I find the enunciation a bit difficult here. Who are they blaming?
I had to read the lyrics — here — to figure out that they were blaming conservatives. As I listened to the song — a reader referred me to it — I thought they were complaining about how liberals like Barack Obama had sold out their future. Why didn't I immediately recognize the creepy use of musical children from the last election? I mean this:
I don't know! I guess I thought the other side might do some parody.
११६ टिप्पण्या:
From the ad agency who gave us "Got Milk?".
Future children singing to keep the president who is, in part, running on the idea that his policies will prevent future children. With ideas like this, the other side doesn't need to do a parody.
It was the first thing I thought of when I saw this, those poor, put-upon kids who sang the Ode to Obama back in 2009.
Obama supporters are playing every single card that seemed to work so well objectively, or at least to them, in those halcyon days of yore. And every single one of those cards is looking stupid, failing to work, or otherwise blowing up.
Obama doesn't look cool any more, dudes. He looks like an out-of-touch nerd who has no idea how to solve America's economic or foreign policy problems.
I found it hilarious for the longest time, this phenomenon. However, it's just fucking sad at this point.
What Mary Beth said!
We're gonna spread poverty.
The creepy sing-along from 2009 also is what came to my mind right away.
F*ck those hitler youth kids. Really, is tere anything more annoying than kids acting all sanctimonious as if the know anything. You don't have jobs kids. You hVe no idea what you're singing about and you're idiots.
My hope is that some of them feel like they were indoctrinated and hold their parents accountable for it later in life and it causes nothing but enmity between them and their parents. For the stupider ones, they will grow p to be the biggest assholes you'll ever see.
Obama now has the Children of the Corn doing ads for him.
apart from its 'children of the corn' creepiness', the ad confused me too. first of all, they are already children so shouldn't it be 'adults of the future' ?? and they are whining about how awful everything is and blaming their parents for...potentially voting for someone other than obama ?? huh?
scary to realize how easily these kids can be influenced to turn in their folks to the authorities for thought crimes though, isn't it?
Ross Douthat on twitter makes a good point: "It's actually quite remarkable to see the Obama '08 style married to the Obama '12 message."
This video has convinced me to go to the county clerk's office FIRST THING MONDAY MORNING and DEMAND my ballot back.
I will be changing my vote from Romney/Ryan to Barr/Sheehan. And I will be singing my heart out all the way there:
I'm the childwen of the futoh,
American fwew and fwew.
But something happened by my countwy,
And I'm kinda bwaming you.
The atmosphe-oh is fwying! It's frwied evwebody!
And if they were really the children of the future they'd have their pockets turned inside out.
Plain old exploitation.
This administrations specialty.
Feminist women, LGBTETC, Muslims, blacks, children, any one but white Europeans or Asians without an exploitable identity are ripe for the picking.
Yes, I'm apparently a hateful bigot for noticing this,
The lyrics are amazing:
Imagine an America
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea
We don’t have to pay for freeways!
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
We haven’t killed all the polar bears
But it’s not for lack of trying
Big Bird is sacked
The Earth is cracked
And the atmosphere is frying
Congress went home early
They did their best we know
You can’t cut spending
With elections pending
Unless it’s welfare dough
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
Find a park that is still open
And take a breath of poison air
They foreclosed your place
To build a weapon in space
But you can write off your au pair
It’s a little awkward to tell you
But you left us holding the bag
When we look around
The place is all dumbed down
And the long term’s kind of a drag
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we’re blaming you
You did your best
You failed the test
Mom and Dad
We’re blaming you!
We're the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we're kinda blaming you
Is it wrong of me to say I hate these kids with a passion. Is it wrong of me to want to slap these kids?
I'll never do it of course, but is it wrong to at least fantasize?
This sounds like the world's worst parody of the opening song of Rent, "Seasons of Love."
Wait..., you mean they weren't blaming Obama?
Well I never.
Not so much Children of the Corn as Children of the Damned.
4 years later and it still has that Der Fuhrer feel.
