged the Bush brand beyond repair. Mostly fairly, I think, though probably not for the same reasons as you.
So Christie, to impress Republican voters in 2016, should have told Obama to fuck off and stuff his FEMA money where the sun don't shine?
Republicans are weird.
It bypasses the brain and goes to a woman's...
There are ways to bypass the host's brain?
That was dreadful. Truly dreadful.
Excellent insight. We are poorly served to underestimate the limit of manipulation through emotional appeal.
Random thoughts: Many on the gop side are pissed at Christie for his over-the-top gooey embrace of commander-n-photo-op during Hurricane Katrina. (er I mean Sandy. Sandtastic!). It was a close election, and his little show could have tipped the scales the other way. We will never know for sure. Why did he do it? Christie gave a pretty good speech at the GOP convention. We loved him! Now, we are chilled. He seems cynical and as if it's only in it for himself. Perhaps, not though. Perhaps Christie sees the long game and is now gaming it to play up the pop-culture aspect of our electorate. Something the gop should consider. (sadly)
"Christie gave a pretty good speech at the GOP convention. We loved him! Now, we are chilled. He seems cynical and as if it's only in it for himself."
Christie's keynote speech was all about Christie and not about Willard which may have been your first clue lol.
Shiloh, honey, once again you reveal you do not know what the heck you are talking about.
So Christie, to impress Republican voters in 2016, should have told Obama to fuck off and stuff his FEMA money where the sun don't shine?
Republicans are weird.
Uh, yeah, there's a lot of middle ground between telling Obama fuck off and the verbal toungue bath that Christie gave Obama for declaring a disaster area a disaster area.
Nuance, garage, nuance. Try to stop thinking in therms of pure black and white.
correction... "We loved him! Now, we are chilled. He seems cynical and as if he's only in it for himself."
Yeah, I want an oval La Creuset, whose gonna get me one through Althouse's Amazon portal?
A hand out, not a hand up!
EMD, yeah, but I make a mean Cassoulet.
I'd share.
Drudge has the perfect picture to show future politicians how to win elections. It is not about policies, competence, unemployment, healthy economy, America in leadership position, none of that.. get or generate the votes and get e/selected for office, enjoy the perks, leave it in worse shape than before, who cares?! You got to screw the pooch and enjoy your life until you die. It does not matter that you never worked a serious job in your life before but you are set for life now.
Christie is 50 years old and yet swoons like a teenage girl over Bruce S. He actually cried after meeting him. Doesn’t that alone tell you something about his emotional makeup? Probably also explains the unseemly gushing over Obama during the Sandy visit.
That’s right, in the immortal words of A. Schwarzenegger, he’s a girlie man.
Speaking of inappropriate use of Springsteen's music, at our local college's game last Saturday they honored veterans. What song did they play? "Born in the USA", a deeply anti-American tune.
Have we learned nothing? No, we have not. We still have gullible girlable feelings, not thoughts on policy rather than politicians' personalities.
If you are incapable of rationally analyzing the results of the policies that those politicians advocate, then you will continue to the be the prey to every Pied Piper who comes along.
And you will deserve what happens to you in the aftermath. I hope you can swim.
shiloh said...
(2) mos. before Obama's ((( second inaugural )))How cute that Althouse is already obsessing about 2016. ok, ok, that's her m.o. as that's what she does here ie "try" to keep her con lemmings hope alive!
Somebody tell the little weasel even the Demos are already looking at '16 and would be regardless of who won.
Andy Cuomo's been hurt by Sandy and Hillary's been hurt by Benghazi, so it's going to be fun all around.
Again, Reps fall in line. The Rep hierarchy/establishment "anointed" McCain in 2008 and mittens in 2012 as the Rep primary process is truly a waste of time and $$$.
No, the Romster won, but the Chicago crowd did what they did in 1960 on a national scale.
As the NBC affiliate noted about the 37 precincts in Chicago that cast no votes for the Romster, it's a statistical impossibility.
On the subject of statistical impossibility, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?
Christie's Gold Bond wiper?
somefeller said...
Remember when lots of people said Mitt Romney was a RINO who couldn't get his party's nomination because of various ideological heresies? Those were good times.
Remember when gas was less that $2 a gallon?
When unemployment was under 6%?
When workforce participation was above 66%?
When inflation was 3%?
Even better times.
