We noticed the same thing during the Walker recall. This has always been a sold Dem stronghold and we were inundated with the "Hope" poster four years ago. The times they are a changing.I'm noticing very few yard signs in my extremely Democratic neighborhood here in Madison. I don't think there are any Romney signs, but there's an eerie visual silence this time around.
२१ ऑक्टोबर, २०१२
Up in Door County (Wisconsin), the Romney signs outnumber Obama signs 2 to 1.
Says commenter Strelnikov:
८९ टिप्पण्या:
"I'm noticing very few yard signs in my extremely Democratic neighborhood here in Madison. I don't think there are any Romney signs, but there's an eerie visual silence this time around."
They're still voting for Obama, but they're embarrassed about his performance as President. That's my take.
I noticed two Romney bumper stickers in Madison this week, which is just amazing. In 2008, you would have genuinely been afraid of getting your windshield smashed or tires slashed if you sported anything McCain/Palin on your car.
There is a huge Romney sign on a farm field just west of Madison.
There were no Republican signs on that property four years ago. I don't recall that anyone in Dane County had the nerve in 2008 to post anything but an Obama sign.
The difference in my neighborhood is very noticeable. Four years ago the, Hopey folks in the area were on a six month party, large groups at the headquarters, lots of yard signs. This year, there are very few signs, not that there are many Romney sides either. New Mexico has been Californicated, not getting any attention.
The ratio of signs is strongly in Romney's favor everywhere, probably even in the DNC parking lot.
There are not a lot of Romney signs - it's just that nobody is showing Obama pride. Plain and simple Obama voters are embarrassed. Still, most will again vote for the guy who's performance embarrasses them. Which makes perfect sense if you think about it.
Door County was a beautiful place back when I visited in 1990. Reminded me of Places in the Ozarks before the boom hit. I have many Dem and liberal union friends here in Kansas City that are just too embarrassed to put a Obama sign in their yards. They were "all in" for 2008.
Even here in L.A. where Obama is probably + 30%, I see virtually no signs or stickers for Obama, when in 2008 they were everywhere. If I do see one, I always give the car extra room, just to be safe. I expect them to turn into oncoming traffic at any moment, thinking they can just blame the car's previous owner.
McTriumph, no wonder I agreed with you earlier. I'm KC as well. Yeah, few signs in my area. But only one Obama sign and one Claire sign (same yard).
I love me some Democrat ennui.
AM WONDERING if Obama will have the same fate as Nixon. The press will not cover him and he will win reelection. Then the hearings about Libya will take up so much time that he will either be a total failure to do anything, be impeached, etc.
What are your thoughts? Should every-one reject Romney and vote for Obama or other way around, just to make us go FORWARD?
Is Obama doomed in the 2nd term?
Is Romney the optimist that will get us out of the quick-sand?
What should a voter do?
Is Press decided the election? If so, what elections they have helped to decide in the past?
I get up to Door County fairly often. During the runup to the Walker recall, I noticed the Walker signs far outnumbered the Barrett signs once you came to the Ozaukee County border on 43, continuing all the way to Door County.
I'm seeing the same thing with R/R signs now.
I'm also seeing R/R signs in such unlikely places as Shorewood and Whitefish Bay. And, although there are Obama signs around the UW Milwaukee area, it doesn't compare -at all - to the zillions of Obama signs I saw in '08.
It would take an exceptionally brave person to put a R/R sign out in Madison.
The road that I live on is 4.8 miles long. In 2008 there were 3 Obama signs. This year, none. 7 Romney signs.
"It would take an exceptionally brave person to put a R/R sign out in Madison."
But my neighbors are the tolerant, open-minded ones. Just ask them.
Interesting. And Door County is known in the Fox Valley area as North Chicago.
Interesting. And Door County is known in the Fox Valley area as North Chicago.
bagoh20 - I am here too - and you are right.
I am just too circumspect to advertise my politics with sign or sticker. Want to discuss it, then sure, lets go.
This season it almost seems like the stickers I see are on PC sleds like Volts, Prius' and Suby's. And of course the odd pick-up with the Live Better, Work Union parking pass on the bumper.