The specifics of the lyrics have all the subtlety of a panzer division in attack.
Well they are holding a bag, a 16 trillion dollar bag.
If they're supposed to be the children of the future, shouldn't they be in biohazard suits, what with the poison air, the fried atmosphere, etc?
I hate to nitpick, but I really think that would add something to the video. A certain...I don't know what.
How do you fry an atmosphere, anyway?
The enunciation is difficult to understand because children who repeat indoctrinated phrases often don't comprehend the substance of their rote scripts.
Wait till they grow up and get our bill. I can hear it now: "Mom, how could you let me do that, and why did you spend all the money, all of it, evry single cent on yourselves? Pack your stuff, and get out."
scary to realize how easily these kids can be influenced to turn in their folks to the authorities for thought crimes though, isn't it?
Yeah. When I was watching this earlier somebody linked to the youtube video of the earlier obama singing kids with a creepy 30 second vid of hitler youth at the end singing to hitler about how awesome he was. It was flagged by YouTube as potentially inappropriate.
Unbelievably embarrassing.
I'd like to make a snarky comment but really I'm just praying that the girl in the front row isn't Chinese. My children are and whoever put together these lyrics deserves a punch in the nose.
That is the creepiest thing I've ever read.
What kind of parents allow their children to sing these creepy lyrics in service to a failed administration that is the author of the very failures they mention.
This ought to nail down the lid on the Obama administration.
I worked at Goodby Silverstein for 4 years. Lived this every day. But it was worth it. One of the greatest agencies on the planet. Tough going if you don't believe the mind hive default mundane boring liberal POV though.
But you can write off your au pair
This is one of the lines that really stuck out at me. Either somebody was having a really hard time finding a rhyme, or this is some new talking point/grievance I'm not aware of.
You can’t cut spending
With elections pending
The Dems' projection has reached a level that's actually scary.
I think they forgot the last verse:
Oh Fatherland, Fatherland,
Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come
When the world is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!
Apparently it's kids from the Piedmont Children's Choir. Neighborhood in Oakland.
If only the ungrateful little rugrats had been aborted......
It also rips off the now-trite John Lennon song "Imagine." Listen to the intro piano... and then the first word is "imagine."
Not really helpful to Obama, since we worry that he's the type who would imagine there's no countries.
The Dear Leader leads the Happy Children in Song!
I'd like to see -- it would require special effects -- a big group of aborted fetuses singing about how angry they are about having their future taken from them... in the style of that first video.
As a Romney supporter I will happily contribute money to have this ad played in all of the battleground states.
This is why I no longer support public education. This video proves public teachers cannot be trusted with other people's kids. This video convinces me education should be privatized. Vouchers for everybody.
Either that, or allow me to poke this particular teacher with a pole.
A pole with poo on the end of it.
Can we throw in a couple of 15- year old females who signed the "informed consent" form & got sterilized? The chaser should be hubbies who wanted a vasectomy but couldn't get one unless wifey signed the consent form.
Obama's got the support of 99% of Hollywood and this is the best his side can come up with?
Why not a "Springtime for Romney" video, with chorus girls wearing gas masks and grannies in wheelchairs being shoved offstage?
Jeez, people. How about putting in a little WORK here?
Somehow, "Imagine" has become a good song. It was always tripe.
So who's to blame for this, the teachers at this school or the parents , because that's some weird "children of the corn" shit.
And these kids have nothin' in North Korea... now the Koreans know how to indoctrinate the little kiddies ..
They sing AND dance their love songs to Dear leader
They sing AND dance their love songs to Dear leader
Apparently you haven't read all of Obama's 24-page agenda for his second term.
Look at all those adorable Junior anti-sex leaguers!
Blogger Bob Ellison said...
Somehow, "Imagine" has become a good song. It was always tripe.
10/27/12 9:51 PM
I was at "Strawberry Fields" in NYC Central Park last summer and one of my kids asked me about the song, Imagine.
I told them it was actually written by Raffi.
Got several dirty looks from passersby. :-)
This must've been written by the D-team at Goodby.
At least I hope so.