Personally, I'm looking forward to the Christie vs. Clinton campaign in 2016. Two fine leaders for America and much comedy gold to be mined.
Almost all of it on the Demo side.
The Hildabeast will look like Marlene Dietrich (at the same age by then) and will have to explain how much she did to screw up foreign policy.
Benghazi, Reset button; oh, yeah, lotsa fun.
And Christie won't be anybody's nominee. Booker will clean his clock.
Sandy, y'know.
Speaking of inappropriate use of Springsteen's music, at our local college's game last Saturday they honored veterans. What song did they play? "Born in the USA", a deeply anti-American tune.
That's not an anti-American tune, but it isn't a blindly jingoistic one, as the chorus might make one think it is. Maybe the college got the idea to use the song from Ronald Reagan, who rather famously cited it back in the day.
Personally, I would have suggested that the college use Metallica's "Don't Tread on Me" or "Seek and Destroy" if they wanted a good Eighties song for the occasion.
I'm against voting by either skin color or square footage.
Isn't Ann's point exactly the one that was used to explain why women should not get the vote in the first place?
I think one reason that societies fail, and the reason we are in great danger ourselves, is that the politics start to refusal to accept the solutions until there are none left. Our current political discussion about what to do about our fiscal problems are almost entirely around revenue and debating tax policy, when that's not even the problem, let alone the solution. We seem to have decided that real spending cuts are just not an option. Imagine taking that approach with your household budget...in this economy. It's the same thing.
Bag, Insta links to a good piece about where we may be headed and why your take is so right.
I like him, likely could not get thru winger primARY.
Just what we need—another Head Case as Prez. The down low narcissist-in chief, the alcoholic Bush, the sex addict Clinton, next the food junkie Christie. Shit, I'm sick of the White House being a flight deck for the chronically wounded Fisher Kings.
Christie panicked badly after seeing the damage of Sandy and latched onto the Big o as salvation. He does not inspire confidence, but then again no one in the political realm does.
We are so fucked.
All it would take is another video of Christie opening a can of whup-ass on some Democrat for him to become a GOP darling again.
As the NBC affiliate noted about the 37 precincts in Chicago that cast no votes for the Romster, it's a statistical impossibility.
No. As usual, edutcher's reading comprehension skills fail him miserably.
What edutcher is citing is a reader comment on the NBC affiliate website. edutcher's mistake is similar to claiming that Althouse believes Obama stole the election on the basis of the fact that a lunatic (in this case, edutcher) leaves a comment in an Althouse thread that says "Romney won in a landslide but the Democrats stole the election!" Sane people know that reader comments don't reflect the opinion of the website host. Someone may want to tell edutcher this.
His first responsibility is to the people of New Jersey, and if the President is a malignant narcissist, Christie's gotta do that to get federal aid.
I agree. It's Obama. You gotta kiss the ring.
When Chris Christie said "fix your hair up pretty," I got a chill. It had nothing to do with the substance of the comedy sketch. Chris Christie has that Bill Clinton about him. It bypasses the brain and goes to a woman's... heart.
It's not just women. I had the same reaction. I think it moved!
Another New Jersey Republican Nucky Thompson has a better chance of getting the Republican nomination than this mook.
He is losing to Cory Booker anyway and New Jersey politicians are all corrupt.
Well not as corrupt as Chicago politicians but they run a close second.
Jake Diamond said...
As the NBC affiliate noted about the 37 precincts in Chicago that cast no votes for the Romster, it's a statistical impossibility.
No. As usual, edutcher's reading comprehension skills fail him miserably.
What edutcher is citing is a reader comment on the NBC affiliate website. edutcher's mistake is similar to claiming that Althouse believes Obama stole the election on the basis of the fact that a lunatic (in this case, edutcher) leaves a comment in an Althouse thread that says "Romney won in a landslide but the Democrats stole the election!" Sane people know that reader comments don't reflect the opinion of the website host. Someone may want to tell edutcher this.
Diamond doesn't address the issue of the statistical impossibility.
Can't say as how I blame him.
All that triumphalism for nothing.
BTW, if anyone wonders why the republican Party hasn't said anything about the egregious vote fraud in this election, there's a simple answer:
They are legally barred from doing so.
You can read 'em and weep here.
And Diamond (not to mention all the other trolls) better get used to me continuing to speak out on this issue.