The drivers look... desperate. Either they believe the advertising will sway other motorists, or it is them flipping the bird to those of us who really care.
A bad sign for those hoping WI, like PA and OH, is part of Barry's firewall.
And I love that line, "there's an eerie visual silence this time around".
It's awfully quiet out there, Frobisher. Too quiet.
Quite so, Carruthers, Even the visuals are silent.
My theory is yard signs have become passe and an un-productive expenditure for both campaigns. There are very few signs in Philly burbs and I was in DC area two weeks and saw very very few.
AllenS though provides a different pic than around here. His report is apples to apples too. Maybe WI residents are a bit more willing to "wear" their feelings on their lawns?
Hey, I am here in Vermont and saw almost as many "I Stand with Scott Walker" signs, one as Obama signs, two or three in my county.
If I go into Burlington, I might see a couple ore.
There are some Bernie Sanders signs though, and my car got keyed parking next to a car covered with leftie bumper stickers, including Sanders. Apparently justified by the fact that it is a Mercedes, which I compared to a brand new AWD VW when I bought it, and bought it because it was cheaper used. I guess that makes me part of the 1% and so deserving of $500 dollars damage to my car....
I'm up north of the river in KC. Lots of union auto workers up here. What part you from?
What's more interesting to me than Door County is which way more populous Brown County is going to jump. There's a strong union presence in Green Bay - and yet Brown County went for Walker in the recall. I've only driven past GB on my way to Door County - haven't actually visited GB in quite a while. Can anybody give us a report from Packerland Central?
"It would take an exceptionally brave person to put a R/R sign out in Madison."
BTW, the car I parked next to and got keyed had a Bernie Sanders sticker, but no Obama.
I support Romney/Ryan, but there is no way I would put a bumper sticker on my car or sign in my yard. Around here that's just asking for some expensive damage to your property. I would have real concerns for the safety of my dogs. I have seen too much craziness from that side. Blindness to what they do, when they feel righteous. For example, I often have dogs in the camper shell on the back of my truck. I have no doubt that while I'm in the store for a couple minutes, someone would call the cops for animal abuse after seeing a Romney bumper sticker. I'm about 80% sure it would happen, because it would be effortless to do, and easy to justify for them.
But how many of the women kept in binders are being let out of the house to put up signs for rescue?
Paul Ryan must have a Catholic version of Iran's basij teams beating up women.
garage, so you're agreeing that Madison people are so intolerant and far sunk in the standard Dane County groupthink that they will brook no dissent?
In 2008 I had five McCain signs stole or destroyed in my front yard, I kept replacing them. This year my R/R sign hasn't been touched.
Nobody has any fear with having an Obama sticker on their car, except that people think you are stupid. There is no damage coming from having that sticker. That should tell you volumes about the difference between the people on each side.
What is the Romney equivalent of the Obama phone, the "free gas in my car", "getting some Obama stash", "Obama's paying your bills.", etc.?
Same here. Maple Woods College area.
In Albuquerque, I see signs for the local office seekers, but hardly any for either the presidential or congressional candidates.
The lefties on the East Side of Milwaukee seem to be a bit more civilized than those in Madison. I noticed some R/R signs suddenly popped up there after the first debate and they're still there.
I can't remember seeing 1 McCain sign on the East Side in 2008.
My sister's street in Greendale is full of R/R signs. There is one Obama sign - in front of a trial lawyer's house.
'What is the Romney equivalent of the Obama phone, the "free gas in my car", "getting some Obama stash", "Obama's paying your bills."
A boot strap?
There are a couple of houses in our neighborhood that have signs for local democrats but also Romney/Ryan signs. Hmmm.
You know, I live in Minneapolis, which is pretty blue. The yards are heavily carpeted with orange "Vote No" signs (referring to a ballot referendum to amend the state constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman).
You would think that many of the "Vote No" folks would likely be Obama supporters, and you would expect to see many "Vote No" signs accompanied by Obama/Biden signs in the same yard.
There are some. But not that many. It's really striking.
I think a lot of Madison's liberals blew their wad, so to speak, in the recall election and they don't really have it in them to put that kind of energy around Obama this time. I'm sure my ward will vote its typical 95% for the Dem candidate, but turnout is going to be significantly lower.