I so love you.
I remember a pro-life video in the mid-1980's with children playing in the sunshine singing,
"Let me live,
let me walk into the sunshine, let me live
feel my mother's arms around me
feel my father's love surround me
be a part of God's creation
let me live."
I remember the lyrics and the tune after 30 years, and I only watched it once. I was a child then, too.
It must have been effective.
Is it wrong of me to say I hate these kids with a passion. Is it wrong of me to want to slap these kids?
Blaming the kids isn't wrong of you, but it's faintly ridiculous. That you blame these children and "hate these kids with a passion" makes me think you'd probably get the worst of it in an argument with any of them.
If you want to know who the "adults" that are responsible for this are you can see their names on the you tube link.
Very brave of them to put their names out there.
Blaming the kids isn't wrong of you, but it's faintly ridiculous.
I think it's a clear case of transference. He really wants to slap whoever made the video.
BTW, phx, how does that video look from your perspective as an Obama supporter?
F*ck those hitler youth kids. Really, is tere anything more annoying than kids acting all sanctimonious as if the know anything. You don't have jobs kids. You hVe no idea what you're singing about and you're idiots.
I mean, you read it and you pretty much have to laugh that this guy is arguing with children as if they're his equals, which apparently they are. He's like a hyper-aggressive Barney Fife.
And shouldn't they be singing "we're the adults of the future...
They could wear ittle fetus costumes ....But then they would have to sing...
We would have been the children of the future
but you aborted us..
Because we cramped your lifestyle, all cause' of your selfish ways.
And now in your old age , you have no one to pay for all the trillions in debt you racked up in those selfish younger days
When you thought your government could spend and spend and someone else would have to pay.
I dunno ChipS. I didn't watch the video. Tempis fugit.
Spell chick.
I dunno ChipS. I didn't watch the video. Tempis fugit.
And yet you have time to spend commenting on other people's comments on it.
Epistemic closure, I guess.
And yet you have time to spend commenting on other people's comments on it.
Does how I spend my time bother you? Why?
And here I thought the Lena Dunham "lose your voting virginity with Obama" was the creepiest political ad I had ever seen - and then the Obama people go and top themselves. Is Karl Rove working for them?
Those have to be the saddest-assed kids ever. I want to tell them, "look, don't worry about strip mines and daddy getting a write-off for the au pair. Here's some cotton candy. Now go outside and play catch or hopscotch. Or play Angry Birds. Something."
You, on the other hand, have time to watch the video AND comment on other people's comments.
You must be younger than I am. Or have more leisure time.
I dunno ChipS. I didn't watch the video. Tempis fugit.
Don't bother, phx, unless your ears have a pain fetish.
EMD I figured as much. Stuff like that depresses me.
I mean, you read it and you pretty much have to laugh that this guy is arguing with children as if they're his equals, which apparently they are. He's like a hyper-aggressive Barney Fife.
I think it was facetious.
EMD I figured as much. Stuff like that depresses me.
I can enjoy well-crafted propaganda.
This is not that.
Well, I've been faked out before. I'm betting he was serious though.
Now that you mention it, I'm not betting the farm though.
Nah, he was serious. Typical winger ploy, trying to make me lose my misplaced confidence in myself.
Does how I spend my time bother you? Why?
I. will. spell. it. out. for. you. As. always. seems. necessary.
You are criticizing people's comments on a video you say you don't have time to watch. That means you're the one who raised the issue of your time use.
I should think it's obvious by now that I don't care much about you one way or the other, except as an object of mild amusement.
Or have more leisure time.
So you're working late on a Saturday night, and still posting foolish comments on the internet?
You're rapidly evolving from thread cop to troll.
You see, and then ChipS starts yapping at me all serious and like he's got me painted in his corner, and I get all my confidence back.
C'mon, you know ya love me Chip. Don't front. Give us a hug.
"Stuff like that depresses me."
It sure does, because it demonstrates how desperate the Obama camp is. Yet another play for the women's vote - because we're all so dumb we'll melt when we see sad-faced tykes singing mournfully about how Romney's gonna kill all the polar bears.