Like the WMDs in Iraq, I'm going to be proven right.
edutcher, I say this as a fellow conservative: step out of aisle five, away from the foil.
No foil, Bob, truth.
Hey, look, I know we're all so inured to anyone who challenges the orthodoxy being Alinskyized out of existence, but facts are facts.
There was widespread vote fraud in this election, but you only hear about it on the 'Net.
And, if you were around in 1960, did anyone then say anything about that election being stolen?
How long did it take for the truth to come out?
The linked piece is there for anyone to read and it's something I never knew before.
As I say, we were all told by Willie there were WMDs in Iraq because that's what he needed us to believe.
Then we were told by the Lefties there were no WMDs in Iraq because that's what they needed us to believe.
Until it turned out there were.
Think about it.
PS No offense about the tin foil metaphor. The Lefties have been using it for decades and gotten us to think that way.
The Soviets eliminated the middle man and just institutionalized dissidents and said it was because they were crazy.
but facts are facts.
There was widespread vote fraud in this election, but you only hear about it on the 'Net.
This would be amusing if edutcher weren't more than a little loony.
The following bit of lunacy is from the link provided by edutcher to support his "stolen election" theory:
"Now, we understand the significance of the account Tom Fife wrote during the 2008 presidential campaign. Fife, a U.S. government contractor, claims that in 1992 while he was visiting Moscow, a woman with undying allegiance to Soviet Communism (the Soviet Union had recently collapsed, on December 31, 1991) told him that a black man named Barack, born of a white American woman and an African male, was being groomed by communists to be, and would be elected, President of the United States."
Funny stuff, edutcher. It's good to learn the source of your "interesting theories."
Yeah well how do you explain that Barack Hussein Obama was mentioned in the Mayan calendar? Just sayn'
Jake Diamond said...
but facts are facts.
There was widespread vote fraud in this election, but you only hear about it on the 'Net.
140% turnout in St Lucie County, FL?
The statistical impossibility of 100% vote for Little Zero in several major cities?
98% turnout in Detroit?
Republican poll watchers forced from polls in Philadelphia?
Which of these is false?
I want to hear Diamond say which ones.
C'mon, loudmouth.
Which ones?
This would be amusing if edutcher weren't more than a little loony.
Diamond doesn't question the main thesis, that the republicans are legally barred from challenging the Demos on vote fraud.
Why doesn't he want to address that?
And, as I say, the first thing the Soviets did to a dissident was claim he was crazy, too.
But the economy is all Dubya's fault, init?
And 4 guys are dead in Benghazi because of a video, right?
Funny how many lies people like Diamond and the rest of the Administration's useless idiots tell.
Baron Zemo said...
Yeah well how do you explain that Barack Hussein Obama was mentioned in the Mayan calendar? Just sayn'
Did I, Troop? Love for you to show me where.
You can't still be mad over what I wrote about "The Searchers".
Can you?
I don't know what you are talking about ed. You have me mixed up with somebody else.
I was just yanking your chain by the way.
You might think about taking a break for a while. Seriously. It can be a good thing. Just sayn'
You are never going to convince or even get a respectful hearing from the likes of Jake the Snake or Inga the She Wolf or Garage the Twinkie monster. We are way past that point brother.
If you keep banging your head against the wall you are really going to hurt yourself. Just sayn'
We have to regroup until we run Lorenzo Lamas....I mean Marco Rubio next time.
Now we just have to keep our heads down and make sure we have less than fifty employees and stay off the grid as much as we can.
140% turnout in St Lucie County, FL
This is untrue. The turnout there was about 70%.
The statistical impossibility of 100% vote for Little Zero in several major cities
You've made a couple of errors here. First, Obama didn't get 100% of the vote in ANY major cities. Second, if he had, it wouldn't be a statistical impossibility. You obviously don't understand what the term "statistical impossibility" means.
98% turnout in Detroit
It didn't happen. As usual, you have the facts wrong. Maybe you're thinking of absentee ballots. You've already established that your reading comprehension is miserably poor.
You can return to your loony, conspiracy theory websites now.
The concept of "original sources" has been turned on its head in this thread.
Baron Zemo said...
I don't know what you are talking about ed. You have me mixed up with somebody else.
I was just yanking your chain by the way.
You might think about taking a break for a while. Seriously. It can be a good thing. Just sayn'
Thanks for the concern and I do appreciate it.