Winter Park Florida here, an upper middle class suburb of Orlando. In 08, at least 50% of the houses had Obama signs in my neighborhood.
Now there are six total Obama signs. There are more Romney signs WITH empty chairs next to them (7 now) than total Obama signs. Every 3rd house at least has a Romney sign. There's a house that literally has 30 Romney signs in the yard, and even a few "I built this" and "Obama Failed" signs. It's a complete reversal here.
Here in Arapahoe County, perhaps "the" swing county in the swing state of Colorado, there are Romney-Ryan signs going up all over. In fact, the county Republican headquarters can't get enough in to keep up with demand. I've had 5 neighbors ask me to get them signs, so far no luck.
I was in Door County last week. Strelnikov is correct. I did see the occasional "Obama then, Obama now!" banner. But there were buttloads of Romney/Ryan signage.
Here in South Florida the vernacular is a bit different, but the ratio of signs in Palm Beach County is about like that of Door County. My favorite is a billboard which is up in two locations in Boca and Boyton Beach, which reads "Obama...Oy Vey! Had enough?"
I think bumper stickers and yard signs are a good indicator of party turnout. To my memory, in 2004, Bush stickers were pretty even with Kerry stickers--and the election was rather close. Republicans were decidedly cold on McCain--remember Ann Coulter's site, "Get Drunk and Vote for McCain"?--and I don't recall seeing any McCain stickers until Palin made her splash. But of course, Obama stickers were everywhere. This year, the only Obama stickers I see are leftovers from 2008. I just moved to a very Democratic neighborhood and there are no Obama signs in the yards. There is a Romney sign down the road, and a lot of Jennifer George signs (she's a Republican running for state senate). I noticed a lot more Romney stickers showing up after the first debate.
This is a swing state, so Obama should be concerned. There was an attempt to get very liberal Boulder into the voting booths for some pro-marijuana amendment, but rumor has it the young pro-pot crowd is extremely cold on Obama. Plus there's--no kidding--FOUR socialist candidates running for president on the state ballot. So they along with the Green party candidate will probably pull a lot of that vote.
But isn't that ironic? Four socialists running against each other? Where is their sense of unity and collectivism?
In very deep blue MD - DC suburbs, I have noticed that there are far less signs than in 2008. In 2008, Obama/Biden signs were ubiquitous around here. I have seen a few go up in the last week - because well, although they may be disappointed, he is their guy and they are nothing if not loyal.
On the other hand, there are 2 Romney/Ryan signs in my neighborhood, which is almost like one of the seven signs of the apocalypse.
But how many of the women kept in binders are being let out of the house to put up signs for rescue?
Paul Ryan must have a Catholic version of Iran's basij teams beating up women.
10/21/12 12:37 PM
Good one, trad guy.
We have a billion signs out in my smallish South Texas city and the outlying farmland; most of them are for city council, judges and our congressional seat. A few for Ted Cruz, not that they're needed. For the presidential race, the R/R signs outnumber the Obama ones probably 20-1, not that that surprises anyone. I have a MOMS FOR MITT sticker on my minivan and I've had a few compliments on it, notably from a teacher at my kids' school. Imagine that happening in the Great White North! I also have a R/R sign in my yard; first time I've ever done that. When I picked it up from the local Republican HQ office, the lady said they can't keep up with demand.
I'm enjoying hearing about y'alls anecdotes from around the country, particularly in the swingy places.
I don't have any Romney/Ryan signs in my yard or on my car because Madison liberals have shown their true lack of tolerance over the past 18 months, and I don't want my property damaged or my animals hurt.
I also like most of my neighbors, even though a lot of them are Obama voters. Or were in 2008. Nice people, just awash in the Madison ethos and not particularly politically astute.
We're neighbors!
I'm in Northeast Ohio. Normally, you don't see too many Republican signs around here. But this year I would say the Romney/Ryan signs outnumber the Obama signs. Although, I heard a rumor that the Obama campaign is charging people for their signs, so that would tamp down enthusiasm.