Yes, phx, you're right to ignore it. Now, what about those abandoned SEALs in Benghazi? Oops, that's not a very pleasant topic for you either, is it?
I know - let's talk about Seamus!
It sure does, because it demonstrates how desperate the Obama camp is.
Pfffffttt. I think I'll continue to decide for myself why things make me feel the way they do, without your help, johnny.
phx said...
C'mon, you know ya love me Chip.
It's not you, it's me. Really.
But I've moved on to wyo sis.
But I'll remember the good times. Still friends, right?
Damn. Chip S broke up with me. All right, girlfriend. See if you don't regret it.
Now who's gonna be my bitch?
wyo sis has more free time, and I have needs.
Did someone actually get paid for this ad?
It makes no sense at all. Buncha mixed messages. Unclear how this is an ad for Obama or anyone else. Just flailing, unrelated complaints, whining losers.
Yes, you can get young kids to say any old damn thing. If dogs could talk you'd get the same response. Always willing to please.
But no one gives a shit what sixth graders think about anything. They only a few years prior figured out how to be continent all night, and recently still believed that their thoughts made things happen. They're still morons, not fit for abstract or complex thinking.
This kind of crap is abusive. Political pederasty. No better than Sandusky.
The problem with the dem. strategy is that all of these ads are targeted to particular niche voting groups, but the beauty of the internet is that everybody gets to see them.
Gee, that's the first time anybody's ever called me johnny.
Care to join us in the SEALs thread, phx? Or would you rather stay here and throw spitballs at Chip S.? Just asking, because apparently you have very little leisure time. No, your time is weighty and important, it certainly can't be wasted on petty sniping in a blog comments section.
You could give us another lecture on civility. That's always entertaining.
The problem with the dem. strategy is that all of these ads are targeted to particular niche voting groups, but the beauty of the internet is that everybody gets to see them.
Good insight but with a flaw. Except I doubt anyone goes looking for political ads outside of the inescapable ads that were targeted to them. Other than people who looking at them as an object to critique.
"...everybody gets to see them." I don't think anyone's really standing in line to see more political ads.
Care to join us in the SEALs thread, phx?
Jeez, johnny. You got a bunch of guys in there that are gonna jump me and beat me up?
I know, you're gonna pull a Romney and cut my hair!
Well I saw this one.
Levi, yeah but neither you nor anyone here is suddenly going to change their mind and vote for Romney because you saw this ad. You were already going to vote for Romney.
It's true if more independents saw ads like this it could possibly influence their vote. My point was those voters aren't going to be eager to click on more political ads.
But maybe I'm wrong.
No, phx, my guys would never beat up a woman. Can I call you Mabel, honey? You sound like a Mabel to me.
No, phx, my guys would never beat up a woman. Can I call you Mabel, honey? You sound like a Mabel to me.
You don't have the brains or the sense of humor to pull that off. You just sound like a moron.
Don't talk to me.
Or should it be Mildred, phx? Mildred captures the sort of thin-lipped prissiness your comments exude when you're scolding us about civility.
Ah, yes, Mildred it is.
"The long term's kind of a drag."
Kind of a drag? No kid today would say something is kind of a drag. The tired issues AND the tired slang of the 60's and 70's so loved by the adults behind this production comes through the kids' little puppet mouths!
Oh, dear, Mildred tosses "johnny" at me and thinks she's being clever, but when I come back with Mildred, she wants to take her Barbie and go home.
"Wahh, don't talk to me!"
Ah, yes, Mildred, us conservatives are always so uncivil, what a terrible shame. Why can't they be like you? You're never mean or rude. You're always the perfect lady.
Someone really needs to do a bad lip-reading thing to this...
I just went to the YouTube post... They've disabled the comments... chickensh*ts!
To be clear, I find this one disgusting. But is it all that different than this Obama-youth thing?
@ann althouse J'accuse fetuses are you serious? Very conversion moment of Peter Hitchens through Rogier van der Weyden Last Judgment.