I understand what you're saying, but I'm not going over the cliff. I know everybody thinks I've lost it a little, but, if you look at all the things that we were told by the Establishment Media that were so that turned out to be not so, you have to admit it's quite a lot.
That piece about the Republican Party being barred from challenging vote fraud links to the case and the consent decree.
Whether you like it or not, it's there.
We've all heard the vote fraud stories. If you choose to disbelieve them, that's your business.
As with everything else about this Administration, we're asked to believe a lot that strains belief about the election. I'm just saying the expectation that that many astute people (forget Rove and Morris for a second, just think of people like Kraut and Barone) could be that wrong is asking an awful lot. I just try to bring up these little bon mots when the triumphalism gets a little thick around here.
I thank you for your concern and appreciate it. Say, "Hi", to your pretty wife for me.
One of our greatest presidents once said:
"Always remember: others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself."
If you are incapable of rationally analyzing the results of the policies that those politicians advocate, then you will continue to the be the prey to every Pied Piper who comes along.
The psychotic myth of white male Republicans rationally analyzing anything completely fell apart in the wake of Obama's victory Nov. 6. It was pretty much a vanity pose before that but to still maintain the facade at this point is incredibly self-indulgent.
One of our greatest presidents once said...
Nixon? You think Nixon was one of our "greatest presidents?"
Jake Diamond said...
140% turnout in St Lucie County, FL
This is untrue. The turnout there was about 70%.
Yeah, 2 part ballot. I read it. Snow me again, I didn't get the drift.
BTW, this is Allen West's district which may explain why he's challenging the count.
The statistical impossibility of 100% vote for Little Zero in several major cities
You've made a couple of errors here. First, Obama didn't get 100% of the vote in ANY major cities. Second, if he had, it wouldn't be a statistical impossibility. You obviously don't understand what the term "statistical impossibility" means.
Splitting hairs. 37 precincts in Chi-town and 59 divisions in Philadelphia showed 0 votes for Romney.
Not even a few by mistake. That's an impossibility, statistically.
98% turnout in Detroit
It didn't happen. As usual, you have the facts wrong. Maybe you're thinking of absentee ballots. You've already established that your reading comprehension is miserably poor.
You can return to your loony, conspiracy theory websites now.
Should have said "for Barry", granted, but only 600 votes for Romney in the entire city?
40% of the people in Detroit want out, but only 6000 went for Romney.
Go back to Kos. That's the conspiracy site.
And your sockkpuppetry is showing.
Almost by definition, you're the one trading in conspiracy rhetoric. Odd that you won't own that.
Oh yeah. A famous weasel once said:
"There's a cancer in the presidency and it's growing."
Just sayn'
Jake Diamond said...
One of our greatest presidents once said...
Nixon? You think Nixon was one of our "greatest presidents?"
He stopped Russian intervention in the Yom Kippur War and a war between the Russians and the Red Chinese.
I'd call that great.
PS Don't bother braying like the jackass you are. It's history and we all know how Lefties rewrite history to suit themselves.
It happened. Kind of like the WMDs in Iraq.
I bet you wind up being frequently frustrated and/or laughed at when you get into conversations with people that actually do know things about history. So sure you know "the truth," always so far off the mark. Must suck.
Don't laugh so loud there Jake.
Obama is your Nixon.
Obama is doomed to repeat many of the mistakes Nixon made because of his uncontrollable hubris.
The big difference is of course the lap dog press. We will have to see if greed and self-interest will motivate some "Woodward and Bernstein" to dig into what Obama is doing. It is quite conceivable when the effects of Obamacare and tax increase start to really bite that someone will be motivated to investigate Obama. There is plenty to find there.
It just requires somebody who is willing to look.
Baron writes:
"Obama is your Nixon."
No matter how much people like so many commenters here want that to be true. No matter how much spittle Sean Hannity lets fly trying to market the idea that this is true. It is not that way.
You guys keep insisting that reality is not the way it is, but instead is some other way. Years ago you paved the road for the Democrats to use the term "reality-based government." Come on, Ermagerders. I mean really. When the Democratic Party, for Gossakes, has your candy on realism, it's time to face the probability that you have indeed gone over the rainbow.
harrogate said...
Almost by definition, you're the one trading in conspiracy rhetoric. Odd that you won't own that.