@bagoh20 & baltoHvar:
I'm in the L.A. area myself and I have a Mitt sticker I've been vacillating over putting on my car. I had a Bush '04 sticker that stayed on my car until the moment BO was inaugurated. No damage other than an egging, but I did have a magnetic "Support Our Troops" ribbon taken.
I've been noticing very few Obama stickers myself, but what I've found most interesting is that the vast majority of them are '08 stickers.
I also noticed quite a few anti-Obama signs in upstate New York and central Pennsylvania when we were driving through there at the end of August/early September. Of course, those poor people so often have to live with the election results handed them by the people living in the large cities in their corners.
I don't recall that anyone in Dane County had the nerve in 2008 to post anything but an Obama sign.
Isn't that a very sad commentary on the differences between the two parties?
The so called 'liberals' will destroy your property, key your car, tear down your signs and itimidate with violence if you DARE to disagree with their party line.
The eeeeveeeel Republicans don't do anything like that and wouldn't dream of vandalizing your property.
The Republicans respect your right to disagree. The Libs want to eliminate your ability to disagree.
Sad sad state of affairs. No good will come of allowing this to go forward.
We were in northern Wisconsin 3 weeks ago. The yard signs that made the biggest impression were: "Keep America free. Fire Obama."
"I also have a R/R sign in my yard;"
We rarely put up signs in our yard. Not for fear, but because it is not easy to get to the campaign office to get one.
In addition our county and especially the area that I am in usually votes 70 to 90% Republican. So....no point.
In Butler Country Ohio, Romney signs out number Obama ones by a huge, huge number. I have been saying 40-1 Romney over Obama. It could even be higher but I just dont know. There is just so many signs to know
Discount Doublecheck!
Door County is not a democratic stronghold. It's pretty even;y divided with a Republican leaning. So if you think somehow Romney has made big gains in a democratic area, you are deceived. Check the results on the Walker recall and the last governor's race, if you do not believe me. I'm not sure if Obama won the county in 2008, but if so not by much.
Scarry! (And I mean that in a good way).
I stand at least partially corrected. Obama got 58% of the vote in Door County in 2008.
I still would not call it a democratic stronghold, but it was strong for Obama that year.
In my neighborhood we have one Obama sign and one Romney sign, but I have canvassed about two hundred homes in the area and the vast majority claimed they will vote for Obama. So I am not sure what to make of the sign count.
"So I am not sure what to make of the sign count."
They're embarrassed.
I live in the suburbs of Chicago in Illinois. Same thing here. Not one O sign. I have seen a couple of RR signs, not many, but even that small # is more than O signs this go around.
Sunday's Gallup numbers are out. Obama stays put. Romney goes up one for both registered and likely voters. Romney back to 52-45 lead among likely voters.
In the 2000 election I drove a truck over the road and saw tons of Bush signs everywhere.Very few Gore signs.Based on what I saw I thought Bush would win easily.I no longer trust signs.
This one may be home-made and unique. Thursday morning before sunup, I was picking up a friend who'd spent the night in the hospital. In front of us at a stoplight was a Camry with Firefighter license plates - presumably the actual firefighter, given the hour. This was in the Shenandoah Valley, if you're wondering.
On the trunk there was a simple text-only white 'Obama' sign, but with an extra: Calvin peeing on Obama's name. I imagine the firefighter had taken one of those 'Calvin peeing on a Ford/Chevy/whatever symbol' signs that are popular with pickup drivers, cut off the Calvin, and added it to the Obama sign. I wonder if he got the latter at local Democratic Party HQ.
I did see a bunch of Obama, Kaine, and Schmookler signs today, but almost all were on a two-block stretch of large houses across the street from the local Liberal Arts college - professors, most likely.
I also saw, south of Harrisonburg, four or five tracter-trailers - well, mostly just the trailers - with pro-Tea Party and anti-Obama messages painted on them. I wish I'd had a camera. One of them was definitely "Four Years are Enough", with the Obama symbol for the first O. Another said "Socialism or Freedom? Vote Tea-Party" or words to that effect. I've forgotten the others. Two years ago, there weren't quite so many, or they were more spread out, and they had much more generic 'vote all incumbents out' messages. I posted a picture of one, with all the texts I had seen, here.