I'm here to tell you at least some of them would be grateful. Life is not always fun, nor always worth the price of suffering a short life, and a certain long, long, long death, bromides aside.
el polako, "...shouldn't it be 'adults of the future' ?? "
Nope. The Children of the Future will morph with age into the Adult Children of the Future: Liberals.
These children would be better served by being handed a copy of The Little Red Hen and later on a Horatio Alger book then depending on politicians to save their bacon.
I knew I'd seen these little automatons before somewhere.
Blame Mom and Dad???
So are we blaming heteronormative behavior?
Be lucky you have both.
Perhaps our schools need to provide a historical perspective, that is, those generations of children who endured without basic necessities such as iPads, iPhones, etc:
Children in the Great Depression
Children in war
Children of the Holocaust
Gee, at least the kids in the Obama video were easy to look at. Hate to pick on the kids in the other video for being fugly, maybe it's the black & white, but this is more reminiscent of a Renegade Raging Grannies video.
Renegade Raging Grannies "Legitimate Rape"
BP Oil Spill Protest Anthem From Raging Grannies: "Halliburton & BP, You Suck!"
The kids are right. I blame the parent for raising such morose kids, who are sure of what is wrong, but in true liberal wussy fashion kinda blame the villians.
Where the video fails is that there are no giant paper mache' heads.They could have really spiffed this thing up visual wise if they had some giant paper mache heads.
And monkeys.
Not really helpful to Obama, since we worry that he's the type who would imagine there's no countries.
Not really. We worry that Obama imagines there's no United States.
116 "likes", 1200 "dislikes". Maybe Romney's campaign could pay to have this shown.
When I read the bit about the 'au pair', I was certain it HAD to be a parody. But apparently not.
Chip S
I'm not that easy.
I see a much larger point here that I haven't seen commented on. For a large number of Democrats, their entire rationale for voting is simply this: REPUBLICANS ARE EVIL!! therefore I must vote Democrat.
They shut off venues of Republican speech, because they don't want anyone on their side doubting the simple fact: REPUBLICANS ARE EVIL!!
For many of them--and, yes, that doesn't mean all, or even most--there is no questioning, no studying of issues or economic policies, no struggling with weighty issues. All they really needed to know to decide how to vote was that REPUBLICANS ARE EVIL!!! 'nough said.
How many on the right have had discussions with Democratic voters that went like this: on every point of policy discussion, they completely agree with the Republicans; but, when it comes to actually voting, they would never dream of voting for the GOP. After all, REPUBLICANS ARE EVIL!!!
Many of these are low-information voters, many are Democrats because their friends and family are, some are because the coolest celebrities are. These are the people caught on video this week decrying the awful things Romney has promised to do, only to find out that they were tricked, and that the evil things had already been done by Obama--most spun on a dime and made excuses for their idol. These are people where a single Lakoffian code word is enough to fully persuade them: environment! war! abortion! Obama! 99%! etc.
For a community that parodies Republicans with phrases like "epistemic closure" they are remarkably not self-aware.
That is what is truly on display in this video and song; not the misuse of children, but the mindset that the only thing that needs to be said to convince voters is: REPUBLICANS ARE EVIL!!!
Typical winger ploy, trying to make me lose my misplaced confidence in myself.
There are two wings to every story.
To be clear, I find this one disgusting. But is it all that different than this Obama-youth thing?
I surely wouldn't endorse that video, but as far as I know, it's not designed to endorse a particular candidate in an election.
That's the difference.
"a message from children"
The message being, we're stupid, like children are.
Is the advertising industry conspiring against Obama? I can't see how this ad would not repel anyone who is not trapped in a cult like state of cognitive dissonance. People wonder why I don't want to send my children to public schools. This! This kind of creepy bullshit! These poor children. God bless them if they make it to adulthood without killing themselves out of carbonfootprint guilt.
I used to love the song "Imagine", until I really thought about the lyrics. That is a very creepy song.
I believe the children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way.
Just not these children. If these kids are our future then we are in big trouble.
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