Diamond wants to paint me in the classic Soviet mold.
OK, fine, but his concept of history and politics is strictly from the Lefty manual and anybody who points out the truth is insane, according to him.
But, to answer a serious question, do I believe the Chicago crowd conspired to steal this election - a felony, I believe?
Yes, I do and there's plenty of evidence.
Let me ask you in return, do you seriously believe the Chicago crowd did nothing to illegally influence this election?
In Philadelphia, all the democrat ward-heelers are very open about getting their "walking-around money" to make sure the vote goes their way. Do you think that money merely materializes on election day?
Granted, you may not want to believe it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Like the new Black Panthers last time or Richard J Daley getting out the graveyard vote for Jack Kennedy in 1960. for
harrogate said...
I bet you wind up being frequently frustrated and/or laughed at when you get into conversations with people that actually do know things about history. So sure you know "the truth," always so far off the mark. Must suck.
Looks like Benghazi is going my way, don't it?
I mean the whole Barry was the last to know is falling apart, just like the video.
But, if you're challenging my account of Nixon stopping the Russians' involvement in one war and keeping them from starting another, you'd better do some research.
That stuff is easily verified.
edutcher, from an earlier rant today about how Obama stole the election (I see he's on something of a roll this afternoon): And Diamond (not to mention all the other trolls) better get used to me continuing to speak out on this issue.
As the man who is residing in the White House and who will continue to reside there until January 20, 2017 once said, "please continue, Governor".
Nixon paved the way for Obama.
He started the idea of bypassing Congress with executive orders and "impounding funds." You know like Obama is trying to do by bypassing congress and just ignoring them by executive fiat.
He lied about his foreign policy in places like the secret bombing of Cambodia where he killed people without any review by anyone. You know like Obama's secret use of drones to bomb American citizens without trial or even a review by an " controlling legal" authority.
Nixon began wholesale wiretapping of his political opponents and citizens. Just like Obama is doing by not just continuing but enhancing Bush's surveillance policies under the Patriot Act.
NIxon popularized the idea of the use of "czar's" who were not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate under the checks and balances of our Constitution. Isn't that Obama's favorite thing to do?
Nixon lied to the American people all the time about what he was doing in foreign policy. Benghazi.
Nixon picked a Vice President who was a buffoon who served as impeachment insurance until he was forced to resign. Joe Biden.
Nixon liked to raise taxes and tried to control the economy with wage and price controls. Obama would come in his pants if he could get away with that.
NIxon didn't have sex with his wife for many years. He couldn't stand Pat. Obama....well you know.
So yeah. Nixon and Obama. Totally different.
Oh and by the way I only mentioned Nixon because I knew it would drive you libtards crazy.
Not even a few by mistake. That's an impossibility, statistically.
Seriously, you don't understand the concept of statistical impossibility. There is nothing whatsoever that statistics has to say about the possibility (or impossibility) of an entire population voting for a single individual. Or perhaps you don't understand the difference between impossibility and implausibility. In either case, your lack of education is the basis for your misunderstanding.
but only 600 votes for Romney in the entire city?
40% of the people in Detroit want out, but only 6000 went for Romney.
600... 6000... in your world there's no difference, right? Are you always so careless with numbers? Or is your innumeracy the problem?
You are incredibly sloppy with facts and numbers. Maybe you should be more careful with the facts and consider them thoughtfully before you participate in a loony conspiracy theory.
Also, you should reflect on the fact that I warned you about your consistent misreading of the polls prior to the election. You have this insane notion that Mittens was way ahead of Obama until the polls opened; that bit of fantasy isn't supported by the evidence.
The fact that you've been wrong so many times about so many things should in principle make you a little more cautious about what you say. Strangely, the opposite seems to be true--everytime you get discredited for saying something stupid, you come back with something that's even dumber. Try to learn from your mistakes.
I'm not sure what Zemo's thinking, or more precisely, if he's thinking, but the point he seems to be making is that Obama is the Democratic Nixon, i.e., one of the greatest presidents ever.
That strikes me as a particularly idiotic opinion, but at the same time, perfectly consistent with what I expect to see from Zemo.
No my good man. I am trying to explain to you that you will be trying to defend Obama to history just as Republicans have been forced to defend Nixon.
Because although there are many startling similarities there are several important differences.