Another difference from two years ago. Now the trailers have telephone numbers to call. Last time there was no clue who was paying for them. Sorry, I didn't write down the number, so I don't know if they're being paid for by the Romeny campaign or some independent group or individual.
I don't recall that anyone in Dane County had the nerve in 2008 to post anything but an Obama sign.
I do. I know someone on Franklin, in between Kendall/Bluff and University, always has a sign for the Republican candidate in their front yard. The Romney/Ryan sign is there now, too.
You see, but you do not observe.
This whole Sign/Bumper Sticker thing just seems so exhibitionist if you will.
I doubt announcing my preference(s) will ultimately change the vote count either way.
And sadly, as has been mentioned before, I do not wish to further incite confrontation or vandalism in making my preferences known. After all, they are mine and mine alone.
There are a ton of Obama signs out here in Trempealeau County in Western Wisconsin. They outnumber Mitten signs 3 to 1. Surprising - We moved here 3 years ago think this would be a semi-conservative area to live. I was wrong. Decent, good people but at least 55% of the farmers and 60% of the townies are democrats. 40 years of feeding at the government subsidy trough has taken its toll.
Also, isn't it about time for a thread on Obama's indifference towards illegal donations to his campaign?
The sign-race here in Centre County Pennsylvania, which has been slowly going blue ever since I moved here twenty years ago, seems to have taken longer this year than in 2008, but it's definitely on at this point.
I've noticed a few of the same houses on the main strip with Obama signs, same as 2008. But I also have noticed a number of houses in the back streets - the neighborhoods with all the cheap tiny levittown Cape Cods - have suddenly sprouted Romney/Ryan signs. That's new. One of them had prominent Paul Ryan signs last spring, honestly, I expected that family to revert to the Democratic mean - I seem to remember it was a mixed-race family.
I've been knocking on doors. I did notice that of the houses that have political signs - the Romney/Ryan families put their signs in the center of their lawns. The Obama people put them on the edge of their property lines, which is always a nasty sort of aggressive intrusion on their neighbors' opinions or lack thereof.
Lots of Obama voters in the townhouse neighborhoods, and the one not-quite-trailer-park neighborhood I was doing door-knocking yesterday. The other neighborhoods - the people with grass, for the most part - tended Romney, if only marginally. Of course, by this point of the campaign, the strike-list sheets they're sending us out with are composed mostly of people who didn't answer their doors the last time 'round, and the undecideds, so YMMV.
New Mexico is supposedly a sure thing for Obama. There are so few signs. I saw another Obama sign between home and town the other day, so that makes a grand total of two. There aren't more than three Romney Ryan signs. There are at least as many Gary Johnson *locations* as Obama and Romney put together. (I'll count locations because one spot has about six signs for Gary Johnson.)
What there are most of is the US Congress Republican and US Senate Republican ladies' signs.
That's what people put in their yards, which might not mean anything at all, but is reasonable to think might be an indicator of who is most enthusiastic about voting. Or Obama voters are just that confident. Who knows.
The big billboards only mean that someone with money paid for them.
Oh... so far I've just gotten Republican mailings, too. In 2008 it was all glossy Obama all the time.
What does this mean? I have no idea. Democrats don't feel the need to spend money here? Probably. But low enthusiasm and a low turn out usually disadvantages Democrats rather than Republicans. (Are Republicans more into dreary duty?)
"Also, isn't it about time for a thread on Obama's indifference towards illegal donations to his campaign?"
Indifference? That's generous.
Dr Weevil,
[bumper sticker calvin peeing obama] boink
David: "I stand at least partially corrected. Obama got 58% of the vote in Door County in 2008.
I still would not call it a democratic stronghold, but it was strong for Obama that year.
10/21/12 2:44 PM
What % of the vote would a candidate/party have to receive before you would call it a "stronghold"?
58% is a significantly strong showing.
More on point would be to check and see election %'s by party over the last 4 or 5 election cycles to capture trends.