Nixon was a veteran who was proud to serve his country. Obama not so much.
Nixon protected Israel and stood with them in solidarity when they were attacked by Muslim extremists. Obama not so much.
Nixon reached out to Russia and China and made deals with them that were beneficial to our country. Obama will be much more "flexible."
In any fair appraisal of competence Nixon would be somewhere in the middle of the pack of Presidents while Obama will be judged by history as a miserable failure below the rankings of James Buchanan or Jimmy Carter.
I just said Nixon was one of our greatest president to tweak you libtards. He was at best mediocre.
But Obama will set the new gold standard for failure as the Chief Executive.
He will make Herbert Hoover look good. Watch and see.
somefeller said...
edutcher, from an earlier rant today about how Obama stole the election (I see he's on something of a roll this afternoon): And Diamond (not to mention all the other trolls) better get used to me continuing to speak out on this issue.
As the man who is residing in the White House and who will continue to reside there until January 20, 2017 once said, "please continue, Governor".
I wouldn't count on Zero's residing anywhere until January 20, 2017. What he did in Benghazi is impeachable.
I'd also remember every time he's said, "I won", it's cost him big time.
And, as I've said before, it may be more fun to impeach him and see all his iniquities exposed.
PS By all means, let's talk about rants. Especially all the times we were told how some phony folksy had to get up early to go to the "office". Funny how that "job" turned out to be lurking here and managing all those sockpuppets.
(must be exhausting)
It's so nice to see some phony folksy come out from behind his sockpuppets for a while. He's like the apparatchiks in Russia in the 70s and 80s, not believing in the ideology, just there for the ego satisfaction (and, in their case, the power).
When the crash comes, some phony folksy and the rest of the trolls will be very surprised to find themselves in the same sinking boat with the rest of us.
(I can't honestly believe you people are going to let Patty Murray make decisions for you on the fiscal cliff; if so, you deserve what happens)
And, when the death panel denies them care, they're going to be even more surprised to find themselves on the same cattle car to Treblinka-on-the-Platte as the rest of us.
The useless idiots always go to the wall first, you know.
Happy Taxmageddon.
Enjoy all that "free" "health care".
My regards to Dr Berwick.
Jake Diamond said...
Not even a few by mistake. That's an impossibility, statistically.
Seriously, you don't understand the concept of statistical impossibility. There is nothing whatsoever that statistics has to say about the possibility (or impossibility) of an entire population voting for a single individual. Or perhaps you don't understand the difference between impossibility and implausibility. In either case, your lack of education is the basis for your misunderstanding.
Diamond (or I should say, some phony folksy) is, of course, an expert on everything.
No, it strains credulity to the breaking point because outliers always exist. I learned that in statistics.
Didn't you?
Try again.
but only 600 votes for Romney in the entire city?
40% of the people in Detroit want out, but only 6000 went for Romney.
600... 6000... in your world there's no difference, right? Are you always so careless with numbers? Or is your innumeracy the problem?
Fat fingered, moron (considering how badly Diamond types, he, of all people should understand), but address the question.
40% of the people in Detroit want out, but only 6000 voted against Zero?
No, the lemmings are always going to cling to the Messiah, right?
Once again, Althouse has proven that I am not a woman. This despite the fact that my body has carried and given birth to children. I had heretofore believed that only women could do that, but apparently not. If you don't get these tingly reactions to politicians, you aren't a woman. But what the hell does that make Chris Matthews?
"edutcher, I say this as a fellow conservative: step out of aisle five, away from the foil."
Damn, even Althouse con lemmings think edumbshit needs an intervention. :-P
And BZ thinks edumbshit needs to take a break. 'Ya think!
Unfortunately his life totally revolves around this blog and he has no place else to go. Yes, it's true, he's permanently inside the Althouse bubble!
So Abortion-loving Easy Annie A. and Inga the lying Obama Whore love a fascist masquerading as an anti-leftist.
lol. And we wonder why the economy is in the toilet.
Hint: the answer is letting women vote.
Seig Heil, Mein Obama!
surprised to see him on the show. It was pretty great! Overall the whole show hosted by Jeremy Renner was great. I was working late the other night at DISH, so I wasn’t able to see the show live on TV. I pulled it up on DISH Online yesterday morning though, so it was nice having it available that soon. I am definitely looking forward to seeing who else shows up in the coming weekends.
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