Coketown--I'm curious which COS neighborhood you live in. My neighborhood has generally been one of the most Democratic in our town and I'd have to say this year that the R/R and Jennifer George signs are outnumbering the Obama signs by a slim margin. But in 2008 there were only one or two McCain signs in the whole neighborhood. I attribute the difference to the Republican voters having been emboldened by the Tea Party success of 2010 and just generally being fed up with everyone always assuming if you live in this neighborhood you must be a Democrat. I went to the Republican caucus in March or April--first time ever--and there was not enough room for everyone who showed up. The "regulars" were astonished by the turnout. But the most amazing thing to happen this year was when one of my Obama-supporting neighbors told me she was afraid to put her sign in the yard since there are so few Obama supporters in the neighborhood. I laughed in her face since I'm the only Republican voter (registered independent) on my block. And, by the way, the only one on the block who ever hangs a flag--even on the 4th of July!
Lots of Romney signs in Orange County. A recent trip found a 177 to 73 advantage for Romney.
In 2008 I remember seeing pretty much all Obama signs in yards here in MadTown. This time there are more than a few Tommy signs, somewhat fewer Romney signs and a lot less Obama signs, although there is a "Walker Ist Ein Fascist" (sic) two doors down from a yard with R/R signage. I'm not sure what it means though, since Madison was pretty reliably Democrat in the last go-round. I'm guessing it's better news for Tommy than for Mitt in our little reality-free zone.
I put an empty chair in my front yard. I've seen this a few times in my heavily D town.
I noticed today, where I live in Georgia, that my really nice neighbors who live across the street put a Romney-Ryan sign in their yard. They're Lesbians.
If Obama has lost the Lesbian vote how can he win the election?
Drago, you could do your own research, especially since you want to criticize the scope of mine. But I brought my spoon and will feed you.
Wisconsin Governor Races:
2002 R 46.5%, D 40.5%,
2006: D 52%, R 45%
2010 R 49.5%, D 48%
2012 Recall: No 58%, Yes 42%
President 2004: Bush 51. Kerry 48
Feingold generally won senate races by 3-6%, but Republicans win state senate and house races by larger margins than that.
As I said, more or less even with a slight Republican tilt. 2008 was a considerable exception.
Any other research I can do for you?
"David said...
Drago, you could do your own research, especially since you want to criticize the scope of mine. But I brought my spoon and will feed you.
Wisconsin Governor Races:
2002 R 46.5%, D 40.5%,
2006: D 52%, R 45%
2010 R 49.5%, D 48%
2012 Recall: No 58%, Yes 42%"
2002 Doyle (D) (45%) beat Scott McCallum (R) (40%). 3rd party Ed Thompson got 10%
I drove all around Marin county this weekend on various errands and was struck by the absence of ANY Obama-Biden stickers or signs.There were plenty of local D candidates hear and there but noBama signs. I did see 2 bumperstickers but they were faded from 2008. Weird. In they very heart of liberal, Northern California not a one of the 2012 versions. I expect a low turnout election with many staying home.
A couple of years ago I put a 'Cheney - Palin 2012' bumper sticker on my old truck.
It lasted about a week before it was scrapped off.
A couple of years ago I put a 'Cheney - Palin 2012' bumper sticker on my old truck.
It lasted about a week before it was scrapped off.
What did you run into that it scraped off? After only a week, too. Unfortunate.
Yard Signs:
Romney 43
Obama 7
Bumper Stickers:
Romney 2
Obama 9
So far. Of course, I don't really live in what you would call a Democrat stronghold.
On my way into New Richmond, there is a church that has one of those small mobile billboards parked close to the highway, and this is what it has said for about 2 weeks now:
I had reason to travel through a good piece of NJ this last week. Up north where it was all hope and change last time, it is also eerily visually silent on the national election (though signs for local elections are thick). All I saw was one single Romney sign.
In the southern part of the state it is just plain silent. I've counted a grand total of 3 Romney signs and three Obama signs.
A friend asked if I thought it was apathy, I replied that I thought it was because things were so rancorous.
While I agree that many Obama supporters may just be too embarrassed to advertise their support, I also think that many may respond by staying at home this election. I can only hope.
Glad you're all enjoying the topic. As to the "Obama Then, Obama Now" signs, we're seeing counter signs saying "Obama Then, Obama NO" or "NOT". It's too easy to mock - but what do you expect.
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